Definition stage Composition of the documentation. Characteristics of stages in the design process


According to DSTU-N B V.1.2-16:2013"Determination of the class of consequences (liability) and category of complexity of construction projects", DBN V.1.2-14-2009 "General principles for ensuring the reliability and structural safety of buildings, structures, building structures and foundations" and DBN A.2.2-3:2012 "Composition and content of design documentation for construction”, which applies to: - construction sites (buildings and structures) for various purposes. - components of objects, their bases and structures made of various materials. CLASSIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS The classes of consequences (liability) of buildings and structures are determined by the level of possible material losses and (or) social losses associated with the cessation of operation or loss of the integrity of the object. Possible social losses from refusal should be assessed depending on such risk factors as: - danger to the health and life of people; - a sharp deterioration of the environmental situation in the area adjacent to the facility (for example, due to the destruction of storage facilities for toxic liquids or gases, failure of sewage treatment facilities, etc.); - loss of historical and cultural monuments or other spiritual values ​​of society; - termination of the functioning of communication systems and networks, energy supply, transport or other elements of life support for the population or public safety; - inability to organize the provision of assistance to victims of accidents and natural disasters; - a threat to the country's defense capability. COMPLEXITY CATEGORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The category of complexity of a construction project is determined based on the class of consequences (liability) in accordance with the table Possible economic losses should be assessed by costs associated with both the need to restore the facility that failed, and indirect damage (losses from production interruption, lost profits, etc. ).

Characteristics of the possible consequences of failure of a building or structure

Possible danger






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for good health


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The complexity category of a construction project is determined independently for each of the columns of the table by the characteristics of the possible consequences of abandoning the project. The construction project is assigned the highest category of complexity from certain categories, taking into account the provisions below. 1) for a construction project that includes several separate houses, buildings or structures (complex), the category of complexity is determined separately for each house, building, structure. If the complex includes buildings and structures of IV-V categories of complexity, the design documentation for the entire complex of structures is submitted for examination; 2) an object of increased danger, identified in accordance with the law, classified as category V of complexity; 3) objects of cultural heritage of national or local significance include buildings or structures that are included in the relevant State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. Note 1. Buildings or structures are assigned the highest class of consequences (liability) for one of all characteristics of possible damage from failure. Note 2: A facility is considered to be permanently occupied if it is occupied for at least eight hours per day and for at least 150 days per year. People who periodically visit the facility are those who occupy it no more than three hours a day. A possible danger to human life is the possible disruption of normal living conditions for more than three days. Note 3. The amount of possible economic damage is determined in accordance with the methodology. Note 4. The minimum wage is established annually by the Law of Ukraine. Note 5. Categories of cultural heritage objects are established in accordance with current legislation. Note 6. The level of significance of communications and other engineering networks is established in accordance with current legislation.

Regardless of the classification by characteristics, a class of consequences (liability) should be established not less than: CC3 - for objects (buildings and structures) of increased danger, defined in accordance with the law; CC2 - for high-rise residential and public buildings with a height from 73.5 m to 100 m;

CC3 - for high-rise residential and public buildings with a height of more than 100 m;

Regarding the categories of responsibility of structures and their elements, depending on the consequences that can be caused by failure, three categories of responsibility of structures and their elements are distinguished: A - structures and elements, the failure of which can lead to complete unsuitability for use of the building (structure) as a whole or a significant part of it. B - structures and elements, the failure of which can lead to complications in the normal operation of the building (structure) or to the failure of other structures that do not belong to category A. C - structures, the failure of which does not lead to disruption of the functioning of other structures or their elements. INDICATIVE LIST OF OBJECTS BY CLASSES OF CONSEQUENCES (LIABILITY) Buildings and structures of class CC3, as a rule, should include: - facilities of oil and gas production, gas processing, metallurgical, chemical and other industries are equipped with fire- and explosive containers and storage facilities for liquid fuel, gas and gas products, especially when they are stored under pressure (process pipelines, apparatus, boilers, gas holders, isothermal tanks with a capacity of over 10 thousand cubic meters, tanks for storing oil and petroleum products with a capacity of 30 thousand cubic meters or more, high pressure vessels, etc.); - facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, biotechnological, defense and other industries related to the use, processing, production and storage of chemically toxic, explosive and fire hazardous substances and industrial explosive materials, biologically hazardous substances, etc.; - objects of the coal and mining industry, with the danger of fire, explosion and gas according to the classification of the State Labor Supervision Service; - buildings of main ventilation systems at mines and mines; - nuclear power facilities (nuclear power plants, AETC, ACT), including storage facilities and plants for processing nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, as well as other radiation hazardous facilities according to the Gosatomnadzor classification; - hydro and heat power facilities (hydroelectric power plants, state district power plants, thermal power plants, combined heat and power plants, pumped storage power plants) with a capacity of over 1.0 million kW; - bridges and tunnels on roads of the highest category, or with a length of over 1000 m or a span of over 300 m; - stationary structures of navigation situation signs; - locks and main port facilities on waterways of the 1st and 2nd classes DSTU B V.2.3-1; - buildings and structures of large railway stations and air terminals; - main pipelines with a diameter of more than 1000 mm, or with a working pressure of more than 2.5 MPa, as well as sections of main pipelines of a smaller diameter and with a lower working pressure at places of crossing water barriers, railways and roads; - hydraulic structures of reclamation systems with an irrigation and drainage area of ​​more than 300 thousand hectares and reservoirs with a volume of more than 1 cubic kilometer; - large elevators and granaries, mills; - residential, public or multifunctional buildings with a height of more than 100 m; - buildings of major museums, state archives, repositories of national historical and cultural values; - entertainment venues with large crowds of people (stadiums, theaters, cinemas, circuses, exhibition spaces, etc.); - buildings of universities, institutes, schools, preschool institutions, etc.; - large hospitals and other healthcare institutions; - supermarkets and other large trading enterprises; - life support facilities for large urban areas and industrial areas; - large protective and preventive facilities (anti-mudflow, anti-landslide, anti-avalanche structures, protective dams, etc. ). Buildings and structures of class CC2, as a rule, should include those that do not belong to class CC3:- main facilities of the metallurgical industry, heavy engineering, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, defense industry (blast furnace and open-hearth assembly shops, buildings, high chimneys, etc.); - pile drivers, engine rooms of mining machines; - hydro and heat power facilities with a capacity of less than 1.0 million kW, distribution systems of the main high-voltage electrical networks (including power transmission line supports and open switchgears); - containers for oil and petroleum products; - tracks of main roads, runways, bridges and tunnels less than 1000 m in length, cable cars, train stations, air terminals, helicopter stations; - main pipelines; - large hotels, hostels; - water supply and sewerage facilities (including water towers, treatment plants, water intakes) of industrial enterprises and settlements; - buildings of entertainment and sports enterprises, trade enterprises, public catering, consumer services, health care institutions; - buildings and structures of central warehouses to meet the vital needs of the population, warehouses of especially valuable equipment and materials, military warehouses; - residential, public or multifunctional buildings up to 100 m high. Buildings and structures of class CC1, as a rule, should include:- all objects of industry, energy, transport and communications, agriculture and agricultural processing that are not classified as classes CC3 and CC2; - public buildings, physical education and sports facilities not classified as classes CC3 and CC2, as well as all temporary facilities, mobile buildings; - objects of internal production roads, communications and product pipelines; - greenhouses, greenhouses; - low voltage distribution network supports, lighting supports. Note. In the design standards for specific objects, their classification parameters can be specified.

