How can I set the accrual of contract earnings in the "ZUP" version "3.0"? How to calculate salary and agreement at the same time? Calculation of piecework wages in 1s zup 3.1


Accrual of direct piecework wages in the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management 8" (version 2.5)

From the site


Kruglova A.S. has been working in CJSC "Shveynaya fabrika" since August 1, 2013 as a seamstress. The work of an employee is paid according to direct piecework wages. In the absence of piecework earnings in cases established by law, payment is made on the basis of an hourly tariff rate of 100 rubles. In August 2013, Kruglova A.S. performed the following types of work:

You need to pay an employee for August 2013.

The following actions are performed:

  1. Set up a settlement type .
  2. .
  3. Entering piece work .
  4. .

Set up a settlement type

To calculate direct piece-rate payment, the program uses a predefined calculation typefrom the plan of calculation types(menu - Set up payroll - Basic accruals of organizations ). That is, this type of calculation in the program configuration is already configured and ready for use. BookmarkOtherthe list of displacing accruals (calculation types during which no payment for production orders is charged) can be expanded, if necessary, by clicking the " Add" or " Selection"(Fig. 1).

Rice. one

Calculation type Payment for production orders assigned to employees in a planned manner by documents personnel accounting : , Personnel transfer of organizations .

According to the condition of our example, 08/01/2013 Kruglova A.S. was hired by CJSC "Shveynaya fabrika" and her work is paid by direct piecework wages.

Document Hiring for an organization (menu Personnel accounting- Personnel accounting - Employment in the organization ) on the tab Staffthe work schedule is indicated, despite the fact that the employee's salary depends only on the amount of work performed on the basis of piece rates. Based on the specified schedule when hiring, the hours worked by the employee are calculated. The hours worked in the case of piecework pay are calculated according to the schedule, taking into account the registered deviations from the schedule (for example, sick leave, downtime, holidays, etc.). Bookmarkaccrualsthe planned accruals are indicated, which are assigned to the employee upon hiring. In our example, select the calculation typePayment for production orders . In props Indicators for calculating the accrual specify the size tariff rate- 100 rubles (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Input of technological operations

Types of technological operations (piecework) and their prices are indicated in the directoryTechnological operations (menu Payroll by organization - Reference books- Technological operations ). A technological operation is an operation or a set of operations performed by an employee as part of a production task, for which a piece rate is set.

For each technological operation, indicate the price, the currency of the price, as well as the values ​​for reflecting accruals for production orders in accounting: the main item of production costs, the main item group and the method of reflection in accounting (Fig. 3). If the same job has different rates depending on the item being processed, then you can enter several operations for each item in the directory and set the rates accordingly.

Rice. 3

Entering piece work

According to the condition of our example, in August 2013, Kruglova A.S. performed the following types of work:

  • sewing pockets into 75 women's suits (piece-rate 65 rubles per item);
  • processing of the neck in 95 women's suits (piece-rate price 187 rubles per unit).

The actual amount of piece work performed is recorded within a month by documents:

