Making changes to project documentation. Changes to documents Changes to project documentation and re-examination


Introduction date 1998-04-01

7 Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer

7.1 A change in a working document previously issued to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document may be changed only in the case when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation of the document.

7.2 Changes are made to the original document. Changes to the calculations are not allowed.

7.3 Copies of sheets (changed, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.5.

7.4 Permission to make changes

The permission is approved by the head of the organization - the developer of the document or another official on his behalf.

7.4.2 The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to them is permission.

7.4.3 Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents.

7.5 Making changes

7.5.1 Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). This takes into account the physical condition of the original.

7.5.2 After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be performed according to the rules provided for by the relevant standards of the ESKD and the "Reprography" system of standards.

7.5.3 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. cross out with solid thin lines and next put down new data.

7.5.4 When changing the image (part of the image), it is outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, and crossed out with solid thin lines.

A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7.5.5 Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through the point of the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) image section within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned a change designation of the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the designation of the change assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the change table of this sheet.

7.5.6 Near each change, including near the change corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, the designation of the change is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

Draw a solid thin line from the parallelogram to the modified area.

7.5.7 Closely spaced altered sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. encircle with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16

7.5.8 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image also indicates the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

7.5.9 Above the new image of the changed area, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram it is indicated: "Instead of the crossed out one."

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: "Instead of the crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)" in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.5.10 If a new image of the changed area is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines with the designation of the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, the designation of the change is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram they indicate: "Addition" in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.5.11 When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating a change, indicate: "Cancelled".

7.5.12 If there is not enough space to make changes or there may be a violation of the clarity of the image during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned to the original is stored on them.

When replacing all sheets of the original, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the "Note" column indicate:

a) when making the first change - "Change 1".

When making subsequent changes, additionally the next number of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change. one; 2; 3

b) on replaced sheets with the change number - "(Replacement)".

Example - Change. 1 (Deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - "Cancelled".

Example - Change. 1 (Cancelled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - "(New)"

Example - Change. 1 (New)

7.5.14 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded in continuation of the sheet of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the list of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the "General Data", an entry is made:

"Continuation of the statement, see sheet (sheet number)", and above the statement on an additional sheet, the heading is placed: "The statement of working drawings of the main set (Continued)".

The numbers and names of the canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make the appropriate changes in the column "Name".

7.5.15 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the main inscription, the corresponding changes are made in the "Sheets" column.

7.5.16 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

7.5.17 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.18 The changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block.

It is allowed to place the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form.

7.5.19 In the table of changes indicate:

a) in the column "Change." - sequence number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of accounts." - the number of variable areas of the image on this sheet within the next change;

c) in the column "Sheet" - on the sheets issued instead of the replaced ones - "Deputy", on the sheets added again - "New".

When replacing all sheets of the original (with the next serial number of the document change), on the first sheet in the column "Sheet" indicate "All". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, a dash is put in the "Sheet" column;

d) in the column "No. Doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the column "Signed." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for normative control is put on the field for filing the sheet);

e) in the column "Date" - the date of the change.

7.5.20 The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

7.5.21 When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to execute the change registration table by . The change registration table is placed on the title page of the text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacement of all or individual sheets of the document;

b) issuance of new additional sheets.

When changing the original text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of the next Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous dot.

Example - 3.1

In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, it is allowed, when adding a new item, to assign it the number of the previous item with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling an item, keep the numbers of subsequent items.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and a stamp is put down.

Making changes to the project documentation that has passed the examinationmay be required due to various reasons. At the same time, in some cases, the conduct of repeated expert work on the project is mandatory. All questions and nuances of making changes to the project documentation and conducting an examination for the second time, we will consider in this article.

Changes to project documentation and re-examination

Making adjustments to project documentation after receiving a positive summary of experts is a situation that occurs quite often. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code directly prescribes to make appropriate corrections to the project if in the process of building there are inconsistencies in the parameters from the theoretical data of the project documentation. Otherwise, discrepancies in the project data and the parameters of the actually constructed object will not allow you to subsequently draw up documents for the building.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the same code, after making adjustments to the project documentation before its approval, the developer or customer must send the project for examination. However, paragraph 3 of Art. 49 contains some exceptions and establishes that expert work on project documents is not required if:

  • the corrected project documentation has already passed the examination and received a positive resolution on the results;
  • the amendments made to the project did not affect the design and other characteristics of the object's reliability and safety;
  • the adjustment of the project did not lead to an increase in the construction estimate.