DESIGN STAGES - the main stages of development of project documentation, characterized by varying degrees of detail.

The sequence of stages of design work forms the structure of the process of developing project documentation, leading to the achievement of effective solutions, and regulating the relationship between the customer, the contractor, as well as between co-executors of the work.

The recommended stages of design in construction are determined depending on the category of complexity of the object and can be carried out in one, two or three stages. The number of design stages is determined by the customer and the designer, taking into account the provisions of DBN A.2.2-3-20004 "Composition, procedure for development, coordination and approval of design documentation for construction."

For technically simple objects, as well as objects using projects of mass and repeated use of I and II categories of complexity, the design is carried out in one or two stages, depending on the need. For objects of complexity category III, design is carried out in two stages. For objects of IV and V categories of complexity, technically complex in relation to urban planning, architectural, artistic and environmental requirements, engineering support, the introduction of new construction technologies, structures and materials, the design is carried out in three stages.

The following design stages are distinguished:

    Stage "Pre-project proposal" (PP)

Pre-design proposals are developed mainly in cases where a complex object or building is being designed, which has special requirements for architectural expressiveness and originality. As a rule, several options for a future structure are developed in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of various project implementation options. The pre-project proposal is carried out with the aim of justifying the placement of a new construction facility, carrying out work on the reconstruction of an existing facility, determining the investment attractiveness, the possibility of constructing and reconstructing an object on a certain site, taking into account urban planning, historical, cultural, socio-economic, sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements.

    Stage "Feasibility study (TES), Technical and economic calculation (TEC)

It is developed on the basis of the customer’s instructions for industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, which require detailed justification of the relevant decisions and determination of options and feasibility of construction of the facility. FER is used for technically simple industrial facilities and linear engineering and transport infrastructure facilities. Feasibility study is carried out in a reduced volume compared to feasibility study, depending on the nature of the object and the requirements of the task.

    Stage "Draft design" (ED)

A preliminary design is being developed to fundamentally determine the requirements for urban planning, architectural, artistic, environmental and functional solutions for the facility, and to confirm the possibility of creating a civil facility. The preliminary design is developed based on the design assignment and initial data. The preliminary design is subject to approval by the city architectural authorities.

    Stage "Project" (P)

After collecting the necessary information and completing pre-design work, the design of the stage “P” facility begins - the most extensive and critical stage in the process of creating design documentation. The “Project” stage is the main approved stage of designing reconstruction and construction projects, on the basis of which construction permits are obtained and an updated estimate for the work is calculated. The “Project” stage implies a general description of the object based on certain space-planning and technical decisions adopted. Sections of stage "P" are given in a clear and concise form, without excessive detail, in a composition and volume sufficient to justify design decisions, determine the scope of basic construction work, the need for equipment, building materials and structures, provisions for organizing construction, as well as the definition estimated cost of construction. In essence, the “Project” stage gives a complete picture of what kind of object it will be.

    Stage "Detailed draft" (DP)

A working project is a set of documentation for the design of a building, necessary for installation and construction work. At this stage, decisions made at the “Project” stage are clarified and detailed, working drawings and local estimates are drawn up for all sections, specifications of materials and equipment are prepared, components and other documentation necessary for the contractor to carry out construction and installation work are developed in detail, as well as when checking the work by Technical Supervision and, if necessary, other interested parties. The composition of working documentation for new construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures is determined by the relevant state standards and is specified by the customer and the designer in the design contract.

    Stage "Working documentation" (P)

Detailed documentation is developed based on the approved previous stage. After approval of the stage P, EP, TER, by decision of the customer, working working drawings can be developed by a contractor or another designer who has received the right to the corresponding type of activity in the prescribed manner, with the involvement of the authors or with their written consent for the execution of working drawings by other performers in compliance with the author's decisions approved by P, EP, TER and compliance with copyright.

RECOMMENDED DESIGN STAGE FOR OBJECTS OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF COMPLEXITY. Two-stage design (for objects I, II and III categories of complexity) : EP (Draft design); RP (Working draft) or R (Working documentation). Three-stage design (for objects IV and V categories of complexity) : EP (Draft design); P (Project); R (Working documentation).

In accordance with SP11-101-95 “The procedure for the development, coordination, approval and composition of justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures,” the design preparation of construction consists of three main stages.

