Visa from Mastercard - what to choose? Which is better Visa or MasterCard, Maestro - what are the differences? Visa or master card which is better


Which system card should I choose - Visa or MasterCard? What is the fundamental difference and is there any?

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Quantity bank cards in the use of citizens Russian Federation everything is increasing. Finally, we got used to paying not in cash, but with a plastic card. Salaries are transferred to cards, loans are obtained in the form of credit cards - this is both more convenient and safer.

In addition to the standard salary card, the average citizen now has 2-3 more cards from different banks. Why does a person need so many cards? The most common option is credit card. The second option is for savings. If a person opens a deposit in a bank, he will most likely be offered a plastic card to accompany the account. When issuing another plastic card, the bank client is often faced with logical question– what payment system does he prefer?

There are several global payment systems in the world, but two have gained the greatest popularity in both Russia and Europe: Visa and MasterCard. So, the bank employee will ask you - which payment system do you choose - Visa or MasterCard?

And really, which payment system is better to choose? MasterCard or Visa? Which is more convenient and which is better? Let's try to figure it out.

At first glance, there is not much difference between Visa and MasterCard. Both systems are represented in the vast majority of countries in the world; more than 20,000 banks and other financial institutions around the world work with both. In practice, this means that in order to find an establishment where you will not accept a Visa or Mastercard, you will have to try very hard.

If you look at the issue from a technical point of view, you won’t notice the difference either. The speed of payments, the level of card security and the level of service are almost the same. What's the difference? Visa and Mastercard differ in the following points:

  1. Conversion of funds when paying in a currency other than the ruble;
  2. Service level when using cards of different “levels”;
  3. Availability of certain shares from partner banks of payment systems.

Using cards of different service levels

Both payment systems have different card levels:

  1. Elementary: Visa – Visa Electron, Mastercard – Maestro;
  2. Standard: Visa – Visa Classic, Mastercard – MasterCard Standard;
  3. Premium: Visa – Visa Gold or Visa Platinum, Mastercard – MasterCard Gold or MasterCard Platinum;

Entry level cards- this is usually salary cards. The level of services here is comparable and the range of capabilities is quite narrow for both systems. For example, with an entry-level card, you will not be able to make payments online. True, for Visa Electron cards this feature can be enabled by the issuing bank, but in practice this is rare.

Theoretically, there are some differences between them. It consists in the fact that for Maestro cards you need to enter a PIN code, while with Visa Electron cards it is not necessary to enter a PIN. But in practice, everything depends not only on the type of payment system, but also on the type payment terminal installed at this particular outlet.

Another significant difference is use of entry-level cards outside the Russian Federation. By default, this feature is disabled for Visa Electron and Maestro cards; you can activate it, but you will have to contact the bank. In most cases, connection is free. But for Maestro Momentum cards there is no such possibility in principle.

The advantage of entry-level cards is, first of all, low card service fee– usually up to 300 rubles per year. In a number of banks, this annual payment is completely absent.

It should be noted that in Russia it is Maestro cards that are most widespread. These are the ones that banks most often offer for salary projects, issuing a scholarship or pension.

If speak about plastic cards As for the “Standard” class, there are practically no differences. They can be used for online purchases, to pay for goods and services in stores, to withdraw cash from an ATM, etc. Abroad Visa cards Classic and MasterCard Standard also work without problems.

In the premium segment there is a more pronounced difference between Visa and Maestro.

By cards Visa Gold The following services are offered to clients:

  • medical support during travel;
  • legal service;
  • assistance in booking train and air tickets, ordering a restaurant, etc.;
  • emergency assistance abroad (if the card was lost or stolen).

For cards Visa Platinum The following programs are additionally available:

  • "Purchase Protection Program";
  • "Warranty Extension Program";

Visa recently released an even “more premium” card - Visa Infinite. In addition to the services indicated above, this card also gives you the opportunity to receive bonuses such as discounts on insurance (including for members of the cardholder’s family), travel arrangements, detailed information about restaurants, delivery services and similar pleasant little things.

All these services are available to Premium segment cardholders by default. Moreover, if before it was not so easy to get a Premium card (at least you had to have a tidy sum in your account), now it is done easily and quickly. Even for clients with minimal account history, banks are ready to issue Visa Gold.

