Reduction of design stages. Composition of design and working documentation. The design documentation includes


The design of each building object consists of stages. Depending on the decision of the customer (developer) and the requirements of urban planning regulations, it carries out design work in one, two or three stages.

The design stages are divided into:

  • Project documentation
  • working documentation
  • working draft

Draft Project (Architectural and town-planning appearance of the capital construction object)

It is a stage of pre-project preparation during which the feasibility of design and construction work is determined, agreed with the customer and the architectural departments of the city, district, region ... (gallavarchitecture, etc.). During it, a detailed study of the parameters of the planned facility is carried out before a decision is made regarding all sections, including design.

The purpose of the preliminary design is to justify the location of the object, determine its investment attractiveness, visualize the appearance and layout, determine the possibilities for building the object or its reconstruction, taking into account a number of aspects of social, economic, historical, cultural, urban planning, sanitary and hygienic and environmental nature.

The draft design includes:

  • Explanatory note
  • Site plan with the territories adjacent to the object
  • Master plan (plot plan)
  • Floor plans with room explications
  • Sections with descriptions of "pies" and structural elements
  • Facades, developments and fragments of facades
  • Color and volume solution of facades
  • Photomontage of an existing facility
  • Visualization in 3D

Project documentation

The stage of development of design documentation for the construction of facilities and reconstructions, requiring approval in the examination. Developed according to state standards.

The composition of project documentation is regulated by paragraph 87 and includes:

This is all the "Communication Networks" section

The documentation developed at the "Project" stage serves as the basis for approval, obtaining a construction permit and the subsequent development of the "Design Documentation". Coordinated with the examination authorities.

working documentation

Working documentation is the detailing of design documentation and its preparation for construction and installation work, including all the nodes, parts, statements, specifications necessary for the production of work ...

The composition is regulated by state standards, specified by the customer and the project developer in the contract. For especially complex objects, two stages of design are provided: design and working. Working documentation is developed on the basis of the decisions made after the approval of the project documentation. If the load-bearing structures of buildings are affected, the project documentation is subject to state expertise.

working draft

A working draft is a one-stage design that reduces the development time by 1.5-2 times, and reduces the cost of creating a project by 30%. In its composition, in some cases, when working with objects of medium complexity, it is allowed to develop solutions within the scope of the Project, followed by finalization of working drawings. The composition of the documentation, depending on the requirements of the customer, may decrease or increase.

The list of initial data for project development includes:

  • Town-planning plan of the land plot (GPZU)
  • Legal documents for land
  • Results of engineering surveys (geodesic, geological, ecological…)
  • Specifications for connection to power supply networks (electricity, heat, water supply, sewerage, communications, gas ...)

In each specific project, the list of initial data may differ and is determined at the stage of consideration of the designed object.

Project documentation must be coordinated with the expertise and other interested supervisory authorities.

For fast and high-quality work, you should contact highly qualified professionals.

When it becomes necessary to develop a project, the customer and the design organization need to understand what design stage is necessary for a particular object. For some objects it is possible to perform design work in one stage, for others - in two stages, for especially complex objects it is necessary to perform three stages of design. So for example, it is performed in one stage, in two stages, or a large supermarket is performed in three stages. The price for the development of each stage is different and is determined on the basis of the state collections of prices for design work for construction (SCPRS).

In this article, we will consider the main stages of design, as well as the terms and definitions used in the development of project documentation.

According to DBN A.2.2-3:2012, there are the following design stages:
— feasibility study ( feasibility study );
— technical and economic calculation ( FER );
- preliminary design ( EP );
- project ( P );
- working draft RP );
— working documentation ( R )

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Feasibility study stage (TER) . It is developed on the basis of the customer's assignment for industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities that need a detailed justification of the relevant decisions and the determination of options and the feasibility of building the facility.
FER is used for technically simple production facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities. The feasibility study is carried out in a reduced volume compared to the feasibility study, in accordance with the nature of the object and the requirements of the task.

EP stage . It is developed on the basis of the customer's assignment to fundamentally determine the requirements for urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental and functional solutions of the object, confirm the possibility of creating a non-industrial object.
As part of the EP, in order to substantiate the decisions made on the instructions of the customer, calculations of the main design decisions, estimated cost and justification of the effectiveness of investments are carried out, and engineering and technical developments, schemes for engineering support of the facility can also be additionally performed.

Stage P. It is developed to determine the urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction.
P is developed on the basis of the design assignment, initial data and the previous stage approved during the three-stage design. Sections of stage P are given in a clear and concise form, without excessive detail, in the composition and volume sufficient to justify design decisions, determine the volume of basic construction work, the need for equipment, building materials and structures, provisions for organizing construction, as well as determining estimated construction cost.