The same thing, only from a different angle, is also mentioned in paragraph 44 of the Government Decree of 05.03.2007 No. 145. In this norm of the Decree, it is prescribed to resubmit the modified project documentation for expert analysis, which received a positive expert opinion earlier, if the amendments concerned technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

At the same time, in clause 44 of Decree No. 145, the customer or developer is left with the choice of undergoing a re-examination of the corrected project, if the essence of the modification allows the re-examination not to pass. That is, in this case, the customer or the developer can, at their own request, undergo an examination of the project documentation again.

When is a re-examination of project documentation required?

An expert analysis of the project documentation is initially carried out in order to obtain a building permit for the facility and begin the actual construction with the fulfillment of all legislative and bureaucratic requirements.

But there are situations when, after passing an expert study, a second examination is required.

Don't know your rights?

  1. First of all, this situation arises in the event of a negative conclusion on the project. The goal with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - obtaining a positive resolution for issuing a building permit. Therefore, customers are interested in making all the necessary changes to the project documentation as soon as possible, indispensable for the approval of the experts.
  2. The need for a re-examination due to changes in the project documentation in the form of:
    • development of additional sections;
    • adjustments or significant additions;
    • significant changes to the project.

Thus, it is clear that in any case, the need for another examination of the design documentation arises due to changes to it. Only in the first version, these changes are forced, due to previous errors or inaccuracies that led to a negative conclusion of the examination. In the second case, the amendments are voluntary, due to some external circumstances or adjustment of the project, associated with the objective application of theoretical data in the practical construction of a particular facility.

List of changes affecting the safety of the capital construction facility

So, the most important question that needs to be solved by the developer or the customer who makes adjustments to the design documentation that has passed a positive examination: do the changes being made relate to technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the object? That is, in fact, to draw a conclusion about the need for another expert analysis of the project documentation.

The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated December 30, 2009 approved the List of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction facilities. The document is quite detailed and therefore voluminous. The types of work are divided into 3 sections:

  • for engineering surveys;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • for construction, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the types of work within its section are divided into subspecies. So, for example, preparatory work for construction, reconstruction and overhaul (clause 2, section 3 of the List) includes 4 subspecies:

  • dismantling / dismantling of buildings, walls, ceilings, stairs, etc.;
  • construction of temporary roads, sites, engineering networks and structures;
  • installation of rail crane tracks and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes.

Such a detailed enumeration avoids any doubts about the involvement of the amendments made to the project in the adjustment of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility, and hence the need for another examination of the project.

The procedure for conducting a re-examination

In accordance with clause 44 of Decree No. 145, a re-examination can be carried out an unlimited number of times (2 or more). At the same time, each subsequent examination is carried out in the manner prescribed by law for the primary state examination. Meanwhile, experts will evaluate:

  • that part of the project documents in which changes were made;
  • compatibility of the modified part of the project with the rest of the project documentation, on which an expert analysis was previously carried out.

Thus, in order to conduct a re-examination, the customer must provide a package of documents according to the list specified in clause 13 of the Regulation approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation that received a positive expert opinion earlier.
  3. A copy of the positive conclusion.
  4. Assignment for making adjustments to the project documentation.
  5. Notice of amendments to the draft.

It should be borne in mind that the project can be considered at the re-examination in its entirety if, since the initial or last re-examination, amendments have been made to the legislation affecting the results of the state examination.

Making changes in the event of a negative examination of project documentation

If the project documentation received a negative opinion based on the results of the work of experts, then in paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Town Planning Code offers 2 solutions:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Regional Development or the court and try to challenge the results of the expert opinion.
  2. Pass a re-examination, after eliminating all the indicated shortcomings.

In practice, since experts rarely make mistakes, and litigation is not cheap and long, it is easier and more effective to amend the draft on the basis of comments and pass the examination again. Moreover, the Regulation on the examination, approved by Resolution No. 145, contains a rule allowing not to return to the applicant the documents submitted for examination in paper form, if the comments that caused the negative conclusion are eliminated, possibly without returning the documentation. In this case, the applicant is given a certain period to eliminate the shortcomings, after which he must submit to the expert organization that part of the project documentation that has undergone changes and a certificate describing the amendments made.

