Rsa wrong cbm. Service for the restoration of cbm. Where to start the restoration of the coefficient


Several coefficients are used, one of which is KMB. Its size depends on the number of years accident-free driving the insured and determines the accuracy of the driver on the road.

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But often the KMB is calculated incorrectly, which leads not only to the absence of a discount, but to a significant increase in the cost of insurance.

About coefficient

KMB is special coefficient used to determine the cost of an OSAGO policy. Its value depends on the number of accidents that have occurred with the driver during the past insurance period.

The more accidents happened due to the fault of the insured, the higher the coefficient and more expensive insurance. So, in the absence of accidents, the cost of the policy is reduced by 5% annually. The maximum discount is 50%.

If the driver regularly becomes a participant in an accident through his own fault, then he reaches the maximum KMB equal to 2.45, which increases the cost of insurance by almost 3 times.

Information about policyholders is entered by insurance companies into a single database of the PCA. This allows insurers to use driver information even when changing companies.

Previously, this possibility was absent, and in order to receive a discount, you had to take a certificate from the previous insurer.

KMB is calculated according to the table or through the PCA database. In the first case, for the calculation you will need to familiarize yourself with the calculation system:

  • each driver who has issued an OSAGO policy for the first time is assigned class 3, in which the KMB is equal to 1;
  • if in the first year of using the insurance the driver does not get into an accident, he is awarded class 4, and the KMB is reduced to 0.95. This means that when the policy is issued, it will be given a discount of 5%;
  • if there was one accident during the insurance period, then the class is reduced to 2, and the KMB grows to 1.4; when 2 accidents occur, the coefficient rises to 1.55;
  • the driving class increases slowly, it is possible to achieve the maximum value only in 10 years of accident-free driving, but it decreases rapidly - by several points at once.

It should be noted that the PCA database was created only in 2013. Information about policyholders before this period may be lost, so you can find out the exact KMB only on the official website of the union.

To do this, you will need to enter the driver's license number, the driver's full name and his date of birth.

Possible reasons for a return

The most common reason for a reduction in driving class and an increase in KMB is an accident. This happens on the condition that the accident occurred through the fault of the insured, which is proved by documents from law enforcement agencies.

The driver has time to appeal the decision in court, for which it will be necessary to collect evidence of his innocence.

If there is no guilty party in the accident, no payments are made, and the driver's class does not change. The increase in KMB occurs after the payment insurance compensation affected persons.

Other reasons are possible:

  1. Wrong calculation of KMB. If the policyholder decides to independently calculate the coefficient using the table, then the above rules must be followed. It should be borne in mind that the driver's class increases once a year, that is, the driver must use insurance for 12 months.

    The change in indicators occurs after the expiration of the policy. And if the insurance is valid for a few more days, then when checking through the PCA database, you should indicate the date that follows the expiration date of the policy.

  2. Database error. The data collection system was established in 2013, but is still not perfect. Failures often occur, as a result of which information about drivers does not change at the end of the insurance period or changes not in favor of the insured.
  3. The data was not transferred to RSA. This rarely happens, but it is still possible.
  4. Was bought . Accordingly, the information is not entered into the database.
  5. The insured is included in several policies. In this case, the insurance agent may be too lazy to put down the KMB for everyone, indicating 1 for all drivers. This is a gross mistake, for which punishment is provided at the legislative level.
  6. Changing the driver's license leads to the fact that the insured is assigned the 3rd driving class as a "novice". To exclude the zeroing of the KMB, it is necessary to provide information to the insurance company when changing the document.
  7. Change of data (for example, surnames). The situation is similar to the previous one.
  8. The insurance company was liquidated. This leads to the fact that the insurer does not perform the necessary actions to enter information into the database.

Required package of documents

When buying OSAGO, how to restore KMB for past years is to prepare a package of required documents.

The insured will need:

  • passport and driver's license in the original, and their copies;
  • free form application;
  • if possible - all previously received OSAGO policies.

If the documents are not preserved, you can order copies of previously concluded contracts through insurers. To do this, the insured needs to contact the insurance company directly or make a request through the feedback form on the organization's website.

It takes about 5 days to process the document. The service is free and the company has no right to refuse the insured.