Stage 1. The purpose of the investment, purpose, capacity of the facility, product range, location, planned technical and economic indicators are determined. After this, the customer submits a petition (declaration) of intent to the executive authorities. For production facilities, it provides technical and technological data about the enterprises, the approximate number of workers and employees, the approximate need for raw materials, water, land, the possible impact on the natural environment, the provision of workers with housing and social and cultural facilities. Having received a positive conclusion on the application, the customer begins to develop the “Justification for Investment in Construction”.

Stage 2. It begins with the development of a “Justification for Investment in Construction”, which is carried out with the aim of making a decision on the economic necessity, technical feasibility, commercial, economic, economic and social feasibility of investments.

Stage 3. – coordination, examination and approval of the developed “Rationale”.

When designing, there are pre-design stage and direct design.

Stage 1 and 2 are the pre-project stage.

Depending on the complexity of the object, design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures can be developed in one or two stages.

For technically simple objects, the construction of which is carried out according to mass-use projects, the development of design documentation is carried out in one stage - working draft.

The design of technically complex objects is carried out in two stages: project and working documentation.

The project includes includes the following sections:

General explanatory note;

Master plan and transport;

Technological solutions;

Organization and working conditions of workers;

Management of production and enterprise and organization of conditions and labor protection of workers and employees;

Architectural and construction solutions;

Engineering equipment, networks and systems;

Organization of construction; - environmental protection;

Civil defense engineering and technical measures;

Estimate documentation;

Investment efficiency.

2.3. Design and survey organizations.

Design and survey organizations performing work for the construction complex include design, survey, integrated design and survey research organizations and firms, design bureaus, and workshop groups.

The design organization is built on the principle of specialization of design organizations by economic sectors and types of work.

The design of industrial construction projects is carried out by specialized design organizations:

- complex, specializing in the integrated design of production process technology and the construction part of buildings and structures;

-technological specializing in the design of production process technology for enterprises in certain sectors of the economy (metallurgical, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, chemical, oil, etc.);

- construction, specializing in the design of the construction part of certain types of buildings and objects.

The design of residential and civil facilities is carried out by the Central Research and Design Institutes, zonal and territorial institutes in regional and regional cities.

In recent years, the development of the construction part of working documentation has begun to be transferred to construction organizations and design-build and design-industrial-construction associations have been formed.

Design and construction companies successfully work in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, etc.

The design organization developing the technological part of the industrial enterprise project is general design organization (General Designer).

She is responsible for the entire project complex. To develop individual parts of the project, specialized design organizations are involved - subcontractor design organizations.

Design organizations are responsible for the efficiency and safety of designed facilities, compliance with regulatory design documents.

The main person responsible for the quality of design documentation is the chief project engineer (PIP) and the chief architect (CAP), who exercise supervision over the implementation of the project during the construction of the building.

2.4. Survey work.

An important element of the pre-design stage of designing objects in construction is economic, engineering or technical research, as a result of which the economic feasibility and technical feasibility of construction are determined.

Research I - a complex of economic and engineering studies of the area or construction site, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of construction and operation of the future facility, to justify the economic feasibility and technical feasibility and volume of new enterprises, buildings and structures being built or reconstructed, and the preparation of initial data for design.

Research is divided into economic And engineering or technical.

Economic research– identification and justification of options for providing construction with raw materials, local materials, fuel, energy, water, gas, heat, transport links, labor, housing, cultural and community institutions.

Economic survey data is the source for subsequent design stages - project development and working documentation.

Engineering (technical) surveys are carried out with the aim of obtaining:

1.Materials about the natural conditions of the territory, on which construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects will be carried out, and the factors of technogenic impact on the environment, the forecast of their changes, necessary for developing decisions regarding such a territory;

2.Materials necessary to justify the layout of buildings, structures, structures, adoption of constructive and space-planning decisions in relation to these buildings, structures, structures, design of engineering protection of such objects, development of environmental protection measures, construction organization project, reconstruction of capital construction projects;

3. Materials necessary for carrying out calculations of foundations, foundations and structures of buildings, structures, structures, their engineering protection, developing decisions on carrying out preventive and other necessary measures, performing earthworks, as well as preparing decisions on issues that arose during the preparation of project documentation, its approval or approval.

The need to perform individual engineering surveys, the composition and method of their implementation are established taking into account the requirements of technical regulations by an engineering survey program developed on the basis of the developer’s or customer’s instructions, depending on the type and purpose of capital construction projects, their potential danger, the stage of architectural and construction design, and also on the complexity of topographical, geotechnical, environmental, hydrological, meteorological and climatic conditions of the territory on which construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects will be carried out, and the degree of knowledge of these conditions.

Topographic-geodetic give an idea of ​​the character and topography of the area.

Geological and hydrogeological surveys identify the bearing capacity, structure, condition, construction properties of soils, groundwater levels, amplitude of fluctuations and aggressiveness of water, etc.

Hydrometeorological surveys study river basins, lakes, reservoirs, air temperature and humidity, precipitation, snow cover, wind rose, etc. This data is necessary for the design and organization of construction work.

Soil-botanical surveys identify the condition of soils and vegetation to design landscaping.

Sanitary and hygienic surveys I determine the state of the environment and the impact of future construction on it for the design of environmental protection and treatment facilities, conditions for the removal and neutralization of wastewater, the degree of air pollution, etc.

The organization of surveys is carried out by the general designer. To carry out survey work, there is a network of territorial survey organizations and design and survey organizations.

2.5.Organizational and technological design.

To carry out construction and installation work in an efficient way and with high technical and economic indicators, organizational and technological documentation is developed - construction organization project (COP) and work execution project (PPR)

The PIC is developed by the design organization or, at its request, by another design organization.

