How much does a Forex trader earn per month. What traders live on How much does a good trader earn


No matter what anyone tells you about the markets, but everyone comes here with one goal - to earn, and as much as possible and preferably in a short time.

At the same time, beginners often do not even have an idea of ​​how much they can earn through trading, everyone has different expectations, and few are able to soberly assess the situation.

Today we will correct this situation and take a closer look at how much a trader can actually earn by trading on the forex market.

Celebrity traders, how much forex legends earn

Let's start with this category so that you immediately understand the scale and realize that the potential of Forex is practically unlimited. Consider just a couple of examples of earnings. Please note that almost all traders from the list below worked not only on Forex. Most traded in the stock sector.

Bruce Kovner

One of the most stable traders in the world. For several decades, he earned approximately + 80% - + 90% of the deposit per year. Considering his trading turnover, it was already about hundreds of millions of dollars.

By the way, his example shows that you can start trading at any age, not only in your youth. Stock trading he Interested after 30 years. He started with a capital of only a few thousand dollars, that is, at the start, he actually did not differ from you, he was an ordinary person. No benefits, no insider information, just a sharp mind and a colossal desire to conquer the markets.

To date, his main brainchild - the Caxton fund is estimated at several billion dollars. Since 1983, Bruce has already brought in more than $13 billion to his clients. The fund has become a kind of club for the elite; new members are not accepted into it.

John Arnold

To say that he started from scratch would be to distort the facts somewhat. In fact, he had a good start, but by Western standards, the family is the most ordinary. My father worked as a lawyer, my mother also did not have stock trading.

John started his career at Enron, which was a major player in the energy market until its collapse. He first traded in oil, then in gas. The trade was so successful that he alone brought in about $750 million to the firm, of which $8 million was paid to him as a bonus.

With these 8 million, Centaurus Energy was founded, which Arnold headed. In 2007, he became the youngest billionaire in the world. An excellent example of how doing what you love brings not just a stable income, but brings you to the richest people in the world. There are no exact statistics on how much he earns now, but it can be said for sure that Arnold will not miss out on wealth. It's not that person.

And one deal can make millions - Andy Krieger vs New Zealand dollar

Usually speaking about profit, we consider a long period of time, as a rule, it is several years. But there are situations when a trader can earn tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars in just one transaction. This is exactly what happened to Andy Krieger.

At that time, he did not work on his own money, he had at his disposal $ 750 million provided by the company. He became world famous for his New Zealand dollar option deal.

Thanks to the 1:400 leverage used, his position was so large that the Kiwi sank by 5% and there were all conditions for the fall to continue. According to unverified information, the reason for closing a short position was a call from a representative of the New Zealand Central Bank to the company where Andy worked.

The deal is closed, but Andy himself brought the company more than $300 million in profit in just 1 deal. This is an outstanding result. By the way, it was this deal that caused Krieger to change his job. He was dissatisfied with the fact that he was given a bonus of only $1.5 million. Now he continues to successfully earn money through trading, although from time to time he complains that a new generation of speculators is growing up and it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with them.

How to make x100 in 1 year - the secret of Larry Williams

If you think that it is unrealistic to increase the account by orders of magnitude in 1 calendar year, then you are greatly mistaken. In 1987 young Williams set a real record while working in the derivatives market.

In just one year, he increased his starting $10,000 to over a million dollars. During this unique experiment, his account balance went even for $2 million, but then there was a serious drawdown on the fall of the Dow Jones index, and as a result, the experiment was completed with a balance of just over $1.1 million.

Larry has been in the markets for over 40 years and trading not only provides him with everything necessary for life, but also allows him to constantly increase capital. He is engaged in training other traders, his opinion is valued, Williams managed to become a legend during his lifetime, that is, in addition to financial well-being, he also received worldwide recognition. This is also costly.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in the case of Williams, he did not have behind him either rich parents or solid capital. He started from the bottom and became a millionaire solely by analyzing the markets and predicting the behavior of the charts.

There are a lot of such examples, the same Soros and the collapse of the British pound caused by his actions deserve attention. The main thing to take away from these examples is that the amount of earnings is practically unlimited. By working on Forex, you may well become, if not a millionaire, then at least simply solve all financial problems.

What ordinary traders can expect

In the previous section, we looked at traders known all over the world. They work, as a rule, not only on Forex and, of course, not through ordinary dealing centers. Now let's try to figure out whether ordinary speculators can show a comparable result. Let's find out how much a simple person can earn on Forex.

