Winter increase in price MDS 81 35.2004 how much. Documentation. Revision and change of estimate standards


DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, executive officer - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State Construction University (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S. .B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), JSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not require state registration (letter dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-UD).

IN REPLACEMENT of the “Code of Rules for Determining the Cost of Construction as part of Pre-Project and Design Estimate Documentation” SP 81-01-94, introduced by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, “Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, "Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 for installation of equipment " MDS 81-29.2001, "Instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning work" MDS 81-27.2001, General instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during the construction and repair of automobile roads" MDS 81-30.2002.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, implementation repair and commissioning work, regardless of sources of financing, carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when setting prices for construction products and payments for work performed.



Letter dated February 14, 2006 No. sk-481/02 on the release from publication of instructions on the use of federal unit prices for commissioning work

The Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services announces the publication of the Instructions for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning works (MDS 81-40.2006), approved by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 1, 2003 No. 160.

With the publication of this document, the coefficients for the conditions of work should be taken according to tables 2 and 3 of the Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for commissioning work instead of the recommended coefficients given in table 4 of Appendix No. 1 to the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004).

Requirements for registration and preparationestimate documentation for work under the reconstruction and technical re-equipment program.

  1. These requirements have been developed for a unified approach to the design and preparation of estimate documentation for repairs, reconstruction and technical re-equipment.
  2. Version of the “Grand-Smeta” software package (hereinafter referred to as “Grand-Smeta” PC) must be at least 7.0(correct setting of parameters for calculating estimate documentation using the basis-index method in the Grand Estimate PC is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Requirements) .
  3. When drawing up estimates, be guided by MDS 81-35.2004.
  4. When drawing up estimates for the repair, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power equipment, apply the “Basic prices for work on the repair of power equipment, adequate to the operating conditions of the competitive market for repair and technical re-equipment services” (hereinafter referred to as BC), “Methodological guidelines for the formation of estimates and calculations for repair of power equipment" (SO 34.20.607-2005), developed by OJSC "TsKB Energoremont", taking into account their additions and changes. The adjustment index to the Basic prices should be taken into account in an amount not exceeding the limit index established by PJSC RusHydro.
  5. Local estimates should be drawn up on the basis of current unit prices approved, registered in the prescribed manner and entered into the Federal Register of Estimate Standards by an approved executive body authorized in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning activities. When making mutual settlements, the use of individual indices is allowed. The procedure for applying individual indices for converting the estimated cost of construction and installation works from the base price level to the current price level in relation to objects financed with funds from the Federal Budget was approved by order of PJSC RusHydro. In the absence of indices for the required period of time, it is permissible to use forecast average annual deflator indices in the CPI line (consumer price index) according to the current short-term forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Weighted average deflator indices are used, taking into account the period of work completion provided for by the work schedule. In the absence of forecast data from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade for the planned period, use the current Unified Scenario Conditions of PJSC RusHydro (moderate option). Deflator indices are used without breakdown by quarter.
    Application of conversion indices to current prices: indices by cost items by type of construction , published in the Bulletin of pricing and estimated standardization by type of construction “General Industry Construction”.
  6. The use of pricing standards that are not registered and not included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards, not allowed .
  7. In the absence of unit prices in the current SNB, it is possible to determine the level of wages for EniR and VNiR in accordance with the tariff rates of the collection “Indicators of hourly wages” (hereinafter referred to as TS 2001), included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards. Coefficients taking into account the conditions of work production , apply in accordance with the general provisions of the “General Part” to E&R and V&R, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 5, 1986 No. 43/512/29-50.
