Application of MDS 81 35.2004. The documents. The requirement for the execution and preparation of cost estimates for work under the program of reconstruction and technical re-equipment


The introduction of the new Methodology for mandatory application is expected after 100 days from the date of the official publication of the order. MDS 81-35.2004 shall be recognized as invalid from the date of the entry into force of the new Methodology. Although there was talk about providing time for the transition from the base-index method to the resource method, and in this case, it is not clear which document will regulate the calculations using the base-index method.

It makes no sense to conduct a comparative analysis, the new methodology was rewritten in accordance with the transition to the resource method and the introduction of the Federal State Information System, although some points remained unchanged, the new Methodology is more compact, the main concepts and main points are given with links to the new Methodologies released from February and March 2017 ., which already describe in detail the development, calculations and application of estimated standards.

AT this project The methodology refers only to GESN, while MDS-35 described both GESN, and FER, and TER, and industry, the organization's own base, etc.

Correction factors (during repair and reconstruction for work similar to the technology of new construction 1.15 and 1.25; stainless steel and others) are not duplicated in the new methodology, they are all described in the Methodology for the application of estimated norms (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 2016 N 1028 /etc).

The estimated cost includes the cost of materials, products, structures and equipment, regardless of who purchased them - the Customer or the Contractor. Previously, this was implied, in the new Methodology it was clarified.

When determining estimated cost should be guided the principle of maximum coincidence of work production technology adopted in technical documentation, and the scope of work, the list, characteristics and consumption of construction resources, taken into account by the estimated norms.

In the new methodology, there is no separation of the concepts of local (object) estimates and local (object) estimates.

Appeared letter designation for estimates reflecting the type of document included in the numbering of documents:

  1. P - estimated calculation for a separate type of cost;
  2. LS - local budget calculation (estimate);
  3. OS - object estimate calculation (estimate);
  4. SSR - consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction;
  5. SZ - summary of costs.

Cost Summary is being developed with the simultaneous construction of facilities capital construction industrial and non-industrial purposes ...

To calculate the required materials, a Consolidated Resource Sheet will be compiled. The distribution is made for pricing resources - 80% and others - 20% based on prices in the FSIS for pricing resources - the price of the construction region, for others - the base region with a coefficient of transport costs.

Costs of auxiliary non-standardized material resources not taken into account in the estimated norms of GESNm and GESNmr(cleaning - rags, ends, paper, etc., washing - kerosene, gasoline, lubricating oil, grease, grease, etc.), should take into account in local estimates additional calculations (estimates)(for each item) in the following sizes:

  1. 2% GESNm;
  2. 3% from the estimated wages of workers, determined using GESNmr.


AT budget documentation cost is not taken into account Vehicle, not related to the production technology and not involved in the technological processes of processing, production.

For objects non-production purpose estimated cost production and household inventory refers to the estimated cost of equipment.

For objects industrial purpose estimated the cost of a tool for technological processes, production inventory refers to to the estimated the cost of equipment, household inventory - to other costs, while methodological approaches to calculating their cost are similar to approaches to determining the estimated cost of equipment.

Estimated Installation Costs laboratory equipment and furniture, for the installation of which there are no estimated norms , are determined depending on the terms of delivery and connection to engineering and technical support systems in % of their estimated cost in accordance with the table.

In many Methods there are typos, somewhere not significant, somewhere serious.

Documents are still being edited, only after they are entered and applied in practice, it will be possible to talk about specific nuances or shortcomings. Indeed, in the Methodologies put into effect in February and March 2017, the typos have not been corrected. Nothing our estimators will cope with everything!

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to the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia
dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1


RESOLUTION dated March 5, 2004 No. 15/1
List of amending documents (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 1, 2012 No. 220
Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 16.06.2014 No. 294/pr)
The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex decides:
Approve and put into effect from March 9, 2004 the attached Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Chairman N.P.KOSHMAN
Doesn't need state registration. Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-YUD.

