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(Gosstroy of the USSR)




The standard design instruction establishes the procedure for the development, approval, examination, approval, publication, distribution and application of standard design documentation - standard projects, standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies for use in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction of technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of sectors of the national economy, industries and types of construction, as well as the procedure for its revision and cancellation. This Instruction comes into force on June 1, 1982.

1. General part

1.1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for the development of approval, examination, approval, publication, distribution, application, revision and cancellation of standard design documentation - standard projects, standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies - for use in the design and construction of new, as well as expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing, enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport, communications, agriculture and water management, residential buildings and public buildings. documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and the requirements of this Instruction.________________ * Typical project documentation for use in the design and construction of new, as well as expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment operating, enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport, communications, agriculture and water management, residential buildings and public buildings are hereinafter referred to as: “standard design documentation”. 1.2. Standard designs should be developed for repeated use in the construction of repetitive production and auxiliary buildings and structures, enterprises in general with stable production technology, as well as residential buildings, public buildings and structures and agricultural facilities. For the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures with frequently changing technology production, but having a number of repetitive construction, technological solutions, standard design solutions for construction and technological sections, block sections, blocks of aggregated equipment, technological lines, etc. should be developed. Drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies should be developed for multiple use in design and construction buildings and structures, as well as for mass production of structures and products. If it is necessary to erect a number of identical industrial facilities for the construction of the first facility, it is developed in accordance and with the requirements established by this Instruction, individual project, which is then used for the construction of other similar facilities.1.3. When developing standard design documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the Main directions for the development of standard design for the planned and following the planned five years and ensure that the requirements are met normative documents for design and construction, approved or agreed by the State Construction Committee of the USSR.1.4. The basis for the development of standard design documentation are five-year and annual plans for standard design, approved in the prescribed manner. 1.5. The development of standard projects and standard design solutions is carried out: in one stage - a working draft with estimates - for technically simple enterprises, buildings and structures; in two stages - a project with cost estimates and working documentation with estimates - for technically complex enterprises, buildings and structures .Development of drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies is carried out: in one stage - working drawings - when the nomenclature and scope are determined and no variant study of these structures, products and assemblies is required; in two stages - technical solutions and working drawings - if necessary, definitions nomenclature and areas of rational application, as well as variant study (for fundamentally new design solutions). The stages of development of standard design documentation are indicated in the annual plans for standard design. The development of standard design documentation should be carried out on the basis of variant study with the choice of optimal solutions. If necessary, in accordance with the development task, standard design documentation is carried out in several versions, taking into account the zonal conditions of construction, various design solutions. Development of standard projects for objects that have important national economic value, as well as standard design documentation for individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions, can be performed in several versions on a competitive basis. Permission for this is given by the USSR State Construction Committee or in the manner prescribed by it.1.7. Typical design documentation submitted for examination and approval must be completed without excessive detail, in a minimum volume and composition sufficient to justify the decisions made, determine the scope of work, estimated cost, the need for equipment, structures and materials, and be developed in accordance with the requirements of section 3 of this Instruction.1.8. In cases where inventions are used in standard project documentation, the explanatory note to the relevant section of the project must indicate the numbers of copyright certificates or applications for the inventions used, for which a decision was made to issue copyright certificates. 1.9. Design work should be carried out, as a rule, using modern economic and mathematical methods, computer and organizational equipment, as well as other progressive methods and technical means for developing, reproducing, storing and searching for design materials that help to reduce the duration of design and reduce the cost of performing work. , increasing the productivity of employees of design organizations and the quality of design estimates. 1.10. The customer of standard design documentation is the ministry (department) indicated in the annual plan for standard design. 1.11. When developing standard design documentation by several organizations, the customer establishes a lead design organization and co-executors - specialized organizations that perform the relevant sections (parts of sections) of the project documentation. The functions of the lead design organization for the development of standard designs (standard design solutions) of production facilities are assigned to the design organization developing technological solutions, and housing facilities - performing the main volume design work for this object; for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies - to an organization that has the most experience in designing such structures. Leading design organizations and their co-executors are indicated in the standard design plan. 1.12. The lead design organization coordinates the work of the executing organizations, submits standard project documentation for examination and approval, and submits it to the standard design documentation fund* for publication and distribution. 1.13. The leading design organization for each projected enterprise, building and structure appoints the chief engineer or chief architect of the project. ________________ *) The fund of standard design documentation is hereinafter referred to as the “fund”. the chief architect of this section (part of the section) of the project. The chief engineer (chief architect) of the project is responsible, performs duties and has the rights provided for by the Regulations on the chief engineer, chief architect of the project, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee. 1.14. The customer of standard design documentation, the director and chief engineer, chief engineer and chief architect of the project of the leading design organization and implementing organizations throughout the entire period of design and validity of this documentation are responsible for its quality, timely development and completeness of the documentation being performed, as well as for entering into standard design documentation for changes recommended in the expert opinions, and timely processing in the prescribed manner of outdated standard design documentation. The customer of standard design documentation is responsible for timely preparation, approval and transfer design organization assignments for the development of standard project documentation, the progressiveness and validity of the technical and economic indicators established in the assignment, as well as the timely approval of this documentation. The design organization is responsible for the economy, reliability, safety, durability of the designed facilities, the completeness and effectiveness of the measures for environmental protection the natural environment and health of workers, for compliance with the requirements of this Instruction and other regulatory documents on design during the development and application of standard design documentation. equipment and materials. Responsibility for the quality and unity of the presentation and execution of standard design documentation as a whole, in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction, lies with traveling design organization. The project implementing organization is responsible for the quality of the materials developed by it.

2. Task for the development of a typical

project documentation

2.1. The task for the development of standard design documentation is drawn up by the customer with the involvement of the leading design organization and, if necessary, other co-executors - research, design and design organizations. 2.2. The task for the development of standard design documentation should establish requirements for the introduction of new technology and best practices, a reduction in material consumption and labor intensity of construction, and an increase in labor productivity; on the economical use of raw materials, material and energy resources, the disposal of production waste and secondary energy resources, and the main technical economic indicators projected enterprise, buildings and structures. General requirements to the content of the task for the development of standard design documentation are given in appendices 1, 2 and 3 to this Instruction. 2.3. In the assignment for the development of standard projects (standard design solutions), information on the conditions of construction (climatic effects, soil conditions, etc.) should be provided. construction, are accepted: the estimated winter temperature of the outside air is minus 30 degrees C, the high-speed wind pressure - for 1 geographical region, the weight of the snow cover - for 3 geographical regions; the relief of the territory is calm, there are no groundwaters, the soils are not heaving, non-subsidence with the following standard characteristics: standard angle of internal friction = 0.49 rad or 28 degrees; normative specific adhesion C = 2 kPa (0.02 kgf / sq. cm); modulus of deformation of non-rocky soils E = 14.7 mPa (150 kgf/; soil density = 1.8 t / m3; ground safety factor K= 1.2.4. The assignment for the development of standard design documentation, if necessary, establishes the requirements for the development of options specified in clause 1.6 of this Instruction.2.5. The task for the development of standard design documentation is approved by the authority established for the approval of this documentation in clause 4.3 of this Instruction.

3. Composition and procedure for the development of standard design documentation

3.1. The requirements for typical project documentation established by this section provide for the maximum amount and composition of the data provided, which can be clarified and reduced by ministries and departments, depending on the characteristics of the objects being designed, so that the amount of documentation submitted for examination and approval meets the requirements of paragraph 1.7 of this Instruction .The composition of the documentation submitted for examination and approval should not include calculations of building structures, equipment, volumes of construction and installation works, the need for material and other resources. These calculations are not transferred to the customer, but are stored in the design organization that performed them in accordance with GOST 21.203-78.3.2. The materials of the project, working draft, technical solution should characterize and justify the design decisions made taking into account the results of variant studies, and the indicators and final data calculated and justified should be drawn up, as a rule, in the form of tables.


3.3. A typical design and standard design solutions should consist of the following sections that characterize and justify the main design solutions: *a) general explanatory note , containing the initial data for the design; data on the scope of standard projects (standard design solutions); a brief description of the object; data on the design capacity of the facility, range, quality and technical level of products; information about the need for fuel, water, heat and electricity, workforce; assessment of the progressiveness and cost-effectiveness of the main design solutions; data on the composition of the enterprise, facilities, information on the volume of basic work; the results of the economic calculations performed and the assessment of the established projects of technical and economic indicators, as well as the results of comparing these indicators with those of the best domestic and foreign objects; data on the economics of production and the use of scientific and technological achievements in the project; information on the approvals of the decisions taken and compliance with the requirements of norms, rules, instructions and state standards, including explosion and fire safety standards; information about the main decisions of the master plan scheme, on-site transport, engineering networks and communications; civil defense activities; recommendations on the rational organization of construction, the planned validity period of standard design documentation ________________ *) The composition of standard design solutions is specified by the assignment for their development. The explanatory note should also contain information about the main decisions aimed at the integrated and rational use of minerals, production waste, secondary energy resources, as well as the rational and economical use of labor, material and energy resources ; indicators of specific costs for the production of a unit of output, per unit of generated capacity and 1 mil. rub. construction and installation works and the results of their comparison with the indicators of the best domestic and foreign objects, as well as with the indicators established in the assignment for the development of standard project documentation. The explanatory note contains general information on envisaged measures for the protection of the environment, information on the amount and composition of wastewater and emissions into the atmosphere, as well as waste not recycled in production, calculated data characterizing the effectiveness of planned measures and designed facilities. The main drawing attached to the explanatory note is a diagram master plan with the optimal location of buildings and structures, as well as on-site roads, communication routes, landscaping and landscaping facilities; b) technological solutions , containing: a production calculation program for the production of products (provision of services), a brief description and justification of decisions on production technology, labor intensity and machine-tool intensity of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation of technological processes and production management, the results of their comparison with advanced technical solutions of domestic and foreign practice; proposals for the organization of product quality control; the composition and assessment of the progressiveness of the selected equipment, indicators of its load; characteristics of shop and intershop communications; justification of the number of production personnel (the indicated information is given for the enterprise as a whole and for each production or workshop); fundamental decisions on the scientific organization of labor*; solutions for heat supply, power supply and electrical equipment, for the operation of electrical installations; for the automation of technological processes**, and in cases where the assignment for the development of standard design documentation provides for the use of new technological processes, units and industries equipped with automated control systems based on modern computer technology (ATC), the main technical solutions for automated process control systems** *, fundamental solutions for automated enterprise management systems (ACS) ****; measures for the protection of the natural environment; fuel, energy and material balances of technological processes, taking into account all solid, liquid and gaseous production wastes and decisions on the maximum use of each of these wastes; and All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on December 29, 1977 **) Developed in accordance with the guidelines for the design of process automation systems approved by the Ministry of Instrumentation on May 22, 1975 ***) Developed in accordance with the Industry-wide guidelines for the creation of automated process control systems in industries (ORMM APCS), approved on January 19, 1981 ****) Developed in accordance with the Industry-wide guidelines for the creation of automated control systems, approved by the State Committee for Science and Technology on July 18, 1977, the main drawings are schematic diagrams of the technological process ov and mechanization of production; technological layouts by buildings (workshops) indicating the placement of large equipment and Vehicle; cargo traffic schemes; functional structure diagram; organizational chart; block diagram of a complex of technical means; schemes of automation of technological processes; schematic diagrams of power supply and heat supply (on-site); schemes for organization of communication and signaling (on-site); c) building solutions containing: a brief description and justification of the main architectural and construction solutions for buildings and structures with an assessment of the progressiveness of these solutions; substantiation of fundamental decisions on the illumination of workplaces, reduction of industrial noise and vibration, household, sanitary services for workers, measures for electrical, explosion and fire safety, protection of building structures from corrosion; basic solutions for water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning; decisions on civil defense facilities (issued in the prescribed manner); basic provisions for the organization of construction; basic drawings - plans and sections of buildings and structures with a schematic representation of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures, building facades; draft solutions for anti-corrosion protection of building structures. Note. For industrial buildings with complex heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is allowed to develop plans and sections of these buildings depicting these systems, as well as plans and sections of the main water supply and sewerage structures and draft solutions for the anti-corrosion protection of networks and structures. In cases where this is provided for in task for the development of standard design documentation, architectural and spatial solutions (model) or other demonstration materials are submitted; d) estimate documentation- is developed in the composition and volume established by clause 3.8 of these Instructions; e) project passport- a catalog sheet developed at the design stage (except for residential and civil facilities), drawn up in accordance with the established form. The project (in its relevant sections) should contain: with GOST 15.001-73. An approximate composition of a standard project (standard design solution) for a residential building, public building, structure is given in Appendix 4 to this instruction.

