New rules for the use of standard projects. Register of standard design documentation Register of design documentation in construction


"On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of standard project documentation, as well as the composition of information on project documentation to be entered in the register, and the form of its presentation"

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Government Decree Russian Federation dated September 27, 2011 No. "On the formation of a register of standard project documentation and amendments to some decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 40, art. 5553) I order:

1. Approve the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of standard project documentation (hereinafter referred to as the Register), as well as the composition of information on project documentation to be entered into the Register, and the form of its presentation in accordance with the annex to this order.

2. Department public policy in the field of construction and architecture, organize work on the formation and maintenance of the Register.

3. The Department of State Policy in the field of construction and architecture, no later than 10 days from the date of signing this order, send it to state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister regional development Russian Federation S.M. Darkin.


Rules for the formation and maintenance of a register of standard project documentation, as well as the composition of information on project documentation that is subject to entry into the register, and the form of its presentation

1. These Rules establish the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of standard project documentation (hereinafter referred to as the Register), as well as the composition of information on project documentation to be entered into the Register, and the form of its presentation.

2. The Register includes information on design documentation for residential and administrative buildings, social, cultural and domestic facilities (cultural, educational, healthcare facilities, sports buildings and facilities, etc.), in the preparation of which modern economical resource- and energy-saving, architectural and planning, constructive, engineering, technological and organizational solutions and which is recommended for mass re-use when creating capital construction projects at the expense or with the involvement of funds federal budget, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets.

3. Information about project documentation is included in the Register, provided that the object capital construction, in respect of which project documentation has been prepared, being similar in purpose, type and technical and economic indicators to other capital construction projects, information on standard project documentation in respect of which is submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation or which are included in the Register, has the best performance the ratio of the cost of construction of a capital construction object to the estimated service life, useful area to the total area of ​​​​a capital construction object, resource consumption per unit of power necessary for the operation of a capital construction object, and with equal indicators - in its preparation, previously not used architectural and planning, constructive , engineering, technological and (or) organizational solutions.

4. Information on project documentation developed at the expense or with the involvement of federal budget funds for inclusion in the Register is submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by organizations conducting state expertise within 10 days from the date of issuance of a positive conclusion. Information about project documentation developed at the expense of other financial sources and having received a positive conclusion from the state examination of project documentation may be sent for inclusion in the Register by the copyright holder or customer of such project documentation, including a foreign copyright holder or customer.

5. The Register includes information on standard design documentation approved by the Regulatory and Technical Council for the selection of standard design documentation under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

6. Information on project documentation for capital construction projects submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for inclusion in the Register is sent in the form of a project passport (in electronic and paper formats) and includes:

6.1. Information about design organization indicating the full name, details and location.

6.2. Floor plan of the building and description of the facade of the building (in electronic format).

6.3. Explication of the building (premises).

6.4. Explication of equipment.

6.5. Technical characteristics of design solutions and types of work, namely:

General construction structural elements;

Engineering systems and improvement elements;

Security systems.

6.6. Technical and economic indicators, namely:

Estimated cost (in current level prices) as part of: the total estimated cost, construction and installation works, equipment and other costs.

The cost of 1 sq. m of total area;

Labor intensity;

building materials costs;

Space-planning indicators;

Operational indicators;

Operating costs.

6.7. Additional information:

Information about previously unused architectural and planning, structural, engineering, technological or organizational solutions;

Normative value of the weight of the snow cover;

Normative value of wind pressure;

Estimated outdoor temperature;

The composition of the project documentation;

Duration of construction;

Applied projects;

Other clarifying and supplementary information.

7. The decision to enter information on standard design documentation into the Register is issued by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

8. The maintenance of the Register is organized by the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Construction and Architecture of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department). The register is kept electronically.

9. The following information shall be included in the Register:

Name and serial number of project documentation indicating the year of development;

Name and Contact Information about the organization-right holder;

Date and number of the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on entering project documentation into the Register;

Other information necessary to ensure proper accounting of standard project documentation and maintenance of the Register.

10. The information contained in the Register is open for review by any interested person, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. The applicable standard design documentation is subject to state (non-state) expertise only in terms of the results of engineering surveys and foundations, if such expertise is provided for by Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2005, No. 1, Art. 16; 2013, No. 14 , item 1651).

