Debt to bailiffs named Tomsk. Bailiff Service: How to find out debt by last name?! Why check enforcement proceedings?


The procedure for transferring a fine from the jurisdiction of the traffic police to the jurisdiction of the FSSP

How to find out the court debt for traffic police fines? Checking traffic police fines with bailiffs

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In the material that you are reading now, using illustrative examples, we will talk about the problem traffic police fines sent to bailiffs. We will learn how to get out of penalty situations involving the FSSP ( Federal Bailiff Service) with minimal losses and we will try to develop techniques that protect against similar problems in the future.

Check traffic police fines with bailiffs

The problem can be divided into several levels. It is clear that for “car louts” and outright traffic hooligans, any meeting with government agencies is a problem. They have dozens and hundreds of fines, lawsuits and other penalties; it makes no sense to discuss this. However, unfortunately, bailiffs can cause serious trouble for relatively law-abiding Russians, who only occasionally, by chance, receive traffic police fines for minor offenses. The system for operating public roads in our country is designed in such a way that only residents of small, remote villages can avoid getting into fines during the operation of their car. All other motorists sooner or later come to the attention of the traffic police. Administrative cases are initiated against them, which means there is a risk of meeting with bailiffs.

Time limit for collecting traffic police fines by bailiffs

The traffic police fine goes to the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service) in the event of a delay in its payment in the established way, within the 70 days provided for by law, or if it is not paid in full within the same time frame.

Bailiffs from the traffic police any debts are sent, regardless of the type of traffic fine and its size. Thus, a driver can earn a very unpleasant enforcement action from the FSSP literally out of the blue, due to forgetfulness or inattention, not repaying the amount according to the protocol on time. This order is enshrined in Part 5 of Art. 32.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

What are the dangers of debts from traffic police fines transferred to bailiffs?

The duties of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate include ensuring road safety. Traffic police are inspecting the compliance of drivers’ behavior in the current road conditions, taking measures to detain persistent violators and register road accidents. Hunting for debtors is not within the scope of their immediate responsibilities. More precisely, in addition to this work, there is still something to do.

The Bailiff Service or, as they are called throughout the world, the Bailiff Service is an organization that exists for the sole purpose of catching and punishing citizens, evaders from execution of court decisions. If a traffic police fine is included in the FSSP, this means that no one will forget about the person and they will no longer be left behind. Bailiffs have a lot of levers of pressure on a motorist in their arsenal. The following types of sanctions may be applied to fine debtors:

  • Seizure of property;
  • Withholding a fine from wages;
  • Double increase in the amount of the fine;
  • Deprivation of rights;
  • Blocking of bank accounts and forced write-offs;
  • Correctional work;
  • Arrest for up to 15 days;
  • Restrictions on movement.

How does a regular traffic police fine differ from a traffic police fine received by bailiffs?

The relationship between the traffic police and motorists over the years of coexistence has in one way or another been built up to the level of an understandable transparent system. Motorists receive a fine, pay it by throwing the corresponding receipt or printout into the glove compartment and continue to live a quiet life. Payments in relation to the traffic police, as a rule, go quickly, there are ways to pay off debts without leaving home, via the Internet, and a system of discounts for respectable drivers has recently become operational.

Against this background, fines sent bailiffs- the complete opposite of the usual traffic police fines. These penalties are difficult to pay via the Internet; work with the FSSP is still carried out through queues and stuffy offices. At the moment when one part of this structure no longer has any claims against you, another may freeze your bank card or prohibit you from flying abroad.

How can a motorist check traffic police fines with bailiffs?

There are several ways. The first and most inconvenient one involves going to the territorial office of the Federal Bailiff Service in your region. The vigilant motorist will have to wait in line at the office of the required specialist and only after that will he have the opportunity to inquire about the necessary information.

The second method is simpler. There is an official website of the FSSP on the Internet. Located at Here, online, by entering your full name. and your date of birth, you can obtain information about enforcement proceedings and your debts.

Pay off traffic police fines received by the bailiff service, it is also possible within some Internet services. However, today we do not recommend our readers to do this. The relationship between the FSSP and the Internet is unstable. The chance that you will be required to pay again is quite high.

The most reliable method of paying bailiff fines is to contact the nearest branch of a state bank.

Keep in mind that in accordance with Article 112 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229 - FZ, if after the initiation of enforcement proceedings the debtor voluntarily does not pay the fine, an enforcement fee will also be collected from him, in the amount of 7 percent of the amount of the fine collected, but not less than 500 rubles.