MasterCard premium cards also have several programs, but only two of them are enabled by default - a loyalty program from your bank’s partners and emergency assistance in case of a lost card. Other services are connected for additional money. Therefore, when applying for a card, you need to clarify with the bank exactly what services will be connected to you.

It is obvious that with general equality in the “Standard” and “Beginner” segments, in the “Premium” segment Visa wins

Currency conversion

Currency conversion is perhaps the most significant difference between Visa and MasterCard payment systems. The main difference is the currency. For Visa, the main currency is the US dollar. Whereas for MasterCard it is euro. Each operation of converting the main currency of your account (rubles) into another currency implies a commission. It is logical that the smaller the number of conversions, the more profitable it is to use the card in certain conditions. As a rule, conversion occurs at the bank's exchange rate. For Visa cards, the conversion rate can be found out in advance - before the transaction is completed, whereas when paying with MasterCard, you will find out the rate only after the transaction is completed.

Obviously, if you pay in one of the European countries, then MasterCard cards will be more profitable. If you pay with Visa, it turns out that you will pay the conversion fee twice: the first time from rubles to dollars, the second time from dollars to euros.

In which countries is Visa more profitable?

Visa cards are more profitable to use in the USA, Latin American countries, Australia, Canada and Thailand.

Bank shares

Another parameter by which cards of different payment systems differ is bank shares. It just so happens that Visa cards are more popular in the world, so for Russian cardholders Visa also offers more profitable terms. We can participate in various promotions such as interest refunds, discounts and receive some other nice bonuses.

Conclusion: so which is more profitable?

Standard cards of both payment systems do not have any fundamental differences. The only thing really worth paying attention to is currency conversion. If you are going to use plastic card when traveling around Europe, MasterCard will be a better option. This payment system has no other significant advantages. Pay attention to the conditions for issuing the card by the issuing bank.

The best option is to own two cards with different payment systems - this way you will protect yourself from possible failures and be able to optimally use both payment systems.

There are 2 international payment systems in Russia: Visa and MasterCard. Their priority purpose of operation is to transfer cash in the country to non-cash turnover and increasing the security of payments made. Let's figure out how VISA differs from MasterCard and which payment system is better.

VISA is characterized by American roots. The company's share in the card issuance market is about 28.6%. The greatest confidence in this system is recorded in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico), the least in Asian countries (Thailand, India, China).

The corporation operates according to its own unique system VISA security 3-D Secure. Its main goal is not only to increase the level of security when conducting transactions with card products, but also to simplify the system of servicing plastic via the Internet. VISA is constantly working to improve the confidentiality of client information.

VISA system security

In general, the security system consists of 3 independent domains:

  1. Issuer (includes payment instruments and their sellers).
  2. Acquirer (includes the financial institution issuing plastic and its potential holders).
  3. Interactions (includes elements necessary to enable interoperability between other domains).

They generate and verify every financial transaction. VISA Corporation entered the domestic market in 2009. Today it cooperates with all Russian banks.

Description of the global MasterCard system

MasterCard unites more than 20 thousand financial organizations in 210 countries. The priority areas of the corporation's activities are:

  • implementation of card issuance under the MasterCard, Maestro and Cirrus brands;
  • making electronic payments online;
  • servicing the card needs of individuals and corporate entities.

Currently, the corporation's share in the card issuance market is 25%. MasterCard carries out more than 25 billion transactions annually.

MasterCard in Russia and other countries

Usage payment system in Russia is expanding every year. As of January 1, 2016, its share in the domestic sector non-cash payment amounted to 38.5%. The gap from VISA is decreasing every year. The corporation actively cooperates with Sberbank, VTB 24, Russian Standard Bank and other market participants.

Payment system cards are in greatest demand in the EU countries, Brazil and China. The least trust in it is observed in the countries of North America, although the representative organization is located in the United States.

Comparison of global payment systems

So is there a difference between payment systems? Compared by market size non-cash payments, then Visa has a higher figure.

However, it was the VISA Corporation that laid the foundation for the development of non-cash payments.

The remaining differences between payment systems are only theoretical, so in general we can say that there is no fundamental difference between them. Most often, the VISA payment system is used to open payment instruments in dollars and rubles, and MasterCard - in euros and rubles.

This is where the recommendations came from to issue a Visa to clients traveling to North American countries, and a MasterCard to those making business and tourist trips to Europe. Linking to the dollar or euro is conditional, since the plastic current account can be linked to any currency.