Source materials for PIC development serve:

Urban planning plan of the land plot;

Construction feasibility study or calculations justifying the economic necessity and economic feasibility of constructing a given facility and the assignment for its design;

Engineering survey materials;

Recommended solutions for general contracting and subcontracting organizations on the use of materials and structures, means of mechanization of construction and installation work; the procedure for providing construction with energy resources, water, temporary utility networks, as well as local construction materials;

Information on the conditions of delivery and transportation from enterprises supplying building structures, finished products, materials, equipment;

Space-planning and design solutions for buildings, structures and basic technological diagrams of the main production of the facility to be built, broken down into start-up complexes;

Other information, data and activities necessary for the development of the PIC.

The PIC includes:

A) calendar plan construction, which determines the timing, order of construction of main and auxiliary buildings and structures, technological units and stages with the distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation work among buildings, structures and construction periods.

The capital plan for the preparatory period is drawn up separately.

B) construction master plans for the preparatory and main periods construction with the location of permanent buildings and structures, locations of temporary buildings and structures, permanent and temporary railways and roads and other routes for transporting equipment; structures and products, paths for moving heavy-duty cranes, utility networks, places for connecting temporary utilities to existing networks, indicating the sources of supplying the construction site with electricity, water, heat, steam, storage areas; main assembly cranes and other construction machines, mechanized installations; existing and subject to demolition buildings, places for signs for fixing the alignment axes of buildings and structures;

IN) organizational and technological diagrams, determining the optimal sequence of construction of buildings and structures, indicating the technological sequence of work;

G) statement of volumes of main construction and special works, highlighting work on main buildings and structures and start-up complexes and construction periods;

D) statement of requirements for building structures, products, materials and equipment with distribution by calendar periods of construction, compiled for the construction site as a whole and for the main buildings and structures based on the volume of work and current standards for the production of construction machinery and means of transport;

AND) schedule of demand for construction workers by main categories;

H) explanatory note, containing basic initial data, justification of methods of organization and technology of construction production, needs for personnel and material and technical resources, instructions on methods for implementing instrumental control over the quality of structures, measures for labor protection and safety, a list of conditions for preserving the natural environment.

POS for simple objects can be developed in a reduced volume and consist of a construction calendar plan with the introduction of work in the preparatory period; construction master plan; data on the volume of construction and installation works and the construction needs for basic materials, structures, products and equipment; schedule of the need for construction machines and vehicles; a brief explanatory note, including labor protection measures and technical and economic indicators.

PPR for the construction of new buildings and structures are developed by contractors.

For certain types of work, PPRs are developed by design or design organizations at the request of the general contractor.

Source materials for the development of PPR serve:

A development assignment issued by a construction organization as a customer of the project, with justification for the need to develop it for the building as a whole, indicating the development time frame;

Necessary working documentation;

Terms of delivery of all resources;

Materials and results of technical inspection of existing enterprises, buildings and structures during their reconstruction, as well as requirements for the performance of construction and special work in the conditions of an existing enterprise.

Composition of PPR:

A) work schedule for the facility or a comprehensive network schedule that establishes the sequence and timing of work with the maximum possible combination of them;

b) construction master plan;

V) technological maps to perform certain types of work with the inclusion of operational quality control schemes;

G) solutions for geodetic work, including layouts of signs for performing geodetic constructions and measurements;

D) safety solutions;

E) solutions for laying temporary water networks-, heat and power supply;

AND) lists of technological equipment and mounting equipment, as well as load slinging schemes;

H) explanatory note, containing:

The need for energy resources and solutions to cover it.

2.6. Coordination, examination and approval of design and estimate documentation.

Design and estimate documentation must be developed in full compliance with the norms, rules, instructions and state standards, which must be certified by the corresponding record of the chief engineer of the project for the construction of an enterprise, building, structure.

Working drawings developed in full accordance with the approved project are not subject to approval.

The customer, with the participation of the general design organization, coordinates with the general contracting construction organization the section of the project “Construction Organization” and estimates drawn up according to working drawings.

The customer submits constructive solutions for buildings and structures and a summary estimate of the cost of construction to the general contractor for conclusion.

The general contracting construction organization, with the involvement of subcontractors, reviews the section of the project “Construction Organization”, design solutions for buildings and structures and a summary estimate of the cost of construction and submits comments to the customer within no more than 45 days from the date of receipt of these materials. If comments are received within this period, the project is considered agreed upon and can be approved by the customer.

Estimates drawn up according to working drawings are reviewed by the general contracting construction organization with the involvement of subcontractors, comments on them are submitted to the customer within no more than 45 days from the date of their receipt by the general contractor. If comments are not received within this period, the estimates are considered agreed upon and can be approved by the customer.

Regardless of the sources of financing, forms of ownership and affiliation, design and estimate documentation is subject to state examination.

State examination is not carried out in relation to design documentation for the following capital construction projects:

1. Detached residential buildings with no more than 3 floors, intended for residence of one family;

2. Residential buildings with no more than 3 floors, consisting of several blocks, the number of which does not exceed 10 and each of which is intended for one family, has a common wall, is located on a separate plot of land and has access to a common area;

3. Apartment buildings with no more than 3 floors, consisting of one or more block sections th, the number of which does not exceed 4, each of which contains several apartments and common areas and each of which has a separate entrance with access to the common area;

4. Separate capital construction projects with a number of floors of no more than 2, the total area of ​​which is no more than 1,500 square meters and which are not intended for citizen residence and production activities;

5. Separate capital construction projects with a number of floors of no more than 2, the total area of ​​which is no more than 1500 square meters, which are intended for production activities and for which the establishment of sanitary protection zones is not required or for which within the boundaries of land plots where such facilities are located, the establishment of sanitary protection zones is required.

State examination of design documentation is carried out by the federal executive body authorized to conduct state examination of design documentation, or by a state institution subordinate to it.