RP stage. It is developed for technically simple objects, as well as objects using projects (design solutions) of reuse.
The RP is developed to determine the urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions of the facility, the estimated cost of construction and construction work. WP is an integrating design stage and consists of two parts - approved and working documentation.

Stage R. Developed on the basis of the approved previous stage. After the approval of stage P, according to the decision of the customer, the working documentation can be developed by the author of the project or another designer. The development of working documentation by other designers is carried out in compliance with the author's decisions of the approved P and copyright.

Design stages depending on the complexity of the object:
1. For objects I and II categories of complexity design is carried out:
a) In one stage - a working draft (WP);
b) In two stages - for non-production facilities - a draft design (EP), and for production facilities and linear objects of engineering and transport infrastructure - a feasibility study (FER) and for both - a working design (RP).
2. For objects III category of difficulty design is carried out in two stages:
- project (P);
- working documentation (P).
3. For objects IV and V categories of complexity design is carried out in three stages:
- for non-production facilities - EP or with appropriate justification of the feasibility study, and for production facilities and linear facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure - a feasibility study (feasibility study);
- project (P);
- working documentation (P).

To the entry 5 comments

Anton, this article shows the design stages according to Ukrainian normative documents, namely DBN A.2.2-3:2012 "WAREHOUSE THAT ZMIST PROJECT DOCUMENTATION FOR BUDIVNITSTVO". IN Ukraine design stage " feasibility study«, « FER«, « EP«, « P«, « RP«, « R' are valid.

When it comes to design stages for RF we have the following:
- according to the letter dated 06.22.2009 No. 19088-SK / 08 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “Unlike the previously existing regulatory documents, the Regulation does not provide for the design stages: “feasibility study”, “project”, “working draft”, but the concepts “ project documentation" And " working documentation»»;
- in accordance with the RESOLUTION dated February 16, 2008 N 87 “In order to implement the architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the design documentation for the capital construction object during the construction process, working documentation is developed, consisting of documents in text form, working drawings, equipment specifications and products."
You can read more about the composition of design and working documentation in accordance with the norms of the Russian Federation

Single stage(working draft of the RP, including the approved part and working documentation) - for the coordination and approval of technically simple objects using projects of mass and re-use of I and II categories of complexity

two-stage(project P, working documentation R) - for technically complex civil facilities, a draft design (EP) is additionally developed, for industrial facilities - a feasibility study of investments (feasibility study). For individual objects, after the approval of the EP or feasibility study, a RP can be developed, and after its approval - R.

For objects of the ІІІ category of complexity, the design is carried out in two stages:

Project (P)
- working documentation (P)

Three-stage(pre-project proposals for EP or feasibility study, project P, working documentation R) - for objects of V, IV categories of complexity, technically complex in relation to urban planning, architectural, artistic and environmental conditions, engineering support, the introduction of new building technologies, structures and materials, design is carried out in three stages.

For civil facilities - ES, and for industrial facilities - a feasibility study of the feasibility study;
- project (P);
- working documentation (P).

The head of the design organization appoints by appropriate orders the chief architects and chief engineers of projects for the development of all stages of design.

Responsible persons for the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental qualities of the project are the chief architect of the project (GAP) or the chief engineer of the project (CPI). They prepare contracts, coordinate the actions of performers, negotiate with customers, subcontractors and contractors. Responsible persons for the quality of a certain section of the project are the head and chief specialist of the relevant project unit.

A draft design, a feasibility study of investments, a draft and a working draft are signed by the management and main executors of the design organization. The title page of the explanatory note is signed by the head of the organization (director, chief engineer, chief architect), head of the workshop (department), chief architect (engineer) of the project, project authors (if any, except for the GAP, GUI). The sections of the explanatory note are signed by the chief specialists of the departments, the authors of the sections (if any), and the performers. The drawings are signed by the head of the workshop (department), the chief architect (engineer) of the project, the authors of the project (if any, except for the GAP and the GUI), chief specialists, performers. The explanatory note indicates the names of the design participants for each section of the project, and if there are subcontractors, the names of firms or individuals of subcontractors.

When developing project documentation, designers are responsible and ensure:

Compliance with architectural and urban planning requirements and high architectural and artistic quality;
- compliance with the requirements of current regulatory documents;
- protection of the environment, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources in accordance with DBN A.2.2-1;
- compliance with energy saving requirements;
- operational reliability;
- efficiency of investments;
- patent purity of the adopted technical solutions and equipment used;
- compliance of design solutions with the initial data and permits.

