Which banknote is not subject to acceptance by banks. How to change damaged banknotes and coins. Will they accept damaged coins?


Paper banknotes and coins that have been around for a long time can wear out and get damaged quite a lot. In addition, banknotes can be damaged in another way: for example, by washing them, accidentally tearing them, etc. Do not think that after that your money is irretrievably lost - they can always be exchanged at the bank for new ones. This article will focus on cases in which credit institutions issue new banknotes to replace worn and damaged ones, and how this procedure is performed.

So, you are the owner of damaged or badly worn bills and want to know if they can be exchanged. Let's start with the fact that stores are required to accept crumpled, "washed" banknotes, banknotes with small gaps or minor extraneous inscriptions that do not interfere with determining the denomination and authenticity as a means of payment.

All damaged banknotes that came out of circulation must be handed over to the bank for exchange. If you are given change by a torn or otherwise damaged banknote, feel free to demand a replacement.

However, if the bill is damaged so much that the sellers refuse it, you can contact any bank for the purpose of exchange. Employees of a credit institution will immediately exchange banknotes if:

  • The banknote has sealed tears;
  • The banknote has punctures, abrasions, inscriptions, dirt, which do not interfere with determining the serial number and denomination;
  • The banknote "lost" up to a third of its area (the edges were torn off), but the series and number were not damaged;
  • The banknote is glued together from several parts that undoubtedly belong to her.

There are situations in which the bank accepts a banknote, but an instant exchange is not possible. These include cases where additional examination of a dilapidated banknote is required:

  • The cashier had doubts that the glued parts belong to the same bill;
  • The banknote has lost more than 30 (but less than 50) percent of the area;
  • Damage (scuffs, tears, punctures, inscriptions) affected the series and number of the banknote, which is why it is not readable.

If you hand over a torn bill to the bank (and this is the most common case of exchange), you can find out in advance whether it will be exchanged or not. To do this, you need to determine the lost percentage of the area. Make a full-size banknote mock-up out of paper by drawing it into 200 equal squares. Then put the remaining part of the bill on the blank and circle the cells that it occupies. By dividing the number of filled cells by 2, you will find out how many percent the area of ​​the damaged bill occupies from the whole one. If this value exceeds 50, feel free to contact the bank to exchange banknotes.

What banknotes will the bank not accept for exchange?

There are times when the bank will immediately refuse to issue new banknotes to replace the damaged ones. There are only three of them:

  • On the banknote there is an inscription "Sample", moreover, made in a typographical way. If this word is written by hand, it is not a reason for refusal.
  • The banknote was withdrawn from circulation by the time of the visit to the bank. For example, the exchange of denominated money ended in 2002, and it will not be possible to carry out the exchange of banknotes of the sample of 95 years.
  • The banknote has lost more than 50% of its area. If the banknote is torn, you can exchange only one - large - half, or glue the pieces together.

Where are damaged banknotes exchanged?

When it comes to the need for an exchange, most owners of damaged banknotes sent to Sberbank, mistakenly believing that only there you can replace banknotes for free. In fact, this procedure can be performed at any commercial bank..

The exchange of damaged banknotes is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The text of the Federal Law contains the wording "credit organizations" - this means that the exchange is carried out by any bank registered in the country and having state accreditation. This includes those institutions that are considered "public" and private banks. Any of them is obliged to exchange damaged banknotes free of charge during the visit of the client.

If you do not want to spend money on a visit to the bank, you can try to pay off with a damaged banknote in transport, in a store. Torn and sealed banknotes are quite successfully accepted by ATMs and terminals. But in this case, it is worth sealing the gaps with glue and tracing paper, and not with tape.

Procedure for exchanging damaged banknotes

Consider how the procedure for exchanging a damaged banknote in a bank takes place:

  • Determine for yourself whether the banknote is subject to replacement.
  • Contact any branch of the bank of your choice, taking with you a damaged banknote and passport.
  • The exchange, as a rule, is made directly at the box office. Give the banknote and your document to the cashier for inspection.
  • Fill out an application for an exchange and, if necessary, leave a banknote for examination. Note that the mandatory examination was canceled several years ago, and additional analysis is prescribed only in certain cases. In all other situations, the exchange occurs immediately at the first call.
  • After an inspection by a cashier or an examination, you are given a new bill, and the damaged one is confiscated. At the same time, it should be remembered that the procedure should be absolutely free - it is illegal for the bank to charge money for the exchange of banknotes.
  • If the authenticity of the bill could not be established, it will be returned to you with a corresponding mark. If you disagree with the refusal, you have the right to contact another bank for the purpose of exchange or write a statement on the website of the Central Bank.

Can damaged currency be exchanged?

