Bank terminal for non-cash payment. Cost of terminal maintenance. Payment terminal as a business - reviews from owners


The foreign practice of non-cash payments is gradually becoming part of the everyday life of the Russian citizen. Any legal entity or individual can install a terminal for paying with bank cards. If until recently non-cash payments were carried out only between legal entities, now payment for services and goods with plastic cards is not surprising.

Each bank has its own characteristics and tariffs. Before signing an agreement, you need to figure out which terminals are most beneficial for the entrepreneur.

A small device designed to pay for purchases and services with a bank card has become commonplace thanks to supermarkets. The use of acquiring is expanding its boundaries and can now be seen in small stores of individual entrepreneurs.

Acquiring is a bank service that allows sellers and buyers to carry out the process of paying for purchases by bank transfer. You can find out how this is done in the article at the link.

Installation of a terminal for payment by bank cards is carried out by the bank, with which the legal entity signs the corresponding agreement.

It can be installed by a person who has a bank account. Therefore, those individual entrepreneurs who keep pace with progress must necessarily open a bank account.

All transactions using the terminal for payment with plastic cards will go through a current account. Find out what documents are required to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur.

Installing a terminal is not yet mandatory for individual entrepreneurs. But, perhaps in the near future, in order to reduce the number of unscrupulous taxpayers, the Federal Tax Service will insist on this.

How a bank card payment terminal functions in practice – see here:

What types of payment terminals exist in Russia

Currently, there are three types of acquiring.

Trading – installed in trading floors, stores and is intended for payment for purchases and services. More and more often you can see a grocery tray where such a terminal is installed. Operating principle: the owner of a solvent card pays for the purchase - a signal from the terminal is sent to the acquiring bank, which sends a request through the payment system to the bank servicing the buyer’s card.

The money is transferred to the seller’s declared account and the response is returned to the terminal, notifying with a signal about the transaction completed. The buyer, if he has a mobile alert system enabled, receives an SMS message from the card issuing bank about the amount withdrawn and the account balance.

Internet acquiring is one of the ways to pay for goods from online stores. It is not always possible to distinguish a plastic card from other payment methods. The banks themselves do not specify their tariffs and often change them. The phenomenon in Russia is new and not entirely mature.

You can find out which ones exist and how to choose the most successful and cost-effective one by following the link.

The movement of funds occurs according to the following scheme: payment for a product in an online store - information goes to the processing center - from there to the acquiring bank - then to the issuing bank - debiting funds from the buyer’s card to the organization’s account and returning the information in the reverse order.

Mobile acquiring – the process of paying for a purchase or service occurs through a mobile device (phone, smartphone, tablet) with a card reader connected to it.

What are the benefits of installing a terminal?

The psychology of the buyer is such that non-cash payments increase sales several times. When paying with cash, a person counts money and controls his purchases more carefully than when paying with a card.

Usually, buyers themselves offer the retail outlet to install a terminal. When there are quite a lot of offers, and traffic suggests an increase in sales, then installing such equipment is quite advisable. According to statistics, when a terminal for paying with bank cards appears, sales increase by 30%.

Installing a terminal has a number of advantages:

  • sales increase;
  • no need to look for change;
  • It’s easier to count revenue at the end of the day and make a report;
  • the cashier cannot make a mistake when giving out change;
  • there is no chance of receiving counterfeit banknotes;
  • the buyer does not need to look for ATMs to withdraw money;
  • the buyer may not carry cash with him, which eliminates theft or loss of money;
  • safety of the seller and store.

What are the benefits of installing a payment terminal for individual entrepreneurs?

Disadvantages of acquiring:

  • some banks charge the seller a commission for using the service;
  • renting and maintaining terminals costs money;
  • If there is only one terminal at a retail outlet, then a breakdown can lead to customer dissatisfaction. Repair or replacement takes some time;
  • Each bank has its own refund period;
  • money can go to the seller’s account from a few minutes to three days (depending on the bank);
  • choosing a suitable bank;
  • it is difficult for the buyer to track their expenses. Spending occurs much more unnoticed than with regular cash payments.