Pre-project proposal.

A pre-project proposal is a primary set of documents required to pass the regulations in the relevant region and obtain initial permits or architectural planning tasks. In addition, these are materials that allow you to evaluate the project and form precise requirements for further design.

Development is perhaps the best, if not the only, way to evaluate and get an idea of ​​the object being designed in advance. This stage is especially important for large objects, since it allows you to avoid many difficulties in the course of further design. At this stage, the design, layout, number of storeys, material, technical equipment, architectural solution are fundamentally determined; all this should give a clear idea of ​​the organization of the plan, the volumetric structure and the external appearance of the building. The pre-project stage is decisive, determining the further path of the project development.
At the next stage, on the basis of the design assignment, a project and a detailed design are developed, which are developed for each type of work, and during construction are the main technical documents.

Draft design and feasibility study of investments.

Draft design (EP) contains the fundamental decisions of urban planning, architectural, artistic, functional, environmental requirements for the design assignment, confirms the fundamental possibility of creating an object, determines its cost.

To justify the adoption of architectural decisions as part of the graphic part and the explanatory note of the outline design, engineering and design developments, schemes for engineering support of the facility and justification of the effectiveness of investments can be additionally performed.

The EP is developed in compliance with the existing town-planning documentation, architectural and planning task, environmental protection requirements.

After approval or approval by the urban planning and architecture authorities, the EP is the basis for the further development of project documentation.

Feasibility study of investments (feasibility study)

is developed for technically complex industrial facilities, including transport, energy, hydraulic engineering, reclamation and other special types of construction. A feasibility study of investments substantiates the need and feasibility of building or reconstructing industrial facilities, incl. their technical feasibility and investment efficiency. The feasibility study of investments should consider decisions regarding the location, capacity of the facility, assessment of the impact of the projected activity on the environment, compliance with architectural and other requirements according to the design assignment The feasibility study of investments after its agreement or approval is the basis for further development of project documentation.

Project development.

The project (P) for the construction of a civil facility is developed on the basis of the initial data, the design assignment, and the agreed preliminary design (if any). It consists of the following main sections.

Architectural and construction solution, master plan, landscaping, transport scheme (if necessary),

Technological part (if necessary),

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) The need to develop an EIA is determined with the participation of state environmental protection authorities,

Organization of construction,

Estimated documentation,

Bill of quantities of work.

A project for the construction, expansion and reconstruction of an industrial facility is developed on the basis of the initial data, the assignment for the design of an agreed feasibility study of investments (if necessary). It should consist of the following main sections:

Explanatory note with initial data,

Master plan and transport,

Technological part

Solutions for engineering equipment and external engineering networks,

Architectural and construction solutions,

Organization of construction,

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) in accordance with the requirements of DBN A.2.2-1-95,

Estimated documentation,

Collections of specifications for equipment, materials, structures and products,

bill of quantities,

Technical and economic part, economic indicators

Working project.

The working design (WP) is a combined design stage intended for the coordination and approval of design documentation, as well as for the construction of the facility. It is carried out on the basis of agreed planning documentation, state programs for the development of the industry or agreed pre-design studies, design assignments, architectural and planning assignments, initial data and technical conditions for connection to engineering supply sources.

The working draft consists of an explanatory note (with technical and economic indicators), working drawings, cost estimates and a construction organization section.

Working documentation.

Working documentation (P) is intended for construction.
It includes:

Working drawings, which are developed in accordance with the requirements of standards (DSTU and GOST),

Passport of finishing works,

budget documentation,

List of volumes of construction and installation works,

Collections of specifications for equipment, products and materials according to DSTU B A.2.4-10-95 (GOST 21.110-95),

Questionnaires and dimensional drawings for the relevant types of equipment and products,

Initial requirements for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment (including non-standard and non-standard equipment)

The volume and detail of the working drawings must comply with the requirements of the standards "Project Documentation System for Construction".

After the approval of the project (draft design, feasibility study of investments), by the decision of the customer, working drawings can be developed by the contractor or another designer (if there is a license), incl. with the involvement of the authors.

Detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and process pipelines should be developed by manufacturers, and detail drawings of air ducts - by installation organizations. In some cases, the designer can undertake the development of detail drawings of metal structures (KMD) and process pipelines for a fee.

Working drawings, as a rule, are signed by the head of the workshop (department), the chief architect (engineer) of the project, the chief specialist of the relevant section, the performer and the person responsible for standard control.

DD is developed after the approval of the previous design stage.

The cost of design work is determined in accordance with the procedure and rules for determining the cost of design and survey work for new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, buildings and structures of all sectors of the national economy of Ukraine.

