How to receive real estate from the state. How to get financial assistance from the state to purchase an apartment? Package of required documents


Own housing for citizens is an important element of their life. In Russia, most apartments are purchased on a paid basis.

Nowadays you can get free housing from the state. Few people know how to legally obtain an apartment for free from the state.

An apartment can be provided by the state from the public housing stock, or a certificate with financial assistance is issued for the purchase of housing.

The applicant will have to fulfill a number of conditions to prove his right to an apartment. The transfer of free residential real estate occurs between a person with certain benefits and government agencies.

There are several options for purchasing real estate free of charge from the state. Let's consider who is entitled to free housing from the state in Russia.

Living space from state fund can be obtained by low-income citizens in need of housing. They must:

  • stand in line to receive property;
  • confirm Russian citizenship;
  • submit a package of documents confirming insufficient monthly income;
  • Each family member must provide information about their income.

Families with a certain level of a certain living wage, calculated for each specific region separately, can apply for a free apartment.

If the family income per person is less than the established level, then the family can, thanks to government assistance, count on free housing.

The law assumes that low-income families are unable to purchase an apartment on their own. The assistance program is the only way for them to get their own housing.

To receive a free apartment, the following will also be taken into account:

  • availability of other housing suitable for living;
  • additional income for all family members;
  • residence in a specific region of Russia for a certain period of time.

The procedure for providing free property will look like this:

  1. A low-income family must confirm its status.
  2. Documents and an application for placement on the waiting list are submitted to the housing committee.
  3. The apartment is provided free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.

To obtain low-income status, you should contact the center social protection, then you can get on the waiting list for housing in the local municipality.

A special commission from the district department of housing policy compares the income level of a given family with the cost of living in this region.

A subsidy for the purchase of housing can also be provided to a young family. This is not a free method, but it provides significant support to young families, covering 30% of the cost of the apartment. If you have children, the percentage increases to 35.

To receive a subsidy, you must meet the following requirements:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • registration of newlyweds at one address;
  • official employment;
  • having your own savings to pay the initial mortgage payment;
  • lack of your own home or the apartment does not meet the area standards per person (less than 18 m2).

The funds from the certificate that the newlyweds will receive can only be spent on purchasing an apartment or house.

A family can count on an apartment from the state free of charge and without waiting in line if they are raising 3 or more children under age.

The status can be confirmed by the social security authorities; it can be obtained not only by a family with two parents, but also by a single mother.

The decision is made by local governments subject to the following conditions:

  • the family should not have residential property;
  • family income must be below or at the subsistence level, which means it is impossible to independently purchase housing;
  • a large family must live in the region where they wish to obtain real estate.

You should come to local authorities with a package of documents, which includes a certificate of family composition. A status certificate is also provided. large family, an agreement for rented or own housing with inconsistency of living conditions relative to the number of people.

State assistance is provided in the form of a certificate. The money received under it can only be spent on the construction or purchase of housing.

A serious chronic illness of one of the family members is a reason for a request to provide such a family with a free apartment.

This will require evidence that due to this disease it is impossible to live together with the patient, and the family does not have the opportunity to purchase real estate.

The housing department of the municipality has a list of such diseases that are established by the Ministry of Health Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 established a list of diseases. This includes:

  • dysfunction or absence of lower limbs;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • mental and other serious illnesses.

Citizens who received status before 2005 may be provided with a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment. Those who registered later will receive housing according to the contract social hiring.

Local municipal authorities should provide:

  • medical report;
  • passport;
  • an extract from the house register;
  • personal account number.

A serviceman’s family can receive a free apartment if such a decision is received from the Ministry of Defense, as well as if certain conditions are met, such as:

  • his family must need housing;
  • a soldier must have served at least 20 years in the army.

A soldier can serve 10 years if his dismissal was due to valid circumstances.

Military mortgages and free housing for military personnel are completely different programs; you can only participate in one of them.

A military mortgage is also free living space, the state provides down payment and makes payments every month, provided that the serviceman remains in service until the entire amount is repaid.

