Black lists of debtors. Blacklist of Sberbank of Russia: how to view it and get out of it


Credit is support and help in difficult situations. The modern world is unthinkable without banking system, and retail consumer loans proof of that.

Most borrowers do not know, for example, that when concluding an agreement with a bank, a credit history. Further relationships with the bank depend on it.

Credit history: how it is formed

It is better to know about the formation in more detail. It all starts with filling out the contract. The future borrower will check the box for permission to provide information to third parties or organizations, confirming his consent to this action. From now on, everything that the credit institution knows about you will be in.

To facilitate the process of tracking the borrower, a combination of numbers and letters is assigned. Numbers and letters are agreed with the borrower. This code is then entered into the Credit History Bureau. It is possible to find out information using an individual code to a third party bank or a credit institution.

There are situations when borrowers forget personal codes. However, there is a need to obtain information on your own credit history. To do this, you need to visit the Bureau or any branch of a bank that issues retail consumer loans. Absolutely any is suitable credit organisation, having access to the BKI.

It is not prohibited by law to rename your own code. To do this, they pay no more than 300 rubles for the work, and in return they receive an updated combination of numbers and letters.

A responsible borrower rarely, but still faces moments when a loan is denied, citing debts to another bank. Why does this happen?

It's simple. Negligence of bank employees in which the loan has already been repaid. They do not enter debt data into the database in a timely manner. Therefore, temporary confusion results.

About credit bureaus

In legal language credit bureau- This legal organization, which, for commercial purposes, provides services for processing, forming and storing credit history. Additionally, BKI issues reports or certificates for a fee.

According to the data Central Bank Russian Federation by 2016, the register of state credit bureaus included 19 organizations.

The interesting thing is that only 5 of them occupy the leading place.

Any bureau is obliged to perform the following functions:

  1. get a credit report in one minute (online mode);
  2. creating conditions for disciplining borrowers;
  3. access to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories;
  4. access to the Federal Migration Service;
  5. monitoring the discipline of borrowers;
  6. provision of scoring cards thanks to our own database;
  7. external correspondence with borrowers or the bank;
  8. creation of reports that form the basis of the loan portfolio;
  9. combating fraud;
  10. processing loan applications;
  11. relationship with similar credit bureaus.

Credit history databases for individuals: access, blacklists

The blacklist is also called stop sheet. Debtors and non-payers are entered into the list. Everyone who, for any reason, rushes to the stop list.

Blacklists are sorted as follows:

  • a stop list at the bank in which all bad borrowers are entered;
  • data from collection agencies;
  • data in lists bailiffs;
  • information from credit bureaus.

To gain access, you should contact the bank branch where the loan obligations were issued. The branch allows you to make a request for a repaid loan. To do this, take with you loan agreement and passport.

If you contact, you need to know that they are receiving information from a credit institution.

By law, any borrower is allowed to make an inquiry about their own credit number for free only once a year. For a fee, you can find out the status of the blacklist.

To obtain information through the Bureau of Credit Institutions, you need to:

  1. Make a request to the CCCI about your own credit history. The request is made through any commercial Bank. The procedure has been described previously.
  2. Make a request to the BKI for a similar purpose. To do this, you need to contact the organization from the registry. The register is available on the Central Bank website.

How to view your credit history for free and for free

To look at the required credit history, 4 methods have been created:

  1. Personal visit to a credit history bureau.
  2. Bank branch or online service.
  3. The above organizations are authorized by a letter, which is certified in advance by a notary.
  4. Online check via the Internet.

All four methods are free. And here online check should be examined in more detail. There are several agencies that specialize in providing information. Their links:

  1. Internet bank. Through Personal Area you need to follow the link that will direct you to your credit history. The link is missing if Internet banking does not provide services for accessing the black list. Additionally, send a request to technical support. To do this, you need to fill out a special form. It can also be found in your personal account.

Clicking on the links is free, but to work with the services you must register. The working conditions for each service are individual. In some cases, information is provided free of charge the first time, and then for money. By paying for these services, clients receive additional bonuses as SMS informing, fraud protection, error correction and provision of personal code.

How financial institutions check credit history

These checks are carried out through the Bureau. The credit history bureau provides information upon request from a credit institution.