Coordination of project documentation.

The developed design documentation is subject to approval.
Draft design (EP) and feasibility study of investments are agreed

With local authorities of urban planning and architecture - on issues of location, rational use of the territory designated for withdrawal, compliance of the solutions provided for by the project with the requirements of the architectural and planning task, the current urban planning documentation,

With local governments - on issues of placement, use of available sources of supply, engineering communications, conditions for their development (to obtain official technical conditions when preparing the initial data necessary for the development of P and DD), as well as the use of labor resources (when creating new jobs at production facilities)

Projects and working projects are coordinated with local authorities of urban planning and architecture (if the project was developed without preliminary development of EP and feasibility study of investments) and with local governments (which issued technical conditions for connection to supply sources or utilities).

If there are special conditions for the location of the object (historical zones of cities, landslide areas, etc.), it is necessary, according to the instructions of the city planning and architecture authorities, to coordinate the project documentation with the relevant organizations.

Project documentation developed in accordance with state regulations and certified by the signatures of the chief architect (engineer) of the project is not subject to approval by state oversight bodies, except as provided by the legislation of Ukraine. In the absence of norms and rules for design, the adopted design decisions must be coordinated with the relevant state supervision bodies.

Project documentation, executed with justified deviations from the current state regulatory documents, is subject to approval only in terms of these deviations with the relevant state supervision bodies.

Project documentation for reconstruction is subject to approval by the city planning and architecture authorities in cases of changes in the color scheme of the facade of buildings, architectural solutions (affecting the previously established nature of the surrounding buildings), structural solutions (which may cause dangerous situations in the future when operating conditions change).

Coordination is not carried out if the design documentation for the reconstruction does not foresee changes in urban planning conditions, building facades, conditions of transport links, engineering support, requirements relating to environmental protection, and the requirements of the current regulatory documents for design are not violated. In this case, the examination is carried out in accordance with the current regulations.

Examination and approval of project documentation.

Project documentation (EP, feasibility study of investments, P, RP) before its approval is subject to mandatory state expertise in accordance with applicable law.

When examining investment projects, Ukrinvestexpertiza services involve environmental protection and nuclear safety authorities, labor protection authorities, other state supervision bodies, specialized services of local governments, representatives of public associations and take into account their conclusions.

Customers who carry out construction at their own expense, independently determine the procedure for passing the examination of the relevant projects. At the same time, the level of compliance with the requirements for safety for the life and health of the population, environmental protection and energy conservation is subject to mandatory state examination.

Design documentation that is not subject to approval may be submitted for examination only by decision of the customer.

Submission of project documentation for approval, examination and approval is the responsibility of the customer and is carried out at his expense. The designer is obliged to protect his design decisions.

Project documentation (EP, feasibility study of investments, P, RP) comes into force after its approval by the customer Approval is recorded in the form of an order (order or decision) The approval document contains the main data and technical and economic indicators of the facility. The names of the GAP or GIP, as well as the authors of the project, are entered in the approval documents and protocols of coordination with the urban planning and architecture authorities.

The designer is responsible for the quality of design solutions, compliance with current regulations and laws. Having approved the project documentation, the customer is responsible to the state for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and for the design solutions provided for in the documentation. For the transfer to production of project documentation that does not comply with the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents, the customer is responsible in accordance with applicable law.

Implementation of author's supervision.

The specialists of our architectural group carry out architectural supervision in order to ensure the compliance of the solutions contained in the working documentation with the construction and installation work performed at the facility.

In accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, new construction, reconstruction and some types of major repairs of buildings and structures require the mandatory development of project documentation. This documentation is a text and graphic materials that define the architectural, technological, functional and engineering parameters of the future construction site.

The order and stages of design

The design technology, depending on the type and purpose of the object, may differ, but the staging and order of work, in most cases, are preserved. The design process consists of the following steps:

  • collection of initial permits;
  • performance of engineering surveys at the construction site;
  • development of project documentation for obtaining approvals and expert opinions;
  • examination of project documentation;
  • development of working documentation.

Initial permit documentation

The collection of initial permits (IRD) is carried out at the earliest stages of design, or precedes it, as an independent independent work. This is a set of materials characterizing the future construction site and the site allocated for these needs. Documents are issued by local authorities, organizations that operate engineering systems, regulatory agencies, and so on, if the applicant has the right to own a land plot.

