Investments in securities: analysis of profitability, risks, capital intensity and liquidity. Investing in securities for beginners - concepts, types and how to invest in securities Objectives of investing in securities


Everyone wants to either earn money or save their money, and often both. One of the ways to achieve financial goals is to invest in securities. At first glance, it may seem that this is a complex process and is not suitable for ordinary people, but this is only at first glance. Understanding securities and finding out their advantages and disadvantages is not that difficult. The main thing is to determine your strategy, choose the type of investment and term, be patient and have nerves of steel.

Types of investors and investment strategies

Most people who invest money in securities are called investors. But this name is conditional. According to the tactics of playing on the stock exchange, they are divided into investors and traders (speculators).

Investors are guided by long-term strategies. Often their main task is to preserve their capital. Therefore, they invest their savings in securities to save them from inflation. In addition, exchanges often generate returns higher than bank deposits if we consider investments in the long term for 5-10 years. This also attracts conservative investors.

People who care about their financial future also adhere to conservative investments as well as large investors. They are attracted regular investments into large stable companies, called “blue chips”, for a long term.

Educational program: blue chips are securities of reliable and reputable companies that are least susceptible to market fluctuations.

Another type of players on the exchanges - professional traders. They buy and sell securities in order to make money here and now. Often in a day they carry out dozens or even hundreds of transactions, usually despite the reliability of the issuers and without conducting fundamental analysis. They play simply - along an ascending or descending trend line, earning fractions of a percent on each transaction. This type of activity is called scalping.

Educational program: Scalping - from the concept of “scalp”: ​​constant speculative purchase and sale of securities by a trader with the aim of earning even a minimal profit. There are programs for traders who do scalping instead of a person.

Types of securities

There is a great variety of securities:

  • certificates of deposit;
  • treasury bills;
  • bonds;
  • options;
  • forwards;
  • futures;
  • stock.

Ordinary citizens never meet most of them in everyday life. We will also not consider securities used in the corporate segment. We are interested in securities as an investment object, so we will focus on stocks, bonds, options and futures. Which of these papers to choose is up to you to decide. Some people only play with one type, while others use everything in their portfolio. If we evaluate the investment qualities of securities, then for a novice investor it is better to understand one type and then move on to others.

Among the above, shares are considered the simplest. They are the simplest and most understandable to the common man.


The official name of futures is futures contracts. Their name comes from the English word future, which translates as “future” and perfectly explains their essence.

Futures are about buying now and receiving in the future. Oddly enough, we come across futures in everyday life almost every day. Have you bought theater tickets for the premiere, which will take place in a month? You have entered into a futures contract. Now neither the prices of resellers nor the rise in price of tickets at the box office worries you - you have bought the right to visit the theater at the exact appointed time. To make money on such a contract, you need to sell your tickets on the day of the premiere together with resellers, and that’s the profit.

If we talk about trading on the exchange, then a futures contract today reflects your forecast about the price of a particular product that is traded on the exchange. Initially they only applied to products agriculture, but thanks to the growing popularity they switched to metals, oil, gas, stocks, stock indices and so on. Large funds and oil producing companies buy futures to protect themselves from losses. Well, a small investor should save up some money, since each futures contract has a standard rather large size (from 1000 units), and there is nothing to do here with a few thousand dollars.


Options are correctly called “options on futures contracts”, translated from English as “opportunity”. Their essence is a little more complicated than that of futures. An option gives the right to buy a future at a price determined today.

Comparing futures and options again, if with the first you already bought oil or gold in a month, but at today’s price, then with the option you acquired the right to buy them in a month.

Important: The option does not impose any obligations on you. It gives you the right, you are free to use it or refuse it. If you have a call option at $1,200 and the contract is worth $600 at the time of purchase, then you are not obligated to pay and operate at a loss.

There are two types of prices in an option: premium price and strike price. The first is the value of the option itself, the second is the price at which the option can be exercised at a certain point in the future.

There are also American and European options. American ones are flexible; according to the rules of exchange trading, they can be implemented at any time. European - only after their expiration date.

And the main difference: investing in securities in the form of options allows you to play both up and down. This is due to the fact that options have a call - the right to buy and a put - the right to sell. But as we noted above, this is pampering for sophisticated investors.


Bonds speaking in simple language, is a debt obligation, or a monetary loan. The state or company wants to build something, modernize production or start producing new products, but there is not enough money, then they issue bonds. We lend them money in exchange for securities. The issuers promise us to return after some time the entire amount of the debt and interest on it, which is called a coupon.

Educational program: Issuer is a state or company that issues securities traded on a stock exchange.