working documentation

3.4. The composition of standard projects, standard design solutions should include: an explanatory note, working drawings, equipment specifications, statements of material requirements, statements of volumes of construction and installation works, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of state standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS); calculations of indicators of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works, labor costs and consumption of basic building materials when applying the achievements of science, technology and best practices in projects, performed in compliance with the requirements of the relevant instructions; estimates compiled in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3.8 of this Instruction; catalog sheet drawn up in accordance with the established form. When developing working documentation, the design organization must carry out the necessary revision and specification of the fundamental technological, architectural, construction and other decisions made in the approved project.

working draft

3.5. A typical design and standard design solutions should consist of a general explanatory note containing brief information about the decisions made (in relation to the requirements of clause 3.3. of these Instructions) and working documentation (performed in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.4. of these Instructions)

Technical solutions

3.6. Technical solutions for typical building structures, products and assemblies should include: a) explanatory note containing the initial data for design, brief information about the experience in designing, manufacturing and using similar structures, products and assemblies; design schemes, values ​​and combinations of design loads and their justification; a brief description and indicators of options for design solutions and justification of the adopted option; nomenclature of structures and products (indicating the main dimensions, mass, consumption of materials) and scope; a brief description of the methods of manufacturing, storage, transportation and installation of structures and products, protecting them and assemblies from corrosion, ensuring fire resistance; the main technical and economic indicators (including the labor intensity of manufacturing and installation) in comparison with the indicators of analogues; b) main drawings- layout diagrams and drawings of general views of structures, products, assemblies, their main components, interface nodes, as well as other drawings, except for assembly, necessary for evaluating design solutions. Technical solutions, after their approval by the customer, are the basis for the development of working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies.

Working drawings

3.7. The composition of the working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, their acquisition and design must comply with the requirements of state standards. Simultaneously with the development of working drawings of building structures and products intended for mass production, technical specifications and maps of the technical level and quality of these products are drawn up in accordance with GOST 2.114 -70 and GOST 2.116-71.

Estimated documentation

3.8. Estimated documentation developed as part of standard designs and standard design solutions designed to: determine and evaluate the technical and economic indicators of designed enterprises, buildings and structures; estimated standards; determination of the estimated cost of construction and commercial construction products when linking a typical project to local conditions in the absence of aggregated estimated standards intended for these purposes. these goals to consolidated prices, and in their absence - at unit prices and price tags for the installation of equipment; when developing a project - according to price lists for similar objects, consolidated estimated norms, consolidated prices, consolidated indicators of construction costs (UPSS) and cost indicators of analogous objects with accrual to the cost determined in the estimates, 5% for unaccounted work. The estimated cost of buildings and structures approved at the project stage is the limit when developing working documentation. When developing standard projects, the following estimate documentation is compiled: project (with two-stage design) - object and local cost estimates; b) as part of the working draft (with one-stage design) - object and local estimates; c) as part of the working documentation - object and local estimates. Note. If the standard project of the enterprise provides for several buildings and structures and there are decisions on the general plan, engineering networks and landscaping, then a consolidated estimate calculation (form 1, Appendix 5) should also be developed as part of the project and the detailed design. In addition, simultaneously with object and local estimates (forms 3-6, applications 6-10), as part of the working documentation (working draft), the following are also developed: additional unit prices and standard cost estimates for new industrial products; local statements of the need for production resources (form 10, appendix 11). The estimate documentation should contain an explanatory note with data on the main provisions adopted in its preparation, options for technical solutions and types of finishes, as well as information that facilitates the development of price lists, enlarged estimate norms and link estimates to local conditions The estimated cost of enterprises, buildings and structures in standard projects developed for specific areas (zones) of construction is accepted: in the project and working draft - in basic and local prices; in working documentation - in local prices. In cases where the assignment for the development of standard design documentation, a specific construction area is not indicated, the estimated cost is determined only in basic prices. The prices of the 1st territorial region (sub-district 1A) are accepted as the basic ones. Notes: 1. For standard projects developed for use in the regions of the Far North, cost estimates are compiled at prices established for the Tiksi Bay area.2. For a series of standard projects intended for use in a particular city or district that have the same design space-planning solutions, estimate documentation at base prices should be developed only for representative objects. When drawing up estimates for standard projects at base prices estimated prices for local materials are accepted for the second zone of the Moscow Region according to the Price List for local materials and products for construction organizations subordinate to the Moscow Regional Executive Committee. Distances for transportation of equipment are accepted: on trackless roads - for 15 km; by rail - for 500 km; Overhead costs are taken into account as a percentage of direct costs: - for general construction work - 16.5; - 13.5; - for internal sanitary works - 14.9; - for the installation of metal structures - 8.3; - for mining and capital underground works - 26.8; - for installation work - in the sizes included in the price tags on installation of equipment - planned savings (from direct costs and overhead costs - 6.0. Note. The amount of overhead costs for general construction work is assumed conditionally and is subject to clarification when linking standard projects to local conditions. Estimates for standard projects should be compiled separately for the following types of work and costs: for general construction, sanitary, electrical work, purchase and installation of equipment, purchase of production and economic inventory and furniture. The structure and distribution of certain types of work according to estimates, as well as to individual sections of estimates compiled according to working drawings, must meet the requirements of the specialization of construction production and provide the ability to determine the estimated cost of commercial construction products when linking a standard project to construction conditions. If a standard project contains various options design solutions and types of finishes, composition, scope and cost of work, as well as codes and numbers of estimated norms and unit rates , used for these options, are given in estimates compiled according to working drawings. Estimated documentation for standard design solutions is drawn up in the amount provided for by the assignment for their development. Estimated documentation is not prepared for drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies. 3.9. The standard design documentation may include computer software and the initial data necessary for them on paper and machine media, which provide or greatly facilitate the possibility of using automation tools for design work when linking and adjusting standard design documentation. 3.10. The materials of the project (working draft) and working documentation must be signed: the title page of the general explanatory note (explanatory note), as well as all albums and releases - by the director or chief engineer (architect) of the institute, the chief engineer (architect) of the project, and the scheme of the general plan in addition, by the head of the department and the executor; other materials - by the chief engineer (architect) of the project, the head of the department, the normative controller and the executor; cost estimate documentation - by the officials indicated in the forms of these documents given in appendices 5-11 to this Instruction. Technical solutions and working drawings must be signed: the title page of each album - by directors or chief engineers (architects), chief and engineers (architects) of the project of the leading design organization and design organizations - co-executors; by the director or his deputy, the head of the laboratories of the research institute participating in the development; other materials - by the chief engineer (architect) of the project, the head of the department and the executors. Technical solutions are presented to the customer with a cover letter signed by the head of the leading design organization. 3.11. The inclusion of standard projects and standard design solutions in the fund, with the assignment of a designation according to the rubricator of the Construction Catalog (SC), is carried out by the Central Institute for Standard Design of the Gosstroy of the USSR (CITP), to which the leading design organizations transfer the originals of this documentation. After the inclusion of standard projects (standard design solutions) to the fund, CITP informs about their implementation in the releases of the Information on the standard design documentation SK*.3.12. Working drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies are submitted by the leading design organization for consideration and approval to the approving authority. The designations of this documentation under the category SK are assigned by the CITP at the direction of the approving authority before its approval. Based on the results of the examination, the approving authority determines the need to make changes and additions to the working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, the procedure and deadline for their introduction, and, if necessary, determines the volume the means required for this. The working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies prepared for approval are transferred to the CITP in the original and in copies along with the original catalog sheet to verify their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and state standards within the time period established by the approving authority. The documentation is approved after its correction according to the comments of the CITP. Drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, after their approval, are included in the fund and information on their commissioning is published in the Information of the UK.

4. Coordination, examination and approval of standard design documentation

4.1. Typical projects (standard design solutions) developed in accordance with the norms, rules, instructions and state standards (which must be certified by the relevant record of the chief engineer of the project) are not subject to approval by the state supervision authorities. is referred to as “Information of the UK”. Working drawings developed as part of the working documentation in accordance with the approved project are not subject to approval. organizations that approved these normative documents. Coordination of standard projects and standard design solutions by state supervision bodies and interested organizations should be carried out in one of their instances within 15, and in some cases up to 30 days, from the date of submission for approval. 4.2. Standard design documentation is subject to approval after its examination, carried out by the approving authority in the manner established by the USSR State Construction Committee. Standard projects and standard design solutions are approved at the “project” stage (working design) and drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies - at the “working drawings” stage ”.4.3. Standard design documentation is approved: a) standard designs of enterprises, buildings, structures of major national economic importance, as well as drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies of all-Union use - Gosstroy of the USSR: b) standard designs (except for those specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph ), standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies for specialized types of construction - by ministries (departments) - by customers; or state constructions of the Union republics. Instances approving standard design documentation are indicated in the annual plans for standard design. 4.4. Standard project documentation is approved by a resolution, order, protocol of the ministry (department), which indicates the data given in Appendix 12.

