Grace period. Three secrets to using the grace period on a credit card - experts. The nuances of using plastic


This is a certain period in which the credit card holder can use it without interest. In fact, this is a free use of the card, subject to certain conditions specified by the bank.

The most important condition is the closure of the debt in full within the established grace period. If a citizen pays the debt before the specified date, the bank does not charge him interest.

How long is the grace period?

Each card may have its own grace period. Standard is 50-60 days. For example, in Sberbank it is up to 50 days, Renaissance Bank sets the benefit period up to 55 days. But there are banks that offer their customers credit cards with a longer grace period. For example, Alfa Bank makes it possible to use a credit card for free for up to 100 days, Promsvyazbank for up to 145 days, Avangard Bank gives a 200-day grace period. If you choose a credit card that has a long benefit period, pay attention to whether it is a permanent value or a temporary one.

Most often, all this is only the first time the bank offers up to 100-200 days without interest, subsequent periods will be standard at 50-60 days

Calculation of the grace period from the date of debt formation

The procedure for calculating the grace period is very important, it is necessary to ask a bank employee about its scheme even in the process of issuing a card.

The best and simplest calculation is the calculation of the period from the date the debt was created.

That is, the holder touched the credit limit today and can now use borrowed funds for exactly 55 days (depending on the bank). After these 55, he simply puts the necessary amount on the card and that's it, he fulfilled his obligations, he met the benefits period, interest will not be charged.

Establishment of a grace period relative to the date of settlement in the bank

This method is the most common, it is more complicated in calculations.

Every month on a certain date, the bank sums up the results of the previous month, on this date it calculates interest. It is up to this date that you need to close the debt so that interest is not accrued.

For example, the settlement date at the bank is the 25th day of each month, Grace period, respectively, up to 55 days. The citizen touched the credit limit on October 10, then in order to comply with the grace period, he must close the debt before November 25, the period itself in this case will be 45 days. That is why banks say not specifically that the grace period will be equal to 55 days, but up to 55 days.

Which transactions are covered by the grace period?

Most often, the benefit is valid only if the credit card holder performs non-cash transactions. This is payment in stores and on the Internet for goods and services, non-cash replenishment of accounts of various operators. The grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals. Moreover, if the holder makes a withdrawal, the grace period will be canceled and the bank will charge interest.

If you intend to use a credit card without paying interest, forget about withdrawing cash from it.

It is very rare for banks to assign a grace period for all transactions, but such institutions can be found. For example, if you apply for a card at the Bank of Moscow or Petrocommerce Bank.

If you miss the grace period

If you have not closed the debt before the appointed date, then the next day the amount of interest accrued by the bank will be added to the amount of the debt. There is nothing to be done here, you still have to pay interest in accordance with loan agreement. Very often, borrowers miss the end of the grace period due to their own carelessness or the wrong concept of calculating the grace period.

Therefore, it is worth repeating, be sure to check with the bank by what date you must close the debt.

After all, there is a bank hotline that operates around the clock. Call them and ask about the end of the grace period.

Don't forget to make monthly payments

Another typical mistake of borrowers is that if there is a grace period, for example, 55 days, then you can spend money today, put it back on the 55th day, and that's it, no obligations and interest. Only now the bank then begins to make claims that the borrower's debt is overdue and the accrued interest has not been paid.

Despite the presence of a grace period, no one has canceled monthly payments, they still need to be paid according to the schedule up to a certain date, at least in the minimum amount established by the bank.

If the payment is late

If there was no money on the account on the due date, the credit card holder did not provide the required monthly payment, then the bank applies penalties to him. This may be a one-time fine or penalty.

According to the Law on Consumer Lending dated July 1, 2014, the amount of penalties cannot exceed 0.1% of the amount of debt, while a one-time fine is charged in accordance with the loan agreement, usually 500-1000 rubles.

Grace period renewal

The grace period, just like the credit line of the card itself, is renewable.