The coupon income is often higher than the bank deposit, which attracts investors to invest in securities. In addition, bonds have two values:

  • nominal - the one at which the issuer will buy it back;
  • market - the one at which it is traded on the stock exchange.

If the issuer is reliable and attractive to investors, then the market price is higher, and you can earn extra money by buying bonds at par value and selling them at market value.

By type of bonds there are state, municipal and corporate (private).

Important: state and municipal bonds are exempt from personal income tax payment, but they tend to have the lowest returns.

There is another way to make money on bonds - buying discount bonds. Their meaning is even simpler than coupon bonds: they are sold at a price below par, and the investor will receive a profit in the form of the difference between the par and discount values ​​of the bond. Bonds are a classic investment in fixed income securities.

Types of strategies

There are several approaches to the bond investment strategy:

  • Capital gains

Invest your money in long-term bonds. This strategy should be used in a market with high bank rates when you expect them to fall. Then long-term bonds will rise in price and you will make money.

  • Stable current income

Buy short- and medium-term bonds and you will have a constant coupon income or discount income.

  • Ladder strategy

The most complex and subtle strategy. It consists of filling a portfolio with bonds with different maturities. We take 10 bonds with terms of 1 year, 2, 3, and so on up to 10 years. After a year, the first bond is redeemed, and all the others become “younger” by a year. Thus, our portfolio lacks 10-year paper, which we buy. A year later, the operation is repeated. One of the best investment techniques, since it allows you to get high returns in the long term due to the predominance of long-term bonds in the portfolio. In the end, as you understand, only 10-year bonds will remain, which are more expensive and have a larger coupon.

Bonds are differentiated by reliability. Each bond is assigned a rating from AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, SS, C, where AA is the most reliable and C is, respectively, vice versa. Bonds rated BB or lower are considered risky and are speculative securities.

Important: in any case, you must understand that bonds are not a bank deposit, and if the issuer goes bankrupt, the money will not be returned.


Shares are the main investment securities. Both adults and children know them. The essence of the shares is simple - the capital of the company is divided into small and not very shares and is sold either to everyone or to a select few. These small shares are shares. When you buy shares, you are buying a small piece of the company. Having a significant piece, you can already dictate your terms to the management team. In principle, this is why many companies prefer not to give a stake in the company to a large investor, but to break the necessary capital into many small shares, which will prevent the accumulation of shares in the hands of one shareholder and his pressure on the company's policies.

The company that issues its shares is also called the issuer. In order for shares to be traded on the stock exchange, they must go through an issue procedure, and the company must be listed.

Educational program: Listing is the procedure for obtaining official status on the stock exchange.

All shares are traded on stock exchanges: you cannot buy them without going through the exchanges. Also, you can’t just get on the stock exchange: each has a certain number of seats - licenses and sells them or distributes them among professional brokers, mainly management companies and investment funds. If private investor wants to trade securities on the stock exchange, he must work through a broker.

The shares themselves are of two types: preferred and ordinary. Preferred shares pay dividends first; in return, such shares do not give voting rights to the shareholder. They are produced in small quantities and usually cost more. The rest of the shares are ordinary ones, and they are traded every day on the stock exchange.

Stock Investment Strategies

There are two types of income received from shares:

  • dividends;
  • income from resale.

Dividends are usually paid by companies once a year. The board of directors decides whether or not to pay them. Many companies do not pay dividends for years, and you should not count on receiving them. In addition, dividends usually represent a small percentage of the share price; rarely do any issuers have this percentage greater than the deposit in the bank. Nevertheless, there is a separate direction in investing - investing money in shares in order to receive constant dividend income.

Important: You need to own a large amount of shares to get any significant dividend income.

Dividend investors monitor news and statements from issuing companies about their dividend policies. The main goal is to determine in advance whether there will be payments or not. You must purchase shares before the cut-off date.

Educational program: The dividend cut-off date is the date on which the register of shareholders is closed. Anyone who bought shares after this date will not receive dividends this year. The cut-off date does not coincide with the payment date.

It is also necessary to monitor future payments by indirect signs, because when management announces the payment of dividends in this year frantic purchases of this asset begin, and the price, naturally, rapidly goes up. Dividends are paid in the form of a fixed amount per share, and the cheaper you bought the securities, the more interest you will earn on it.

Important: if the share price rises strongly before the cut-off date, it is sometimes more profitable to make money by selling shares. Especially if you don't expect payments in future years.

Experienced dividend gurus advise paying attention to the following signs that may indicate a payout:

  • The company's report shows a very large net profit, significantly exceeding previous years;
  • The majority shareholder is interested in large dividends. These are usually 2 options: the main majority shareholder is a foreign company that is accustomed to regular payments. And the second - the majority shareholder bought a stake for credit funds and is interested in payments to repay the loan.