5. Publication and distribution of standard design documentation, revision and cancellation of outdated standard design documentation

5.1. Standard design documentation accepted for the fund is published and distributed by CITP. It is allowed, in agreement with the Gosstroy of the USSR, to publish and distribute standard design documentation by design organizations that are the authors of this documentation. CITP and design organizations that distribute standard project documentation are responsible for the quality and timing of its publication and distribution.5.2. Publication and distribution of standard project documentation is carried out according to preliminary requests and current orders of organizations. The term for the execution of orders for standard design documentation, information about which is published in the Information of the UK, should not exceed three months from the date of receipt of orders. 5.3. Design organizations should systematically review the standard design documentation developed by them, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the requirements of regulatory documents for capital construction and ensuring the improvement of production technology, space-planning and design solutions.5.4. Cancellation of outdated standard project documentation, as well as the extension of its validity period, is carried out by the authorities that approved this documentation. Copies of documents on the cancellation or extension of the validity period of standard project documentation are sent to the CITP for publication of the decisions made in the Information of the UK.

6. Application of standard design documentation

6.1. The applied standard designs (standard design solutions) of enterprises, buildings, structures must be tied to a specific construction site, taking into account the characteristics of this site and the construction area. The standard projects (standard design solutions) are linked when developing working documentation for construction. As part of the construction project, catalog sheets of standard projects selected for use (standard design solutions) are provided .6.2. When linking standard projects (standard design solutions), design organizations must: determine the coordinates and marks of parts of buildings and structures; specify the dimensions, depth of laying and design solutions for foundations, develop additional structural measures necessary for hydrogeological conditions construction site ;clarify solutions for basement or basement floors of buildings, as well as junction points of tunnels, galleries and other similar structures, depending on the relief of the construction site; develop junction points for internal networks of water supply, sewerage, heating, power supply and communications, as well as transport devices and communications - to external; based on the climatic conditions of the construction area, check the compliance of the resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures with regulatory requirements and, if necessary, clarify the decisions made on enclosing and load-bearing building structures, as well as the number and type of heating devices and ventilation devices; clarify the scope of work and determine the estimated cost of construction, taking into account local conditions and prices.6.3. Design organizations, in addition to performing work on binding, must make the necessary changes to standard designs (standard design solutions) in cases where the equipment, structures and products provided for in them are discontinued, as well as the provisions and requirements of regulatory documents are changed. Allowed with the permission of the Ministry (departments) - the developer, and for agricultural facilities - the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, to make changes to the associated standard projects (standard design solutions) related to the use of more advanced technological processes, high-performance equipment and means of mechanization and automation, improvement of planning and design solutions ( using standard building structures and products included in territorial catalogs, as well as departmental catalogs for specialized types of construction), blocking production, using industrial construction methods, providing reducing the cost and improving the technical and economic indicators of construction projects. It is not allowed to make changes to standard projects that require their processing. In these cases, in accordance with the established procedure, individual projects are developed.6.4. In the reference materials of a standard project (standard design solution), design organizations must provide justifications for the changes being made, as well as data on the results of a comparison of the technical and economic indicators of the applied and corrected standard project (standard design solution). Information on the binding of standard projects (standard design solutions) is provided TsITPu in accordance with GOST 21.202-78.6.5. Design organizations are responsible for the correct choice of a standard project (standard design solution) for binding, the quality of documentation made using standard projects (standard design solutions), its compliance with the modern level of science and technology, the requirements of norms and rules of construction and process design, standards, safety regulations and explosion and fire safety.6.6. In the working drawings for the construction of buildings and structures, references should be made to the applied standard building structures, products and assemblies, indicating the designation of the corresponding working drawings of products, assemblies. 6.7. Binding of standard projects (standard design solutions) after six months from the date of publication of information about their cancellation in the Information of the UK is not allowed. a binding of a new valid standard project (standard design solution) introduced to replace the canceled one was carried out.

Appendix 1

General requirements

The task for the development of a standard project (standard design solution) must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data: 1. Full name of the standard project (standard design solution).2. Basis for development.3. Name of the leading design organization and design organizations involved in the development; distribution of work between them.4. Stages of development. 5. Deadline for submission for approval and name of the approving authority. 6. The purpose of the object, its composition and main characteristics: capacity, capacity, throughput or other indicators, range and volume of production (including those produced by assimilation), requirements for its quality.7. Requirements for technology and methods of organization of production.8. Characteristics of raw materials and fuels.9. Requirements for the mechanization and automation of production processes and the reduction of manual labor costs.10. Requirements for the treatment of industrial effluents, neutralization and disposal of production waste, the use of secondary energy resources, requirements for the protection of the natural environment.11. Construction and operation conditions (including climatic and soil conditions, special requirements for temperature and humidity conditions and indoor air cleanliness, sound pressure level, etc.).12. Conditions of energy supply, gas supply, heat supply (type, parameters and cost of the heat carrier), water supply, sewerage.13. Assignment for the use of scientific and technological achievements in the field of technology, equipment, building structures and materials.14. Assignment for the main technical and economic indicators of the projected enterprise, building and structure.15. Requirements for architectural, artistic, space-planning solutions, blocking conditions (for the corresponding types of buildings, structures, enterprises). Instructions for the unification of parameters, structures and products. Requirements for a constructive solution, the maximum mass of elements of prefabricated structures, for materials of load-bearing and enclosing structures, for finishing.16. Conditions for determining the estimated cost.17. Requirements for the development of variants of a standard project (standard design solution) or its sections, as well as individual solutions on a competitive basis.18. Instructions on the need for preliminary approval of individual design decisions with interested departments and organizations.19. The composition of additional initial data issued by the customer to the lead design organization and the lead design organization - co-executors. 20. Special development conditions, including requirements for civil defense measures.

Annex 2

General requirements

The task for the development of a standard project must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data: 1. Full name of the standard project (standard design solution).2. Basis for development.3. Name of the design organization.4. Development stages.5. Scope of standard project documentation indicating construction and climatic regions and data of a conditional construction region, in relation to which it should be developed standard documentation.6. Urban planning purpose of a building, structure. Types of residential buildings (number of floors, number of block sections, etc.), purpose and types of public service enterprises built into residential buildings, their estimated cost, capacity, throughput. Purpose and types of public buildings, their estimated cost , capacity or throughput, composition and area of ​​premises, working area and construction volume of buildings.7. Basic requirements for the architectural and planning solution of the building, structure and blocking conditions.8. Recommended types of apartments and their ratio in accordance with the demographic composition of the population, the construction area.9. Basic requirements: for a constructive solution and materials for load-bearing and enclosing structures, for finishing buildings and structures; to engineering and technological equipment.10. Guidelines for determining the estimated cost of construction and analysis of technical and economic indicators of the project.11. Instructions on the need: development of options for design solutions; coordination of design solutions with interested departments and organizations (for public buildings); implementation of additional documentation (demonstration materials) as part of the project (working draft) .12. Requirements for civil defense measures. Note. Clauses 7 and 9 should specify the requirements for the use of scientific and technological achievements.

Appendix 3

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and components of buildings and structures

The task for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data: 1. Full name of the developed drawings.2. Basis for development.3. Name of the leading design organization and design, research and other organizations involved in the development; distribution of work between them.4. Development stages.5. Deadline for submission for approval or approval; name of the approving (approving) authority.6. Appointment and scope of building structures, products, units.7. Basic parameters and characteristics of building structures, products, units.8. Instructions for calculation and design.9. Requirements for the unification and standardization of the parameters of elements of building structures and products.10. Conditions for the manufacture of building structures, products.11. Conditions of transportation, storage and installation of building structures, products.12. Operating conditions of building structures, products and units.13. Requirements for technical and economic indicators and a list of analogues for comparison.14. Agreement conditions. Indication of the need to coordinate drawings with organizations.15. Task on the use of scientific and technological achievements.

Appendix 4

Approximate composition of a typical project (standard design solution) of a residential building, public building or structure:

I. Stage - project1. General explanatory note containing: scope with the conditions for which standard documentation is being developed; information about architectural, planning and design solutions, solutions for engineering and technological equipment, building decoration; instructions for technical operation(for residential buildings) ; technical and economic indicators and other information.2. Main drawings: scheme of the general plan of the site (M 1:500, 1:1000); facades, block-section plans with examples of furniture arrangement for residential buildings (M 1:50, 1:100), floor plans (M 1:100, 1:200), cuts in characteristic places.3. Estimated documentation.4. Additional documentation: demonstration material (the need for development is established by the development task).II. Stage - working draft1. General explanatory note containing: scope with the conditions for which standard documentation is being developed; information about architectural, planning and design solutions; solutions for engineering and technological equipment, building finishing; instructions on measures for technical operation (for residential buildings); technical and economic indicators and other information.2. Drawings: scheme of the general plan of the site (M 1:500, 1:1000), facades, section plans with examples of furniture arrangement for residential buildings (M 1:500, 1:100), floor plans (M 1:100, 1:200 ), cuts in characteristic places.3. Estimated documentation.4. Additional documentation; demonstration material (the need for development, volume and form is established by the task for development). The above design estimates are submitted for examination and approval.5. Scheme of the master plan with the drawing of objects of improvement and gardening of the site.6. The main sets of working documentation for a building or structure: architectural and construction solutions (as a rule, separately below and above the 0.000 mark), technology (for public buildings), heating and ventilation, internal water supply, sewerage and gas pipelines, electrical equipment, communication and signaling devices, automation systems engineering equipment(if necessary), etc.; working drawings of individual building products; technical documentation for operation (for residential buildings); custom specifications and questionnaires (if necessary), drawings of general views of non-standard structures and devices of engineering equipment systems of a building, structure. Note. The need to perform additional material is established by the development task.
_______________ Appendix 5 (code) Form 1 CONSOLIDATED ESTIMATE CALCULATION No. ____To the standard project _______________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) Compiled in prices of 19___

estimates and calculations


chapters, objects and costs

Estimated cost,



construction works


furniture and equipment

other expenses

unit of measurement

units of measurement



Director (or chief engineer) of the design organization ____________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Chief engineer of the project __________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Head ____________________ ___________________________ (name of department) (signature, initials, surname) Note. The consolidated cost estimate according to form 1 is compiled only as part if the standard project of the enterprise (complex) provides for several buildings and structures and there are decisions on the general plan, engineering networks and landscaping.________________________ Appendix 6 (code) Form 3 object estimate calculation) To the standard project _____________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) Estimated cost ________________________________ thousand rubles. Regulatory conditionally net production ______________________________________________ thousand rubles. Indicators according to the estimate Cost per: unit of account (capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.) ____________________ rub. 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​the building _________________ rub. 1 cubic meter of building volume ________________________ rub. Compiled in prices of 19___.

