Seaport of Vitino: what is the danger. Company Gasoil Center Vitino Sea Port


Shareholders of Vitino Specialized Sea Port LLC and Belomorskaya Oil Depot LLC submitted notices to the employment center about the liquidation of enterprises. With employees will be terminated employment contracts no later than 25 April.

Earlier it was reported that the Investigative Committee of the Murmansk Region opened a criminal case on the fact of partial and complete non-payment of salaries to employees of Vitino Specialized Sea Port LLC. The port, located in the White Sea village, specializes in the storage and transshipment of petroleum products. At the same time, Vitino is the only port on the White Sea that transships crude oil.

The reason for initiating a criminal case was the materials of the prosecutor's check, according to which the total amount of wage arrears to 156 port workers as of February 14 is more than 16 million rubles, the press service of the UK reports. Port workers have not received money since August 2013.

407 employees of Belomorskaya Oil Depot are in the same situation. It is part of the port structure. A criminal case on the fact of non-payment of their salaries was initiated by the investigative committee back in November last year. At that time, wage arrears amounted to over 7 million rubles. A month before, the prosecutor's office had filed 900 lawsuits in court to recover wages from the enterprise.

Now the port and the oil depot are in forced idle time, the workers are charged 2/3 of their salary, but only on paper.

The reason for everything is corporate disputes, - Natalya Sheverdova, senior assistant to the prosecutor of Kandalaksha, told the correspondent of the Republic of Poland. — The shareholders could not agree among themselves, the change of directors of the enterprises led to protracted litigation around the structure of its owners, as a result, since August, the port has no contracts for oil transshipment, and, accordingly, no work and money.

The prosecutor's office and the State Labor Inspectorate tried to resolve the situation with non-payment of wages to the employees of the enterprise. In order to pay off at least part of the wage arrears, the property of the port was arrested. It was sold for 500 thousand rubles. But in addition to debts to employees, the port and the oil depot still have debts for mandatory payments to counterparties. In addition, Vitino's main client, NOVATEK, has left, having built a terminal for itself in Ust-Luga.

The story with the redistribution of property began in February 2009, when it became known that the oil port was sold through the oil trader ZAO NK Rusneftekhim, co-owned by Maxim Pukhlikov and Sergey Sheklanov, to the Cypriot offshore Usarel Investment. A controlling stake of 51% went to former owner of Kazakhstan's "BTA-Bank" to Mukhtar Ablyazov, the remaining 49% were received by the managers and co-owners of the bank "BTA-Kazan" ("subsidiaries" of BTA) Sergey Sheklanov and Maxim Pukhlikov. At the same time, Ablyazov and Pukhlikov invested not their own savings in the port, but credit ones.

Some time later, Mukhtar Ablyazov started having problems with the government of Kazakhstan, and he asked for political asylum in the UK. BTA-Bank filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Royal Court to recognize the $120 million loan granted to Ablyazov and Pukhlikov as illegal and demanded that the oil port be transferred to its ownership. The loan was approved by the ex-head of the Moscow representative office of the bank, Ildar Khazhaev. According to the materials of the case, the loan was issued to a shell Dutch company Chrysopa Holding, and later went to the accounts of the Cypriot Usarel Investment for the acquisition of White Sea Complex, Northen Operations, N-Terminal LLC, Vitino Specialized Sea Port LLC and others. All these companies own the facilities of the port of Vitino. At the same time, it became known that the offshore company acquired the port from the Nitekl group for $125.9 million.

Attempts by Usarel Investment to change the directors of the port and the tank farm led to the fact that former director port - Alexander Yashin, also appointed by Usarel Investment, went to court. He did not agree with his dismissal: he considered that the wrong people fired him. The fact is that within Usarel Investment, shareholders have changed several times during the ownership of the port. As a result, for almost two years, Alexander Yashin, in fact, not being a director, goes to work, along with the new director Dmitry Dubakov. During this time, Yashin managed to register as a director and even transfer the legal address of the port to Kaluga. After that, the owner of the port, Usarel Investment, together with the new director Dubakov, filed a lawsuit against the tax authority, claiming that the inspectorate allegedly illegally registered Yashin as a director. After a series of court cases, the legal address of the port never moved to Kaluga, but Yashin was never officially removed from his post.