Here, too, it is more convenient not to engage in speculative conclusions, but to rely on specific examples of past years. Specially we will select only ordinary people.

An interesting result that comes to mind is the story of Chen Likui, a trader from China who made over a million in yuan in a very short period of time. According to his story, he turned his starting $400 into $247,000 in just a month. How is this possible? It is difficult to answer, but if we assume that the story is true, then he clearly entered the market with a huge leverage and did not recall such a phenomenon as money management during this month.

There are situations in the market when some tactic works just perfect. Rejoice could well get into such a segment of the market. But this is rather luck, such an aggressive overclocking of the deposit very rarely ends like this.

Many doubt the reality of this story, they say that all this is just a PR stunt. We can only take on faith the fact that Likuy showed a profit of more than 60,000% of the starting capital in a month.

Elena Pryakhina showed a simply fantastic result in 2013. Then she managed to turn the starting 1,300 rubles into 252,000 rubles in just 1.5 months. It is not known exactly how the trade was conducted.

How much profit will you get from trading

In this question, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, so we will analyze all the factors that affect the amount of income through trading. This will give you a better idea of ​​what you can expect from your starting capital. Forex profit directly depends not only on the level of risk and strategy, but also on the amount invested in trading.

Relationship between profit and start-up capital

To begin with, let's agree that we will calculate the profit in points or, at worst, as a percentage of the deposit. Profit denominated in currency does not matter much in evaluating performance trading strategy. The income in currency does not give an idea of ​​how many points the trader took on the deal.

For example, with a 1.0 lot on a 50 pip move, you could make a profit of $500. If the lot is increased by 10 times, then the profit increases by 10 times, and as a result, you could already earn $5,000. Note that the movement of the chart remained the same, the profit increased only due to the increase in the working lot.

Now let's talk about the second non-obvious point that beginners very often overlook, namely the risk and load on the deposit. Above, we gave examples when traders overclocked the deposit several dozen times in a month, but these are exceptions to the rules. In most cases, the income is much more modest and is calculated as a percentage of the deposit.

It is more convenient to look at a specific example. Suppose the trader's deposit is $1000. He decides to trade as conservatively as possible and does not risk more than 2% of the deposit in each transaction, trading is carried out on currency pair EURUSD. For beginners, by the way, we recommend not to overestimate the risks and at the initial stage limit the risk to 1-2% of the deposit. Raise rates later.

The logic of the trader's thoughts looks like this:

First, he calculates the working lot based on the risk of 2% of the deposit. Let's say the stop on the deal in points is around 20 points. This means that each pip must be worth no more than 0.02 x 1000/20 = $1. That is, the lot in this transaction is 0.1;

Under the deal, it is possible to take 60 points, that is, the income amounted to 6% of the deposit. And this is still a great result, so don't expect to double your capital on every trade.

Knowing the average performance, you can roughly estimate the monthly profit for the strategy. Suppose that 10 trades are made per month, 4 of them are closed by stop loss, and 6 with an average profit of 50 points, the average stop loss is 20 points. The result is a profit of 6 x $50 = $300 and a loss of 4 x $20 = $80. That is, the monthly profit for these conditions would be in the region of $220 or 22% of the deposit.

And such a result would be great not only for a beginner, but also for a pro. We recommend that you pay attention to the result as a percentage, not in currency.

How fast will the deposit grow?

If you trade steadily in plus, then the deposit must be allowed to grow. There are 2 approaches to how to ensure this:

Do not withdraw money at all. You need to have iron willpower to force yourself not to withdraw money from the account, but to constantly increase capital;

Periodically withdraw part of the profits. So you will ensure the growth of capital (albeit not so fast), and you will be able to feel the real benefits of earning on Forex.

And for clarity, let's compare different approaches. Starting conditions:

Initial capital $2000;

Average monthly income 6%;

In the first case, the trader does not withdraw a cent, in the second he withdraws half of the profit;

It is necessary to evaluate the state of the account after 2 years of trading.

If the trader did not withdraw money, then in 2 years the deposit growth would be approximately 60-70% higher compared to the regular withdrawal of 50%. By the end of the second year, the balance of the first account would already be $7639.50, and the second - $3947.17.

So if you regularly withdraw half of the profits, you would deprive yourself of a serious part of the income. On the other hand, it is also impossible not to withdraw profits all the time, otherwise, over time, you will simply lose your taste for trading. so a balance has to be found in this matter.