It should only be borne in mind that you will have to apply to several organizations if the purchase of OSAGO was carried out from different insurers.

Where to go

You can restore the coefficient in several ways:

  • through an insurance company that made a mistake;
  • through PCA by sending a corresponding request;
  • through the Central Bank by sending a complaint in writing.

To increase the chances of a quick positive resolution of the situation, all three of the above methods should be applied.

When sending a request for the restoration of the KMB, it is necessary to create a copy of the application, on which a note of delivery will be placed when transferring the documents personally to the insurer.

On the second copy of the application, the date of acceptance is indicated and the signature of the company employee is affixed.

If the request is sent to higher authorities, then it is better to send the application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

This will make sure that the documents have reached the addressee and the issue will be resolved in the near future. You can also send information by e-mail or through feedback.

A period of 30 days is allotted for consideration of documents. During this period, the recipient of the complaint must provide the complainant with a detailed response in writing about the decision taken.

If the decision is positive, within 15 days the KMB is restored to its actual value.

In the absence of an answer or a negative decision (with which the policyholder does not agree), the case is transferred to the court or the prosecutor's office.


There are some nuances in how to restore the KMB under OSAGO in the PCA online or by personal contact with the insurance company.

  1. In a written statement, the claim is substantiated, if possible, evidence is provided. Be sure to indicate the actual KMB obtained after independent calculations.
  2. KMB should be engaged in the restoration Insurance Company. Only she has the right to make adjustments to the RSA database. Higher authorities can only send a notification to the insurer about the need to restore the coefficient.
  3. After the restoration of the KMB, the insured will need to write another application for recalculation in order to receive the overpaid insurance premium.

First of all, the policyholder needs to contact the insurance company where an error was made in the generated data. It is advisable to apply in person, this speeds up the process of considering the application.

The statement states:

  • number of the insurance policy, the cost of which was calculated with an error;
  • information of the insured;
  • vehicle data.

In free form, it is indicated that it was produced incorrectly, has a different meaning. The actual KMB is indicated and the calculation made is justified.

If the insurance company is closed

If the insurance company, which made mistakes when generating the driver's data, closed or was liquidated, you can restore the KMB through the PCA.

The Association of Motor Insurers has all the necessary information about the insured, so it can make the appropriate inquiries and determine the actual class of the driver.

To restore the KMB, you will need to write an application indicating the requirements. Let's look at an example:

Do not assume that the complaint will be dealt with quickly. The PCA checks the driver's statistics for the past years, the study of concluded contracts.

If, based on the results of consideration of the application, a positive decision is made, the CMB is adjusted. At the next purchase of an OSAGO policy, the insurer will take into account the already changed coefficient.

Restoration of KBM under OSAGO after replacement of rights

When , an employee of the insurance company must focus the attention of the insured on one of the points of the insurance conditions.

It states that when changing personal data (for example, last name), as well as replacing identity documents, it is necessary to notify the insurance company.

This avoids a number of difficulties:

  • problems with obtaining insurance payment related to incorrect data of the insured;
  • problems with traffic police officers who are faced with inconsistencies in the data in the documents and the insurance policy;
  • problems with the verification and accrual of KMB, since the driver is identified by the number of the driver's license;
  • impossibility of purchase electronic policy OSAGO.

It often happens that after changing a driver's license, when you next buy an OSAGO policy, the KMB is equal to 1. This means that the document did not pass the check in the PCA, and this driver is not listed in the database.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary immediately, when changing documents, to provide new information to the insurance company.

If the moment is missed, and the insurance is bought with an increased KMB, then it remains to apply to the insurance company for the restoration of the coefficient, attaching new documents.

After the accident

Having figured out how to restore KMB if there are no old policies, if there is an error in entering data or changing documents, it is worth considering another reason for the loss of the coefficient.

This is participation in an accident through one's own fault, in case of non-compliance with traffic rules, inattention or in a state of alcoholic (drug) intoxication.

In this case, not only will you have to restore your personal car at your own expense, but also subsequently overpay for insurance. Restoration of the KMB is subject only to the usual way - a long accident-free ride.

