Tatfondbank will start paying creditors. DIA will be delayed at Musin’s headquarters: Tatfondbank’s office is not being sold for reasons of economy “We understood DIA”: Tatfondbank depositors told why they returned the money


In Tatarstan, a special working group has been created to support entrepreneurs - clients of the TFB. Payments to affected depositors will begin on December 26.

According to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), Tatfondbank depositors will have no problems with reimbursement of funds in the amount of 100 percent of the deposit, but not more than 1.4 million rubles guaranteed by the state. On December 26, they will be able to apply for payments to 5 agent banks that were selected on a competitive basis. They were Sberbank PJSC, VTB 24 (PJSC), Rosselkhozbank JSC, Otkritie FC Bank PJSC, Ak Bars Bank PJSC. Information on the distribution of depositors by specific agent banks, the place and terms for accepting applications from depositors to receive compensation is posted on the DIA website (www.asv.org.ru) on December 23. Additional details can be found by calling the DIA hotline (8-800-200-08-05).

According to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), Tatfondbank depositors will have no problems with reimbursement of funds in the amount of 100 percent of the deposit, but not more than 1.4 million rubles guaranteed by the state

What is required to receive a refund to a depositor

  1. Find out on the DIA website at www.asv.org.ru information about the distribution of depositors by specific agent banks, the place and deadlines for accepting applications.
  2. Submit a passport to the agent bank, as well as fill out an application for payment of compensation in the prescribed form. Application forms can be obtained and filled out at the subdivisions of agent banks that pay out refunds on deposits.
  3. On December 26, come to the agent bank with a passport and fill out an application. Applications will be accepted during the moratorium (three months).
  4. After writing an application at the agent bank, according to the legislation, three working days are provided for payment. You can receive money on the spot in cash or they will be transferred to the recipient's current account.

What support will be provided to entrepreneurs

Difficulties may arise for businessmen who keep funds in the TFB and who need to pay salaries to employees, taxes at the end of December and not be on the list of fines. To support them in Tatarstan, on behalf of President Rustam Minnikhanov, a special working group has been created to deal with the problems of TFB clients.

On December 22, at a meeting with representatives of the Government, entrepreneurs were promised tax deferrals on payments, loyalty from supervisory authorities, microcredit at reduced rates of up to 8-9 percent, and on-lending on preferential terms.

Difficulties may arise for businessmen who keep funds in the TFB and who need to pay salaries to employees, taxes at the end of December and not be on the list of fines. To support them in Tatarstan, on behalf of President Rustam Minnikhanov, a special working group has been created to deal with the problems of TFB clients

– The working group will not act separately from entrepreneurs. We will make it joint, we will look at the problem in a consolidated manner. We have separate category entrepreneurs who now, at the end of December, have to pay salaries, pay taxes and not get on the list of fines. Therefore, a special commission works on taxes. If the money was also paid on the correspondent account, the situation will be considered separately, - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artem Zdunov promised entrepreneurs.

The Government promised to deal with each case individually, work on weekends and until the last client. To resolve refinancing issues, partner banks Ak Bars and VTB 24 will be attracted. It is expected that funds will be provided at a rate of up to 11 percent per annum. The total amount of damage to entrepreneurs will be summed up based on the results of all applications received. The proposed support measures will also apply to entrepreneurs who have suffered in other banks of the republic that have stopped payments.

Phones of "hot lines" for entrepreneurs

And Intekhbank, and there is no end to the ordeals of deceived depositors in courts and bureaucratic offices. It turned out that the courts have forgiven the debts of many VIP clients. But this money could replenish the bankruptcy estate, from which the funds are returned to deceived depositors and legal entities. AiF-Kazan dealt with the situation.

Who's next?

On October 13, the deceived clients of the bankrupt banks held a rally in Petrov Park, and on October 22, they negotiated at the Republican Support Fund (RSF). In November, they are preparing a rally in Moscow. If earlier the legal entities and victims of TFB Finance protested, now the barricades are mostly dominated by “exceeded” depositors who kept more than the sum insured on their accounts (1.4 million rubles).

“Due to the collapse of the TFB, I was not able to buy an apartment for which I had been saving for 10 years,” says one of the activists, Tatyana Yanova. - Issued only insured 1.4 million rubles. We huddle with our son in the "living room". Why did the Republican Support Fund set the threshold for payments to creditors of the 3rd stage - legal entities - 500 thousand rubles, and for us, creditors of the 1st stage, the threshold is 300 thousand?