Note that the example uses the most conservative trading scenario with a profit margin of 6% per month. You don't have to trade with exactly this income.

Summary: how much can you earn on Forex?

The amount of earnings on forex in theory is not limited by anything at all. You can move millions of dollars, or you can limit yourself to $100-$200 per month. Profit depends on several factors, it is influenced by:

Start-up capital;

acceptable risk.

Despite the fact that there are examples when traders accelerated deposits dozens of times in a couple of months, we do not recommend counting on a repetition of this success. Trading is not a sprint, but a marathon. More important is success over a long distance, you don’t need to give 100% at the very beginning of the journey.

As for the profit itself, even if you make 6-8% per month, but you do it consistently, then such a result can be called success. So bet on stability, and only then raise profitability.

The profession of a trader is in demand in the 21st century. The main task of a specialist is to conduct a deep analysis of the markets for cheap purchase / expensive sale of various goods.

What is the salary of a trader in different states?

Salary of a virtuoso specialist in the territory of the Russian Federation

Qualified traders can easily carry out transactions with various precious metals and securities:

  • stock;
  • bond;
  • patents, etc.

Especially popular is currency market which can bring big profits.

The average salary in Russia is 53,750 rubles (approximately 926 US dollars). Where exactly are trader vacancies concentrated in the state?

This specialty has no regional specification and production restrictions.

For the objectivity of the analysis, consider the salaries of specialists in the context of the regions of the country:

  • Moscow region - 89,000 rubles;
  • Leningrad region - 76,000 rubles;
  • Rostov territory - 52,150 rubles;
  • the Republic of Tatarstan - 58,500 rubles;
  • Sverdlovsk province - 40,150 - 60,230 rubles;
  • Chelyabinsk district - 55,240 rubles;
  • Stavropol Territory - 60,000 rubles;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region- 54,600 rubles;
  • Voronezh region - from 45,000 rubles;
  • Altai region- 100 thousand rubles;
  • Kaliningrad territory - 35,000 rubles;
  • Republic of Bashkortostan -50,000 rubles.

How to successfully get a job as a trader?

First of all size wages depends on the nature of the company.

Let's analyze the most prestigious organizations in the country that offer experts official employment:

  • Moscow. The consolidated "Cryptoexchange" is recruiting qualified specialists to a professional team who will be involved in a specialized resource. Employment is also linked to the stock markets. Master gets here from 100 000 RUB monthly;
  • Podolsk. A modern firm is recruiting a qualified analyst to study existing markets on the network. The specialist must communicate effectively with clients and develop financial strategies. Artist's salary reaches 150 thousand RUB / 2586 dollars;
  • Krasnodar. The company "GoldenAge" is a leader in the sales of dairy raw materials and animal feed. The analytical department requires an experienced trader who has a clear understanding of the sales of raw materials. The salary of an expert lies in the range 90 000 rubles per month;
  • Saint Petersburg. A modern Unity firm that needs qualified traders. Employment of a specialist is carried out according to the scheme of 6 working days. The specialist earns an income of 70,000 RUB;
  • Rostovon-Don. Analytical center "Community" has free places for professionals in the field of trading. The work will be related to energy resources and raw materials of various nature. Master receives from 50,000 RUB per month / 862 bucks.

Stable salary of specialists in the territory of the CIS countries


The average salary of a trader in Ukraine reaches the level of 12,500 hryvnia (446 US dollars).

Most of these positions are open in the Kiev region.

The most famous and promising in terms of career growth are the following companies:

  • « Evo Play» — analysis of the eSports market and complex statistical indicators can bring an employee a profit of UAH 20,000;
  • « BestBusinessGroup» — the company provides professional services in the cryptocurrency mining segment. The specialist must effectively manage accounts and function on trading platforms. The expert's salary is 27,000 hryvnias;
  • « Euro Trade Consulting» - an organization specializing in the supply of natural gas. Sales activity is regulated by contracts. A professional is obliged to create a client base and form commercial offers. Expert's revenue is from UAH 15,000 + bonuses + possibility of salary increase.

The grain trader who has up-to-date information on prices for oilseeds and grains gets the most.

So, the monthly income of a specialist reaches 51,000 hryvnias / 1820 dollars.


Work for a trader in Belarus is concentrated in large cities. The average income of a specialist is 807 Belarusian rubles (about $412).

The Forex Academy actively conducts training for specialists who wish to work on financial exchanges.

A trader-analyst in this organization earns from 1500 b. rubles + bonus payments.