The limit is 2.5 million rubles, but for most regions of the Russian Federation this is enough to purchase an apartment without additional investments.

Many people ask whether it is possible to get an apartment from the state for free if the housing is official? To implement this method, a combination of special circumstances will be required, so it is rare.

For example, an organization has its own housing stock; an enterprise has the opportunity to provide an apartment to its employee as official housing.

If an enterprise ceases to exist (does not change ownership or become bankrupt), then the organization’s housing stock is transferred to the ownership of the municipality.

Thus, the former official living space can be privatized. Perhaps the municipality for individual categories civil servants will give permission to privatize a service apartment.

A common way to get free living space. Owners of their own living space can turn to the state for help if the sanitary and technical condition of their housing does not allow them to live in it.

The state provides housing in a new building in exchange for an emergency apartment in a building intended for demolition.

Each municipality has a list of houses subject to resettlement; anyone can find out whether they have the right to count on the provision of new housing under the state program.

Residents of dilapidated houses must submit an application to local authorities. The unsafety of the structure must be confirmed by an interdepartmental commission.

Based on the results of the assessment, the building will either carry out major renovation, or will relocate residents to new apartments. Apartments should be no less than the area they were before.

In the future, it is planned to introduce new rules; it is assumed that resettlers will be co-investors in the construction of new apartments, and they will still have to invest their own funds in housing.

If they refuse to invest money in an apartment, residents will be provided with housing free of charge and unlimited use on the terms of social rent, but without transfer of ownership rights.

Low-income single elderly people who live in a municipal apartment have the right to enter into an agreement with third parties on their full provision and lifelong maintenance.

As a payment, after the death of the renter, the housing can be privatized and transferred to people who cared for elderly citizens. For this, the state provides them with free housing in the future.

Any of the above methods gives you the right to receive free housing from the state. Although the chances of getting an apartment free of charge are very small, these categories of people have them.

Also, all applicants will have to prove that they have the right to do so.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, scientists and athletes, and nonresident refugees can apply for housing from the state free of charge.

Under the “Young Scientists” program, it is possible to purchase housing for citizens who have dedicated their lives to science.

A candidate of sciences must be no older than 35 years, a doctor of sciences must be 40 years old, and they must also have at least 5 years of work experience in their specialty.

In addition to the listed categories, the following persons can also take advantage of government benefits:

  • children left without parents;
  • a service apartment is provided to judges, prosecutors and police officers;
  • participants in liquidation of consequences of accidents and disasters;
  • persons injured in childhood and disabled people of groups 1-2;
  • forcibly resettled citizens to another area.

Where in Russia do they provide free housing? Of course, in Moscow and other capitals of the country they are unlikely to distribute housing to everyone. However, in the regions this issue can be resolved.

If a dilapidated house is being prepared for demolition and the tenants are being resettled, then, according to the law, they are entitled to an apartment in the same locality or even region.

The list of documents for obtaining housing or a loan for its acquisition must be provided in originals and copies. You will need:

  • passport with the citizenship of the citizen;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • income certificates for working family members;
  • TIN for all adult family members;
  • certificate about the condition of the housing from the BTI and the area of ​​the apartment;
  • extract from the house register;
  • documents confirming benefits.

The law guarantees the right to housing for all citizens of the Russian Federation. Now you know how to get housing from the state for free.

Faces even with minimum income can achieve the provision of housing free of charge.

The sooner a citizen gets on the waiting list for free housing, the more opportunity he will have to take advantage of this right.

Today, many are ready to work in companies that provide housing for work.

And, although at first glance such “earnings” may look strange, it is quite applicable in modern conditions.

Why do they give apartments in Russia?

In the Soviet Union, with low salaries, people could hardly afford their own real estate, but the state took care of this: after waiting in line for many years, families could count on free real estate or improvements living conditions.

Today the situation has changed radically, and people must take care of their own coal: buy, exchange, withdraw it.

But some organizations still try to help a valuable specialist decide housing issue, albeit in other ways.