The London High Court put an end to it, by decision of which all the shares of the White Sea group of companies (owned by Usarel Investment), which includes the Belomorskaya Oil Depot and the port of Vitino, became the property of Kazakhstani BTA Bank. On January 13 this year, the decision came into force, the new owner announced the liquidation of the enterprises. Director-liquidator Vladimir Kudinov has been appointed. After April 25, 281 oil depot workers and 124 port workers will be on the street.


The situation that has developed at the Belomorskaya oil depot and in the port of Vitino is now being discussed everywhere: both at the site of all the shocks that have fallen on these facilities, and on the Internet. The attention of the prosecutor's office, the investigating authorities, the media to what is happening is the most intent. And we have also written on this topic many times. And in continuation of it decided to turn to history. What for? And then, to understand and "evaluate" the scale of losses.

The former head of both enterprises helped us “return” to the past, Viktor Redko, who has his own opinion, fundamentally different from our other interlocutors. By the way, Viktor Denisovich is remembered in Kandalaksha and the suburbs not only as the director of the Marine Oil Terminal, but also as a deputy of the Kandalaksha District Council - a person who is not indifferent to the problems of our municipality.

Before shareholder

The Belomorskaya oil depot as a state-owned enterprise existed since 1967 and was intended to maintain stocks of petroleum products and their reserve for the North-West region. Later, equipment appeared there for supplying liquid fuel to the village of Alakurtti and to the area of ​​​​the Kilpyavr military airfield. Thus, even in Soviet times, the tank farm was of great economic importance for the region and of great national importance. At that time, according to Viktor Redko, the enterprise worked only in the summer, accumulating fuel oil and diesel fuel. And in winter, when the bay froze, the tank farm stopped its activities and existed only in order to ship fuel by rail to the consumer if necessary. Economically, this situation became more and more unprofitable over time, because in order to be in demand, you need to increase production and attract suppliers.

Fuel "nurse"

However, economic indicators were already good. The capacity of equipment for pumping heavy oil products was 400 cubic meters per hour. No other oil production on the Kola Peninsula then had such indicators. A significant volume was accounted for by railway sidings (there were two railway overpasses). In addition, the enterprise provided oil products, including oils, to road transport. The staff of this industrial facility consisted of about 200 people in those years. And after the modernization started, the staff began to increase.

In the early 90s, with the active participation of the Russian-Dutch company White Sea Complex B.V., a project was developed to deepen the fairway with the arrival at the Belomorsk oil terminal and with the construction of an additional deep-water berth. The fairway was calculated to a depth of approximately 15-18 meters and a distance of 18 miles (approximately 36 kilometers). And, importantly, it did not pose an environmental threat to the waters of the Kandalaksha Bay (which is the conclusion of an international examination), since it became an almost straight fairway with good hydrographic equipment (with leading marks, ice buoys).

Yes, in As a result of the implementation of the project for the construction of a new port terminal complex, the Vitino Specialized Sea Port began work. Funding came from extrabudgetary sources. That is why the Belomorskaya oil depot, which was reunited with the business in this project, had to change its status: it became a private company. According to the prosecutor's office of the city of Kandalaksha, the Closed Joint Stock Company Belomorskaya Oil Depot was registered on March 19, 1999. In accordance with its charter, the CEO is now appointed general meeting shareholders. And the sole shareholder of CJSC Belomorskaya Neftebaza was then the Dutch company WhiteSea Complex B.V.

Subsequently, after solving difficult winter navigational issues, the port began to work in a year-round mode. And at the fourth berth, newly built, they began to receive tankers with a carrying capacity of up to 50,000 cubic meters. Another serious decision was made - to reconstruct the third berth belonging to the oil depot. As a result, the carrying capacity of tankers reached 100 thousand m 3 . These are very significant volumes! The productivity in the literal sense was the most worthy for working with rented foreign ice-class vessels: about 3 thousand cubic meters per hour!"In the Arctic , - says Viktor Denisovich, -there is definitely no such thing. And in the North-West it is very limited, even in the newest ports ".

4.5 million tons of oil products were transshipped through the port annually, including the cargo of such companies as Novatek and Lukoil, Tatneft and other leading Russian companies. And our best indicator in the early 2000s was 5.8 million tons (while the cargo turnover in the Murmansk port was 2.5 - 3 million tons per year). Our export occupied a leading position, and along with the solution of the country's problems in the Northern delivery to the ports of the Arctic. And, as Viktor Redko recalls, we often provided assistance to other enterprises, including the Kandalaksha Heating Network and Murmansk TEKOS.