Thus, the corrected project documentation requires a re-examination, both mandatory and at the request of the developer. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment, to correctly assess the changes made to the design documents and conduct a re-examination, if required by law, otherwise there may be great difficulties with the documentation of the constructed object.

The main changes affected the forms of acts on the applications of RD 11-02-2006. Small organizations Customers do not fundamentally relate to these changes and continue to accept the issued as-built documentation in the old version, which is not allowed by such large Customers as the Administration, RUSAL, representatives of state oversight bodies, etc. In this case, objects of this level require registration according to modified forms.

In principle, the main meaning of the design has remained the same, because the work is carried out on the basis of approved regulations, GOSTs, SNiPs, and does not allow any changes in the work production technology itself. The changes affected the forms of the following acts:

  1. Certificate of examination of the geodetic center base of the capital construction object;
  2. The act of breaking down the axes of the capital construction object on the ground;
  3. Certificate of examination of hidden works;
  4. Certificate of examination of critical structures;
  5. Certificate of examination of sections of networks of engineering and technological support.

All modified forms can be downloaded on the Internet, they are an application of the order. In this article we will try to briefly outline the main points.

First of all, in all the acts in the header, the composition of the participants has changed. For example, in the acts of hidden works, a line was added in the header of the representative of the person carrying out the construction on issues of construction control (specialist in the organization of construction). This representative was present in the act and had the right to sign upon acceptance, but he was not registered in the header.

The composition of the required details has also changed. Starting from this year, not only the details and location of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur are mandatory, but also the name and details of the self-regulatory organization, of which the legal entity or individual entrepreneur is a member. BUT do not forget that these data are required except in cases where membership in the SRO is not required.

The next change is the indication of the identification number in the national register of specialists in the field of construction of the representatives of the Developer (technical customer, operating organization or regional operator), on issues of construction control, representatives of the person carrying out the construction, on issues of construction control, participating in the examination of works. As we know, in an organization that is a member of the SRO, there must be at least two specialists who are in the national register of specialists. In this case, one representative is indicated.

In paragraphs 3 and 4 of the hidden work act, which indicates the materials used in the performance of the work and documents confirming the compliance of the work with the requirements for them, if more than 5 documents are required, a link to their register is indicated, which is an annex to the act and goes as an integral part of it.

Also, a clause has been added to the rules for maintaining as-built documentation, which indicates that, by agreement between the Customer and the person carrying out the construction, the as-built documentation can be transferred to the Customer in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature. Some organizations also use this method of contract execution.

Perhaps these are the most important changes regarding the issuance of this order. In any case, the maintenance of executive documentation, its composition and recommended forms is an individual matter. Each Customer has his own requirements, and in order not to do “extra work” once again, you need to carefully study the clauses of the agreement (contract), which must necessarily contain the requirements for documentation during the construction of the facility.

Recently, more and more developers are faced with the need to make adjustments to project documentation. The situation is complicated by the fact that the papers have already been issued to the customer, approved and accepted for work. How to act in such a situation? What are the features of making changes? What "pitfalls" are possible in the process of implementing the task? Let's consider these nuances in more detail.

According to the legislation, the procedure for canceling, replacing or making adjustments to the project documentation is regulated by DSTU B A.2.4-4:2009. The customer acts as the initiator of such procedures. It is he who makes a preliminary decision on the need for adjustments due to the emergence of other options for design solutions or in the event of changes in the legislative sector. At the same time, the introduction and execution of such works is the task of the designer. After completing all the procedures, appropriate adjustments are made to the register.

The situation related to changes in TNLA deserves special attention. In this case, the project documentation cannot be adjusted. In addition, amendments are not required in the following cases:

  • With a decrease in the cost of construction work, provided that the technical and economic parameters of the structure remained unchanged.
  • In case of making adjustments to the conditions for the construction of the object, which do not affect the increase in the total terms of construction work and the final estimate. At the same time, there remains a requirement related to maintaining the safety of the facility at all levels - fire and environmental.
  • When the customer or developer replaces materials due to relevant bidding results. Here, changes are not necessary if the mentioned adjustments do not affect the safety of the facility, as well as the conditions of workers from the point of view of labor protection.
  • In the case of acceptance of the structure for operation, provided that the procedure for the construction of the facility was fully observed.