What is needed to install a card payment terminal

A cashless payment terminal is needed by those persons who provide services, goods and, due to their activities, are, accordingly, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, CJSCs or other legal entities.

To install a terminal for paying with bank cards, you must have one or more current accounts in one or more banks.

The need for a terminal may arise if the turnover exceeds 30,000 rubles per day. Otherwise, installing a terminal is usually not beneficial for either the bank or the seller.

To install the terminal you need:

  1. Determine the need to install a terminal at a point of sale.
  2. Select a bank that meets the requirements. Some banks charge a commission based on a percentage of the merchant's turnover. Other banks have commissions ranging from 1.8% to 15%.
  3. Study the offers of processing companies. Small individual entrepreneurs can use mobile acquiring.
  4. Choose the offer that best meets your requirements. To do this, visit several banks, for example, Sberbank, Alfa Bank, VTB-24, BinBank and others.
  5. Collect the necessary documents to submit to the acquiring bank. These must be documents related to the legal entity, bank account and bank details.
  6. Submit an application.
  7. Sign an agreement with the bank.
  8. Wait for representatives of the bank and equipment installer.

The bank, in turn, is obliged to provide training for your staff, technical maintenance of the terminal and fully comply with the terms of the agreement.

Acquiring at Sberbank of Russia

The most common cooperation is with Sberbank in the installation of terminals. For 2017-2018, Sberbank offers:

  • partnership programs. What franchises does Sberbank of Russia offer to its clients - read;
  • fast refund;
  • favorable terms of service;
  • per month you will pay for equipment from 1800 to 2300 rubles (depending on the tariff plan);
  • the price for servicing Sberbank cards is lower;
  • The average commission percentage is within 0.6% - 2.5% of the accepted amount.

The application can be submitted online through the official website of Sberbank.

What conditions do Sberbank and VTB24 offer?

Conditions at VTB-24

  • installation, consumables, personnel training – free of charge;
  • carries out all types of cards;
  • Contactless reception is possible (if the card has a chip);
  • the higher the turnover, the lower the commission percentage;
  • all other services are paid depending on the number of terminals, types of cards, acquiring service package;
  • trade acquiring regular tariff – 1.6%;
  • mobile – on average 2.5%;
  • Internet acquiring – from 3%;
  • security is ensured by the latest IT technologies;
  • it is possible to introduce a salary system;
  • adaptation of acquiring system programs to 1C-Accounting, which can fully automate cash register transactions.

VTB-24 assures that cooperation with it is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses.

Offers from other Russian banks

Alfa Bank was one of the first to offer acquiring on the Russian market. Today, the bank offers, in addition to standard services, a commission of 1% from Altyn cards and 3% from MasterCard, Visa and Maestro.

CenterInvest will provide benefits if you open a current account in the bank of the same name. All other conditions are standard.

There are hotlines through which each bank provides complete information on acquiring service packages.

Important! Installation of equipment, training, provision of consumables and round-the-clock technical support are a standard set of services that reputable banks provide to clients. It is necessary to clarify what benefits, tariffs and interest are established by the bank.

Regarding interest, it is important to determine what the commission is charged on - from the amount of payment for each purchase or from turnover.

After receiving complete information from each bank, once again calculate the amount of turnover, the average traffic of the outlet, the expenses that you can incur after installing the terminal and add 20% to the average daily revenue.

Practice shows that the appearance of terminals the size of a calculator at the checkout actually increases sales. The only thing you need to think about is which bank to choose.

You can learn how to install the Qiwi payment terminal correctly in this video:

With the advent of plastic payment cards, the circulation of cash not only in Russia, but throughout the world began to sharply decrease. Now buyers prefer to pay non-cash. For this reason, it is quite reasonable for store owners to install a card terminal.

If your store’s revenue is at least 60 million rubles per year, this condition is mandatory. Failure to comply will result in a fine being imposed on the store owner.

POS terminal: what is it and how does it work

POS terminal (short for English) point of sale - point of sale) is equipment with the help of which funds are debited from the buyer’s account in favor of the seller. The device communicates with the buyer, approving or prohibiting withdrawals.