In theory this works like this:

  1. After the client submits an application for a loan, bank employees submit a request for the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. This is necessary in order to know for sure which Bureau the client’s credit history is located in.
  2. It is not difficult to guess that after this the bank sends a request to the bureau for a credit history.
  3. The credit history bureau begins working on the applicant's data. The reconciliation of the personal information specified in the application from the bank begins with the data in the database. We are talking about passport data, full name, and more. After reconciliation, the operator receives a report to the bank.
  4. The bank, having received a report from the Bureau, similarly performs reconciliation and assessment of the information received. As a result, a decision is made on approval or refusal.

What's in that report from BKI?

It contains data on four components:

  1. Client identification data. All information is on the title page.
  2. The basis. Actions on open and closed loans. Everything about loan sizes, repayment times and periods, types of lending, overdue payments.
  3. Additions. Information about the sources from which data on loans and existing debts was taken.
  4. Elaboration. Finally, information about loan refusals is recorded, and the specific reason is also indicated.

Credit history management

At the beginning of the article we talked about an individual code consisting of numbers and letters. It was invented specifically for monitoring and managing credit history.

How to send requests for monitoring has already been discussed earlier. But what to do if you need to make changes or notice an obvious error in your personal credit history.

If there are errors or incorrect data, corrections can be made. It's simple: they collect documents confirming errors and send them to the BKI. The organization must review the application within a month. If the client is right, then the inaccuracies will be corrected. If correction does not follow, and errors are clearly present, then going to court will correct the situation.

Check at TsKKI

An accessible video explains the sequence of actions that need to be performed in order to take advantage of the capabilities of the Central Control Commission for checking history.

01/06/2018 Nina Kuznetsova

It’s surprising that many people believe that a black list of credit institutions can be found in the public domain.

It is impossible to check your credit history online and for free, because the blacklist of bank debtors is classified information.

It is regulated by the article of the constitution and the law “On Personal Secrets”. It is impossible to find a corresponding list of debtors on the Internet.

If you come across your own name on such a list, you can safely file a lawsuit and demand compensation for the harm caused.

The only way to find out for free whether you are on the blacklist of debtors is to submit an application to the bank to which you owe a debt, or from its employees Federal service bailiffs.

Are you included in the FSSP register? This means that the situation has taken a serious turn and a trial has already taken place in the case of your debt, at which the decision was not made in your favor. And it is the FSSP employees who must implement it.

Bailiffs database

They've turned you on enforcement proceedings? First of all, find out whether it is in the general database of the enforcement proceedings database.

Yes, there are organizations such as credit bureaus. However, even they are not able to give a specific answer as to whether you are there.

The only thing that a credit history bureau can be useful for is that it can provide you with detailed information about your credit history.

The statement will contain information about all records of dishonest payments and outstanding loans. Such information is stored for 10-15 years.

Collection agency databases

Collection agencies also have their own lists of debtors. However, these databases are usually intended for internal use only and cannot be accessed.

According to the constitution, if a borrower is included in the blacklist of debtors, the credit institution must notify him.

So, for example, if the case goes to court, then employees of the Federal Bailiff Service must notify the borrower. However, there is still no specific accurate data for how long a person has been on the “black list”.

FSSP employees prefer to remain silent, and banks also do not make this information public. What is known is that the Bailiff Service (FSSP) currently has almost 2 million 500 thousand cases of collection credit funds in the amount of 700 billion rubles in favor of banks.

The total amount of debts of collection agency borrowers is 180 billion rubles. Moreover, according to statistics, 90% of non-repayments occur in the consumer lending sector.

Recently, as a result financial crisis, the lists of debtors have expanded greatly. Currently, many people have been added to the debtor database due to loss of employment.

A person who took out a loan for the first time has hardly heard of bank blacklists. But even if he heard, he thinks that this does not concern him. The circumstances of life are beyond a person’s control; it happens to everyone that they fail to pay a loan on time.

These could be holidays, late salaries, and even forgetfulness, which is common to many. In order to anticipate such cases that may turn out to be disastrous for you, we will try to tell you everything about the so-called “black lists” of banks.

And even about cases that happen to conscientious loan payers. Those who have used loans more than once are afraid to get on these lists. Banks do not issue loans to such debtors, at least not all of them. Some banks are lenient bad stories

, because they believe that anything can happen in life. An example of such stories are cases when a bank, without warning the client, changes the terms of the loan, changing the amount slightly monthly payment

. As a result, the client, having paid the entire previously agreed amount, calms down, and the bank continues to charge a fine.

