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Financing under the Big Money product without collateral is provided at a rate of 17% per annum (previously - 19%) in the amount of 1 million to 3 million rubles for a period of 13 months to 5 years.

If the borrower wants to apply for a loan for a large amount, it is necessary to provide security in the form of a pledge or guarantee as part of the Big Money secured offer.

The type of collateral depends on the size of the loan: with an amount from 700 thousand rubles to 1.5 million rubles, a loan term from 13 months to 5 years and a rate of 16.5% per annum, this can be a vehicle or a guarantee of an individual or legal entity (including individual entrepreneur). If the income of the spouse (s) is involved in the calculation of solvency, without which the borrower does not pass through the solvency on his own, then the execution of the guarantee of the spouse (s) is required.

The age of the borrower at the time of applying for a loan must be at least 25 years old, and at the closing date of the loan, the borrower must not be older than 65 years.

The borrower's work experience in the last place should not be less than 6 months. Permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation and permanent registration in the region where the bank is present are required. The minimum average monthly income of the borrower to obtain a loan must be at least 50,000 rubles.
Proof of basic income is possible alternative ways: certificate in form 2-NDFL, certificate in the form of a bank / request to the employer, certificate in the form of an employer organization, certificate from pension fund or other authority accruing a pension and other documents: a certified statement from the account of a credit institution on the transfer of wages or pensions.
documents confirming the borrower's/co-borrower's ownership of the property: TIN, labor contract, employment history, passport, application form.
A complete list of documents is available on the bank's website.

The term for consideration of the application is up to 3 days. Maximum validity period credit decision is 30 days.
Loan processing is carried out at the bank office. The loan is issued at a time, in cash to the card or current account of the borrower opened in the bank.

Redemption credit debt made in annuity (equal) payments.
Early repayment is possible, both full and partial.

Violation of loan obligations: 3% of the amount of overdue payment for each day of delay + 700 rubles. at a time when overdue debts are formed, but not more than 20% per annum.
Method of payment for payments: cash desks, ATMs, payment terminals, remote banking systems, cashless payment from an account in another bank, Russian post.

Borrowed funds in the amount from 1.5 million rubles to 3 million rubles, for a period of 13 months to 5 years and at a rate of 14% per annum (previously 14.5% per annum) can be issued if provided as security real estate as part of the Big Money bail offer.

Credit funds in the amount of 3 million rubles to 10 million rubles, for a period of 13 months to 5 years and at a rate of 11.8% per annum (previously - 12.5%) can also be issued in the case of providing real estate as bail as part of the Big Money bail offer.

The bank was established in 1992 on the basis of a branch of the USSR Promstroybank under the name Amurpromstroybank.

In the spring of 2000, the financial position of Amurpromstroybank deteriorated so much that the credit institution came under the control of the Agency for Restructuring Credit Organizations (SC ARCO, today's successor is the Deposit Insurance Agency). In February 2002, ARKO Group finally withdrew from the shareholders by selling its stake to Saiga-M LLC.

In 2006, Petropavlovsk Finance LLC (now PPFIN Region LLC) became the main shareholder of the bank. Participants of PPFIN Region are well-known businessmen Andrey Vdovin, Kirill Yakubovsky, Pavel Maslovsky and Peter Hambro, who in 2008 successfully sold the Moscow Expobank to the British bank Barclays for 745 million US dollars. In May 2006, Amurpromstroybank received its current name - Asia-Pacific Bank OJSC (ATB), in August 2015 the legal form of the bank was changed to PJSC. In 2010, ATB expanded its presence in Kamchatka and Kolyma by merging two Far Eastern banks - OJSC Kolyma-Bank and OJSC Kamchatprombank.

In July 2016, the Asia-Pacific Bank completed the acquisition of M2M Private Bank, whose shareholders previously included Andrey Vdovin (shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of ATB) and members of his family. In December 2016, M2M Private Bank's license was revoked (see "").

It should be noted that in M2M Private Bank, ATB's assets in the form of interbank loans and shares totaled about 6.5 billion rubles. In accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in this situation, ATB is obliged to form a 100% reserve for these assets at the moment. Given the fact that the bank already had some problems with capital adequacy (the adequacy ratio own funds H1.0 regularly fell below 10%, which before the introduction of the new Basel standards was the lower limit of the norm), the simultaneous additional creation of reserves for such an impressive amount would have hit hard on financial position ATB. As a result of the negotiations, the bank's management managed to exclusively agree with the Central Bank on an individual schedule for creating reserves for claims to M2M Private Bank, which made it possible to reduce and extend the burden on the credit institution's capital.

Until 2017, Andrey Vdovin, Alexey Maslovsky and Peter Hambro were the beneficiaries of the main block of shares of the credit institution in 67.61%. Since 2007, a 17.91% stake in ATB has been owned by the Swedish investment fund East Capital*, a 6.71% stake since October 2008 has been owned by the International Financial Corporation (IFC, investment division World Bank), a share of 2.64% for Epic Vision Ltd (the ultimate beneficiary is Kimora Renata Harris), 1.76% for Expo-Leasing LLC, 3.4% came from minority shareholders.