List of changing documents
(As amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 220 dated June 1, 2012, Order No. 294/pr of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 16, 2014)
In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises
construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.
DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and estimated rationing Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with
participation of the Baltic construction company(V.M. Simanovich), Central research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M.
Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshov), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S. S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), CJSC INiK (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Operations Committee housing stock administration St. Petersburg(N.M. Letenko).
APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.
INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.
ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by Resolution No. 15/1 of March 5, 2004 of the Gosstroy of Russia.
REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration
(letter dated 10.03.2004 No. 07/2699-YuD).
INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of the pre-project and design and estimate documentation» SP 81-01-94, introduced by a letter from the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated
29.12.94 No. VB-12-276, "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect
Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, “Guidelines for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction works» MDS 81-28.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNm-2001 for equipment installation" MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work , as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during construction and repair highways» MDS 81-30.2002.

Requirement for registration and compilationestimate documentation for work under the program of reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

  1. These requirements have been developed for a unified approach to the design and preparation of estimate documentation for repairs, reconstruction and technical re-equipment.
  2. Version of the Grand-Estimate software package (hereinafter referred to as the Grand-Estimate PC) must be at least 7.0(the correct setting of the parameters for calculating the estimate documentation using the base-index method in the PC "Grand Estimate" is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Requirements) .
  3. When drawing up estimates, be guided by MDS 81-35.2004.
  4. When drawing up estimates for the repair, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power equipment, apply the "Basic prices for work on the repair of power equipment that are adequate to the operating conditions competitive market services for repair and technical re-equipment" (hereinafter - BC), " Guidelines on the formation of estimates and cost estimates for the repair of power equipment "(SO 34.20.607-2005), developed by JSC "TsKB Energoremont", taking into account their additions and changes. Correction index to Base prices take into account in the amount not exceeding the limit index established by PJSC RusHydro.
  5. Local estimates should be compiled on the basis of the current unit prices, approved, registered in the prescribed manner and entered into Federal Register estimated standards approved by the executive authority authorized in the field of estimated rationing and pricing in the field of urban planning. In mutual settlements, the use of individual indices is allowed. The procedure for applying individual indices for transferring the estimated cost of construction and installation works from the basic price level to the current price level in relation to objects financed with funds federal budget approved by order of PJSC RusHydro. In the absence of indices for the required period of time, it is allowed to use forecast average annual deflators for the CPI line in the calculations (index consumer prices) according to the current short-term forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Weighted average deflator indices are applied, taking into account the period of work performance provided for by the work schedule. In the absence of forecast data from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for the planned period, use the current Unified Scenario Conditions of PJSC RusHydro (moderate option). Deflator indices are applied without breakdown by quarters.
    Application of conversion indices to current prices: indexes by cost item by type of construction , published in the Bulletin of Pricing and Estimated Rationing for the type of construction "General Industry Construction".
  6. The use of pricing standards that are not registered and not included in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards, not allowed .
  7. In the absence of unit rates in the current NSS, it is possible to determine the level of remuneration for ENiR and VNiR to be determined in accordance with tariff rates of the collection "Indicators of hourly wages" (hereinafter - TS 2001), included in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards. Coefficients that take into account the conditions of work should be applied in accordance with general provisions"General part" to ENiR and VNiR, approved by the Decree of the USSR Gosstroy dated 05.12.1986 No. 43/512/29-50.
    The rates of overhead costs and estimated profits are determined on the basis of MDS 81-33.2004, MDS 81-25.2004 in accordance with the letters of the executive authority authorized in the field of estimated rationing and pricing in the field of urban planning and additions to them of the estimated cost using collections: "Uniform norms and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction works "(hereinafter - ENiR) and" departmental regulations and prices for construction, installation and repair and construction works ”(hereinafter - VNiR).