As soon as the debt is repaid in full, the card can be used again, the calculation of the grace period starts again only when there is a debt on the card. Thus, citizens get the opportunity to use a credit card absolutely free of charge, the main thing is to constantly close the debt in full on time.

If you no longer intend to use a credit card

In this case, just forgetting about the card or disposing of it yourself is not enough; after paying off the debt, you need to contact the bank and write an application to close the card. Suddenly, you did not meet the grace period, a fee for SMS-banking or annual service was charged. Officially, the closure will mean that the card account is closed, that no more fees will be charged by the bank.

Understand what a grace period is credit card easy: this is the period during which credit funds can be used interest-free. That is, you need to pay interest, but it is only important to return the borrowed funds before the expiration of this very period. You may need to return them in parts, according to the schedule - it all depends on the conditions of the bank. In search of such a “free” credit on the card, many do not understand that it is important to simply return the money to the account until the grace period expires. What is it - we will consider in detail below.

Even 10 years ago, no one could even think that loans are interest-free. Once he took money from the bank, then they need to be returned back, and even with interest. No one expected such generosity as a grace period. It is also called the term "grace" (grace). If you hear it from a specialist, then remember that we are talking about a grace period. What is it in simple words is easy to understand:

  • This is a certain period of time - usually 2-3 months.
  • During this period, credit funds can be used almost free of charge, that is, without paying interest to the bank.
  • The grace period allows you to withdraw, spend, transfer, pay with funds on a credit card and not pay interest for it. That is, the cardholder uses borrowed funds in her account on an interest-free basis.
  • It is important to get all the money spent back before the grace period expires. Otherwise interest-free loan turns into debt. It is required to pay interest, fines, penalties - depending on the conditions of the bank.

Doesn't this remind you of anything? Of course. There is a similarity with the installment card, where there is also a grace period. Only under its terms, goods and services are bought in interest-free installments. And the cost of all purchases is divided into torn parts. They are the same monthly payments that must be made during the specified grace period.

What is a grace period on a credit card and how is it different from an installment plan? There is no emphasis on the fact that it is necessary to buy goods and services in installments, then pay for them in installments. The credit card just has bank money. The cardholder spends them at his discretion during grace period and pays no interest. That's all.

Of course, there are also terms and conditions for returning money back to the card account. But there is still a similarity with the installment card: the loan will be interest-free only when the borrowed funds are returned to the account before the grace period expires. There are also differences in terms:

  • The grace period on a credit card is provided for the amount of the loan. It turns out that for a while the loan becomes interest-free, and this is the main benefit.
  • The grace period on the installment card is provided for the amount of money spent from the account. The term credit does not apply here at all. The emphasis is on the phrase "interest-free installments".

Everywhere there are differences, especially when it comes to credit cards. We will talk about them further.

What are the benefits of a credit card grace period?

Grace Period Benefits - No Interest

So, on hand there is a credit card, and even with a grace period. What to do next, how not to pay interest? First, you need to find out exactly how long that grace period lasts: a month, two, three. Do not forget to ask how you need to repay the loan amount, that is, the money already spent. Perhaps they should simply be returned to the account before the grace period expires. Or there is a certain debt repayment schedule with monthly payments. But everywhere there is one significant advantage - the absence of interest:

  • You do not need to pay any interest on top when returning the debt back to the credit card account. This condition is only valid until the grace period expires.
  • Not valid during the grace period interest rate even though the card is a credit card.

An explanation of what a credit card grace period is and its benefits:

  • You can use the money on your credit card account for a decent period of time without interest. Usually the grace period is not even one, but several months. Agree that it is much easier to use a credit card than to ask to borrow money from someone.
  • If you need money before payday, for urgent needs, then it is enough to withdraw it from your credit card account or spend it in stores at the checkout, online. If you have time to return them before the end of the grace period, then you do not need to pay interest. In fact, the loan is interest-free.
  • A credit card is issued once and is usually valid for one year. Therefore, the grace period can be used for several years in a row and not once. As soon as the money is returned back, they can again be spent interest-free within the specified period. In simple words, the grace period is renewable, not one-time.