On February 28, 2017, it became known that the Bank of Russia issued an order to forcibly reduce the share controlled by Andrei Vdovin (co-owner of the Azbuka Vkusa chain of stores) to a level of less than 10% in order to remove him from bank management due to a damaged business reputation: Andrey Vdovin earlier headed the board of directors of ATB's wholly-owned subsidiary, M2M Private Bank, whose license was revoked on December 9, 2016. In accordance with the rules of the Central Bank, in the event of revocation of a bank's license to carry out banking operations the business reputation of members of the board of directors and heads of the credit institution is recognized as unsatisfactory. At the same time, simultaneously with the revocation of the license from M2M Private Bank, the Central Bank appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, pointing out the withdrawal of assets by one of its main owners (without specifying by whom).

According to RBC, in addition to Andrei Vdovin, two more ATB shareholders received a similar order to reduce their share - Peter Hambro and the son of former Senator Pavel Maslovsky Alexei Maslovsky. It is worth noting that Vdovin, Hambro and Maslovsky, through PPFIN Region and Tehsan Enterprises Limited, jointly controlled a total of 67.58% of the bank. According to the law "On central bank» 90 days are given to comply with the requirements of the order to reduce the share below 10%.

It is noteworthy that for the first time in practice, such an order was received by the East Capital fund, which is also a shareholder of ATB. In addition to ATB, the East Capital fund owned shares in the capital of Fia-Bank (19.99%, the license was revoked), Probusinessbank (19.93%, the license was revoked), Akibank (18.56%), and also currently owns 11, 11% of Loko-Bank. According to a number of media reports, the Central Bank issued similar instructions to the Swedish investment fund, as a co-owner of a stake in Probusinessbank, deprived of its license, on the remaining operating banking assets, including ATB, in which the fund then controlled 17.91% of the shares. The reports also indicated that East Capital was planning to wind down investments in the Russian banking business.

According to the information disclosed on the website of the Central Bank, as of February 19, 2018, the largest beneficiary of the bank was Maxim Chernavin with a stake of 31.81% of the shares. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) owned 25.38% of the shares, the Swedish investment fund East Capital - 10%, Epic Vission Ltd. - 9.97%, PPFIN Region LLC - 8.24% (beneficiaries - Andrey Vdovin, Alexey Maslovsky, Peter Hambro and other British citizens), Expo-Leasing LLC - 1.76%. Minority shareholders owned 12.84% of the bank's shares.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, ATB sent new scheme holdings in the Central Bank on December 5, 2017. At the same time, the ATB press service explained that changes in the structure of shareholders were made only for regulatory requirements, and the current ownership scheme reflects the distribution of voting shares between shareholders. Thus, the bank did not attract third-party investors, although, according to media reports, other banks and non-banking structures, as well as individual investors, showed interest in ATB.

Since April 26, 2018, the bank has been undergoing the procedure financial recovery under the control of the UK FKBS. Since September 2018, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been the owner of over 99.9% of the bank's shares. In February 2019, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the applications of Sovcombank and Moscow Credit Bank for the purchase of 99.9% of the voting shares of ATB.

The head office of the bank is located in Blagoveshchensk. The sales network includes 200 branches in 19 regions of Russia, the number of the bank's staff is about 3.9 thousand people. At the beginning of 2019 for holders bank cards 281 ATMs and 217 self-service terminals were available. The bank has its own processing center.

According to the bank's website, ATB serves more than 800,000 customers. individuals and more than 18 thousand corporate clients. At various times, among the bank's clients were: State Unitary Enterprise "Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", OJSC "Seligdara", OJSC "Zeyskoe Motor Transport Enterprise", LLC "Scientific and Production Company "Apple Diamond", OJSC "Amurdormash" , JSC Amuravtotrans, JSC Amur Shipbuilding Plant, JSC Gold Mining Enterprise Koboldo, JSC Zeya Timber Transshipment Plant, JSC Amurfarmatsiya, JSC Blagsantekhmontazh, JSC Tyndales Timber Industry Complex, JSC Head Repair - recovery train No. 21”, OJSC “Gortopsbyt”, OJSC “Trest Mostostroy - 10”, Liquidation Commission of OJSC “Energostroytrans”, OJSC “Sewing Factory”. The main segments in the retail business for the bank are the mass market, pensioners and VIP clients.

Bank services for legal entities include lending, bank guarantees, leasing, CSC, deposits, salary projects, corporate cards, acquiring, servicing foreign economic activity, transactions with precious metals. For individuals, the bank offers loans, deposits, bank cells, credit and debit cards(Visa, MasterCard and Mir), Money transfers (Western Union, UNIStream, " gold Crown”), remote banking, foreign exchange operations, brokerage and depositary services, insurance, special products for pensioners.

The volume of net assets of the credit institution has increased since the beginning of the year by 1.7% (or 2 billion rubles), amounting to 122.6 billion rubles as of February 1, 2019.

The growth of the balance sheet currency is primarily due to the inflow of own funds, which led to an increase in the bank's resource base. In the active part of the balance sheet, newly attracted funds were mainly used to increase the volume of other assets and highly liquid assets.