If the store has several cash registers, then the terminals can correspond to their number. At the same time, the equipment itself can be either stationary or mobile (for example, for waiters, couriers, etc.). The connection is established via the Internet.

Purchase, installation, configuration

In order to equip your enterprise with a card terminal, you need to go to the bank and enter into an acquiring agreement, after which an additional one will be opened for the organization, which will receive funds received through the terminal.

The purchase and installation of terminal equipment requires the provision of the following documents for individuals:

  • passport and its photocopy
  • notification received from a statistical office
  • Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) extract valid at the time of submission of documents (within 1 month)
  • certified (with blue seal and signature) copy of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate and TIN
  • a certified copy of the license to carry out trading activities (if the product category is included in the list required for licensing)
  • information on account

For legal entities:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, valid at the time of submission of documents
  • notification from the statistical office
  • certified copies of the following documents: the charter of the enterprise, the director’s passport and the order for its approval, a certificate of registration of a legal entity and that its activities are subject to taxation, information on the account

Equipment can be rented from the same bank, and the conditions for its acquisition and operation will be specified in the contract. The terminal can also be purchased, which will be reflected in the expense reports. The setup and maintenance of the equipment will be handled by the organization that issued it.

Benefits of using the terminal

The acquiring service (accepting payment for goods using a bank card) is a big advantage over those stores that do not have such a function:

Imagine a situation where a client is ready to make a large purchase, but you do not have terminal equipment. What are the chances that he won't change his mind on the way to the ATM and back?

How much does a payment terminal cost?

Typically, the clause on renting terminal equipment from a bank does not entail additional costs, since they are already included in the commission fee. However, in the case when the monthly turnover of non-cash money does not exceed a certain limit (each bank has an individual limit), then using the terminal can cost the entrepreneur the amount from 500 rub. up to 3 thousand rubles per month.

Where are the best acquiring conditions?

There are several factors that may influence the decision when choosing an acquirer:

  • Commission. It looks like a deduction to the bank. Each financial institution charges a different percentage for the service. In addition, always pay attention to the “fine print” - the contract may state that the commission fee may increase
  • Working with different types of cards. The bank’s cooperation with various payment systems (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) is of great importance. Of course, it is better to use the multifunctional option
  • Timing of the operation. The average duration is from one to three days. But there are also banks that process payments within a week

One of the most important points is the level of service. This includes:

  • training staff to work on terminal equipment (not only directly with the device, but also reporting, etc.)
  • a bonus system that works for the buyer if he purchases goods in a specific store, which is an additional reason to attract customers
  • information control, which involves the bank providing statements of transactions performed, reporting failures in the system, possible episodes of fraud, etc.
  • technical maintenance is perhaps the main service that is provided to the store in the event of equipment breakdown (it is advisable that this be done around the clock and upon request)

Operating principle of POS equipment

  1. insert the card into the terminal (if there is no chip, then you need to swipe the magnetic stripe in a special compartment or simply touch the plastic to the screen if the card has the possibility of contactless payment)
  2. enter the required amount, approve
  3. when requested, the buyer enters the PIN code, approves
  4. the terminal displays the result of the actions performed (approved, insufficient funds, etc.) and prints two checks: for the client and for the bank. If the operation was successful without entering a PIN code, then the client must sign the bank check

The timing of debiting and receiving funds can vary from three days depending on the servicing banks. If the seller has evidence that the buyer is not the owner of the card, he has the right to seize the payment instrument and call law enforcement agencies to clarify the circumstances.

Small businesses belong to the segment of large clients of the banking market. Despite its small turnover, it has similar service and technology requirements to the corporate sector.

Installation and use of POS payment terminals or banking acquiring services are in great demand today, provide a lot of opportunities and have many advantages.

Read more about the operating principles, features and types of such services below.

POS terminal - what is it?

In most cases, the main purpose of small business representatives turning to a bank is to obtain settlement and cash services.

Payments to counterparties and tax authorities, operational management of balances, cash collection - this is not a complete list of services related to cash settlement services (cash settlement services).

The installation of non-cash payment terminals also refers to the type of service under consideration and involves debiting funds from the bank card holder’s account to the seller’s account.