You can pay traffic police fines or traffic police fines received by bailiffs at any time. If you have a subpoena, pay the fines and take paper receipts with you before coming to court.

Well, standard advice for all motorists who are afraid of uncertainty on the roads. The oldest service for checking fines, “”, has been operating on the Internet for almost ten years. This tool from anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night will help you track discounted, regular and overdue fines, as well as instantly pay off shares on them using a bank card.

What is a bailiff service? Official website of the FSSP. Features of debt verification in the FSSP (bailiffs) in 2019. Debts are always unpleasant, especially if they arise without your knowledge.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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A debt for which collection has been filed in court can bring the debtor a lot of troubles associated with a refusal to conclude a transaction or visit other states. Therefore, it is always important to check for their presence, if there are prerequisites for this.

Basic moments

One of the methods for checking debts is to contact the FSSP. But if in this case you find yourself on the list of debtors, then keep in mind that legal proceedings have been opened against you and you will be held liable for repayment.

Let's take a closer look at what the Federal Judicial Service is.

What it is

The Federal Service for Judicial Proceedings of Russia is a representative office of the executive branch, which, as a federal government body, performs functions that ensure judicial activities.

It performs the following functions:

It is worth noting several points regarding how the FSSP of the Russian Federation carries out its activities:

The Federal Bailiff Service, like most executive authorities, maintains an active information policy, which makes it possible to provide access to the necessary data that is open to a certain circle of persons, in accordance with the law.

Who can use the service

As part of the public information program, the Federal Bailiff Service has created an official website, which allows users to easily obtain the information they are interested in regarding issues of judicial records management in various areas in relation to specific individuals.

One of the functions of the site is to provide information about a person's online availability.

The information presented in the data bank on the website is divided into two groups:

  • paperwork for debts of legal entities;
  • paperwork for debts of individuals.

This greatly simplifies the search. This server can be used by any person registered and residing in the Russian Federation.

Legal regulation

Like all executive authorities, the Federal Bailiff Service has its own regulatory framework on the basis of which their activities are organized.

Of course, as mentioned above, the main one is. In addition, a number of standards are presented that regulate the activities of this body itself.

It is presented as a separate server of the FSSP website, which allows you to more efficiently and accurately determine information about debt.

It offers three options for detailed information search on the site:

  • individuals;
  • legal entities;
  • search by enforcement proceedings number.

By selecting one of the items you are interested in, you can fill out the menu that opens. What information is entered into these lines was discussed above.

The data bank allows you not only to search for information about the presence of debt, but also to pay it off.

To do this, you can use an electronic payment system that is convenient for you, in which you have an account noted.

The main condition is that it operates on the territory of the Russian Federation. You can also use bank payment systems.

After repaying the debt, the information in the data bank should change within 3 to 7 days.

Emerging nuances

When considering proceedings regarding mortgages of individuals and legal entities, a lot of nuances arise. Let's look at the issues that arise in more detail.

One of them is under what circumstances the debt for which enforcement proceedings have been opened can be written off.

This is possible if:

  • the debtor has fully repaid the obligation;
  • the person is declared insolvent;
  • to pay off debts under enforcement proceedings, partial deductions are made from income;
  • by a court decision the debt was declared invalid;
  • according to the statute of limitations (only in theory, in practice creditors do not allow this option).

It is worth noting that in all of the above cases, except for debt repayment, enforcement proceedings can simply be temporarily suspended or even resumed in case of closure.

Special attention should be paid to the expiration of the statute of limitations for enforcement proceedings. As mentioned above, this option is only possible in theory.

Video: paying debts to bailiffs

In practice, a person who hopes to avoid payment due to these circumstances is included in the list of payment evaders.

As a result, he may face the following types of punishment:

In this regard, it is worth monitoring your debts and paying them on time.

For Moscow

The Federal Bailiff Service operates throughout the Russian Federation. The data bank contains information about all proceedings, regardless of the place of registration of the debtor.

Persons registered in Moscow can use the general website or the FSSP Moscow page. It has the same appearance as a shared server.

And the algorithm for searching is the same. You just don’t need to select a region, you just need to enter personal data – yours or your counterparty’s.

For St. Petersburg

Individuals and legal entities registered in St. Petersburg, as in the case of Moscow, have the opportunity to carry out verification much faster.