Educational program: The majority shareholder is the main shareholder.

  • The budget of a state or region is deficit and is in dire need of money. Then the government can force issuers with state participation to pay dividends.

In any case, the dividend strategy involves constant monitoring of financial news and analysis of the public and corporate sectors. It is also necessary to regularly evaluate the investment qualities of securities.

Another strategy is to make a profit by playing on the stock exchange. Either in the short term, as we already mentioned, by scalping, or in the long term - by increasing the price of shares. Of course, stocks cannot rise in price indefinitely. During the operation of the stock exchange, the market fell to the very bottom many times and rose again. Even in modern history this happened twice: in 2008 and 2014. Investors who bought securities the day after the fall in 2008 made the most money. The profit of some was 1000%. Such opportunities are rare and a prudent investor should watch for and take advantage of them.

To make money from selling shares, you need to buy cheap and sell high. In addition to periods of decline, there are other factors for successful investing:

  • the company's shares are undervalued;
  • the issuer is purchased by another, larger and more successful company;
  • the company has begun developing a large deposit, launched the production of new products, or otherwise plans to increase revenue;
  • initial placement of a promising company.

To assess the attractiveness of investing in certain securities, you can use the Morning Star matrix. Based on it, all securities can be divided into 9 groups depending on their stability in the market and the rate of growth in stock prices. The more risky the investor chooses, the more he should buy shares of small and rapidly growing companies, as an option - shares of “dark horses”. A conservative approach is to build your portfolio from value large stocks, as Morning Star calls it. In any crisis, the shares of such companies are usually unsinkable.

Stock exchanges

All investment securities are traded on stock exchanges. The first and today the oldest exchange is located in New York. Russian investors have the opportunity to trade not only on our exchanges, but also on the largest exchanges in the world:

  • New York Stock Exchange - NUSE;
  • National Association of Securities Dealers and Automatic Quotations NASDAQ -electronic exchange;
  • Toronto Stock Exchange TSX;
  • London Stock Exchange;
  • Tokyo Stock Exchange;
  • The Moscow Stock Exchange is the result of the merger of the RTS and the MICEX in 2012 MOEX.

Each exchange has its own index - this is a collection of shares of the main issuers of the exchange, the dynamics of which shows the general mood on the exchange. The Moscow Exchange has two indices, inherited from previous organizations: the MICEX index - in rubles and RTS index- in dollars.


Many people are both scared and attracted by the possibility of investing in securities. On the one hand, markets and stocks show good growth, on the other hand, news about the next day is very often frightening stock market. The unknown is always scary. Having understood the basics of investing, the types of securities, their advantages and disadvantages, you can safely go to conquer the heights of the stock exchange. Let's summarize:

  • Main securities on the exchange: futures, options, bonds and shares;
  • Each security has its own investment strategy;
  • Having chosen a strategy, it is better to stick to it rather than change it. Wandering back and forth does not lead to good things;
  • Strategy should be based on volume free funds the investor, the period for which he can freeze them by purchasing assets with them, the long-term investment goal;
  • The most simple tools- stocks, the most complex - options, the most conservative - bonds;
  • You can only trade on the stock exchange through a broker, with whom you must enter into an agreement and open a special brokerage account;
  • You can trade not only in Russia; choose brokers with a wide range of trading platforms;
  • Every rise on the stock exchange is followed by a fall, and vice versa, the main thing is not to miss price fluctuations.

And most importantly, be prudent and cold-blooded. Good luck!

In addition to direct investment in production development, funds can be invested in financial instruments. Through such investment, both tactical and strategic goals are realized. After determining the goals, a financial investment program is developed and implemented. It involves a choice effective tools financial investment, formation and maintenance of a balanced portfolio of financial instruments. But the beginning and all directions of further work are determined by the goals set. Depending on these goals distinguish between strategic and portfolio investing.

Strategic financial investments should contribute to the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise, such as expanding the sphere of influence, industry or regional diversification of operating activities, increasing market share by capturing competitors' enterprises, acquiring enterprises that are part of the vertical technological chain. The main factor influencing the value of the project for such an investor is the receipt of additional benefits for the main activity. Therefore, strategic investors most often are enterprises from related industries.

Such a project can be implemented by purchasing a controlling stake in the company of interest. Having accomplished this, the investor receives significant representation on the company's board of directors and actively participates in its management. Such investors are not interested in making a profit on the stock market or maximizing current income from securities; their interests are concentrated in the area of ​​control over property and are not limited to any terms of participation in the project.