"Pitfalls" of making changes to the project

Despite the transparency of the norms of legislation in the field of drafting and approving project documentation, questions regarding changes still remain. The main reason is the imperfection in another sector (sanitary legislation). In this regard, the developer is not always able to obtain papers confirming the compliance of the rebuilt or reconstructed structure with the requirements of technical documentation and technical regulations.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 7, article 52) stipulates that the parameters of the structure can be adjusted only on the basis of changes made to the design documentation. At the same time, the finished documents must be approved by the customer or the developer responsible for the performance of the work. In addition, the amendments made should not run counter to the current legislative norms, technical regulations and existing documents in the field of standardization.

But the cases are different. For example, adjustments made to the design documentation often do not violate the requirements, but lead to problems in the process of putting the structure into operation. Such cases have recently become more frequent and cause problems for customers and developers.

As an example, it is worth considering the option of building a boiler room. According to the legislation, the area of ​​the sanitary protection zone has not been established for such structures. At the same time, the installation of such structures is carried out only if there are appropriate justifications. In particular, the level of air pollution and the overall impact on the atmosphere can be calculated. As a result, a decision is made on the relevance of such works.

Let's say the developer has received a positive decision of the examination in relation to the project documentation and permission to build an object, for example, a large retail facility. In the future, he decides to change the already finished project and add a boiler room to it, which was not provided for at the initial stage. In this case, the developer aims to reduce the level of costs for the operation of the structure, raise income and reduce the cost of paying for electricity.

The first stage in this case is the visit of the inspection body. The inspector of construction supervision in the process of checking finds out that there are residential buildings around the newly built object. Despite the fact that the boiler house does not have its own sanitary zone, the general sanitary protection zone for the facility under construction is reduced. From this moment, problems begin for the developer, who is forced to go to the authorities and look for specialists who are ready to perform calculations in relation to ambient air pollution.

On the one hand, the requirements of the legislation are met, and on the other hand, there are no guarantees that the newly built structure will not have a negative impact on the environment. In such a situation, it is impossible to do without additional calculations and providing them to the relevant authorities.

It would seem that it would be enough to take everything into account at the design stage, and the mentioned problems with permission and making changes could be avoided. But the world is so dynamic that it is often impossible to keep up with new requirements and innovations. Every day there is something new in the sector of demand, legal requirements, preferences of potential customers and so on. In this regard, it is necessary to make adjustments after passing the examination of project documentation and obtaining permits.

The above example is just one of the options. In practice, there are many such situations and each of them requires an individual approach. That's why it's important to act quickly and take legal action into account when making decisions about changes. Ideally, it is desirable to make changes during the design of the project. The downside is that in reality this is not always possible.

How to make changes to the project: algorithm of actions

The procedure for making adjustments to the project documentation is as follows:

1. Obtaining permission to make changes. This work is taken over by the service that plans the edits, and the planning team takes care of the approval. Here you will need to fill out a form that indicates the number, sheet where adjustments are made, their content and notes (if necessary). After filling out the form, it remains to obtain a permit number (it is set by the archive employee, where the documents are stored).

When filling out this part, there are some nuances. So, in the change column, the serial number of the adjustment is written. In the column "Sheet" - sheets in which changes are made. The code is indicated separately (one of four options):

  • "1" - improvement of documents.
  • "2" - adjustment of norms and standards.
  • "3" - making changes due to additional requirements from the customer.
  • "4" - elimination of errors.

In the first three cases, when filling in the “Contents” sector, it is required to indicate what the edits are related to (for example, based on a letter from the customer). In the latter case, no additional information is required.

Special attention should be paid to the "Notes" column. Here, as a rule, the need to adjust the estimate can be prescribed.