The structure of the credit institution's liabilities is poorly diversified by sources of attraction and is highly dependent on funds from individuals, whose share is reporting date amounted to 43.5% of the total net liabilities of the credit institution. During the period under review, the structure of liabilities underwent the following changes:

The share of funds raised from individuals in liabilities decreased from 44.4% to 43.5%, while their nominal volume decreased by 220.7 million rubles;

The share of attracted funds of legal entities in liabilities decreased from 11.6% to 10.7%, while their nominal amount decreased by 840 million rubles;

As of the reporting date, the share of funds raised from banks is minimal (less than 1%);

At the reporting date, the share of own issued valuable papers minimal (less than 1%).

As of February 1, 2019, the credit institution’s own funds amounted to 10.2 billion rubles, since the beginning of the year this indicator has increased by 0% (or 2.5 million rubles). Shares of equity and borrowed funds as of the reporting date are 8.3% and 91.7%, respectively. The equity capital adequacy ratio (N1.0) as of the reporting date is at an extremely satisfactory level, amounting to 10.47% (with a minimum of 8%).

The main volume of the credit institution's assets is accounted for by the loan portfolio item, which at the reporting date forms 57% of net assets. The shares of interest-bearing assets and other assets as of February 1, 2019 are 79.9% and 20.1%, respectively.

During the period under review, the structure of assets has undergone the following changes:

The share of investments in the total loan portfolio decreased from 57.9% to 57%, while their nominal volume increased by 92.3 million rubles;

The share of investments in the securities portfolio decreased from 15.7% to 14.8%, while their nominal volume decreased by 875.9 million rubles;

The share of issued interbank loans decreased from 9.6% to 9%, while their nominal volume decreased by 583.6 million rubles;

The share of highly liquid assets increased from 6.7% to 7.5%, while their nominal volume increased by 1 billion rubles;

The share of fixed assets decreased from 4.2% to 4%, while their nominal volume decreased by 182 million rubles;

The share of other assets increased from 3.5% to 5.5%, while their nominal volume increased by 2.5 billion rubles.

As of the reporting date, the value of the total loan portfolio of the financial institution is 69.9 billion rubles. Since the beginning of the year, its volume has increased by 92.3 million rubles (or 0.1%). The main share in the loan portfolio falls on loans to individuals - 66.5%. The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term: the share of loans issued for a period of more than one year is 81.5%. Over the analyzed period, the level of overdue debt in the total portfolio increased from 22.8% to 23.8%. At the same time, the level of redundancy loan portfolio is 38.9%, which fully covers the amount of overdue debt. The value of property pledged as collateral for loans is RUB 41.8 billion (59.8% of the loan portfolio).

In the interbank market credit organisation works both ways. As of February 1, 2019, the amount of funds placed is 11 billion rubles. As of February 1, 2019, the amount of funds raised is RUB 639.4 million. On the foreign exchange market the financial institution is showing moderate activity, turnover by conversion operations according to the results last month are at the level of 245.7 billion rubles.

According to RAS reporting data, at the end of 2018, the credit institution received a loss in the amount of 9.4 billion rubles. According to the results of the first month of 2019, the credit institution shows a profit in the amount of 857 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Car Jacobs Margot (Chairman), Rinat Dosmukhamedov, Valeria Selivanova, Alexei Kulikov, Alexei Kostikov, Oleg Kotkov, Mark Van der Plas.

Governing body: Dmitry Makarov (acting chairman).

* East Capital - founded in 1997, a company specializing in investments in the financial sector of Eastern Europe and China, one of the largest foreign investors in stock market RF. The volume of assets under management is 4 billion US dollars both in separate accounts and in shares freely traded on the stock market, in the capital of unquoted private companies, real estate, etc. The company's head office is located in Stockholm, and regional offices are located in Hong Kong, Moscow , Oslo, Luxembourg, Tallinn and Dubai. Number of employees - 180 people, clients - 450 thousand (including 25 thousand direct clients). The key owners of the East Capital fund are five individuals: Kestutis Sasnauskas, Lars Hakansson, Karin Hearn, Albin Rosengren and Hans Greipengeisser.

In Russia, East Capital owned blocks of shares / shares in the capital of Fia-Bank (19.99%, license revoked), Probusinessbank (19.93%, license revoked), Akibank (18.56%), Asia-Pacific Bank (17. 91%), and also currently owns 11.11% of Loko-Bank.

In Moscow, the Asia-Pacific Bank has 1 branch, which provide services to individuals and legal entities, and 9 ATMs, of which 3 operate around the clock, 7 seven days a week.

Phone to receive background information about the services and products of the bank: 8 800 100-13-21.

All branches of the Asia-Pacific Bank in Moscow on the map

On the online map this page shows the location of the Asia-Pacific Bank offices in Moscow Moscow region with phone numbers and work schedule.

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List of branches of the Asia-Pacific Bank in Moscow

In the table you can find the working hours and breaks on weekdays and weekends 1 branch and additional offices of the Asia-Pacific Bank in Moscow.