Enterprise who sold their shares to such an investor, receives vp"ode from the receipt of additional funds, guaranteed sales of their products or supplies of necessary components, improved management quality, etc., but it must be borne in mind that in this case the management structure of such enterprises is subject to significant reconstruction.

Portfolio investments carried out with the aim of making a profit or neutralizing inflation as a result of the effective placement of temporarily free cash. In this case, profitable types of monetary instruments are purchased (deposits in commercial banks, bills) or income-generating types of stock instruments (marketable securities). The latter type of investment is becoming increasingly popular, but financial manager who is engaged in this work at the enterprise, requires a good knowledge of the stock market conditions and its instruments.

The nature of the investment transaction largely depends on the type of investor. Investor type determined depending on his understanding of risk, time of investment, sources and level of income. In accordance with this, conservative, moderately aggressive and aggressive investors are distinguished.

There are other criteria for classifying investors in stock markets. Depending from status they are divided into individual (private individuals), institutional (state, corporate investors, specialized institutions, funds, companies) and professional (banks and financial intermediaries).

IN developed countries the main investors who determine the state of the stock market are individual

investors. Having accumulated funds, they invest them in securities in order to generate income. But since the funds of each individual investor are limited and he does not know how to play the securities market competently, he prefers stable securities and a minimum of risk, i.e. this is essentially conservative investor. Sometimes such an investor invests money in high-risk securities, but he is always moderately aggressive.

Among institutional investors, i.e. legal entities who have a license to carry out professional activities in the securities market as intermediaries on their own behalf and at their own expense, occupy a special place corporate investors. These are corporations that carry out production activities, but make maximum use of stock market instruments to solve their tactical or strategic problems. They can be different in type - both conservative and aggressive, it all depends on the goals.

A special group in the stock market consists of various financial and credit institutions: commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, investment and pension funds and so on. These organizations are engaged in the accumulation and placement of funds in various financial assets for the purpose of generating income. The main objective of their investment activities- provide an income stream extended over time from minimal risk. Therefore, they are conservative investors.

Some professional financial investors do not seek to obtain a controlling stake, but seek control over the company's work through participation in the board of directors. This situation arises when they participate in a project with a given level of risk and expect to receive maximum profit at the end of the project by selling their package of securities. Such investments are usually made for a short period of 4 to 6 years, but during this time the value of the company, thanks to the implementation of the project, increases significantly and the profit is quite large.

Professional financial investors who engage in this type of investment make it a specialized activity. In Russia, such investors are represented by Western funds venture investments, the largest of which were formed with the participation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. These funds carefully select the investment object, minimizing possible risks, which is especially important for the Russian high-risk market. Most often, they choose to invest in already existing, fairly developed companies. Participation in such work Russian capital very little.

All stock market professionals who carry out transactions at their own expense are, as a rule, aggressive, and even, as they are also called, sophisticated investors.

Investment objectives are determined and forms of investments Solving strategic problems requires capital investments in the authorized capital of enterprises and the acquisition of a controlling stake in the relevant companies. At solving problems of capital growth in the long term, you need to choose long-term stock and monetary instruments, which ensure long-term growth of invested funds. For income maximization It is advisable to invest in short-term monetary instruments that can quickly provide income.

To achieve any investment goals it is necessary to evaluate the investment qualities of available instruments financial market. As a rule, they are assessed according to three indicators: profitability, risk and liquidity.

Profitability characterizes the efficiency of investment operations and shows the relationship between investment income and investment costs. Investment income consists of two components: this dividend, or interest payments, which depend on the performance of the issuer, and exchange rate difference, arising from speculative transactions. It depends on the activities of the operator and is the predominant source of income for an aggressive investor.

Liquidity, those. the ability to quickly turn into money without loss for the owner depends on the quality of the security and the level of development of the stock market.

Risk in this case, it represents the possibility of the investor receiving a result different from the expected one. Risks in financial investing differ in a number of features. They are closely related to the dynamics of the stock market, and not just to the performance of an individual issuer. These risks are differentiated by individual types of financial instruments depending on the period of circulation, the type of instrument and its industry. General risk of such an instrument is determined by the summation of private specific risks.

Form of financial investment choose based on investment qualities available financial instruments.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the level of risk and profitability, which are determined by the institutional status of the issuer. Issuers issuing securities are different; accordingly, their securities differ in the level of income and risk. Government securities are the least risky, but the income on such securities is minimal. Securities issued by regional and municipal authorities are attractive to residents of a given region. They also give low income, but the level of risk for them is low. To attract attention to such securities, local authorities often provide their owners with certain tax or rental benefits.

Bank securities have a moderate level of risk and higher income compared to state and municipal securities, so they are more attractive to investors. Corporate securities have unpredictable returns and a high degree of risk, this is very clearly reflected in Russian market securities.