They do not need to select a region, since they can use the server using the website. The St. Petersburg region will automatically be indicated on the main page.

It will be enough just to enter the first and last name for individuals or information about the name of the enterprise for legal entities.

In the event of outstanding obligations to other individuals, legal entities or executive authorities, enforcement proceedings may be opened against the debtor.

To prepare for a trip abroad, apply for loans and other important transactions related to finance, complete freedom from debt to the state is required.

Otherwise, debtors will be prohibited from leaving the country and borrowing money from banks.

A wide variety of accidents can happen: even if a citizen has paid off all fines, loans, and utility bills, there is a risk that some debt remains. Checking and collecting debts from the population is the job of bailiffs.

Before applying for a foreign passport or a new loan, it is better to find out whether you have debts to bailiffs. The Federal Bailiff Service will help you find out your debt.

You can become a debtor in the eyes of the state, not only intentionally and other amounts imposed on a citizen, or.

Even minimal debt, underpayment, or failure to pay within a short period of time will cause problems with bailiffs.

Often, an individual does not even suspect that he has a debt, becoming a target for bailiffs completely unintentionally.

Loan debts not paid on time result in a lawsuit being filed, which the creditor usually wins, and the debtor has to pay off the debt from his own property. At this moment, the work begins, confiscating and selling the citizen’s property to pay off the debt.

The control of the bailiffs is almost total; this is one of the few services in the country with a fully established system of work, which the bailiffs carry out strictly according to instructions and on time.

For each debtor in the database there is information that is updated weekly - that is, the data is always reliable.

In what cases should you check your debt?

Checking debt with bailiffs is a mandatory procedure for reinsurance if a citizen:

  • Planning to cross the border.
  • Change your place of residence.
  • Take a loan from a bank.
  • He is going to enter into a deal or do business with another legal entity (then you can check the debts of this person).

Even if an individual does not plan any important events related to finances and travel, it is better to regularly check their own debts in order to insure themselves against untimely unpleasant consequences.

How to find out debts from bailiffs through the FSSP website

The algorithm of actions is very simple; any Internet user can cope with this task and find out whether he or his loved ones have a debt.

  1. First you need to go to the website This is the portal of the bailiff service, where you can find out the debt by last name and some other data. Here you will need to select the “Database of Enforcement Proceedings” item; the site administration has specially made the button attractive to users; it is simply impossible to miss it.
  2. After clicking, the user will be provided with short instructions on how to use the site and obtain information on it. A questionnaire form will appear at the bottom of the page, immediately configured to search for information for individuals.
  3. In the form fields, the user independently enters the necessary data. Among them, you will need to indicate the territorial authority (bailiff service at the place of residence of the person), full name, etc. It is better to fill out the remaining data in the absence of accurate information about the territorial authority.
  4. After clicking the search button, the user will be directed to a page with data.

Then there are 2 options: either a table with the individual’s debts will be displayed, or the system will display the absence of data upon request. The second option means that the citizen has no debts. It is also possible that the data was entered incorrectly.

Is it possible to pay off debt online?

The bailiff service meets the needs of users of its website, which provides not only for viewing debts, but also for paying them.

Payments are available using virtual wallets, plastic cards, and mobile numbers.

For some types of payment there is a commission, namely:

  • Payment through Promsvyazbank provides an additional commission of 2.5%. For large amounts of debt, the additional interest may become burdensome.
  • Oplatagosuslug is a service that allows you to pay debts for public services, the commission is 2.3%.
  • ROBOKASSA allows you to make payments from bank and mobile accounts, commission – 3% + 20 rubles on top.

But the WebMoney and Qiwi services will allow you to transfer the entire amount to the state account at once, without charging a commission. Unlike bank and mobile payments, where you need to independently transfer the specified amounts with an accuracy of kopecks, electronic accounts themselves withdraw the required amount.

Having a debt of even 5 kopecks on an account, an individual will still be considered a debtor, so you should be careful when charging money.

How do bailiffs collect debt?

Bailiffs do not come to take away debtors’ property just like that.

First, a trial is held in the case of a debtor who has not paid his debt for a long time.

If the debtor has not made the payment a month after the judge’s decision, bailiffs are involved and begin proceedings against the individual, about which they send a notification to the latter.

