How much can you earn from audio translation? What is transcription and how can you make money from it? How to make money from transcription - additional or main income for a transcriber


Hello friends. In this article I want to talk about making money from transcription. Having mastered this skill, in the first three days (8 hours of time was spent on work) I earned 1,440 rubles, which I think is not bad at all for a beginner.

What is transcription and how to make money from it

1. What is transcription

Transcription is the translation of audio or video into text. An audio or video file is played and you type in text what they say. Programs for high-quality automatic translation have not yet been invented, so the services of transcribers are still in demand.

What files are sent when transcribers are contacted:

  • audio podcasts;
  • webinars;
  • interview;
  • telephone conversations;
  • etc.

In the future, these materials are used as articles on a blog/website, reporting, creation of paid/free materials for marketing, letters to the mailing list, etc.

Advice! In my experience, it is most profitable to use telephone conversations, since many seconds are spent on telephone beeps.

2. What are the prices?

On average, the cost of translating 1 minute of audio into text costs 10 rubles. It turns out one hour of audio will cost 600 rubles. But this is an average value, the price can be higher or lower, depending on how you agree with the customer.

Let's do some math, if you take one hourly order per day, that's 600 rubles per day. 600 rub. x 30 days = 18,000 rubles per month. Of course, in reality you can earn less, you can earn more, but in general this is not a bad part-time job!

The price may be higher if:

  • Urgent order. Usually, the contractor takes a reserve of time to complete the translation in order to complete the translation at a time convenient for himself, but it happens that the customer needs to do it “yesterday” and has to start execution immediately, especially if it is night time and he has to stay awake. For such urgency, you can charge more.

Once upon a time Work-zilla there was an influx of customers, everyone was undergoing some kind of training and they urgently needed to do transcription in order to submit a report. There were more offers than performers, it was already night, I wanted to sleep, but orders of 600 rubles for 20 minutes of audio motivated me to work until the last minute) But this does not happen often.

  • Poor recording quality. The worse the voice is heard, the more time you will have to transcribe the recording, which means it may cost more.
  • Several voices. If there is a dialogue on the recording and you need to sign each of the participants in the document.
  • Need editing. If after transcription you can still edit the document, remove unnecessary things, highlight paragraphs and place punctuation correctly, then you will save the customer’s time and this may be additionally paid for.
  • Another language. If you speak more than one language, then translating text from, for example, English into English or from English into Russian will be much more expensive.

The price may be lower if:

  • You are a newbie and want to take your first orders. Yes it good method start, that’s exactly what I did. My first order was to transcribe 40 minutes of recording for 200 rubles. I myself offered this price to start earning the first rating and it worked. We will talk further about how to increase the chance of receiving an order.

Do you want to earn big money by writing cool texts? Take the “Copywriting from Scratch” course and master one of the most in-demand professions - link to course(the first 3 lessons are free)

3. How long does it take and how can I transcribe 3 times faster?

At the beginning, about 8 hours of real time are spent on one hour of audio; with experience, this can be reduced to 3 hours.

The processing time for direct recording depends on the speed of your typing on the keyboard and the use of additional programs. If everything is clear with the first option, the faster you type, the better and this skill will develop with each decoding you make, then let’s take a closer look at the second factor.

I started transcribing by simply listening to the recording in the player and typing the text into Word. This is very inconvenient because you need:

  1. listen to 3-5 seconds of recording
  2. pause with the mouse
  3. use the mouse to switch the window from the player to the document
  4. write three to five words
  5. use the mouse again to switch to the window with the player
  6. and repeat it all over again

When I found a special transcription player, the processing time was reduced by 3 times.

4. Program for transcribing audio into text - Express Scribe

To transcribe faster, there is a cool program called Express Scribe, it’s free. You can download it from the official website.

Express Scribe features:

  • listening to a file and typing occurs in one program window, no need to switch between windows;
  • the ability to use hotkeys for Stop and Play;
  • can slow down or increase the speed of the file being played;
  • convenient rewind function, if you don’t understand the phrase, you can quickly rewind by a few seconds using hot keys;

Video on how to use Express Scribe. I recorded the video back in 2015, but the information there is still relevant.

5. Pros and cons of making money from transcription


  • Learn the touch typing method. No comments here, write more, start typing faster.