    The rates of overhead costs and estimated profit are determined on the basis of MDS 81-33.2004, MDS 81-25.2004 in accordance with letters of the executive body authorized in the field of estimate rationing and pricing in the field of urban planning activities and additions to them of the estimated cost using collections: “Unified standards and prices for construction, installation and repair work" (hereinafter - ENiR) and "Departmental standards and prices for construction, installation and repair work" (hereinafter - VNiR).
  8. In the event of a change in the National Security Code (issue of a new edition, clarification of standards and prices) at the time of drawing up the estimate documentation for the contract (additional agreement):
    • Drawing up estimate documentation for new scope of work according to current changes in the National Security Service, while previously completed estimate documentation is not subject to recalculation.
    • The cost of material and technical resources (hereinafter referred to as MTR), not included in the prices, is determined according to the collection of SSCs, approved in the prescribed manner and included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards. The nomenclature of materials and materials accepted according to the collection must strictly correspond to the nomenclature defined by the project; “in relation to” the use of prices from the collection is not allowed. In the absence of the necessary nomenclature of materials and materials for the collection, it is allowed to determine the cost based on price lists at the current level (in the estimates in the “justification” column indicate “price list”, in the “Additional information. Notes” tab of the PC “Grand Estimate” indicate additional information about the supplier/manufacturer resource, validity date, etc.), while prices should not exceed average prices in the region where the Branch of PJSC RusHydro is located.
    • When determining the average market cost of hardware and auxiliary equipment, you should be guided by the explanations set out in Appendix No. 4 to these Requirements.
    • When submitting estimate documentation for examination, you must attach all documents (price lists, invoices, commercial proposals, etc.) confirming the cost of materials and equipment.
  9. When forming the estimated cost of work in cases of replacement of material by the Customer in the VOR (in cases where the cost of the material is determined according to the supplier’s price list and is not in the SSC collection), the replacement should be carried out taking into account the average market cost, the material consumption should be taken into account in accordance with the passport data. This approach is applicable when the technology for performing work and its labor intensity using new materials does not differ from the materials and equipment included in the prices.
  10. The transport component of the estimated price for materials/equipment is determined based on:
    • a fixed premium to the average selling price for any type or for the corresponding type (group) of materials in the amount of 5% for materials, 4.2% for auxiliary equipment (taking into account procurement and warehouse costs);
    • in case of a significant excess (decrease) of the actual cost of delivery compared to the costs determined by fixed transport surcharges of 5% and 4.2%, respectively, transport costs are taken into account based on the actual transport scheme in the region or the estimated (forecast) transport scheme for the supply of materials/equipment based on transport schemes justified by the PIC. It is recommended to determine the costs of transporting material and technical resources and equipment per 1 ton of gross weight on the basis of calculations of transport costs by equipment groups, taking into account the specifics of determining the costs of transporting heavy cargo. When calculating the cost of transportation costs, the current tariffs for freight transportation by various modes of transport are taken into account.
    • If transportation is carried out by the customer independently (pickup), this indicator is not taken into account.
  11. When determining the cost of cables and wires according to the SSC collection, apply a reduction factor (agreed with the customer), bringing the current cost into line with the market average for the region where the Branch of PJSC RusHydro is located.
  12. If, in the opinion of the contractor, the cost of materials and equipment, calculated from a collection of estimated prices for materials, is significantly lower than the market average, which leads to losses for the contractor, then an increase in the cost of materials and materials is calculated, which includes the items all materials and equipment included in the contract/additional agreement.
  13. When using coefficients and limited costs in estimates, indicate the justification from the technical part, introductory instructions in collections or other regulatory documents and appendices to them.
  14. Correction factors from the technical part to prices (for example, for dismantling or to take into account special conditions of work) are taken into account individually for each position and are indicated positionally in the output forms when uploaded to Excel format.