An investor is interested in securities primarily in their profitability, and in some securities one can get a very clear picture of this indicator, while other indicators are unpredictable. Thus, the terms and amount of current payments on bonds are known in advance, and the terms for the return of the entire amount of money paid for them are determined. For equity securities, the market rate of which depends on many factors, and the amount of dividends is determined by the degree of efficiency of the issuer, the degree of profitability is much more difficult to determine.

All securities are divided into short-term, medium-term And long-term. Accordingly, the longer their lifespan, the more degree risk of investing in these securities. Therefore, short-term securities have the lowest level of risk, but their level of profitability is lower. Despite this, they are always in demand among investors.

Registered securities are low-liquidity, since the procedure for re-registration of property rights is quite complex and time-consuming. Bearer securities are freely traded on the market, which contributes to the growth of their liquidity.

All of the above forces the investor to choose a very specific type of securities to purchase. The next task is to select a specific stock instrument, and for this - determine their effectiveness.

The post has been changed:

The conditions of today's business and trade market provide investors with many ways to increase their capital by investing it in various ways. Many online resources provide the opportunity to make a contribution by contacting brokers for independent trading. You can also resort to the services of traders for confidential capital management. The most popular investments today are in all kinds of securities.

Securities, what they are

The law of the Russian Federation determines that any security is financial document, which confirms the property material rights of its holder. This document also confirms the fact of the loan and guarantees the possibility of receiving material benefit to its owner.

Absolutely all securities, regardless of type, have their own nominal and market value. Only brokerage companies who have a license to conduct this type of activity.

Securities are divided into several types according to various criteria. However, today it is customary to classify all assets relative to investment opportunities into three categories:

  • securities that guarantee a fixed profit;
  • derivative assets;
  • stock.

Fixed return securities have a strictly specified maturity date. This means that the owner of such an asset will receive a certain amount of money upon completion of its life. The value of this document is determined in advance either by the parties (borrower and investor) or by the security itself. Typically, investments in fixed income securities are made to preserve one's finances over the long term. The main types of securities with a fixed return guarantee are:

  • bond (debt assets that guarantee payment according to their face value);
  • promissory note (a written obligation to pay a debt amount within a specified period);
  • depositary receipt (confirmation of ownership of foreign assets without indicating the nominal value);
  • bank certificate (confirmation of ownership of a bank deposit);
  • state vouchers, certificates (securities issued by the state and characterized by a high degree of reliability).

But be careful when investing in such assets, because they have a strictly designated maturity date. If you fail to repay a security on time, it will simply burn and you will not receive its stated value. Therefore, for busy business people who, due to their professional activities, may be absent from the country or simply may not have time to return their deposit, you should provide in advance in your budget possible reserves for depreciation of investments in securities.

A prime example of a fixed income asset is a bond. Such securities as an investment object are also a stable guarantor of return and savings of one’s funds. The holder of the security has the right to present these debt obligations upon the expiration of its term, receiving not only its nominal value, but also a pre-agreed interest. Bonds are divided into corporate and government assets. The former, although they have a high degree of risk, still provide the opportunity for higher earnings, the latter are more reliable and, at the same time, less attractive to investors.

Derivative assets are essentially contracts that stipulate the terms of a transaction regarding changes in the value of a security. These securities as an investment object are subject to trading derivatives markets, not stock exchanges like other assets. Also, all derivative securities have a specific expiration date.

Types of derivative securities:

  1. Options provide the opportunity to purchase securities at a predetermined date in the future. American options provide for the purchase of an asset at any time, European options - only within the time period specified in the contract.
  2. Futures are contracts that oblige the parties to enter into a transaction to purchase an asset under strictly specified conditions. It will no longer be possible to refuse to fulfill the agreements.
  3. Shares are investment securities that are part of joint stock company. There are two types of promotions:
  • ordinary – provide voting rights, but do not guarantee payment of dividends;
  • preferred - provide the right to priority receipt of dividends, but do not guarantee voting rights.

However, preference holders may have voting rights if the company defaults on its obligations by not paying dividends. Owners can take advantage of this error preferred shares, buying up a controlling stake in assets and thereby seizing control of the company. In fact, there are quite a few such cases in practice, since everyone understands perfectly well how such negligence can result.

Investment qualities of assets

Any investor who invests in securities seeks to get the maximum benefit from it. At the same time, the opportunity to receive high income is associated with great risks. The risk of investing in securities is directly related to the possibility of making a profit - the higher the risk, the greater the income. Only after assessing the investment qualities of securities, the investor determines the likely degree of risk and income, and only after that makes specific decisions. Professional investors always analyze the investment qualities of securities according to the following criteria:

  • liquidity;
  • profitability;
  • risk.