It is also curious that in 2008 about a thousand people worked at the enterprises, and no one was delayed in salary at that time.

From high productivity to redistribution of property rights

Problems hit the port after the crisis year of 2008, when the change of owners began. Then 100 percent of Vitino Specialized Sea Port LLC were sold to three investors. The controlling stake went to the former owner of the Kazakh BTA-Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov, the rest (almost half) - to the managers and co-owners of the BTA-Kazan bank Maxim Pukhlikov and Sergey Sheklanov, who, by the way, invested in this port not their own savings, but credit . And after Ablyazov had conflicts with the government of Kazakhstan, as a result of which the businessman was forced to seek political asylum in England, the port became the subject of litigation. And therefore, the last four years for Vitino and the Belomorskaya oil depot, the largest enterprises for the transportation of oil and gas, turned out to be deplorable. The main reason for the slowdown and then the cessation of the work of the offshore oil complex, according to the former director of enterprises, is the loss of ties with suppliers. And they, these ties, must be restored.


Right now, the prospects are bleak. The main client, Novatek, transfers, again according to the local prosecutor's office, the flow of gas condensate to its terminal in Ust-Luga. Transshipment of gasoline is questionable. But there is a possibility that Vitino will be saved by a new supplier of gas condensate represented by Gazprom.

Despite all the difficulties, it is still important to preserve industrial enterprises, both for the economy and for solving environmental problems. After all, it is no coincidence that at one time, when the oil depot and the port were experiencing a "flourishing", a specialized marine unit was created to eliminate oil spills - the only formation of this level in the Murmansk region at that time.

« Belomorsky oil terminal , - concludes Viktor Redko, - in terms of its power and geographical location, it was in Soviet times and still remains significant both for the Arctic and for the North-West of our country as a whole. And it can and should take its rightful place in the transport and industrial sector (I hope, in the near future). It is needed by the region, the state, and commerce. Now we need to preserve the main thing - specialists, who are so difficult to prepare, and the material base. The complex has a “backbone” (Valentina Ponomarenko, Vitaly Poletaev, Vitaly Mnushkin and a number of others), around which it is necessary to build up human “resources”. Marine specialized oil terminal to be! In the interests of jobs in the Kandalaksha district and the White Sea village, as well as solving the economic, political, commercial problems of the region" .

The Captain of the Vitino Sea Port, Viktor Borodachev, apparently, is waiting for an accident of a nuclear vessel in the waters of the port entrusted to him. Voluntarily or involuntarily, but the Harbor Master also provides a real opportunity to ground Aframax type tankers loaded with oil products.

Seaport of Vitino
By virtue of paragraph 1 of article 11 federal law"ABOUT seaports in Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (No. 261-FZ dated November 8, 2007), the seaport administration ensures the safety of navigation of ships in the water area of ​​the seaport, on the approaches to it, as well as the parking of ships in the seaport.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 74 of the Federal Law "Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation" (dated April 30, 1999 No. 81-FZ) and the Regulations on the Seaport Master, the functions of ensuring the safety of navigation and order in the seaport are carried out by the seaport captain .

Based on clause 1.1.15. Rules technical operation of port facilities and water areas (RD 31.35.10-86), the organization of the technical operation of the seaport water area is assigned to the seaport captain.

The draft of ships received by the seaport should be determined in accordance with the guidelines for the appointment of the declared draft of ships in seaports (RD 31.63.02-83) and annually appointed by the seaport administration by a relevant order.

In violation of the requirements of these Guidelines, since May 2010 the FGU “Murmansk Seaport Administration” has not set the declared draft of vessels in the seaport of Vitino and has not issued a corresponding non-normative legal act.

To date, there have been no technical data sheets in accordance with the requirement of clause 8.2.7. Rules for the technical operation of port facilities and water areas (RD 31.35.10-86).

Complex hydrographic works in the water area of ​​the seaport of Vitino were last carried out by LLC "Petroslav Hydroservice" in 2007.

According to the results of depth measurements and survey of the bottom topography in 2007, the minimum depth on the approach fairway was plotted on marine navigation charts No. 19044, No. 19042 and No. 16022: 12.7 meters from the NTU (the lowest theoretical level). On the sea navigation charts of the White Sea, NTU is taken as the depth zero. Depths are measured from NTU.