It so happened that I started earning extra money using this method on my first trip to Thailand, our laptop broke down there, we bought a new one with a keyboard in English/Thai. Like it or not, I had to learn the touch typing method))

  • Improve your literacy. Punctuation and spelling are greatly improved.
  • Developing your memory. Each time you begin to remember more and more words and sentences in one interval.
  • Education. Often they send you interesting speeches or lectures to transcribe, which may be useful to you, but you will also receive money for it. Double benefit!


  • It takes a lot of time. And it’s true, you can’t really optimize the process.
  • Not a lot of money. In general, when compared with other freelance professions, the price tag here is one of the smallest, but this is understandable, because no special skills are needed.

6. Where to take orders

A special transcription exchange has not yet been invented, so let’s turn to general freelance exchanges. I tried many options, the best ones, where there are the most orders, are Work-zilla And Kwork. Let's briefly look at each option.

Work-zilla. I only took orders here because the second exchange was not yet so popular. To start taking tasks for work, after registration you must take a test and pay a subscription, 100 rubles. (30 days), 250 rub. (90 days), 400 rub. (10 days). Don’t worry, this is not a hoax, as I understand it, such measures are a kind of filter to weed out low-quality performers. You will earn 100 rubles from your first order. On other exchanges the fees are much higher and it is more difficult to take an order.

Kwork. Here the operating principle is different. If customers place an order on Work-zilla and you send an application for it, then here you create a quork (your proposal) and the customers, when they go to the site, offer you their work. You don’t need to pay anything on this exchange, you just register and place your quotes.

Go to both sites and see for yourself what everything looks like from the inside.

7. Where to find a transcriber

  • view the artist’s profile, reviews;
  • clarify all the details before submitting the file for work;
  • if initially the performer seems inadequate to you, it is better not to work with him right away, you will save time and nerves;
  • You can ask for examples of work. It is clear that the text can be copied from somewhere and passed off as your own work, but if in the end they do it to you poorly and with errors, you will be able to better defend your rights and not pay for poor-quality work if you show what the contractor promised and what you received as a result.

8. 5 chips to receive more orders

1. You can take your first order and it won’t be very expensive. The main thing is to complete the first task so that your rating rises and is not zero. Customers are also looking at him.

2. In your profile, in the additional information, write that you are a transcriptionist and have experience. Because customers most often look at candidate profiles, and this is necessary so that they understand that you didn’t just decide to do this for the first time, but that you already have some experience.

3. After submitting the order, try to agree on further cooperation. Working with regular clients is easier than looking for new ones every time. It’s easier for customers too, because... It’s also not easy to find an adequate performer.

4. In order for people to still contact you and give you a plus for the task, you need to not screw up. And in order not to mess up, discuss all the details with the customer before confirming the task. You need to discuss points such as:

Also, re-read the customer’s requirements several times in order to understand and do as he needs.

5. The most important point! Write original comments to the application. Until I started following it, I had no orders at all.

When you take an order, you can leave a comment for the customer, and most freelancers, including me, initially wrote: "Ready to execute", “I propose my candidacy” and other template phrases in this vein. And I couldn’t understand why I wrote to 15 customers and everyone ignored me.

Then I just started writing more original, and they started giving me orders, although the rating was lower than that of other performers.

And you can come up with a lot more, use your imagination and originality!

You need to understand that the main thing for customers is saving time and high quality, and focus on this.

Let's summarize:

  1. Transcription on this moment, a popular freelance activity that does not require any special knowledge.
  2. Use Express Scribe to transcribe 3x faster.
  3. One hour of recording takes about 4-6 hours of real time, so time it correctly.
  4. One hour of recording translated into text costs an average of 600 rubles.
  5. To receive more orders, use the chips from the last chapter.

Addition 1.5 years after the publication of the first version of the article:

1.5 years have passed since this article was written. All this time I worked remotely, mainly at Work-zilla. Here is a screenshot from my account. More than 100 projects completed.

Transcription is the decoding of audiovisual information into text. That is, you must listen to what the announcer says and type it on your computer keyboard.

There is no fundamental difference between working with audio and video, since, as a rule, it is not necessary to look at the screen. However, sometimes customers also require a full transcript, which involves indicating changes in intonation, gestures and some other actions of people in the video recording.

As a rule, transcription fees are charged per minute., although sometimes they pay for the volume of text typed. Most often, this approach is practiced when changes need to be made to the text - to transform colloquial speech into literary language, or vice versa, to remove all complex terminology and make the article more accessible to an unprepared reader.

