Professional certification of estimators. On the organization of certification of workers in the field of pricing and estimated rationing in construction Personal seal of the estimator


By order of April 23, 2008 N188 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the specialty of an estimate engineer was included in the UNIFIED QUALIFICATION DIRECTORY OF POSITIONS OF MANAGERS AND SPECIALISTS.

In order to increase the level of competence of estimators, as well as to carry out practical activities in accordance with the principles of self-regulatory organizations in the construction industry, job description(Order of April 23, 2008 N188 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) provides for advanced training at least once every five years and professional certification for compliance with the position held.

We recommend that specialists in pricing and estimate rationing undergo professional certification with a personalized seal to identify the estimate documentation developed and (or) verified by them ( federal agency for construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation FGU FTsTSS, Order No. 30 dated June 30, 2006) in the certification center of the FGU FTsTSS "Siberian Estimated School".

From January 1, 2020, mandatory certification will be introduced for all experts who sign conclusions on estimate documentation. Vasily Antonov, Deputy Director of the Department for Licensing and Control of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, announced this at the IV All-Russian Congress of Expertise.

According to him, the need for certification of estimators arose on the basis of incoming requests from the professional community. In this regard, the Ministry of Construction of Russia has developed appropriate changes to Article 49 of the Town Planning Code.

"The list of areas of activity of experts, supplemented by the area of ​​activity" Pricing and estimated rationing ". And everyone can already today send documents for certification in this area, ”said the deputy director of the Department for Permitting Activities and Control of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

He added that until January 1, 2020, a transitional period has been established during which experts can undergo certification. In addition, order 313 of the Ministry of Construction of Russia approved new list areas of activity of experts for obtaining accreditation by a legal entity.

“In fact, the document combines three lists of areas of activity for experts. To date, the rights of all certified experts, including certified experts of state examinations, have actually been restored. That is, now all certified experts have the right to work also in non-state examinations,” Vasily Antonov emphasized.

He also recalled that from April 1 this year, changes to the procedure for attestation and recertification of experts came into force (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2017 No. 1719). In particular, the form of testing has been changed (at least 6 answers are provided for each question, at least two of which are correct). This makes it possible to qualitatively reveal the real knowledge of experts and reduces the possibility of a mechanical choice of memorized answers.

Experts who plan to consider objects that are supposed to be financed by budget funds, pass knowledge test in 2 stages: computer testing and oral examination.

Prior to the entry into force of the resolution, experts of state examinations of the “federal level” passed a knowledge test in the form of an oral exam, and state examinations of subjects exclusively in the form of testing, by analogy with experts from non-state examinations. Experts are required to undergo advanced training at least once every 3 years in the declared area of ​​activity and inform the Ministry of Construction of Russia about this.

“Theoretically, the first suspension of the validity of the certificate is possible no earlier than April 1, 2021 in case of failure to submit a document on advanced training,” said Vasily Antonov.

At the moment, you can apply for certification, including through the Public Services Portal (EPGU) in electronic form.

At the same time, the Deputy Director of the Department of Licensing and Control appealed to the entire professional community with a request to send applications for certification exclusively in electronic form, noting the main advantages of this method of sending documents (monitoring the progress of the application at all stages, eliminating the loss of documents by mail as unclaimed ), since the relevant amendments to the regulatory legal acts providing for sending documents individual for certification only in electronic form.

"Transfer of a public service to electronic form- not a whim, but a requirement of the time. Prepared changes to regulatory legal acts are just one of the steps to the possibility of passing certification from anywhere Russian Federation without leaving the office,” Vasily Antonov emphasized.

Currently, the requirements for the premises, their technical equipment, as well as the development of a software package and the corresponding regulatory regulation are being determined.

  • The main provisions of MDS 81-35.2004 "Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation."
  • Kinds estimated norms assets: GSN - state, FSN - federal, TSN - territorial, DOS - industry, ISN - individual.
  • Classification, purpose, composition and procedure for the use of GESN-2001 and FER-2001 as amended in 2017 (Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2016 No. 1038 / pr., No. 1039 / pr.).
  • Types of construction.
  • The structure of the estimated cost and the composition of the estimate documentation: local estimates (estimated calculations), object estimates (estimated calculations), consolidated estimate calculation, summary of costs.
  • Direct costs, overheads, estimated profit.
  • Overview of the task for self-study.
  • List of questions for passing the Attestation.