In 2009, by the order of the captain of the seaport of Vitino, the minimum depth in the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino was reduced to 12.6 meters from the NTU.

Based on the results of complex hydrographic works carried out in 2007, it was found that the bottom of the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino is subject to drifting by silt and silty sand, on average, up to 0.25 meters per year.

Regular control soundings of depths, in order to determine the thickness of the sediment layer at the bottom of the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino, are not carried out by the Harbor Master.

Since 2007, there have been no official results on any survey or trawling work carried out in the water area of ​​the seaport of Vitino.

In violation of clause 1.3.12 of the Rules for the technical operation of port facilities and water areas, a tide gauge (a device for measuring and continuous automatic registration of sea level fluctuations) with a remote repeater in the premises of the Port State Control Inspectorate or a water measuring station for determining deviations was not installed in the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino the actual level of the water area from zero depth.

At the offshore multi-point berth No. 3 of the seaport of Vitino, sea tankers are loaded to a draft of 12.65 - 12.85 meters and leave the port along the approach fairway, using the height of the tide.

According to the requirements of the Guidelines for the operational determination of the ship's draft on the approach channels (fairways) to ports (RD 31.63.01-83), it is necessary to calculate the draft for each such sea tanker.

The captain of the seaport of Vitino calculates the clearance draft for the specified sea tankers, but such calculations cannot be accepted as reliable. The calculations use data on the minimum depths in the approach fairway five years ago, without taking into account the sediment layer formed during this period at the bottom of the fairway.

Since there is no tide gauge or water gauge in the approach fairway, the Harbor Master has no information about actual level seas and surge fluctuations in the water area level are not taken into account in the calculations.

The method of calculation used by the Harbor Master when calculating the draft does not correspond to that adopted in the Guidelines for the operational determination of the draft of vessels on the approach channels (fairways) to ports (RD 31.63.01-83).

The Harbor Master allows nuclear icebreakers of the Arktika type to enter the seaport of Vitino without any draft restrictions.

On the website of the Federal State Institution "Administration of the Sea Port of Murmansk" the order of the captain of the seaport of Vitino dated 08.02.2012 No. 5/12 "On the introduction of icebreaking assistance for ships entering the seaport of Vitino" was published. The only restriction for nuclear-powered icebreakers in this order: "without parking in the inner roads of the seaport of Vitino."

Nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Arktika type have a working draft of 10.8 meters. They pass along the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino to the inner roads and in the opposite direction for the purpose of icebreaking escort of sea tankers by the leading method.

For icebreakers with nuclear power plants, the reliable operation of the cooling systems of the main condensers is ensured by the increased water reserve under the keel, which is established by the Technical Operation Manual. For icebreakers of the Arktika type, the minimum permitted water reserve under the keel when entering shallow water is 5 (five) meters!

For safe passage along the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino for nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Arktika type, taking into account the minimum allowable water reserve under the keel of 5 meters, it is required to ensure a minimum depth in the fairway of 15.8 meters from the NTU.

Given the above circumstances, it should be assumed that even with a spring tide (maximum) average value which is 2.5 m, it is not possible to ensure safe passage along the approach fairway of nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Arktika type.

It makes no sense to calculate the draft for nuclear icebreakers of the Arktika type, without having accurate data on surge fluctuations in the water area level due to the absence of a tide gauge or water gauge in the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino.

In one of his works, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote about such officials as the port captain of Vitino: insatiable."

The approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino is the depth-limiting one for nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Arktika type and tankers, which are loaded at the third berth to a draft of 12.65-12.85 m.

It is not clear why the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Vitino do not even mention this important circumstance.

By virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Seaports in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (No. sea ​​port.

Summarizing the above circumstances and facts, it should be stated that the safety of navigation of sea tankers with a draft of 12.65 - 12.85 m and nuclear icebreakers of the Arktika type in the approach fairway of the seaport of Vitino is not ensured by the Harbor Master!

The Gasoil Center company is part of the Votalif group of companies. It is dynamically developing, vertically integrated. It has contractual relations with the largest producers of petroleum products. Constantly expanding the range of customers, partners and the list of products offered. By improving the quality of the services provided, it maximizes the efficiency of doing business to provide its customers with a full range of services.

We invite you to our group: - the rules are simple: buy, sell, no rudeness!