The composition of the initial permit documentation must include:

  • documents confirming the ownership of the land (or a lease agreement);
  • urban planning documentation confirming the possibility of placing the object planned for construction on the selected site;
  • decisions of the city administration;
  • conclusions and approvals from regulatory services and bodies: sanitary and epidemiological service, technical specifications for fire supervision, conclusion of natural resource management and environmental protection, conclusion of the environment, technical specifications for the development of specialized sections of the Civil Defense Ministry of Emergencies and others;
  • technical conditions for the engineering support of the facility, including: water, heat, gas, electricity, drainage (domestic, industrial, rainwater), connection to roads and railways, connection to telephone networks, the Internet, and others .

Depending on the specifics of a particular object, this list can be significantly expanded. So, when designing an object in specially protected areas, it will be necessary to obtain initial permits from the relevant government services. There can be many such cases, therefore, for each object, its own list of initial permits is compiled.

Engineering survey

Engineering surveys are carried out to study the natural and man-made conditions of the future construction site. Based on the reports on these works, the designer makes decisions about the location of objects on the ground, the deepening of the foundations of buildings and structures, the degree of their protection from the effects of various adverse factors, the routing of engineering networks, and others.

The composition and scope of engineering surveys is normalized by the provisions of the Code of Rules SP 47.13330.2012. Before starting the design, the following types of work are required:

  • engineering and geodetic surveys (survey of the relief, cameral processing, installation of geodetic signs);
  • engineering-geological surveys (determination of soil properties, presence and composition of groundwater, determination of the base soil for the foundation, etc.);
  • engineering and environmental surveys and engineering and hydrometeorological surveys (information about the natural and climatic conditions of the construction site, flora and fauna, the presence of man-made sources of pollution, etc.);
  • Engineering and hydrographic work (allows obtaining data on the situation, underwater relief and underwater structures, with their subsequent display on engineering topographic (engineering hydrographic) plans and profiles.)
  • determination of geophysical characteristics of construction (mountain and seismic conditions of construction, data on mineral deposits and other studies).
  • search and examination of the territory for the presence of explosive objects in the places of hostilities and in the territories of former military formations
  • archaeological research.

Depending on the stages of design (design documentation or working documentation), the detailing of survey work may differ.

The composition of engineering surveys, methods of implementation and scope of work are established by the engineering survey program developed on the basis of the assignment of the developer or technical customer.

According to the Town Planning Code, the results of engineering surveys may be sent for examination simultaneously with the design documentation or before the design documentation is sent for examination.

Development of project documentation

Currently, Russian standards define two stages of design: "Project documentation" and "Detailed documentation". In contrast to the previously existing staging, the requirements for detailing sections of the Project Documentation have increased significantly. The composition and volume of text and graphic materials are determined in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content."

According to Decree No. 87, capital construction objects, depending on their functional purpose and characteristic features, are divided into the following types:

a) industrial facilities (buildings, structures, industrial facilities, including defense and security facilities), with the exception of linear facilities;

b) objects of non-industrial purpose (buildings, structures, constructions of the housing stock, socio-cultural and municipal purposes, as well as other capital construction objects of non-industrial purpose);

c) linear objects (pipelines, roads and railways, power lines, etc.).

The design documentation for industrial and non-industrial facilities should include the following sections:

  • Section 2 "Scheme of the planning organization of the land"
  • Section 3 "Architectural solutions"
  • Section 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions"
  • Section 5 "Information on engineering equipment, on networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions"
  • Section 6 "Construction organization project"
  • Section 7 "Measures for environmental protection"
  • Section 8 "List of measures for environmental protection"
  • Section 9 "Measures to ensure fire safety"
  • Section 10 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"
  • Section 10_1 "Measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used"
  • Section 11 "Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects"
  • Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"The composition of design documentation for linear facilities:
  • Section 1 "Explanatory note";
  • Section 2 "Row design"
  • Section 3 "Technological and design solutions for a linear facility. Artificial structures"
  • Section 4 "Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear facility"
  • Section 5 "Construction organization project"
  • Section 6 "Project for the organization of work on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility"
  • Section 7 "Measures for environmental protection
  • Section 8 "Measures to ensure fire safety"
  • Section 9 "Estimates for construction"
  • Section 10 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"

It is also worth noting that in 2015 the RESOLUTION dated December 26, 2014 No. 1521 came into force, which approves the list of national standards and codes of practice (parts of such standards and codes of practice), as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law is ensured "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures".

Development of working documentation

Stage Working documentation is developed on the basis of technical solutions defined in the Design documentation. The document regulating the composition, form and content of the materials of this stage is the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R21.1101-2013 "Requirements for design and working documentation". This standard contains requirements for:

  • composition of sets of working drawings;
  • their design and labeling;
  • stamps and inscriptions on drawings;
  • composition and types of attached documents;
  • composition and types of reference documents (standards, standard solutions);
  • drawing up specifications.