Lesson 2. Methods for determining the cost of construction. Estimated documentation for construction and repair and construction works

  • Methods for determining the cost of construction products: resource, resource-index, basic-index methods.
  • Features of the application of the resource method for determining the cost of construction in accordance with the Methods for determining estimated prices(Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2016 No. 1001/pr, of December 20, 2016 No. 999/pr, of December 20, 2016 No. 1000/pr, of February 8, 2017 No. 77/pr).
  • The procedure for compiling local estimates (budget calculations) for construction work.
  • The procedure for determining the estimated cost of reconstruction and overhaul buildings and structures.
  • Features of the application of estimated norms: factors complicating the conditions for the production of construction and installation works. Validity of application of multiplying coefficients.
  • Determination of the cost of dismantling (dismantling) structures. Accounting in the local estimate of the cost of materials, products and structures obtained after disassembly.

Lesson 3. Installation work, equipment cost, commissioning. Overhead and Estimated Profits

  • The procedure for compiling local estimates (budget calculations) for installation work.
  • Determination of the estimated cost of equipment, furniture and inventory as part of estimates and estimates. The need to take into account additional charges for the cost of equipment. Installation supervision.
  • The procedure for compiling local estimates for the purchase of equipment.
  • The procedure for compiling local estimates (budget calculations) for commissioning.
  • Determination of overhead costs and estimated profit in accordance with regulatory documents: MDS 81-33.2004, MDS 81-34.2004, MDS 81-25.2001.
  • Overview of the task for self-study. List of questions for passing the Attestation.

Lesson 4. The composition of the costs of the summary estimate

  • Rules for calculating object estimates.
  • The composition of the chapters of the summary estimate calculation of the cost of construction and overhaul.
  • Calculation of funds and costs for the preparation of the construction site.
  • Calculation of limited costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (GSN 81-05-01-2001, GSNr 81-05-01-2001).
  • Calculation of limited costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter (GSN 81-05-02-2007, GSNr 81-05-02-2001).
  • Calculation of travel expenses, expenses for the transportation of workers, etc.
  • The procedure for determining the cost of design and survey work.
  • Determination of a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs.
  • Overview of the task for self-study. List of questions for passing the Attestation.

Lesson 5. Indices of recalculation of the estimated cost. Mutual settlements for work performed

  • Classification of indices of change in the estimated cost: by economic components, by types of construction and types of work.
  • The use of estimated cost change indices for recalculating estimate documentation from the base to the current price level.
  • Formation of contractual prices for construction products.
  • Accounting in the Acts of completed works of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures, additional costs associated with the production of construction and installation works in winter.
  • Accounting in the Acts of completed work of funds related to unexpected costs contractor.
  • Overview of the task for self-study. List of questions for passing the Attestation.

Lesson 6. Determining the scope of construction work. Part I

Lesson 7. Determining the scope of construction work. Part II.

  • Wall laying.
  • Roofs.
  • Floors.
  • Drawing up a bill of quantities.
  • Overview of a practical task for self-fulfillment.

Lesson 8. Determining the scope of construction work. Part III.

  • Finishing work.
  • Plumbing and sewerage. Internal and external networks.
  • Heating and ventilation.
  • Drawing up a bill of quantities.
  • Overview of a practical task for self-fulfillment.

Lesson 9. Work in the program ESTIMATE IBC 2016. Base-index method at the price level of 2001. Construction work.

  • Preparation of estimate documentation using the base-index method in accordance with the bill of quantities in the estimate program.
  • Formation of the structure of estimate documentation, work with object and local estimates.
  • Application of coefficients to budget documents.
  • Determining the cost construction works as part of local estimates.
  • Adding estimated norms from the regulatory framework to the local estimate with grouping them into sections and subsections.
  • Work with the estimated norms of the local estimate: the use of coefficients, accounting for the cost of the resource “according to the project”.
  • Application of amendments from technical parts collections of estimated norms.

Lesson 10. Work in the program ESTIMATE MDS 2016. Base-index method at the price level of 2001. Installation work. Determining the cost of equipment. Other costs.

