General questions on filling out the “Module of the nature user. Registration of NPV in the subsoil user module Subsoil user module example of filling


Report 2-TP (waste)

The procedure for filling out the "Module of the nature user" for the formation of the report 2-TP (waste):
1 . In the "Register" tab, the "Payer" card is added. Creating a new payer (organization) is performed by clicking the "Add payer" button

1.1. Enter data on the payer in the "Information" section.

1.2. In the "Payer" card, waste is entered in the "pollutants" section

2. Go to the "Reports" tab

2.1. Creating a report through the button "Add report 2-TP (waste)"

2.2. In the “Title of the Report” section, the Rosprirodnadzor Authority is indicated and the main and background information is edited (if necessary)

2.3. In the "Information on the movement of waste" section, relevant data is entered for each of the waste in the table fields

2.4. After completing the data entry, in the “Report title” section of the 2-TP form (waste), a check mark (sign) is placed that “Calculation is closed”

3. Formation of a 2-TP report in Excel format by a button for printing

4. Formation of a 2-TP report for transferring the report to Rosprirodnadzor using the button "Upload report for transfer to Rosprirodnadzor"

4.1. In the window that opens, it is possible to encrypt the uploaded report by checking the "Sign and encrypt the report" checkbox. *

5. Transfer of the generated report to Rosprirodnadzor through the Web portal.
* To start using the ES functionality, you need to obtain user ES certificates. Ask for information about the certificates of the user's ES in the supervising maintenance department of Rosprirodnadzor or FBU TsLATI.
To generate 2-TP (waste) reports, after filling in the "Register" tab (the "Payer" card, sections Information and Pollutants - waste), you must go to the "Reports" tab.
In the "Reports" tab for the payer, information is transferred automatically after the payer is created in the "Registry":

To add a 2-TP report (waste), you need to select the payer for whom we will create a report, so that his card with information transferred from the Register opens on the right.

By pressing the button, a 2-TP (waste) report is generated:

In the form that opens, it is necessary to enter the Rosprirodnadzor Authority, to which this 2-TP report (waste) is provided. Saving changes occurs by clicking on the "Save" button. To cancel the creation or not yet saved changes in the report, click the "Cancel" button.

To delete a report, select the desired report and click
button "Delete report 2-TP (waste)"

The information of the title page of the report is automatically filled in according to the data from the registry. The following fields can be edited in the title page:

  • Body of Rosprirodnadzor

  • Electronic ID. report

  • Registration number report

  • Date of registration

  • OKATO location

  • Mailing address

  • OKVED codes - the main OKVED code is indicated

  • Responsible person

  • reference Information

Information on the movement of waste in the report 2-TP (waste) is filled in on the tab "Information on the movement of waste":

To fill in the waste movement table while on an empty line:

Generating a report 2-TP (waste) in excel format for printing

An excel report can be generated if available installed version Microsoft Office 2003 and above (Professional and Standard editions), as well as other office programs such as Open Office (which understand the excel format).
To generate a report for printing:

The report is generated in one excel file of the following form:

Formation of an xml file for sending a 2-TP report (waste) to Rosprirodnadzor

To generate an xml file with a 2-TP (waste) report, you need:

  1. Close report - select the required report and set the "Report closed" flag.

Any changes are prohibited in a closed report. If necessary, the report can be opened by removing the "Report closed" flag

If none of the calculations fall into the parameters specified on the export form, then a corresponding message is displayed:

If changes have been made to the parameters specified on the export form and several reports are included in the unloading, then the corresponding message is displayed:

Click "No", specify the parameters that include only one report. Retry the upload. If the data is not specified, then such a report will not be accepted on the Web portal of Rosprirodnadzor.

Upon successful export, the export log displays the results of the upload:

There is the possibility of an electronic signature (ES) of the uploaded report and its further transfer to in electronic format.

To start using the ES functionality, you need to obtain user ES certificates.

Ask for information about the certificates of the user's ES in the supervising maintenance department of Rosprirodnadzor or FBU TsLATI.

See the instructions for using the electronic signature "User's Guide for signing the ES calculation" on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources

The export window contains the following buttons:

Select a folder for export. Selecting a folder to save the xml file to

Open folder for export. After selecting a folder and appearing in the "file path" line, you can open this folder and view the files attached to it.

Select a certificate. For the electronic signature (encryption) of the uploaded report, you must select the signature user certificate. By this button it will be found automatically.

Open certificate. Confirm the selected certificate. Check the box "sign and encrypt the calculation"
The button for opening the Web portal of Rosprirodnadzor for sending an exported file with a 2-TP report (waste). Only when connected to the Internet
The generated file is saved in the folder specified in the "File path" field. By default, this is usually C:\Program Files\Adicom\PNV\Exp. You can also open this folder by clicking the "Open export folder" button.