  1. Menu Payroll by organization - Source documents - Piece work order .
  2. Click the "Add" button.
  3. In field fromspecify the date of registration of the document in the infobase.
  4. Field Responsiblefilled in by default - the value from the settings of the current user. This face is from the directoryUsersResponsible for entering the document into the infobase.
  5. Field Organizationfilled in by default. If more than one organization is registered in the infobase, then you must select the organization that employs employees whose work is paid for by direct piecework wages.
  6. In field Subdivisionselect the department where the employee is located (employees if they work in the same department). If the employees are in different departments, then the fieldSubdivisiondo not need to be filled.
  7. In section Attire period:
  • checkbox According to the results of work in one day set if piecework orders must be entered for one day of the billing period, and specify the date for which data on the piecework order is entered. In our example, the checkbox does not need to be checked;
  • checkbox Monthly results set if piecework orders must be entered for a month, and specify the month to which the piecework data refers. In our example - August 2013.
  1. In section How data is used :
  • checkbox When calculating accruals according to reg. accounting set if the document is reflected in regulated accounting (as in our example);
  • checkbox When calculating accruals according to ex. accounting set if the document is reflected in management accounting. In our example, the checkbox does not need to be checked.
  1. Bookmark Completed works the tabular part reflects data on the performed technological operations (rice. 4). If, when creating a directoryTechnological operations (menu Payroll by organization - Reference books- Technological operations ) for each operation of the list, prices and information for accounting were indicated, they automatically fill in the corresponding columns of the document:
  • in props Technological operation the performed technological operation from the directory is indicatedTechnological operations ;
  • in props Cost itemthe cost item is indicated, which reflects the technological operation in work in progress;
  • in props Ratethe cost per unit of the technological operation is indicated;
  • in props Quantitymanually specify the number of technological operations performed;
  • in props Amount for work (reg) the amount of transactions performed in the currency of regulated accounting is indicated;
  • in props accounting accountthe accounting account is indicated, which reflects the performed technological operations;
  • in props Analyticsthe analytics of cost accounting in accounting is indicated;
  • in props Organization division the department in which the employees work on piecework wages is indicated.
  1. Bookmark Performersthe composition of the performers who performed the work is determined, and the actual hours worked are also indicated. In sectionOutfit order:
  • checkbox Distribute earnings only set if during the calculation not the entire amount of the document is distributed, but only a part of the amount in excess of earnings at the employee's rate. In our example, the checkbox does not need to be checked;
  • checkbox Take into account KTU(coefficient of labor participation) set if it is necessary to unevenly distribute the amount of the order among the performers. The distribution among employees is carried out taking into account the individual contribution of each employee. KTU is a generalized quantitative assessment of the personal contribution of each employee (for example, each member of the team) to the final result of the work. By default, the coefficient of labor participation is 1, in addition, the unspecified value of KTU also corresponds to the value 1;
  • checkbox Consider tariffset if the calculation should be made taking into account the tariff of each employee. In our example, you do not need to install;
  • checkbox Account for hours worked set to account for hours worked entered in the document. There are radio buttons for this checkbox.When calculating and in the timesheet And Only when calculating , which are available only when the checkbox is checkedAccount for hours worked . If the switch is set toWhen calculating and in the timesheet , then the hours worked entered in the document will be included in the calculation of the earnings distribution amounts, and will also be reflected as hours worked. If the switch is set toOnly when calculating , then the hours worked will be taken into account only when calculating the distribution. In our example, the checkboxes do not need to be checked;
  • in section Time input method Specify how to enter time tracking data. If the checkbox is checked Account for hours worked (when data entry mode is setAccording to the results of work for the month ), then switches become available to specify the data entry method:By days of the periodAnd Aggregate, as a whole for the period. In our example, the radio buttons are disabled because the checkbox is not checked. Account for hours worked. With the checkbox checkedAccount for hours worked By days of the periodadditional columns will appear in the tabular part for recording the actual hours worked for each day. Data on the cost of working time per day are entered using the symbols (codes) of costs (for example, "I 8", or if you need to specify several codes - "I 8 N 3" (i.e. 8 hours worked per day, of which 3 hours at night).Account for hours worked and installed switchAggregate, as a whole for the period additional columns will appear in the tabular part for registering the actual hours worked per month. in columnsKind of time, days, Hoursindicates the total amount of time worked. Data on hours worked recorded in the document Piece work order, are also used for other calculations. In this case, the document replacesTime sheet for the employees indicated in the tabular part (rice. five).
  1. In the tabular sectionStaffthe composition of the performers who performed the work is listed. The tabular part can be filled in automatically by clicking the buttonFillor manually by buttonAdd or Selectionby multiple selection from the directoryStaff. With automatic filling, the tabular part is filled with a list of only those employees for whom the type of calculation is set in a planned mannerPayment for production orders .
  2. To calculate the amount to be charged, click the buttonCalculate. The result of the calculation appears in the columnAmount to be charged (regl) . With direct piecework wages, the amount of remuneration for labor is calculated by multiplying the established piecework rate by the number of units of suitable products produced. For the work performed in August 2013, the employee was accrued 25,030 rubles at piece rates. (65 rubles * 75 units + 187 rubles * 95 units). If a piecework order is performed by several employees without taking into account the hours worked, then the remuneration for work is distributed in proportion to the number of employees listed.
  3. To save and post the document, click the "OK" button. To post a document, a necessary condition is the equality of the totals in the tabular sections, i.e. column totalAmount for work (reg) on the bookmark Completed works must match the column totalAmounts payable (regl) on the bookmark Performers.

Rice. 4

Rice. five

When posting a document, the accrued amount is recorded in the accumulation register(menu Operations- Accumulation register - The actual output of the employees of the organization ) (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

Employee payroll and payroll

For the final calculation of the monthly earnings of an employee, the design of piecework outfits is not enough. The accrual and calculation of remuneration for work, based on the direct piecework form of remuneration, is carried out using a documentPayroll for employees of the organization (menu Payroll by organization - Employee payroll ). The accrual result is calculated as a turnover according to the register Actual output of employees of organizations for the period of validity of the record (in the general case - a month) (Fig. 7):

  1. To complete a document Payroll for employees of organizations use buttonFill.
  2. For a full calculation of the document, use the buttonCalculate - Calculate (full calculation) .
  3. When the document is automatically filled in the tabular section on the tabBasic accruals lines are entered for all types of accruals assigned to employees in a planned manner.

Hello dear blog readers. In this material, we will talk about automating the calculation of piecework earnings in a software product. "1C Salary and Personnel Management" revision 2.5 . Let me point out right away that 1C ZUP edition 3.0 piece-work setup significantly different , so I wrote a separate article, it .

So, in version 2.5, the “Piecework order” document is responsible for this functionality in the program, but not everything is so simple. The document has a large number of various settings that can greatly help in automating the calculation of earnings. In the course of the review, there will be a lot of useful and new information, so the article is recommended for reading for both beginners and experienced users of 1C ZUP.

As I mentioned in 1C ZUP there is a specialized document "Partial Outfit". It contains a variety of settings to automate the calculation of piecework earnings. For a general understanding of the work of this document, let's look at a simple example in which direct piecework wages will be implemented, which is the main accrual of an employee.