Please note: It is possible to obtain housing for work in both public and private companies.

Working for an apartment or what is service housing

Military personnel can get a service apartment

A service apartment is a real salvation for many government employees who, due to their duties, were forced to move to another locality.

So that they do not have to spend their entire salary on renting housing, the state provides them with temporary housing.

Official housing is an apartment in which an employee and his family will live while working for a state-owned enterprise.

Please note: Separate rooms in a dormitory or cohabitation of several families in one apartment are not service housing - they cannot be provided for the entire duration of work.

Depending on the position and composition of the family, apartments may vary in size and location. The capabilities of the company itself also play an important role: usually in government agencies the number available apartments limited.

List of professions

Doctors can also apply for housing

By law, state service housing The following specialists are entitled to:

  • deputies and officials;
  • military personnel transferred for service to another city or closed settlement;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as customs officers, judges, tax officials;
  • doctors;
  • teachers and kindergarten teachers;
  • employees of emergency rescue services: firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • foresters and rangers;
  • fishermen in fishing farms;
  • housing and communal services employees: most often this applies to janitors, but electricians and mechanics can also receive housing.

The state is obliged to provide all these specialists with living space if they decide to go live and work in another city and cannot find an apartment themselves.

Important to know: the above specialists have the right to use housing only while they are in the public service.

Accommodation is often provided by:

  • employees working in other cities on a rotational basis, for example, workers employed in oil fields;
  • builders;
  • large companies interested in a specific specialist or top manager can also rent an apartment for him, paying from their own “pocket.”

Submission procedure

Service housing helps attract people to less promising jobs, for example, janitors

To obtain official housing, you must apply to the local Ministry of Housing and Communal Services.

It must indicate that the applicant is an employee of a state enterprise and does not have his own housing.

The following documents must be collected along with the application:

  1. Employee's passport.
  2. Documents relating to the applicant's current home. For example, a lease agreement or documents that indicate that the owner is a relative of the applicant, and not himself.
  3. Certificate from the state register about the presence or absence of housing.
  4. Certificate confirming that the family does not have their own home or is in unsatisfactory condition.
  5. A letter from the employee’s supervisor about the latter’s need to obtain official housing.

Please note: if housing is offered by a non-state company, the list of documents and the issuance procedure may differ significantly.

In addition to the minister, the decision to extradite office space may be undertaken by the enterprise administration. In this case, it is better to contact them directly and find out what documents you need to prepare.

The request is reviewed within a month. After this, the issue of housing area and its location is decided, then a rental agreement is concluded.

Reasons for eviction

After graduation employment contract the family must move out of the service apartment within a month

Reasons for eviction of tenants may be the following:

  1. Termination of an employment contract: this may be due to the expiration of the contract, or voluntary resignation.
  2. Intentional damage to property or the apartment itself.
  3. Failure to pay utility bills within six months.
  4. The inability of other residents to live with employees on the same floor or in the same house: this could be immoral behavior, alcoholism, drug addiction and much more.

Worth noting: Some reasons for eviction are specified in the contract or determined by law.

If a decision is made to evict, the family must move out fairly quickly—within a month.

When you can't evict

Together with the serviceman, his family also moves into the service apartment

In some cases, a family cannot be evicted “to nowhere” - they must be provided with equivalent housing.

These include:

  • employees whose work experience was more than 10 years;
  • the family of a deceased employee who was entitled to official housing;
  • single employees with minor children;
  • military personnel;
  • WWII participants and persons who became disabled due to hostilities;
  • disabled workers.

Another condition is that at the time of March 1, 2005, you were on a waiting list for improved housing conditions or living in terrible conditions that allow you to get on the waiting list at any time.

Please note: the employer is obliged to provide living space in the same locality in return.

Is it possible to privatize

Privatization of a service apartment occurs extremely rarely

Housing Code prohibits employees from privatizing service apartments - this was done in order to combat the abuse of privatization opportunities.

But the second part of the same law allows the owners of residential premises to decide on the issue of privatization independently: that is, the enterprise that owns the property can decide independently whether privatization can be carried out.