No. of estimates and

chapters, objects and

Estimated cost,



body works


furniture and inventory

no cost


operation of machines

normative condition

but pure products


units of measurement

unit cost

Director (or chief engineer) of the design organization ____________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Chief engineer of the project __________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Head ____________________ ___________________________ (department name) (signature, initials, surname) surname) Checked by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Notes: 1. Funds for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, additional costs during the performance of work in the winter and other limited costs are not included in the object estimate for a standard project. 2. If there is a consolidated cost estimate, the director (chief engineer) of the design organization does not sign the objective estimates. 3. Columns 9-11 of the object estimate are filled in when linking a typical project to local construction conditions, as well as when developing a typical project intended for use in a particular city or district. Data on columns 9-11 are not given in the object estimate calculation of the project.____________________ Appendix 7 (code) Form 4 (for drawing up estimates using a computer) LOCAL ESTIMATE No. _____ (local estimate calculation) To the standard project _________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) on _____________________________________________________________________________ (name of work and costs) Basis: drawings No. __________________ Compiled in prices of 19___. Estimated cost ________________________________ thousand rubles. Regulatory conditionally net production ______________________________________________ thousand rubles. Indicators according to the estimate Cost per: unit of account (capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.) ___________________ rub. 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​the building _________________ rub. 1 cubic meter of building volume ________________________ rub.
No. enlarged Nai- Edi- Qty Stop-

total cost, rub.

p/n these estimates meno- nitsa in food bridge all- norm-


nyh norms, ing change prostrate unity th active basic- exploitation
single works rhenium change tsy from conditional naya for- atation
nyh races and zat- rhenium measure- but-number- work- machines
nok, cipher- rat nia, toy naya including
ry norms rub. product pay zara-
SNIP and tions both
others pay
Chief Project Engineer __________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Head ____________________ ___________________________ (name of department) (signature, initials, surname) Initial data: Compiled by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Checked by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Perforation: Prepared by ________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Checked by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname)____________________ Annex 8 (code) Form 5 LOCAL ESTIMATE No. _____ (local estimate calculation) To the standard project ______________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) on _____________________________________________________________________________ (name of work and costs) Basis: line Ms No. __________________ Compiled in prices of 19___. Estimated cost ________________________________ thousand rubles. Regulatory conditionally net production ______________________________________________ thousand rubles. Indicators according to the estimate Cost per unit of account (capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.) ____________________ rub. 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​the building _________________ rub. 1 cubic meter of building volume ________________________ rub.

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.




nyh estimates

nyh norms,





SUMMARY of the volume and cost of work to the local estimate No. _______

Estimated cost, rub.

Regulatory conditional

net production


weight cost-








according to the estimate



Note: With a small number of sections and positions in the local estimate, section. 2-3, a summary of the scope and cost of work may not be compiled, with summing up all the results directly at the end of the estimate. A summary of the scope and cost of work is also not compiled at the “project” stage. Columns 7,8,10,11 and 12 of the local estimate and 10, 11,12,13 and 14 of the summary of the scope and cost of work are filled in when linking a typical project to local construction conditions, as well as when developing a typical project intended for use in a particular city or area. At the project stage, data on columns 7,8,10,11 and 12 of the local cost estimate are not provided.________________________ Appendix 9 (code) Form 6 (for compiling estimates using a computer) LOCAL ESTIMATE No. _____ (local cost estimate) To a typical project ____________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) for the purchase of ____________________________________________________________ (type of equipment and work) Basis: Specification No. __________________ Compiled in prices of 19___. Estimated cost ________________________________ thousand rubles. Including: a) equipment __________________________________ thousand rubles. b) installation works ______________________________ thousand rubles. Regulatory conditionally net production ______________________________________________ thousand rubles. Indicators according to the estimate Cost per unit of account (capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.) ____________________ rub. 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​the building _________________ rub. 1 cubic meter of building volume ________________________ rub.




total cost

installation work



per unit


nick and others.




1Total Planned accumulationsTotal (equipment and installation works) including Regulatory conditionally clean productsChief engineer of the project _____________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Head ___________________________________________ (name of department) (signature, initials, surname) initials, last name) checked by ____________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, last name) _____ (local cost estimate) To the standard project _________________________________________________________ (name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures) for the purchase of ________________________________________________ ____________ (type of equipment and works) Estimated cost ________________________________ thousand rubles. Including: a) equipment __________________________________ thousand rubles. b) installation works ______________________________ thousand rubles. Regulatory conditionally net production ______________________________________________ thousand rubles. Indicators according to the estimate Cost per unit of account (capacity, capacity, productivity, etc.) ____________________ rub. 1 sq.m of the total area of ​​the building _________________ rub. 1 cubic meter of building volume ________________________ rub.

Weight, tons

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.


installation work

installation work





Total Chief Engineer of the project __________________________________ Spare parts (signature, initials, surname) Total Head ________________________________________________ Packaging (department name) (signature, initials, surname) position, signature, initials, surname) Complete set (from the total with spare parts) Total equipment Wage deviations Materials not taken into account by price tags

Appendix 11 Form 10


requirements for production resources to a standard project

(name of the enterprise, complex or

individual buildings and structures)


R e s u r s


Civil works underground partAboveground part Labor costs, man/h Wage, rub. Construction work, rub. or machine/h Total civil works Special construction work Labor costs, man/h Wage, rub. Construction work, rub. or machine/h Plumbing Labor costs, man/h Wage, rub. Construction work, rub. or machine/h Installation work (separate installation of technological equipment, electrical, instrumentation and automation, etc.) Labor costs, man/h Wage, rub. Construction work, rub. or machine/h Other works (communications, radio, etc. Labor costs, man/h Wage, rub. Construction work, rub. or machine/h
Head ____________________ ___________________________ (name of the department) (signature, initials, surname) Compiled by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Checked by __________________________________________________ (position, signature, initials, surname) Note. In the working design and working documentation, summary bills of materials are compiled in the main sets of working drawings in accordance with GOST 21.109-80.

Appendix 12


basic data and technical and economic indicators,

included in the standard design approval document

(standard design solution) enterprises, buildings, structures

The composition of data and technical and economic indicators should include: 1. Name of the enterprise, building, structure.2. Basic technical and economic data and indicators (in comparison with analogues). Capacity (annual volume of marketable products, capacity, throughput, volume of services, etc.) in units of account and million rubles. Number of employees (for production facilities), people; including workers: Total area (working area, usable area for residential and public buildings), sq.m; building area, sq.m; construction volume of buildings, cubic meters Estimated cost (total), thousand rubles, including construction and installation works; total estimated cost per unit of account, rub. construction, people/hour per unit of account, per 1 million rubles of construction and installation works Consumption of basic building materials (cement, metal, timber): per unit of account, per 1 million rubles of construction and installation works.3. Evaluation of the quality of the project (working draft) with its justification.


1. General part2. Assignment for the development of standard project documentation3. Composition and procedure for the development of standard design documentation Project Working documentation Working draft Technical solutions Working drawings Estimated documentation4. Coordination, examination and approval of standard project documentation5. Publication and distribution of standard design documentation, revision and cancellation of outdated standard design documentation6. Application of standard project documentation ) residential building, public building, structure Appendix 3. General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and components of buildings and structures Appendix 4. Approximate composition of a typical project (standard design solution) of a residential building public buildings, structures Appendix 5. Summary estimate calculation Appendix 6. Object estimate Appendix 7. Local estimate Appendix 8. Local estimate Appendix 9. Local estimate Appendix 10. Local estimate Appendix 11. Statement of the need for production resources included in d A document on the approval of a standard design (standard design solution) of an enterprise, building, structure




1. Binding of the canceled standard project documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures can be carried out within 6 months after its cancellation.2. When binding, you should make changes related to bringing the documentation in accordance with modern requirements directive and normative documents.3. Construction according to the attached standard project documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures must be started no later than the next year after its cancellation.4. After 6 months from the date of publication in the "Information on Standard Design Documentation", the standard design documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures will be distributed (until it is replaced) with the possibility of using only as auxiliary materials for design without the right to bind. At the same time, inclusion in an individual a draft of any materials of a canceled standard project with a binding stamp and references to materials of a canceled standard project are not allowed.

It used to be that the DVR could only be used in cars. But today, many people attach such devices to their homes for security purposes.

The digital recorder should be viewed as a mechanism with limited expandability. Unlike network devices that only work when connected to other mechanisms, the instrument is not capable of recording from IP cameras.

There are several classes of data mechanisms that are designed for different purposes. That is why it is important to know which HD DVR to choose for your purposes, and what characteristics it should have.

Compression format and recording quality

The compression format in registrars of this category in most cases depends on their class. For example, the most budget options use the frame-by-frame MJPEG format. A recording made in this format is usually large in size. The archive depth will be much less, which is not very good for registrars of this class.

The most used resolution today is CIF, although since 2010 many developers have started using Econom-DVR with a resolution of 704x288. Every day the number of technical devices that support this resolution is only growing.

Often there are non-standard resolution options on the markets, but they are not in demand. An example of this would be 640x272.

The recording speed in budget options for DVRs can range from 25 to 100 fps in CIF format. If you explain in simple words, then at a shooting speed of 50 fps, with a hard disk capacity of 500 GB, the device will be able to shoot for approximately 5-7 days without interruptions and interruptions in its work.

The settings of budget DVRs are usually modest and depend on the channel. When purchasing such a gadget, you should be prepared for the fact that the video quality will not always be ideal.

Features of the recording mode on similar gadgets

The HD Portable DVR can function successfully based on 3 basic recording modes:

  • permanent recording, which is carried out around the clock;
  • scheduled recording (sets the time when the mechanism starts and stops working);
  • by motion detection (functions only when a moving object is displayed in the lens).

It is most advantageous to use an auto-registrar that works on the basis of the latter mode. It is the most economical. The amount of memory in this case is consumed slowly, and the recording is activated even when the lighting changes. Experts recommend using this digital recorder in domestic conditions.

You should not give preference to such registrars if you want to purchase a cheap option. Most often, such mechanisms cease to work for movement very soon. At the same time, devices of this category are vulnerable to external influences.

Registrars with a specific work schedule are usually used for shops, banks, offices, etc. The management of companies in this way tries to fix everything that happens, for example, in work time. Indeed, a good option for businesses that want to control everything that happens in the company. This is a tool to ensure the safety of employees and property of the organization.

Continuous recording mode is the highest quality method that will capture absolutely everything.

The only drawback of such mechanisms is that the recorder quickly consumes all the device's memory.

Often found, which is triggered by the slightest rustle. But such models have a lot of shortcomings, so they were valued on the market for such goods at least 10 years ago.

Additional important features

Car DVR DVR-227 instructions for use indicate that the basic functions are not always enough to get the desired result. In this case, additional functions help.

One of these features is the presence or absence of an audio channel. If the device has at least 1 connected channel, then the camera will be able to voice the picture. This is very important if the image needs to be used in a court proceeding. This function is available, for example, in the DVR-H198.

Another additional useful feature is the presence of so-called alarm inputs. If the device has such a function, then the sensors will be triggered by the opening of the door, the occurrence of a fire, a flood, etc. Non-standard situations also activate the gadget.