A credit card with such a nice bonus can be compared to a wallet where the bank's money is. They can be spent without paying interest, but it is important to simply return them before the end of the grace period. No one will ask you to constantly issue a loan, submit applications, documents. Everything happens automatically. Yes, and all repayment periods, amounts are indicated not only in SMS, but also in your personal Internet banking account. There are even mobile applications for all credit card holders and not only.

Many banks even offer to choose the date of repayment of the debt, or rather the day of the month. For example, the client chooses the twentieth, thirty, or any other number by which the money should be returned back to the account in order not to pay interest. It is convenient to choose the date when income is expected, for example, payroll.

Some people think that credit cards with a grace period have some limitations. Since you do not need to pay interest, you should look for "pitfalls". Turns out they usually don't. This card calculates:

  • In shops at checkouts, in various shopping centers, establishments, cafes, restaurants and wherever there are terminals for accepting cards.
  • In the Internet. Almost everyone at least once paid with a card for their purchases online - in online stores, on e-commerce sites. All of these resources accept credit cards with a grace period. Of course, no interest is charged on top, except for the standard commission of online stores, etc.
  • In your personal Internet banking account.
  • You can even cash out money from the card, withdraw it at the cash desk or ATM to pay later for purchases.

As you can see, there are no restrictions, so consumers often use a credit card with a grace period to pay for goods and services. By the way, such people may have money, but they simply exceeded their spending limit. In order not to go home for funds, they simply pay by credit card and do not overpay. The same applies to those who are just waiting for the money to arrive and do not want to borrow it from someone. Essentially, a credit card temporarily ceases to be a credit card. Yes, the holder uses the loan, but does not pay any interest.

We pass from theory to practice. How, in fact, did consumers pay off a credit card with a grace period? Are there any additional payments, commissions and interest? Let's look at an example to understand the payment scheme. You must first understand what a grace period is for a credit card: this is the period for which an interest-free loan is provided. But sometimes it is less than stated. And the whole thing turns out to be just in the specifics of the calculations.


The client issued a credit card with a grace period and chose the settlement date - the 23rd of the next month. On the 20th, he made a purchase in the amount of 50,000 rubles and paid with a credit card. Under the terms, the grace period is 45 days. When does he really need to return the money?

Let's say the holder made a purchase on January 20th. He believes that he needs to return 50,000 rubles in 45 days, that is, before the expiration of the grace period. It turns out that this is not the case. He himself chose the date of calculation - the 23rd of the next month. This means that he needs to return the money not after 45 days, but on the 23rd of the next month, that is, February 23rd. In fact, his grace period is reduced to 34 days. That is how many days pass from the moment of purchase, January 20, to the settlement date, February 23.

How, then, to “fit” into 45 days, that is, take advantage of the full grace period. Then the owner of a credit card had to make a purchase not on the twentieth, but on the first.


The credit card holder made the purchase on January 10. The grace period is 45 days, and the settlement date is the same - the 23rd of the next month. Then he will need to return the money on February 23, that is, after 44 days. It turns out that the owner of the card used almost the entire grace period.

To avoid paying any interest on top, you need:

  • Return the money to the balance before the expiration of the grace period, or rather, the settlement date. Usually it is chosen by the client himself when applying for a credit card.
  • Restore the original balance of the card, as it was when the card was issued.

If the holder does not have time to replenish the account, then the loan ceases to be interest-free. He is charged a rate, often monthly, not annual. This percentage is called the base percentage, it is added to the amount owed.

Credit card debt repayment scheme with a grace period - an example

Are there any other fees, credit card payments with a grace period? Yes, sometimes they happen. For example, banks are required to make monthly payments. Suppose you should return at least part of the amount of debt - a certain percentage of it. Which one - you should ask or look at the conditions.

Possible additional payments:

  • Withdrawal fees.
  • Monthly or annual fee for using the card.
  • Other payments stipulated in the tariffs.