So far, we have been talking about the exchange of Russian money. However, there are cases when the currency is damaged - dollars, euros, other banknotes. You can also exchange them, but there are some nuances that need to be taken into account:

  • Can be exchanged not in every bank. Russian legislation does not apply to the replacement of such banknotes, and each bank itself determines whether it will carry out the procedure. Dollars and euros are exchanged by most of the large banks, in some it is also possible to replace the currency of neighboring countries, pounds, crowns. As for rare and exotic currencies, with a high degree of probability you will not be able to find a bank in Russia to exchange them.
  • The procedure is paid. Firstly, this is an additional service of the bank. Secondly, the bank will also have to pay for the expertise of the Central Bank. The commission can be from 3 to 10% of the face value.
  • The exchange process may take longer.. Depending on the complexity, the examination ranges from several days to a month.
  • banknote requirements may differ from those applied to the Russian currency.


If stores and terminals do not accept banknotes from you due to their damage and deterioration, do not despair. Any Russian bank will replace a dilapidated banknote absolutely free of charge, and in most cases the procedure will take a few minutes.

You can apply for a replacement of Russian banknotes if more than half of the banknote has been preserved, the series, number and denomination are well read. In case of doubts about the authenticity of the banknote, the bank will appoint an examination, and if it is positive, it will exchange it.

Sometimes we are faced with a situation where money of an unpresentable kind falls into our hands. Most often, these are banknotes of a small denomination of 10 and 50 rubles, unnoticed among other pieces of paper from change or accidentally washed along with clothes.

Getting rid of them is quite simple in small shops or stalls. But what to do if a large bill of 500, 1000 or even 5000 rubles turned out to be damaged?

Let's try to figure out how various damages affect the solvency of a banknote and what to do to return the damaged money.

If torn

What to do with a torn banknote? If the bill is torn in half, you can go for some tricks to extend its solvency for a while. It's about gluing money torn in half.

It should be taken into account that the gluing will not last long, especially on dilapidated banknotes, and this may be noticed in the store. Then it will have to be carried to the bank for an exchange.

There are several ways to glue a torn bill:

  • A thin strip of transparent tape. If necessary, tape can be applied on both sides;
  • Glue "Moment" or PVA. Both edges of the bill should be smeared with a thin layer of glue and try to connect the halves so that the seam becomes as little noticeable as possible. The chance to get rid of money glued in this way in the store is higher;
  • Instead of adhesive tape, use a strip of tracing paper or thin tissue paper and glue.

After gluing and drying, it is necessary to bend the bill so that the seam or strip of adhesive tape does not fall into the fold. Since paper money is often crumpled, you should be careful with the restored banknote.

How to use damaged money

Damaged banknotes can be used in the same way as regular ones. Such money will not be accepted only if it is damaged too badly. Moreover, the signs of the solvency of banknotes and coins are strictly indicated by the Central Bank of Russia, which issued special Instructions in 2006.

Banknotes are subject to acceptance in all types of payments:

  • Having small holes or punctures, with damaged edges and lost corners, tears;
  • On which there are various inscriptions, stamps;
  • The appearance of which is spoiled by minor abrasions, dirt, small stains (from paint, oil, etc.);
  • Faded (for example, after washing), provided that the image and number remain unchanged and are clearly visible.

The Central Bank divides all banknotes into three degrees of dilapidation. Money that has the above signs, refers to the 1st degree of dilapidation. Payment organizations may not accept banknotes of the 2nd and 3rd degrees.

Thus, all of the above flaws are not a reason for refusing to pay with a damaged bill in a store or bank.

Things are worse with ATMs. They do not accept banknotes with significant gaps, even if they have been glued. However, there is a chance that the ATM will just accept slightly shabby bills - it depends on the settings of the reader.

Each of us at least once faced with damaged money - torn, worn, faded, decorated inscriptions or just accidentally washed banknotes.
What to do with these? The most important thing is to figure out whether the damaged money has solvency. And if so, then all organizations and entrepreneurs are obliged to accept them from you.

Criteria of solvency of money

Signs of the solvency of money are given in paragraph 1 of the “Instructions of the Bank of Russia of December 26, 2006” 1778-U. Remind the cashier about them if he refuses to pay you, for example, because the banknote is worn out. And if the spoiled money nevertheless lost its solvency, alas, they will have to be thrown away.

So what are the criteria for the solvency of money?

Small abrasions, dirt, small glued pieces, small colorful or oil stains, extraneous inscriptions, lost corners and edges, small punctures, holes on banknotes should not prevent you from paying for goods, work or services with this banknote. Two halves of one banknote, glued together, should also be accepted for payment in any store, but in case of a problem they will be replaced with a full-fledged banknote.