Another feature in demand today is Internet support. Thanks to this feature, the owner of the registrar can view online everything that happens that the registrar records. Access to these devices can be obtained both from a PC and from a mobile phone. This function has a registrar model DVR-127.

Car DVR DVR-227

Inexpensive, but well-proven video recorder "HD DVR - 227". At first glance, the name does not say anything, but only at first glance. If you delve a little into the bowels of the Internet, you can find many identical devices sold under the brands: Atomy, Datakam, Ritmix, Subini, xDevice, Alpha, Intego, Mystery, Stealth with a higher price (you have to pay for the brand!)

The technical characteristics of the device are as follows:
- Camera: ¼ CMOS WXGA, IR
- Recording resolution: 640 * 480, MJPEG format
- Recording speed: up to 30 fps
- Power source: removable battery (800Mah) or Charger for car 12V/24V
— Support for SD/MMC cards from 2 to 32 GB
- Built-in microphone of excellent quality!
- Built-in 2.5 display, with the ability to rotate around its axis by 270 °
- Outputs: AV OUT / USB 2.0

Software features:
- Uninterrupted transcoding
- Loop recording (blocks of 128 megabytes)
- Manual video blocking in case of accidents (very useful feature)
- Adjustable exposure

— Power adapter from the cigarette lighter
- glass mount
— USB cable
- AV cable
- Accumulator battery
— Instruction

Materials, build quality:
The body of the DVR is made of black matte plastic. Fingerprints on it are not very noticeable. We were pleased with the build quality. Nothing wobbles or creaks. The folding display is clearly fixed in the positions given to it. Hardware buttons with a clear click. Menu in normal Russian. Instruction in Russian. The lock function allows you to save a portion of the video in an indelible folder. The thread for attaching the holder is made of metal, which is important. The holder itself is made of plastic. It is possible to adjust the position of the DVR in all planes.

Our conclusion: The video recorder showed itself well in the daytime, in the dark the quality of the video recording cannot but please! Much better than their counterparts in the price category. The high sensitivity of the microphone is useful when communicating with the police. Excellent video recorder for soy money!

Share price 1900 rubles

Video of the DVR


At night

(Gosstroy USSR)


CH 227-82

Approved by resolution
State Committee the USSR
for construction
dated May 18, 1982 No. 141.


1. General part

working documentation

working draft

Technical solutions

Working drawings

Estimated documentation

4. Coordination, examination and approval of standard design documentation

5. Publication and distribution of standard design documentation, revision and cancellation of outdated standard design documentation

Appendix 1

(standard design solution) enterprises, buildings, facilities for industrial purposes

Annex 2

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of a standard project (standard design solution) of a residential building, public building, structure

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Annex 5

Appendix 6

Appendix 7

Annex 8

Appendix 9

Annex 10

Annex 11

STATEMENT of the need for production resources to a standard project


EXAMPLE COMPOSITION of the main data and technical and economic indicators included in the document on the approval of a standard project (standard design solution) of an enterprise, building, structure

The standard design instruction establishes the procedure for the development, approval, examination, approval, publication, distribution and application of standard design documentation - standard projects, standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies for use in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction of technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of sectors of the national economy, industries and types of construction, as well as the procedure for its revision and cancellation.

1. General part

1.1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for developing approval, examination, approval, publication, distribution, application, revision and cancellation of standard design documentation (standard projects, standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies) for use in the design and construction of new, as well as expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport, communications, agriculture and water management, residential buildings and public buildings.*

Standard designs are developed in accordance with the Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures and the requirements of this Instruction.


* Standard design documentation for use in the design and construction of new, as well as expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures of industry, transport, communications, agriculture and water management, residential buildings and public buildings is hereinafter referred to as: “Typical design documentation".

1.2. Standard designs should be developed for multiple use in the construction of repetitive production and auxiliary buildings and structures, enterprises in general with a stable production technology, as well as residential buildings, public buildings and structures and agricultural facilities.

For the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures with frequently changing production technology, but having a number of repetitive construction and technological solutions, standard design solutions for construction and technological sections, block sections, blocks of aggregated equipment, production lines, etc. should be developed.

Drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies should be developed for multiple use in the design and construction of buildings and structures, as well as for mass production of structures and products.

If it is necessary to erect a number of identical industrial facilities for the construction of the first facility, an individual project is developed in accordance with the requirements established by this Instruction, which is then used for the construction of other similar facilities.

1.3. When developing standard design documentation, it is necessary to be guided by the main directions for the development of standard design for the planned and following the planned five years and ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents for design and construction approved or agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.4. The basis for the development of standard design documentation are five-year and annual plans for standard design, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.5. Development of standard projects and standard design solutions is carried out:

in one stage - a working draft with estimates - for technically simple enterprises, buildings and structures;

in two stages - a project with cost estimates and working documentation with estimates - for technically complex enterprises, buildings and structures.

Development of drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies is carried out:

in one stage - working drawings - when the nomenclature and scope are determined and variant study of these structures, products and assemblies is not required;

in two stages - technical solutions and working drawings - if it is necessary to determine the nomenclature and area of ​​​​rational application, as well as variant study (for fundamentally new design solutions).

The stages of development of standard design documentation are indicated in the annual plans for standard design.

1.6. The development of standard design documentation should be carried out on the basis of variant study with the choice of optimal solutions.

In necessary cases, in accordance with the development task, standard design documentation is carried out in several versions, taking into account the zonal conditions of construction, various constructive solutions.

The development of standard designs for objects of great national economic importance, as well as standard design documentation for individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions, can be carried out in several versions on a competitive basis. Permission for this is given by the Gosstroy of the USSR or in the manner prescribed by it.

1.7. Typical design documentation submitted for examination and approval must be completed without excessive detail, in a minimum volume and composition sufficient to justify the decisions made, determine the scope of work, estimated cost, the need for equipment, structures and materials, and be developed in accordance with the requirements of section 3 of this Instruction.

1.8. In cases where inventions are used in standard project documentation, the explanatory note to the relevant section of the project must indicate the numbers of copyright certificates or applications for the inventions used, for which a decision was made to issue copyright certificates.

1.9. Design work should be carried out, as a rule, using modern economic and mathematical methods, computer and organizational equipment, as well as other progressive methods and technical means for developing, reproducing, storing and searching for design materials that help to reduce the duration of design and reduce the cost of performing work. , increasing the productivity of employees of design organizations and the quality of design estimates.

1.10. The customer of standard design documentation is the ministry (department) indicated in the annual plan for standard design.

1.11. When developing standard design documentation by several organizations, the customer establishes a lead design organization and co-executors - specialized organizations that carry out the relevant sections (parts of sections) of the project documentation.

The functions of the leading design organization for the development of standard designs (standard design solutions) for industrial facilities are assigned to the design organization that develops technological solutions, and for housing and utility facilities, which performs the bulk of design work on this facility; for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies for an organization that has the most experience in designing such structures.

Leading design organizations and their co-executors are indicated in the standard design plan.

1.12. The lead design organization coordinates the work of the executing organizations, submits standard design documentation for examination and approval, and submits it to the standard design documentation fund* for publication and distribution.


* The standard design documentation fund is hereinafter referred to as the “fund”.

1.13. The leading design organization for each designed enterprise, building and structure appoints a chief engineer or chief architect of the project.

A specialized design organization that performs a separate section (part of a section) of the project appoints a chief engineer or chief architect of this section (part of a section) of the project.

The chief engineer (chief architect) of the project is responsible, performs duties and has the rights provided for by the Regulations on the chief engineer, chief architect of the project, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

1.14. The customer of standard design documentation, the director and chief engineer, chief engineer and chief architect of the project of the leading design organization and implementing organizations throughout the entire period of design and validity of this documentation are responsible for its quality, timely development and completeness of the documentation being performed, as well as for entering into standard design documentation for changes recommended in the expert opinions, and timely processing in the prescribed manner of outdated standard design documentation.

The customer of standard design documentation is responsible for the timely preparation, approval and transfer of the assignment to the design organization for the development of standard design documentation, the progressiveness and validity of the technical and economic indicators established in the assignment, as well as the timely approval of this documentation.

The design organization is responsible for the cost-effectiveness, reliability, safety, durability of the designed facilities, the completeness and effectiveness of the measures provided for in the projects for the protection of the environment and the health of workers, for compliance with the requirements of this Instruction and other regulatory design documents during the development and application of standard design documentation.

The research organization is responsible for the conformity of the initial design data issued by it with the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the field of new technological processes, equipment and materials.

Responsibility for the quality and uniformity of the presentation and execution of standard design documentation as a whole, in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction, lies with the lead design organization. The project implementing organization is responsible for the quality of the materials developed by it.

2. Assignment for the development of standard design documentation

2.1. The task for the development of standard design documentation is drawn up by the customer with the involvement of the leading design organization and, if necessary, other co-executors - research, design and design organizations.

2.2. The task for the development of standard design documentation should establish requirements for the introduction of new technology and best practices, a reduction in material consumption and labor intensity of construction, and an increase in labor productivity; on the economical use of raw materials, material and energy resources, the disposal of production waste and secondary energy resources, and the main technical and economic indicators of the designed enterprise, building and structure should also be established.

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of standard design documentation are given in Appendixes 1, 2 and 3 to this Instruction.

2.3. The task for the development of standard projects (standard design solutions) should provide information on the conditions of construction (climatic effects, soil conditions, etc.)

In cases where it is not possible to indicate in the assignment for the development of standard design documentation the conditions corresponding to a specific area (zone) of construction, the following are accepted:

the estimated winter temperature of the outside air is minus 30ºС, the speed of the wind - for the I geographical region, the weight of the snow cover - for the III geographical region; the relief of the territory is calm, there are no groundwaters, the soils are not heaving, non-subsidence with the following standard characteristics: standard angle of internal friction = 0.49 rad or 28º; normative specific cohesion With n = 2 kPA (0.02 kgf / cm 2); soft soil deformation modulus E\u003d 14.7 mPa (150 kgf / cm 2); soil density = 1.8 t/m3; ground safety factor To G = 1 .

2.4. The task for the development of standard design documentation, if necessary, establishes the requirements for the development of options specified in clause 1.6 of this Instruction.

2.5. The task for the development of standard design documentation is approved by the authority established for the approval of this documentation in clause 4.3 of this Instruction.

3. Composition and procedure for the development of standard design documentation

3.1. The requirements for typical project documentation established by this section provide for the maximum amount and composition of the data provided, which can be clarified and reduced by ministries and departments, depending on the characteristics of the objects being designed, so that the amount of documentation submitted for examination and approval meets the requirements of paragraph 1.7 of this Instruction .

The composition of the documentation submitted for examination and approval should not include calculations of building structures, equipment, volumes of construction and installation works, the need for material and other resources. These calculations are not transferred to the customer, but are stored in the design organization that performed them in accordance with GOST 21.203-78.