The most important skill required to work in this field is typing speed.. The faster you are, the more you can do, and, accordingly, the more you will earn in the same period of time. Experienced typesetters can transcribe text as fast as the speaker speaks it.

What you need for work

You need a little to get started:

  1. PC with Internet connection;
  2. comfortable keyboard;
  3. special software.


Despite the fact that there is a program for transcribing audio into text automatically, and more than one, you should not use them - they are too imperfect, and the quality of voice recognition is low. As a result, you will spend more time bringing the text into proper condition after automatic processing than if you transcribed it yourself right away.

However, there are also applications that will be very useful, especially for beginners who have not yet mastered the ten-finger touch typing method - special players that allow you to slow down the audio recording to a comfortable speed, so you don’t have to pause it all the time. Also, such players will be useful in case of low recording quality.

One of the best such programs is Express Scribe, which can be downloaded completely free of charge from the official website: The program also has a paid version with extended functionality, but for solving most problems the free version will be enough for you.

Where to find a job

Translating video and audio recordings into text is required both on the Internet, for example, to fill websites or process educational materials, and offline - the services of stenographers are in demand in a variety of areas. In any case, the easiest way to look for vacancies in this area is online.

For transcription on the following forums:


You can also search for transcription orders and offer your services on the following sites:


Sometimes orders can be found on content exchanges:


Well, if you want, you need to search on sites with vacancies:


How much can you earn

On average, transcribing one minute of recording costs 10-15 rubles, and if the text needs to be edited, then twice as much. Thus, by deciphering an hour of recording in two to three hours of real time, you can earn about 25-40 thousand rubles in a month.

As you can see, transcription is good and quite simple, requiring neither investment nor specific skills.

Video on the topic:

If you urgently need inexpensive transcription services, place your order on the Yudu website. Qualified specialists are registered here, transcribing audio and video recordings at prices that are 20-30% lower than on freelance exchanges.

Professional translation of recordings into text

Transcribing text is a complex job and should only be performed by an experienced professional. The website has registered professionals who can not only convert video or audio recordings into text, but also enter information into a table.

An experienced specialist, whose services you order on the Yudu website, will be able to translate into text:

  • recording from a seminar, training or webinar
  • interview
  • song
  • monologue, etc.

Yudu performers professionally and quickly perform transcription. Specialists registered on the website have everything necessary for this work:

  • modern computer with working speakers
  • a program designed to transcribe audio and video files
  • quality headphones

On the Yudu website, services are offered by freelancers who have high typing speed and have free access to the Internet. Thanks to this, the order will be completed quickly. If necessary, you can always contact the selected specialist again.

The performer Yudu will not only translate video or audio into text, but will also edit the converted information. If necessary, a freelancer registered on the website can provide a literal translation of the material (without literary editing).

On the Yudu website, cheap transcription services for video and audio recordings are offered by specialists with extensive experience. Our artists convert media files without word recognition errors. Professionals registered on can recognize and translate spoken language from languages ​​such as:

  • Russian
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Italian, etc.

Why is it worth placing an order for Yuda?

If you need to inexpensively and professionally translate an audio or video recording into text, contact Yudu performers. Ordering transcription on will be much cheaper than on a freelance exchange.

The specialist you choose will provide full transcription services. It will do:

  • converting the contents of the record into text format
  • literary editing
  • highlighting controversial words
  • translation of information into another language
  • time code arrangement

Performer Yudu will quickly translate video or audio material into text. Specialists registered on the website work with files of varying quality (including recordings that contain extraneous noise and unintelligible speech).

It is profitable to order translation of media files into text on Yuda for the following reasons:

  • the selected specialist will begin the task immediately after receiving it
  • a professional will understand as many words as possible
  • the performer will perform literary editing, observing the norms of the Russian language
  • the services of freelancers registered on are inexpensive

Cost of transcript

On Yuda you will find a professional who can translate a video or audio recording into text at an affordable cost. You can negotiate the price with the selected freelancer individually.

The cost of transcription depends on:

  • recording duration
  • quality of the material provided
  • the need for translation into another language, literary editing, etc.

The Yudu performer can complete the task at the price you offer. Please check the approximate prices in the price list on in advance.

To order transcription services, you need to fill out a form on the Yudu website and wait for offers from freelancers.