Minor mechanical damage on either side of the coin does not deprive it of solvency. Of course, if the image is preserved. By the way, the front side, or what everyone used to call an eagle, is called the obverse by bankers. On it, Russian coins usually depict St. George the Victorious or a double-headed eagle. And the reverse side of the coin in the language of specialists is called the reverse. In a simple way, it is called tails. It indicates the face value of the coin. Connects the obverse and reverse edge - side. On the edge, as a rule, notches can be seen. What money can be exchanged If you still failed to convince the cashier in the store to accept the damaged rubles, you will have to go to any bank and exchange them for new ones. Employees of any bank are required to exchange old and damaged money for free with new ones with the same denomination. But first, it’s better to evaluate in advance whether it’s worth spending time going to the bank. After all, only solvent banknotes and coins will be unconditionally exchanged for you. You can understand the solvency of banknotes on your own. Banknotes The criteria by which you can determine whether banknotes will be exchanged for you are established in paragraph 2 of the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ”1778-U. Let's consider each of them in order.

The banknote does not have a significant fragment .
If a bill without a corner or, say, its edges are burned, then you can still pay with it. Provided that the banknote was not significantly damaged, that is, the flaws did not affect the elements of graphic design and did not damage the security signs. But if the damage is serious and such money is not accepted for payment, they can be exchanged at the bank. But, only in the case when the banknote survived at least 55 percent.

How to understand if the preserved part of the banknote is enough for exchange? The easiest way is to attach the "affected" banknote to a sheet of paper lined in a cage. And see how many whole cells will close the rest of the bill. This number must be divided by the total number of cells that a whole banknote would occupy. And multiply by 100 percent.

If the result is 55 percent or more, you can safely go to the nearest bank and exchange money. And if less - alas, it remains only to throw away the rest of the banknote.

The banknote is torn into several pieces .
It doesn't matter how many pieces the banknote was torn into. If one or more fragments is at least 55 percent of the size of the whole bill, it must be exchanged for you. Instruction ” 1778-U allows you to exchange a banknote glued from many small pieces. The main thing is that they all belong to the same banknote.

Do you have fragments of different banknotes .
You can also exchange two parts of completely different banknotes. Of course, if both of them are of the same denomination. Please note: in this case, there should be only two fragments. Instead, you will be given one whole banknote of the same denomination. Three pieces or more from different banknotes, combined in any way into one, will not be exchanged for you.

But here's what's important: each part of such a combined banknote must be at least 50 percent of the size of the whole bill. The halves should be different in graphic design. That is, for example, if a monument to Yaroslav the Wise is depicted on one part of a 1000-ruble banknote, then on the second fragment there must be a chapel of Minin and Pozharsky.

The color or glow of money in ultraviolet rays has changed .
Let's say you forgot to take banknotes out of the pockets of your clothes before washing. As a result, under the influence of detergents, money could greatly change its original appearance. And it’s not a fact that you or the cashier in the store will notice this with the naked eye. But when checking on the detector the currencies that are now equipped with the workplaces of cashiers, your banknote may shine in a completely unusual light. The seller will most likely refuse to accept such a banknote. Do not worry. In the bank, you can easily replace it with a new one.

Money can change color in ultraviolet light under the influence of a variety of chemicals. But, if you can clearly see the images on the banknotes, know that you have the right to receive new banknotes. Instead of "defective".

There is only one exception. The situation when banknotes are treated with a special solution to combat illegal operations or theft. Traces of such a solution can also be in the form of small colored spots or colorless, visible only in ultraviolet rays. If you suddenly find yourself in your wallet just such a marked banknote, the cashier at the bank is not entitled to exchange it.

The banknote turned out to be defective .
The case, it must be said, is rare, but it cannot be excluded. These may be graphical errors or the absence of any security elements. For example, threads. Prints of one banknote on another and other defects are possible. In all these cases, the bankers compensate you for your monetary shortcomings with new banknotes. And the defective ones will be taken away.


To determine whether they will give you new coins to replace the damaged ones, the signs listed in paragraph 3 of the same Directive of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ”1778-U will help.

The original shape of the coin has been changed .
Your bank will accept a coin for exchange, even if it is bent, flattened or filed, there are holes and other traces of metal removal in money. But one condition is obligatory: on the obverse and reverse, the images must be preserved.

The coin has traces of exposure to an aggressive environment. .
The coin can also burn or even melt. And it can change its color as a result of chemicals. For example, under the influence of acid. However, in these cases, all coins will be replaced with new ones.

A marriage was found on the obverse or reverse .
As in the case of banknotes, defective coins will be exchanged for full ones without any problems.

Where and how to exchange damaged money

After you have found the damaged money, and they are not suitable for exchange, feel free to go to the branch of any bank. The specialist will immediately check your banknotes for authenticity. And in case of a successful result, it will give you new money without defects. Bankers are not entitled to demand any commission for this. There will be no paperwork. It is not necessary to issue any documents when exchanging damaged banknotes.