So, an employee is hired by the organization who must perform car washing work (more on personnel operations in the zup in the article). Piece wage:

  • 100 rubles for each washed domestic car;
  • 120 rubles for a foreign car;

To begin with, when hiring such an employee, you must specify a predefined type of calculation as the main type of accrual, while the amount of payment is not indicated.

In this regard, I also want to draw attention to the work schedule, which must be indicated when applying for a job. In this example, you can specify any schedule, since the formula in the form of the calculation "Payment by production orders" does not depend on hours worked.

After a month, you must enter a document "Partial Outfit" before entering the main document "Payroll". The Piecework Outfit document has two tabs, and both of them must be filled out.

After selecting these two operations, you must specify the amount of output for each operation.

Now go to the "Performers" tab. As the name implies, here are the people between whom it is supposed to divide the amount formed on the “Performed work” tab. In our example, there is one dealmaker and he alone will be on this tab. The ability to specify several people is made to implement a situation where a team of several people is working, we will consider such an example later. So, on the “Performers” tab, we indicate the employee, do not put any checkmarks and click the “Calculate” button, as a result, the “Amount to be charged” field will be filled with the amount from the first tab.

This sequence of work seems rather complicated and not rational. Indeed, in the conditions of the presented example, it was possible to choose the options easier, but I deliberately chose not difficult conditions so that you get an idea of ​​the “Piecework Order” document. Next, let's complicate the examples.

Let's slightly change the conditions of the example. Assume that each car is washed by a team of two people. Moreover, piecework earnings are divided between the team in accordance with the KTU (labor participation rate). One of the employees has been working in the organization for more than two years, therefore, has the right to 60% of the brigade's output. So, on the "Completed work" tab, fill in the data in the same way as in the previous example.

But on the "Performers" tab, check the "Take into account KTU" checkbox. As a result, another field "KTU" will appear in the tabular part. In the tabular section, we add the employees who are part of this team and in the KTU field we indicate the coefficient of their participation in the work. After that, we press the Calculate button and the amount of the team's output, obtained on the first tab, is distributed among the employees in accordance with the coefficient.

After that, we form a payroll document, in which these employees will be charged piecework earnings.

Switch "Take into account the tariff" in the document "Piece-piece earnings"

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

Let's now take an overview of all the possible settings for the Piecework Earnings document. Let's start with the "Take into account the tariff" switch. In our example, this option could not be used, because when hiring employees, I did not enter the hourly wage rate for their earnings. Suppose that such a rate was introduced in the following amounts:

  • Safronov - 80;
  • Ignatov - 100.

Let me remind you once again that from the point of view of the formula of the calculation type “Payment for production orders”, these tariff rates do not have any effect. But if in the document "Piecework earnings" the switch "Take into account the tariff" is set to the active position, then the total amount earned by the team will be distributed in proportion to the tariff rate. Install it and click the "Calculate" button.

Let's check how correctly the program calculated the resulting value:

Safronov - 8,000 (employee rate) / 18,000 (the sum of the rates of the entire team) * 29,320 (the sum of the earnings of the entire team) = 13,031.11

I want to note that several radio buttons can be combined in a document. For example, we will set both “Take into account KTU” and “Take into account the tariff”. Do not forget that in order to recalculate, you must click the "Calculate" button.

And now I'll decipher a little how it's all calculated.

Safronov - 8,000 * 0.4 / (8,000 * 0.4 +10,000 * 0.6) * 29,320 (wage of the entire team) = 10,198.26

Ignatov - 10,000 * 0.6 / (8,000 * 0.4 + 10,000 * 0.6) * 29,320 (earnings of the entire team) \u003d 19,121.74

Such a decryption can also be obtained from the program itself. When calculating, you can select the calculation option with a comment. As a result, you will get the following window.

Frankly, I hardly understood what they were trying to convey on it.

Switch "Take into account hours worked" in the document "Piecework earnings"

If you remember, at the beginning of this article, I noted that when using the calculation type “Payment for work orders”, hours worked are not taken into account and you can choose any schedule for an employee. This is indeed true for the type of calculation, but here in the document "Partial Outfit", it is possible to distribute the earnings of the brigade among its members in accordance with the amount of time worked.

Let's go back to our two employees. For them, I indicated the same schedule, a standard five-day week of 40 hours a week. Let Safronov be absent for 4 of his working days due to passing the preparation and passing the entrance exams from July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Let's introduce the document "absenteeism in organizations". We indicate in it the month of accrual July 2014 and in the tabular part we add a line with our employee. In this line, we indicate the reason for absenteeism, for example, “Vacation at your own expense”, and the period of absenteeism from 04/01/2014 to 07/04/2014. After that, click on the "Calculate" button so that the fields "Set off against the norm of days" and "Set off against the norm of hours" are filled.

Let's not forget to do it. Opening the document now "Partial Outfit". I will not change the first tab "Completed work", but on the second "Performers" we will make the switch "Take into account hours worked" active. At the same time, fields resembling a time sheet will appear in the tabular part. Using the "Fill" button, we will fill in all the employees for whom the calculation type is used "Payment for production orders"(Fill -> For all employees), or select the necessary employees by filter (Fill -> List of employees). As a result, rows with employees and their hours worked will appear. Please note that Safronov has no turnout from July 1 to July 4. After that, click "Calculate".