  15. When drawing up estimate documentation for work performed under a contract (additional agreement), work performed against the reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs, work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures, work the scope of which is subject to change (exclusion/addition), it is necessary to be guided by pricing conditions, taken into account in the estimate documentation for the main contract (additional agreement), including: estimate and regulatory framework, conversion indices to current prices, reducing contractual coefficients, deflator indices.
  16. The reserve of funds for unforeseen work and costs shall be determined in the Technical Requirements and accrued in the estimate as a percentage in the amount specified in the approved Technical Requirements. The procedure for payment for unforeseen work and costs shall be stipulated in the contract.
  17. In the event of additional work, an additional agreement is concluded, which necessarily includes the Requirements for the execution and preparation of estimate documentation for additional work, in accordance with which the estimated cost of the specified work is determined.
  18. In local estimates, indicate the amount of overhead costs by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work, based on regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.
  19. In local estimates, indicate the amount of estimated profit by type of construction, repair and construction, installation and commissioning work, based on regulatory documents included in the Federal Register of Estimate Standards.
  20. Calculation of the cost of commissioning work should be done in a separate local estimate, compiled using the base-index method based on unit prices for commissioning work entered into the Federal Register of Estimate Standards at current prices.
  21. When determining the estimated cost of a full range of commissioning works on the basis of clause 4.102 of MDS 81-35.2004 “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” and MDS 81-40.2006 “Guidelines for the application of federal unit prices for commissioning works (FERp-2001)” it is necessary comply with the structure given in Table 4 MDS 81-40.2006:
    • The costs of commissioning work “idle” are considered capital
    • costs (investments) and are included in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs” (columns 7 and 8) of the consolidated estimate.
    • Commissioning work “under load”, as a non-capital expense, is not included in the estimate documentation. These works are documented in separate local estimates ( 11th Earl) and are included in the consolidated estimate.
  22. If controversial issues arise regarding pricing in terms of drawing up estimate documentation, the contractor prepares a draft letter of appeal to the approved executive body authorized in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning activities, attaching all the necessary documents and justifications, and sends it to the Customer for approval. The customer, if necessary, supplements, agrees and signs this letter of appeal and sends it to the approved executive body authorized in the field of estimate regulation and pricing in the field of urban planning activities. The recommendations set out in the letter of explanation of the relevant approved executive authority are the basis for resolving disputes. In the absence of a clear answer, the decision on controversial issues is made by the Customer. This decision is final.
  23. In local estimate calculations, line-by-line and total amounts should be rounded up to whole rubles
  24. Output forms of estimate calculations must correspond to the output templates of the Grand Estimate software for estimates:
    • compiled according to unit prices using the basis-index method - “Full local estimate calculation (full form; only in MS Excel)”, 17th count.
  25. In estimate calculations, when excluding and adding resources (materials), these resources must be classified as a separate item; changes within the price are not allowed.
  26. If there are two or more estimates, draw up the SSR at the current price level. Mandatory annexes to the SSR are local estimates signed by the cost estimate engineer of the counterparty (contractor), with the obligatory indication of the position, name of the organization, full name. signatory. The format of the SSR should be carried out according to the Sample of Appendix 1.1 to the Requirements for the design and preparation of the SSR.
  27. Estimate documentation must be presented in two versions:
    • on paper (the quantity is indicated in the tender documentation);
    • on electronic media (in “xml” format PC “Grand-Smeta”, “Excel”, “pdf”), fully corresponding to the paper version.
  28. The results in the output forms of estimate documentation compiled according to unit prices using the base-index method should consist of the following items:
    • for sections:
    • for totals for the entire estimate:
    Disclosure of budget results:
    Total direct costs according to the estimate in 2001 prices.
    Total direct costs according to the estimate in current prices, taking into account conversion indices to current prices...sq. OZP=….; EM=….; ZPM=...; MAT=..."
    Estimated profit
    Totals according to the estimate:
    Machines and mechanisms
    Estimated profit
    VAT 18%
    TOTAL according to estimate
    1. The results in the output forms of the estimate documentation compiled for the business center should consist of the following items:
    • for sections:
    • for totals for the entire estimate:

    Requirements for registration and preparation of a consolidated estimate to contracts for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, additional agreements to these contracts.

    1. If there are two or more estimates, prepare the CSR at the current price level in the form of Appendix 1.
    2. In the case of concluding additional agreements to the contract (hereinafter - d/s), the SSR must be carried out in a cumulative form, taking into account local estimates (hereinafter - LS) for the main contract and for all concluded d/s to it. In the results of the SSR (for reference), indicate the amount of change (decrease, increase) in the main contract based on the conclusion of the d/s, which is defined as the difference between the amount of the SSR of the next d/s and the cost of the main contract. The SSR form, taking into account the conclusion of the agreement to the contract, is given in Appendix 2.
    3. Medicines are an integral part - annexes to the SSR. The numbering of applications is indicated as the drugs are included in the SSR in cumulative form - in order.
    4. The allocation of costs (amounts of drugs) according to columns and chapters of the SSR shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of MDS 81-35.2004.
    5. In the SSR, similar to LS, line-by-line and total amounts round to whole numbers rubles. The VAT amount should be indicated in kopecks, including the lines “Total according to the estimate, including VAT.”

    Consolidated estimate for PJSC RusHydro

Summary estimate for additional agreement


(Gosstroy of Russia)



(as amended on March 20, 2006)


Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, (MDS81-35.2004) (Gosstroy of Russia) Moscow, 2004

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, implementation repair and commissioning work, regardless of sources of financing, carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when setting prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

DEVELOPED Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executive - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), Central Research Institute economics and management in construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State Construction University (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S. .B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), JSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT from March 9, 2004 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 15/1.

REVIEWED The Ministry of Justice of Russia has recognized it as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not require state registration (letter dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-UD).

IN REPLACE“Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-design and design estimates documentation” SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation » MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, “Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 for construction and special construction work” MDS 81-28.2001, “Instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for installation of equipment” MDS 81-29.2001, “Instructions for the use of GESNr-2001 for commissioning work” MDS 81-27.2001, General instructions for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as “Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during the construction and repair of highways” MDS 81-30.2002.


The methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of methodological and regulatory documents provided for by the 2001 cost estimate and regulatory framework for pricing in construction.

The methodology includes general methodological provisions for drawing up estimate documentation and determining the estimated cost of construction, performing repair, installation and commissioning work at all stages of developing pre-project and project documentation, forming contract prices for construction products and making payments for work performed. The Methodology covers the main provisions for the application of elemental estimate norms and prices, as well as limited and other works and costs provided for by the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework for pricing in construction.

The Methodology takes into account the requirements and provisions of regulatory legal methodological documents as of March 1, 2004.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, implementation repair and commissioning work, regardless of sources of financing, carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when setting prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

Disagreements regarding the application of estimate standards are subject to consideration by the authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

Comments and suggestions for further improvement of the Methodology should be sent to the address: 119991, Moscow, st. Stroiteley, 8, bldg. 2, Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

to the resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia
dated 03/05/2004 No. 15/1



This Methodology is intended to determine the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, repair and commissioning work (hereinafter referred to as construction) carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as pricing for construction products.

The provisions given in the Methodology are recommended for use by organizations, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, carrying out construction using funds from the state budget of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds, as well as extra-budgetary sources of financing.

The provisions of this Methodology can also be applied when determining the cost of restoration work.


2.1. The current system of pricing and estimate standards in construction includes state estimate standards and other estimate regulations (hereinafter referred to as estimate standards) necessary to determine the estimated cost of construction.

Estimated standards 1 are a generalized name for a set of estimated standards, rates and prices, combined into separate collections. Together with the rules and regulations containing the necessary requirements, they serve as the basis for determining the estimated cost of construction.

2.2. The estimated norm considers the totality of resources (labor costs of construction workers, operating time of construction machines, requirements for materials, products and structures, etc.) established on the accepted meter for construction, installation or other work.

The main function of estimate standards is to determine the standard amount of resources, the minimum necessary and sufficient to perform the corresponding type of work, as the basis for the subsequent transition to cost indicators.