However, organizations almost never agree to privatization, which, however, is not surprising. They may agree to transfer the apartment to an employee with extensive experience or an experienced and valuable specialist.

Good to know: for an organization to refuse privatization it is not even necessary to give a reason.

To privatize, the apartment will need to be transferred from official to municipal status, transferred to an employee and then privatized.

Work for an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Finding a job where you can get an apartment is not easy, especially in the capital and region.

This is due to the large number of commercial, rather than state-owned enterprises, to which it is not profitable to give away real estate just like that.

It often happens that separate living spaces are rented for valuable out-of-town specialists in need, but in this case they definitely cannot be privatized.

If the desire to get an apartment is still great, you should choose one of the professions indicated at the beginning of the article: they will help you temporarily “get hooked” on housing, and with a good attitude from your superiors, even stay there.

Getting a company apartment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but with privatization things are worse. Most often, property owners refuse this to employees, believing that they will abuse their trust. However, there is always hope for a favorable outcome.

Watch the video in which an experienced lawyer explains the features of the privatization of official housing:

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Every year in the Russian Federation, programs are being improved that distribute subsidized and free housing. Who is supposed to move into these apartments out of turn? Who is entitled to a subsidy that will allow them to purchase their own square meters? What documents need to be prepared for this? The article will provide answers to these questions.

Ways to get an apartment from the state

For The following options are currently available:

  • the opportunity to register for housing (in line or bypassing it - for categories of citizens approved by law),
  • apply for a subsidy that will cover part of the cost of purchasing an apartment,
  • use one of the social mortgage methods,
  • take part in mortgage projects (targeted at young families).

Who is entitled to a free apartment from the state?

To have a chance to receive social housing from the state, you must meet the following criteria:

  • live in an apartment/house that is smaller in area than the standard;
  • be classified as low-income citizens (the status must be confirmed by local authorities). The criteria for assessing financial insolvency vary and depend on the region of the Russian Federation.

The following people can sign up for a free apartment:

  • military families,
  • internally displaced persons (those who were persecuted in their homeland for their religious or political views, etc.),
  • those who leave the Far North,
  • liquidators of radiation accidents.

Out of turn to receive an apartment for free from the state allowed to the following categories of the population:

  • those who live in emergency premises;
  • orphans;
  • citizens with severe chronic illnesses, which make it problematic to coexist in the same apartment with other family members. The list of diseases is determined at the state level.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the area of ​​housing that families are entitled to depends on the specifics of the regions. This indicator is influenced by the level of supply of social square meters in a certain area or region.

How to get an apartment from the state: subsidies, mortgage programs

Count on financial assistance to acquire their own living space, citizens can falling into the following categories:

  • those who do science
  • military personnel,
  • those to whom maternity capital is paid,
  • large families.

Beneficial subsidies for those involved in science include"Young Scientists" project. According to it, the mortgage is calculated based on future income. A loan can be taken out for an amount that exceeds the borrower’s current salary. Labor activity scientist must have at least 5 years of experience, and age should not exceed 35 years for candidates and 40 for doctors.

The state project “Housing” is in action - certificates for the military are ready to be sent to their destination. The program applies to those who are dismissed from service due to the end of a contract, due to health or personal circumstances. Payments are calculated based on housing standards:

  • for singles - 33 sq.m.,
  • for a family of 2 people - 42 sq. m,
  • for a family of 3 or more people - 18 sq. m for each.

For families with financial assistance When the second and each subsequent child appears, the program is relevant"Maternity capital". This benefit can cover about 90% of the down payment, the remaining amount is paid by the borrower.

If a family has three or more children (who have not yet reached their 18th birthday), she has the right to receive land plot to buildhousing. There is also a monetary help for a young married couple who decided to buy their own home. Such a project makes it possible to rely not only on oneself, but also on government support. She will reimburse about a third average price for housing.

If a family has documented that it has a need to improve their living situation, it is possible to take part in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” project. The same condition must be met by those who apply for registration social mortgage. To receive it, you must be registered for housing.