The conversion of funds in an account between global systems may vary, which is due to the characteristics of the card issuing market. Among users financial services It is widely believed that it is better to choose Visa as it is more reliable. In fact, in terms of reliability, the payment instruments of the MaxsterCard system are in no way inferior to them.

Comparative analysis of payment systems

  1. According to market coverage. MasterCard Corporation owns 25% of all cards issued in the world. For VISA this figure is 3.5% higher. However, this gap is narrowing every year.
  2. On a territorial basis. Visa operates in 200 countries around the world, and MasterCard - in 210.
  3. On innovative development. Visa Corporation has created the basis for the formation of non-cash payments in the world using ATMs and terminals. As for MasterCard, the organization developed based on the existing experience of its competitor, that is, it spent less financial resources for the development and implementation of innovations in the card issuance market.
  4. According to the code used to conduct transactions on the Internet. If electronic transactions are carried out using a Visa card, then the secret code CVV2 is used, and for MasterCard - CVC2.
  5. By level of recognition. Both international systems They produce debit, credit and co-branded plastic.
  6. The speed of operations is approximately the same. Plastic also has similar safety parameters.
  7. Based on the annual service fee. It is impossible to compare payment system cards on this basis, since tariffs are set by each bank independently.
  8. By the presence of virtual plastic. Virtual cards Both Visa and MasterCard have them. Payment instrument without physical media, it allows you to increase the security of making payments online. Moreover, it is impossible to lose it.

Are there any differences in the system maps for different levels?

All plastic offered by issuers can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. group - initial segment cards (Visa Electron, Maestro, instant cards);
  2. group - middle segment cards (Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard);
  3. group - premium cards(Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold and others).

In terms of technical parameters, there are no differences between plastics in the entry-level segment in terms of maintenance and safety. However, there are differences in theory. Firstly, when paying with a Maestro card, you do not need to enter a PIN code. In fact, it all depends on the capabilities of the terminal. As a rule, in Russia you will have to enter an identifier both when performing a transaction using Maestro and Visa Electron.

Secondly, Maestro cards cannot be used to make transactions on the Internet. Thus, instant plastic does not have a secret code that must be entered when paying for goods or receiving services online. As for Visa Electron, such an opportunity can be provided by the bank.

Thirdly, instant cards of the MasterCard system cannot be used outside the country. This feature is disabled for Visa Electron and Maestro cards, but it can be activated free of charge at the issuing bank.

Fourthly, there are differences in service fees between cards. As a rule, it depends on the bank’s tariff policy. So in Sberbank you can issue Maestro social with free annual maintenance. As a rule, this plastic is provided for citizens receiving social benefits. For Visa Electron, the annual payment is 300 rubles. These cards are mainly issued as part of the salary project.

For mid-level plastic, there are no technical or theoretical differences. Here, each client must decide for himself which card is better. Opportunities for using payment instruments various systems outside the country they are completely the same.

Significant differences emerge for premium segment cards. Thus, the Visa Premium Plastic Corporation provides the following additional services:

  • emergency assistance outside the country on;
  • medical support for travelers;
  • providing legal advice;
  • cardholder insurance;
  • bonuses in the field of leisure, when organizing relocation, car rental and hotels, etc.

Premium segment MasterCard cards only provide emergency assistance and a customer loyalty program. The remaining options are enabled at the request of the issuing bank. Naturally, they are paid, so not every player in the bank card market is ready to connect them. From this we can conclude that at the premium level, the Visa payment system shows more advantageous positions.

Each global system has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the difference between them is so small that it can be argued that MasterCard and VISA cards are the same in functionality.

Today, bank cards have become truly popular not only in Europe and America, but also among residents of the CIS. Plastic cards are rapidly replacing cash, becoming the main method of payment for a variety of goods and services. Against this background, when applying for a bank card, the question arises: what is better to choose, a Visa or MasterCard?

For a more detailed consideration of the issue, it is worth finding out what the above payment systems are and what positive and negative sides. This, in turn, will help you decide on the bank card you need.


MasterCard Worldwide or MasterCard Incorporated is a large international association of banks and companies operating in general rules using cards. The corporation owns production units in a huge number of countries around the world. It unites about 22 thousand financial institutions. The main headquarters along with the global operating office are located in the United States.