Such investment qualities of securities as profitability and liquidity determine the final stage of successfully obtaining profit from investment. Liquidity is usually the ability to quickly sell an asset and receive a certain amount of money for it without loss. With good liquidity of the stock, its profitability also increases, which leads to an increase in the investor’s capital.

Securities investment risk is the likelihood of losing an investment. The risk may arise from any deviations in asset price fluctuations. Risks can also be of different nature depending on the type of asset:

  • environmental;
  • political;
  • economic, etc.

The risk of investing in securities is often directly proportional to the profitability of a particular company. If the issuer's assets fall in price, then the risk of losing one's financial capital is quite high. Therefore, when making deposits, it is necessary to carefully monitor the situation of supply and demand in the asset market, monitor the income of large companies and make decisions based on objective economic indicators. Also, when choosing a company to purchase securities, the investor will need to calculate the ratio of profit and risk.

Professional traders and investors always conduct serious research based on fundamental and technical analysis, studying the investment qualities of securities. Technical analysis shows only the pattern of decline and growth of an individual security.

Fundamental analysis shows a broader picture of the company’s activities, in whose securities the investor intends to invest. This analysis makes it possible to clearly predict the behavior of existing and future investors of the company based on the dynamics of its functioning, financial condition, space occupied and segment size in the market.

Where to start investing in securities

When an investor makes any investment in securities, it is necessary to decide on the investment instrument. Risk is always directly proportional to the return on the asset market. In essence, investment instruments are assets. For example, here is a list of instruments as profitability increases and risk increases:

  1. the most reliable and least profitable are government bonds;
  2. in second place are bank deposits and bills of exchange;
  3. corporate bonds are in the middle position;
  4. enterprise shares in fourth place;
  5. derivatives are the most unstable and risky instruments.

If you want to get high income in the near future, then you need to choose investment methods with high risks and good returns. But if you are not ready to risk large sums, you should resort to more stable financial instruments. It is also not recommended for novice traders to immediately large deposits, because the main thing is not one-time casual earnings, but professional growth and increasing the investment portfolio.

Forms of investment

Investors today have the opportunity to independently invest in securities or transfer their funds as trust management experienced traders, among which:

By law, brokers do not have the full range of financial instruments. But the main advantage of a brokerage organization is that it keeps records of financial investments in securities.

But is it worth giving complete preference to professionals who will manage your deposits? In fact, it is quite expensive - from 0.5% to 25%. In this case, all responsibility for the final result lies on the shoulders of the client. Therefore, before making a deposit, it is necessary to study all the terms of cooperation with intermediaries, because a correct assessment of the effectiveness of investments in securities will help not only save your money, but also increase your capital.

If you are considering securities as an investment object, you have every right to trade independently. But you will not be able to enter the exchange without a broker who is a licensed participant in exchange trading. The advantage of working with a broker is that he not only provides you with a ready-made platform for trading, but also keeps records of financial investments in securities.

good brokerage house must have all the necessary licenses, membership on the MICEX and RTS exchanges. Many brokers provide their clients with the ability to remotely access trading. Also, many companies engaged in brokerage activities have their own analytics service, which in turn provides ongoing advice to clients.

It doesn’t matter who a novice trader turns to for help, he, first of all, needs to work on his financial literacy. Assessing the investment qualities of securities will be the first step towards investing money in securities.

The next step is to learn the basics of fundamental and technical investment analysis. Fundamental and technical analysis are the basis for understanding economic processes. Reading and analytical skills will also be required. accounting reports, which show the full picture financial activities companies.

After this, you can form your first investment portfolio. The correctly chosen path of investment in securities must be carried out in relation to the levels of acceptable risk and desired profitability.

Shares – securities as an investment object

To competently invest in securities, you must have fairly good knowledge and experience in working with stocks. Stocks are a very volatile asset from a pricing perspective. Correct assessment of the effectiveness of investments in securities, as well as assessment of the investment qualities of securities will help prevent their depreciation and loss of funds. Since shares are a fairly dynamic asset, it is not enough to simply buy them and wait for them to rise in price or bring you dividends.

Although some assets may receive immediate dividends, they will be so small that due to inflation and stock price fluctuations, you will receive virtually no profit.

It is more profitable to buy cheap shares and then sell them at the peak in value. But this is not always the case. And every self-respecting trader should have certain reserves for the depreciation of investments in securities. After all, no one is insured against the fact that the shares of one or another issuer will collapse, and the investor will be left with nothing.