In every era there have always been geniuses who stood out for their incredible performance and thirst for discovery. Which left a tangible mark on the development of technology. Who took what was on the surface and created a coherent, up-to-date mechanism that works to this day. Who sensitively saw the direction of development of the prospect one step ahead of everyone else. Which created themselves, after all.

Surprisingly, these are always people from ordinary families without a solid bank account from birth. Remember. He created his first computer in a garage with his friend. Now his equipment is in the hands of every second person. Simply brilliant. But behind this lies an inquisitive mind and incredible ability to work. Now I propose to plunge into the world of one of these modern geniuses - Mayor Bloomberg.

Childhood and early years

The future mayor of New York was born in 1942 into a Jewish family with Russian roots, an accountant and a secretary-typist. Those times were difficult due to the Second World War. The Bloombergs' wealth has never risen above average. Father, Henry Bloomberg, changed jobs quite often to support his family.

Since childhood, little Michael saw the picture of his parents’ hard work and, to help, he began earning his first money back in school years. At first, he sold Christmas tree decorations to save up for a Boy Scout camp. Then I worked part-time in a small electronics store during the holidays. During his university years, he worked as a gas station worker to pay for his studies.

School years were spent at the public school in Melford, near Boston. The standard training program made him sad. Bloomberg's real pleasure came from studying natural sciences. I even specially went to lectures at the Science Museum in Boston to gain new knowledge. He was delighted that he could participate in physical experiments and touch everything with his own hands. The lessons he learned during such experiments shaped his inquisitive mind and thirst for learning new things.

Michael chose a higher education institution to match his hobbies - the Johns Hopkins Institute. I studied to become an electrical engineering specialist, but did not show much enthusiasm. I went with the flow - went to lectures, listened to teachers, passed all exams mainly with an average score. The reason was that he did not feel that he wanted to become a physicist or an engineer. He was in search of something that would capture his consciousness and show him the way forward.

But what Bloomberg really excelled at during his student life was communicating with people. He discovered leadership qualities in himself and was the organizer of various events and parties, and was the head of the group. Everyone knew him. People turned to him for help. He had an interesting ability to gather people and focus their attention on a common goal.

So he had an idea where to go to study next. Of course, a diploma from the Johns Hopkins Institute allowed Michael to easily find Good work, but he was attracted by the opportunity to get a master's degree in management. Finally, he found the direction where he saw his future. He applied to Harvard Business School.

Two years of study flew by like one day, he greedily devoured knowledge in marketing and finance, learned accounting, the basics of management and management. The treasured diploma in business administration was in his hands. All that remained was to collect all my thoughts and decide which path to choose next.

Since it was the time of the Vietnam War, Michael was sure that he would have to give back to his country first. But after medical examinations he was diagnosed with flat feet and was not recommended for military service. Being a very ambitious person, the Harvard graduate appealed to all authorities so that he could be sent to a hot spot. But the situation did not change, and the war was over by that time.

Work inSalomon Brothers

At first, Bloomberg didn’t even understand how to properly use all the knowledge he now possessed. He was in no hurry to give himself to industrial companies. He became very interested securities and the performance of Wall Street in general. Although at that time this direction was absolutely unpopular, and the name of this street was just a name, not the largest financial center USA, as it is today.

The idea to apply to the financial companies Salomon Brothers and Sachs & Co was given to him by one of his close friends. This was an unusual move—few Harvard graduates went to work on Wall Street at the time. As was to be expected, Michael was invited to interviews at both companies.

He liked the interview with a representative of Salomon Brothers so much that he did not even take into account that the salary at Sachs & Co was higher. Without hesitation, he gave his preference, listening to the dictates of his heart. He carried this style of behavior throughout his life. And he always said that he could not understand people who do things they don’t like and suffer of their own free will. Michael had no idea that he was interviewing with company partner William Solomon.

Salomon Brothers had a different style of work from the rest. Inside, absolutely no attention was paid to the number and prestige of an employee’s degrees, as well as to academic failures during his university years. Abilities and real talents, the ability to achieve goals and negotiate with people were valued. And these qualities, as a rule, are not acquired in educational institutions. They come from upbringing and life experience. And this is worth its weight in gold.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the coincidence of views on work issues that Michael gave all of himself to this company. He loved her incredibly. He felt at home there.

The company was headed by two partners. Bloomberg was the only employee who came to work early and the last one who stayed late. This way he was able to communicate with both partners every day. He was always there for the top officials of the company and received tasks that some employees could only dream of. This strategy very quickly carried him up the career ladder. Michael went from working in bonds to working in coveted stocks in just one year.