  • Determination of the cost of installation work as part of local estimates.
  • Accounting for the cost of equipment as part of the cost of construction.
  • Determination of the cost of transportation of construction goods.
  • Determination of the cost of limited and other costs as part of the consolidated estimate of the cost of construction.
  • Issue of estimate documentation using the estimate program.
  • An overview of the practical task for self-fulfillment in the estimate program.

Lesson 11. Work in the program ESTIMATE MDS 2016. Base-index method in the current price level using indices of change in the estimated cost.

  • Determining the cost of construction in current prices using indices of change in the estimated cost.
  • Overview of additional features of the estimate program (copying, deleting and restoring estimate documents).
  • Additional features of the estimate program for calculating other costs of construction costs.
  • An overview of the practical task for self-fulfillment in the estimate program.

Lesson 12. Work in the program ESTIMATE MDS 2016. Preparation of estimate documentation by the resource method.

  • Formation of the structure of estimate documentation, work with local estimates.
  • Determination of the cost of repair and construction work as part of local estimates.
  • Adjustment of resources of estimated norms: adding, deleting, restoring, replacing a resource.
  • Export (import) of the resource sheet from the estimate program to MS Excel.
  • Determination of the cost of other work and costs as part of the consolidated estimate of the cost of major repairs.
  • Calculation of overhead costs and estimated profit.
  • Issuance of estimate documentation in accordance with the terms of reference.
  • An overview of the practical task for self-fulfillment in the estimate program.

Lesson 13. Work in the program ESTIMATE MDS 2016. Contractual price. Acts of work performed.

  • Transfer of the approved estimate documentation from the customer to the contractor (bill of quantities).
  • Exchange of estimate documentation between various programs for calculating estimates (XML format).
  • Formation of a set of contractual documentation for construction products.
  • Working with documents accompanying contractual documentation (contracts, invoices, drawings, work schedules, etc.).
  • Displaying in the estimate program information on approved contracts for the construction site.
  • Formation of Acts of completed work KS-2.
  • Formation of the Certificate of the cost of work performed KS-3.
  • Exchange of Acts between the contractor and the customer.
  • Monitoring the progress of construction work in the estimate program.
  • An overview of the practical task for self-fulfillment in the estimate program.

Lesson 14. Work in the program ESTIMATE MDS 2016. Estimated regulatory framework GESN-2001, FER-2001, TER-2001.

  • Work with regulatory and methodological documentation as part of the estimate program (MDS, GOS, letters, orders, orders, etc.).
  • Estimator Library Online.
  • Creation of custom price catalogs for materials, equipment, construction machines and work in the budget program.
  • Preparation for Certification.

Course certification

  • Theoretical part: test questions on the theory of budgeting.
  • Practical part: a practical task for execution in the estimate program ESTIMATE MDS 2016.

Final lesson

  • Analysis of the results of certification of estimators.
  • Summing up the results of training.
  • Photo for memory and cake-Online :)

LLC CENTER FOR CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING (License of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow No. 036713 dated October 29, 2015) since June 01, 2016, conducts professional certification of specialists in the field of pricing and estimated rationing in construction.

Certification is carried out in order to confirm the professional competence of specialists in the field of pricing and estimated rationing in construction, to confirm their knowledge and skills.

Based on the results of certification, the applicant is issued:

1. Professional certificate;

The issued certificate is entered into the official register.

Cost of certification in full-time form

5 000 rub.

Requirements for specialists for admission to certification:

  1. Higher or secondary vocational education;
  2. Work experience in construction – 5 years;
  3. At least 2 years of experience in pricing;
  4. Passing advanced training courses in the field of pricing and shift rationing in construction in the amount of at least 72 academic hours over the past 5 (five) years.

To be admitted to the exam, a specialist must provide the following documents:

  1. Certificate applicant's application;
  2. A copy of the diploma of higher or secondary vocational education;
  3. Copy work book;
  4. A copy of the document on advanced training *.

* To confirm advanced training, the following can be provided:

  • certificate (certificate) of advanced training (according to the program for at least 72 hours);
  • vocational diploma.

In order to prepare for the exam, the Training Center of CENTER SK LLC conducts additional classes:

If the applicant does not have a document on advanced training for the last 5 (five) years, the Training Center of CENTER SK LLC can take advanced training courses for the following programs:

Course name


Estimated business. The theory of pricing and estimated rationing in construction. Preparation of estimate documentation using the PC "Smeta.RU"