  8. In the event of a change in the SNB (the release of a new edition, clarification of norms and prices) at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation for the contract (supplementary agreement):
    • Preparation of budget documentation for new scope of work according to the current changes of the National Security Service, while the previously completed estimate documentation is not subject to recalculation.
    • The cost of material and technical resources (hereinafter referred to as MTR), not included in the prices, is determined according to the collection of STS, approved in the prescribed manner and included in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards. The nomenclature of materials and equipment accepted according to the collection must strictly correspond to the nomenclature defined by the project; the use of the prices of the collection is not allowed “as applicable”. In the absence of the necessary nomenclature of materials and equipment for the collection, it is allowed to determine the cost on the basis of price lists in current level(in the estimates in the column "justification" indicate "price list", in the tab "Additional information. Notes" of the PC "Grand estimate" indicate additional information about the resource-supplier / manufacturer, date of validity, etc.), while prices should not exceed the average prices in the region where the Branch of PJSC RusHydro is located.
    • When determining the average market value of materials and equipment and auxiliary equipment, one should be guided by the explanations set out in Appendix No. 4 to these Requirements.
    • When submitting estimate documentation for examination, it is necessary to attach all documents (price lists, invoices, commercial offers, etc.) confirming the cost of materials and equipment.
  9. When forming the estimated cost of work in cases where the material is replaced by the Customer in the BOP (in cases where the cost of the material is determined according to the price list of the supplier and is not in the SSC collection), the replacement should be carried out taking into account the average market value, material consumption should be taken into account in accordance with passport data. This approach is applicable when the technology for performing work and their labor intensity using new materials does not differ from the MTR included in the prices.
  10. The transport component of the estimated price for materials/equipment is determined on the basis of:
    • a fixed premium to the average selling price for any type or for the corresponding type (group) of materials in the amount of 5% for materials, 4.2% for auxiliary equipment (including procurement and storage costs);
    • in case of a significant excess (decrease) of the actual cost of delivery compared to the costs determined by fixed transport surcharges of 5% and 4.2%, respectively, transportation costs are taken into account based on the actually existing in the region or estimated (forecast) transport scheme for the supply of materials / equipment based on transport schemes justified by the PIC. The costs of transportation of material and technical resources and equipment are recommended to be determined per 1 ton of gross weight based on the calculation of transportation costs for groups of equipment, while taking into account the specifics of determining the costs of transporting heavy cargo. When calculating the cost of transportation costs, the current tariffs for freight transportation by various modes of transport are taken into account.
    • If the transportation is carried out by the customer independently (self-delivery), this indicator is not taken into account.
  11. When determining the cost of cables and wires according to the SSC collection, apply a reduction factor (agreed with the customer) that brings the current cost in line with the average market price for the region where the Branch of PJSC RusHydro is located.
  12. If, in the opinion of the contractor, the cost of materials and equipment calculated according to the collection estimated prices for materials that are significantly lower than the average market, which leads to losses for the contractor, then the calculation of the increase in the cost of materials and equipment is performed, which includes the nomenclature all materials and equipment included in the contract / supplementary agreement.
  13. When using coefficients and limited costs in estimates, indicate the justification from the technical part, introductory instructions for collections or other normative documents and applications to them.
  14. Correction coefficients from the technical part to prices (for example, for dismantling or to take into account special conditions for performing work) are taken into account individually for each position and are indicated in the output forms when uploading to the Excel format by position.
  15. When compiling estimate documentation for work performed under an agreement (additional agreement), work performed on account of a reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures, work, the volume of which is subject to change (exclusion / addition) must be guided pricing conditions, taken into account in the estimate documentation for the main contract (additional agreement), including: the estimated regulatory framework, conversion indices to current prices, reducing contractual coefficients, deflator indices.
  16. The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and expenses is determined in the Technical Requirements and accrued in the estimate as a percentage in the amount specified in the approved Technical Requirements. The calculation procedure for unforeseen work and costs is stipulated in the contract.
  17. In the event of additional work, an additional agreement is concluded, which, without fail, includes the Requirements for the execution and preparation of estimate documentation for additional work, in accordance with which the estimated cost of these works is determined.