The future billionaire worked from dusk to dawn. He firmly believed that only those who work harder and harder than others will succeed. And nothing else. Despite such a busy schedule, he managed to live an ordinary life - went to parties, played sports, and enjoyed the moments.

Michael became one of the most popular people at Salomon Brothers. Six years later he was made a partner of the company. And soon the head of the department information technologies. Fifteen years flew by in a flash, but gave Bloomberg so much experience and opportunities that he could not even dream of. Plus, he earned himself a great bank account.

Michael's career at Salomon Brothers ended when it was bought out by Phibro. The new management turned out to be completely unsympathetic to innovative views on the work process of an ambitious broker. So Michael was fired after 15 years of work with a substantial severance pay and a stake in the company.

Quit to become a billionaire

Bloomberg did not grieve and squander his capital on a thoughtless life. He decided to create something completely new, which no one had dared to do at that time. This is how the Innovative Market System company was born, which was later renamed into the now world-famous Bloomberg LP.

He managed to occupy a niche in which there were no competitors yet - analyzing and digitizing financial data using a computer.

Michael's main desire was to make a random stream of information into financial companies a clear structure that does not require special skills to use.

He assembled a team of former Salomon Brothers employees and turned his bold ideas into reality. Bloomberg terminals were born, which are now used by almost all financial corporations. Michael used his communication skills, developed over the years, and got his first serious client, and part-time investor, Merrill Lynch Bank. Fame spread with lightning speed, and soon Bloomberg LP became clients central bank America and many less influential ones. Thus began the era of the multimillion-dollar empire of the future mayor of New York.

Bloomberg TV

Bloomberg's company developed quite rapidly. Now all processes were carried out not by a handful of enthusiasts, but by an impressive team. Michael also resorted to non-standard methods in choosing his subordinates - he gave a chance to talented young people who had just finished studying. Bloomberg himself actively participated in connecting the terminals himself. Sitting in a manager's chair was not his style.

The company was gaining momentum, its customer base was growing exponentially. Michael came up with the idea of ​​creating his own financial news portal.

He wanted to get famous Wall Street Journal reporter Matthew Winkler on his team. The task was not easy, but his strategy worked. As always, he turned on his super communications abilities and convinced the journalist to manage his news portal, Bloomberg News Service. Michael essentially didn’t do anything supernatural; he took current news and analytics and, with the help of Winkler, covered them from a different angle. Within a few years, about 700 newspapers collaborated with Bloomberg's company.

The next step in development for Michael was his own radio and television broadcasting. He bought a station, which later began to inform about finances and the current situation on the securities market.

Television for the billionaire began with a morning program about finance on one of the American channels. Michael was one of the first to introduce computer technologies everywhere, which greatly simplified the process of broadcasting and updating news. Soon, Bloomberg Information Television was formed - 24-hour television with news that could be watched in all corners of the country within their own time zone.

Bloomberg's media business has grown rapidly from all sides. Soon he had his own magazine, Bloomberg Personal, and his own publishing house, Bloomberg Press. Each of the services was equipped with the latest developments computer technology, which distinguished it very favorably from its competitors. And it brought in fabulous income.

Today, Bloomberg's company is one of the main conductors financial information with approximately 9,500 employees worldwide.

Political career

Bloomberg has always been crazy about New York and was involved in the life of the city in every possible way. In 2001, he had the idea to try his hand at politics and ran for mayor. Received support from former head city ​​- Rudolfo Giulliani, who was highly respected by New Yorkers after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Michael nominated himself as a candidate from the Republican Party, although he always considered himself a Democrat. But it was a thoughtful move - most Americans adhered to Republican views. He invested more than $70 million in his election campaign own money and won with 50% of the votes.

A new chapter in his life began - the mayor of New York City.

Bloomberg greatly benefited from the skills he acquired while running his corporation. He successfully used delegation of authority and innovation in his political career. Now officials had no chance to “sit their pants”; they were entrusted with a significant list of responsibilities. Plus, he mixed up the workplaces of superiors and subordinates, pulling the former out of their offices and seating them together with the latter in an open space. Bloomberg wanted all actions to be done openly, and there was fewer options doing something illegal.

The results of the management during the first term were more than tangible:

  • crime decreased by 20%;
  • a smoking ban was introduced in bars and restaurants;
  • School performance has improved.