The name of the generated file includes the name of the payer, the type of report, reporting period, date and time of the upload.

The received file must be transferred to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor

The need for regular payment of environmental payments in the form of fees for negative impact on the environment(otherwise - NVOS), provided by enterprises in the form of disposal of hazardous waste, polluting emissions into the atmosphere or effluents into water bodies, is provided for by modern domestic legislation. One of the most convenient means for calculating the NEOS is a software product specially developed by Rosprirodnadzor - the nature user module. Enough is currently being used a large number of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who are payers of the environmental fee.

NVOS in the nature user module - description of the program

The nature user module, with the help of which it is quite easy to calculate the NVOS, is freely available on the official website of Rosprirodnadzor.

The service program has a number of undoubted advantages. The most important of them are the following:

  • the ability to perform not only the calculation of the NEOS, but also the preparation of all necessary reporting related to environmental legislation. Of particular note is the fact that the service product was developed by a government agency. This means that the data prepared using it will be accepted as a report without any problems, subject to the filling rules;
  • keeping track of all changes to legislation. Environmental laws change quite often, which leads to subsequent adjustments both in the calculation of the size of the NEI, and in the reporting and payment of the environmental fee. Therefore, it is extremely important to promptly take into account all innovations and reflect it in the submitted calculations and declarations;
  • continuous improvement of the program in terms of convenience and speed of work. According to practitioners, the calculation of the NEOS and the preparation of reports using the nature user module do not present any difficulty even for inexperienced users and take a little time;
  • convenience of reporting, which can be made directly on the web portal of Rospriradnadzor. To do this, it is enough to get an electronic signature in any accredited center.

All the advantages listed above largely explain why the nature user module is the most popular and in demand. software product used to calculate the fee for the VAT, among the many developed and presented on the market.

Calculation of NEOS in the nature user module - basic rules when filling out

One of the main advantages of the nature user module when calculating the amount of payment for NVOS is its ease of use. After installing the program, it is enough to correctly and competently fill in all the tabs presented to the user. For convenience, they are highlighted with a blue highlight.

First, in the "Register" field, all the requested information about the payer himself should be entered, namely: name (full and short), TIN and home or legal address (depending on the legal form of the nature user - IP or entity), OKVED codes. If we are talking about the placement of waste at a landfill, a landfill or transferring them for processing, it is necessary to add one more payer, that is, an enterprise that accepts waste. It also requires the indication of all the details listed above.

Then the pollutants tab is filled in. In it, the nature user module requests the following information to calculate the amount of payment for NVOS:

  • list of pollutants (with indication of the FKKO code, if available);
  • information on pollutants available in permits (permits for discharge and emission, as well as limits for waste disposal).

If there are several substances, the program allows you to easily add the required number of rows to the table using standard table maintenance tools.

Next, data is filled in regarding the production site, a specific water outlet or landfill where waste is placed. If they are not available, you must go directly to the next tab. If available, you must specify the requested information, including OKATO.

The final stage of filling in the initial data is the "Permissions" tab. Obviously, it is required to indicate all the necessary information about the available permits for discharge and emission, as well as the limits provided for waste disposal. This is not particularly difficult and requires simple care.

Calculation of the fee for NVOS in the nature user module - formation and submission of reports

After entering all the necessary information, you just need to click the "Calculate fee" button, after specifying the reporting calendar period. Thus, the calculation of the amount of the fee for the NVOS will be obtained using the nature user module. It should be noted that if there are several types of activities (mobile transport, discharges and emissions, waste disposal) that have a negative impact, it is necessary to calculate for each of them in the corresponding tab. The principles of filling are similar to those described above.

To submit reports to Rosprirodnadzor, it is enough to go to the “Uploads” tab, then successively click on the icons “Settlement closed” and “Upload to Rosprirodandzor”. After that, it is necessary to specify the reporting period and send the data. Also, in the usual way, using standard exel mechanisms, the received calculation of the fee for the NVOS is saved using the nature user module in the form of a file or a printout in paper form.

Calculation of the amount of payment for NVOS in the nature user module is deservedly one of the most common ways to generate the necessary reporting. The reasons for this are the simplicity and convenience of work, as well as the operational accounting of all changes made by legislators.

They are formed in the Nature User Module (download the “Nature User Module” section from the Personal Account). A sheet with an arrow is uploaded to the xml format by the button and sent through the Personal Account section "Your reporting" - Reports)


Question: How to enter information into the Nature User Module?
Answer: See the User's Guide (in the Help menu - Help).

Question: Where can I get object coordinates?
Answer: You can use . It is important to carefully rewrite the coordinates in the “Nature User Module”, indicating in the format of the 10th degree (for example: 55.857214 - latitude, 37.844239 - longitude).