At your request, new money can be issued to you not only in cash. Bank employees will transfer a certain amount to your current account without any problems. To do this, prepare the details in advance. This possibility is provided for in paragraph 4 of the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated December 26, 2006 ” 1778-U.

If the cashier has doubts about the authenticity or solvency of the money, they can be transferred for examination to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This can take anywhere from a few days to a month. And you will be required to make an application in which you need to prescribe the amount of money to be handed over for examination, as well as the way in which they will be returned to you if the validity of banknotes and coins is confirmed. According to the general rules, it is also necessary to attach an inventory of the transferred banknotes to the document.

Examination by bankers should also be carried out free of charge. This is stated in paragraph 16.14 of the Regulations of the Bank of Russia on the procedure for conducting cash transactions dated April 24, 2008 ”318-P. The results of the examination will be documented. If it states that banknotes are solvent, then they will be exchanged for new ones.

According to the journal "Chief Accountant"

It happens that due to some circumstances, money is torn, washed with clothes or painted by children. The question arises: will they be accepted in the store and is it possible to exchange money? The correspondent of the site found out which damaged bills can be used for their intended purpose, and which acquire the status of insolvent.

Banknotes that can be used to pay

With banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia with minor damage, you can pay for goods and services in Khabarovsk:

Plus, you can pay with coins that have minor mechanical damage, but retain their original shape.

All of the above damages are considered minor, these banknotes have a course, - said Dan Zotov, head of the cash circulation department of the FEGU of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. - If the seller of goods or services refuses to accept such money, they can be exchanged at the bank. And if earlier only the Central Bank and Sberbank provided such a service to the population, today any bank that works with individuals can accept damaged money from you and issue whole ones.

Exchange of damaged money in Khabarovsk

- You will receive banknotes without flaws if you bring to the bank banknotes with obvious signs of a manufacturing defect (inverted number, absence of individual image elements). But it is worth remembering that such banknotes are of particular interest to numismatist collectors. And, therefore, banknotes with manufacturing defects can not only be exchanged for equal in value, but also make money on it.

As for iron money, you can exchange bent, flattened, having holes, melted and discolored coins. But if you bring a part of the coin to the bank, for example, a "disk in a ring", or a coin with a completely lost image, you will be refused an exchange on completely legal grounds.

If you and the bank employees have disagreements regarding the exchange of damaged banknotes, you will need to write a statement requesting an examination at the Bank of Russia. It is completely free for citizens of the Russian Federation and takes from 5 days to 1 month. If banknotes of a foreign state - dollars or euros - are under suspicion, the examination may take up to six months or more, since the money will be sent to the country of origin.

By the way, usually even a passport is not required to exchange damaged banknotes at a bank, but just in case, you should still have this document with you. For example, on the basis of Federal Law No. 115, banks are required to identify a client in exchange and currency transactions in excess of 15 thousand rubles.

Maria Polyakova

Photo source - Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The term of use of 10-ruble banknotes is only a few months, 50-ruble banknotes last about a year, 100- and 500-ruble notes - no more than 5 years. But it is precisely these banknotes that are the most popular, so it is not surprising that dilapidated and damaged ones are often found among them. In connection with the massive refusal of stores to accept old and defective banknotes for payment, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation sent commercial structures special instructions dated December 26, 2006 No. 1778-U “On the signs of solvency and the rules for exchanging banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia”.

With this document, the Central Bank obliges all organizations that have any form of ownership, working in any field of activity to accept banknotes and coins recognized as solvent, as well as paper and metal money with minor damage and defects. These include:
- denominations of the Bank of Russia worn out, frayed or torn, having dirt, small holes, punctures, inscriptions, seals, as well as those with torn off corners or edges;
- iron money of the Bank of Russia with minor mechanical damage, but with preserved images on the obverse and reverse.

The store has the right to refuse to accept banknotes of the 2nd and 3rd degree of disrepair, since a credit institution (bank) accepts such banknotes cheaper than face value.

Can a store refuse to accept damaged money?

The defects listed in the Instructions are classified by experts as 1 degree of dilapidation of a banknote or coin. Such money should be accepted in any store as payment. The refusal, in addition to the above Directions, also violates Articles 426 and 445 of the Civil Code, since in this case it is considered that this commercial organization unreasonably evades the conclusion of a public contract, and it must compensate the other party for the losses caused by this.
The law does not provide for any administrative liability in the form of a fine or penalty for refusing to accept damaged banknotes.

In this case, for a commercial organization-seller, the law establishes civil liability in the form of compulsion to conclude a transaction - a contract of sale with the buyer of a product or service. But, since you cannot physically force the seller to fulfill these obligations, you will only be able to prove your case in court.