Considering that the estimated standards are developed on the basis of the principle of averaging with minimization of the consumption of all necessary resources, it should be taken into account that the standards are not adjusted towards their reduction.

Estimated standards and prices provide for the work to be carried out under normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors. When carrying out work in special conditions: cramped conditions, gas pollution, near operating equipment, in areas with specific factors (high mountains, etc.) - the coefficients given in the general provisions of the relevant collections of standards and prices are applied to the estimated standards and prices,

Types of estimate standards

2.3. Estimated standards are divided into the following types:

state estimate standards - GSN;

industry estimate standards - OSN;

territorial estimate standards - TSN;

branded estimate standards - FSN;

individual estimate standards - ISN.

State, production-industry, territorial, company and individual estimate standards form a system of pricing and estimate standardization in construction.

State estimate standards include estimate standards that are part of group 8 of subgroups 81, 82 and 83 “Documents on Economics”.

Industry estimate standards include estimate standards introduced for construction carried out within the relevant industry.

Territorial estimate standards include estimate standards introduced for construction carried out on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Territorial estimate standards are intended for organizations carrying out construction or major repairs on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regardless of their departmental subordination and sources of financing for the work performed.

Branded estimate standards or the user’s own regulatory base include estimate standards that take into account the actual operating conditions of a specific organization - the work producer. As a rule, this regulatory framework is based on standards at the state, industry or territorial level, taking into account the characteristics and specialization of the contracting organization.

If there are no separate standards for the work technologies envisaged in the project in the current collections of estimate standards and prices, it is allowed to develop appropriate individual estimate standards and unit prices, which are approved by the customer (investor) as part of the project (detailed design). Individual estimate standards and prices are developed taking into account the specific conditions of work with all complicating factors.

The use of proprietary and individual estimate standards to determine the cost of construction, the financing of which is carried out using federal budget funds, is recommended after their coordination with the relevant authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.

When applying individual estimate standards and prices, the increasing coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 are not applied to them.

2.4. Estimated standards are divided into elemental and enlarged.

Elemental estimate standards include state element estimate standards (GESN-2001) and individual element estimate standards, as well as standards for types of work.

The enlarged estimate standards include:

estimated standards expressed as percentages, including:

overhead standards;

estimated profit standards;

estimated norms for additional costs when carrying out construction and installation work in winter;

estimated cost standards for the construction of temporary buildings and structures;

indices of changes in the cost of construction, installation and design and survey work, set to the base price level;

cost standards for maintaining the customer service (technical supervision)

consolidated estimate standards and indicators, including:

aggregated indicators of the basic cost of construction (UPBC);

aggregated indicators of basic cost by type of work (UPBS VR);

collections of cost indicators for types of work (collections of PVR);

integrated resource standards (URN) and integrated resource indicators (URI) for certain types of construction;

aggregated indicators of estimated cost (UPSS);

price lists for consumer unit of construction products (PPU);

price lists for the construction of buildings and structures;

estimated cost standards for equipment and inventory of public and administrative buildings (NIAZ);

estimated cost standards for tools and inventory of industrial buildings (NIPP);

indicators for similar objects;

and other standards.

In order to achieve increased accuracy of estimate calculations when drawing up estimate documentation based on enlarged estimate standards, it is possible to apply amendments that take into account:

changes in the technical level and social progress for the period from the time of completion of construction of an analogue facility to the time of design and construction of a new facility;

non-standard engineering and geological conditions affecting design decisions on the foundations of building structures;

regional fluctuations in prices for material and technical resources;

differences in architectural, planning and design solutions; other factors.

Application and development of elemental estimate norms and prices

2.5. State elemental estimate standards (GESN) are intended to determine the composition and need for material, technical and labor resources necessary to carry out construction, installation, repair, construction and commissioning work. GESN are used to determine the estimated cost of work performed using the resource method, to develop unit prices for various purposes (federal, territorial, industry, company) and aggregated estimate standards.