Social mortgage offers the following assistance options:

  • purchasing a state apartment on credit at a reduced price;
  • subsidizing part of the housing purchased with a mortgage;
  • provision of benefits that will allow you to pay off mortgage interest.

The type of social mortgage issued is determined by local authorities, it depends on each specific region. The bank will present the borrower with requirements relating to citizenship, permanent registration, and length of service. Mortgage insurance is required at the expense of the person taking out the loan.

If a young family is unable to obtain state support for an apartment from the state, it makes sense to consider various mortgage programs. Banks offer them in a wide variety. Typically these loans have low interest rates. interest rates And preferential terms issuance.

What do those who are going to get an apartment from the state need?

For receiving an apartment from the stateThe Russian Federation needs to prepare the following documents:

  • passports and birth certificates - originals and copies;
  • marriage and divorce certificates with photocopies;
  • TIN of each family member with signatures on copies;
  • income certificates;
  • certificates of taxable property;
  • extract from the house register;
  • BTI certificate on the condition of the living space;
  • originals and copies of documents that indicate the availability of benefits.

Depending on the chosen method of obtaining an apartment from the state, the package of documents may change.

Advice for those applying for an apartment from the state

  1. Check out the offers of preferential lending and subsidies in your region.
  2. Carefully study the options for obtaining an apartment, weigh the + and - of each method. If applying for several types of financial assistance suits you (for example, you are a young family in which one of its members is engaged in science), decide which option is more profitable for you. Discuss your options with specialists from the housing department.
  3. Start collecting documents in advance, as this process requires a lot of time.

MOSCOW, October 2 – RIA Novosti, Marina Malkova. The older generation of Russians still remembers how they didn’t buy apartments in the USSR, but received them one by one for free, but in modern Russia, which has long been on the market track, only certain categories of citizens can count on free housing. The RIA Real Estate website will tell you who to go to work to get an apartment.

Even in Soviet times, when it would seem that everyone without exception was entitled to housing, while waiting for the product of industrial housing construction, people sometimes had to work for pennies, move to other cities and regions, get a construction job and have children. The larger the family, the more square meters she could get it.

Today in our country, municipal apartments are available only to certain categories of citizens, and among them there are those who are not in line. First of all, housing at state expense is provided to veterans of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, orphans, migrants from dilapidated and dilapidated houses, as well as people suffering from a severe form of any chronic disease. You can’t deliberately choose such a fate for the sake of an apartment. But, having set the goal of getting free housing at any cost, you can get on the waiting list and count on state support in resolving the housing issue.

Pogorelskaya gives the example of Moscow and the Moscow region, which, with active housing construction, are still among the problematic regions of Russia: the time spent in line at metropolitan region may be 10 years or more.

General Director of the Metrium Group company Maria Litinetskaya recalls even sadder facts. According to her, among those on the waiting list there are many who have been languishing in anticipation of housing for more than 20 years. “Unfortunately, municipal housing in our country is being built at a very slow pace and in small volumes, and, on the contrary, there are more and more people on the waiting list. Therefore, many people are forced to wait for years for the promised apartments,” complains Litinetskaya.

Indeed, those on the waiting list who are not included in any of the preferential categories linger in line for a long time, confirm the Department of Housing Policy and housing stock Moscow. Now, for example, people who registered for housing in 1989-1990 receive apartments free of charge under social rental contracts.

Meanwhile, 10-20 years is a period comparable to that during which other citizens are forced to pay mortgage loan, spending your hard-earned money on its repayment every month.

At the same time, those on the waiting list have the opportunity to solve their housing problem with partial assistance from the state. If they are ready to invest personal funds, then the process of obtaining housing can be accelerated using paid methods - subsidies or social mortgages. Using a social mortgage, for example, a family that registered for housing more than 10 years ago can purchase a one-room apartment in Nekrasovka for about 1 million rubles, according to the housing policy department. But this option is only suitable for those who are willing to pay extra for housing, and therefore, with a high probability, can no longer be considered low-income.