2. Corrections are made to the documents.

3. On old drawings, the main stamp is crossed out and another one is set - canceling.

4. A note is written on new documents confirming the cancellation of the old sheet.

Thus, making changes to the documentation is a procedure that requires a certain approach and knowledge of the law. If such a need arose, then it is recommended to perform the work immediately and taking into account the current rules. Otherwise, there may be problems at the stage of passing the examination and putting the object into operation.

The finalized text of the draft Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision "On Amendments to the Requirements for the Composition and Procedure for Maintaining Executive Documentation during the Construction, Reconstruction, Overhaul of Capital Construction Facilities and the Requirements for Certificates of Survey of Works, Structures, Sections of Engineering Networks -technical support, approved by order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 26, 2006 N 1128" (prepared by Rostekhnadzor on 06/19/2017)

Project dossier

On the basis of the Regulations on the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 401 ; N 23, item 2527; N 52, item 5587; 2008, N 22, item 2581; N 46, item 5337; 2009, N 6, item 738; N 33, item 4081; N 49, 5976; 2010, N 9, item 960; N 26, item 3350; N 38, item 4835; 2011, N 6, item 888; N 14, item 1935; N 41, item 5750; No. 50, article 7385; 2012, No. 29, article 4123; No. 42, article 5726; 2013, No. 12, article 1343; No. 45, article 5822; 2014, No. 2, article 108; No. 35 , item 4773; 2015, N 2, item 491; N 4, item 661; 2016, N 28, item 4741; N 48, item 6789), I order:

Amend the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 26, 2006 N 1128 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 6, 2007, registration N 9050), as amended by order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated October 26, 2015 N 428 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 18, 2016, registration N 41138; official Internet portal of legal information, 24.02.2016, N 0001201602240006), in accordance with the annex to this order.

to the order of the Federal Service
on environmental, technological
and nuclear supervision
from "___" _________ 20___ N _____

which are included in the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of hidden works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear supervision of December 26, 2006 N 1128

1. Paragraph 1 shall be stated as follows:

"1. These Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of survey of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) are developed in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 1, Art. 16; N 30, Art. 3128; 2006, N 1, Art. 10, Art. 21; N 23, Art. 2380; N 31, Art. 3442 ; N 50, item 5279; N 52, item 5498; 2007, N 1, item 21; N 21, item 2455; N 31, item 4012; N 45, item 5417; N 46, item 5553; N 50, item 6237; 2008, N 20, item 2251, item 2260; N 29, item 3418; N 30, item 3604, item 3616; N 52, item 6236; 2009, N 1, item 17; N 29, item 3601; N 48, item 5711; N 52, item 6419; 2010, N 31, item 4195, item 4209; N 48, item 6246; N 49, 6410; 2011, N 13, item 1688; N 17, item 2310; N 27, item 3880; N 29, item 4281, item 4291; N 30, item 4563, item 4572, item . 4590, Art. 4591, Art. 4594, Art. 4605; No. 49, art. 7015, Art. 7042; No. 50, Art. 7343; 2012, N 26, Art. 3446; No. 30, art. 4171; N 31, art. 4322; No. 47, art. 6390; No. 53, art. 7614, art. 7619, Art. 7643; 2013, N 9, art. 873, art. 874; No. 14, art. 1651; No. 23, art. 2871; No. 27, art. 3477, Art. 3480; No. 30, art. 4040, 4080; No. 43, art. 5452; No. 52, art. 6961, art. 6983; 2014, N 14, art. 1557; No. 16, art. 1837; No. 19, art. 2336; No. 26, art. 3377, art. 3386, Art. 3387; No. 30, art. 4218, Art. 4220, Art. 4225; No. 42, Art. 5615; No. 43, Art. 5799, art. 5804; No. 48, art. 6640; 2015, N 1, art. 9, art. 11, art. 38, art. 52, Art. 72, Art. 86; No. 27, art. 3967; No. 29, art. 4339, Art. 4342, art. 4378, Art. 4389, no. 48, art. 6705; 2016, N 1, art. 22, Art. 79; No. 26, art. 3867; No. 27, art. 4301, Art. 4302, Art. 4303, Art. 4304, Art. 4305, art. 4306), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2006 N 54 "On the implementation of state construction supervision in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 7, article 74; 2008, N 8, article 744; 2009 , N 11, item 1304; 2011, N 7, item 979; N 18, item 2645; 2012, N 7, item 864; 2013, N 24, item 2999; N 30, item 4119; 2014 , N 19, item 2421; 2016, N 48, item 6764).".