“The RFP is chasing quantity,” says Elena Kosourova, representative of the 1st priority creditors of the TFB and Intekhbank, chairman of the Union of Creditors of Bankrupt Banks. - He satisfied the requirements of more than 25% of legal entities from the 3rd stage of TFB creditors and 38% of legal entities of Intekhbank. Concluded agreements on the assignment of claims with 12% of individuals from Intekhbank. But the total amount of their payments is 300 million rubles. At the same time, the total debt to all creditors included in the register is 150 billion rubles!

Recall that after the revocation of the license in Tatfondbank, a “hole” of 118 billion rubles was discovered. At the same time, the liquid property of the bank was estimated at only 3.3 billion rubles. For payments to depositors, RFP received a plot in Arakchino. But it will take years to sell it.

Who has the advantage?

Cases for the return of debts of the TFB are stalling in the courts. The bankruptcy trustee filed 793 lawsuits challenging the bank's dubious transactions in the amount of 44.6 billion rubles. Of these, 131 were satisfied for 10 billion rubles. Tatyana Yanova was not returned about a million rubles, since the bank in December 2016 introduced restrictions on the issuance of money. However, at the same time, well-known companies and people were withdrawing billions from the bank. And now they are evading liability in the courts. Perhaps participation in the dubious transactions of the TFB was the reason for the resignation of the permanent head of the State Housing Fund Talgat Abdullin. With his light hand in the spring of 2016, the GZHF became a guarantor for loan agreements between the TFB and shell companies. The pledge was the shares of Ak Bars Bank for 9.8 billion rubles.

On December 5, the GZHF terminated several collateral agreements, and the loans issued by the TFB remained unsecured. The Vakhitovsky District Court considered that Talgat Abdullin had no right to conclude such agreements without the approval of the Board of Trustees. This means that the guarantee agreement between GZHF and TFB is invalid. “That is, 9.8 billion rubles (15% of creditors' claims) will not be included in the bankruptcy estate,” Elena Kosourova sums up.

Not to return 3.4 billion rubles of a loan received in June 2016 by the Plant of Synthetic Detergents. NEFIS vouched for this loan. But the guarantee agreements were declared invalid (although ordinary Tatarstan residents were not released from mortgages and loans taken in the TFB and continue to pay them).

A mysterious decision was also made on the claim of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) against the head of Kazan PSO Ravil Ziganshin on the return of the money he took in 2014 to the TFB consumer credit for seven million euros (500 million rubles). In a letter from the "burnt victims" to President Vladimir Putin and in 17 other instances, a certain Chuplygin appears, who managed to withdraw about 117 million rubles from the TFB in December. The court refused to recognize these transactions as invalid. As a result, investors say, because of such court decisions, they have already missed 35 billion rubles.

In the meantime, the inventory of the property of the former head of Tatfondbank, Robert Musin, was recently made public. It can also be turned into bankruptcy estate. They did not find much: five plots in the Laishevsky district and one in Zelenodolsky with a total area of ​​266.7 hectares. One building in Borovoye Matyushino with an area of ​​315.5 sq.m. Motorboat Terhii 2012 release and trailer. He has securities and shares in an investment fund for 5 million rubles. In his name, 38 ruble and foreign currency accounts were opened in various banks. He also has stakes in a number of companies, including an agricultural holding that is bankrupt.

Extended Court of Arbitration Tatarstan, the deadline for bankruptcy proceedings in relation to PJSC Tatfondbank at the request of the bankruptcy trustee - the state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency. The next hearing in the case will take place on March 12, 2019 - during this time, as representatives of the DIA said, it is expected to finally complete the valuation of assets. Details of today's court session are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Hundreds of billions of debt "hang" on the bankrupt

PJSC Tatfondbank was declared bankrupt on April 17, 2017, at the same time bankruptcy proceedings were opened against him. On April 10, 2018, the bankruptcy proceedings were extended by six months.

Today, the court considered the issue of the possibility of completing bankruptcy proceedings against the TFB, only three representatives of the DIA participated - Mikhail Zakhvatkin, Sergey Senko and Evelina Strikaleva. They presented a report on the activities of the state corporation over the past period.

Mikhail Zakhvatkin informed the court that the DIA had already paid insurance compensation to more than 180,000 depositors and individual entrepreneurs in the total amount of 55.5 billion rubles, which is 99.5% of the agency’s insurance liability, and under the cooperation agreement between the DIA, the government of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republican Support Fund, as evidenced by the documents available to the DIA, the RFP bought the rights of claim from the creditors of PJSC Tatfondbank in the amount of 312.6 million rubles.