Therefore, when registering, it is important to find out about all tariffs, additional commissions, payments. The calculation schedule is usually present in the personal account of Internet banking. It shows all amounts, maturities, credit card balance, settlement dates.

Everyone tries to avoid debts, loans. No one wants to not only borrow money, but also go through the procedure for obtaining a loan. If you need a cash loan, then there is nothing to go to an MFI or a bank branch for. It is enough to have a credit card in hand. If it still has a grace period, then for some time it is not necessary to pay interest on the loan at all. The main thing is that the cardholder avoids the procedure for obtaining a loan, queues and other inconveniences.

To get a cash loan, you just need to withdraw money from the card. By the way, now it is ordered not only in the branch, but also online, on the website of banks. In fact, even being at home or at work, it is possible to remotely issue a credit card with a grace period. Some banks even offer the service of its courier delivery to the client's address. Agree, everyone wants to receive such a cash loan, and even on a renewable basis. After all, it is much more convenient to have money for a loan on a credit card than to ask for a loan from relatives or friends.

It is not difficult to issue a credit card Visa of a Russian financial institution. But only not all holders know how to use it correctly, so they are afraid to receive it, so as not to pay high interest for using it. But you can use credit funds without overpayments, the main thing is to understand how the grace period of a credit card works.

What is a credit card grace period

Any type of loan provides for its own interest rate for the use of money and has its own specific term. The accrual starts as soon as the loan was issued and is considered a kind of its cost. But credit cards are the exception to the rule:

  • the credit line is constantly renewed;
  • there is an opportunity not to pay interest, but under certain conditions.

The last option is called an interest-free or grace period. Its essence: if the client of the bank regularly deposits the funds used with the established minimum payments and returned everything spent during this period, then no additional amounts will be charged, only what was borrowed. Today, the grace period is on average 50 to 60 days. Using a Sberbank credit card with a grace period opens up unlimited possibilities for the client. Imagine, I bought a product for 1000 in a store from a credit card account and after 30 days I returned the same amount and not a ruble more, isn’t it profitable.

How to calculate the grace period on a credit card

You can find out the grace period on a credit card from a specialist at the time of its receipt or call hotline financial institution.

Important! It is worth remembering that the Russian Sberbank has an interest-free period only for purchases made through the terminal. If the funds were withdrawn from an ATM in cash, then interest will be calculated from the date of the transaction.

On average, financial institutions today set a period of 50 days, but in practice, it is 20-50 days. These minimum 20 days are called the payment period, during which you must pay off the debt on the card or pay established by the bank minimum, so that the beginning of the countdown does not come and interest does not begin to accrue.

  1. Contact the support service of a financial institution by phone: 8 800 555 55 50.
  2. Find the envelope in which the pin code for the credit card was issued, the date is indicated on it.
  3. Enter Personal Area Sberbank Online and view all information on plastic.

After the date is known, let it be January 20th, which means that the benefit will be calculated on the 20th of each month. This number will not change for the client even when he changes the plastic, which has already expired.

From the 20th to the 20th of the next month, there is a reporting time during which purchases can be made. To get the settlement period - 50 days, then it is better to make the purchase on the day when the report is generated, then the client will have 30 days until the next date and another 20 to pay off the debt.

If by bank transfer the funds left a day before the report was generated, then the interest-free period will be only 20 days.

Be sure to remember the payment day, before it takes effect, you must fully repay the entire loan or deposit the minimum amount set by the bank. You can determine the date on the page in Sberbank Online or via SMS of Mobile Bank.

How to use the credit card grace period

The grace period, which today in most financial institutions is up to 50 days, provides for the use of money from a credit card without paying interest. To evaluate the pros, you must carefully study the rules for using a credit card of Sberbank or another bank.

Plastic holders believe that interest-free time begins from the moment a transaction for payment for goods is made, and this is the main mistake. In fact, the countdown starts from the date when the acquisition was made and up to the reporting date, and an additional 20 days.

And this is a guarantee that the owner of a credit card can use loyal conditions for 20 days. And everything else depends on the date of the report, which coincides with the date when the plastic was activated. It is from this moment that the bank allocates 30 days for the purchase of goods. And as soon as they end, the reporting time begins.