How to return the overpayment

CBM directly affects the cost of the OSAGO policy, however, very often due to errors in the PCA or agents who draw up the CBM policy, the CBM is "lost" and the discount disappears because of this. Also, the discount disappears in those moments when drivers get new rights, in this case, you need to upgrade the old rights to the new ones. You can restore a discount or tighten your rights and get your well-deserved KBM using the OSAGO-TO platform. Next, I will give step-by-step instructions on how to lower the KBM, but first we will clarify in what situations does the restoration of KBM help:

  • Insured every year, and the discount does not correspond to the length of insurance
  • Got new rights, the discount is gone
  • I changed my name and the discount disappeared

Lowering the BMR will not help in the following situations:

  • There were more than 2 accidents a year and KBM took off
  • Not insured for more than 2 years
  • Small experience (up to 2 years)

Step 1

The first thing to do is go to the start page of the platform and log in or register if you don't have an account yet (by clicking the register button). I will give instructions for a new user. So, go to the registration tab, as in the screenshot below. We fill in the required data and confirm that we are not a robot.


Step 2

After confirmation, we pass authorization. In the left menu, click on the KBM, and then the application for lowering the KBM. Here we get a message about the lack of funds in the account. Follow the link and replenish the balance. I will note that if the CBM does not decrease, then the funds will be returned to your account, then you can withdraw funds from the account, you don’t have to worry about this.

Step 3

After the account is replenished, go to the left menu on KBM-> Application for a reduction in KBM. We fill in the full name and data on the driver's license, as in the screenshots below, and click send the application.

We also enter additional data on the VU, as well as on the full name, if you changed it.

After that, the application will appear in my applications. The decrease in CBM will occur within 1-3 days. You can click update ticket status. My cost of lowering came out 300 rubles, while the cost of insurance decreased by 2500 rubles.

Restoration of KBM takes from 1 to 3 days, after the creation of the application we wait.

1. Causes of high BMR

Any novice driver after obtaining a driver's license is considered a potentially dangerous driver, as he does not have a driving experience, and if his age is below 23 years, then doubly so. Therefore, when calculating the cost of an OSAGO policy with such a driver, it will be approximately 2 times more expensive than with a driver whose experience is more than 3 years and is over 23 years old. Let's figure out what is KBM after all? CBM - bonus-malus coefficient - a coefficient that increases or decreases the cost of an OSAGO policy, that is, it determines a discount. Many drivers do not even know that they are destined for a discount for accident-free driving and driving experience. Standard KBM 1 - many agents and insurance companies calculate based on this coefficient. According to the law, if a driver has left for a year without an accident, then the insurance company where this person was insured must submit data about him to the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RSA), and when concluding the next OSAGO policy, his KBM should be lower by 5% of the cost. And so every year. The maximum discount is 50%. That is, it is necessary to leave for 10 years without accidents. And most importantly, make sure that the insurance company submits data to the PCA about your accident-free record. The main reasons why KBM is not charged:

The first reason is a driver's license change. It should be understood that the insurance company transfers data on all drivers and insurers to the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA). And if, for example, there was a change of rights due to a change of surname for girls, loss, expiration, then the data from the PCA for one reason or another may not be loaded, so you can honestly leave for 10 years without accidents and after that change rights, and find out that after replacing the rights you lost a 50% discount and your CBM became equal to 1.

The second reason may be errors that insurance companies can make when applying for a policy, then it will turn out that you lose the insurance year, so all your discounts are destroyed, since one of the conditions for providing a discount is continuous insurance, and now you have lost the discount again.

The third reason, and this is the main reason for high KBM, is accidents. If you get into an accident, then the KBM increases, it’s like the sanctions that insurance companies apply for accidents that occurred through your fault. It is worth noting here that accidents in which you are not the culprit do not affect your MSC in any way, and at the end of the insurance period you will receive a discount, as if there was no accident.

It is worth noting that, depending on the value of the KBM, the driver is assigned a certain class. That is, if you are insured for the first year, then your class is 3, and then, depending on whether you have an accident or not, your class increases or decreases accordingly.

2. How to lower your BMR

Application for a reduction in KBM

Before submitting, please check that your contact details are correct.