In such cases, when repaying the loan in full, you must obtain a certificate from the bank stating that you no longer owe it anything. Such stories happen often in life. Sometimes a person paying the last monthly payment

, did not notice that the last receipt required him to pay a little more than he usually paid. After some time, this amount grows from a small one to a huge one, thanks to fines.

Blacklist of bank loan defaulters

The concept of a blacklist exists unofficially. People associate the word “black” with the word “disadvantaged.” In this case, we are talking about people who did not pay money to the bank exactly on schedule.

This may be one time or several times. Each bank draws up such a payment schedule for the entire loan term and you cannot violate it, otherwise you will pay a certain fine for each day of delay.

But, paying a fine does not mean that you were not included in the blacklist of loan debtors - it depends on the specific bank. Usually, persistent defaulters are included in such a list, who either paid several loans late or did not pay the loan at all. Some take out a loan knowing in advance that they will not pay. Judicial authorities are looking for such debtors.

What are the lists of bank debtors?

Lists of debtors, depending on development banking history for each specific borrower, there are:

  • private lists of bank branches;
  • lists of bailiffs;
  • Credit Bureau lists;
  • lists of collection agencies;

Private lists of bank branches

Such lists are kept by the bank manager, who monitors the repayment of loans by borrowers and warns in time about the repayment of the loan.

The Bank has no right to disclose this information to third parties. This is considered a disclosure of the borrower’s personal information, which is prohibited by Article 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. No one has the right to check the black list of borrowers at the bank.

The manager has the right to draw up such lists for individual work with the client. The credit history is stored in the bank and subsequently influences the bank’s decision to issue a loan to the borrower.

Each bank makes its own decision, which may not take into account data from past credit histories. But, in most cases, if there are frequent violations of the repayment schedule, the bank refuses to issue a loan to the bank's debtors.

Lists of bailiffs

If the borrower violates the loan repayment schedule, the bank most often goes to court.

The Bailiffs Office has lists of defaulters and you can always find out if you have a debt and what kind. This information, based on a court decision, ceases to be personal.

The court forcibly recovers the amount indicated in the bank, plus legal costs, from wages or makes a decision on the sale of real estate taken from you by the bank as collateral.

Credit Bureau Lists

Each borrower has his own credit history, which reflects all the loans he took out, from which banks and how he paid.

These histories can be found in the Credit History Bank, created specifically to track persistent defaulters and to facilitate the work of bank employees in preventing cases of non-payment.

And, although transmitting information about your loan payments to the bank is not legal, banks are very willing to use this mechanism to check your solvency in order to anticipate cases of non-payment on your part.

Based on BKI data, the bank makes decisions on issuing loans. In case you need to travel abroad and Bank loan

would not become an obstacle for you, it is better for you to contact the BKI and check once a year, you can do it for free. In subsequent cases, this service becomes paid.

Refusal to travel abroad and other sanctions for debtors

Failure to travel abroad, as a sanction, is applied by the court if the creditor has a debt to the bank.

At the same time, banks justify their claims by the fact that the debtor has money for a trip abroad, but there was no opportunity for a loan.

Statistics show that every year hundreds of people are not allowed to leave the country due to the prosecutor’s sanction for non-payment of debt. And every year the number of such people only increases.

Sanctions not to travel abroad are given only to those who are on the list of debtors by court decision. You can view the lists at any time in the online resources of the executive service.

When planning to travel abroad, check your credit history in advance.

If you took out a loan secured by real estate and are a blacklisted debtor, you will receive authorization for the bank to sell your real estate.

The risk of losing real estate is very high if the source of income from which the loan is repaid is unstable. Banks can do this through the BKI, which reflects the credit history of each borrower. Lists of debtors from each bank are sent to the Credit History Bank.

Banks can view the lists through official channels, and the borrower can receive a certificate of debt for each bank.

The official online resource of the executive service has a blacklist of debtors, which can be viewed in the public domain.

Is it possible to improve the situation?

Did you not manage to repay your monthly loan installment on time and think that you will be immediately blacklisted? If this happens once, you need to pay a fine. Banks have their own billing period. If you made it in the period from 25 to 29, you will not be on this list, but do not abuse it, otherwise you will definitely end up on the list of debtors and tarnish your reputation.