12. The Department must provide:

Timely entry of information into the Register;

Timely submission of extracts from the Register to interested parties at their request;

Creation of backup copies of the information array of the Registry in order to restore it if necessary;

Safety, reliability, integrity, availability of information contained in the Register, as well as protection of this information from unauthorized access.

13. The Department ensures that the information from the Register provided for in paragraph 9 of these Rules is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on the Internet (, as well as updating the specified information.

The Regulatory and Technical Council (NTS) for the selection of standard design documentation under the Ministry of Construction of Russia, chaired by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Construction of Russia Yuri Reilyan, recommended that 15 projects be included in the register of standard design documentation, incl. six schools and four sports facilities.

Projects of a school for 90 students in the village of Pogost, Velsky District, Arkhangelsk Region, a secondary school for 275 students in the village of Uksyanskoye, Dalmatovsky District, Kurgan Region, a school for 960 students in the village of Lev-Tolstoy, Lipetsk Region, and a school in the village of Zhukovo, Bashkortostan, were approved for inclusion in the register. , a school for 120 students in the village of Emekovo, Volzhsky District, Republic of Mari El, and a school for 132 students in the village of Ilyinka, Skopinsky District, Ryazan Region.

Among the sports facilities recommended for inclusion in the library standard projects, included the pool of the MOU secondary school No. 170 in Novosibirsk, the pool on the street. Lenin in the city of Tuapse Krasnodar Territory, a sports hall with a universal game room on the street. Pionerskaya in the city of Elektrogorsk, Moscow Region and the Blue Whale pool in the Republic of Tyva.

In addition, it is proposed to include two cultural facilities in the register - cultural development centers in the city of Gryazi, Lipetsk Region and in the city of Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as a project of a hostel with a sports building for the Moscow Regional School - Boarding School of Natural and Mathematical Orientation in Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, a special residential building for single pensioners and veterans in the village of Molochnoye, Vologda Region, and Kindergarten for 240 places in the Ivanovo region.

Information about the projects approved by the NTS will be entered into the register after the signing of the relevant order by the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction.

To date, the register contains information on 155 capital construction facilities, including 84 kindergartens, 10 schools, 20 sports buildings, 17 cultural facilities, 7 residential buildings, 6 healthcare facilities, 8 pension fund Russian Federation and 3 social service facilities.


The Ministry of Construction of Russia continues to work on the implementation of the Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the field of construction, approved by departmental order No. 170/pr dated March 13, 2015. For the selection of project documentation for the library of standard projects by the Ministry of Construction of Russia with the participation of specialized federal bodies executive power and the expert community established the Regulatory and Technical Council. In addition, the ministry, together with the professional community, continues to work on creating a regulatory framework for the formation of a register and for the subsequent application of standard project documentation.

The creation of a register of reuse projects for the construction of socially significant facilities will significantly reduce construction time and reduce the cost of projects: the cost of design and expertise will be minimal and will only relate to linking a specific object to the area. Also, the terms for passing the state examination of project documentation and the terms for the construction of capital construction projects will be reduced.

To be included in the register of standard design documentation, which is formed by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, from the database Federal Fund development assistance housing construction 75 projects of residential houses were transferred. The head of the ministry announced this during the All-Russian meeting on estimated rationing and improvement of the pricing system in construction. The event was held in Kazan on February 19.

According to the press service of the department, during the meeting, Mikhail Men reminded that the ministry continues to work on the creation of a standard design system, including the development regulatory framework for the use of standard projects, as well as filling in the register of standard design documentation.

“Today, the register contains design documentation for 226 capital construction facilities, including 86 kindergartens, 61 schools, 23 sports facilities,” the minister specified. In addition to social facilities, the database also includes projects of residential buildings. According to Mikhail Men, 75 projects of residential buildings were handed over to Glavgosexpertiza, the operator of the register of standard project documentation, by the RHD Foundation. Five of them have already been considered by the Regulatory and Technical Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia and included in the register.

Further work on the development of a standard design system will be based on the principle of mandatory use of standard designs included in the above-mentioned register, Deputy Minister of Construction Khamit Mavliyarov said at the meeting. "If a desired project was not in the database, individual design is allowed, but with the condition that the need for further inclusion of the project in the register will be taken into account during development, ”he said.

In addition to the base of standard projects to improve efficiency capital investments the implementation of building information modeling tools in the industry is also directed. “Today, this is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Construction,” said Mikhail Men. “A special working group has been created in the ministry, and we intend to actively work on the introduction of BIM technologies in the field of civil and industrial construction.”