Payments using plastic cards have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Today, almost all stores and service centers are equipped with special terminals for accepting non-cash funds.

Such devices are called POS terminals (Point-of-Sale - point of sale).

At all points of sale where non-cash payments by bank cards are accepted, a sticker with the logos of all payment systems whose cards can be used to pay the bill through this POS terminal is placed at the entrance or near the cash register.

How does it work

The modern level of technology allows you to make a payment using a POS terminal in a matter of seconds. The details of this process are as follows:

  1. The client informs the cashier or seller of his intention to pay for the purchase using his bank card.
  2. The cashier asks him to present an identification document (especially if the amount is significant).
  3. The seller inserts the card into the POS terminal, thereby activating it. The client is asked to enter his PIN code.
  4. Card information is transferred to the processing center.
  5. The system checks the balance on the client's card.
  6. If there is a sufficient amount, funds from the account are transferred to the account of the acquiring bank.
  7. A slip is printed in two copies - a payment document with information about the transaction performed.
  8. One copy of the slip (with the client’s signature) remains with the cashier, the second (with the seller’s signature) is given to the buyer.
  9. The bank transfers the money received from the client to the company’s account minus a pre-agreed commission.

When using banking acquiring services, a company can:

  • connect your cash register directly to the payment system;
  • rent a POS terminal;
  • use your terminal for cashless payment.

At the same time, there are several types of POS terminals that differ in functionality, capabilities, cost and some other parameters.

Types of acquiring

There are 3 types of banking acquiring and POS terminals:


Trade POS terminals are installed in trade and service organizations (shops, hairdressers, cafes, hotels, etc.) and have a distinctive feature of direct contact between the seller and the buyer.

An agreement is concluded between the supplier and the recipient of the service of using a trading POS terminal. In accordance with it, the bank installs the necessary equipment, licensed software (software), provides consumables, and provides free training to employees. At the same time, the owner of the outlet undertakes to create the necessary conditions for installing terminals and accept bank cards for payment for goods and services.

The considered type of POS terminals is the most common and popular.

Internet acquiring

This type is characterized by the absence of direct contact between the buyer and the seller. Online, the client can quickly and easily pay for a product or service using his card in any online store. To do this, you must enter the card number, expiration date, last name, first name of the holder and CVC2 code. As a rule, money is written off instantly after confirmation using the sent password.


As an additional or alternative to the traditional one, you can choose to install a mobile POS payment terminal (mPOS). It is a card reader that connects to the phone using a special mobile application and provides the ability to transfer money from the client’s account.

Let's take a closer look at this type of terminal.

Mobile payment terminals with bank cards

The use of mobile payment terminals with bank cards is a new direction in banking acquiring with broad prospects in the future. Their use when paying with cards will be convenient for couriers, taxi drivers, employees of repair and service organizations, tutors, brokers, movers, private doctors, craftsmen and other workers providing field services.

For entrepreneurs with a turnover insufficient to install traditional POS terminals, this type of acquiring is the best solution.

Since 2012, proposals for the use of mPOS payment devices have appeared in Russia for the first time. The largest banks began to cooperate with such mobile acquiring services as Pay-me, 2can, LifePay, SumUp and iPay.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of such cashless payment devices is very simple. An entrepreneur buys a card reader and installs the necessary application on a smartphone or tablet. After registration, he receives a full-fledged mobile terminal that operates on a 3G network and accepts payments by bank cards.


The cost of a card reader depends on the requirements of a small business representative and starts from 3 thousand rubles. However, many companies offer readers for free or compensate their cost by charging a commission.

The average market size of the latter ranges from 2.5 to 2.75% of the transaction amount and does not depend on the organization’s turnover.


Mobile payment terminals can be divided into the following types:

Connectable via Bluetooth, USB port or audio jack

The most inexpensive and versatile devices are those connected via an audio jack or based on a mini-jack. Bluetooth-based terminals provide full authorization by entering a PIN code when paying.

Reading CHIP, magnetic stripe or combined

In Russia, the vast majority of devices are offered for cards with a magnetic stripe.