Is it profitable to lower the CBM

To evaluate how profitable it is to lower the BMR, let's look at an example. Let's say you have the 2nd class of KBM, that is, the coefficient itself is 1.4 (for example, you had an accident and your coefficient was increased) and your OSAGO insurance cost was 15,000 rubles. Then you contacted our company, and our employees lowered your KBM by only 1 class and now the coefficient value is 1, then the new cost of insurance will be 10,715 rubles! That is, you saved 4285 rubles, you will agree that the money is not small. Moreover, this value of KBM is retained by you, that is, next year the cost of insurance, subject to accident-free driving, will be the same or less!

I think you are convinced that it is profitable to lower the KBM.

Result Guaranteed

How to check our work? - very simply, there are a lot of services for checking the KBM in the PCA database. After completing the BMR downgrade procedure, which takes from 1 to 3 business days, you will check your BMR in the database and see that it has really gone down! We are always for the client and value our reputation!

3. What does low CBM do?

Low CBM gives a discount on the cost of OSAGO in any region of Russia and any insurance company. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that insurers always take into account your CBM and your discount. You can see the values ​​​​of KBM and classes corresponding to them in the table below. And also according to the table you can calculate the number of years that you need to get this or that discount. But why wait? When can I lower the KBM in our company.

Start class annual term insuranceCoefficientClass at the end of the annual insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events that occurred during the period of validity of the previous OSAGO agreement.
Insurance payments
Insurance payment
Insurance payments
Insurance payments
4 or more
Insurance payments
M 2.45 0 M M M M
0 2.3 1 M M M M
1 1.55 2 M M M M
2 1.4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0.95 5 2 1 M M
5 0.9 6 3 1 M M
6 0.85 7 4 2 M M
7 0.8 8 4 2 M M
8 0.75 9 5 2 M M
9 0.7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0.65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0.6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0.55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0.5 13 7 3 1 M

4. Decrease in CBM after an accident

It is highly likely that while driving, you will sooner or later get into an accident in which you will be the culprit. It's quite normal and I think a lot of us have been through it. If you have already experienced this unpleasant moment, then you know that insurance companies impose sanctions after an accident and the cost of insurance increases in the next insurance period. This is due to the increase in CBM. However, few people know that the cost of insurance can be reduced even in this case. We lower the CBM even after an accident. You can check it out by filling out the application above.

5. Prices for the reduction of CBM

The cost of lowering the KBM in our company depends on how many classes you need to lower the KBM. Below is a table that will help you estimate the approximate cost of the service. In cases where the CBM needs to be reduced after an accident, the calculation is performed individually.

I want to note right away that the possibility of recovery directly depends on the grounds that led to the zeroing of the malus bonus. In the article I will describe the cause of the failure, describe the restoration of the indicator in the form of an understandable step by step instructions.

To identify the zeroing of the coefficient, you need to know how to correctly check this indicator. Currently, a large number of special services are provided for this purpose. However, not all of them are convenient and comfortable to use.

I recommend using a special PCA database for verification. Only this option gives accurate results on the size of the coefficient.

Step-by-step instructions for checking KBM

To check the bonus-malus parameter, you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  1. The transition to the official page of the RSA. Attention will be presented to the verification form, where you need to enter the requested information.
  2. If the check is carried out according to the information about the driver, you will need to select strictly appropriate fields. The data of the car owner are registered if there is a limited policy on hand. Information about drivers is entered at the executed unlimited contract.
  3. Name, date of birth and passport details are entered.
  4. If at first the option of the owner of the car was issued and accordingly selected, you will need to enter a special VIN code for the car and its state number in the form X000XX000.
  5. You must fill in the lines with the effective date of the insurance. Without filling in this column, the system will issue a zero discount of the malus bonus.
  6. If the section for drivers was activated first, you just need to enter 4 digits of the driver's license series and 6 digits of its number. The date of opening of the OSAGO insurance agreement is also entered.
  7. The security code is confirmed.
  8. Search is pressed.

Upon completion of these actions, the system will give the user all the information on the current bonus and information about the previously issued insurance. This is important information, since it is from the previous insurance contract that the information required to calculate the current KBM is obtained.