Since the end of 2005, the Mastercard payment system acquired the status of a public company, that is, its shares began to circulate on stock market without any restrictions. Until 2006, the corporation was managed by only 25 thousand financial institutions. The creators of MasterCard Incorporated are Californian banks. It is worth mentioning that the payment system was previously called Interbank / Master Charge. The creators of the corporation positioned their brainchild as a direct competitor to BankAmericard.

Proprietary brands :

  • MasterCard the main designation that serves for individualization in the field of visual interaction with Mastercard clients;
  • MasterCard Electronic - entry-level electronic cards used in high-risk environments: for example, for unreliable purchasers of services and disadvantaged, geographically isolated points of sale;
  • Maestro is a debit card service created in the early 2000s with limited capabilities compared to Mastercard cards;
  • Mondex, a product that allows you to use electronic money, was created for this purpose. special system, which allows customers to create and top up electronic wallets, operates primarily in European and Asian markets;
  • Cirrus is an interbank ATM network.

Among other things, MasterCard provides its customers with the opportunity to use the PayPass system, which allows them to make payments by presenting the card to the terminal. All operations on Mastercard cards are carried out through the Banknet telecommunication system.

The corporation allows you to carry out financial transactions in a huge number of countries around the globe. The payment system accounts for almost ¼ of all bank card holders. MasterCard's main currency is the euro. It is noteworthy that the association of banks and companies operating under the Mastercard brand do not impose any limits or restrictions on their clients when they carry out transactions with third-party ATMs. The opportunities provided to card holders are determined by its type (initial, standard, premium).

Standard service level cards belonging to MasterCard are issued absolutely free of charge. They are perfect for receiving pensions, wages, social benefits and scholarships. It is also possible to connect additional options to them that will allow the client to pay for purchases, public utilities or use them as a passbook.


VISA International Service Association is one of the international associations of banks and companies that works according to general rules for using cards. The corporation consists of two large companies:

  • Visa Inc. — owner of the trademark and owner of the technologies used by the corporation;
  • Visa Europe Services Inc. - company, bank manager, located in the European part of the planet and operating under licenses from Visa Inc.

Plastic cards used within the Visa Banking Association are used for payments in almost 200 countries around the world. It is not at all surprising that this corporation is a leader and a key figure involved in the creation and development of all kinds of payment technologies.

It is also worth mentioning that the Visa payment system accounted for almost 60% of all existing ones on the planet in the early 2000s. bank cards. While its main competitor MasterCard had a share of only 30%. On this moment These figures have changed dramatically (Visa has 30%), and the situation has generally stabilized.

Visa cards also exist as credit cards. Their registration can be done for any of the available currencies. The card can be linked directly to a large number personal accounts with different currency units.

Thanks to its wide capabilities in the development of payment technologies, the corporation has a wide range of services provided. This fact has a positive effect on the work financial transactions in the field of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as for corporations with large sums, fixed in the constituent documents. Base currency Visa - U.S. $.

Official website

Comparison of MasterCard and VISA

Having understood what the associations of VISA and MasterCard banks are, you can proceed to the main question that this article is devoted to, namely, what is better to choose, a Visa or MasterCard card, and talk a little about their similarities and differences.

The services of these corporations are widely used in most countries; about 20 thousand banks and various financial organizations cooperate with both of them. In other words, it will be difficult for you to find one or another establishment where you cannot pay for any service using Visa or MasterCard bank cards.

If we consider the issue from the technical side (security of financial transactions, their speed, level of service), then there are no significant differences here either. Then what is the difference, you ask. The answer to this question can be found if we consider the cards of the Premium service level. It is this segment that accounts for most of the differences. However, more on this a little later.

If we talk about general differences, then three main groups can be distinguished among them:

  1. Promotions from banks and financial institutions cooperating with payment systems.
  2. The process of exchanging one type of currency for another, if it is different from the ruble.
  3. Service level.

These are, perhaps, three main points in which these banking associations may differ.

Difference between Visa and MasterCard for cards of different service levels

Both corporations have cards, which, in turn, are divided into three levels, according to the services provided:

  1. Elementary. Visa has Visa Electron, MasterCard has Maestro.
  2. Standard. Visa has Visa Classic, MasterCard has MasterCard Standard.
  3. Premium Visa has Visa Gold and Visa Platinum; MasterCard has MasterCard Gold and MasterCard Platinum.