If the money from the plastic is spent on the day of the report, then the benefit will be 50 days, if on the 10th day, then only 40 days remain for repayment without interest, and if the goods were purchased on the 30th day, then the holder will have 20 days in stock. This may mean that it is better to spend money on the reporting day.

By paying off the debt to the bank at the specified time, you can again receive grace time, which will begin to be calculated from the specified date, in order to continue making purchases without limiting yourself in anything. What is the grace period for a Sberbank credit card

Sberbank has prepared several types of credit cards that allow holders not to limit themselves and make any purchases in supermarkets or on the Internet. A financial institution today offers 50 days of an interest-free period on its credit cards, and after that the calculation of interest will begin. The official website of Sberbank has a convenient interactive service that demonstrates how the benefit time works, how to calculate it correctly so as not to overpay.

Countdown date on a Sberbank credit card: what is it

The reference date is the day of the month when the bank generates a complete report on transactions. Speaking more plain language, then on this day the reporting by the financial institution takes place, where all receipts and expenses for plastic are necessarily indicated. It is this number that is called the starting date of the grace period.

Each credit card holder has his own countdown day, because they receive and activate plastic on different days. You can find out your personal date by looking at the envelope with the pin code. You can also enter your page in Sberbank Online, where it will be indicated in a special line. You can also find out the number through the hotline, just call and indicate your details and the operator will help you figure it out. What is the percentage on the Sberbank credit card after the grace period? If suddenly during this time the loan is not repaid, then Sberbank will begin to accrue interest on the use of money. Today it is 24% per annum.

You can calculate how much the loan will have to be paid using the following example: the amount of the debt x 24% / 365 days x the number of days of delay. This is how you need to count in order to accurately find out the amount.

Lending is good way to help all those who want to live in such a way that they do not limit themselves in anything. Today, the Momentum card from Sberbank is considered the most convenient and profitable. It will be as easy to calculate a benefit for it as for any other.

The grace period of a Sberbank credit card is the period during which you can use credit funds from a card without paying interest. It is also called the interest-free period or grace period (from the English grace period).

It is important to find out in detail about the grace period for lending before you apply for a Sberbank credit card and start using it. Otherwise, it is likely to make a delay in payment and end up paying rather high interest.

The grace period for a Sberbank credit card is 50 days. It would seem that this is a lot. But the catch is that the interest-free period on a credit card is not counted from the date of the purchase, that is, the actual spending of money from the card.

Grace period for a Sberbank credit card: how to calculate

In Sberbank, the grace period on a credit card is divided into two unequal parts - this is " reporting period' and 'payment period'.

The reporting period is 30 days during which the client makes purchases using a Sberbank credit card. At the end of this period, a report on payments is generated - when and how much was spent.

The next 20 days is the pay period. During this time, the client must fully repay the loan debt, that is, deposit money on a Sberbank credit card. In this case, you will not have to pay interest on the loan.

In total, these 50 days make up the grace period for a Sberbank credit card.

See also:

Sberbank credit card 50 days without interest: conditions and limits >>

Credit card bank Tinkoff: is it worth opening >>

Grace period of a Sberbank credit card: calculation example

Let's give a simple example of calculating the grace period for a Sberbank credit card.

Suppose the reporting period began on May 8 and the purchase was made at the same time. In this case, the cardholder has 50 days to pay off the debt at 0 percent - until June 27.

If the purchase was made not on May 8, when the reporting period began, but on May 22, then only 35 days remain until June 27 to pay off the full amount of the debt at 0 percent (15 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

Accordingly, from 20 to 50 days are always available for repayment of debt without interest.

Reporting period for a Sberbank credit card: when does it start

How to find out when the reporting period begins on a Sberbank credit card? A similar question arises for everyone who is going to use a Sberbank credit card. Since the deadline for repaying the debt depends on the date of the beginning of the reporting period, it’s better not to guess, but to clarify this with the Sberbank employee who issues the credit card.