Mayor Bloomberg set himself a salary of $1 and lived entirely on income from his company. He preferred to travel by metro, and sometimes by bicycle. Such closeness with the people gave him considerable popularity.

Bloomberg entered his second term with a sensational 20% margin. He invested $1 million more of his funds into the election campaign than the first time.

During this period he:

  • reduced unemployment by supporting small businesses by adding new jobs;
  • banned the use of trans fats in food;
  • the city has become noticeably cleaner.

As the second period began to draw to a close, Michael put forward a proposal to increase the possible number of terms the mayor could serve. Justifying this by the fact that he is a unique financial specialist and New York needs him more than ever during the global crisis. It worked and was supported by a majority of city council members.

So Bloomberg became mayor for the third time. No politician had ever dared to do this before.

His efficient hand ruled the city until 2013.


In 2008, Bloomberg's fortune was about $20 billion. According to Forbes, he was the 8th richest person in the United States. World financial crisis cut off a considerable portion, by about $4 billion, but he remained in the same place in the gradation of the richest Americans.

Today, the former mayor of New York is worth $55.4 billion and ranks 11th on the Forbes list.


In addition to his indomitable energy and amazing work ethic, Bloomberg has a truly enormous heart. All his good deeds and financial assistance can't be counted.

He founded Bloomberg Philanthropies, which has contributed $330 million to communities in need of financial support.

Michael is concerned about the ecological state of the planet. Donates huge amounts of money to research and improvements in the field of health and the environment. Thanks to his light hand, the ban on smoking in public places is now in effect in almost every country.

In addition, Bloomberg sponsors a cancer research institute, which now bears his name too.

He also has problems with immigration and weapons. He doesn't like to waste money, but he sponsors solutions to really important problems for humanity.

According to Bloomberg, all of his money and the company will go to his charitable foundation eventually. Every dollar he earns will go towards helping and developing organizations that need it.

Personal life of the head of New York

In such successful story there is a small fly in the ointment. Unsuccessful marriage of a billionaire.

Bloomberg divorced Susan Brown after 18 years of marriage. The two daughters, Emma and Georgina, born of this union, are actively engaged in public work and inherited their father's generosity and mercy.

Emma Bloomberg fights poverty in New York City's neighborhoods and helps improve living conditions for all America's children.

Georgina Bloomberg devoted herself to equestrian sports and made a fortune from winning many championships. She is also an animal advocate and philanthropist who founded a company that donates clothing to those in need for therapeutic horseback riding programs.

Michael did not remain a lonely billionaire. He connected his life with Diana Taylor. They did not enter into an official marriage. Diana is his faithful companion and support. She can always be seen behind her at all important events and activities for Michael.

At the end of his life, Bloomberg received his quiet family haven and rightfully enjoys his relationship.


“Life works like this: every day offers us many, albeit small, but amazing chances.”

"Don't make too many long-term plans."

“We act from day one, others develop plans for months.”

“In business, development is the main requirement: either the company grows and develops, or curtails its activities.”

“A company is the people who work in it.”


The world is very lucky that such extraordinary and outstanding people are born. It's amazing how one person with an absolutely standard set of qualities at birth can, through hard work and perseverance, create a billion-dollar empire from scratch.

The valuable contributions that Mayor Bloomberg has made to the development of New York, and indeed all of America, will go down in the history books. And more than one generation will learn from his quotes and the path of business development.

Just one person, but what an example to follow and admire.

Don't listen to people who say that making money on the Internet is easy and simple. I've been in this industry for 7 years now and I know what I'm talking about.

From the article you will learn what transcription is and how much money you can earn from it. And you will also be surprised at how difficult and tedious work this is.

What is transcription

Transcription is the ability to convert voice information into text.

For example. You were given an audio or video recording of a person telling something. Your task is to translate the voice into text.

Transcription is the translation of audio or video into text

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated about this. I turned on the sound, memorized a couple of sentences and wrote it down in a text editor.

But sometimes two or more people participate in the dialogue. Then the task becomes more complicated. You need to understand and not get confused who is talking about what.

It also happens that you may be given work material with poor sound quality. Then you will have to listen to the same sentence several times to understand what is being said.

Who needs it

Transcription is needed by entrepreneurs in various industries.

Business trainers conduct seminars and webinars, then give the recorded videos to a transcriber, who translates everything into text, then he passes the material to the editor, who will subsequently turn it into a book and send it to print.