Gasoil Center carries out delivery, quality control, provides operational information about the location of the goods in transit, quickly and correctly draws up documents. Since 2010, the arsenal of production capacities has been developing. The strategic goal of the company is to become a leader among traders in the Russian market, as well as the CIS countries. Energy companies, through the diversification of sales markets, one way or another solve their problems through traders who provide an increase in the volume and turnover of capital. Ensuring the reliability of supplies, increasing the efficiency of operations, using scientific and technical potential - this is all in the development of the company.

Company formation

On November 23, 2009, by the decision of Vadim Valeryevich Akhmedov and Andrey Viktorovich Filatov, the charter of the company was approved. The structure of the company was created, the logo was approved (trademark and name: Gasoil Center Company. The main task of Gasoil Center was set: wholesale trade in petroleum products. The prospect set in 2009: production and processing of oil and gas, has been implemented since 2011. Since From the moment of its foundation, the company's employees strive to achieve three interrelated goals: provide quality customer service, create a stable and strong team, and embrace innovation.

Following these goals, the company operates in Russia, Europe and Asia. Pride in the results of the company's work, supported by feedback on the work of employees. We boldly move into the future. In accordance with the objectives of the activity, the company determines the main thing in them: quality.

We are always responsible to our clients for fulfilling our obligations. The flexibility and initiative of our thinking has a positive effect on cooperation with partners, and the quality of our work puts an end to choosing a reliable partner. The company sells oil products both by Russian railways and by other modes of transport. Delivery of diesel fuel (diesel fuel), gasoline AI-92, AI-95 and others is carried out only under contracts. Our company is part of a group of companies, the sale of petroleum products has been going on since 1995. Main oil products: SPBT, PBA, LPG, NGL, oil, gas, propane, butane, gasoline, DTL, DTZ, heating oil, fuel oil, bitumen.

Attempt of raider capture of the sea specialized port "Vitino"

At the end of July, law enforcement agencies prevented an attempted raider seizure of the Vitino specialized seaport, which is near Kandalaksha. In this story, one can guess the figure of the Kazakh oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov, who is well-known for financial transactions, put on the wanted list. Alexander Yashin, general director of Belomorskaya Oil Depot, which ensures the functioning of the port, believes that the port, which is strategically important for Russia, remains under the gun of raiders.

Vitino - oil and gas window to the world
Porto Vitino has been operating for more than 30 years. Through it, oil products went to the Kola Peninsula back in Soviet times. With the beginning of perestroika, the port fell into complete decline and reopened in 1995. The state did not spend a penny on its restoration. This is the first private port in Russia. Since 2001, its year-round operation began. And since March 2010, nuclear-powered icebreakers have been calling at the port. Oil products enter the port railway are pumped to storage facilities and then to tankers. Vitino annually pumps millions of tons of gas condensate and oil products. Work is underway to build the second phase of the port. If failures begin in the port, this will be a blow to our export of oil products and the supply of the Murmansk region. Many mining companies in Siberia and Kandalaksha will run out of jobs. And there is such a danger. Attempts to put pressure on the authorities and law enforcement agencies in order to take over the port do not stop.

A la Berezovsky from Kazakhstan
Mukhtar Ablyazov is a well-known person, he was even for about a year (1998-1999) the Minister of Energy, Industry and Trade of Kazakhstan. However, in 2002 he was accused of abuse of office and illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity and arrested.

But in the field of business, where he rushed, back in 1990, having abandoned his postgraduate studies at MEPhI, he turned around. Like Alexander Koreiko from The Golden Calf, Ablyazov realized that the time had come when he could make a huge fortune. He became his man banking sectors, headed the boards of directors of a number of Kazakh banks. He particularly excelled as Chairman of the Board of Directors of BTA Bank (2005-2009), the second bank in Kazakhstan with numerous foreign branches. About how he "worked" was written in the press. For example, RBC, citing the investigating authorities, reported that irrefutable evidence had been collected in the criminal case, allowing Ablyazov to be charged with the fact that he, having headed BTA Bank JSC in 2005 and having gained actual control over it, created several development companies in Russia financed by loan funds JSC "BTA Bank" Instead of the companies themselves, the borrowers on loans were, as a rule, companies registered offshore, having no assets and controlled by Ablyazov himself through nominees. In February 2009, the Government of Kazakhstan accused him of embezzlement and laundering Money and put him on the wanted list. And the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation charged him in absentia with embezzlement of funds from BTA Bank JSC. The oligarch did not wait for the next arrest and followed the example of Berezovsky - he left for London, issuing criminal prosecution for the political.