In a foreign asset trading environment, it makes sense to take a long-term view when investing in stocks. Foreign investment activity in the securities market is due to more moderate risks. But at the same time, the fundamental economic analysis And financial statements issuing companies. The meaning of this approach to trading is to buy assets during any economic downturn or a crisis when shares are rapidly falling in price. In this way, the investment portfolio is built up.

You should also not forget that you always have reserves for the depreciation of investments in securities. This will become a kind of guarantor of bankruptcy prevention when making every investment in securities.

In conclusion, it should be said that to successfully invest in securities you must have basic economic knowledge and master fundamental economic and technical analysis investing. If there is no such knowledge, then it is more advisable to resort to trust management of deposits and at the same time have reserves for the depreciation of investments in securities in case of failure.

A successful trader will also never invest all his savings in one project. It is important to use diversification as a way to ensure stability of investments. Several contributions to different assets under different percentages will give more confidence that the investment will not be lost. The formation of asset prices is based mainly on financial statements and company rating.

At the initial stage, you should not invest too much large amounts, since inexperienced traders in most cases lose their investments. And it is also worth remembering the main thing that investing is not a game and, moreover, not gambling. All processes occurring during trading on stock exchanges are subject to certain patterns and rules.

The basics of investing in this video:

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Stable regular income - this is what we strive for. Confidence in the future and a constant passive source of income is a person’s dream. It can be turned into reality if you clearly formulate your desire and collect an initial amount of money. How to become an investor, how to understand this type of investment, such as securities, you will learn from this article.

Just about securities

Money is a highly liquid, unique commodity by which the cost of services and other goods is measured. Securities do not have this function. They give property rights to the bearer. There are:

  • Mortgages;
  • Bills of exchange;
  • Bill of lading;
  • Bank certificates;
  • Government securities (vouchers, certificates);
  • Depository receipts (confirmation of ownership of shares of foreign companies);
  • Futures;
  • Others recognized by law.

To know what to do with them and what the benefits of securities are, you need to study a little about their purpose. Each type is valuable in its own way, but carries different degrees of income or property rights for the investor.

Investing in government securities is considered the most reliable. But, as shown Russian practice In the 90s, only those who knew what to do with them could use vouchers.

Where to start?

Important! Before choosing an investment portfolio of securities, be sure to study their model of action. You can even read it in an economics textbook. Your money is worth it.

Investing always involves increased risks. Those who have the least risk of losing part of their money are those who go to work every day and receive a salary for it. All other people - businessmen, speculators, shareholders, etc., are always ready for downturns.

The effectiveness of your investment depends on your choice. The choice must be based on knowledge, analysis, forecast and conclusions. First of all, invest in your education - it will bring you worthy results.

You are ready to invest if:

  • You have “extra” money. Never invest the latter;
  • You have information and understand the essence of the mechanism of operation of a security, the company itself, the state, analyzed the situation and predicted development for the next five years (minimum);
  • You have a professional advisor;
  • You are ready to take risks. Losing money once or twice in this field is a natural occurrence. So stick to the one-third rule. Invest 1/3 of your money. Distribute it among several investment projects(create an investment portfolio);
  • Determine your investment goals - why you need it;
  • Investments in securities are a long-term investment, so at the same time you need to invest in a shorter-term enterprise.

Securities, as an object of capital investment, will be the most reliable for you and will require a minimum of knowledge. Usually, special brokerage companies help investors. But you yourself must monitor developments.

The main securities that generate income are stocks and bonds. But from each paper you will have about 10% of the amount you invest. The income is stable.

Useful information! It is profitable to invest in both stocks and bonds. From stocks you will have a higher stable income, but there is a greater risk of losing everything. Bonds provide income over a period of time specified in the contract, but the risks are minimized.

What exactly to choose and where to invest is up to you. You need to focus on your needs and plans. If you want to invest in bonds, there are some things you should know.

Government bonds:

  1. They are reliable, but the income is not very large.
  2. Selling them before the end of the contract is not profitable. The cost of government bonds before the end of the contract falls by 10–20%. Sometimes by 30 - 40%. But if you wait a few years until the process is completed, you will receive your money plus significant interest.
  3. Reliability guarantees are high.
  4. The risks are minimal.

Corporate bonds:

  1. Issued by companies (corporations) and can be secured by real estate or unsecured.
  2. Secured guarantees the return of your capital in the form of real estate if the company goes bankrupt.
  3. Unsecured, in the event of bankruptcy, they are not reimbursed in any way. Therefore, do not take risks - invest only in bonds of large, stable, solvent, 100% promising companies and corporations.
  4. The income is high.
  5. The risks are higher.
  6. Reliability depends on the success of the corporation.

It is better to invest in bonds if you are not in a hurry. This is more profitable than making a deposit in a bank. Bank interest rates barely cover inflation. And investing in bonds increases your savings by 30 - 40%.