The first group (initial) are mostly cards for receiving wages. Here the level of service is not very extensive, either with MasterCard or with MasterCard. Thus, cardholders belonging to this group cannot make payments in the field of web services. However, in some cases, clients have the opportunity to obtain this service, but it is very rare.

If we talk about the differences between Visa and MasterCard in this segment of bank cards, then there are basically two of them:

  1. For cards belonging to the MasterCard payment system, you need to use a PIN code; in the case of Visa, entering it is not necessary. However, for the most part this technical feature depends not on the financial institution, but on what terminal the client uses.
  2. The second, more significant difference can be noticed when conducting various financial transactions abroad. So, for plastic cards belonging to the entry level, this service is absent by default and must be connected in the appropriate bank. And if for VISA cards you can do this without any problems, then for some Mastercard cards the option is completely absent.

These Corporations have one common advantage in common - a small fee for the provision of services, which usually does not exceed 200 rubles per year. Moreover, some banks do not charge it at all.

The second group (standard) - in this segment of cards there is essentially no difference between VISA and Mastercard. Standard level cards allow holders to make purchases in online stores, pay for various services and withdraw money from ATMs. At the same time, such cards can also be used outside Russia without any particular difficulties.

The third group (premium) - in cards belonging to the “Premium” level, there are the most differences.

Services for Visa Platinum cards:

  • "Purchase Protection";
  • "Warranty Extension."

Services for Visa Gold cards:

  • assistance in case of loss of a card outside Russia;
  • legal and medical services;
  • ordering air and railway tickets.

Services for Visa Infinite cards:

  • organization of relocations;
  • discount on insurance;
  • delivery service.

The above options are available to holders of premium Visa plastic cards by default. It is worth noting that previously you had to pay quite a lot of money for such cards, whereas now all this pleasure is quite cheap.

There are also a number of programs for Premium service cards operating within the MasterCard payment system. However, initially only two of them were designed:

  • loyalty program for partners of the card manufacturer;
  • help if you lose your card.

The rest of the list of services is available for an additional fee. That is why always check with your financial institution, which options are enabled and which are not. This will avoid unnecessary expenses. From the services described above, it becomes clear that among the “Standard” and “Premium” level cards, Visa looks more profitable.

Differences in currency conversion

Currency conversion is the process of exchanging one type of currency for another. It is in this financial action lies the biggest VISA difference from MasterCard. So, for Visa the main currency is the US dollar, and for MasterCard it is the euro. Since every financial transaction associated with the conversion of the ruble (the main currency) into dollars or euros implies a commission, we can conclude that Visa cards are more logical to use in the USA and neighboring countries, while MasterCard - in European countries. This rule will save you from additional commissions, which, by the way, can reach 5%. It is worth noting that the commission for Visa can be found out before the financial transaction is completed, but for MasterCard only after it.

In contact with

In Russian federation credit institutions Three main payment systems are used: Visa, Mastercard, MIR. The first two payment systems are the oldest and at the same time the largest in the world. In 2015, an alternative Russian system under the name MIR. So far it is used only by Russian credit institutions and some banks operating in the near abroad.

When applying for a credit card, the client, as a rule, is not given the right to choose a payment system. It is assigned by default, since for the vast majority of areas of using the card, an almost identical mechanism is provided.

Visa and MasterCard cardholders use the same tools with some restrictions. As for the MIR system, due to its relatively recent launch, there are much more restrictions in the process of use than in the first two cases.

Payment system Visa

The first prerequisites for creating an innovative payment system appeared back in 1958. Then Bank of America issued the first plastic card under the name BankAmericard. The name "Visa" was coined later - in 1976.

Since this date, the Visa Corporation has been steadily growing in size. Today it is a transnational system serving large enterprises, financial institutions, plastic card holders in more than 200 countries. The company provides quick and secure access to non-cash transactions, as well as transactions in cash.

Electronic transactions are carried out using the modern VisaNet payment processing system. Using this processing system, more than 70,000 financial transactions per second are carried out around the world.

The company guarantees cardholders modern protection against all types of fraud, convenient execution of all transactions, and prompt support. The official website of the company, where users can get all the necessary information, is located at

Visa is not a credit institution. The company does not issue loans and advances, does not establish interest rates and does not issue its own plastic cards. Instead, the company offers a set modern instruments for banks to develop and optimize payments, improve security measures.