It is known that the bonus malus is one of the important elements that is taken into account in the calculation of the cost of an insurance contract. He is able to raise and lower the price of the policy. The coefficient is built quite simply. The longer the person was not recorded as the culprit of the accident, the lower the cost of the document.

The price of the insurance contract will decrease with every year of flawless driving. The reduction will average 5%. The maximum discount level is currently 50%.

An important requirement for the growth of the coefficient is that the driver or the official owner of the car after an accident, where he was injured, must contact the insurer.

According to fixed insured event compensation must be paid. Without fulfilling this condition, you will not have to count on the discount.

When it is impossible to restore KBM?

There are a large number of reasons for canceling a coefficient. All of them are divided into two types - without the possibility of recovery, and those in which the machine can be restored. Naturally, in the first case, it will not be possible to return the previous indicators of KBM. There are several other common situations in which it is not possible to return a coefficient:

  • The driver had an accident, and was found responsible for its formation;
  • The person was entered into the insurance contract for less than a year. If it was paid in the middle of the term of the insurance contract, and then paid in new document the same vehicle. The discount automatically goes down. The reason is that the required probationary year has not passed;
  • If an ordinary driver or car owner has not been insured for a year or more, if he was not included in any insurance document and was not the owner in an insurance agreement of an unlimited category, it will not be possible to restore the discount.

Also, it will not be possible to restore or reduce the set coefficient if the maximum bonus discount has already been reached. As soon as it reaches 50%, which is typical for the 13th grade, the increase in BMF stops.

When is it necessary to restore the KBM?

It is worth exploring several reasons why the fail-safe discount after a failure must be restored without fail. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. An employee of the insurance company, when making the calculation, simply ignored the coefficient due to his own inattention. A similar situation arises in a situation where one person is entered simultaneously in several insurance documents. If this happens, the indicator must be returned.
  2. The driver or owner of the vehicle has been deceived. Often, unscrupulous employees of the insurance company deliberately do not enter the relevant information on the KBM into the insurance. In such a situation, specialists very often introduce a third class instead of a well-deserved bonus, with a zero discount characteristic of it.
  3. The value of the discount in the PCA infobase does not break through, which often happens when errors are made. Most often, errors are found in the personal data of the driver - the number of birth or full name.

All of these circumstances give drivers the full right to restore the coefficient. How to do this will be described below.

The procedure for restoring the KBM is simple. You will need to fill out a special application and send it to several organizations at the same time. These operations are completely free. Despite the fact that there are many paid portals on the network designed to restore the required bonus, you should not use it, spend money. Everything can be done through the insurer, the Central Bank and other organizations for free.

The application is easy to write. It contains many different information, but there are many tips to facilitate this process. It is mandatory to attach previously taken copies of previously issued policies.

In order not to face certain difficulties when restoring KBM, you do not need to get rid of previously issued insurance.

A well-written request must be submitted to several instances at once, but not all such companies are effective enough. Further, a list of organizations will be presented in descending order of the possibility and efficiency of solving the problem.

Insurance company

This is the main instance where you will first need to submit a request for the return of the bonus. You can do this in person or online by downloading the appropriate request form on the company's resource.
The solution of the problem in the organization takes on average from 10 to 30 days. If it turns out that the mistake was made through the fault of the employees of the insurance organization, a positive response will come with confirmation of the restoration of the KBM.

Central Bank

This organization no less promptly considers requests of such a plan. The problem can be solved at about the same time as when contacting the insurance company. If you wish, you can send applications at the same time to this company and in central bank RF.

Turning to the organization of the Central Bank, you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  • The transition to the website of the organization;
  • On the home page you need to go to the item "Incorrect use of the KBM when concluding the contract";
  • In the section that opens after that, you will need to study the message presented to your attention and activate “No, apply”;
  • Then a form will open for submitting a request;
  • In the "text" section, you must copy the text of the completed application, pre-filled in a special form.

After that, it remains just to wait for an answer to the question that has arisen.


This organization, paradoxically, is one of the least efficient and effective in restoring the canceled coefficient. This is the authority that is designed to protect numerous insurers, but at the same time, it does not work very well in the described direction.