Thus, a professional has an income of 1988 b. rubles (about 1013 $).

A trader-manager who effectively manages assets can count on more earnings.

However, to occupy such a position, you must have a good education, rich work experience.


In Kazakhstan average salary expert is at the level 140 thousand tenge / 438 dollars .

The most experienced trader earns 477 thousand tenge / 1492 bucks.

For clarity, let's study the employee's revenue for some companies:

  • Agrosyndicate Kazakhstan» is engaged in the purchase of agricultural products. The branch is recruiting an experienced trader who is familiar with the pricing of this segment of production. The employee's salary is 150 thousand tenge / 470 USD.;
  • Freedom Freelance organization. The specialist is obliged to conclude transactions on international markets and KASE platforms. For management, a detailed monitoring of the market situation is carried out. Expert salary begins from 100 thousand tenge / 312 USD;
  • company Alem Sauda ltd. The organization specializes in trading cryptocurrencies and needs a professional trader-analyst with a salary of 180 thousand tenge.

Profit of experts in the USA

The trading profession is young.

The involvement of exchange markets is largely associated with the development of computer technology.

Let's figure out how much a professional performer in the USA earns?

Which markets for stocks, bonds, currencies and commodities are the most profitable:

  • stock. The average level of earnings in the country in this segment is $79,281 per year. The total income range is $47,721 -246,273. At the same time, the personal bonus of a specialist can reach 97.3 thousand dollars. The indicator of profit and client commission remains important;
  • fixed income instrument. The average profit level of an Expert Advisor is 76,895 USD. Under the most concomitant conditions, an employee can receive 193 thousand USD;
  • derivatives.The new segment of expert employment is based on the use of complex formulas. A professional earns an average of $85,000. Bonuses here are several times lower than when trading stocks;
  • commodity markets. Working in this segment, a trader can count on an income of 72.2 thousand dollars. At the same time, the amount of bonuses can be 2.4 -51.7 thousand USD;
  • currency markets. The annual income of such a specialist reaches 80,040 dollars. At the same time, the size of the expert's personal bonuses is 1.1 - 99.1 thousand dollars;
  • quantitative analyst. Such an expert does not directly participate in transactions, but only analyzes them. The average profit of the performer is 83 249 USD;
  • HFT-trader. This is the profession of the future, which is only now emerging. Related areas of this format are the work of programmers in "C ++" or "Java". Experts are expected to receive up to 4500 bucks per month.

It is no secret that a huge number of traders have made millions of dollars on the New York Stock Exchanges.

It is believed that trading is a highly profitable activity. Is it true? Let's check this judgment on the example of my trade.

To do this is quite simple.

First, I trade one instrument - futures on the RTS index (RI). This simplifies the task, because no need to make calculations for individual instruments.

Secondly, I work within the day. In other words, almost all trades I make are closed within one trading day. There are no transitions to another day, week or month. Therefore, there is no need for additional recalculation of profitability depending on the position holding time.

Thirdly, I use short stops. As a rule, this is 200 points. In rare cases, the stop can be up to 400 points, but no more. This automatically limits the risk per trade. Therefore, a loss can only be generated by a series of unsuccessful trades, which are counted through the maximum account drawdown indicator.

But the most important thing is transparency. All transactions are posted in the site chat in real time upon their completion. I don't know how the deal will end. But if I don't announce it right away, it can't be read. Thus, I do not have the ability to highlight good trades and hide unprofitable ones. I can't edit results retroactively. Everything here is verifiable and reliable. In the evening of each day, trading results are summed up, and at the end of the week and month, summary results for the corresponding period are given.

I began posting deals on a regular basis on the site starting from October last year. Thus, as of the date of writing this article (03/19/17), we have open data for 169 calendar days. During this time, the following income was received in points:

October 16 +7 350

Nov 16 +13 930

December 16 +13 690

January 17 +4 690

February 17 +6 310

March (18 days) 17 +7 000

Total: +52 970

In rubles, based on one RI contract, this figure is 61,371 rubles at the dollar rate as of March 19, 2017 (57.93). (52970 * 57.93 * 0.02). On average, this is 363 rubles. per day or 10,894 rubles. per month.

The next step is sizing Money required to generate this income.