Control questions

1. What is a project called?

2. What is design?

3. What is the main design task in construction?

4. What is a “design brief”?

5. What is “justification of investments in construction”?

6. Stages and stages of design.

7. What is the composition of the project?

8. Design and survey organizations and their types.

9. What is “survey work” and its types?

10. Organization of survey work.

11. What is organizational and technological documentation?

12. What is a PIC and who develops it?

13. What are the initial data for developing a PIC?

14. What is the composition and volume of the PIC?

15. What is PPR and who develops it?

16. What are the initial data for developing the PPR?

17. What is the composition and volume of the PPR?

18. Coordination, examination and approval of design and estimate documentation.

3.Preparation of construction production.

3.1. The role and importance of preparation of construction production.

In conditions of increasing complexity and deepening specialization of construction, continuous improvement of technology, mechanization means, methods of organization and management, the timely and high-quality preparation of construction production(PSP). Dozens of general construction and specialized organizations and thousands of workers are often involved in the construction of industrial enterprises, structures, residential buildings and cultural and community facilities. This necessitates the preparation of a well-thought-out and interconnected plan for their joint activities.

PSP, covers a wide range of issues, depends on many factors: nomenclature, complexity and volume of construction, belonging of buildings and structures to one or another branch of material production, capacity of construction organizations and cooperation of construction organizations and other indicators.

Preparation of construction production in the total volume of construction of any facility is approximately 14-17% of the estimated cost, 16-19% of the total labor intensity and 14-20% of the duration of construction of buildings and structures.

PSP is understood as a set of interrelated organizational, technical, planning, economic and financial documents and measures, timely developed and implemented in construction in order to ensure the implementation of planned construction programs with the greatest economic efficiency.

The main task of the PSP of a construction organization is the systematic deployment and implementation of construction and installation works and other types of work that ensure the commissioning of facilities and industrial enterprises on time with high technical and economic indicators and quality of work.

It is possible to organize construction production if there are design estimates, organizational and technological documentation and subject to timely, comprehensive and high-quality design plans and their implementation on time.

In 1979, TsNIIOMPTP developed the “Guide to a unified system for preparing construction production.”

The unified system for the preparation of construction production (USPSP) is understood as a set of interconnected preparatory measures of an organizational, technical, technological nature, ensuring the possibility of deploying and carrying out the construction of facilities for timely commissioning.

The main task of the CSP is to ensure, through a set of state and industry standards, the mandatory implementation of the necessary measures for PSP for all organizations.

Unity of methods, means and technology used;

Streamlining and unification of organizational and technological solutions and document flow;

Widespread use of EMM and computer technology;

Mandatory nature of PSP measures for the implementation of the CESSP includes the following steps:

General organizational and technical training;

Preparation for construction of the facility;

Preparation for construction and installation works.

3.2.General organizational and technical training.

General organizational and technical training should include:

Providing construction design and estimate documentation;

Allocation of site for construction;

Registration of construction financing;

Conclusion of construction agreements (contracts) and subcontracts;

Registration of permits and permits for work;

Resolving issues regarding the relocation of persons and organizations located in buildings subject to demolition;

Providing construction with access roads, electricity, water and heat supply, communication system and consumer services premises for construction personnel;

Organization of supplies for construction of equipment, structures, materials and finished products.

Main events general organizational and technical training performed by customers and design organizations and partially subcontracting and general contracting construction organizations.

3.3 Preparation for construction of the facility.

Preparation for the construction of each facility should include the study by engineering and technical personnel of design and estimate documentation, detailed familiarization with construction conditions, development of a work plan for off- and on-site preparatory work, construction of buildings and structures and their parts, as well as the implementation of the preparatory period work itself, taking into account environmental requirements and labor safety requirements.

Off-site preparatory work include the construction of access roads and berths, power lines with transformer substations, water supply networks with water intake structures, residential settlements for builders, necessary structures for the development of the production base of a construction organization, as well as structures and communication devices for construction management.

Off-site technical training is especially important when carrying out construction in the Far North, Siberia and the Far East. To carry out off-site technical preparation for construction during the preparatory period, special pioneer detachments with appropriate equipment and equipment are created in these areas. The main task of these detachments is to prepare the construction site to receive builders with their equipment, transport, and workers.

During the construction of relatively small facilities in developed areas, the amount of work on off-site technical preparation is small, sometimes not carried out, since all the necessary conditions for starting construction are available.

On-site preparatory work provide:

Delivery and acceptance of geodetic alignment base for construction and geodetic alignment work for laying utility networks, roads and construction of buildings and structures;

Clearing the construction site for construction and installation works;

Territory planning, artificial lowering of groundwater levels, relocation of existing and laying of new utility networks;

Construction of permanent and temporary roads, inventory fencing of the construction site with the organization of access control regime, if necessary;

Placement of mobile buildings and structures for production, storage, auxiliary, household and public purposes;

Construction of storage areas and premises for materials, structures and equipment;

Providing the construction site with fire-fighting water supply and equipment, lighting and alarm systems.

3.4. Technical and technological preparation for construction and installation work.

Technical and technological preparation for construction production represents preparation for carrying out construction and installation works at sites. It is carried out during the preparatory phase and throughout the entire construction period.

The task of technical and technological training is ensuring a high organizational and technical level of construction production, ensuring the implementation of construction and installation work in effective ways with the lowest production costs.

Technical and technological preparation for construction production includes the following activities:

1. General geodetic breakdown of buildings and structures and their parts;

2. Selection of technologies and methods for producing construction and installation works, making decisions on their material and personnel support;

3. Determination of the main means of mechanization of construction and installation work, their installation locations at the site (installation cranes, crane runways, etc.);

4. Acquisition or production of technological equipment, fixtures and other means for performing work in accordance with accepted methods and methods of their production;

5. Making decisions on the organization of labor when performing work, forming or determining teams, units, work shifts4

6. Formation of sets of construction, installation, control and measuring tools and other means of technical equipment for workers to carry out construction and installation work;

7. Formation of sets of scaffolding means, temporary fencing of workplaces and other organizational equipment for the safe conduct of work;

8. Organization of temporary lighting of workplaces;

9. Organization at construction sites of facilities for storage of structures, products, sites for larger assembly and pre-assembly preparation

10. Creation of a normative and technological stock of building structures, products and materials;

In preparation for construction and installation work the following must be done:

Work plans for certain types of work have been developed;

Signs of geodetic breakdown into parts of buildings and structures fixed on the ground were transferred and accepted;

Work organization measures were developed and implemented;

The necessary supply of building structures, materials and products has been created;

Construction machines and mobile mechanized units were delivered or relocated to the workplace.