By the way, those on the waiting list who want to receive free government assistance to improve their living conditions will have to confirm their status for the entire waiting period. Otherwise, you may lose your right to free housing. “My mother and I stood in line for an apartment for more than ten years,” says Dmitry Gorin from Moscow. “And we would have waited if we had not inherited a house in the village from our grandmother. Having added it to our property, we were taken off the register.”

I would join the military, give me an apartment!

This provision is regulated separately federal law No. 73-FZ "On the status of military personnel." By general rule, military personnel can count on receiving an apartment in their chosen place of residence with a total duration of military service of more than 20 years. Or if the total duration of service is more than 10 years, if the serviceman was dismissed on so-called preferential grounds - for health reasons, upon reaching the age limit for service military service or in connection with organizational and staffing events, Pogorelskaya clarifies.

She also adds that in addition to military personnel, judges, prosecutors and rescuers of professional emergency rescue services have a similar right to provide residential premises under a social tenancy agreement.

It is important that military personnel serving in cities where they do not have their own housing have the right to receive service apartments in mandatory. Therefore, unlike regular waiting lists, military personnel have a significant advantage: while waiting for free living space, they can live in a separate apartment with enough square meters for each family member.

In addition, military personnel also have the option to use a paid method of improving their living conditions - the savings mortgage system, which has been operating in the country for the fifth year. It gives military personnel after 3 years of service the opportunity to exercise their right to permanent housing using targeted housing loan. In this case, a participant in the system can choose the location of his apartment and its characteristics.

By 2024, according to the director of the housing department of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Pirogov, they want to make NIS the only way to provide housing for military personnel. However, not all military personnel yet seek to obtain housing in this way.

"I, like most military personnel, at one time refused military mortgage. Because receiving from the state an apartment worth 10 million rubles or a subsidy of 2.5 million is a big difference. And we will get housing anyway, I have no doubt about that,” says Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Morozov.

The Russian Ministry of Defense promises to the end current year to provide permanent housing to more than 40 thousand people on the waiting list, said Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov back in the summer. Thus, all military personnel who joined the queue before January 1, 2012 should receive housing. In general, the authorities plan to end the waiting list for permanent housing for military personnel by mid-2015.

Apartment for a deputy

The range of applicants for service apartments is much wider. IN Russian legislation, as Pogorelskaya says, it is possible to provide office housing for almost any employee budgetary sphere, if, of course, the employer has enough funds for that.

At the same time, some categories of citizens, if they do not have housing at their place of work or service, are provided with official residential premises without fail. These include deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, citizens holding elected positions, police officers and other law enforcement agencies, and the aforementioned judges and military personnel.

And yet, official housing, even if it is temporary, is still better than nothing. Even if future prospects for obtaining housing are quite vague, during the time that you live for free service apartment, you can significantly save money on purchasing your own living space. For example, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who, judging by their income declarations, earn from 100 thousand rubles a month, can easily buy an apartment on credit, for example, by borrowing more than 4 million from a bank for a period of up to 15 years.

Of course, the idea of ​​joining the military or public service The prospect of getting free housing can hardly be taken seriously. After all, no matter how complicated the housing issue is, the end does not always justify the means, and you need to work where it’s interesting. However, if you have been drawn to the civil service before, the likelihood of getting housing will undoubtedly help you strengthen your decision.

The article tells how to get social housing for rent in Moscow in 2019 and explains the intricacies of the legislation.

Not everyone can get a social apartment. There are 2 requirements for citizens:

  • income below the subsistence level;
  • need for housing.

The rules on how to obtain an apartment under a contract are established by the Housing Code.

To resolve the issue of how to officially obtain social housing in Moscow for rent in 2019, you need to follow the instructions.

  1. Collect documents.
  2. Submit an application to the landlord for housing. The application is signed by the applicant and his family. Documents are accepted by local authorities. They can also be submitted through the specialized government services center “My Documents”. The form can be downloaded from the website of the Moscow Housing Department.
  3. Wait for an answer.