2. Paragraph 4 shall be stated in the following wording:

"4. During the construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, including when carrying out work to preserve cultural heritage sites affecting the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such facilities, the executive documentation is subject to storage with the developer, technical customer or the person carrying out the construction, until carrying out by the state construction supervision body of an inspection of a completed construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object. construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object, and the executive documentation is requested by the state construction supervision body in the amount necessary to assess the compliance of the work performed and the building materials used with the requirements of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping a capital construction facility with metering devices for used energy resources. The requested as-built documentation by the developer, technical customer or the person carrying out the construction is transferred to the state construction supervision body within three working days. After the issuance by the state construction supervision authority of the conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction object with the requirements of technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping the capital construction object with metering devices for the energy resources used, the executive documentation is transferred to the developer for permanent storage no later than five working days after the issuance of the conclusion of conformity.

During the overhaul of capital construction facilities, the as-built documentation is transferred for storage to the person who has entered into a construction contract for the performance of work on the overhaul of the capital construction facility, responsible for the operation of the building, structure, or a specialized non-profit organization that carries out activities aimed at ensuring the overhaul of the general property in apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as the regional operator) within the period specified in the construction contract.";

3. Appendices No. 1 - 5 shall be stated as follows:

Appendix No. 1




name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax,

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax,

survey of the geodetic center base of the capital construction object

N "___" 20 G.

(date of drawing up the act)






(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register


specialists, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)




name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of

surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


reviewed the submitted documentation for the geodetic staking basis for construction


and made an inspection of the signs of this base fixed on the ground.

The signs of the geodetic marking base for construction presented for examination, their coordinates, marks, installation sites and methods of fixing comply with the requirements of the project documentation, as well as technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts


and are made with observance of the given accuracy of constructions and measurements.

additional information


The act is drawn up in _______ copies.


(drawings, diagrams, statements, etc.)

Representative of the developer or technical customer on construction control issues5


(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction


(surname, initials, signature)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person who performed the work on the creation of the geodetic stakeout base9

(surname, initials, signature)


1 Specified when available.

9 In case of performance of work on the creation of a geodetic stakeout base under an agreement concluded with other persons.

Appendix No. 2
to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated 26 December 2006 N 1128


Capital construction object

(name in accordance with the title of the project documentation, postal or building address)

Developer or technical customer

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which one is a member2 - for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;


last name, first name, patronymic1, passport details, address, phone/fax - for individuals)

The person carrying out the construction5


(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member3)

The person who prepares the project documentation

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

ACT of breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground

N "___" 20 G.

(date of drawing up the act)

Representative of the developer or technical customer on construction control issues5



details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers

on behalf of the surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGNIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur6,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity6, telephone/fax)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register


Representative of the person preparing project documentation7


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of

surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur8,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity8, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of authority on behalf of


surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax)

drew up this act stating that the breakdown of the axes was made in kind


capital construction object


(name of the capital construction object)

At the same time, it is established:

1. The breakdown is made according to the data

(number, other drawing details, design documentation name)

2. The fixing of the axes is done


3. Designation of axes, numbering and arrangement of points correspond to the project documentation.

The breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground complies with the requirements of project documentation, as well as technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts

(number, other details of the drawing, name of the project documentation,

information about the persons involved in the preparation of the project documentation section,

name, articles (clauses) of the technical regulation, other regulatory legal acts)

and performed in compliance with the specified accuracy of constructions and measurements.

additional information



(scheme of fixing axes, etc.)

Representative of the developer or technical customer on construction control issues5

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person who performed the work on the breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground9

(surname, initials, signature)


1 Specified when available.

2 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects is not required.

3 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities is not required.

4 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design is not required.

6 In the case of construction control on the basis of an agreement with the developer or technical customer.

9 In the case of performing work on the breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground under an agreement concluded with other persons.

