Payment system contact how it works. Features of the Contact payment system. Money transfer system Contact

With the help of the payment system CONTACT You can quickly, reliably and inexpensively transfer money to relatives, relatives and friends. Use the services CONTACT it is possible in over 500,000 points on the territory of Russia, countries of near and far abroad. Transfers without opening an account can be made in rubles, US dollars and euros.

To send a money transfer you need:

  • Come to the transfer point convenient for you.
  • Tell the operator the country, city and point of payment* (*only for non-CIS countries and the Baltic States) of the transfer, as well as the amount and full name of the recipient.
  • Present your identity document.
  • Enter the amount of the transfer and the commission for sending the transfer to the cashier.
  • Tell the recipient the number of the sent money transfer, the amount of the transfer, and, if necessary, the address of the payout point.

To receive a money transfer you need:

  • Come to the point during its opening hours.
  • Present an identity document.
  • Inform the operator of the transfer number, amount, currency and full name of the sender.
  • Get a translation.

Shipping restrictions Money:

Maximum amount one translation:

  • within the territory of Russia: 600,000 RUB / 20,000 USD / 20,000 EUR (sending transfers in foreign currency within the territory of the Russian Federation is available only for individuals who are non-residents of the Russian Federation).
  • from Russia to CIS countries: 600,000 RUB / 20,000 USD / 20,000 EUR

The number and total amount of transfers are not limited, except for the limitation on the transfer amount in accordance with the current currency legislation of Russia:

  • !Translations individuals-residents of the Russian Federation outside Russia are limited by the amount 5000USD for one business day (or the equivalent in RUB/EUR).
  • When making transfers from the Russian Federation in the direction Kazakhstan And Kyrgyzstan: the maximum amount of funds transferred cannot exceed 150,000 RUB in equivalent foreign exchange, determined at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of the operation, within one calendar month from one Sender.

Ways to send and receive money:

  • Online translation
  • Through customer service points
  • Transfers from a mobile phone account
  • Through a self-service terminal payment system. The maximum transfer amount is 15,000 rubles.
  • Through the Internet. If you have remote access to your bank account.

In this section, all information (including tariffs) is indicated for bank branches.

Contact responded to the demand of the time. Money should circulate even faster. If there are formal obstacles to this flow, they must be removed. cash flows is the blood of the economy. If they are able to run faster, it means that the country and the state are able to solve their problems better and easier. Now citizens can receive a money transfer Contact without a bank account.

Individuals can receive a money transfer in the Contact system after presenting an identity document in a few seconds. It is provided for the presence of points of work with clients Contact in all settlements and in all microdistricts.

System Benefits

The World Wide Web also runs on Contact. Here you can book hotel rooms, buy goods in online stores, make purchases of tickets and much more. This system successfully interacts with banks. In the agent bank, you can send and receive payment through the system money transfers Contact through a bank account, and in its absence, through a terminal, the Internet or a payment card.

Payment limits

Contact works within Russia and abroad. Payment limits depend on the country, the client's citizenship and the method of transfer.

  • Without opening an account outside of Russia, you can transfer no more than five thousand dollars during the day.
  • The limit for a one-time transfer within Russia is set at 500,000 rubles and 10,000 US dollars for neighboring countries.
  • Transfers in dollars within Russia are prohibited.
  • You can receive the amount transferred from abroad in any currency.
  • Transfer fees depend on the amount and country of receipt, and do not exceed 2% of the amount.

How to get a?

To receive a Contact transfer in Moscow, you need to come to a bank that supports the money transfer system, present your passport and indicate the code that is assigned to the transfer operation by the sender of money, the amount, full name. the payer, as well as the city and country from which the transfer was made.

In Moscow, this system is supported by the following commercial banks:

OOO Commercial Bank Interkommerz, OJSC Tatfondbank, JSCB Mosoblbank, CJSC Raffeisenbank, CB Natsinvestprombank, OJSC First Republican Bank, Avtotorgbank, Academic Savings Bank, MBFI Bank, BFG-credit, European Express Bank, Zlatkombank, Investbank, Interprogressbank, etc.

Here you can receive a money transfer without a bank account. Information on addresses and opening hours can be found on the Incred website - manage your money.

Contact is the most popular money transfer system. Thanks to it, you can quickly and safely send money anywhere in the world. At international system 85,000 branches that are located in the territory of the far and At the same time, many citizens are wondering which bank can receive the "Contact" transfer and what is needed for this.

How to send a transfer

To send money to family or friends, you must:

  1. Visit the office of a financial company that makes transfers via the Contact system.
  2. Present your passport to a company employee.
  3. Provide the specialist of the financial company with information about the recipient: full name, country of dispatch, currency of receipt, amount to be sent and contact details.
  4. Sign an application for the transfer of funds, having previously checked all personal information, deposit funds at the cash desk and receive a check.

How to receive a transfer

To receive a transfer, you must do the following:

  1. Visit the nearest point of issue of transfers. By free phone hotline of this payment system, you can find out in which bank you can receive the transfer "Contact".
  2. Present a passport or other document that is included in the liver of identity documents.
  3. Tell the employee of the financial company the code and the exact amount of the transfer.
  4. Sign the application and the expense order.
  5. Receive cash at the checkout.