  18. In local estimates, indicate the amount of overhead costs by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning, on the basis of regulatory documents entered in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards.
  19. In local estimates, indicate the amount of estimated profit by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work, on the basis of regulatory documents entered in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards.
  20. The calculation of the cost of commissioning should be drawn up in a separate local estimate, compiled by the base-index method according to unit rates for commissioning, entered in the Federal Register of Estimated Standards in current prices.
  21. When determining the estimated cost of a full range of commissioning works on the basis of clause 4.102 of MDS 81-35.2004 "Methods for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" and MDS 81-40.2006 "Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning (FERp-2001)" it is necessary observe the structure given in Table 4 of MDS 81-40.2006:
    • The cost of commissioning "idle" refers to capital
    • costs (investments) and are included in Chapter 9 "Other work and costs" (columns 7 and 8) of the consolidated estimate.
    • Start-up and adjustment works "under load", as non-capital costs, are not provided for in the estimate documentation. These works are drawn up by separate local estimates ( 11 count) and are included in the summary estimate.
  22. If there are any disputes on pricing in terms of preparing estimate documentation, the contractor prepares a draft letter of appeal to the approved executive authority authorized in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning, with all required documents, justifications, and sends it to the Customer for approval. The customer, if necessary, supplements, agrees and signs this letter of appeal and sends it to the approved executive authority authorized in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning. The recommendations set out in the clarification letter of the relevant approved executive authority are the basis for resolving disputes. In the absence of a clear answer, the decision on controversial issues is made by the Customer. This decision is final.
  23. In local budget calculations, line-by-line and total amounts should be rounded up to whole rubles
  24. The output forms of estimates must correspond to the output templates of the PC "Grand-Estimate" for estimates:
    • compiled at unit prices using the base-index method - “Full local estimate calculation (full form; only in MS Excel)”, 17 graph.
  25. In the estimates, when excluding and adding resources (materials), it is necessary to refer these resources to a separate position, changes within the price are not allowed.
  26. If there are two or more estimates, draw up SSR at the current price level. Mandatory annexes to the SSR are local estimates signed by the cost estimate engineer of the counterparty (contractor), with the obligatory indication of the position, name of the organization, full name. signatory. The SSR format should be performed according to the Model of Appendix 1.1 to the Requirements for the design and compilation of the SSR.
  27. Estimated documentation should be submitted in two versions:
    • on the hard copy(the number is indicated in the tender documentation);
    • on the electronic media(in the format "xml" PC "Grand Estimate", "Excel", "pdf"), fully consistent with the paper version.
  28. The results in the output forms of the estimate documentation, compiled at unit prices using the base-index method, should consist of the following items:
    • for sections:
    • for the totals for the entire estimate:
    Disclosure of the results of the estimate:
    Total direct costs according to the estimate in 2001 prices.
    Total direct costs as estimated at current prices, taking into account conversion indices to current prices…sq. OZP=….; EM=….; ZPM=…; MAT=…”
    Estimated profit
    Estimated results:
    Machines and mechanisms
    Estimated profit
    VAT 18%
    TOTAL according to the estimate
    1. The results in the output forms of the estimate documentation compiled according to the BC should consist of the following items:
    • for sections:
    • for the totals for the entire estimate:

    The requirement for the design and preparation of a consolidated estimate calculation to contracts for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, additional agreements to these contracts.

    1. If there are two or more estimates, draw up SSR at the current price level in the form of Appendix 1.
    2. In the case of the conclusion of additional agreements to the contract (hereinafter - d / s), the SSR must be carried out in an accumulative form, taking into account local estimates (hereinafter - LS) to the main contract and to all concluded d / s to it. In the results of the CSR (for reference), indicate the amount of change (decrease, increase) in the main contract on the basis of the conclusion of the d / s, which are determined as the difference between the amount of the CSR of the next d / s and the cost of the main contract. The SSR form, taking into account the conclusion of the d / s to the contract, is given in Appendix 2.
    3. Drugs are an integral part - applications to the SSR. The numbering of applications is indicated as the drugs are included in the SSR in cumulative form - in order.
    4. The distribution of costs (amounts of drugs) by columns and chapters of the SSR shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of MDS 81-35.2004.
    5. In SSR, similarly to LS, line and total sums round to integer rubles. Indicate the value of VAT in kopecks, including the lines “Total according to the estimate, with VAT”.

    Consolidated cost estimate for PJSC RusHydro

Consolidated cost estimate for additional agreement