3.2. The materials of the project, working draft, technical solution should characterize and justify the design decisions made taking into account the results of variant studies, and the indicators and final data calculated and justified should be drawn up, as a rule, in the form of tables.

3.3. A typical design and standard design solutions should consist of the following sections that characterize and justify the main design solutions: *


* The composition of standard design solutions is specified by the task for their development

a) general explanatory note, containing the initial data for the design; data on the scope of standard projects (standard design solutions); a brief description of the object; data on the design capacity of the facility, range, quality and technical level of products; information about the need for fuel, water, heat and electricity, labor resources; assessment of the progressiveness and cost-effectiveness of the main design solutions; data on the composition of the enterprise, facilities, information on the volume of basic work; the results of the economic calculations performed and the assessment of the established projects of technical and economic indicators, as well as the results of comparing these indicators with those of the best domestic and foreign objects; data on the economics of production and the use of scientific and technological achievements in the project; information on the approvals of the decisions taken and compliance with the requirements of norms, rules, instructions and state standards, including explosion and fire safety standards; information about the main decisions of the master plan scheme, on-site transport, engineering networks and communications; civil defense activities; recommendations for the rational organization of construction, the planned duration of the standard design documentation.

The explanatory note should also contain information about the main decisions aimed at the integrated and rational use of minerals, production waste, secondary energy resources, as well as the rational and economical use of labor, material and energy resources; indicators of specific costs for the production of a unit of output, per unit of generated capacity and 1 million rubles. construction and installation works and the results of their comparison with the indicators of the best domestic and foreign facilities, as well as with the indicators established in the assignment for the development of standard design documentation.

The explanatory note contains general information about the envisaged measures for the protection of the environment, information about the amount and composition of wastewater and emissions into the atmosphere, as well as waste not recycled in production, calculated data characterizing the effectiveness of planned measures and designed facilities.

The main drawing attached to the explanatory note is a master plan diagram with the optimal location of buildings and structures, as well as on-site roads, communication routes, landscaping and landscaping facilities;

b) technological solutions containing:

a production calculation program for the production of products (provision of services), a brief description and justification of decisions on production technology, labor intensity and machine-tool intensity of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation of technological processes and production management, the results of their comparison with advanced technical solutions of domestic and foreign practice; proposals for the organization of product quality control; the composition and assessment of the progressiveness of the selected equipment, indicators of its load; characteristics of shop and intershop communications; justification of the number of production personnel (the indicated information is given for the enterprise as a whole and for each production or workshop); fundamental decisions on the scientific organization of labor *; solutions for heat supply, power supply and electrical equipment, for the operation of electrical installations; for the automation of technological processes **, and in cases where the task for the development of standard design documentation provides for the use of new technological processes, units and industries equipped with automated control systems based on modern computer technology (ATK), the main technical solutions for automated process control systems ** *, fundamental solutions for automated enterprise management systems (ACS) ****; measures for the protection of the environment; fuel and energy and material balances of technological processes, taking into account all solid, liquid and gaseous production wastes and decisions on the maximum use of each of these wastes;


* Developed in accordance with the Intersectoral requirements of the NOT in the design, approved by the USSR State Committee for Labor, the State Committee for Science and Technology, the USSR State Construction Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on December 29, 1977.

** Developed in accordance with the guidelines for the design of process automation systems approved by the Ministry of Instrumentation on May 22, 1975.

*** Developed in accordance with the Industry-Wide Guiding Methodological Materials for the Creation automated systems process control in industries (ORMM APCS), approved on January 19, 1981

**** Developed in accordance with the Industry-wide guidelines for the creation of automated control systems, approved by the State Committee for Science and Technology on July 18, 1977.

main drawings - schematic diagrams of technological processes and mechanization of production; technological layouts by buildings (workshops) indicating the placement of large equipment and vehicles; cargo traffic schemes; functional structure diagram; organizational chart; block diagram of a complex of technical means; schemes of automation of technological processes; schematic diagrams of power supply and heat supply (on-site); communication and signaling organization schemes (on-site);

in) building solutions containing:

a brief description and justification of the main architectural and construction decisions for buildings and structures with an assessment of the progressiveness of these decisions; substantiation of fundamental decisions on the illumination of workplaces, reduction of industrial noise and vibration, household, sanitary services for workers, measures for electrical, explosion and fire safety, protection of building structures from corrosion; basic solutions for water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning; decisions on civil defense facilities (issued in the prescribed manner); basic provisions for the organization of construction;

main drawings - plans and sections of buildings and structures with a schematic representation of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures, building facades; draft solutions for anti-corrosion protection of building structures.

Note. For industrial buildings with complex heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is allowed to develop plans and sections of these buildings depicting these systems, as well as plans and sections of the main water supply and sewerage structures and draft solutions for corrosion protection of networks and structures.

In cases where it is provided for in the assignment for the development of standard design documentation, architectural and spatial solutions (model) or other demonstration materials are submitted;

G) estimate documentation- is developed in the composition and volume established by clause 3.8 of these Instructions;

e) project passport- a catalog sheet developed at the design stage (except for residential and civil facilities), drawn up in accordance with the established form.

The project (in its relevant sections) should contain:

initial requirements for the development of custom-made equipment, including non-standard and non-standardized equipment, developed in accordance with GOST 15.001-73.

An approximate composition of a typical project (standard design solution) of a residential building, public building, structure is given in Appendix 4 to this instruction.

working documentation

3.4. The composition of standard projects, standard design solutions should include:

explanatory note, working drawings, equipment specifications, material requirement lists, lists of construction and installation works, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of state standards of the project documentation system for construction (SPDS);

calculations of indicators of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works, labor costs and consumption of basic building materials when applying the achievements of science, technology and best practices in projects, performed in compliance with the requirements of the relevant Instructions;

estimates drawn up in the manner prescribed by clause 3.8 of these Instructions;

catalog sheet, drawn up in the prescribed form.

When developing the working documentation, the design organization must carry out the necessary refinement and specification of the fundamental technological, architectural, construction and other decisions made in the approved project.

working draft

3.5. A typical design and standard design solutions should consist of a general explanatory note containing brief information about the decisions made (in relation to the requirements of clause 3.3 of this Instruction) and working documentation (performed in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.4 of this Instruction)

Technical solutions

3.6. Technical solutions for typical building structures, products and assemblies should include:

a) explanatory note containing the initial data for design, brief information about the experience in designing, manufacturing and using similar structures, products and assemblies; design schemes, values ​​and combinations of design loads and their justification; a brief description and indicators of options for design solutions and justification of the adopted option; nomenclature of structures and products (indicating the main dimensions, mass, consumption of materials) and scope; a brief description of the methods of manufacturing, storage, transportation and installation of structures and products, protecting them and assemblies from corrosion, ensuring fire resistance; the main technical and economic indicators (including the labor intensity of manufacturing and installation) in comparison with the indicators of analogues;

b) main drawings- layout diagrams and drawings of general views of structures, products, assemblies, their main components, interface nodes, as well as other drawings, except for assembly drawings, necessary for evaluating design solutions.

Technical solutions, after their approval by the customer, are the basis for the development of working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies.

Working drawings

3.7. The composition of the working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, their acquisition and design must comply with the requirements of state standards.

Simultaneously with the development of working drawings of building structures and products intended for mass production, technical specifications and maps of the technical level and quality of these products are drawn up according to GOST 2.114-70 and GOST 2.116-71.

Estimated documentation

3.8. Estimated documentation developed as part of standard projects and standard design solutions intended for:

determination and evaluation of technical and economic indicators of the designed enterprises, buildings and structures;

development of enlarged estimated standards;

determining the estimated cost of construction and commercial construction products when linking a typical project to local conditions in the absence of aggregated estimated standards intended for these purposes.

The estimated cost should be determined:

when developing working documentation and a working draft - according to estimates compiled according to working drawings and aggregated prices intended for these purposes, and in their absence - according to unit prices and price tags for equipment installation;

when developing a project - according to price lists for similar objects, aggregated estimated norms, aggregated prices, aggregated indicators of the cost of construction (UPS) and cost indicators of analogue objects with an accrual of 5% to the cost determined in the estimates, for unaccounted for work.

The estimated cost of buildings and structures approved at the project stage is the limit for the development of working documentation.

When developing standard projects, the following estimate documentation is compiled:

a) as part of the project (with two-stage design) - object and local cost estimates;

b) as part of the working draft (with one-stage design) - object and local estimates;

c) as part of the working documentation - object and local estimates.

Note. If the standard project of the enterprise provides for several buildings and structures and there are decisions on the general plan, engineering networks and landscaping, then a consolidated estimate should also be developed as part of the project and the working draft (form 1, Appendix 5).

In addition, simultaneously with the object and local estimates (forms 3-6, applications 6-10), as part of the working documentation (working draft), the following are also developed:

additional unit prices and standard cost estimates for new industrial products free-of-charge warehouse for the meter accepted in the estimate;

summary and local statements of need for production resources (form 10, Appendix 11).

The estimate documentation should contain an explanatory note with data on the main provisions adopted in its preparation, options for technical solutions and types of finishes, as well as information that facilitates the development of price lists, consolidated estimate standards and linking estimates to local construction conditions.

The estimated cost of enterprises, buildings and structures in standard designs developed for specific areas (zones) of construction is accepted:

in the project and working draft - in basic and local prices;

in the working documentation - in local prices.

In cases where a specific construction area is not indicated in the assignment for the development of standard design documentation, the estimated cost is determined only in basic prices. The prices of the I territorial region (subdistrict 1) are accepted as the basic ones.

Notes: 1. For standard projects developed for use in the regions of the Far North, cost estimates are compiled at prices established for the Tiksi Bay area.

2. For a series of standard projects intended for use in a particular city or district, having identical structural and space-planning solutions, estimate documentation in basic prices should be developed only for representative objects.

When drawing up estimates for standard projects in basic prices, estimated prices for local materials are accepted for the second belt of the Moscow Region according to the Price List for local materials and products for construction organizations subordinate to the Moscow Regional Executive Committee.

The cost of equipment is determined taking into account transport, procurement and storage costs, the current margins of supply and marketing and component organizations. Equipment transportation distances are accepted:

on trackless roads - 15 km;

by rail - 500 km;

Overhead costs are taken into account as a percentage:

for general construction works - 16.5;

including the above ground

large-panel and volume-block residential buildings - 13.5;

for assembly and special works- according to uniform limiting standards approved in the prescribed manner;

planned savings (from direct costs and overhead costs - 8.0.

Note. The amount of overhead costs for general construction work is assumed conditionally and is subject to clarification when linking standard projects to local conditions.