In standard cases, a response to a sent application comes in about 30 days. At the same time, the essence of the answer sent is that the necessary information can only be obtained from the selected insurance company and the best option would be to apply there.

If the slow response and blurring of the answer does not bother you, you can act through the PCA. To do this, you will need to draw up an electronic application in which a request is made to restore the coefficient. At the same time, in the header of the request, it is necessary to register "Russian Union of Motor Insurers", and the address: 115093, Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya d. 27 building 3.

After that, the application must be printed, signed and a copy made. The request simultaneously with all scans must be sent to the employees of the organization to the address [email protected] All questions related to the solution of such a problem can always be resolved by calling the number hotline. It is listed on the website in the contact section.

Rospotrebnadzor - sending a complaint

This organization will not help in any way to restore the KBM. The driver or the official owner of the car can apply here only to send a complaint in case of dissatisfaction with the work of the insurance company. To a certain extent, you can get qualified assistance of an additional nature when restoring the bonus for accident-free operation of the car.

To file a complaint, you will need to go to the organization's website, go through authorization using the login data for the State Services. After that, the bulk form of the complaint itself will open to attention. It is required to fill it out following the prompts, and enter the essence of the request in the field with the text of the appeal. An example can be found on the application form.

Is it possible to restore the coefficient through the State Services?

As of 2019, this portal does not provide an opportunity to restore the malus bonus. The reason is that this service is not state level. Even the process of acquiring a policy does not belong to the category of public services. It is controlled exclusively by private insurance firms. It is for this reason that it is impossible to restore the KBM, as well as submit a request for insurance, through the State Services.


There are quite a lot of options and methods for restoring KBM. By acting on each of them, you can restore the canceled coefficient simply and quickly. Difficulties with recovery will arise if the insurer who issued the policy goes bankrupt. This process will be impossible even if the company still continues to pay out under previously committed insurance situations.

In such a case, you need to contact the PCA or the Central Bank, be sure to write in the request that the insurer is officially declared bankrupt. When providing necessary documents and evidence of unlawful cancellation of the discount, the restoration will be carried out without any problems and fairly quickly.

There are such unpleasant situations when, when applying for an OSAGO policy, you understand that it costs much more than it was last year.
Moreover, the situation becomes unpleasant precisely because old insurance comes to an end, and the change is reported upon registration with the insurance company. So you need restore KBM

What to do?

It is necessary to restore your previous level of CBM in order not to overpay for the policy more than necessary.

How to return the previous value of KBM?

There are two ways: fast and long

A quick way to restore KBM

If your insurance ends just a few days ago, then we recommend that you use our KBM recovery service. You only need to pay for the service in the amount of 450 rubles and indicate your data:

  • series and number of the passport
  • phone number
  • Date of Birth
  • series and serial number
  • e-mail

24 hours after the submission of the application, the level of your MSC will be restored to the previous value. And since we work through the PCA database, all changes will be visible when applying for an OSAGO policy the very next day. And this will help you get insurance faster without any hassle.

Long way to restore KBM

It is suitable for those who have time to collect required documents and going to the insurance.

What needs to be done to restore the KBM yourself?

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to determine from what moment, namely from which policy and which company the KBM was reset or changed. To do this, on the page for checking the KBM for several queries, we determine the changes in the KBM by months for several years until we find the desired policy.
  2. We save requests for changes to your KBM for several years in electronic form for subsequent sending a complaint to the insurance company (we determine the dates of the requests and which insurance company changed the discount: this can be seen from the request - let's say you had 06/01/2018 KBM = 0.6, and 06/02/2018 has already become 1.0).
  3. It is desirable to find old insurance policies two or three years ago, you can even those policies where you appear as drivers of other cars: in them you can find in special marks what kind of KBM or class you had. Make copies of everything you find.
  4. Next, you need to send a complaint to the insurance company, the PCA and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. For a complete set, you can also send complaints to the Consumer Protection Society, Rospotrebnadzor, FAS, but this is not necessary. If the insurance company went bankrupt, then only in the PCA and the Central Bank.
  1. Looking forward to your reply within a month. email. If they do not answer, then only the court will continue.
  2. If several policies have already passed in different companies since the KBM was reset, you will have to repeat everything for each subsequent company along the entire chain after correcting the KBM of the previous one.