Money transfers "Contact"

There is no limit on the transfer amount throughout the Russian Federation. As for foreign currency, the system sets limits here - no more than 5,000 dollars of transfer in one day.

Sending a transfer is carried out in the ruble equivalent. In this case, the sender can convert and specify any currency of receipt.

Do not forget about the commission that is charged from the sender. The size of the commission is fixed and set by the tariffs of the monetary system, and its size directly depends on the amount of the transfer.

Making a transfer takes no more than 5 minutes. Immediately after sending, the recipient can contact any nearest branch and receive the money.

Translations "Contact" in Moscow

In Moscow, transfers in this payment system are very popular. There are 396 points on the territory of Moscow where you can both send and receive a transfer. You can use the system's services in the following financial institutions: Metropol Bank, URALSIB, GLOBEXBANK, BinBank, Obrazovanie and Loko Bank.

Transfer return

According to the terms of the payment system, if funds are not received within 30 days, the payment is returned back to the sender's bank. In this case, the commission for the transfer is withheld. As a rule, transfers are returned for the following reasons:

  1. The recipient does not know in which bank the "Contact" transfer can be received.
  2. When sending, an error was made in personal data, and the sender did not come to the bank branch to correct them.


If an error was made when sending a transfer, it is necessary to make the appropriate changes, otherwise the recipient will not be able to collect the funds sent. To make changes, you must provide the employee of the financial company with a passport, name the transfer number and write an application. The application should specify in detail what changes are needed.

After making amendments, the recipient can instantly contact the branch that cooperates with this payment system and receive funds.

Thanks to monetary system With Contact transfers, everyone can quickly solve the financial problems of a loved one by sending him money. When sending from a company specialist, you can always clarify in which bank you can receive the "Contact" transfer, and provide this information to the recipient.

Using the transfer system called "Contact", every Russian citizen gets the opportunity to quickly transfer the necessary amount to his family members and friends. Delivery of funds through this network is reliable and completely safe. Currently, "Contact" is located in 400,000 branches of financial institutions in the territory Russian Federation and beyond.

Benefits of the payment system "Contact"

Making a money transfer using the "Contact" system is convenient and simple, in addition:

  • transfer can be made in rubles, dollars and euro;
  • it is possible to pay utility bills and all kinds of fines and penalties;
  • there is such a thing as "electronic wallet";
  • payments are made all over the world, because the points of the "Contact" system are dispersed throughout the Russian Federation, in foreign countries, the Baltic states and overseas;
  • the network "Contact" provides for a relatively small commission for using the service, when moving funds across Russia interest rate is 1.5%, the commission does not exceed 2400 rubles. 2%, or a maximum of 0.99 c.u. e. Citizens who transfer money abroad will pay;
  • the transfer speed to the final destination is the highest and ranges from a quarter of an hour;
  • You can send a transfer and receive it using a bank or card account.

How to send and receive money

To transfer funds in a bank using the "Contact" system, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Visit any branch of the bank where you can make a transfer through the "Contact" system.
  2. Indicate to the operator the country where the money is transferred, the full name of their recipient.
  3. Put a signature under the application for a money transfer filled out by a bank employee.
  4. Pay the money to the cashier for the transfer, as well as pay a commission. After sending, you can check the transfer status at Also, if desired, the client has the right to take out insurance for a transferable payment in the amount of 25,000 rubles.

You can receive a transfer at any branch of the bank:

  • knowing the number, the amount of the money supply and the country where the money was transferred;
  • having come to the branch of a banking institution during its opening hours with a passport or other officially registered identification paper. In this case, no commission is charged from the recipient of funds.

Sometimes, in order to receive a transfer, you just need to know its number and the exact amount.

How to find the nearest bank branch

The addresses of the points of transfer and receipt through the "Contact" system can be clarified by calling 8 800 200-42-42, also full list located at

For example, you need to find the nearest branch in Moscow. Use the following algorithm:

  1. Type in the address bar the site address:
  2. At the top right, click on the column called "Service Points".
  3. In the next step, select "Receive", then go to "Sending" or "Both".
  4. Type in the free space of the pop-up windows the country and indicate the locality "Moscow".
  5. Do not forget to press the "Enter" button on the keyboard at the end.

03.07.2014 14 918 0 Reading time: 12 min.

Let's continue talking about and consider money transfers Contact. In this article, you will learn what this money transfer system is, what are its characteristic features, how to send and receive a Contact transfer, and you can conclude whether this method of sending and receiving money is suitable for you. About everything in order ...

Money transfer system Contact

The Contact money transfer system was founded in 1999 in Russia and became the first Russian system transfers without opening an account. Its founder was Russlavbank. To date, the translation of Contact has become quite widespread not only in Russia, but also abroad. Within the Russian Federation and in neighboring countries, in terms of popularity and service network, this system is among the top three.

The money transfer system Contact is already operating in more than 150 countries of the world, its partners are more than 900 banking institutions and financial companies, and common network service points exceeds 330 thousand. In some areas, the share of Contact transfers among other transfer systems without opening an account reaches almost 50%.