Estimates for standard projects should be drawn up separately for the following types of work and costs: for general construction, sanitary, electrical work, purchase and installation of equipment, purchase of production and household equipment and furniture. The structure and distribution of certain types of work according to estimates, as well as to individual sections of estimates compiled according to working drawings, must meet the requirements of the specialization of construction production and provide the ability to determine the estimated cost of commercial construction products when linking a standard project to construction conditions.

If a standard project contains various options for constructive solutions and types of finishes, the composition, scope and cost of work, as well as codes and numbers of estimated norms and unit prices used for these options, are given in estimates compiled according to working drawings.

Estimated documentation for standard design solutions is drawn up in the amount provided for by the assignment for their development.

Estimate documentation is not prepared for drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies.

3.9. The standard design documentation may include computer software and the initial data necessary for them on paper and machine media, which provide or greatly facilitate the possibility of using automation tools for design work when linking and adjusting standard design documentation.

3.10. Project (working draft) materials and working documentation must be signed:

the title page of the general explanatory note (explanatory note), as well as all albums and issues - by the director or chief engineer (architect) of the institute, chief engineer (architect) of the project, and the master plan scheme, in addition, by the head of the department and the executor;

other materials - by the chief engineer (architect) of the project, the head of the department, the normative controller and the executor;

estimate documentation - by the officials indicated in the forms of these documents given in appendices 5-11 to this Instruction.

Technical solutions and working drawings must be signed:

the title page of each album - by directors or chief engineers (architects), chief and engineers (architects) of the project of the leading design organization and design organizations - co-executors; the director or his deputy, the head of the laboratories of the research institute participating in the development;

other materials - by the chief engineer (architect) of the project, the head of the department and the executors.

Technical solutions are presented to the customer with a cover letter signed by the head of the leading design organization.

3.11. The inclusion of standard projects and standard design solutions in the fund, with the assignment of a designation according to the rubricator of the Construction Catalog (SC), is carried out by the Central Institute for Standard Design of the Gosstroy of the USSR (CITP), to which the leading design organizations transfer the originals of this documentation. After the inclusion of standard designs and standard design solutions in the fund, CITP announces their implementation in the releases of Information on standard design documentation of the SC *.


* Information about standard design documentation of SK is hereinafter referred to as “Information of SK”.

3.12. Working drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies are submitted by the leading design organization for consideration and approval to the approving authority. The designations of this documentation by the SK rubricator are assigned by the CITP at the direction of the approving authority before its approval.

Based on the results of the examination, the approving authority establishes the need to make changes and additions to the working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, the procedure and deadline for their introduction, and, if necessary, determines the amount of funds required for this.

The working drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies prepared for approval are transferred to the CITP in the original and in copies along with the original catalog sheet to verify their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and state standards within the time period established by the approving authority. The documentation is approved after its correction according to the comments of the CITP.

Drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies, after their approval, are included in the fund and information on their commissioning is published in the Information of the UK.

4. Coordination, examination and approval
standard design documentation

4.1. Typical projects (standard design solutions) developed in accordance with the norms, rules, instructions and state standards (which must be certified by the relevant record of the chief engineer of the project) are not subject to approval by state oversight bodies.

Working drawings developed as part of the working documentation in accordance with the approved project are not subject to approval.

Documentation made with reasonable deviations from the current norms, rules and instructions is subject to agreement in terms of these deviations with the state supervision bodies and interested organizations that have approved these regulatory documents. Coordination of standard projects and standard design decisions by state supervision bodies and interested organizations should be carried out in one of their instances within 15, and in some cases up to 30 days, from the date of submission for approval.

4.2. Typical design documentation is subject to approval after its examination by the approving authority.

Standard projects and standard design solutions are approved at the “project” (working design) stage, and drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies are approved at the “working drawings” stage.

4.3. Standard project documentation is approved:

a) standard designs of enterprises, buildings, structures of major national economic importance, as well as drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies of all-Union use - Gosstroy of the USSR;

b) standard designs (except for those specified in subparagraph “a” of this paragraph), standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies for specialized types of construction - by ministries (departments) - customers;

c) standard designs, standard design solutions, drawings of standard building structures, products and assemblies of housing and civil facilities - by Gosgrazhdanstroy or state construction of the Union republics.

The authorities approving the standard design documentation are indicated in the annual plans for standard design.

4.4. Standard project documentation is approved by a resolution, order, protocol of the ministry (department). The document on the approval of a standard project (standard design solution) shall contain the data given in Appendix 12.

5. Publication and distribution of standard project documentation,
revision and cancellation of obsolete standard design documentation

5.1. Standard design documentation accepted for the fund is published and distributed by CITP. It is allowed, in agreement with the Gosstroy of the USSR, to publish and distribute standard design documentation by design organizations that are the authors of this documentation. CITP and design organizations that distribute standard design documentation are responsible for the quality and timing of its publication and distribution.

5.2. Publication and distribution of standard project documentation is carried out according to preliminary requests and current orders of organizations. The term for the execution of orders for standard design documentation, information about which is published in the Information of the UK, should not exceed three months from the date of receipt of orders.

5.3. Design organizations should systematically revise their standard design documentation, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the requirements of regulatory documents for capital construction and ensuring the improvement of production technology, space-planning and design solutions.

5.4. Cancellation of outdated standard design documentation, as well as the extension of its validity period, is carried out by the authorities that approved this documentation.

Copies of documents on the cancellation or extension of the standard project documentation are sent to the CITP for publication of the decisions made in the Information of the UK.

6. Application of standard design documentation

6.1. The applied standard projects (standard design solutions) of enterprises, buildings, structures must be tied to a specific construction site, taking into account the characteristics of this site and the construction area. Binding of standard projects (standard design solutions) is carried out during the development of working documentation for construction. As part of the construction project, catalog sheets of standard projects selected for use (standard design solutions) are provided.

6.2. When linking standard projects (standard design solutions), design organizations must:

determine the coordinates and marks of parts of buildings and structures;

clarify the dimensions, depth of laying and constructive solutions of the foundations, develop constructive additional measures necessary for the hydrogeological conditions of the construction site;

clarify solutions for basement or basement floors of buildings, as well as junctions of tunnels, galleries and other similar structures, depending on the relief of the construction site;

to develop junctions of internal networks of water supply, sewerage, heating, power supply and communications, as well as transport devices and communications - to external ones;

based on the climatic conditions of the area, construction, check the compliance of the resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures with regulatory requirements and, if necessary, clarify the decisions made on enclosing and load-bearing building structures, as well as the number and type of heating devices and ventilation devices;

clarify the scope of work and determine the estimated cost of construction, taking into account local conditions and prices.

6.3. Design organizations, in addition to performing work on binding, must make the necessary changes to standard designs (standard design solutions) in cases where the equipment, structures and products provided for in them are discontinued, and the provisions and requirements of regulatory documents are changed.

It is allowed, with the permission of the ministry (department) - the developer, and for agricultural facilities - the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, to make changes to the associated standard projects (standard design solutions) related to the use of more advanced technological processes, high-performance equipment and means of mechanization and automation, improvement of planning and constructive solutions (using typical building structures and products included in territorial catalogs, as well as departmental catalogs for specialized types of construction), blocking production, using industrial construction methods that reduce costs and improve the technical and economic indicators of construction projects.

It is not allowed to make changes to standard projects that require their processing. In these cases, in the prescribed manner, individual projects are developed.

6.4. In the reference materials of a standard project (standard design solution), design organizations must provide justifications for the changes being made, as well as data on the results of a comparison of the technical and economic indicators of the applied and corrected standard project (standard design solution).

Information on the binding of standard projects (standard design solutions) is submitted to CITP in accordance with GOST 21.202-78.

6.5. Design organizations are responsible for the correct choice of a standard project (standard design solution) for binding, the quality of documentation made using standard projects (standard design solutions), its compliance with the modern level of science and technology, the requirements of norms and rules of construction and technological design, standards, safety regulations and explosion and fire safety.

6.6. In the working drawings for the construction of buildings and structures, references should be made to the applied standard building structures, products and assemblies, indicating the designation of the corresponding working drawings of products, assemblies.

If, according to the conditions of application, it is required to make changes to the working drawings of standard products (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products), then as part of the working documentation for the construction of the facility, drawings containing additions and changes to the working drawings, and the specification of the applied standard products must be made.

The modified products are assigned brands of the applied standard products with the addition of an alphabetic or numeric index.

6.7. Binding of standard projects (standard design solutions) after six months from the date of publication of information about their cancellation in the Information of the UK is not allowed.

In the event that in the next year, after the year of cancellation of the previously linked standard project (standard design solution), construction was not started, a new valid standard project (standard design solution) introduced to replace the canceled one should be linked.

Appendix 1

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of a standard project
(standard design solution) enterprises, buildings,
production facilities

The task for the development of a standard project (standard design solution) must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data:

2. Basis for development.

3. Name of the leading design organization and design organizations involved in the development; distribution of work among them.

4. Staged development.

5. Deadline for submission for approval and name of the approving authority.

6. Purpose of the object, its composition and main characteristics:

power, capacity, throughput or other indicators, range and volume of production (including those produced by assimilation), requirements for its quality.

7. Requirements for technology and methods of organizing production.

8. Characteristics of raw materials and fuel.

9. Requirements for the mechanization and automation of production processes and the reduction of manual labor costs.

10. Requirements for the treatment of industrial effluents, neutralization and disposal of production waste, the use of secondary energy resources, requirements for the protection of the natural environment.

11. Construction and operation conditions (including climatic and soil conditions, special requirements for temperature and humidity conditions and indoor air cleanliness, sound pressure level, etc.).

12. Conditions for energy supply, gas supply, heat supply (type, parameters and cost of the heat carrier), water supply, sewerage.

13. Task on the use of scientific and technological achievements in the field of technology, equipment, building structures and materials.

14. Assignment for the main technical and economic indicators of the designed enterprise, building and structure.

15. Requirements for architectural, artistic, space-planning solutions, blocking conditions (for the corresponding types of buildings, structures, enterprises).

Instructions for the unification of parameters, structures and products.

Requirements for a constructive solution, the maximum mass of elements of prefabricated structures, for materials of load-bearing and enclosing structures, for finishing.

16. Conditions for determining the estimated cost.

17. Requirements for the development of variants of a standard project (standard design solution) or its sections, as well as individual solutions on a competitive basis.

18. Instructions on the need for preliminary approval of individual design decisions with interested departments and organizations.

19. The composition of additional initial data issued by the customer to the lead design organization and the lead design organization - co-executors.

20. Special development conditions, including requirements for civil defense measures.

Annex 2

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of a standard project
(standard design solution) of a residential building,
public building, building

The assignment for the development of a typical project must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data:

1. Full name of the standard project (standard design solution).

2. Basis for development.

3. Name of the design organization.

4. Staged development.

5. Scope of standard design documentation, indicating the construction and climatic regions and data of the conditional construction area, in relation to which standard documentation should be developed.

6. Town-planning purpose of the building, structure.

Types of residential buildings (number of floors, number of block sections, etc.), purpose and types of public service enterprises built into residential buildings, their estimated cost, capacity, throughput.