Software used on construction sites, allows you to automate the solution of the following tasks:

Formation and processing of design and estimate documentation;

Development of documentation for the implementation of the construction organization’s program;

Formation and calculation of calendar schedules for construction and installation works;

Calculation of the need for construction machinery and mechanisms;

Calculation of the cost of construction and installation work and the need for material and technical resources;

Calculation of the regulatory framework of a construction organization;

Formation of operational work schedules;

Calculation of the delivery schedule for building structures, materials, parts and equipment to the site;

Calculation of the workforce requirement schedule;

Calculation of the need for basic construction machines, etc.

Control questions.

1.What is the role and significance of PSP?

2.What is the CESSP?

3.What is the composition of general organizational and technical training?

4.What is the preparation for the construction of the facility?

5.What is on-site preparatory work?

6.What is off-site preparatory work?

7.What is the composition of the preparation for construction and installation work?

8. Application of computers to solve PSP problems.

4. Organization of the flow method of construction production.

4.1. The essence of the flow organization of construction and installation works.

The flow production method is a scientific method organization of construction and construction and installation works, ensuring continuity and uniformity of construction production, the most rational use of the working time of workers and construction machines.

In construction, the flow method first began to be used in the 30s. XX century.

The essence of the flow organization of construction can be understood if we consider the construction of several identical buildings. They can be built in different ways.

1. Buildings are erected sequentially one after another. This method is called consistent. Plus This method means low intensity of consumption of all resources.

Disadvantages: a) long duration. For N buildings, during the construction of one building t, the total time will be T=Nt.

B) uneven consumption of material and labor resources by quantity, names, professions, qualifications.

2. All buildings are erected simultaneously. This method is called parallel. The duration of construction will be minimally equal to the duration of construction of one building.

Flaws: high intensity of consumption of building materials, a large number of workers of one specialty are required for a short period of time.

In-line method construction combines sequential and parallel methods of performing work. With the flow method of construction, the process of constructing buildings is divided into individual construction processes, each of which is carried out (if possible) in equal periods of time. In this case, the work is carried out sequentially on each building in accordance with the technology so that upon completion of the corresponding work at the first facility, the teams move to the next building, i.e. work is carried out in parallel.

Construction time will be shorter than with the sequential method, more than with the parallel method. The uniformity of consumption of all resources will be high.

Let's look at the essence and advantages of continuous construction organization over other methods using an example. Let's say you need to build m identical buildings.

Fig.1. Linear schedule of sequential execution of work.

The sequential method of constructing buildings is shown in Fig. 1, parallel in Fig. 2, continuous in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2. Schedule of parallel execution of work. Fig.3. Work flow schedule.

The following methods of organizing work on construction sites are distinguished.

Flow-operational– used when organizing labor in units. It provides for the division of labor between workers in a unit into work operations. The work is organized in such a way that workers perform their operations sequentially, rhythmically, one after another. For example: organizing bricklaying work.

Flow-dissected- used when organizing work in teams, which are divided into units. The work is organized in such a way that the units carry out their work consistently and rhythmically. For example: installation of a roll roof.

Thread-complex used in organizing labor in complex construction teams when performing complex construction and installation works or structural elements and parts of buildings. They organize a flow for the rhythmic execution of work by carpenters, reinforcers, concrete workers, formwork workers and other workers of other specialties.

The fundamental principles of in-line construction organizations are continuity and rhythm production process.

When designing the flow organization of construction and construction and installation works, the following concepts are used.

Scope of work– the space within which work is carried out.

Capture- this is a section of the work front into which it is divided to organize sequential rhythmic execution of work, the sequential transition of teams from occupation to occupation.

The grips are divided into plots- part of the grip on which the sequential execution of work for the team is organized.

During the construction of high-rise buildings, a vertically oriented construction flow is organized. In these cases, the building is divided into tiers, which essentially represent a capture.

The duration of work performed by a team on one job is called rhythm of work in the flow , or cyclicity module .

The time after which a new crew begins to carry out the cycle of work that follows the technology is called flow step .

Drawing up a project is a labor-intensive and creative process that involves many specialists, namely engineers, technicians, architects and other employees of design structures. At the same time, the design and composition of project documentation play a key role in the development process and influence subsequent approvals after completion of construction. Equally important in the matter of proper document preparation is the staged design process. What are the stages of the project? What are the features of each of them? Let's consider these points in more detail.

When it comes to the construction of a complex structure, the development of the project is carried out in two stages. This is due to the need for a special approach to architectural, design and construction solutions. For simpler structures, design in one stage is suitable. As a result, it is possible to reduce the project implementation period by an average of one and a half to two times. At the same time, overall design costs are reduced by almost half.

It is worth noting that the composition of project documentation can be adjusted upward or downward. Here the decision is made on the basis of the issued technical specifications. At the same time, most often the working documentation, which will be discussed below, is given less attention by customers. This is due to the desire to do everything in parallel - to build a structure and draw up paperwork. As a result, the deadlines for completing the work are delayed, and the construction process itself requires a lot of large investments.

To avoid the problems mentioned, it is important to strictly follow the order of work and pay special attention to each stage. Only after preparing a complete package of papers (including the working part) is it allowed to begin construction work. As practice shows, the development of a detailed design and project documentation can be carried out simultaneously. The main thing here is to highlight that part of the project that needs to be approved by the relevant government authorities.

It is immediately worth noting that any project documentation requires approval from authorized structures. At the same time, it is better to entrust such work to a design company, whose employees will be able to defend their work and protect the content of the project (if necessary). When construction (reconstruction) affects load-bearing structures, state examination is required.