And in order not to get confused later, immediately after receiving a credit card, you need to connect the Sberbank Online Internet bank, and also check if you have an SMS service connected. Mobile bank».

In Sberbank Online, you can not only manage your card account, but also receive all the necessary information on it:

  • - the date the report was generated,
  • - debt,
  • - date of payment,
  • - card expiry date…

"Mobile Bank" will report via SMS about all transactions carried out on the card. In addition, Mobile Bank will notify you of the date and amount of the upcoming mandatory payment, including the amount of the full debt to comply with the terms of the grace period for lending on a Sberbank card.

- the period of time set by the bank. During this period, the client has the right to use the borrowed money without paying interest to the financial institution. This is possible subject to the timely repayment of the debt in full.

Most often, the grace period of a credit card is valid only for non-cash transactions - purchases, payment for services. When you withdraw money from an ATM, the bank will charge you a commission. But there are exceptions. Some banks include cash withdrawals in the grace period.

The main advantage of using a credit card is that, having issued it once, the client gets the opportunity to dispose of the borrowed funds at any time convenient for him.

How is the grace period calculated?

There are several schemes by which banks calculate the grace period on a credit card:

  1. Most often, the grace period is formed on the basis of the reporting period, and many banks offer customers just such conditions. For the convenience of borrowers, there are special online loan calculators, allowing you to accurately determine the duration of the grace period.
  2. From the moment when the first transaction was made on the card. For customers, the most convenient and easy to understand are credit cards with a fixed grace period. How it works? The bank simply sets a certain number of calendar days during which the client can use a credit card without interest. In this case, the billing period always starts from the date of the first purchase.
  3. Calculation for each operation. Perhaps this option is the least common. With this scheme, you need to repay the resulting debt in the same manner in which you spent the loan funds. Perhaps this is convenient for the borrower, but in the event of confusion about the transactions performed, there is a risk of delay and being forced to pay interest on the use of credit funds.

Important! Before applying for a credit card, you need to find out according to which scheme the interest-free period will be calculated in your bank.

How does a credit card grace period work?

The time during which you spend credit funds on making purchases and paying for services is called the billing period. The bank keeps track of all your spending during this time, which is usually 30 days. After this period, a payment period begins, until the end of which you need to fully repay the resulting debt. In this case, interest on the use of borrowed funds will not be charged. As a rule, the payment period lasts from 20 to 30 days, which together with the billing period gives from 50 days without interest. Let's see how the grace period works, using an illustrative example.

You received and activated a credit card on August 1, and then spent 20,000 rubles in a month. When September arrived, the billing period ended. financial institution generates a statement in which it notifies you of the amount spent and the total debt. In our example, the amount is 20,000 rubles.

Then comes the pay period. Let's say it is 20 days, therefore, it will end by September 21st. Therefore, the credit card grace period advertised would be 51 days. In order not to pay accrued interest, simply pay the entire amount of the debt before September 21, that is, until the end of the payment period.

In addition, you can make payments within credit limit throughout the period without interest. If we return to our example, let's say the client spent another 10,000 rubles before September 21. By returning all the money spent to the bank before this date, you will free yourself from paying interest.

And what will happen if you suddenly did not have time to pay off the entire debt in full until interest was accrued? You just need to make a minimum payment amount (its size depends on the conditions of a particular credit card). If it is 5%, then you deposit 1000 rubles, if it is 10%, you will have to pay 2000 rubles. On top of that, you will have to pay interest accrued on the amount owed.

From September 1 to October 1, the payment period will still last (until September 21), in addition, the second billing period begins. Therefore, on October 1, the bank will provide a report in which it will indicate minimum size payment and the amount of interest that was accrued for the use of borrowed funds. In relation to our example - 20,000 rubles, which the client spent in the first billing period, minus 2000 rubles, which were made as a minimum payment on October 21. This also adds 10,000 rubles spent in the second billing period - the amount is 28,000 rubles. The amount of the minimum payment, which must be made before October 21, will be calculated based on this amount. It turns out 2800 rubles and interest accrued on the amount of the remaining debt. Such a scheme will be repeated every month until the entire debt to the bank is repaid.