By tradition, I will explain the amounts received:

Safronov - 152 (hours worked) / (152 + 184) (worked by all members of the brigade) * 29,320 (earned by the brigade) = 13,263.81

At the same time, I want to note that the program focuses on hours worked, not days. For example, if Safronov corrects 8 hours worked by 7 on July 7 and calculates the document again, then the amounts for employees will change slightly.

Further, I also want to explain why the switches “When calculating and in the time sheet” and “Only when calculating” are used, which relate to the checkbox “Take into account hours worked” in question. Let's get back to Safronov. So, when I automatically filled out the document, Safronov had 152 hours worked. After that, I reduced its production by 1 hour. As I said after the document "Partial Outfit" we must enter the document "Payroll". In it, we will fill in and calculate the tabular part, in which a line will appear for employee Safronov. And this line will also contain information about the employee's output. Since in the document "Piece-rate earnings" I left the switch "When calculating and in the report card" active, then in the document "Payroll" my correction from 152 hours to 151 hours will be taken into account.

And if in the document “Piecework outfit” you set “Only when calculating”, then my correction will concern only the calculation in this document. As a result, when calculating in the document “Payroll”, there will be not 151 hours, but 152 hours.

In this example, this setting had no effect on the final amount, but if the employee had some other accrual for hours worked, then this setting would be significant.

In my practice, I once came across a configuration in which the programmer before me rewrote the functionality of the program in order to automate such a configuration. Well, that is, the final document, which indicated the number of hours worked, was a document "Partial Outfit", and in the document "Payroll" employees also had accruals that depended on time. The configuration was very seriously reworked and I spent a lot of time updating a non-standard program. As a result, of course, I returned the document to its original form and showed the accountant how to work with a bunch of these two documents.

"Method of entering time" in the document "Piecework"

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

It remains to deal with one group of switches - this is the “Time input method”. In fact, this setting determines whether it is necessary to show all days of the month in the tabular part (in the form of a time sheet) or whether summary data is sufficient. For our example, summary data would be sufficient, since it does not really matter on which particular day Safronov did not complete this 1 hour and on which days he was absent. But this can be critical, for example, for a factory where people work in shifts. For example, a person did not work for several days in March, and according to the schedule, he had to work on a holiday on March 8. In this situation, you need to know whether he worked on the 8th or not, whether he is entitled to an additional payment for working on a holiday or not. There may be other exotic situations, so this setting is often used.

Incorrect operation of the setting "Distribute only extras" in the document "Piece work order"

I deliberately did not consider this setting at the very beginning, since I have some uncertainty about it. Let's first read in the help of the program itself what the switch is intended for. To do this, each document has a special button in the form of a question mark. Clicking opens help for the current document.

« Distribute earnings only- If this flag is checked, then not the entire amount under the document will be distributed during the calculation, but only a part of the amount in excess of earnings at the rate. To decipher the calculated amounts for employees, you can use the "calculate with comment" button. This says hint 1C. Well, let's try to do it.

So, let's first estimate how the program should distribute the earnings, taking into account the presented definition. I still have two employees who work on the deal: Safronov and Ignatov. The first one had an hourly wage rate at the reception was 80 and the second one was 100. Safronov worked 152 hours, Ignatov 184 hours. Safronov's workings according to the tariff: 152 * 80 = 12,160; for Ignatov: 184 * 100 = 18,400. In total, at the tariff rate for two, these employees earned 30,560 = 12,160 + 18,400.

In the Work Order document, on the Completed Works tab, I will slightly increase the number of washed cars so that the total amount of the brigade's earnings exceeds the amount of 30,560 (earnings at the rate of two employees). So, the amount of earnings will be 33,000.

From these data, it turns out that there will be an amount for distribution: 2,440 = 33,000 - 30,560.

Let Safronov's KTU be 0.4, and Ignatov's 0.6. The amount to be distributed is divided as follows:

  • Safronov - 2440 * 0.4 = 976;
  • Ignatov - 2440 * 0.6 = 1464.

And now let's add the rest of the remuneration of these employees - the amount based on their hourly rate and hours worked. Then it turns out like this:

  • Safronov - 80 * 152 + 976 = 13,136;
  • Ignatov - 100 * 184 + 1464 = 19864.

Let's do all this in the program and compare.

So, contrary to our expectations, the program issued the amounts that we would have received without checking the “Distribute only extra earnings” checkbox:

  • Safronov - 33,000 * 0.4 = 13,200;
  • Ignatov - 33,000 * 0.6 = 19,800.

Hence the conclusion, or the program does not work correctly, or I misinterpreted the essence of the text in the tooltip. If someone has their own opinion on this matter, I will be glad to read it in the comments.

It is worth noting that a similar situation is also observed if you set the checkbox “Take into account hours worked” to the active position. The program does not pay attention to the switch "Distribute only extras" and considers it as if it does not exist.

Incomprehensible operation of the setting "Distribute only additional earnings" in the document "Piece work order"

But the wonders of the "Distribute only earnings" setting do not end there. It's amazing to see what the program does if you set this switch and the "Take tariff into account" switch to the active position. Look at the screenshot, and then I'll explain what's going on.