The customer must remember that the company that developed the project documentation bears all responsibility for the content of the project. If engineers do not have enough information to draw up a project, they can always request it from the customer. Such a need, as a rule, arises when there is a need for additional examination.

If we consider all stages of preparation of project documentation, there are several of them:

  • Preliminary design.
  • Project.
  • Working documentation (often referred to as RD).
  • Working draft.

The features and composition of each stage will be discussed below.

Preliminary design

The first stage of the work is the creation of a preliminary design, which is drawn up without subsequent approval from government authorities. Thanks to the preliminary design, it is possible to more carefully work out the details of the object before making a final decision on each section.

The main task of completing a preliminary design is to determine the investment attractiveness of the structure, as well as its potential payback. In addition, an urban planning justification for the placement of the structure is carried out, as well as a demonstration of its appearance, indicating the nuances of internal planning.

Based on the preliminary design, one can draw conclusions whether the reconstruction (construction) of a structure on a certain site is feasible or not. The analysis takes into account historical, cultural, socio-economic and environmental requirements.

The design documentation at the stage of drawing up a preliminary design includes the following subsections - explanatory note, situational and general plan, sections of the structure (indicating the layers). The transport scheme, facades, features of color and volumetric solutions are also indicated here. Also, the sketch part can be supplemented with 3D visualization and photomontage.

The scope of the preliminary design is often adjusted. Here, the key role is played by obtaining the permits necessary to begin construction work.


The next stage is “Project”. Unlike the previous stage, approval of documents is required here before the start of construction work or reconstruction. Such papers are drawn up taking into account current rules, norms and standards. The documentation at this stage should include the following sections - an explanatory note, a land plot planning scheme, as well as decisions made in the architecture sector. It also discusses the design features of the main systems - water supply, electricity supply, drainage, heating and others. In addition, the section reflects projects for the organization of construction work, projects for the dismantling and demolition of capital construction projects.

Against the backdrop of more stringent requirements for project documentation, the “Project” stage should reflect various measures regarding environmental protection, fire safety, energy efficiency, access for the disabled, and so on.

Often at this stage, work is carried out in the sector of video surveillance, security alarms, elevators, automation in the sector of engineering systems, etc. After studying this part of the documentation, a complete picture of the object and its features emerges. In this case, the “Project” section is the basis for the subsequent development of “Project Documentation”. In addition, a complete package of documents will be required to go through all stages of approval of project documentation.

For coordination, the general package of information, in addition to working drawings, often includes statements of the main kits. At the same time, at the request of the customer, not the entire set can be transferred, but only its components. It is important to note that all these points must be specified in the design brief.

Finished project documentation, as a rule, is compiled into volumes, after which the full composition of the documentation is determined. The complete package consists of 12 volumes. In this case, the greatest attention is paid to the section concerning the selection of engineering equipment. Consequently, documentation is generated only after the total number of sections has been determined.

Unlike the first stage, the design stage takes more time and requires a responsible attitude on the part of the performer. Many people save at this stage, which is a serious mistake. As practice shows, punctuality and responsibility when creating documents are extremely important. That is why it is important to entrust the work to experienced specialists who know the features and nuances of the current legislation. This is the only way to protect yourself from excessive costs, speed up the process of passing the examination, and also obtaining permission to begin construction work.

Working documentation

The term “working documentation” means a set of papers that are required to carry out installation and construction activities. At this stage, work is underway to create documents on which the object is being built. This also includes a plan for detailing the building elements, including installation diagrams. The working documentation includes sets of drawings, which are subsequently used by the construction company when organizing installation and construction activities.

The composition of sets of working drawings is formed at the design stage of structures. Here, much depends on the purpose of the building, as well as the availability of suitable communications in the immediate vicinity. Thus, the working documentation includes all technical documents necessary for construction, including a detailed study of each of the components. On the basis of this documentation, schedules for the implementation of certain construction activities, estimate documentation, documents for tendering and other papers required by developers are formed.

Regardless of the total number of drawings included in the documents, the latter are considered from the perspective of one document with mandatory sheet numbering. At the same time, special columns must contain the signatures of the persons who are responsible for issuing the papers. For this reason, it is important to be confident in the competence and sufficient level of knowledge of document executors.

As for the composition of the working documentation, it is determined by the current state standards. If any adjustments take place, they must be clarified by the customer in advance and must be specified in the design agreement. This means that minor deviations from certain indicators are still acceptable.

Working draft

The peculiarity of a working project is that it combines two stages at once, namely the design and working documentation. The latter, as mentioned above, is developed in the case of two-stage design. The development of this part must begin after approval of the design stage. This component includes various nuances - an explanatory note, architectural solutions, descriptions and diagrams of various systems (electricity, heating, water supply and others). It also reveals the features of fire safety and environmental protection measures. Among the additional sections, it is worth highlighting fire extinguishing systems, alarm systems, dispatching, access control and much more.

As can be seen from the article, each of the design stages must be carried out with maximum responsibility. This is the only way to be sure of the final result, as well as the absence of problems with subsequent documentation approvals.

Stages and stages of design

The main goal of the design is to develop a set of technical documentation for the construction of buildings.

Design is the first stage in construction. The technical specifications for construction and the performance indicators of the future building depend on the quality of the projects. A project is a complex of graphic and text materials containing decisions on the technology and equipment of a future enterprise or building, architectural, planning and design solutions, technical and economic regulations, calculations, justifications, and estimates.

Development of design documentation for construction is carried out on the basis of approved justifications for investments in the construction of enterprises and buildings.

The design documentation specifies the main technical and technological requirements.

The main design document for construction is a feasibility study.

Based on the approved feasibility study of the project, working documentation is developed.