In order to be able to trade one RI contract, we must pay the broker a guarantee in the amount of 14,342.11 rubles. (as of 03/19/17). In this case, it is necessary to reserve a certain amount of money on the deposit to cover possible losses. To calculate potential losses, I take the maximum drawdown on the account for the last three months and double it. Thus, the maximum drawdown was on February 7, 2017 and amounted to 1,440 points or 1,691 rubles. Therefore, I must reserve 3,382 rubles. Thus, to trade one RI contract, I need to have an amount of 17,724 rubles.

Now we consider profitability. To make a profit on one RI contract of 10,894 rubles. per month we need to invest 17,724 rubles. This corresponds to 61 percent per month or 738 percent per annum. In other words, having invested 17,724 rubles today, in a year you can make a profit of 130,728 rubles. What if you trade 5, 10 or more contracts? I think you can calculate the income yourself.

But most importantly, it should be understood that the profitability derived by us can be increased many times by optimizing the investment component and using money management systems. But that's another topic for discussion.

The Village continues to find out how much people of different professions earn and spend. In the new issue, a stock trader spoke about his income and expenses. On the market valuable papers there are different participants: stock exchanges, trading systems, banks, brokerage and dealer companies, analytical agencies, as well as private traders. The profession of the latter is surrounded by romantic myths: they are supported by advertising services for working with securities and training courses, promising huge profits with minimal effort. We asked a private trader from Moscow whether it is really so easy to make money in this area, why he does not consider the word “speculator” offensive, and what he spends his income on.


Private trader


500 000 rubles


100 000 rubles


100 000 rubles


50 000 rubles


100 000 rubles


25 000 rubles


5 000 rubles


30 000 rubles


20 000 rubles


15 000 rubles


How to become a trader

I am 38 years old, my education is in the humanities, but in my student years I helped to write diplomas in economic specialties for money, it was interesting. In the late 90s, people had a huge amount of securities in their hands, with which they did not know what to do. The enterprise could issue shares instead of a salary, but people needed money, and they sold it. Even on the poles one could see announcements “I will buy Gazprom shares”. My friends and I bought these shares from the population and then sold them to customers - investors who formed large packages for dividend earnings. Now, of course, technologies have changed, everything has gone electronic, but the very principles of securities trading have remained the same.

Now there is a lot of advertising in which they offer to learn how to work with securities and get rich very quickly. Here is some young man who dreams of easy money, he comes across such an advertisement, he goes to stock market and loses everything very quickly. The fact is that financial sphere- these are significant expenses for the maintenance of the exchange, brokers, analytical companies, this is a whole industry that feeds on the money of traders, most of whom are newcomers. Novice traders are called “young money”.

I believe that advertising should be regulated in some way so that there are no such commercials where a plumber has invested a thousand dollars, and a month later he is already driving a Mercedes. Of course, this seems very attractive, but no one will tell in advertising that, according to official exchange statistics, within nine months, half of the newcomers leave the market, having lost their funds. No one will explain that earning more than 10-20% per year is a huge success, even large Western companies, having received 30%, consider this a very good indicator.

And it's one thing when a corporation operates on the market, and another thing is a person who has nothing but the last few thousand dollars and a desire to make quick money. No one says that risk is always proportional to profit. Those who plan to earn 100% in a year must be prepared to lose everything. If people used this information, they would better prepare, and not come to the stock market after watching a couple of YouTube videos. But then there would be few beginners, and they would act very carefully.

All this information is in the public domain, but it's very boring, and people want to make a lot of money and have fun, like in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. Only everyone forgets that they actually show illegal schemes for earning money. Of course, there are successful traders, but here - as in the Olympic Games. We see only an athlete standing on a podium, he has a medal, he entered his name in history, he received a car as a gift, but we do not know anything about hundreds and thousands of athletes who did not achieve anything or were seriously injured. Probably 90% of financial market participants are people who lose their money within three to five years, and ten years later there are less than 1% of the most cunning and possessing the necessary levers. This is a kind of social Darwinism.

Features of work

They call me a private trader, but this is not entirely correct, I prefer to talk about myself as an investor. An investment is the receipt of income from the activity of an asset. An asset can be both a share and a plant - any thing that brings money, its value does not change, but it makes it possible to earn. I call myself a speculator. This word does not seem offensive to me at all. It had a negative connotation during the Soviet era, but in fact, speculation is making money on the price difference of assets. That is, the security itself may not be profitable, but I buy it at the same price, and sell it at a higher price.

I work from home, so I don’t need to rush anywhere, I usually get up around nine in the morning. The trading day on the stock exchange starts at ten, already at half past nine I try to be at the computer to watch all the news. You need to find out how the trading in the US closed, as the US market affects everything else. By this time, trading is already in full swing on the Asian stock exchange, it is necessary to study the situation there.