In addition, it is important for the client to know what actions can be performed during the grace period. This includes purchases made online or in stores with by bank transfer. Occasionally, the interest-free period applies to cash withdrawals from an ATM. Transfers from a credit card to other accounts also, as a rule, do not apply to preferential transactions. In some banks, it is completely impossible to produce them.

A number of banks do not include purchase transactions in the interest-free period electronic currency and some payments through online banking.

Why does the bank need it?

Financial institutions actively offer credit cards that have a grace period without interest. They do this for a number of reasons:

  1. For advertising purposes. One of the most effective ways to advertise your product is to let the customer use it for free. Consumers who have tried the service on themselves will subsequently turn to a lender they already know. Clients who have evaluated the grace period on the card are no exception.
  2. In order to increase the client base of developing small banks. As a rule, large organizations do not approve credit cards for all potential borrowers - only for those who have already established themselves as a reliable client. Small and little-known banks, on the contrary, are ready to offer their services to anyone. The calculation is based on the fact that the client will allow a delay in payment, and he will be charged interest for the entire period of using credit funds. By the way, the size of the interest rate can also serve as an indicator - large and well-known banks have a noticeably lower loan rate than those companies that have just appeared on the financial market.
  3. In parallel with the grace period, the client is charged a substantial annual service fee. In some organizations, it reaches 50 rubles if there is at least a small debt, which leads to tangible costs. Typically, banks provide credit cards with a fixed maintenance fee, which is charged once a year or a month, or do not charge customers at all for servicing plastic.

In which banks can I get an interest-free period

Almost any bank is ready to offer you a credit card grace period of 0 days. However, when choosing a lender, you should carefully read all the conditions: annual service, interest rate - to choose a really advantageous offer.

  1. . The rate on it starts from 11.99% per annum, depending on how much money you take and for how long. You can receive up to 500,000 rubles. Annual maintenance will cost you from 590 rubles. To additional expenses, it is worth adding an SMS notification for 59 rubles per month. Getting a credit card is much more convenient and profitable than getting an instant loan.
  2. . Has a standard grace period of 55 days. The interest rate starts from 12% per annum. Maintenance will cost you 590 rubles per year. SMS informing costs 59 rubles per month. A client can receive an amount up to 300,000 rubles. There is a high interest rate for cash withdrawals.
  3. . The available limit on it is up to 600,000 rubles, the interest rate is 27.9%. The grace period provided to customers is up to 50 days. The cost of annual maintenance is 3000 rubles. The advantages of this credit card include free issuance and SMS messages.
  4. . A client can receive up to 300,000 rubles, and the grace period on the card will be 60 months. If you have card debt, you will be charged a daily fee of 30 rubles. SMS notification is a paid service, amounting to 89 rubles per month, so you can spend a maximum of 1068 rubles per year. The loan rate is 20% per annum.
  5. "Platinum" from Russian Standard Bank. The client can count on the amount up to 300,000 rubles. This product has a free release, and you can use it without interest for up to 55 days. After this period, the interest rate is 21.9% per annum. The service fee for the first year will be 590 rubles.
  6. "Visa # Everything is possible" from Rosbank. The available limit on it is up to 1,000,000 rubles. You can use interest-free up to 62 days. This credit card is issued free of charge. The first month it is also serviced without a fee, and from the second - the free service will remain only if you make purchases in the amount of 15,000 rubles. Otherwise, you will have to pay 99 rubles per month. From the second year, the maintenance fee can reach 890 rubles.

These are just some of the most interesting offers for credit cards with a period without interest. Almost every bank today can issue you.

If you want to use a credit card for your own benefit, spend funds during the credit card grace period for non-cash transactions. Pay off your debt in full and on time. When applying for a credit card, be sure to specify on what basis the period of interest-free use will be calculated, how much the service costs per year, and what operations can be performed without interest.