Money transfers Contact can be sent in three currencies: Russian rubles, US dollars and euros.

The Contact money transfer system differs from many other transfer systems, including the world leader, in that it has a wider range of purposes. So, with its help, you can not only send money between individuals, but also pay bills of legal entities, replenish bank cards, repay loans and microloans received, pay utility bills and Internet services, deposit and withdraw funds through, book air and railway d tickets, etc.

The turnover of the money transfer system Contact for 2013 amounted to 7 billion Euros.

Official website of the company -, free phone round-the-clock customer support in Russia — 8-800-200-4242 .

Tariffs for money transfers Contact

The Contact money transfer system offers its customers fairly low rates for sending money, especially when compared with Western Union transfers. The lowest rate applies to sending transfers Contact in Russia - now it is 1% of the amount of funds sent in rubles and 2% in US dollars and euros, and even less for large amounts.

When sending money between neighboring countries, in some cases a similar tariff applies, in some it is slightly higher (1.5-2.5% in rubles, 1-2.5% in dollars and euros). In the tariffs of individual countries, in addition to the percentage of the amount, there is fixed payment.

Contact transfers to non-CIS countries and back can be sent for 1-3.5% of the amount, in many cases there is a fixed payment and tariff scale (different transfer amounts are subject to different tariffs).

You can always find the current list of tariffs for sending money transfers Contact on the official website in the "tariffs" section.

Services of the Contact transfer system are paid only by the sender. The recipient of the transfer receives its full amount without deductions and payment of additional fees.

How to send a transfer Contact?

To send a Contact transfer to an individual, you need to come to any customer service point (their current list is always on the website), having the right amount for sending, including a commission, a passport (in some countries another identity document is acceptable), and knowing the full name of the recipient, the country and city of destination of the transfer. All this must be transferred to the operator, who will enter the transfer into the system and issue a receipt to the sender, which will indicate the unique number of the transfer. This number, as well as the transfer amount, must be reported to the recipient.

To send a transfer Contact in favor of legal entity, you must provide full bank details of his account. Contact transfers can also be sent to individual bank accounts - this will also require their full details. When sending a transfer using bank details, a unique number is not needed - the money will be automatically credited to the recipient's account.

It should be remembered that in each country there may be legal limits on the amounts for sending money transfers without opening an account. This is especially true when sending money outside the country. In this case, the sign of the sender's residency plays a role.

There are also several alternative ways, with which you can send a transfer Contact.

1. From a mobile phone. Contact money transfers can be sent via mobile phone(funds on the account balance will be sent) using the services of system partners (for example, MTS). The shipping fee will be higher in this case. You can learn more about the ability to send a Contact transfer via a mobile phone on the website of the system or mobile operator.

2. Through the payment terminal. You can also send a transfer Contact through the payment terminal of the system partner (you can see their list on the website, or you can find out about this possibility directly on the terminal screen). In this case, the translation will also cost more. All data of the recipient of funds will need to be entered from the screen during the sending process, after which the terminal will issue a receipt with the transfer number.

3. From card to card. Using Contact money transfers, you can transfer funds from any international payment card Visa systems and Mastercard with the possibility of payments on the Internet (i.e., except for Cirrus/Maestro) to any other card. At the moment, this possibility exists only for cards issued by Russian banks. Translation is carried out using a special service, a link to which you will find on the company's website. To carry out the operation, you will need to enter the sender's card number, last name, first name as on the card, its expiration date and CVC code (that is, according to the same principle as with). For the recipient, it will be enough to enter only his card number.

How to get a transfer Contact?

To receive a Contact transfer, you need to visit any convenient customer service point of this system, inform the operator of the unique transfer number, amount and full name of the sender, after which the transfer, if it has already been received, will be paid.

The time of receipt of the transfer is from 1 hour to 1 day. In most cases, the transfer becomes available for payment in 1-2-3 hours.

Payment service Contact24

The Contact money transfer system has developed its own Contact24 payment service, which is an analogue of an electronic wallet, with the difference that it stores not electronic money, but Russian rubles from prepaid bank cards ContactCard. Using this service, you can make Contact money transfers at preferential rates, and between users of the service - generally free of charge.

You can replenish your account in the Contact24 payment service using Visa cards or Mastercard, in cash at any branch of Russlavbank, using a Contact transfer or bank transfer by details from any Russian bank.

Work in the Contact24 service is carried out through Personal Area on the system website (after completing the registration procedure), as well as through a special mobile app. All details about the operation of the service can be found on the official website of the Contact system.

How can I check the status of a Contact transfer?

To find out the status of the transfer Contact, just enter its unique number, the date of sending and the name of the sender in a special form on the system website. With this service, for example, the sender can verify that the transfer has been paid.

Summing up, we can conclude that the Contact money transfer system is a very good option in terms of price, coverage area and opportunities among various transfer systems without opening an account. In addition, there is the possibility of sending funds to bank details, including in favor of a legal entity, which most competitors do not have.

Of course, it is always necessary to compare tariffs and opportunities and choose the best option (for example, payment by bank details through the bank's cash desk may be cheaper than using the Contact system).

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