In the morning, you need to think over all the ideas that visited you the night before. Sometimes they seem insane at first glance, but when viewed from a different angle, they can be worthwhile. Trading takes place five days a week and closes at 19:00, but you don’t need to sit at the computer all this time and follow everything that happens on the market, it’s boring and simply dangerous - the brain is very overloaded, a person begins to act inappropriately. In the more advanced US market, there is a great practice: a busy two hours from the open, then a big lunch, two hours before the close again active trading, and the rest of the time there are very few transactions. I work in approximately the same way, I monitor the market for an hour and a half in the morning, then I take a break and in the evening I also do business for about an hour. If some situations occur during the day that need to be addressed immediately, there is a laptop and a phone at hand. Again, newbies don't understand this. They often think that the longer you sit at the computer, the more you earn.

Successes and failures

Now all trading takes place on an electronic platform, you do not need to have any physical shares on hand. The exchange has a special system where data on all assets are stored in depositories, in the same place in in electronic format we receive dividends. It costs some pennies - 170 rubles a month. Investors carry out all operations on the securities market through brokers, they are with banks or are united in independent financial institutions, for example, the same Finam. The broker is the tax agent of the investor, so all deductions are made automatically, this is not even stipulated. Brokers themselves deduct 13% and report on profits, if necessary.

Of course, I remember how I made my first million, but it was not the most memorable event. Much more important when I understand how it works financial market. Whether you succeed or not depends on many factors. Someone relies on luck, but she loves prepared people. Like in that joke about Izya, who had to at least buy a lottery ticket in order to win. It is much more important to have information, especially insiders. For example, Company A is sued by Company B, and Company A's stock price drops sharply. This is force majeure, but there are those who could foresee it.

There were no situations where I could lose everything, because the amount that I bring to the stock market always diversifies. As you know, only those beginners keep all the eggs in one basket. Yes, and there are no such situations that once - and everything is lost. A series of events leads to monetary losses.

Recently, a retailer that I had stock released a report saying they were losing money, shutting down. outlets. I understand how all retail chains work: they open a bunch of stores, increase their turnover, then close their unprofitable outlets and open new ones. It's just that this retailer accumulated a lot of negativity in one period, and investors reacted to it. I understood that the shares are drained by those who think that the company is about to close. They acted inadequately, but there were a lot of them, and thus they greatly brought down the price. I misbehaved, and this mistake cost me 6% of the capital, which is about two months of free work.


Profit depends on how much investment you have in management. It doesn't even have to be your own funds, they can be borrowed or provided. For example, many investors who have money do not want to bother, find a manager for themselves and do not even give away funds, but simply listen to recommendations. If a positive result is achieved, part of the earnings as a fee goes to the one who gives recommendations. Sometimes funds are transferred not even on a contractual basis, but on a friendly basis. It is even easier to work with other people's assets, because in this way you do not risk anything of your own, and the lower the risk, the less worries and worries and a colder head.

I don't make a profit every month. When I need money, I just decide that I need to withdraw part of the funds. Sometimes this is inconvenient, and my wife and I use overdraft cards. Since we have large turnovers, we can use money without interest for up to three months. And if you take an average, then I get about 500 thousand rubles a month.


In our family, my wife does housekeeping. There is a card that we both use, and it keeps track of how much and what we spend. To be honest, I'm reluctant to do this. The wife manages the business, she has her own income. We have an equal relationship, but we decided that the big expenses are still my responsibility.

The most expensive is travel, about 100 thousand rubles are spent on them. The climate in Moscow is terrible, so I try to go somewhere every two months. At one time there was money, but there was not enough time for anything, but now there is an opportunity to travel, so at least four times a year we have a rest. We try to get closer to the sea - to Asia or to the south of Europe. Now my wife has gone to Thailand, and I'm going to Indonesia in a couple of months, I want to go windsurfing. In addition to abroad, there are also trips around Russia for the weekend - St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Kostroma.

We are planning to buy land plot and build a house, we also set aside about 100 thousand rubles a month for this. Again, due to the climate, the Moscow region does not suit us. We considered Spain or Italy, but it has been restless there lately and many of our acquaintances from there, on the contrary, are leaving. We definitely do not want to buy property in Asia. There, for the locals, we will always be strangers, and they will consider us as an object to which something can be sold. The same with the Arab countries. We are looking for something closer to the sea and not very far, so that two or three hours - and at home. Therefore, for the time being, we have stopped on the Black Sea coast, and we plan to start buying and furnishing a house next year.