This standard also stipulates the rules for making changes to the design and working documentation, including the issuance of permission to make changes and the specifics of the procedure for each of the stages. It should be noted that if it is necessary to correct the Working Documentation, if there is a positive expert opinion on the Design Documentation, a re-examination may be assigned.

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the examination of design documentation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 dated March 05, 2007, those parts of the Design Documentation that have been amended that affect the structural safety and reliability of the designed facility are subject to re-examination.

Design Methods

There are one-stage and two-stage design. One-stage implies that the development of working documentation can go in parallel with the project documentation. In the event that the main technical solutions of the facility have already been agreed between the construction participants, then, with the simultaneous development of two stages, the construction of the facility can begin immediately after receiving a positive expert opinion and a construction permit.

The essence of the two-stage design is that the documentation is developed in stages: at the first stage, the design documentation is developed, the main design decisions are made, corrected, approved, and only after that the working documentation for construction is developed (the "Detailed Documentation" stage).

The main design method in Russia is two-stage design. Single-stage design is used only for simple objects or for binding projects of mass or reuse.

In addition, the introduction of new design methods, in particular, BIM information modeling, in a sense, nullifies the division of the entire process into stages. In this case, the object at different stages of development differs only in the degree of detailing. The differences also affect the design approach itself.

The classical method involves receiving an approved design assignment from the customer, working out technological and architectural plans, after which the assignments are transferred to specialists in related specialties, mutual approvals, linking the location of equipment, tracing networks, etc. Due to the fact that the development of solutions is carried out by designers sequentially, the process is extended in time. Sometimes individual specialists have to go back a few steps and correct decisions already made.

BIM design, as a system, solves the problem of speeding up this process and reducing the number of inconsistencies in the project. Due to the fact that specialists of various profiles can simultaneously work in one model, all decisions made by them can be monitored in real time, and inconsistencies that arise can be eliminated in advance or even prevented.

With any design method, all calculations are performed, as a rule, in specialized calculation systems: Robot, Lira, SCAD, Bentley STAAD and others. The calculations performed in these programs, subject to the availability of licensed software, are accepted by experts, and only the initial data provided by the designer are verified.

Models and drawings are usually made in Autodesk Autocad, Inventor, Compass 3D, Archicad, Tekla and others. Given the high cost of licensed software systems for the development of small objects, you can use free design programs like OpenSCAD, A9CAD, NanoCAD (Russian analogue of Autocad), LibreCAD, SolidEdge2d. In addition, some expensive software products have shareware versions with limited features (for example, trial versions of Autocad, ZWCad and other software).


Examination of project documentation is carried out for all objects, except for the cases stipulated by Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation (in most cases these are technically simple objects, the construction of which does not require a permit). The organization and conduct of the examination of project documentation is regulated by the relevant Regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 dated 05.03.2007.

During the examination, project documentation is checked for compliance with norms and regulations, including ensuring the strength, reliability and durability of building structures and engineering systems, compliance with environmental, sanitary and epidemiological, fire, industrial and radiation safety requirements. An expert assessment of the quality of the engineering surveys performed is also given.

The maximum duration of the examination does not exceed 60 days. Based on the results of the audit, an expert opinion is issued, which can be positive (if the documentation complies with the technical regulations) or negative (if it does not). A negative opinion may be challenged by the applicant in court.

Project documentation may be submitted to the expert organization in paper or electronic form. Given the vast territory of the Russian Federation and the high component of transportation costs in the cost of design products, the possibility of submitting materials for examination in electronic form is an important advantage for designers. Starting from September 2016, submission of materials to the State Expertise will be carried out only in electronic form.

In accordance with Article 49 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the examination of project documentation can be state and non-state. Non-state expertise is carried out by a legal entity accredited in the manner prescribed by law. The objects, the construction of which is planned to be carried out at the budget expense, as well as objects of the defense and energy complex, cannot be the subject of non-state examination.

It is also worth noting that if the construction of an object is planned in specially protected natural areas, then it is necessary to follow the "Rules for the submission of project documentation for objects, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas, for state expertise and state environmental expertise"approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2008 N 822).

These Rules establish the procedure for submitting project documentation for objects, the construction of which is supposed to be carried out on the lands of specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance, for the state examination of project documentation and the state environmental examination of the project.

Architectural supervision of construction

Conducting architectural supervision of construction at the facility is mandatory. The order on the appointment of a design supervision group by the designer, among other documents, is submitted to the Inspectorate for Architectural and Construction Supervision upon receipt of a building permit.