Companies issue and sell their shares and thereby attract capital from new investors to develop their business. Typically, shareholders are entitled to a certain share in the company and receive their interest (dividends) from this share. For example:

The company issued 1000 shares worth 100 thousand rubles. each. You found out that the company’s prospects are very bright and purchased 5 shares for 500 thousand rubles. Now, from the company’s profits, you have the right to dividends proportional to the number and value of your shares. In addition, if the company is liquidated, you will become the owner of property worth the value of your shares. During the management of the company, you may have voting rights, but receive fewer dividends, or not have it, but receive a larger amount.

  • Participation in management is usually limited;
  • Dividends are distributed from various sources.

Eat registered shares, the owners of which are registered in the register of owners, and bearer - anyone can buy such a security or sell it.

You can buy government bonds with 1/4 of your money. Invest another 1/4 in shares of a large company and receive dividends. Invest a third of the capital in corporate bonds. The fourth part should be untouched - this is a guarantee that in the event of force majeure and large losses, you will be able to increase your savings. Ideally, you should divide the money into 5 or more parts, two of which should be kept in reserve. For example, buy gold bars or real estate that will generate rental income for you.

If you become an investor in several areas or companies, you will have an “investment portfolio.” Experts strongly advise investing capital in several different areas to minimize the risk of loss.

Now is the century information technology a lot of things are simplified. Including stock trading. If you are a serious shareholder, then you will be allowed to trade only after completing the listing - including your shares on the exchange list. For example, the MICEX exchange, the St. Petersburg Securities Exchange (PJSC St. Petersburg Exchange), other Russian, foreign, international stock markets. Entering such markets has its own rules. Without knowledge, licenses, a certain amount of money, assets, access to trading in the stock markets is closed.

Majority individuals Those who engage in online trading do not pay due attention to the mechanism of operation of stock exchanges. You transfer money to an online company (for example, Omega+ LLC), which guarantees you access to the auction. But, in fact, your money, along with the capital of other individuals, is brought to the market by the Omega+ broker. It turns out that you personally do not enter the platform with $100 thousand.

Important! You need to look for a reliable broker who actually has the appropriate education, entry and exit strategy trading platform and psychologically prepared for risks. If you trade every day, then it will not be an investment, but speculation. So you will receive 10% of 1/3 or 2/3 of the invested amount every month. But the risks of losing everything are up to 70%.

How to reduce the risk of losses?

Hire a specialist. His education and experience, the percentage of successful transactions must be appropriate. Don't forget about human factor– a year of successful work can lead to fatigue and decreased attention. Look at the work of a specialist over several years. If the corporation whose shares or bonds you purchased has access to stock exchange, then you can write a power of attorney and enter the market through its platform.

Risks of investing in securities

There are two types of risks in the world:

  1. Systematic.
  2. Diversifiable.

The first type includes:

  • Changes in legislation;
  • Inflation;
  • Political situation;
  • Jumps in market interest rates;
  • Currency fluctuations.

These risks are due to reasons of global and national scale.

The second includes risks associated with a specific security:

  • You have chosen the wrong security;
  • You made a purchase at the wrong time;
  • The security is not liquid on the market (you cannot sell it at a reasonable or favorable price);
  • Debt securities are subject to credit risks;
  • Call risk occurs when the issuer of a bond calls it;
  • Risk associated with the enterprise (bankruptcy, decline in company stock prices, deterioration of business, rating, etc.);
  • Operational risk involves failures in systems, computers, or other technical problems.

Attention! An investor must be prepared for losses. Calm nerves, a philosophical attitude, knowledge and market control are the guarantee that you will get out of the situation with the least losses.

Advantages of investing in securities

All areas where they appear investment investments, have their pros and cons. Your task is to determine from all the properties the maximum profitable and the minimum unprofitable in your situation. Any investment must yield a return in the form of an increase in money and property. In addition, investments develop the economy of the state, company and industries.

Advantages of investing in securities:

  • Minimum knowledge required;
  • Stability;
  • Guaranteed regular payments;
  • High percentage of profitability with minimal investment of effort;
  • Prospects for dividend growth with favorable development of the company;
  • Capital return guarantees on secured shares;
  • Low probability of risks.


  • High risk;
  • Long-term investment;
  • Low liquidity in a short period of time;
  • High volatility (price fluctuations) can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Attention! The biggest drawback is the lack of information. He who owns information owns the world!

The advantages of investing in securities, as well as the disadvantages, can be used to your advantage. To do this, you need to master fundamental and technical analysis of the market. Keep abreast of political changes and economic situation in the world.

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