Even at this stage, the citizen is given the opportunity to repay the debt and preserve his own property. If the debt has not been repaid, the bailiffs will send a writ of execution to the accounting department at the debtor’s place of work, then forced payments will be collected from his wages. If this is not possible, the bailiff service will seize part of the debtor’s property and then sell it to pay off the debt.

In accordance with the Law “On Enforcement Proceedings,” employees of the Federal Bailiff Service create and maintain a nationwide database of debtors.

It includes all citizens for whom a court decision has been made and enforcement proceedings have been initiated. Every citizen can find out if he is in the bailiffs database.

All you need is a computer and Internet access:

  1. Go to the official website Federal Bailiff Service and go to the “Search for Individuals” section.
  2. Fill the form:“territorial bodies”, select from the list the region, republic or region where you are registered, for example, “Vologda region”.
  3. Enter your last name, Name Patronymic name.
  4. Fill out the “date of birth” tab in the “Date-Month-Year” format, if you do not enter information in this line, the system will still recognize you by your full name, data on the date of birth is entered in order to exclude matches using the same personal data.
  5. Click the Search button and duplicate the combination of numbers and letters from the picture (captcha).

The system will instantly check the data and give the answer:

  1. "Nothing was found for your search"“- rejoice, you are not in the debtor database.
  2. A table appeared on the screen, where the number of lines corresponds to the number of proceedings - you have a court decision and you must pay the debt.

If, unfortunately, you do end up in the bailiffs’ database of enforcement proceedings, carefully examine the table on the screen.

It contains all the data that will help you figure out what happened and eliminate the debt as quickly as possible:

  1. Number enforcement proceedings and the date of initiation.
  2. Document Number, the date of its adoption and the body that made the judgment.
  3. Subject of execution(utility payments, bank loan, traffic police fine, etc.).
  4. Bailiff's name who is handling your case, and the address where the district office is located.

Right there on the website you can print out information about the debt and go to the Federal Bailiff Service to find out your next steps.

How to pay online?

So, it turned out that you are a debtor, which means that soon bailiffs may come to your house and describe the property, and if you decide to go abroad, this will be refused at customs. Therefore, it is necessary to pay off the debt as quickly as possible.

There are several options on how to do this:

  1. Using a printer print out the debt receipt on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service on paper and pay it through the bank cash desk.
  2. Download the mobile app"FSSP" and pay off your debt through electronic payment systems.
  3. If you use a Sberbank of Russia bank card, go to your Sberbank Online personal account, select the “FSPP of Russia” service and pay, provided that there is a sufficient amount on your card.

Other ways to find out your debt

If, according to your request, nothing was found on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and you are still worried and doubtful about the absence of debts, try to find information in other ways:

  1. By registering on Unified portal of public services.
  2. By contacting to the territorial department of bailiffs in person.
  3. By downloading the mobile application“Databank of enforcement proceedings” through social networks, for example, “Vkontakte”.
  4. Owners of mobile portable devices based on the iOS, Windows Phone and Android operating systems, they can use and install special applications. To do this, type “FSSP” in the search engine. Using such applications, you can not only pay your debt through electronic payment systems, but also subscribe to receive information about your debt. This way you will always be informed in a timely manner about being included in the bailiff database.

How long does it take for the fine to be handed over to the bailiffs?

A traffic police fine is perhaps the most common debt that bailiffs work with. And despite the fact that the amounts paid are usually small, if you end up in the FSSP, your fine will increase by 7%. This is the so-called executive fee.

If you violated traffic rules and received a fine for it, you must pay it within 30 days. Otherwise, your debt will go to the bailiffs.

And how many days later it will reach them depends on the work of the traffic police. The road inspection has the right to transfer the fine to the FSSP no later than 3 months after the decision is issued.

After this period, the bailiffs simply will not accept fines, and will draw up a corresponding resolution.

  1. Going abroad, check if you are in the database of enforcement proceedings. Ignorance does not exempt you from responsibility, and you may be refused permission to cross the borders of Russia right at customs.
  2. From the moment the debt is paid It may take up to 30 days for bailiffs to receive a decision to lift your travel ban, so if you are going abroad, worry about repaying your debt in advance.
  3. Keep documents and receipts until you are sure that the bailiffs will not have any claims against you.
  4. Check your data periodically by your last name in the database of enforcement proceedings via the Internet, sometimes a court decision can be made without you, which means you will be included in the list of debtors.