The rights and obligations of representatives of the design organization at the construction site are regulated by SP 11-110-99 "Author's supervision of the construction of buildings and structures". This document also states:

  • the procedure for maintaining a journal of architectural supervision;
  • the requirement to amend the working documentation, if necessary, in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Design stages

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Design stages
Rubric (thematic category) Construction

Design stages

There are the following design stages:

Feasibility Study (FS);

Feasibility study (TEC);

Draft design (EP);

Project (P);

Working draft (WP);

Working documentation (P).

For objects of I and II categories of design complexity, the following is carried out:

In one stage - a working draft (WP);

In two stages - for non-production facilities - a draft design (EP), and for production facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities - a feasibility study (FER) and for both - a working design (RP).

For objects of the III category of complexity, design is carried out in two stages:

Project (P);

Working documentation (P).

For objects of IV and V categories of complexity, design is carried out in three stages:

For non-production facilities - EP or with appropriate justification of the feasibility study, and for production facilities and linear facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure - a feasibility study (feasibility study);

Project (P);

Working documentation (P).

Note. With appropriate justification, the customer and the designer can make an agreed decision regarding changing the number of design stages.

During the overhaul of facilities, it is allowed to carry out design in one stage - RP. In rare justified cases, when improving the operational performance of construction facilities put into operation in the prescribed manner, it is allowed to develop only a defective act, which determines the physical scope of work and the conditions for their implementation, as well as budget documentation is being compiled.

If it is extremely important to carry out preparatory work, the customer may provide for the development of a preparatory work project in the design assignment.

Design documentation must be completed taking into account all regulations and documents in force at the time of its transfer to production.

Design documentation for houses, buildings and structures built in whole or in part in accordance with the approved project is not subject to adjustment in connection with the introduction of new regulations and documents, except in cases where this adjustment is due to an increase in safety requirements in new regulations and documents, including regarding the provision of mechanical resistance and stability (strength), electrical, explosion and fire safety of the facility and accessibility for people with limited mobility, to ensure which the necessary construction work must be performed.

Design can be carried out in stages of construction, as well as with the allocation of launch complexes, if this is provided for by the design assignment. In this case, the stage that is approved or approved is developed as a whole for the object, incl. according to the construction phases, as well as with the allocation of launch complexes. Other stages are developed in accordance with the design task.

The queues and start-up complexes of construction should provide sanitary and living conditions, fire safety, labor protection and environmental protection.

When developing design documentation for objects that are subject to scientific and technical support, one should be guided by the requirements of DBN V.1.2-5.

In the case of application of project documentation (design solutions) for reuse, design documentation for a new construction facility consists of project documentation (design solutions) for reuse and documentation for its binding to a specific site, the content of which is determined by separate regulatory documents.

For enterprises and structures with complex production technology or having no analogue, in justified cases, projects may provide for the advanced construction and commissioning of experimental workshops and stands for research, development and testing of experimental and new technologies, equipment, materials and products.

The design of experimental construction is carried out in accordance with the requirements of legislation, building codes, standards and rules, as well as individual technical requirements, and should provide for scientific and technical support in accordance with DBN V. 1.2-5.

Feasibility study (feasibility study), feasibility study (feasibility study)

A feasibility study (TER) is developed on the basis of a customer's assignment for industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, which require a detailed justification of the relevant decisions and the determination of options and the feasibility of building an facility.

FER is used for technically simple industrial facilities and linear objects of engineering and transport infrastructure.

Note. With appropriate justification, the customer should make a decision regarding the development of a feasibility study for non-industrial facilities.

The feasibility study (TER) substantiates the main design decisions, production capacity, range and quality of products, if they are not specified by directive, production cooperation, provision of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel, electricity and heat, water and labor resources, including the choice of a specific site for construction, the cost of construction and the main technical and economic indicators.

When preparing a feasibility study (TER), a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the planned activity on the state of the environment (EIA) should be carried out; the recommended decisions of the feasibility study (TER) should be substantiated by the results of the EIA; EIA materials, drawn up in the form of a special part (section) of the documentation, are a mandatory part of the feasibility study (TER).

The feasibility study is carried out in a reduced scope compared to the feasibility study in accordance with the nature of the object and the requirements of the task.

The composition of the feasibility study (TER) is set out in Appendix B.

The feasibility study (TER) materials are transferred to the customer on paper (in four copies) and electronic media.

Draft design (EP)

The ES is developed on the basis of the customer's assignment for the fundamental determination of the requirements for urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental and functional solutions of the facility ͵ confirmation of the possibility of creating a non-industrial facility.