Internet entrepreneurs use this technique to write unique articles. They find an interesting video, submit it for transcription, and then post it on their website.

YouTube bloggers who use transcription services to add subtitles to their videos have become increasingly common.

Entrepreneurs constantly record telephone conversations with clients, then translate them into text and compose scripts and training materials for new employees from them.

As you can see, the scope of application is wide. There is a whole field of work here, and it is only increasing.

Who is this job suitable for?

If you want to make money from remote work, but don’t know where to start, then transcription is something you can try from the very first days without experience.

To get started you will need:

  • free time (from 6 hours)
  • high-speed Internet (so that the videos don’t slow down)
  • knowledge of Russian language
  • patience and perseverance
  • Availability of a computer or laptop (tablet and phone will not work)

The skill of fast typing will develop over time. This will speed up the work and increase earnings due to the speed of completing the task.

How much can you earn from this?

Perhaps, for most, this will be the most interesting part of the article on the topic of transcription.

An hour for a professional costs 1,000 rubles. The minimum amount of work is from 20 to 45 minutes. Someone takes 500 rubles. in 20 minutes, and someone in 45 minutes.

It all depends on your reputation and positive feedback on the site where you will look for clients.

Prices on the Kwork exchange: 500 rubles for 50 minutes of transfer

When you have neither reputation nor reviews, then you will have to set the price lower in order to somehow get the first orders. For example: for an hour of work, take only 300 or 400 rubles.

The math here is simple. You can calculate everything yourself. But as I said earlier, don't get too excited.

Due to the fact that this profession does not require any unique skills from a person, the competition here is enormous. Having visited just one exchange, I counted more than 1,000 advertisements of people who want to make money from transcription.

It is very difficult for beginners to receive orders, since they do not have any advantages over others.

At training courses on remote work, would-be trainers like to tell you how to make good money and relax by the beach, drinking juice. Don't listen to them, they have one goal, to sell you a dream.

How I earned 0 rubles from transcription

I happened to watch one of the courses on remote work and decided to try to get an order for transcription.

For 3 days in a row I sat at the computer and monitored advertisements. I sent my requests to complete the task, but they went to other people. My messages weren't working.

Most likely, customers looked primarily at the rating and the number of reviews. Whoever has the higher these indicators gets the orders.

I do the same when I'm looking for myself. First I look at his profile and work, then I decide whether to give an order or not.

This does not mean that you will not be able to make money from transcription. Be creative and patient. I’m just warning you that there is no such thing as easy money and there cannot be! The more unique your skill, the less competition you will face.

It's like the profession of "loader". No skills are required, the work is hard and poorly paid due to the fact that there will always be enough people willing.

If you want to master a more profitable and creative Internet profession, then turn your attention to the profession of a copywriter.

Where to look for orders

If you still decide to try your hand at , then you can be called a freelancer. All freelancers first place their profiles on special exchanges.

List of popular freelance exchanges where transcribers can find work:

This transcription player is suitable for beginners as it is simple and does not require any additional settings. The player is designed to work with Microsoft Word.

LossPlay works with Word

What it can do:

  • Supports all popular audio formats
  • playback speed adjustment
  • setting up hot keys
  • works with MS Word


  1. Russian interface
  2. free
  3. easy to learn


  1. only works on Windows

3. Speechpad voice notepad

From the name it immediately becomes clear what this service can do.

Notepad allows you to translate audio into text. All you need is a microphone and the Google Chrome browser. Turn on the microphone and start speaking. The program will automatically decipher the text and record it.

Speechpad does online transcription

What it can do:

  • translate videos from YouTube using the link
  • translate audio


  1. online service that does not require installation on your computer


  1. you need to install additional browser plugins
  2. not all text will be recognized

These three programs are enough to make transcription much faster than doing it manually. But remember! That no program will do all the work for you. Programs can hear words in their own way and you will definitely have to double-check them to avoid mistakes.


It's not the easiest money to earn from transcription. I repeat once again, do not listen to those people who tell you about easy money. They are not here and will not be.

I may have scared you a lot, but I still advise you not to listen to me, but to take it and check everything from your own experience. They won’t take money from you for this, but you will gain experience. If you are more persistent, you will definitely earn your first money!

If you are interested in remote work and earning money via the Internet, then subscribe to my newsletter, where I share my income and expenses for business on the Internet.

Best regards, Sergei.

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