GESN collections are used to determine direct costs as part of the estimated cost of construction using the resource method, develop unit prices, individual and aggregated estimate standards (prices) used in construction.

Resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN are used in the development of construction organization projects (COP) and work execution projects (WPP), to determine the duration of work, compilation of technological documentation and various analytical purposes.

Resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN can serve as the basis for production standards for the consumption of materials and their write-off.

2.6. State elemental estimate standards GESN-2001 are part of the intersectoral system of documents in construction.

The state elemental estimate standards include:

collections of state elemental estimate standards for construction and special construction work (GESN);

collections of state elemental estimate standards for repair and construction work (GESNr);

collections of State elemental estimate standards for installation of equipment (GESNm);

collections of State elemental estimate standards for commissioning works (GESNp).

For special technological equipment, ministries, departments and other industry structures are developing departmental elemental standards for commissioning work (VESNp).

2.7. GESN collections reflect the industry average level of construction production for the adopted equipment and technology for performing work and can be used by customer organizations and contractors, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership. GESN do not apply to certain structures and types of work, the capital structure, accuracy class and quality of which are subject to increased requirements, as well as to types of work in mountainous areas performed at an altitude of more than 3500 m above sea level. For such types of work, individual elemental estimate standards, or correction factors, are developed that take into account the relevant features of the work.

2.8. GESN collections contain a technical part, introductory instructions to sections, tables of estimate standards and appendices. The technical parts provide instructions on the procedure for applying collections of estimate standards, coefficients to estimate standards that take into account the conditions of work, as well as rules for calculating the volume of work.

2.9. The GESN tables contain the following standard indicators:

labor costs of workers (builders, installers), man-hours;

average level of work (workers' level);

labor costs of drivers, man-hours;

composition and duration of operation of construction machines, mechanisms, devices, power tools in machine hours;

a list of materials, products, structures used in the production process, and their consumption in physical (natural) units of measurement.

2.10. In the collections of GESNp, taking into account the specific features of commissioning works (PNR), the following are given:

information about the composition of the unit (team) of commissioning workers (number, specialties of engineers and workers);

labor costs as a whole per link, in man-hours;

The following resource indicators are not indicated in the tables of estimated standards of GESNp:

consumption of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used during commissioning;

labor costs of operating personnel involved in participation in the startup and comprehensive testing of equipment;

use of mechanisms, incl. control and measuring instruments.

These costs are determined based on design data.

2.11. Based on the GESN, estimated prices are developed for construction work and structures, installation of equipment, as well as for repair, construction and commissioning work, which are combined into collections of unit prices (EP).

2.12. EP collections are developed at the basic price level (as of January 1, 2000) and are an integral part of the pricing and estimate standardization system in construction operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unit prices from the EP collections are intended to determine direct costs in the estimate documentation and develop enlarged estimate standards for structures and types of work.

2.13. EP collections for construction (repair) work, installation of equipment and commissioning work are divided according to the level of application into federal (FER), territorial (hereinafter - TER) and industry-specific (hereinafter - OEP).

FER collections contain a full set of prices for types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation, and are developed at the main price level for the 1st base region (Moscow region).

Collections of FER, together with state elemental estimate standards, form a unified state estimate and regulatory framework for the development of a system of enlarged estimate standards.

The EP territorial collections include unit prices tied to local construction conditions, which are applied during construction within the territory of an administrative entity of the Russian Federation (region).

Industry collections of EP are developed for specialized types of construction (energy, transport, water management, capital mining, gas pipelines, communications, certain types of industrial facilities, etc.).

2.14. The basis for the development of unit prices in the basic price level (hereinafter referred to as “unit prices” or “prices”) are:

elemental estimate standards for structures and types of work;

estimated standards and prices for the operation of construction machines;

estimated prices for building materials, products and structures.