Appendix No. 3
to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated 26 December 2006 N 1128


Capital construction object

(name in accordance with the title of the project documentation, postal or building address)

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which one is a member2 - for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;

last name, first name, patronymic1, passport details, address, phone/fax - for individuals)

The person carrying out the construction5


(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,

name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member3)

The person who prepares the project documentation

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

examination of hidden works

N "___" 20 G.

(date of drawing up the act)


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register of specialists,


details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers

on behalf of the surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGNIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur6,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity6, telephone/fax)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register


specialists, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of

surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur8,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity8, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of


surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax)

inspected the work carried out


(name of the person who performed the work subject to certification)

1. The following works have been submitted for certification

(name of hidden works)

2. The work was carried out according to the design documentation

3. When performing work, applied

(name of building materials (products),

details of certificates and/or other documents confirming their quality and safety)10

4. Presented documents confirming the compliance of the work with the requirements for them

(executive schemes and drawings, results of examinations, surveys, laboratory

and other tests of the work performed, carried out in the process of construction control)10

6. Works performed in accordance with


7. Permission is granted to carry out subsequent work on

(name of works, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks)

additional information


The act is drawn up in ____ copies.


Representative of the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator on construction control5

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person who performed the work subject to certification9

(surname, initials, signature)

Representatives of other persons

(surname, initials, signature)

(surname, initials, signature)


1 Specified when available.

2 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects is not required.

3 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities is not required.

4 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design is not required.

5 In the case of construction, reconstruction, overhaul on the basis of a construction contract

Appendix No. 4
to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated 26 December 2006 N 1128


Capital construction object

(name in accordance with the title of the project documentation, postal or building address)

Developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which one is a member2 - for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;

last name, first name, patronymic1, passport details, address, phone/fax - for individuals)

The person carrying out the construction5


(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,

name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member3)

The person who prepares the project documentation

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

Certificate of Inspection of Critical Structures

N "___" 20 G.

(date of drawing up the act)

Representative of the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator on construction control5


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register of specialists,


details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers

on behalf of the surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGNIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur6,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity6, telephone/fax)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register


specialists, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of

surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur7,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity7, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of


surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax)

as well as other representatives of the persons participating in the examination:

(position with the name of the organization, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

inspected critical structures made


(name of the person (persons) who actually completed the construction)

and have drawn up this act as follows:

1. The following critical structures were submitted for survey

(name and brief description of structures)

2. Designs are made according to design documentation

(number, other details of the drawing, name of the design and / or working documentation,

information about the persons involved in the preparation of the section of the design and / or working documentation)

3. Concealed works that affect the safety of structures were examined

(hidden works, dates and numbers of certificates of their examination are indicated)10

4. When performing structures, applied

(name of materials (products),

details of certificates and/or other documents confirming their quality and safety)10

5. Documents were presented confirming the compliance of the structures with the requirements for them, including:

a) executive geodetic schemes of the position of structures




(document name, date, number, other details)11

6. Necessary tests and tests have been carried out


(document name, date, number, other details)11

8. The proposed designs are made in accordance with the technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation

(the name, articles (clauses) of the technical regulation,

other regulatory legal acts, sections of design and / or working documentation)

9. Based on the foregoing:

a) the use of structures for their intended purpose is allowed;

or it is allowed to use structures for their intended purpose with a load in the amount of ____% of the design load;

or full loading is permitted under the following conditions:


b) the following works are allowed:

(name of works and structures)

additional information


The act is drawn up in _______ copies.


(executive diagrams and drawings, results of examinations, surveys, laboratory and other tests)10

Representative of the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator on construction control5


(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7


(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person who made the structures to be surveyed9

(surname, initials, signature)

Representatives of other persons:

(surname, initials, signature)

(surname, initials, signature)


1 Specified when available.

2 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects is not required.

3 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities is not required.

4 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design is not required.

5 In the case of construction, reconstruction, overhaul on the basis of a construction contract

6 In the case of construction control on the basis of an agreement with the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator.

9 In the case of performance of work under contracts for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities concluded with other persons.

10 If it is necessary to indicate more than 5 documents, their register is compiled, which is an integral part of the act.