Banks screen out such clients in order to avoid problems with non-payments. Your credit history provided by the Credit History Bureau is the basis for the bank to issue loans.

Removal from the blacklist by executive authorities occurs after the debtor repays the loan. The bank cannot remove you from the list of defaulters.

But it is not all that bad. If you are not a habitual defaulter, you can improve your record by paying off the debt and paying the fine, and then paying off the rest on time.

The bank will take into account your minor violations and issue you another loan, if necessary. You can also change the bank to another, but if you repay the loan in bad faith, you will certainly be blacklisted and then you will not be able to get a loan from any bank, having a bad credit history.

Data on debt repayment are received by the judicial executive bodies no earlier than in two to three weeks, so you need to repay the debt no later than a month in order not to see yourself on the list of debtors from the judicial authorities. executive bodies and obtain permission to travel abroad.

All problems with banks regarding loans arise, most often due to the fact that a person does not take into account many factors that influence the timely repayment of monthly payments.

Let's consider the factors that influence the repayment schedule and that can be foreseen:

  • a stable amount of income that you are counting on;
  • careful study of the bank loan agreement;
  • insurance;

Video: Are you on the list of debtors?

After all payments, make sure that you have completely closed the loan. To do this, obtain official confirmation from the bank.
It happens in life that you urgently need money, but there is nowhere to borrow it. You need to take out a loan again, but you have a bad credit history.

It’s good if the bank meets you halfway, but this doesn’t always happen. This is where you will regret that you once repaid the loan on time.

To avoid problems, think seven times about whether you can pay your monthly fee on time, whether you will have enough money to live on after paying this fee, and whether you have a stable income.

And having made a decision, read the contract carefully so that the changes provided for by the bank do not become an unpleasant surprise for you.

When pledging real estate, think through all the options that are possible and enlist the support of all persons involved in this real estate.

“How can I find out if I’m blacklisted or not at the bank?” – frequent request Internet users. The answer is of interest to borrowers who are planning to apply for new loans and want to analyze their chances of having their applications approved. Below are discussed important points and nuances.


Are there blacklists?

What is a bank blacklist, which customers are afraid to get into? This is a list of borrowers with large debts and numerous systematic delays. Once in the so-called " blacklist", you risk being refused on subsequent attempts to contact the bank.

Some banks actually create blacklists based on the fulfillment of contract terms by clients. If the conditions are not met, the borrower is entered into the database, and employees are wary of him, understanding that the citizen is not able to responsibly fulfill the assigned debt obligations.

If the client refuses to repay the loan, financial institution has the right to transfer information to a collection agency. Such agencies may have your own lists.

It is important to know! Databases of banks and collection agencies are available to employees of organizations and are intended for review when performing job responsibilities in relation to certain persons. The citizens included in the blacklists themselves do not have access to the data.

Is there a single base

Unified database, into which the data of “willful” defaulters and unscrupulous borrowers is entered, does not exist. But delays, accumulated debts and other bank errors are entered into a credit history (CI), which is a complete description of a citizen’s creditworthiness and reflects all transactions performed by him: concluded credit and loan agreements, submitted applications (including rejected ones), delays in payments, debts.

CIs are formed and issued by credit history bureaus (BHI), into which all information is collected from creditors. But BKI does not have any database of defaulters. The information stored here is confidential and is provided upon request only to the subjects, that is, to the borrowers themselves. The history may be available to another citizen - the user, but he will not receive it in full and after the recorded permission of the subject.

If the debtor has not made payments for a long time and has large debts, then the bank could sue him. And if during the trial a decision was made to collect, the case would probably end up in Federal Bailiff Service(FSSP). And it has its own database, which is in the public domain.

Who gets blacklisted

You can be blacklisted by a bank for various reasons.:

  • Existing arrears. Moreover, one missed payment is a forgivable mistake. But if delays are regular, you are probably blacklisted.
  • Bank debt. It could have formed for various reasons: missed payments, reduction in payment amounts. Moreover, sometimes debts are formed due to the banal inattention of borrowers, so before you stop making payments, it is better to find out whether the loan is actually closed.
  • Incidents during visits to the bank: conflicts with employees or clients, being in an inappropriate state (for example, intoxicated).

For your information! If there are one or two delays, the bank issues a warning. But if missed payments are constant, the client ends up on the blacklist.