2.15. In cases where there are no necessary estimate standards in the current estimate and regulatory framework or the technology of work and the need for resources differ significantly from those provided for in the collections of current elemental estimate standards of the State Electric Power System, it is possible to develop individual standards and prices.

2.16. Unit prices are summarized in tables and contain the following indicators for the structure or work meter adopted in them:

labor costs for workers (except for labor costs taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines) as of 01/01/2000;

the cost of operating construction machines, including wages for workers servicing the machines as of 01/01/2000;

cost of materials, products and structures (except for materials, structures and products, the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price) as of 01/01/2000;

norms for the consumption of materials (in physical terms), the cost of which is not taken into account in the unit price;

names and consumption rates of materials, products and structures, the characteristics of which are accepted when drawing up estimates based on design data.

2.17. Tables of unit prices have a code, name, scope of work, meter and quantitative indicators of resource consumption rates.

2.18. Materials, products and structures are presented in tables of estimated standards according to a generalized nomenclature, as a rule, without indicating brands and additional characteristics. When drawing up estimates, specific material resources are taken into account based on project data. For individual materials, products and structures, the consumption of which depends on design decisions (cables, wires, pipes, metal structures, etc.), only names are indicated in the tables of estimate standards, and in the columns the consumption is indicated by the symbol “P”. When drawing up estimate documentation, the consumption of these material resources is determined according to design data, taking into account difficult to eliminate losses and waste.

Revision and change of estimate standards

2.19. The basis for revising estimate standards, making changes and additions to them may be the results of completed research or experimental work, studying and summarizing domestic and foreign experience in the preparation and application of estimate documentation, and monitoring compliance with the requirements of estimate standards.

2.20. Each change made to the corresponding collection of estimate standards is assigned a serial registration number.

Each addition to the collections of estimate standards is assigned a title sign: “Issue (further indicated by a serial number).”

to the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia
dated 03/05/2004 No. 15/1


DECISION of March 5, 2004 No. 15/1
List of amending documents (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 1, 2012 No. 220,
Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 16, 2014 No. 294/pr)
The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Sector decides:
To approve and put into effect from March 9, 2004 the attached Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Chairman N.P. KOSHMAN
Does not require state registration. Letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-UD.

List of changing documents
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 1, 2012 No. 220, Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 16, 2014 No. 294/pr)
In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYA-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises
construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning work, regardless of sources of financing, carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when setting prices for construction products and calculations for completed work.
DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executive - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with
participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M.
Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshov), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State Construction University (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S. S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), CJSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the Maintenance of Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).
APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Russia.
SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.
ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 15/1.
CONSIDERED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not require state registration
(letter dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-UD).
IN REPLACEMENT of the “Code of Rules for Determining the Cost of Construction as part of Pre-Project and Design Estimate Documentation” SP 81-01-94, introduced by a letter from the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated
12.29.94 No. VB-12-276, “Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” MDS 81-1.99, put into effect
Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, “Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work” MDS 81-28.2001, “Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 for installation of equipment” MDS 81-29.2001, “Instructions for the use of GESNp -2001 for commissioning work" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the application of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during the construction and repair of highways" MDS 81-30.2002.




MDS 81-35.2004

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 N VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning work, regardless of sources of financing, carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as when setting prices for construction products and paying for work performed.

DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, executive officer - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State Construction University (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), JSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos ), Committee for the Operation of the Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Russia.

SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 03/05/2004 N 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not require state registration (letter dated March 10, 2004 N 07/2699-UD).

IN REPLACEMENT of the "Code of Rules for Determining the Cost of Construction as part of Pre-Project and Design Estimate Documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 N VB-12-276, "Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 N 31, "Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the use of GESNm-2001 for installation of equipment" MDS 81-29.2001, "Instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning work" MDS 81-27.2001, General instructions for the use of GESNp-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work during the construction and repair of highways "MDS 81-30.2002.