The corporation launched its activities in the USSR in 1988. The first operator to use this payment system was financial institution Intourist, which issued the first plastic cards to athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Seoul. The first credit institution to start working with the payment system is Sberbank of the USSR. The first ATMs were installed in Moscow back in 1992.

The Russian Federation is a member of the CEMEA organization, consisting of the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe, all over Africa, the Middle East. There are 82 participating countries in total. Our country covers approximately 48% of all operations carried out in the CEMEA region. In monetary terms, the amount of all transactions is more than 220 billion US dollars.

To date, the number of ATMs that accept Visa cards totals more than 36,000 devices. The total number of retail outlets working with the system is more than 165,000 throughout the country. The company produces more than 25 types of layouts for creating plastic cards, differing in the set of tools, identification measures and security of the holder’s funds.

Payment system Mastercard

The year of foundation of this payment system is considered to be 1966. The first plastic cards began to be issued by the company in 1969 under the name “The Interbank Card”. As in the first case, the main activity here is the processing of transactions between acquiring credit institutions, trading cooperatives, retail outlets, financial enterprises and organizations.

The name “Mastercard” has been used since 1979 to the present day. The official website of the corporation is located at

In terms of the volume of transactions made worldwide and the turnover of funds, MasterCard is significantly inferior to Visa: 20% versus 28.5% (according to 2015 data). The company does not issue cards and is not a player in the credit and financial segment. The main task is to ensure reliable, secure and fast payments 24 hours a day.

In the USSR, the first cards issued on the basis of this payment system appeared in 1990. The first bank to begin issuing Mastercard cards is Sberbank of the USSR.

Technologies used

In terms of development innovative technologies, the company is noticeably ahead of its competitors:

  • 1980s - the world's first plastic card with a laser hologram is issued;
  • 1990s - the company releases the world's first Internet debit program “Maestro”;
  • 1997 - the “Priceless” advertising program is launched;
  • 2001 - the Mastercard Consultant system is developed;
  • 2008 - Mastercard Europe and Europay France corporation merge their transactions;
  • 2010 - the Innovation Center is created, whose task is to develop new ideas and projects;
  • 2015 - the company introduces the MasterPass system;
  • 2016 - the MasterPass system, after 9 months of testing, is launched into mass use.

Known to many convenient system contactless payments - PayPass was developed by Mastercard. So far, the system has been successfully used by owners of smartphones from Samsung and Apple. By 2020, it is planned to introduce a contactless payment system in all mobile phones. Mastercard is working on this project together with the world's largest manufacturer mobile phones— Nokia.

In comparing the Mastercard network with Visa, it can also be noted that the first option uses a peer-to-peer scheme - when all transactions are transmitted to all endpoints located like “cells” that act independently of each other. This is much more secure than the method used by Visa, which is something like a star (“star topology method”), where all operations converge at one point. Consequently, in the event of a single failure, the operation of the entire system may be disrupted.

Payment system MIR

The official launch date of the national payment system is July 23, 2014. A system was created to ensure uninterrupted financial transactions during periods of disagreement between the Russian Federation and the United States. At the initiative of the US authorities, the Visa and Mastercard payment systems denied operational services to several Russian credit organizations.

The first card that can be used to pay in Russia and abroad was issued by Gazprombank. In 2016, it was announced that from the beginning of 2017, “mass production of plastic cards based on the MIR payment system” would begin. From July 1, 2017, the Bank of Russia introduced the obligation to accept MIR cards by absolutely all credit institutions operating in the Russian Federation.

Unlike the world's largest systems Visa and Mastercard, MIR cards do not provide for additional fees when withdrawing cash. This rule will not be revised in the future. This measure is aimed at stimulating the development of the national payment system and increasing loyalty on the part of Russian users. The official website of the payment system is located at

Key Advantage

The advantage of MIR cards is their independence from global payment systems, political relations with Western countries, sanctions, and other unfavorable circumstances. By the beginning of 2017, more than 10,000,000 MIR cards were issued in the Russian Federation. The total number of card transactions exceeded 14,000,000 in July 2017 alone.

Back at the end of 2016, the Parliament of the Russian Federation initiative group a project was submitted for consideration, according to which the use of MIR cards became mandatory for all government and budgetary institutions. The draft was supplemented with appropriate amendments and approved without lengthy debate.