We spend quite a lot on leisure - restaurants, bars, exhibitions, films, cafes. Only about 50 thousand rubles. Buying groceries home also lies with the wife, I think it costs 40 thousand rubles. There are also expenses for alcohol - 15 thousand. We buy a lot of good drinks home, give them away, go to taste different types of whiskey. We have not yet become serious connoisseurs, but on the way to this. Another 20 thousand rubles I spend on health - fitness, swimming pool, massage. My wife still goes to the beautician, so her expenses here are much higher.

Part of the money goes to invest in real sector, because earnings in the securities market are unstable and there is always a risk of losing. You need to have a different income from investing other assets, like a safety cushion. I invest in construction and a beauty salon. It takes about 100 thousand rubles. I'd still waste it on a bunch of crap, so better let it work.

On average, about 30 thousand rubles are spent on cars per month, this is gasoline and maintenance. We have two cars, but I can take the subway or taxi, although very rarely. When you get used to the car, you understand that it is better to stand in a traffic jam, but with comfort. I don't spend much on clothes, I don't buy all those suits and ties, I wear casual stuff. As I walked all my life in sneakers, I walk. I don’t have to prove my worth to anyone, go to the office and make an impression there, especially now everyone knows that real businessmen can wear T-shirts and shorts.

My wife and I do charity work, we try to send 25 thousand rubles every month. Initially, it was her idea, but then I also got involved. I have little idea what exactly happens with the money that we transfer, but I know for sure that they go to care for the animals that are kept in shelters. We ourselves have two cats, ordinary yard cats. On average, we spend 5,000 rubles a month on their food, tray filler, trips to the veterinarian. One has been living for a long time, and the other we recently picked up in the Krasnodar Territory. She fell into the sewer, and we went out and after that did not give it to someone.

How much do traders earn in the foreign exchange market? Such a question can be heard from almost everyone who is just starting to trade in Forex.

The real income of a trader is discussed in many forums and on websites belonging to other resources of the relevant subject. But, unfortunately, there is not so much accurate and reliable information on this issue. And there is nothing to be surprised here, because not every trader will spread his secrets, and besides, disclose the size of his profits.

We invite you to consecrate this issue together and still find out how much do forex traders earn?

How Much Do Successful Forex Traders Earn? Examples of Real Income

Absolutely anyone, regardless of age and education, can earn on the exchange rate difference, and on a daily basis. After all, Forex provides everyone with the freedom to make decisions and determine the work schedule, as well as the opportunity to receive profit in proportion to the time and effort spent. Beyond that, Forex is independence. Already, millions of traders have chosen the foreign exchange market as their main source of income and earn with their mind.

Let's take a simple example. Richard Dennis, a regular messenger who worked in Chicago on the currency exchange, was able to make a fortune, despite having initially invested in trading, borrowed $ 1,600.

We note right away that for $ 1,200 he bought himself a place on the exchange, and invested the remaining $ 400 as an initial deposit. The young American turned these $400 into $200 million, and making transactions with an average yield of approximately 5%. Richard considers himself very lucky that he started his trader's journey with a small deposit. So he, making mistakes quite a lot of times, gained invaluable experience in trading, but at the same time he gave relatively little for such “training”.

The next example of successful trading. According to the rating published in the Trader Monthly magazine, the most successful trader in the world is John Arnold, a 33-year-old American who in one year was able to earn almost 2 billion dollars in the Forex market.

Among our compatriots, there are also successful traders, for example, Vladimir Kholodetsky, but he holds the position of a manager investment company, and as you understand, has been observing and for quite a long time. With all this, according to Vladimir, it took him almost six months to study and understand those.

And there are many such examples, so as you can see, the real income of traders can be millions and billions. But not all traders become millionaires. What is the reality?

Reviews of ratings. How much can a trader earn on average according to statistics?

When wondering how much traders earn in the foreign exchange market, you can find a lot of conflicting information. For example, in the early 2000s, when the foreign exchange market was just developing in Russia, one could talk about incomes of at least 1000% per annum. Today, we are increasingly seeing information that talks about 30-90% profit.

Why such a difference and how much can you actually earn by trading?

The average income of a trader per month, if you trade correctly and follow all the rules of money management, depending on, as well as the prevailing market conditions, can range from 5% to 100% or more.