Pay attention to the amount of 63,650, despite the fact that on the “Completed work” tab the team earned 33,000. In general, the program added to these 33,000 the total earnings of the team members, based on their hourly wage rate and hours worked 30,560 = 12,160 + 18 400. But in this form, where the total amount is 63,560 on the “Executors” tab, and 33,000 on the “Completed Works” tab, it will be impossible to post the document.

1C ZUP never ceases to surprise. It's been three years since I first got acquainted with this program, but I still didn't know about this behavior of the Piecework document.

That's all for today! Soon there will be new interesting materials on.

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Hourly pay in 1C ZUP 8.3 is included in the salary, in the corresponding functional section by clicking on the link "Setting the composition of accruals and deductions".

To enable the ability to pay for work by the hour, in the "Hourly payment" check the appropriate box.


After inclusion, new accruals appear in the list *:

  • Salary (hourly) calculated according to the rule: divide the salary amount by the planned hours and multiply by the hours worked;
  • Payment by hourly rate calculated as the product of the hourly rate by the amount of time worked in hours.

*These accruals are assigned to employees when applying for a job, documents of transfer to another job or changes in planned accruals.

The following checkboxes also become active:

  • Night/Evening*/Overtime – for higher pay during the relevant period;
  • Processing with a total accounting of time - for registration and payment of work in excess of the norm in the total accounting of working hours;
  • Additional breaks for feeding a child - to pay women with children under one and a half years old, additional breaks.

*If the checkboxes "night/evening hours" are enabled, then fields for specifying the amount of additional payment for work in the evening and at night will become available in the accounting policy.


To be able to specify temporary differences in the employee's work schedule, you must activate "Use several types of time in work schedules". If this checkbox is enabled and, for example, night hours are enabled, then the schedule will be able to indicate work at night.

For example, the schedule provides for work from 15:00 to 24:00 with one break lasting 1 hour. Saturday and Sunday are days off. Employees do not work on public holidays. There is a 20% surcharge for night work. Night time is the period from 22:00 to 24:00. To design such a work schedule, you must perform the following settings:
  • As part of the accruals, enable the checkboxes "Use hourly payment" and "Night hours";
  • In the salary - "Using several types of time in work schedules";
  • In the accounting policy, in the field “The organization has an additional payment for working at night”, enter - 20;
  • Create a new work schedule (functional area "Settings", link "Employee work schedules", button "Create"):
    • Come up with a name, for example, "Schedule from 15:00 to 24:00";
    • Indicate the year for which the work schedule is displayed - 2018;
    • Click on the link "Change chart properties";
    • Find in the filling method - "By days of the week";
    • Check the box "When filling out, take into account holidays";
    • In the list "Types of time" mark the types of time "Turnout" / "Night hours";
    • In the "Schedule of work" list, in the "Turnout" column from Monday to Friday, indicate the duration of work - 6 hours, in the "Night hours" column - 2 hours.
  • Click on the "OK" button.

The work schedule will look like this:


The schedule for the employee is assigned through "Hiring", "Personnel transfer", "Change of the work schedule by the list".

An example of an hourly pay system can be a situation where employees can perform work of both ordinary and increased complexity during the day. The hourly rate for the performance of work of the first level of complexity is normal, according to the employment contract. For works of increased complexity, you are paid extra at a rate increased by 50%. To pay employees under such a system, it is required:

  • Add a new type of time (let's conditionally call it "Complex turnout") in the classifier of types of working hours (Settings-Classifier-Types of working hours, the "Create" button);
  • Fill in the name of the new type of time, for example, “Complex attendance”, set the codes (alphabetic, numeric code), and, if necessary, the full name, indicate a link to the main working time.


  • Create a new type of payment "Tariff rate for work in difficult conditions" (Settings-Accruals-button "Create"). In the form of accrual, indicate that its purpose is “Time wages and allowances”;
  • Accrual is performed if a time tracking type is entered. It must be selected from the list of types of time "Turnout difficult", enter the formula: (TariffRateHour*1.5) * TimeIn Hours;


  • Fill in the rest of the required details (Time tracking, Dependencies, Priority, Average earnings, Taxes, contributions, accounting).
  • Introduce the document "Time sheet" for employees, where to indicate the time "Turnout" and "Turnout difficult" for work in normal and difficult conditions, respectively.

For example, employee Antonov M.S. with an hourly rate in July 2018, he performed work of ordinary complexity for 6 hours and the rest of the time - work of increased complexity. At the same time, the employee's time sheet:


Working hours under normal conditions - 132, hours of work in difficult conditions - 44, in total - 176 working hours. The salary should be: (200 * 176) + (200 * 1.5 * 44) = 48,400 rubles.


We examined how the actual task of customizing the calculation of wages depending on the number of hours worked is solved in the ZUP.

Question: ZUP 3.1 Piecework payment

I set up piecework payment, incl. functional option "Partial earnings".
Added accrual "Additional payment at progressive rates (piecework)", for accrual of additional. wages, if the employee completed the work more than the salary, if less, then the salary is simply charged, according to the hours worked.
1 question with the following, the document "Payroll and contributions" includes the accrual "Supplement at progressive rates (piecework)" in the case when the salary is higher than the piecework, and there is no additional payment for it. How can it not be displayed without changing it in the configurator?