Required documents:

  • passports and birth certificates for all family members;
  • TIN of children and parents;
  • income certificates;
  • copies of work records
  • documents confirming property ownership rights (government authorities are interested in whether the family owns a house, apartment or garage);
  • certificates of family composition (changes in marital status are confirmed by a certificate of marriage and birth of children).

3 reasons for refusing to accept documents:

  • more applications have been received than there are available apartments;
  • the applicant did not register;
  • a certain category of citizens has the right to live in constructed houses, and the applicant does not belong to it.

Important! The City Property Department and district administrations are accepting applications from capital residents. For an application to be approved, not only the applicant himself, but also his family members must be recognized as needy.

To receive subsidized housing, a citizen must:

  • wait your turn;
  • really do not have enough income to rent a house or take out a mortgage;
  • have the attention and persistence to collect necessary documents and get on the waiting list with government agencies.

Among the capital's residents, only low-income people have the right to subsidized apartments. In St. Petersburg, people with disabilities and families with many children have joined the list of beneficiaries.

How to get social rental housing

To resolve the issue of how to obtain housing for social rent, you must be officially recognized as needy. The capital has its own requirements for applicants for preferential housing.

  1. The family has lived in Moscow for at least 10 years.
  2. Housing conditions have not worsened over the past 5 years.
  3. Each family member has an area less than the established accounting norm (for Moscow - 10 sq. m). The area owned by the citizen is added. All real estate named in the application is taken into account.
  4. The property cannot be renovated.
  5. Any family member suffers from serious illness (tuberculosis, severe mental disorders). The entire list consists of 11 diseases.
  6. The family does not have their own home, but can prove that they live in the capital legally.

In Moscow, a family can get an apartment if the building where they live lacks one of the basic amenities - water, electricity or sewerage. It doesn’t matter how many square meters there are for each family member. The rule is established by Law No. 29 of June 14, 2006.

Local authorities in other regions may decide differently how to obtain an apartment for official social rent and expand this list.

Housing under a social tenancy agreement is not provided if the citizen intentionally committed actions to worsen living conditions. You will be able to get on the waiting list only 5 years after completing such actions.

Social rented housing: how to get it

To receive social housing, a citizen must need housing and have an income not exceeding the regional income living wage(No. 217-FZ dated July 21, 2014).

A citizen will be able to find out what a social tenancy agreement looks like if his own income does not allow him to purchase real estate. The situation and housing prices established in a particular region are also taken into account.

Features of non-commercial lease

The lease term ranges from one year to 10 years. The tenant determines how long to rent out the property. If it is under arrest, operations with it are impossible.

There are 6 main features of housing on social rent.

  1. You can rent an entire apartment under a social lease agreement. You cannot rent just a room. There is no risk that something like communal apartments will be created.
  2. Rented housing is not property. A citizen cannot dispose of it at his own discretion - sell or exchange.
  3. The agreement can be terminated at the mutual desire of the parties or at the initiative of one of them.
  4. The landlord must make repairs. The parties may provide other conditions in the agreement.
  5. When citizens are evicted from an apartment, they do not receive other housing in return.
  6. The agreement automatically terminates if the employer dies or moves to another city.

Only those citizens who registered on time can receive real estate.

The sooner a citizen gets on the waiting list, the faster he will receive an apartment. Applicants receive it without a queue if their own home is destroyed and can no longer be repaired or the citizen suffers from a serious illness.

Rent out housing for non-commercial rent government organizations or property owners. Only one person can be an employer.

What does a rented house look like?

This is a building that is completely owned by one owner. Such housing has a special purpose - presentation to citizens for non-commercial rent. The building must have at least 50% of apartments that can be transferred to non-profit rental, and the other part of the housing must be rented out for a fee.

The housing stock can be transferred to only one owner; in the future, the original value of the house is preserved.

The owner himself can change the purpose of the house, but the rights of the citizens living in it must be respected. If the owner changes his mind, he must reimburse the government support he received, as well as pay penalties.