Since January 2018, all budget and state organizations switched to using MIR cards. This means that law enforcement officers, teachers, doctors, and employees of other structures receive wages only on MIR cards. By 2020, it is planned to transfer all pensioners to MIR cards, which will be issued completely free of charge.

Again, on January 1, 2018, Sberbank of Russia and the MIR payment system launched a special promotion, the participants of which can win a car or a cash prize. The essence of this promotion is that Sberbank MIR card holders pay for purchases worth more than 500 rubles (once a month is enough), after which the bank randomly selects winners on the 30th/31st of each month. The main prize is money to buy a car.

Visa and Mastercard are two well-known international payment systems that are widely used in Russia. When applying for one or another plastic card at Sberbank, clients are faced with a choice - which type of Visa or MasterCard should they prefer? To properly resolve this issue, let's figure out what is the difference between these systems and which one is better.

Advantages and disadvantages of VISA card

Visa is a transcontinental American corporation that provides payment transaction services. The company was founded in 1958 and today its activities cover almost all countries of the world. The main currency of the system is US dollars. Therefore, when going abroad with a Visa card, the client should know that when paying with it in retail outlets, where the euro operates, it will be charged a certain percentage for currency conversion.

An additional commission is also charged when cashing out a VISA card from Sberbank at ATMs in Europe. Typically this is 2%.

At the moment, Sberbank of Russia produces two types of Visa plastic products - debit and credit.

Debit cards:

  • Classic standard;
  • Classic with big bonuses;
  • Classic with individual design;
  • Youth;
  • Aeroflot (Classic, Gold and Signature);
  • “Give Life” (classical, gold and platinum);
  • Instant.

Credit cards Visa presented in the same options as debit:

  • Classic,
  • Golden,
  • Premium,
  • Aeroflot (Classic, Gold, Signature),
  • “Give Life” (classic and gold).

Advantages of Visa payment products:

  • High degree of protection,
  • Versatility (can be used everywhere),
  • Possibility to use the card abroad.

The downside is that the card is focused more on US dollars than Euros. When cashing it out in EU countries, the user is charged an additional tax. And this applies to cashing out not only credit cards. And we remember that they are provided for non-cash payments. So, when withdrawing money from a credit card through a Sberbank cash machine, the commission is 3% (at least 390 rubles), and when cashing out through any other - 4% (at least 490 rubles). Cashing out debit card Visa Sberbank in the “native” ATM without%, and abroad - 2%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Mastercard card

Mastercard is a universal payment system first presented in the United States in 1966. Currently operating in 210 countries around the world. The main advantage of cards of this type is the ability to use them abroad almost everywhere. At the same time, there is no conversion fee for using the card in the EU.

This year Sberbank will present the following debit and credit cards Mastercard payment type:

  • Mastercard Classic;
  • Mastercard Gold;
  • Mastercard Signature
  • Card with big bonuses;
  • Mastercard with individual design;
  • Youth;
  • Aeroflot (standard, gold and platinum);
  • “Give Life” (Classic and Gold);
  • Instant.

The payment type has the same advantages as a Visa, plus priority (no fees) use in the EU.

What is better Visa or Mastercard in Russia?

So, we found out that to travel to Europe, you should apply for a MasterCard payment card. But in America Visa comes in handy. But what about in Russia? What kind of plastic should I order?

In fact, experts answer this question like this: Any type of payment system is beneficial to use in Russia if the card itself is issued Russian bank. Cash withdrawal at local ATMs without interest (for debit ones). And withdrawing money from loans at an acceptable interest rate without additional conversion fees.

And another question: Mastercard Gold or Visa Gold: which is better?

When applying for premium cards, many clients wonder: what better Mastercard Gold or Visa Gold?

  • There is no significant difference between them if the holder will use it only on the territory of Russia (and issued it in Russia, accordingly). If the consumer is planning a trip to Europe, then it is better for him to give preference to Mastercard gold plastic, which is more focused on the euro. This way he will avoid additional fees for currency conversion when cashing out the card or using it in stores.
  • If the client makes frequent trips to the United States, then it is preferable to issue a Visa payment system card, the main currency of which is the American dollar.


You should issue several cards of different payment types and use them upon request. In Europe - Mastercard. And in America - Visa. On the territory of Russia, it is very profitable to have plastic from the national payment system MIR, especially since its issuance and maintenance are free.