Digital and analog

Digital terminals encrypt data read from the card before transmission to the phone and are resistant to possible errors and interference.


The use of mobile POS terminals has a number of advantages compared to traditional cashless payment devices:

  • mini-terminals are much cheaper than regular terminals, which provides some savings at the system implementation stage;
  • mPOS terminals have increased mobility and portability due to the possibility of use in companies and organizations without computers and a constant source of electricity;
  • high level of safety and security for both parties to the transaction;
  • the opportunity to work, sell goods and provide services around the clock.

Mini-terminals allow you to launch a project quickly, with minimal costs and low commissions. To do this, you only need a smartphone and an mPOS terminal.


The existing disadvantages include the following:

  • a narrowed circle of banks providing mobile acquiring services;
  • there is a certain mistrust on the part of cardholders;
  • duration of the payment procedure (to do this, you need to connect the terminal, launch the application, complete the required steps in its menu, and obtain the client’s signature);
  • lack of guarantee of work in an area of ​​uncertain reception.

Analysis of offers from 2can, LifePay and Payme

The three projects under consideration are the most popular mPOS terminals on the market. Below is a summary table with the key conditions of mobile acquiring.

For entrepreneurs with a turnover of over 1 million rubles, such companies are ready to provide commission discounts and more favorable terms of cooperation. In general, the conditions for the proposals considered are similar, with the exception of the cost of the terminal in Payme, which is slightly higher than the others.

The nuances of using POS payment terminals for small businesses

The use of cashless payment terminals opens up many opportunities for small businesses:

  • statistical data indicate a natural increase in sales volume by 20-30% after the installation of cashless payment devices (this is due to the fact that cardholders are prone to more expensive purchases);
  • cooperation with a bank that provides acquiring services allows you to count on preferential offers and favorable conditions for other products;
  • the use of POS terminals eliminates such an unpleasant phenomenon for any business as the circulation and detection of counterfeit banknotes;
  • Free training of the organization's employees in the necessary skills and knowledge is possible.


Of course, installing POS terminals is beneficial not only for small businesses, but also for the banks themselves. A significant share of the Russian acquiring market is divided between such major participants as Sberbank, UCS, Gazprombank, VTB and Russian Standard. They account for approximately 74%.

Before making the final decision to install a cashless payment terminal in your company, it is important to study in detail all the offers, tariffs, their differences and advantages available on the market. Based on the requirements and specifics of the work, you can choose the optimal and profitable offer.

Every year, more and more entrepreneurs and small businesses join non-cash payment systems for their goods and services, while receiving many opportunities and additional profits.

Acquiring allows you to accept payments using bank cards with minimal costs and maximum convenience, which is especially valuable for individual entrepreneurs and mobile businesses.

Video - a review from an entrepreneur about using a mobile payment terminal with bank cards:

Discussion (9)

    Acquiring from MIRBEZNALA for your money turns out to be the best option. With large sales volumes it comes out for adequate money. I filled out the form, paid and immediately received my terminal. The convenient thing is that you pay only for operations, there is no monthly fee. Consider this good advice ;)

    A video has appeared online about how, in fact, it’s easy to withdraw money from an unsuspecting store visitor using a POS terminal. While the man is busy with something at the slot machine, the owner of the terminal successfully debits a certain amount from his contactless bank card lying in the back pocket of his jeans.

    I wanted to organize the possibility of paying by bank cards for my pet store. I contacted the bank. It turned out that it was tin. They will charge a 2.5% commission on each payment. MIRBEZNALA solves this problem in a more convenient way. You buy a terminal, although it’s not cheap, but if you do the math, I still get it cheaper. Then you arrange acquiring through the desired bank with a minimum percentage and accept payments. I was also pleased that all payment data is visible in the service interface: date, time, amount.

    I, too, can’t go anywhere without a card, so what, everything is correct now in all stores they are accepted, thanks to such terminals, everything is very convenient and fast, you don’t need to look for change in your wallet, and the payment process for the purchase goes faster. For those who haven’t installed it yet, think about it, there will be more buyers!