I restored the KBM. What to do next?

Make changes to the KBM in all current policies. It is important! Even if this does not affect the cost of the OSAGO policy. If this is not done, after the expiration of the policy, your restored KBM will be lost. To do this, contact your insurance company (or several, if you have several policies from different insurance companies) and write "Application for changes to the policy in connection with an incorrectly applied KBM." To be sure, you can print the result of the KBM query in advance

The bonus-malus coefficient (BM) is the only correction factor that allows you to reduce the cost of OSAGO insurance. After concluding an OSAGO car insurance contract for the first time, the driver is assigned class 3 (i.e. KBM equal one). For each year of accident-free driving, its class increases by one point, which provides the driver with a 5% discount on the cost of insurance. The maximum discount can reach 50%, but to receive it, you must not become a participant in an accident for 10 years, for which the injured party received insurance payments.
KBM accounting is maintained by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA). The database is filled with employees of insurance companies who are required to enter information about the driver's policy after the conclusion of the contract. In practice, there are cases of negligent attitude to the maintenance of the database, which manifests itself in the absence of information or its entry with errors. In order not to lose bonuses, the information must be checked at least once a year after the conclusion of the next contract. If errors are found, KBM can be restored free of charge

The CBM will no longer reset when you stop driving, as it was before, the discount will remain unchanged. Now the KBM will be assigned to the driver once a year on April 1 and will not change during the year. If suddenly the car owner on June 1 becomes the culprit of a traffic accident, and on July 1 he wants to buy an OSAGO policy, then the bonus-malus coefficient (MBM) will be set for him as of April 1 and he will remain so for a year, until April 1 next year.

How to return KBM under OSAGO through PCA

You can check which coefficient was applied when concluding an insurance contract on the official website of the PCA. To do this, you need to enter your full name, date of birth and details of the driver's license in the appropriate columns.

When inconsistencies are found, it is necessary to understand the causes of the occurrence. These may include:

  • change of surname or driver's license;
  • the driver was included in the policies with several drivers whose CBM is lower;
  • errors of employees of insurance companies when entering information into the system;
  • liquidation of an insurance company, as a result of which information was not entered into the system.
After finding out the reason, the essence of the appeal will become clear. An application for making changes to the PCA database can be sent directly to the PCA or to the insurance company. The fact is that only the insurance company has the right to enter information into the system. The Union in this case plays the role of an intermediary.
To apply, you can fill out an application on the PCA website, describe the situation and attach documents confirming the identity of the driver and the fact of an error in the system. The application can also be sent by mail. The term for consideration of the appeal is 30 days.

Application for changing the KBM in the PCA database

In order for the consideration of the application to lead to the desired results, and the information about the KBM to be corrected, it is necessary to correctly explain the reason for the appeal and clearly formulate the requirements for the insurance company. The application must contain the requirements:

  • restore the KBM class, for which it is necessary to explain what the coefficient should be and document this by attaching OSAGO insurance with reliable data;
  • recalculate the cost of the insurance premium and return the excessively transferred amounts;
  • make changes to the policy; enter the correct data into the RSA database.

If since the coefficient distortion there have been several policies in different companies, you will have to successively apply to each of them.

KBM return service

You can submit an application on the websites of insurance companies. All large companies have feedback - Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh, VSK, Soglasie, AlfaStrakhovanie, MAKS, Uralsib, RESO.
Free restoration of KBM is a long process. If you need to resolve the issue quickly, you can contact special services for the return of KBM, which provide services for a fee. The cost can vary between 500-700 rubles. Services work on a prepaid basis. According to reviews on the network, many companies, indeed, restore the coefficient per day. But also quite often there are cases of fraud.

Required documents

To restore the KBM, you will need documents that will allow you to identify the driver and restore the actual state of affairs. It can be:

  • driver's passport;
  • driver's license;
  • insurance policies for the previous time;
  • certificates of the insurance company on the absence of insured events;
  • certificate of the traffic police about the absence of accidents involving the driver.

You can send an appeal without documents, but the probability of a positive decision in this case is significantly reduced.