Appendix No. 5
to the Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated 26 December 2006 N 1128


Capital construction object

(name in accordance with the title of the project documentation, postal or building address)

Developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which one is a member2 - for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities;

last name, first name, patronymic1, passport details, address, phone/fax - for individuals)

The person carrying out the construction5


(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,

name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member3)

The person who prepares the project documentation

(last name, first name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location, legal entity, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

Organization that operates utility networks10

(name, PSRN, TIN, location, telephone / fax - for legal entities;

Full name, address, ORGNIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur, telephone / fax - for individual entrepreneurs)

ACT of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks

N "___" 20 G.

(date of drawing up the act)

Representative of the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator on construction control5


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register of specialists,


details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers

on behalf of the surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGNIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur6,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity6, telephone/fax)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction


(position, surname, initials, identification number in the national register


specialists3, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7


(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of

surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur8,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity8, phone/fax,


name, OGRN, TIN of the self-regulatory organization of which he is a member4)

Representatives of the person who completed the sections of engineering and technical support networks9

(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of


surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax)

(position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the exercise of powers on behalf of


surname, name, patronymic1, address, ORGIP, TIN of an individual entrepreneur,


name, PSRN, TIN, location of the legal entity, phone/fax)

as well as other representatives of persons participating in the examination


(name, position, surname, initials, details of the administrative document confirming the authority)

have drawn up this act as follows:

1. The following sections of the engineering and technical support network were presented for certification


(list and brief description of sections of engineering and technical support networks)

2. Sections of engineering and technical support networks are made according to design documentation

(number, other details of the drawing, name of the design and / or working documentation,

information about the persons involved in the preparation of the section of the design and / or working documentation)

3. Technical conditions for connecting a capital construction facility to engineering and technical support networks are provided

(number and date of technical specifications, issued by whom, validity period of technical specifications,

other information)

4. Concealed works that affect the safety of sections of engineering networks

(hidden works, dates and numbers of certificates of their examination are indicated)12

5. When performing sections of engineering and technical support networks,

(name of materials (products), details of certificates

and/or other documents confirming their quality and safety)11

6. Documents were presented confirming the compliance of sections of engineering and technical support networks with the requirements for them, including:

a) executive geodetic schemes of the position of engineering and technical support networks



(document name, date, number, other details)11

b) the results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests of the work performed, carried out in the process of construction control



(document name, date, number, other details)11

c) technical conditions


(document name, date, number, other details)

7. Necessary tests and tests have been carried out


(names of tests, numbers and dates of acts are indicated)11

9. The submitted sections of engineering and technical support networks are made in accordance with the technical conditions for connection, technical regulations, other regulatory legal acts and project documentation

(the name, articles (clauses) of the technical regulation,

other regulatory legal acts, sections of design and / or working documentation)

additional information


The act is drawn up in ______ copies.


(executive schemes and drawings, results of examinations, surveys, laboratory and other tests)12

Representative of the developer, technical customer, operating organization, regional operator on construction control5

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Construction management specialist of the person carrying out the construction

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person preparing project documentation7

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of the person who completed the sections of engineering and technical support networks to be surveyed9

(surname, initials, signature)

Representative of an organization operating utility networks10


(surname, initials, signature)

Representatives of other persons

(surname, initials, signature)

(surname, initials, signature)


1 Specified when available.

2 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects is not required.

3 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities is not required.

4 Except when membership in self-regulatory organizations in the field of architectural and construction design is not required.

5 In the case of construction, reconstruction, overhaul on the basis of a construction contract

6 In the case of construction control on the basis of an agreement with the developer, technical customer, operating organization or regional operator.

9 In the case of performance of work under contracts for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities concluded with other persons.

10 If there is an organization that operates engineering networks.

11 In the absence of information in the certificates of inspection of hidden works.

12 If it is necessary to specify more than 5 documents, their register is compiled, which is an integral part of the act.

Document overview

It is planned to adjust the requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks. The draft of the relevant order of Rostekhnadzor has been finalized.

Thus, a clarification is introduced on the transfer of executive documentation for storage to a person who has concluded a construction contract for the performance of work on the overhaul of a capital construction facility, within the period specified in the construction contract.

In the executive documentation, it is proposed to indicate the name of the SRO, the members of which are the persons involved in the preparation of project documentation, and persons involved in construction, with the exception of certain cases.