Dangerous games
According to press reports, in particular KP, one of Ablyazov's operations in BTA Bank was the issuance of a large loan to a Dutch company for the purchase of shares in the Vitino port complex. BTA-Bank considered the issuance of a loan illegal and filed a lawsuit in a British court with a request to seize the shares of companies that own the property of the seaport of Vitino, owned by Ablyazov's structures. The British granted the request. There was a clear threat of the transfer of shares to the plaintiff, and then their sale.

After that, according to Alexander Yashin, General Director of the Belomorskaya Oil Depot Company, strange people periodically began to appear in the Moscow office of his company, which provides services for the transshipment of petroleum products in the port of Vitino. In an ultimatum form, they demanded the issuance of corporate and financial documents. As grounds for their actions, the visitors demonstrated decisions on behalf of the shareholders to remove them from their positions CEOs companies LLC Sea Specialized Port Vitino and CJSC Belomorskaya Neftebaza. And on July 12, representatives of the same organizations sent 46 tax office in Moscow and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, applications for the appointment of the same person to the posts of general directors of companies included in the port - a certain Yuri Sibarsov, a person unknown in the industry and, apparently, having no experience in managing large infrastructure facilities. However, the next day tax authorities compared the signatures of the authorized representatives of the enterprise and the newly-minted ones - the forgery was revealed.

“It is very easy to ruin the work of the Complex,” said Alexander Yashin at a press conference held in Moscow on August 4. - Today "Vitino" works like clockwork. The high tide, when a huge tanker with a carrying capacity of one hundred thousand tons can approach the oil terminal, lasts several hours. All actions are scheduled by the minute. Can you imagine what will happen if people come here who do not represent the specifics of the work?!”

Consider the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico. Much of the blame was placed on BP's leadership. If there is a leak of oil products in Vitino, then it will not seem enough. Our northern nature is much more vulnerable.

According to Alexander Yashin, Ablyazov attracted A1 Group to implement his plans.

However, an attempt, using dubious documents, to change the leadership of the port on the go and take it under control can be considered a failure. On this fact, the prosecutor's office of the Murmansk region opened a criminal case under the article fraud. The situation around the port also worries the governor of the Murmansk region, Dmitry Dmitrienko. After all, Vitino is an important strategic object of the country.

The specialized port "Vitino" is located in the White Sea village (Kandalaksha district, Murmansk region) in the center of the nature protection zone of the Kandalaksha Reserve. Vitino is part of the White Sea group of companies and is an object of strategic importance, through external and internal waterways the port is connected with the Central part of Russia, as well as with the Black, Azov, Caspian and Baltic Seas. The port terminal complex was created in 1995 specifically for servicing large-tonnage tankers and meets all modern requirements. Since 2001, year-round navigation has been open here. Vitino is the largest transit point for the transportation of oil, oil products and gas condensate.

The sea port of Vitino (67°05"N, 32°20"E) is located in the middle part of the southwestern shore of the strait between the coast of the mainland and Oleniy Island. The port area consists of a coastal strip along berths No. 1,2,3,4.

Vitino is an oil port in the Kandalaksha district of the Murmansk region. It is located near the Beloe More station, a few kilometers south of Kandalaksha, on the western shore of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea.

The port has 4 berths:
Berth No. 1 is intended for port fleet vessels. Depth at the berth is 3.5 m.
Berths No. 2 and No. 3 serve ships of mixed navigation "river-sea" (oil and ore carriers). Depth at the berths 4.0 m.
Berth No. 4 - offshore berth, consisting of 7 mooring barrels, a floating crossing with pipelines and anchor systems. Depth at the berth 13.7 m.

It accepts sea tankers with a displacement of up to 70.000 tons, with sizes up to
length - 230 m;
width −32.2 m;
draft - 10.9 m.
Port Vitino opened in 1995.
Prior to navigation in 2001, the port operated seasonally, and since 2001 - year-round.
The port is mainly used for the export of oil and oil products by rail. Since March 25, 2010, ships with nuclear power plants have been allowed to enter the port.

Port cargo turnover
2004 - 3.7 million tons (with a throughput capacity of 8 million tons).
2009 - 4.4 million tons
January-April 2010 - 1.5 million tons