    This is for sure, probably few people work without such terminals, because it is more convenient for the buyer to pay with a card than to look for the required amount in a wallet. And it seems to me that even children have cards, mine definitely do, so you can control your purchases, it’s necessary!

    The abbreviation POS (short for “Point Of Sale”) literally means “point of sale.” Accordingly, a POS terminal is a device that performs a number of functions for the successful functioning of a retail outlet (for example, accounting and sale of goods). I already have a good, necessary device at all points of sale, but how can I work without it?

    A POS terminal is one of the components of a successful business. This is also due to the fact that more and more different cards with cash back are appearing on the market. Therefore, for many people these are pleasant little things in the form of savings.

    A POS terminal is a necessary thing for any entrepreneur, regardless of what he does. I have a small chain of stores in the city and the terminals were not installed in them at the same time, due to certain circumstances. Revenue per shift in stores with and without cashless payments differed quite significantly. One day I decided to ask the sellers, the “lagging” store, what was the matter? And then the girls asked me to quickly install a POS terminal for them, because they are losing a lot of customers due to the fact that they have to go look for an ATM... and not all of them come back.

    We are a branch of Igolochka in Stavropol, we have wholesale sales. The issue of installing a POS (trade) terminal did not arise until clients began to ask. Cashback on bank cards has made paying for purchased goods popular. For us it's more of a hassle. It takes a lot of time to serve one client. A queue begins to form. The reason is the long response from the terminal. We hope that this problem will be resolved soon.

Using cash is becoming a thing of the past. Currently, the popularity of fast payment using a plastic card is growing. Thanks to such calculations, the number of customers in a store or cafe increases significantly. In order not to lose customers, owners of shops, restaurants, cafes and other establishments install special devices that allow for non-cash payments. This device is called a terminal. A terminal for paying with bank cards for a store is an indispensable thing when doing business.

Concept and device

Starting a business in the modern world will not be possible without the latest devices. One of these is a device that eliminates cash payments. Many novice entrepreneurs begin to look for information about the name of the machine for paying with bank cards. This device is called a POS terminal. English letters indicate “point of sale.”

A narrow concept means a device for using plastic cards. The extended term POS terminal for individual entrepreneurs and other forms of business activity can be deciphered as a complex hardware and software mechanism for making payments to clients who want to make a purchase using a plastic card. Thus, when answering the question “what is the name of the terminal for paying with a bank card,” the answer is POS terminal. The complex mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • Monitor – necessary when monitoring the entered information;
  • System unit – ensures transactions related to settlements;
  • Customer display – displays purchase indicators, cost, volume;
  • Keyboard – required for entering product information;
  • Card reader – designed to process data from the card;
  • Pin pad is a separate element configured to enter a card code;
  • Printing mechanism – ensures the output of checks;
  • Fiscal part - adapted for storing cash, can be mechanical or automatic;
  • Barcode scanner – carrying out scanning operations of a product code;
  • Software.

Accounting for completed transactions

A bank card payment terminal is comparable to a cash register. But he does not account for completed transactions. Such a device can store data about a product - price, description, expiration date, etc. Large terminals are installed in large chain stores. They are used to speed up the process of selling goods. Such a device for cashless payments will cost a tidy sum of money upon purchase.

If you have a small store, you can use separate device for cashless payments. This device is compact and can be moved quickly. A terminal of this type is divided into the following components:

  • Small display;
  • Reading element;
  • Keyboard for entering certain indicators (card PIN code, service settings);
  • CPU;
  • RAM;
  • Modem based on GPRS connection for data exchange;
  • Receipt printing device;
  • Power supply or battery;
  • Port for connecting to cash register equipment.

A card payment terminal must have all the quality certificates to serve clients who want to make payments through international payment systems. It is also necessary to include the device in a special list of tax authorities.

Scheme of work

The card payment terminal involves several functional steps. The buyer sees only the external operation scheme: inserting a card, reading data, entering a card code, approving a payment, printing a receipt. In fact, making a payment using a card is a complex transaction-based process. The terminal is only a separate element in the process of making a non-cash payment.