Now, on the test, I made a piecework work in the amount of 36489, and according to the formula: Max(Piecework, Salary * (TimeDaysHours - RecycledAccording to the Summarized Accounting) / NormaHours), a salary of 36490 is charged, and an empty accrual "Surcharge at progressive rates (piecework)"

Answer:() Two accruals, everything is beautiful, correct, but when empty values ​​\u200b\u200bare coming out "0", this is somehow not right, so I'm thinking how to get rid of them so that they do not come out with the case "0"

Question: Piecework payment is non-standard

Good afternoon. Need help with payroll calculations. The formula is as follows: Type of work - cleaning (there is a norm). The coefficient norm/volume performed is calculated. Rate - salary / Working DaysTotal. Accrued = Rate * Coefficient * Working Days. There is no norm in the program for the type of work. The piecework indicator is calculated by the program and cannot be changed.
You can enter an additional Norm indicator, but it is only for a person, but it is necessary for the type of work. A person can have several types of work with different Norms


Payroll and HR, edition 3.0 (

Q: piecework pay

Good day to all!

Comrades, there is a problem with which I will try to address.
When an employee is dismissed, it is necessary to pay the calculation on the day of dismissal, however, there are problems when paying the calculation for piecework wages, the problem is that the orders for the transaction are adjusted retroactively, in connection with which the amount of piecework earnings for the dismissed employee changes. As a result, balances hang on account 70.
On the surface, there is only one idea - to fix the amount of the transaction for the dismissed employee and not change it when recalculating the transaction, but it is not clear how to do this.


Not quite clear. Describe the entire BP.
From the point of view of accounting, everything is simply an order for a transaction - it was drawn up according to the results of the order and paid.
If, figuratively speaking, outfits are made for you that at the end of the month you know the amount and it is distributed, then exclude the person from the outfit given the amount that was paid and, minus this amount, distribute what is left among those who remain

Question: ZUP 3.1: Piece work and report card

Tell me this:
There is an employee who, for example, from February 1 to February 4, worked in department A. Then he is transferred to department B from February 5. I start the Timesheet document for two different departments in which he worked during this period of time and indicate that 6 days (69 hours) were worked from February 1-4, in the second timesheet I indicate that 12 days (138 hours) were worked. Next, I make a piecework order document, indicate the unit and fill it in with a list of employees, and as a result of filling it out, it sets 18 days (207 hours), that is, in summary for all hours worked, excluding the unit. This is how it should work, or can it be done somehow (without a file) so that the time and days are indicated from the time sheet for a specific subdivision.? I looked in the code, it seems there is no subdivision anywhere in the requests.

OR without timesheet

Is it possible to do something (without modifications) so that, if in the piecework order document, manually correct the hours worked, then it is substituted in the payroll document for accruing the transaction?


In 2.5, piecework was:
Include hours worked - accounting for the hours worked entered in the document. For this flag, there is a switch "When calculating and in the time sheet", "Only when calculating", which is available only when the flag "Take into account hours worked" is checked. If the switch is set to the “When calculating and in the timesheet” position, then the hours worked entered in the document will be included in the calculation of the earnings distribution amounts, and will also be reflected as hours worked. If the switch is set to the "Only in the calculation" position, then the hours worked will be taken into account only when calculating the distribution amounts.
If they ticked the box when calculating and in the time sheet, then the time set in the piecework order manually fell into the payroll document for piecework wages. How to do the same in 3.1?

I tried to do it through individual graphics. It seems to have worked out. That is, in the calculation of wages, I began to take time from ind. graphics, but in a piecework outfit it continues to set the time in summary for two divisions

Question: Errors when creating a piecework order

Good afternoon!

Manufacturing Enterprise Management, edition 1.3 (
When performing a piecework order, an error appears:
Error while executing handler - "Processing"

Because of:

(Document.Workshop.ObjectModule(5770)): Error calling context method (Write)

Because of:

A record with such key fields exists! : Work Schedules By Types of Time: Petrov Ivan Ivanovich, 09/01/2016 0:00:00, No, By the hour, 09/01/2016 0:00:00 (Register of information: Work schedules by types of time; Line number: 2)

I checked: there are no entries in the register for this date. the timesheet was also not entered.
What could be the reason?
Where can I see the line it refers to?
an employee has only one type of accrual. Payment by product outfits. There are no surcharges.


Well, I have a suspicion that you are doing a personnel transfer and he sets a work schedule for him from the 1st.
And then you make a time sheet, and because it stands there and takes into account the time, then he makes the same schedule for him.
Well, look at your outputs in the report card in a piecework order, in principle, they coincide with the fact that an employee should have a life in the schedule, or it happens that the employee did not come out or he had to work 8 hours according to the schedule, and they put me 6 in the piecework? This happens.
If not, you can check the box to leave only the calculation at the end of the month, make a time sheet document for these employees, check that everything is OK and carry it out

Question: ZUP 3.1. The new employee is not added to the piecework order

Good afternoon.
1) There is an employee hired from January 15 (shift schedule, accrual - "Piecework earnings for employees on a salary").
2) A template for input of initial data "Brigade piece work" has been created, the distribution is carried out taking into account the size of tariff rates and hours worked.
3) Open "data for payroll" and create "Brigade Piecework". The period of work is from 01/09/2018 to 01/31/2018, the date of the document is 01/31/2018. We add the selection of all employees included in the team, including the new employee.
For all employees except the new one, the tariff rate is extended and the amount is distributed. If you set the period from 15 to 31, then everything is extended and distributed for the new employee, but then the days and hours for the rest are underestimated. What can be done about it? Thank you in advance.