If we consider the percentage of profit in money, then we can see that from $100, 20% of the profit will be $20, and from $500,000 - $100,000. As you can see, the difference is very significant. Therefore, the real income per month, with the same percentage of profit, is very different for different traders.

How much profit can you get on the Forex market?

Theoretically, this value can be unlimited. In other words, a trader can receive hundreds and thousands of percent of profit per month. But in order not to guess how and what, let's look at the professionals, how much they receive in this area of ​​profitable interest.

The best of them can have a net profit of about 40%, after paying taxes and all sorts of commissions. These figures are real for those who manage large capitals and prove their professionalism for decades.

As for private traders, their capital is much smaller. But at the same time, they have the opportunity to use, which, in principle, does not radically change the situation (regarding the amount of capital) and the real income of an experienced trader, if his risk is reasonable, will also be 20% or more.

We answer the questions: Is it so difficult for beginners to make money?

Russian traders. How much do they earn?

Today, the question of the earnings of a Russian trader in the Forex market is no longer as rhetorical as it used to be. On the official web resources of brokers, you can study the statistics of traders' earnings. But, as a rule, very impressive indicators are posted here - from 200% and more.

We will not argue, luck in trading is an important factor, but we are interested in statistics for a longer time period. And having studied its data, we see that the average profitability of experienced and successful traders varies all within the same limits - from 20 to 90%. It must be taken into account that you can get 300% profit per month, or 5%, i.e. it doesn’t happen once at a time, so it’s better to focus on averages.

What to do to make money on Forex stable?

The basis of a stable income is competent. By applying high-risk strategies and methods in trading, of course, you can get high interest profits, but at the same time the probability of losses increases significantly. If, on the contrary, you are too careful, then you can not earn anything at all and stay with zero percent arrived.

Therefore, it is necessary to determine for yourself the maximum permissible degree of risk and follow, which will make it possible, without risking funds in vain, to receive stable incomes in the amount of 20 to 90 percent per annum.

By the way, it should be noted that these are the percentages of return that are shown by the most famous leading funds, in which the best specialists in the world of finance work.

Factors affecting the real earnings of traders

The real income of a trader is influenced by many factors, the main of which are:

market situation. Well-predictable and strong price movements in the market occur with varying regularity, which affects the intensity of profitable situations.

Sometimes profitable situations in which you can make a profitable transaction occur several times during the trading day. And sometimes they can wait weeks;

volume and rate of increase or decrease in prices. For example, transactions concluded at the most advantageous moment and at the best rates, subject to all the rules of correct trading, can bring a profit of several thousand dollars one day, and only a few tens the next; deposit amount. The real income of a trader is directly related to the size of his deposit. With a small account, careful trading methods must be applied, which results in missing out on many potentially profitable trades.

Larger accounts make it possible to carry out the most reliable transactions with a good volume. At the same time, transactions with an average reliability can be carried out using the minimum amount of currency. This approach makes it possible to significantly increase the percentage of profit;

the degree of riskiness of the chosen strategy. The real income of traders largely depends on the limits on the amount of acceptable risk. The trader sets these restrictions for himself, depending on his personal financial capabilities and size. ability to predict. Competent traders always use an integrated approach when concluding transactions.

In other words, they try to predict as accurately as possible how the main trend will behave, objectively assess the current market situation, etc.

How to steadily start earning in Forex trading?

In order for real income to steadily increase, it is necessary to make as few mistakes as possible. And for this you should follow these simple principles:

- . Without knowing the basics of how the foreign exchange market works, you will not be able to analyze it and make any independent decision;

reinforce the acquired knowledge, trading on . You are at great risk if you miss this moment. Without the experience of such trading, you will not be able to soberly assess the market situations that will develop in Forex;

take a holistic approach to trading. When trading, use multiple types of analysis and don't forget to listen to what the top analysts have to say. This is the only way to correctly predict the direction of the trend and make a minimum of errors;

stick to risk management rules;

observe the operating mode. Many, chasing profits, lose their appetite and lose sleep, and this only increases their chances of making blunders. Remember - successful traders categorically do not recommend sitting at the monitor all day long.

If you don't want to, do the bidding yourself and you are more interested trust management, then in order for real incomes to be stable, when choosing a manager, one should focus directly on his average profitability, taken over a long time period. Pay special attention to the so-called excess profits and drawdowns. The former speak of excessive risk, while the latter speak of a lack of capital management skills.

Perfect option- a rising smoothly income curve observed over a long period. You can safely trust your capital to such a specialist.