In his opinion, in this area the main role of the state is, first of all, in creating a national BIM standard, forming a legal framework for working with information models. The task of the ministry is to help integrate the national BIM platform c information system ensuring urban planning (ISOGD) to simplify the transition to information modeling as much as possible and promote its implementation in practice through state support.

From September 1, amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation concerning the use of standard project documentation come into force.

What will change?

  • Instead of the concept of “standard design documentation”, the institution of reuse of design documentation of reuse will appear;
  • will appear single State Register conclusions of the examination of project documentation;
  • If the developer uses a project for which there is already expert opinion in the register, then re-examination will not be required for those sections in which changes have not been made;
  • Companies that build facilities on government orders should only use reuse projects. At the same time, the conditions must be met: the documentation has an expert opinion in the register and the object meets the requirements of economic efficiency (paragraph 3-4, subparagraph "a" paragraph 3, paragraph 4 article 1 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 368-FZ "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation").

New rules for the use of repeated design documentation:

  • Reuse of project documentation without re-examination is possible only for the construction of objects similar in purpose and design capacity (paragraph 3, clause 1, article 1 of Law No. 368-FZ);
  • If changes are made to the project (for example, the arrangement of an additional entrance to the facility), then an additional comprehensive examination will be required;
  • It is possible to make changes without an examination in the design documentation when reusing it, if they do not change (do not worsen) the safety of the capital construction object. For example, to bind to a specific land plot;
  • A reusable design document that has been modified will be referred to as modified. The developer must confirm that the security of the object has not changed. The conclusion is obtained in the same organization that conducted the initial examination of the project. The expert may refuse to issue an opinion on the modified documentation, especially if the changes have led to an increase in the construction estimate (for municipal and state facilities);
  • The term for preparing an opinion on the modified project documentation is 30 days. The procedure for preparing the conclusion will be established by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. Only those projects that have been amended will be sent for examination (subparagraph “b”, subparagraph “e”, paragraph 3, article 1 of Law No. 368-FZ).

How about now?

Standard design documentation is considered to be any documentation of capital construction facilities that has received a positive expert opinion.

When erecting similar objects according to a standard project, re-examination not required (part 3 of article 49 Urban Planning Code RF).

Separate procedure - for state and municipal developers:

  • In the absence of standard project documentation, the developer must prepare a cost-effective project. The efficiency criteria are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Without taking into account economic efficiency, it is possible to develop projects: especially dangerous, technically complex facilities; reconstruction and overhaul buildings and structures; to carry out work on the preservation of cultural heritage sites; other capital construction projects (paragraphs 4-7, clause 2, article 1 of Law No. 368-FZ). The list of such objects will be determined by the government or the president;
  • State developers will receive the right to reuse the developed project documentation capital construction facility, without the consent of the author of the project (new rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs"). Condition - if the project is developed for a state or municipal order (Article 1, paragraph 6, paragraph 1, Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 314-FZ "On Amendments to Article 1294 of Part Four Civil Code Russian Federation and the federal law"On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs").

Register of expert opinions

The register will be posted on the official website of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia will conduct it. The registry will contain information on cost-effective design documentation for reuse.

The following information will be included in the registry:

  • on the documentation submitted for examination;
  • on the conclusions of the examination and the results of engineering surveys;
  • on project documentation for reuse (including cost-effective, paragraph 3, clause 4, article 1 of Law No. 368-FZ).

Not currently defined:

  • An accurate list of information to be contained in the register;
  • The legal status of this resource.

How about now?

The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is responsible for the register of standard design documentation. The register includes 388 capital construction facilities, including: 108 kindergartens, 118 schools, 53 sports and health facilities, 20 cultural facilities, 23 residential buildings.

Expert opinion

The Ministry of Construction believes that these changes:

  • shorten the investment cycle;
  • optimize the budget for the design and construction of facilities. Reusing design documentation reduces design time by up to 40%. And financing will be required, mainly for the design of foundations, engineering networks and landscaping, and an examination.

Experts working in construction note that the use of standard projects significantly reduces construction time and costs. However, these innovations lack clarity in the regulatory framework.

There are also difficulties with the reuse of the design documentation of individual objects. For example, this applies to the projects of schools and kindergartens - after all, special requirements are imposed on the construction of these facilities.