Hello! almost the same problem, only our employee was hired from 01/09/18, and the piece work order from 01/01/18-01/31/18. A new employee gets into a piecework order, but the calculation result is empty in payroll, writes "no data on piecework earnings", if corrected in a piecework order from 01/09/18-01/31/18, then its amount gets into the accrual.

Question: An additional tariff is not charged in the Pension Fund for piece work

Good afternoon!
SCP, platform, release
Here is a letter from the payroll accountant:

An employee (for example, Andrianov) is transferred from apprentices to finishers (harmful working conditions) not from the beginning of the month, but from October 13th. And in this case, the additional tariff in the FIU for a piecework order was not charged. If you manually correct in the document “calculation of insurance premiums”, then next month these amounts are reversed and this amount does not fall into taxable income on the employee’s insurance premium card. What need to do?

The accountant says that if the employee is transferred from the 1st of the month, then everything is fine. Moreover, in the situation described above, an additional tariff is charged on all types of surcharges and bonuses for a piecework outfit, but it is not charged on the piecework outfit itself. Everything seems to be set up correctly. What could be the issue here? I am attaching a screenshot of Andrianov.


With piecework outfits - there are a lot of nuances. Yes, everything will have to be done.

Question: Issuing an online invoice with the possibility of payment

Hello again. There is the following information for paying bills:
1) Method of payment (Mir card, Visa card, Visa electronic card, Mastercard card, electronic wallets - Webmoney, Yandex money, Qiwi)
2) For cards: card number, month and year of expiration, owner's name, CVV, owner's password
3) For Webmoney: login, WMR (ruble) wallet account, password
4) For Yandex money - login, password, Yandex account number
5) For Qiwi: phone number (this is the Qiwi account) and password
It is necessary, depending on the chosen payment method, to send an invoice to the player to his email with the amount specified by him (all data is entered by the player in a special form). In case of successful payment, receive a notification letter to your email from the player's email (i.e. implement instant invoicing with the possibility of paying it and receiving the payer's data - his email). A common example of this problem is online stores. I need to implement this in 1C. Most likely, 1C integration with payment sites will be required. I would be very grateful for any information on how to do this.


And I'm not going to send myself a letter, but it will be sent to my soap automatically upon successful payment by the player. But how to do it, I don't know yet.

Question: v7: How can I change the type of payment from Electronic to Payment by bonus in the atol driver?

I installed the latest kkm driver from Atol 8.14.2, but I just can’t find how to change the type of payment "Electronic" to "Payment by bonus".
I see that there is an opportunity to pay with 4 types of payments, in cash and three "Electronic". Here is one of these electronically and I would like to replace it, maybe somehow it can be done programmatically. Help me figure it out, they are already running out of time, next week it expires for the ECLZ cash desk and you need to set up an online cash desk.

Answer:() I figured it out, downloaded the KKM driver 9.8.1, you can change the name of the payment types there, but I didn’t find it in 8.14.2.

Question: UT 11.4 when paying by card, the check prints "Subsequent payment (Credit)"

In RCC I try to make a check with payment by card, and the program in the cashier's check prints "Subsequent payment (Credit)"
please tell me what could be wrong.
Acquiring terminal - without equipment connection.

Answer: Numbers of payment types in the database and KKM do not match

In this material, we will talk about how to set up a piecework order (piecework or team work order) in the 1C program, version 3.0. Connoisseurs note that 1C programmers have significantly improved the ability to calculate a brigade order in ZUP.

So, we will tell you about the following main points in the calculation of a piecework outfit:

The way to set up a transaction in 1C (compared to the previous version 2.5, this process has become somewhat more complicated);
- Calculation of piecework earnings, taking into account KTU;
- Parallel accrual of piecework earnings and salary;

For reference, we note that all the figures presented in this article were made in the 1C interface of the latest version 3.0. The appearance of the latest version is called "Taxi". To switch from the normal interface to "Taxi", in the main menu, click "Service", then "Options". After that, a window with settings will open, where you will need to select "Taxi" and press the "Start" button. Although it is not necessary to switch to Taxi, because everything that we will talk about in this material is also contained in the usual appearance of 1C.

To set up the possibility of calculating a transaction in 1C, in one of the sections of the Settings menu, you need to find and select an item called Payroll. In the open window of the same name, go to the Internet address "Setting the composition of accruals and deductions." Then the window of the same name will open again, where you will need to check the box “Partial earnings” on the “Other accruals” tab.

After such settings, many changes will appear in the infobase. In particular, 2 new ones will appear in the "Accruals" list, which relate to the brigade outfit. The list of "Accruals" can be found in the "Settings" section of the main menu. The above list will also have two types of calculation: "Piecework (for those who work on a temporary tariff)" and "Piecework (for those working on a salary)".