Question: The organization has branches, how to correctly enter branches in the Module?
Answer: If each branch is a separate legal entity, then you need to add each branch and head organization in the "Register" as Payers (by clicking the House with a plus button). In the information about the branch, indicate the parent organization. If the branches are not separate legal entities. persons, they are entered under the Payer - the Head Organization as production areas.

Question: How to delete objects/documents from the Registry?
Answer: You can delete only along the “bottom-up” path, i.e. first you delete the calculations and reports, then the document (the lines with substances from it), then the objects, then the payer himself.

Question: How to enter waste with the same FCC?
Answer: In the "Register" on the "Polluting Substances" tab of the payer in the table with waste, you can enter a clarification of the name of the waste (Name), i.e. in this case, waste can be with one FKKO code. You can also change the hazard class of the waste there. When a waste is added with the same FKKO code, you need to enter the code manually or select from the list (without calling the general directory!), And immediately, without moving to another line, change the name and / or hazard class. Then it is possible to save multiple rows with one FCC.

Question: How to enter waste without a FKKO code (those that are not in the directory)?
Answer: If there is waste that is not in the directory, there are no required FKKO codes or waste without a code, then such waste can be added only in the "Register" on the "Pollutants" tab of the payer. To do this, in the waste table, click on "Add a new line" and enter the name of the waste in the "Name" field and immediately select the hazard class, being in the same line. Adding waste without FKKO codes is possible only in the payer's card.

Question: What does the error mean for the application for registration of the NVC: "Organization: OKVED: The main OKVED is not specified"?
Answer: In the Register, in the payer's card in the "Information" there is no checkmark in front of the main OKVED.

Question: How to exclude an object/workshop/source from the request without deleting it from the Registry in the Module?
Answer: In the registry, in the card of an unnecessary object in the lowest field, delete the specified production area (click in the ctrl + del field). Then this site/workshop/output/ORI (and all related substances and documents) will not be included in the application.

Question: How to make an application for updating or exclusion in the “Resource user module?”
Answer: In the "Module of the nature user" for the production area for which you are making an application, the code in the "registration" tab must be filled in, then when uploading to xml, there will be a choice of updating / exclusion. Choose the right one, export it and send it to Rosprirodnadzor.

Question: Calculation of production and consumption waste and calculation of MSW waste, what to fill out if waste is transferred to MSW operators?
Answer: You create a regular calculation for production and consumption waste, and in the waste movement, enter Generated and Transferred to the MSW operator. MSW calculation - ONLY FOR MSW OPERATORS!

Question: How to correctly fill in the “Natural User Module” in terms of waste calculations when there is a lot of territory and a lot of landfills?
Answer: In your case, the module should be filled in like this:

  1. Your organization, its production territories and limits are created under it, which are tied to these territories.
  2. Next, add more payers (houses) - landfill owners, and under each such payer, a waste disposal facility - a landfill.
  3. After you have created all the landfills, return to your limits and for each waste in the lower table “transfer for placement” select the required landfill, set the reporting year and the desired limit.
  4. Then you go to the calculations. Under your organization, create a calculation title, then several OKATO (for each landfill) and already under the corresponding OKATO create a waste calculation, where in the first field you select the territory, then in the field “accommodation” select the landfill (should fall out if OKATO, under which a calculation is made and OKATO in the polygon card match). Further, by clicking the “Substitute ...” button, the limit and the waste from this limit go to this landfill should be substituted.

The territorial bodies of Rosprirodnadzor conduct a centralized automated collection, processing and analysis of reports on the administration of revenues using "Module of the nature user".

Completing the nature user module is mandatory for all nature users that have a negative impact on the environment.

"Module of the nature user" is rented for electronic media in xml format. Together with the "Module of the nature user" it is necessary to provide calculations of fees for the negative impact on the environment in printed or electronic form (if there is an EDS).

Training on work in the program "Module of the nature user" within the framework of the MINI course

If when using the "Module of the nature user" do you have any difficulties or there is not enough time to master this rather complex program, contact our specialists. AT minimum terms you will get the desired result - a complete calculation of the amount of environmental payments for your company in electronic format.

*There is a possibility of holding distance learning while using your computer and a remote connection at the same time.

We not only provide the service of filling in the "Module of the nature user", but also help to master the work with this software to everyone who has the time and desire to do it on their own. By contacting us, you will receive qualified advice:

  • on environmental legislation in general
    . on environmental payments
    . according to electronic calculations of payment for the adverse impact of the enterprise's activities on the environment
    . on other issues relevant to you that are within our competence.

A detailed description of the training program can be obtained after registering for the course MINI

Coordination of the size of environmental payments is carried out using the software "Module of the nature user". This is new automated system electronic reporting and calculation of environmental charges. We offer services related to the preparation of electronic reporting by filling out the nature user module.