There are 2 design stages:

1st pre-design stage:

A-organizational and technical preparation:

  • appointment of chief engineer and project architect
  • completing project teams or assigning tasks to existing groups
  • visiting the construction site
  • collection of initial data and study of archival materials
  • development of feasibility study for design
  • development and approval of design assignments with the customer
  • issuing assignments for engineering surveys
  • issuing assignments for the development of parts of the project
  • registration of land allotment

B-engineering research: - economical, - technical.

2- project stage is carried out in one or two stages.

1) In two-stage design, the following is developed:

a) project;

b) working documentation.

  • coordination of design solutions
  • project development
  • the project is being reviewed by the council of the design organization
  • design of the project
  • project examination
  • project approval.
  • preparation of working drawings
  • drawing up working estimates
  • their agreement with the customer
  • preparation of working drawings and estimates
  • transfer of design and estimate documentation to the customer.

2) With one-stage design, only working documentation is developed.

The main document regulating the obligations and responsibilities of the parties is the contract concluded by the customer with the design organizations. An integral part of the contract must be a design assignment.

Development of design documentation is carried out subject to an approved decision on the approval of the location of the facility.

Engineering and economic research begins when preparing a design assignment.

The allocation of a land plot is formalized by a decision of the local government administration.

Allotment of a plot in kind with the execution of an act for indefinite use is carried out by municipal organizations. The customer has the right to use the site after approval of the design documentation and receipt of a construction permit. The development of the project should begin after the conclusion of the contract for design work. The completed project must be agreed upon with the general contractor.

Composition of project documentation

The project for the construction of buildings and industrial enterprises consists of the following sections:

  • general explanatory note;
  • master plan and transport;
  • technological solutions;
  • organization and working conditions of workers;
  • production and enterprise management;
  • engineering equipment, networks and systems;
  • organization of construction;
  • environmental protection;
  • estimate documentation;
  • investment efficiency.

The project for the construction of housing and civil facilities consists of the following sections:

  • general explanatory note;
  • architectural and construction solutions;
  • technological solutions;
  • engineering equipment solutions;
  • environmental protection;
  • engineering and technical measures of civil defense, measures to prevent emergency situations;
  • organization of construction (if necessary);
  • estimate documentation;
  • investment efficiency (if necessary);

The composition of the documentation developed at the “project” stage should contain:

  • summary construction cost estimates and, if necessary, cost summaries;
  • object and local estimate calculations;
  • estimates for certain types of costs (including design and survey work).

As part of the working documentation:

  • object and local estimates.

Types of design organizations

The design of construction projects is carried out by territorial, industry and specialized design and survey organizations.

Territorial institutes deal with the issues of locating industrial enterprises and combining them into industrial hubs. Industry institutes conduct technological design. Specialized institutes develop the construction part of objects for various purposes.

The design of industrial construction projects is carried out by design organizations:

  • complex specialize in complex design of production process technology
  • technological specialize in designing production process technology for enterprises in certain industries
  • construction specialists specialize in designing the construction part of specific types of buildings

Design is carried out in two or one stage.

Essence two-stage design is that the documentation necessary for construction is not drawn up immediately, but in stages: at the first stage (“Stage I”), decisions are made on general fundamental issues, then such decisions are comprehensively assessed, adjusted, approved, and only after all identified deficiencies have been eliminated, a detailed working document is drawn up documentation for construction. The advantage of such a system is to minimize the costs of processing design documentation in the event of unsuccessful overall solutions.

Essence one-stage design the fact that project documentation is prepared immediately in full and contains solutions to all general and specific issues. This is convenient for small volumes of design work.

In practice, these schemes are implemented as follows.

With two-stage design, the work is divided into 2 stages:

  • stage "Project" (P)
  • stage "Working documentation" (DD)

At the “Project” stage, basic architectural, planning and design decisions (including the general plan), decisions on engineering equipment, and networks are made without detailing. When designing environmental facilities, at this stage, fundamental decisions are made regarding the choice of the type of structure, its location, basic design solutions, construction method, etc. For industrial enterprises, schematic diagrams of technological processes are selected, general issues of management and labor protection are resolved. Summary estimates are carried out, issues of construction organization are resolved. An environmental section is a mandatory element of the project.

To draw up the “Project”, special engineering surveys are ordered and carried out. Such surveys are carried out in a reduced volume, but they should allow drawing conclusions about the suitability of the site, the preference of one or another type of foundation (shallow, pile, deep supports, etc.), i.e. allow the solution of general fundamental issues.

All this documentation is sent to the state examination, which gives its comments and general assessment of the project. After the designer has eliminated the identified deficiencies, the project is reviewed and approved (or rejected) by local executive authorities or other approving authority. The approval process depends on the source of funding. If construction is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, the approving authority is a state body. If it is financed by a specific enterprise, foundation or individual, the approving authority is the customer or investor himself.

After approval of the “Project”, the second stage of design “detailed documentation” is carried out. At this stage, decisions made at the “Project” stage are clarified and detailed, working drawings, local estimates and other documentation necessary for construction and installation work are drawn up. To complete this design stage, detailed engineering surveys are ordered and carried out. They must contain complete information to resolve all particular issues and draw up working drawings that do not require subsequent adjustments.

“Working documentation” is those drawings and text material that is used directly at the construction site (documentation from the “Project” stage, as a rule, is not transferred to builders).

At one-stage design documentation called the “Working Design” (DP) is drawn up; it must also be subject to state examination and approval. In this case, not all documentation is approved, but its most important part (the so-called “approved part of the working draft”).

The main design method in the Russian Federation is two-stage design. Single-stage design is used only for simple objects or for linking projects of mass or repeated use.

One-stage design(detailed design including the approved part and working documentation) - for objects of III-I categories of complexity, as well as for objects built according to standard and re-used designs.

Two-stage design(project, working documentation) - for objects of V, IV categories of complexity and for objects of III category of complexity for individual projects.

Three-stage design(pre-project proposal, project, working documentation) - for objects of V, IV categories of complexity and for objects of III category of complexity on individual projects, with an insufficient list of initial permitting documentation.