Note that a typical type of calculation is best suited for an employee to receive piecework earnings or salary (if it is higher). But to solve the problem set at the beginning of the publication, these types of accruals will not suit us. Let's now open the accruals and review the formulas that are proposed by the developers in such types of calculations.

This formula will be useful and in demand in many cases. Therefore, now we will show you the algorithm for calculating a transaction using a typical type of calculation. And we will devote the second part of the publication to solving the problem of simultaneously calculating the usual salary and agreement.

Calculation of a brigade order in "1C ZUP" taking into account tariff rates and KTU

For example, we suggest that you hire 2 employees from November 1, 2014 and assign them a calculation type called “Partial earnings (for those who work on a salary)”. To show the calculation of the transaction within the team, we need two people. To introduce new employees, use the personnel document called "Hiring". Note that you will need to enter the amount of salary, because the formula for this calculation assigns salary accruals.

And now the program needs to enter data on how much the team of the above two employees produced in November. For such an operation, the "ZUP" uses the document "Data for payroll" ("Salary" - "Data for payroll").

The above document consists of two tabs - "Employees" and "Performed work". The latter contains data on the technological operations performed by the team (a field called "Type of work") and the amount of work performed.

All values ​​of the "Type of work" field are filled in from the directory of the same name. In addition to the name, each type of work has the value "Rate", that is, the amount of funds received by the brigade per unit of work performed or output. At the same time, any unit of measure can be specified in the system: kilometers, kilograms, pieces, tons, etc. The program does not care which unit of measure you mean.

In our case, the workers of the brigade were engaged in the collection of tables. For one table in the "Type of work" the indicated price is 1200 rubles. In the field called "Volume of completed work" the number 100 is entered - the number of tables assembled by employees. And, starting from these data, the program automatically calculates the amount of the brigade's output.

Now we focus our attention on the tab called "Employees", which indicates the composition of the brigade itself. We choose two employees accepted there a little earlier - Smetanin and Stakhanov. There are two fields in the document table - "Coefficient" and "Tariff rate" (almost the same as KTU). These fields will allocate the amount earned by the team. It is most likely that you will not see these fields in your program yet.

In order for the above "Coefficient" and "Tariff rate" to become available in "1C ZUP", you need to make additional settings. To do this, in the "Settings" part of the main menu, find the item called "Input data entry templates", then open them and select the line "Travel work".

Then, in the open "Travel work" window, set the switch "Distributed to all employees" to the active position and select the desired distribution method - "Taking into account the size of tariff rates" or "Taking into account the coefficient". These are the unknown places with settings in the configuration of the ZUP program.

Save the document as "Travel work (Input data entry document template)" and return to the "Travel work (Input data entry document template)" document, in which we previously entered data on the results of the work of the team. In order for the “Tariff rate” and “Coefficient” fields to appear on the “Employees” tab, you will have to close this document and open it again.

For all employees, the coefficients will be automatically filled with the value 1. And the data of the “Tariff rate” will depend on the value that you noted in the “Employment” document. In this case, the workers have different rates, so the amount earned by the workers will be proportional to their rates.

If the value of the coefficient changes, then accordingly, being distributed taking into account the new coefficient, the amount will also change. In this case, for both employees, we leave the KTU equal to 1.

Now swipe this document. But the very fact of its holding does not mean at all that the funds accrued to the employees of the enterprise. The final payroll will take place in the Payroll document. When filling out its tabular part, both employees must get there with the amounts calculated in accordance with the "Piecework" and with the type of calculation called "Piecework earnings (for wage earners)".

And of course, post a document called "Payroll".

Simultaneous calculation of the brigade attire with salary

Now let's focus on how to set up the simultaneous accrual of a brigade outfit with a salary in ZUP 3.0. The typical type of calculation "Piecework earnings (for employees on a salary)" is not enough for us. It is important to say that this type of calculation cannot be simultaneously assigned with either “Payment by the hourly rate” or “Payment by salary”. In these accruals, on the tab called “Time accounting”, the value “For the work of a full shift within the norm of time” is defined, and the employee is prohibited from assigning “1C ZUP” at the same time in the value of planned accruals that have similar settings.

To eliminate this limitation, create a new calculation type, where the time tracking settings will be set to the required value "Additional payment for time already paid." Create a payroll type by copying and name it Piecework (Agreement Only). In it, we need to talk about some changes, in particular:

one). In order for the time tracking setting to receive the required value, you need to select the “accruals and payments” item in the “Assignment of accrual” field, which is located on the “Basic” tab. Now the time tracking will automatically take the value “Additional payment for already paid time”.

3). In order for the calculation to take place in the “Payroll” document during the final calculations, select “Monthly” in the “Account is made” field.

As a result of these settings, you can simultaneously assign the calculation type "Partial earnings (only agreement)" and "Payment by salary" to workers.

Just as in the first case, information about piecework earnings is also entered. This happens according to the following algorithm of actions: "Salary" - "Data for calculating salaries" - "Travel work".

Accrual on salary and transaction is implemented using the document “Payroll”, where, when filled out, information will appear on 2 types of accruals - “Piece-based earnings (only agreement)” and “Payment by salary”.