The bankruptcy estate of the bank has been formed, during the bankruptcy proceedings, funds in the amount of 18.2 billion rubles were allocated to satisfy the requirements of creditors, Zakhvatkin specified. - Until March 1, 2019, payments to creditors of the first stage in the amount of 25.86% of the amount of established claims will continue. (As Evelina Strikaleva later explained to Realnoe Vremya's correspondent, payments to creditors who have already received part of the money will continue after the sale of the bank's property will increase the percentage of the amount of claims).

Today, the court considered the issue of the possibility of completing bankruptcy proceedings against the TFB, only three representatives of the DIA participated - Mikhail Zakhvatkin, Sergey Senko and Irina Strikaleva

According to the report of the bankruptcy trustee, an inventory of the bank's property was carried out, which revealed a shortage of assets in the amount of 40.9 billion rubles, and measures were taken, as a result of which the bank's ownership of securities was confirmed and the location of more than 17 billion rubles was established. In addition, the valuation of the liquid assets of the bank was completed, which includes vehicles, real estate, land, part of the securities and shares in the authorized capital. Market value of this property is currently 3.3 billion rubles.

During the sale of the bank's property, two real estate objects, a car and part of the property worth less than 100 thousand rubles were sold, after which 26.6 million rubles were received into the bankruptcy estate of the bank, Zakhvatkin said. - Further sale of property, including the rights of claims against debtors, will continue in the fourth quarter of this year and in the first quarter of the next. More than 74,000 claims for debt recovery were sent to the bank's debtors, more than 13,700 lawsuits in the amount of 243 billion rubles were filed with the courts.

Recently, as it was written real time”, DIA, as part of bankruptcy proceedings against PJSC Tatfondbank, filed for bankruptcy of Aromat JSC and Business Center Aromat LLC, owned by Aromat JSC, for a total of 205 million rubles. And the former head of Tatfondbank PJSC Robert Musin recently had claims for an astronomical amount - 21.5 billion rubles.

The report submitted by the bankruptcy trustee also states that out of the claims considered by the courts, more than 8 thousand applications worth more than 160 billion rubles were satisfied, including claims against the Fund for the Promotion of Physical Culture for 2 billion rubles, against OOO Shart and OOO Gazovik" for 1.7 billion, to LLC "Agarti" for 1.6 billion, to LLC "Trading House "Spartak-Kazan" and GZhF for 735 million rubles and to LLC "Dorstroy" and LLC "PSO Kazan" for 7, 5 million euros. Excited more than 7 thousand enforcement proceedings in the amount of 2.6 billion rubles. And in satisfaction of 64 claims, the largest of which is a claim against PSO Kazan LLC under a borrower suretyship agreement - individual for 0.5 billion rubles, denied ...

“Work was carried out to identify dubious transactions of the bank, as a result of which 793 applications were submitted to the court in the amount of 44.6 billion rubles,” continued Mikhail Zakhvatkin

The representative of the DIA also listed the bank's largest debtors - bankrupts: Household Electronics LLC, Smart Electronics LLC, Yagodinskaya Sloboda LLC, Suvar Development LLC, Recovery Service LLC Redut, LLC Investment company Atlant, Tandem D LLC, New Petrochemistry LLC, Leader Land Corporation JSC. The total debt of bankrupt enterprises to the bank is 212 billion rubles.

Work has been carried out to identify dubious transactions of the bank, as a result of which 793 applications were submitted to the court in the amount of 44.6 billion rubles, - continued Mikhail Zakhvatkin. - Measures are being taken to bring to justice those responsible for the bankruptcy of the bank.

The main office of the TFB is not being sold for reasons of economy

Bidding for what property started? Has the assessment been completed? - Judge Nailya Garapshina clarified during the meeting.

Absolutely not, too much volume needs to be covered, - Mikhail Zakhvatkin hesitated slightly.

Of course, it should be included...

Can I clarify, - Irina Strikaleva got up from her seat and listed the grandiose volumes of assets with which the DIA has to work.

Very little has been sold [from the bank's property]," Zakhvatkin continued. - But payments are being made to depositors ... About four thousand people have not yet received them, and about a thousand people have problems with the transfer - we are clarifying the details - and expressed the hope that the results of the ongoing criminal investigation will affect the volume of payments.