The machine for paying with bank cards involves the following stages of operation:

  • Voicing by the client the desire to pay by card;
  • If the cost of the product is high, the store employee has the right to demand an identification document of the client;
  • Entering data on the price of purchases by the cashier;
  • In relation to the installed equipment, the card data is being read;
  • The data that is read from the client’s card and the result of the purchase is reported to a special processing department of the acquiring bank (the bank that works with this device and transfers the received funds to the seller’s account);
  • Information from the processing department goes to the microprocessor system information analysis department for authorization;
  • If approved, the information is reported to the issuing bank servicing the client’s card;
  • After checking the legality of the card and the availability of funds in the account, the operation is approved or refused;
  • Data on the positive or negative outcome of the payment is reported to the data analysis department, then to the acquiring bank and to the terminal;
  • Two receipts are printed, where the total of the purchase, the authorization code dependency, and other data on the progress of the payment are written;
  • At the end, the device sends a response to the processing center about the operation performed.

Responses to operations

Terminal for cashless payments may display various responses:

  • Refusal – reports refusal to perform an operation. The reason may be the lack of the required amount of money in the client’s account.
  • Withdraw – reports that the card has been blocked by the owner or the bank servicing the card.
  • Request to the bank - occurs in cases where the bank uses additional data about the cardholder.

After a customer's payment transaction is completed, the device is ready for the next payment transaction with another customer.

The payment device must be connected to acquiring. This is a service that the bank provides to owners of various establishments for conducting non-cash payments. If you want to install such a device in a store or cafe, the owner thinks about the question of how to connect a terminal for paying with plastic cards. To do this, the entrepreneur must enter into a service agreement with the bank. The provision of equipment is possible on the terms of a rental agreement or sale. The contract specifies all the conditions for the provision of the device. The amount for using the device can range from 1.5-4.0% of the total purchase price.

Monoblock terminal


With regard to the composition of functional elements, terminals are divided into types:

  • Monoblock;
  • Modular.

Monoblock devices characterized by the fact that all components are located in one shell. Such devices are installed in establishments or stores where there is a small flow of customers.

Modular bank card payment terminal consists of a system unit designed for wide operation. The keyboard, printer and other elements can be taken out separately. This type of device differs from the monoblock type due to the many wires and cables connecting the equipment. Modular devices can be equipped with different elements depending on the needs of the store. These machines have the big advantage of locating individual modules at some distance from each other, facilitating the cashier’s work process and increasing convenience for the client.

Cashless payment terminals in large retail stores and chain complexes are usually installed in a modular manner. Such stores have high customer traffic.

There is another type of such devices called dispersed-modular. They are equipped in such a way that individual components can be placed at a large distance (about 5 m). These devices are used in restaurants, fast food cafes and other establishments.
Based on the type of acquiring process, devices are divided into the following categories:

  • Trading;
  • Internet acquiring;
  • Mobile.

Vending machines placed in places where contact between seller and buyer occurs. They are divided into portable and non-portable. This type is considered popular in shops, hotels, cafes, beauty salons, etc. How much does a card payment terminal cost in this case? When purchasing a device, the price will vary within 15,000 rubles. In a situation where the device is rented, the cost of use will be 1000 rubles per month. Users of vending devices note greater benefits from purchasing a device when compared with rental conditions.

Installing a terminal for paying with commercial bank cards involves concluding an agreement to open a settlement account with the acquiring bank.

Devices operating via Internet acquiring, differ from trade types in the absence of personal interaction between the seller and the buyer. Calculations are carried out online. The client pays for services or products using a card online. You only need to indicate the cardholder's details and card number. Internet acquiring costs about 6,000 rubles when connecting to a payment page. The fee paid to the bank for Internet acquiring services is equal to 2.5-4% of the total purchase amount.

Mobile terminal

Mobile terminals

Mobile view is a mini-device in the form of a card reader that works by connecting to a mobile phone or tablet. To operate the device, you need to download a specific application that requires access to the Internet. Mobile terminals for card payments are considered the most convenient devices due to their small dimensions.

The operation of the device consists of its initial registration. After installing the application and going through the registration stages, you can monitor completed operations and create template steps. A terminal for paying with bank cards via telephone involves providing receipt data to the buyer electronically by sending it to an online mailbox or via SMS. Making a payment requires the buyer's signature on the device screen.