As part of the EP, in order to substantiate the decisions made on the instructions of the customer, calculations of basic design solutions, estimated cost and justification of the effectiveness of investments are carried out, and engineering and technical developments, schemes for engineering support of the facility can also be additionally performed.

The ES is transferred to the customer on paper (in four copies) and electronic media.

The composition of the EP is set out in Appendix D.

Project (P)

P is developed to determine the urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction.

P is developed on the basis of the design assignment, initial data and the previous stage approved during the three-stage design.

It is extremely important to submit sections P in a clear and concise form, without excessive detail, in the composition and volume sufficient to justify design decisions, determine the scope of basic construction work, the needs for equipment, building materials and structures, provisions from the organization of construction, as well as determining the estimated cost of construction.

The P materials are transferred to the customer in full by the general designer on paper (in four copies) and electronic media, by the subcontractor designer - to the general designer in five copies, and the survey materials, respectively, in two copies.

The composition of the design output, which is transferred to the customer, does not include engineering, technical, feasibility, environmental and other calculations, materials of analogous projects, as well as materials of engineering surveys. These materials are kept by the designer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents..

If it is extremely important to carry out research and experimental work in the design and construction process, the design documentation should include a list of them with a brief description and justifications for the extreme importance of their implementation.

The composition of sections P for the construction of non-industrial facilities is given in Appendix D, and for the construction of industrial facilities and linear facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure - in Appendix E.

When using custom-made equipment, including non-standard and non-standard, in the relevant sections of the project, the initial requirements for the development of this equipment should be given.

Working draft (WP)

RP is developed for technically simple objects, as well as objects using projects (design solutions) for reuse.

The RP is developed to determine the urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental, technical, technological, engineering solutions of the object, the estimated cost of construction and the performance of construction work.

RP is an integrating design stage and consists of two parts - approved and working documentation. The composition and content of the approved part are given in Appendices D and E ..

For the implementation of construction work, working documentation is issued in full.

The approved part of the RP and working documentation are transferred to the customer on paper (in four copies) and electronic media.

Working documentation (P)

Stage P is developed on the basis of the approved previous stage.

The composition of R is set out in Appendix G ..

At the same time, the P for construction should include:

Lists of works for which it is extremely important to draw up acts for hidden work and acts for the intermediate acceptance of critical structures;

Initial requirements for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment (including non-standard and non-standardized equipment), according to which initial requirements were not developed at previous stages.

The volume and detailing of working drawings should be brought to the minimum required volumes.

After the approval of the P, by the decision of the customer, the working documentation can be developed by the author of the project or another designer. The development of working documentation by other designers is carried out in compliance with the author's decisions of the approved P and copyright.

R is developed after the approval of the previous design stage, except when, by decision of the designer and the customer who approves the design documentation, working documentation can be developed before the approval of the previous design stage. In rare justified cases, as provided for by the contract, by the decision of the customer and the general designer, stage P can be developed before the approval of the previous design stage.

For individual, especially complex objects, the designer, when performing working documentation, can carry out additional developments that are not provided for by regulatory documents and clarify project materials.

When designing facilities with particularly complex structures and methods of work (which must be justified in the explanatory note of the project), working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures and installations are included. The given drawings and estimates are developed on the basis of the justification, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ is sent by the general designer to the customer.

Initial data on imported equipment and drawings for custom-made equipment are provided to the designer by the customer prior to the development of working documentation, unless otherwise provided by the terms of the contract and / or design assignment.

The development of design documentation for equipment and structures of individual manufacture, including non-standard and non-standard equipment, is carried out by the manufacturing plant on the basis of the initial data and the technical assignment developed by the designer.

The designer can develop design documentation for the specified equipment and structures.

Detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD), technological pipelines, gas and air pipelines and other necessary structures are developed by the manufacturing plant on the basis of the designer's drawings of the metal construction stage (KM) provided by the customer.

Working drawings, cost estimates, specifications of equipment, products and materials, drawings of metal structures, pipelines, air ducts, as well as project documentation for the construction of facilities are transferred to the customer on paper (in four copies) and electronic media.

Working drawings of the project (design solutions) of reuse, according to which the construction of several identical objects should be carried out on the same site, are transferred in four copies only for one of these objects, and for others - two copies each. The documentation for the changing part is transferred to the customer on paper in four copies in full for each object.

The subcontractor transfers to the general designer the working documentation for one copy more than the number of copies established above.

State standards, drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies, to which there is a link in the working drawings, as well as projects (design solutions) for the reuse of temporary structures, are not included in the working documentation and are not transferred by the designer to the customer.

Design stages - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Design stages" 2017, 2018.