Unlike previous court hearings, which were attended by large "support groups" of the DIA from among the injured Tatfondbank depositors, today's hearing was attended by only a few people. Photo by Maxim Platonov

And at the end of the court session, Evelin Strikaleva explained to a Realnoe Vremya correspondent that the most important and valuable property of Tatfondbank is a four-story building on the corner of Chernyshevsky and Burkhan Shakhidi streets, which was valued at 134 million rubles, while it was not put up for auction for reasons savings:

We lease this building using the funds received from this building and cover all expenses for its maintenance, as well as carry out our activities in it. If it is now sold, we ourselves will have to rent a room for work.

Investors are tired of protesting

Unlike previous court hearings, which were attended by large "support groups" of the DIA from among the injured Tatfondbank depositors, today's hearing was attended by only a few people. As depositor Dilya Ilyasova noted in a conversation with a Realnoe Vremya correspondent, people are tired of waiting and have lost faith that they will get their money back:

We walk and walk, and everything seems to be useless. Well, they gave us 25 percent - that's all. They don’t give a lot of money from the Republican Support Fund (RSF): they refused me because I lost more than two million, and they support only those who had deposits up to 300 thousand. And I didn't get hurt, did I?

Therefore, going to Petrov Park on October 13 at 11 o'clock to the rally of the Union of creditors of bankrupt banks Ilyasov, agreed by the mayor's office of Kazan, no longer sees the point.

Within 5 months, they can get back almost 11 billion rubles. Most of this amount will go not to the top depositors, but to the DIA itself. In total, more than 21,000 creditors are planning to withdraw money from Tatfondbank. It will most likely not work for everyone.

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has announced the date when payments will begin in the Tatfondbank bankruptcy case. The 1st stage will start on September 29 and will last exactly 5 months, until February 28 of the next year. At this time, the DIA will pay 15.14% of the amount of their claims to creditors of the 1st stage. There are about 11.65 thousand top-priority creditors themselves, and the TFB's obligations to them reach 70.98 billion rubles.

Consequently, if at the first stage all creditors apply for payments, then the agency will need to pay them a total of 10.75 billion rubles.

The first to receive the money will be overweight depositors who have kept more than 1.4 million rubles on deposits and bank accounts - their law refers to creditors of the first priority. Also, the requirements of the DIA and the Central Bank are among the priorities.

As you know, the largest creditor of the 1st stage is the DIA. Liabilities to him amount to approximately 50 billion rubles. Consequently, at the first stage, the agency can receive about 7.5 billion rubles.

In general, as of September 21, 21.14 thousand citizens, as well as organizations, submitted claims to Tatfondbank. More than 3.4 thousand of them have not been included in the register to date. Liabilities of the TFB to 11.74 thousand creditors for the total amount of 138.4 billion rubles have been legally recognized. In the 2nd stage there are 26 creditors who have submitted claims to the bank for 267 thousand rubles. There are more than 6,000 creditors of the 3rd stage, liabilities to which amount to 67.47 billion rubles. Another 117 creditors submitted their claims after July 31, when the register had already been closed.

Auctions for the sale of TFB property have not been held at the moment. Money to depositors, as well as other creditors, will be paid out of balances on bank accounts and other funds received.

The DIA completed the inventory of Tatfondbank's property in July. The balance sheet value of the assets, which was in the bank at the time of the start of production (April 11, 2017), was estimated by the bankruptcy trustee at 214.8 billion rubles. Moreover, the DIA did not find part of the assets - a shortage of 40.9 billion rubles was revealed in the bank. Its main part - approximately 65% ​​- accounted for settlements under assignment agreements, 20% - for unconfirmed debt under securities. Another 15% of the shortfall was accounted for by unconfirmed claims on loans.

On September 19, the bankruptcy trustee noted that they had found property worth a little more than 2 million rubles, previously classified as a shortage. It turned out to be shares in TFB-Rentny investment fund”, shares of Sovetsky Bank, as well as bonds of RGS Real Estate.

Yulia Koroleva, a member of the Peterburgskaya Bar Association, reports that the book value of the property says almost nothing: “This is such a relative indicator that it is better not to draw attention to it.” The real prospects of Tatfondbank to pay off all debts will depend on how much the assets will cost.

However, as experience shows, creditors of the 1st stage, as a rule, receive money in full. Also, the debtor's assets are usually enough to cover the obligations of the 2nd priority (payments for employment contracts). Regarding the 3rd stage, it “is paid off, of course, not in full,” notes Koroleva.