Mobile payment terminals are in turn divided into subcategories:

Equipped with Bluetooth, USB port, audio output;
There is a read strip or chip component;
Digital or analogue.

Few banks offer the service as a portable terminal for paying with bank cards.

Additional disadvantages of devices of this type are:

  • Low safety record;
  • Duration of operations;
  • Customer mistrust.

Mobile POS terminals can be purchased for about 1,600 rubles. This device cannot be rented. Commissions for using mobile phone services amount to 2.5-3.0% of the purchase amount.

Acquiring banks working with terminals

You can buy a mobile terminal for paying with a bank card or other types of similar devices in the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Privatbank;
  • Promsvyazbank.

A popular bank that provides services in the field of equipping stores with cashless payment devices is Sberbank. The Sberbank terminal for individual entrepreneurs involves submitting an application to a bank branch with the provision of the necessary documents.

Nowadays, the opportunity to pay for goods and services by bank transfer is provided by almost all companies offering any goods and services. Therefore, many types of businesses require the installation of a special POS terminal; it allows you to accept payments from a bank card. This method of accepting payment is mandatory for everyone, since if it is not available, you can lose a client.

What is acquiring?

Acquiring- this is the acceptance of payment by bank cards as a means of payment for goods, works, and services. It is carried out by an authorized acquiring bank by installing payment terminals (POS terminals in the case of traditional trade acquiring, mPOS in the case of mobile acquiring) or imprinters at trade or service enterprises (TSEs).

Features and advantages of terminals for cashless payment

Almost all modern retail outlets have a special acquiring terminal - a device that can be used to pay with bank cards. The terminal reads the information contained on the card: for this, either a chip or magnetic strip, or a special contactless module that transmits information to the bank can be used.

After the data received by the bank from the card is received, the user is prompted to enter a PIN code, and then the information is checked. If the PIN code is correct and the requested amount is available on the card account, the payment is made and confirmed by a printed receipt.

Using POS terminals provides many benefits for both businesses and customers. The most important are the following:

  • The possibility of cashless payments attracts more customers who are accustomed to using plastic cards for payment.
  • An increase in the average bill, which is due to the lack of financial restrictions inherent in cash payments. In addition, large unplanned purchases are more likely for card users than for those who prefer cash payments.
  • No possibility of receiving counterfeit banknotes.
  • Simplicity and convenience in calculation and in recalculation and delivery, reduction of queues.

Installing a POS terminal does not take much time and does not require the provision of an extensive list of documents. All that is needed for this is to open a current account in any bank and submit a special application to the financial institution, accompanying it with the established package of documents. To install a terminal, an entrepreneur must enter into an agreement with the bank on the provision of acquiring services. Within 10 days after signing it, bank employees install the POS device and, if necessary, conduct staff training.

Properties and differences

Non-cash payment points depend on the type of business entity. For example, traditional ones use stationary devices; as a rule, they are located at the cash register. When providing services on-site, it is possible to use a mobile banking terminal controlled by a remote PC using a special application. The second type of payment terminals is quite easy to use and involves lower maintenance costs.

Regardless of the method of application and whether it belongs to one type or another, the POS terminal consists of several components:

  • system unit;
  • software;
  • monitor;
  • a display that is necessary for the buyer to carry out the transaction;
  • keyboard;
  • built-in or stand-alone card reader – card reader;
  • check printing device;
  • fiscal part.

In addition to information about payments made, this device can store in its memory data about the properties of goods, expiration dates and prices. Due to these features, the POS terminal is very practical, convenient and beneficial for both buyers and business entities.

Documents, organizational features + List of banks

How to install a terminal for paying with bank cards? The process of installing a payment terminal and the list of documents that an organization must submit to use non-cash payments may differ depending on the organizational form you choose.

Since accepting payments requires opening a current account with the acquiring bank, so if you are already their client, then usually no documents are required. When submitting an application, you only need to indicate your TIN, after which they will contact you and arrange a meeting to conclude an agreement.