Purpose and types of public buildings, their estimated cost, capacity or throughput, composition and area of ​​premises, working area and construction volume of buildings.

7. Basic requirements for the architectural and planning solution of the building, structure and blocking conditions.

9. Basic requirements: for a constructive solution and materials for load-bearing and enclosing structures, for finishing buildings and structures; to engineering and technological equipment.

10. Guidelines for determining the estimated cost of construction and analysis of technical and economic indicators of the project.

11. Instructions on the need:

development of options for design solutions;

coordination of design decisions with interested departments and organizations (for public buildings);

implementation of additional documentation (demonstration materials) as part of the project (working draft).

12. Requirements for civil defense measures.

Note. Clauses 7 and 9 should specify the requirements for the use of scientific and technological achievements.

Appendix 3

General requirements for the content of the assignment for the development of drawings of standard building structures, products and components of buildings and structures

The task for the development of drawings of typical building structures, products and assemblies must be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Instruction and contain the following initial data:

1. Full name of the developed drawings.

2. Basis for development.

3. Name of the leading design organization and design, research and other organizations involved in the development; distribution of work among them.

4. Staged development.

5. Deadline for submission for approval or approval; name of the approving (approving) authority.

6. Purpose and scope of building structures, products, components.

7. Basic parameters and characteristics of building structures, products, units.

8. Instructions for calculation and design.

9. Requirements for the unification and standardization of the parameters of elements of building structures and products.

10. Conditions for the manufacture of building structures, products.

11. Conditions of transportation, storage and installation of building structures, products.

12. Operating conditions of building structures, products and assemblies.

13. Requirements for technical and economic indicators and a list of analogues for comparison.

14. Terms of agreement. Indication of the need to coordinate drawings with organizations.

15. Task on the use of scientific and technological achievements.

Appendix 4

Approximate composition of a typical project (standard design solution) of a residential building, public building or structure:

I. Stage - project

1. General explanatory note containing: scope with the conditions for which standard documentation is being developed; information about architectural, planning and design solutions, solutions for engineering and technological equipment, building decoration; instructions for technical operation (for residential buildings); technical and economic indicators and other information.

2. Main drawings:

scheme of the general plan of the site (M 1:500, 1:1000);

facades, block section plans with examples of furniture arrangement for residential buildings (M 1:50, 1:100), floor plans (M 1:100, 1:200), sections by characteristic places.

3. Estimated documentation.

4. Additional documentation: demonstration material (the need for development is set by the development task).

II. Stage - working draft

1. General explanatory note containing: scope with the conditions for which standard documentation is being developed; information about architectural, planning and design solutions; solutions for engineering and technological equipment, building finishing; instructions on measures for technical operation (for residential buildings); technical and economic indicators and other information.

2. Drawings: scheme of the general plan of the site (M 1:500, 1:1000), facades, section plans with examples of furniture arrangement for residential buildings (M 1:500, 1:100), floor plans (M 1:100, 1 :200), sections in characteristic places.

3. Estimated documentation.

4. Additional documentation; demonstration material (the need for development, volume and form, is set by the task for development).

The above design estimates are submitted for examination and approval.

5. Scheme of the master plan with the drawing of objects of improvement and gardening of the site.

6. The main sets of working documentation for a building or structure: architectural and construction solutions (as a rule, separately below and above the 0.000 mark), technology (for public buildings), heating and ventilation, internal water supply, sewerage and gas pipelines, electrical equipment, communication and signaling devices , automation of engineering equipment systems (if necessary), etc.; working drawings of individual building products; technical documentation for operation (for residential buildings); custom specifications and questionnaires (if necessary), drawings of general views of non-standard structures and devices of engineering equipment systems of a building, structure.

Note. The need to perform additional material is established by the development task.

Annex 5


To the standard project ________________________________________________________________

Compiled in prices of 19___

Appendix 6


(object cost estimate)

No. of estimates (estimated

Name of works and costs

Estimated cost,
thousand roubles.

Feasibility studies

construction works

installation work

equipment, furniture and inventory

other expenses


normative conditionally pure products


number of units

unit cost

basic salary

machine operation

Notes: 1. Funds for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, additional costs for the performance of work in the winter and other limited costs are not included in the object estimate for a standard project.

2. If there is a consolidated estimate calculation, objective estimates are not signed by the director (chief engineer) of the design organization.

3. Columns 9-11 of the object estimate are filled in when linking a typical project to local construction conditions, as well as when developing a typical project intended for use in a particular city or district.

Data on columns 9-11 in the object estimate calculation of the project is not given.

Appendix 7

(local budget calculation)

Chief Project Engineer __________________________________

(signature, initials, surname)

Initial data:

(position, signature, initials, surname)


prepared by ________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

checked _______________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Annex 8


(local budget calculation)

No. of enlarged estimated norms, unit prices, codes of norms of SNiP, etc.

Name of works and costs

unit of measurement

Number of units

Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.



normative conditionally pure products

basic salary

machine operation

basic salary

machine operation

including the salary

scope and cost of work to the local estimate No. _______

and types
work on
sections of the estimate

unit of measurement

Number of units

Estimated cost, rub.

Regulatory conditional
net production

the weight of the cost of the structural element, or
type of work, % of the total cost of work according to the estimate

direct costs


planned savings
leniy,% of the cost for gr. 5, 7

th in gr. 5, 7, 8


in overhead costs, % of the amount for gr. 7

in planned savings, % of the cost for gr. ten,. eleven

In total, according to the data of 10, 11, 12, 13

basic salary

Machine operation

including the salary


Note: With a small number of sections and positions in the local estimate, section. (2-3 sections) a summary of the scope and cost of work may not be compiled, with summing up all the results directly at the end of the estimate. A summary of the scope and cost of work is also not compiled at the “project” stage. 2. Columns 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of the local estimate and 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the summary of the scope and cost of work are filled in when linking a standard project to local construction conditions, as well as when developing a standard project intended for use in specific city or region. At the project stage, data on columns 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of the local budget calculation are not provided.

(type of equipment and works)

Compiled in prices of 19___.


a) equipment ___________ thousand rubles.

b) installation work _______ thousand rubles.

Regulatory conditionally net production _______________ thousand rubles.

Estimated indicators

Cost for:

unit of account

(power, capacity,

Code and item number of the price list, USN, price tag, etc.

Name and characteristics of equipment and installation works

unit of measurement


total weight

Equipment cost (rub.)

The total cost of installation work (rub.)

unit cost of installation work (rub.)

per unit


including normative conditionally pure products

basic salary

machine operation

the salary

Spare Parts__________________________________


Container and packaging _________________________________





Complete set (from the total with spare parts) ______________

Total equipment_____________________________


Total (equipment and installation work)_________

Chief Project Engineer ___________________


(signature, initials, surname)

Head of Department_______________

name (signature,


initials, surname)

Initial data

compiled by __________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

checked _________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)


prepared by ______________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

checked ________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Annex 10


Form 7

(local budget calculation)

To the standard project __________________________________________________

(name of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures)

for the purchase of ___________________________________________________________

(type of equipment and works)

Base: Specification No. _______

Compiled in prices of 19___.

Estimated cost ________ thousand rubles.


a) equipment _______ thousand rubles.

b) installation work _____ thousand rubles.

Normative conditionally net

products _______________ thousand rubles

Estimated indicators

Cost for:

unit of account

(power, capacity,

productivity, etc.) ___ rub.

1 m 3 of the total area of ​​the building ___ rub.

1 m 3 building volume __________ rub.

Cipher and
item number
price list
USN, price tag, etc.

innovation and character-



Unit cost, rub.

Total cost, rub.


installation work


installation work




basic salary

machine operation

basic salary

machine operation


the salary


Spare parts_________________________________


Container and packaging ________________________________




Procurement and storage costs


Complete set (from the total with spare parts) _____________

Total equipment _________________________

Wage variances__________________

Materials not included in the price tags _______________


Planned savings ___________________________

Total (columns 12 and 13)

Incl. normative conditionally net production ___________________________________________

Chief Project Engineer ________________________

(signature, initials, surname)

Boss _____________________________________


department __________________________________________

(signature, initials, surname)

Compiled by _______________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Believed _______________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Note: Regulatory conditionally clean production is determined when linking a standard project to local construction conditions, as well as when developing a standard project intended for use in a particular city or district.

Annex 11

requirements for production resources to a standard project


(names of the enterprise, complex or individual buildings and structures)



Civil works

underground part

Labor costs, man/hour

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Aboveground part

Labor costs, man/hour

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Total civil works

Special construction work

Labor costs, man/hour

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.


Labor costs, man/h

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Installation work

(separate installation of technological equipment, electrical, instrumentation and automation, etc.)

Labor costs, man/h

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Other works (communications, radio, etc.)

Labor costs, man/h

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Labor costs, man/h

Salary, rub.

Construction machines, rub.

Boss ____________________ ___________________________

(name of department) (signature, initials, surname)

Compiled by __________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Checked _________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Note. In the working design and working documentation, summary bills of materials are compiled in the main sets of working drawings in accordance with GOST 21.109-80.


basic data and technical and economic indicators included in the document on approval of a standard project (standard design solution) of an enterprise, building, structure

The composition of data and technical and economic indicators should include:

1. Name of the enterprise, building, structure.

2. Basic technical and economic data and indicators (in comparison with analogues).

Capacity (annual volume of marketable products, capacity, throughput, volume of services, etc.) in units of account and million rubles.

Number of employees (for production facilities), people;

including workers:

Total area (working area, usable area for residential and public buildings), m 2; building area, m 2; construction volume of buildings, m 3.

Estimated cost (total), thousand rubles, including construction and installation works; total estimated cost per unit of account, rub.

The cost of the calculated unit of production (for production facilities, rubles)

Labor productivity (annual output per worker), thousand rubles

Consumption of basic energy resources (thermal and electric energy) per unit of account.

Construction labor costs, man/hour per unit of account; for 1 million rubles construction and installation works.

Consumption of basic building materials (cement, metal, timber): per unit of account; for 1 million rubles construction and installation works.

3. Evaluation of the quality of the project (working draft) with its justification.

4. Instructions for the development of working documentation.

5. Validity period of a standard project (standard design solution).



1. Binding of the canceled standard project documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures can be carried out within 6 months after its cancellation.

2. When binding, changes should be made related to bringing the documentation in accordance with the modern requirements of directive and regulatory documents.

3. Construction according to the attached standard project documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures must be started no later than the next year after its cancellation.

4. After 6 months from the date of publication in the "Information on Standard Design Documentation", standard design documentation of enterprises, buildings and structures will be distributed (until it is replaced) with the possibility of using only as auxiliary materials for design without the right to bind.

At the same time, inclusion in an individual project of any materials of a canceled standard project with a binding stamp and references to materials of a canceled standard project are not allowed.