How to check your credit history

Credit history will not allow you to find out Are you blacklisted by the bank? But with its help, you will be able to independently analyze the fulfillment of debt obligations and look at yourself through the eyes of creditors, assessing how conscientious and responsible a client you are.

There are several ways to contact BKI:

  • Come to the branch in person and write a statement and sign it. One request to this year free, subsequent ones are paid.
  • Take advantage of online services provided by some bureaus.
  • Send a letter with a notarized signature.
  • Send a telegram by presenting your identification document to the telecom operator.
  • Contact your partners: agent banks cooperating with the company's bank booking company.
  • Use the services. For example, through ➥ you can access data stored by the National Credit History Bureau. You need to fill out the form and make a payment. The report will be sent to email and will contain everything that is useful for the borrower to know, including the results of checking the passport against blacklists.

Important! There are as many as seventeen BKIs in Russia, and first you need to find out in which KI is stored. You will do this using the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the Central Bank website. Fill out the form and receive a response with a list. But to fill it out, you need a subject code, which can be generated or obtained from a bank or bureau. It is possible to contact the CCCI without this code from the BKI, from a notary, by telegram or from a financial institution.

How to find yourself on the list of debtors through the FSSP

If you have long-standing large debts, you are probably included in the database of the Federal Bailiff Service. On the FSSP website, find all the services, among them look for the section of the court data bank. Start searching by to an individual, filling required fields to find out whether you are on the bank’s blacklist, and whether a decision has been made to collect the debt.

Is it possible to contact the bank?

Many large banks have blacklists, but such information is available only to employees and is not subject to disclosure. Moreover, even if you are present in the database, you are unlikely to find out about it. But there is another way - to find out the debts to the bank.

If you entered into an agreement with an organization and took out loans, you will be able to obtain information about them. And it is possible to find out debts in different ways: request a statement at a branch, go to your personal account through online banking, use mobile banking, call on hotline or send an email.

Nuance! Even the presence of arrears and debts is not an indicator of being on the blacklist, but automatically reduces your chances of an approving decision from the bank.

It is almost impossible to find out that you are blacklisted. But you can find out your credit history and independently assess the likelihood of your application being approved by the bank.

Video: how to find out about your debts

09-03-2016 3019

Blacklist of bank clients, available for official use only. These lists contain information about the client and no one has the right to disclose. This is stated in the law.< <О личной тайне>>. But sometimes you just need to see if you are on the so-called black list. For example, you want to find out whether you can count on a loan in the future. There are legal ways for these purposes.

What you need to do to find out if you are on the blacklist:

  • 1. Of course, first, you need to think about whether you have unpaid overdue loans. If you have any, then rest assured, you are already on the blacklist.
  • 2. Try to remember whether you had long delays in loan payments and whether you paid all loans on time. If not, then again, rest assured, you are on the blacklist.
  • 3. If banks refused to give you a loan, then most likely you have< <плохая репутация>>among them. In principle, the bank may not explain the reason for the refusal, but still, try to find out from them what kind of credit history you have, but if you are sure that you did not do anything wrong, then maybe a mistake actually occurred.
  • 4. Find out if you are among the so-called< <грешников>>, to do this, send a request, the request is made in free form, but it must be certified by a notary. Once a year, you should be sent your credit history completely free of charge. If they ask you for money for this, then you should know that this is not legal, and it may be subject to appeal.
  • 5. If you do not have information about where and in which bureau your credit histories are located, then you can use TsKKI - stands for -< <Центральный каталог кредитных историй>>- this service is provided by the Bank of Russia, and you can find it at. Go to the website, fill out the appropriate form and send a request. The answer will be delivered to you by email, which will be specified by you. But know that you can use TsKKI if you know the subject code. If you do not have a code or you have lost it, then contact any bank (commercial or state) - there is no difference, or absolutely any bureau credit conditions, bring an application in which you ask to be provided with a list of those bureaus in which your credit histories are located, but keep in mind that the service costs money.
  • 7. And finally, if you find yourself on the blacklist, don’t despair. Even if you have a very bad credit history, you can still fix it, although it is difficult, it is possible. To do this, you need to get a new one,< <чистую>> story, in order to do this you need to take out a large loan against high interest rates on bail and with guarantors. Then all you have to do is pay it regularly, so you will start your new credit history.