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The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) of Russia is handling tens of millions of enforcement proceedings (IP) against individuals. Unpaid traffic police fines or taxes on time are a very common reason for initiating enforcement proceedings. Often, for various reasons, people do not even know that they have become debtors.

On this page you can check your debt to bailiffs. The verification can be carried out using the INN, SNILS, passport, UIN or individual entrepreneur number.

By INN, SNILS, passport

By number of Enforcement Proceedings or UIN

To search for enforcement proceedings of the FSSP, enter the INN and/or SNILS and/or series and number of the passport. We recommend checking all documents simultaneously.

? Enter TIN number
? Enter your SNILS number
? Enter the series and passport number

To search for enforcement proceedings, enter a unique accrual identifier (UIN) or enforcement proceedings number.

? Enter the number of enforcement proceedings or UIN Search enforcement proceedings »

By clicking the “Search enforcement proceedings” button, you consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N152-F3 “On Personal Data”

* The search is carried out in the GIS GMP (individual entrepreneurs registered throughout Russia).

We do not process or store your personal and payment information. After payment you will receive a receipt confirming the payment. The resource operates using the secure https protocol, which guarantees the confidentiality of transmitted data.

If open enforcement proceedings are discovered, the debt can be repaid using a bank card (MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Mir) and other means of payment.

How to find out the debt to bailiffs?

In order to check the existence of enforcement proceedings, you will need data from one of the following documents:

  1. TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number
  2. SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account
  3. Passport - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

The search for individual entrepreneurs is carried out by the series and document number entered in the corresponding fields of the search form. To obtain the most complete result, it is advisable to conduct a search simultaneously using all available documents - TIN, passport number and SNILS.

If you know the number of enforcement proceedings or UIN, click on the tab “By number of Enforcement Proceedings or UIN” and fill in the appropriate fields.

After entering the required data into the fields of the search form, click the “SEARCH IP” button. Checking the existence of enforcement proceedings takes some time, which can reach several minutes.

If, as a result of the check, according to the specified data, court debts are found, then detailed information will be provided on them: date, UIN, type of collection, amount to be paid, etc. Otherwise, a message will appear stating that nothing was found.

Answers to frequently asked questions about legal debts

Below you will find answers to basic questions about FSSP debts. If you have not found the answer to your question, send it through the feedback form.

Is there a discount for paying debts in enforcement proceedings?

No, unlike FSSP, a discount is not provided when paying FSSP debts.

What is an enforcement fee?

In accordance with Federal Law dated October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ (as amended on May 28, 2017) “On Enforcement Proceedings”:

The enforcement fee is a monetary penalty imposed on the debtor in the event of his failure to fulfill the writ of execution within the period established for the voluntary execution of the writ of execution, as well as in the event of his failure to comply with the writ of execution, subject to immediate execution, within 24 hours from the receipt of a copy of the order of the bailiff. on initiation of enforcement proceedings.

The amount of the enforcement fee for individuals is 7% of the amount to be recovered or the value of the recovered property, but at least one thousand rubles. To avoid this accrual, payment must be made within 5 days from the date of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Why don’t you check your debt to the FSSP by last name?

It is obvious that in Russia there are a large number of people who have not only the same last name, but even first and patronymic names. Taking this factor into account, checking court debts by last name may lead to false positive results, i.e. someone else's debt will be found. A search by TIN, SNILS, passport number will give an unambiguous result, practically eliminating the detection of other people’s FSSP charges.

To search for debts by last name, you can visit the official website of the FSSP -, however, you must take into account the nuances indicated above.

Where do debts to the bailiff service come from?

According to the Center for Strategic Research (CSR), the largest category of enforcement proceedings is administrative fines, mainly traffic police fines. This is followed by proceedings on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, collections on loans, housing and communal services, alimony, state duty and enforcement fees. These categories make up about 90% of all enforcement proceedings. Thus, most often debts to the FSSP arise due to traffic police fines not paid on time.

What restrictions can be imposed by the FSSP?

Bailiffs have a wide range of enforcement measures, including:
. establish temporary restrictions on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation
. establish temporary restrictions on the right to drive vehicles
. seize property, including cash and securities
. enter without the debtor's consent into the residential premises occupied by the debtor
. carry out a search for the debtor and his property independently or with the involvement of internal affairs bodies

The full list of executive actions is listed in Article 64 of Federal Law N229-FZ. As can be seen from the information above, the restrictions are very severe and therefore late payments should be avoided and debts repaid on time.