When visa support will appear on apple. Apple Pay became available to Visa card users in Russia. Option from MTS Bank

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Now you can pay for goods and services not only with real money and a bank card, but also with a smartphone, using special payment services for this. One such service is Apple Pay. Visa Sberbank. This is a modern, very convenient, 100% safe way to pay for a variety of goods and services, both in regular stores and on the Internet.

From the very name of the service, it is easy to guess that owners of modern gadgets from, and not only smartphones, can use it. True, not all devices support this function, but only the latest models. Also, the owner of the gadget must be a client of Sberbank and a Visa card holder.

What is Apple Pay

It is a special service with which you can pay with a bank card without using it yourself. It is absolutely safe, because the card number is not stored in the phone memory and Apple servers, so it is impossible to hack and steal anything. You don't have to worry about this. The developers have made every effort to improve security. You just need to bring your smartphone to the terminal to make a payment. As for paying for goods and services on the Internet, you need to click on Touch ID. This significantly speeds up the online payment process, because you do not need to enter card details.

This is convenient for those who have a lot of plastic bank cards, for whom it is inconvenient to carry them all with them, for those who have forgotten the card at home, etc. If you pay for goods and services on the Internet, this service also allows you to significantly speed up this, because neither numbers or other bank card details do not need to be entered. Everything is guaranteed safe. In addition, additional security is guaranteed by the fact that the cards are connected on the website of the bank itself in the Sberbank Online service.

First you need to make sure that the device accurately supports this service. First of all, you need to be the owner of a gadget from the "apple corporation". If the smartphone model is on the list of those that support the service, you can connect it. To do this, you need to turn on Touch ID, and also sign in to iCloud, take your bank card to enter its data.

You must first go to the online service of Sberbank itself, go to the page of the card itself that you plan to connect, select "Connect Apple Pay", and click on this button. The map is then added to special program Wallet, which is in the gadget by default. To do this, following the instructions clearly, you will need to enter your bank card details.

How to set up Apple Pay on your phone

No need to worry about the security of your data and your money. Maximum security. This is guaranteed by the developers. You do not need to enter personal data, as well as wait for SMS with codes. No need to scan the card itself, etc. You need a minimum of information and strict adherence to instructions. The status of a bank card in the Sberbank Online service will change after this system is connected. You can connect the card in your smartphone in a different way, starting immediately with the Wallet application. You need to run it and click on the plus sign in the upper right corner and add a card following the instructions.

If use Smart watch and connect the service and the card there, you will also first need to launch Sberbank Online on your iPhone, go to the page of the card itself and press the "Connect on Apple Watch" button in the menu. Again, you will need to follow the instructions to add the card. It won't take long and you won't need to enter too much information. Immediately after connecting the card, its status will also change in online service Sberbank.

If you install payment serviceon a tablet, you need to launch "Wallet and Apple Pay". Next, click on the "Add credit or debit card" button. According to the instructions, a new card is added, after which its status will also change in the application of Sberbank itself.

Despite the apparent complexity, everything is very simple, takes a minimum of time and is 100% safe. To begin with, you can connect a card with a small amount of money on your balance to minimize risks and make sure that everything is definitely safe.

A new payment system has appeared in Russia Android Pay. Read!

How to pay with Apple Pay

  • If you pay with Apple Pay with iPhone, you will need to bring it to the terminal while holding your finger on Touch ID. The inscription “Done” should appear on the screen of the gadget, the phone itself will vibrate and emit a short beep, notifying that the payment was successful.
  • Using Apple Watch, on a smart watch, you need to double-click on the button, which is located on the side. Then the watch itself is brought to the terminal and turn the display towards it. A sound signal will indicate that the payment has been successfully completed.

Which devices support Apple Pay

Since these payment systems were developed and became available relatively recently, not all Apple products support them. Therefore, before trying to register a card in the service, it is better to check whether the gadget supports all this, whether it can work with this program.

With the help of smartphones, this service can be paid in stores, in programs, as well as on the Internet. Let's find out What devices does Apple Pay work on?

Which phones (iPhones) support Apple Pay:

  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone SE

With the help of tablets, this service can be used to pay in programs, as well as on the Internet.

The service is supported by the following tablet models:

  • iPad Pro (12.9")
  • iPad Pro (9.7")
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad mini 4
  • iPad mini 3

With the help of smart watches, this service can be used to pay in programs.

The service is supported by the following smart watch models:

  • Apple Watch Series 2
  • Apple Watch Series 1
  • Apple Watch (1st generation)

Using Mac computers, this service allows you to pay for purchases on the Internet.

The service is supported by the following computer models:

  • MacBook Pro must have Touch ID
  • A Mac 2012 or later must be paired with an iPhone that supports Apple Pay or an Apple Watch.

Watch the video on how to set up and use Apple Pay Visa Sberbank:

Sberbank started implementing new project aimed at optimizing work with in cash. The project is based on interaction with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay services - VISA of Sberbank was chosen as the card with which transactions on the use of these services will be carried out.

When Sberbank launches Apple Pay with VISA, it will be the second payment bank card that works with Apple Pay. The first is MasterCard, whose owners have already experienced the convenience of working with finances in this way. However, only MasterCard cards previously issued by Tinkoff and Alfa-Bank are suitable. At that time, the introduction of new technologies was successful, so Sberbank representatives plan to repeat the experience with other cards, adding integration with Samsung Pay.

The large-scale update was not supported only by Binbank, which stated that their representatives would only work with domestically produced Mir cards. At the same time, Mir will maintain the same electronic services but the idea is still under development.

Samsung Pay and integration with VISA cards

Since December 2016, several Russian banks, including Sberbank, are planning to implement the possibility of making payments using Samsung. When Samsung Pay Sberbank VISA is launched, owners of Galaxy S6, S7, A5, A7 and Note 5 smartphones will be the first to experience the technology. From 2017, Galaxy A and J holders will follow them, as a Samsung representative promises.

Mobile payment for purchases makes smartphones more and more versatile. Owners of the above smartphones, having cards from Sberbank and other banking organizations in Russia, can connect them to a mobile device and pay for goods and services by simply tapping the phone to the terminal. Given that it is now easier to get a phone out of your pocket than a card from your wallet, this will speed up and simplify financial operations. Reading data from the card in the phone is no slower than from a real card.

When Samsung Pay with Sberbank VISA was launched, cardholders from Russia were able to join 11 countries where the promotion had already been launched. In Europe, only Spain has taken the baton so far, but the planned scale of the project has already been captured by Thailand, Taiwan, the UK and other countries that the developers have not yet talked about. The largest number of users of the service are citizens of South Korea, where it was first launched and immediately found many fans.

Representatives of the company were not sure that Samsung Pay with Sberbank VISA would work from the end of 2016, however, the project was met with success, and even went much faster than in some other countries.

Benefits of Samsung Pay:

  • Payments are made without commission to the bank account.
  • Using smartphones to pay makes the process more secure and keeps the data private.
  • Customers get rid of the need to carry not only cash, but also plastic cards, which increases security.
  • The project is supported by most Russian banks, including Sberbank, VTB, MTS, Tinkoff Bank, etc.
  • It is planned to support other mobile devices, including smart watches.

Comparison of Apple Pay vs Samsung Pay

In Russia, you can use for making payments not only cards of domestic banks, but also foreign companies that are program partners. Contactless payment technology is supported not only by smartphones, but also by Apple Watch smart watches. The user's iCloud account must be registered in a country that has already entered the Apple Pay support path.

As for Samsung Pay, it is not the localization of the personal account that matters, but the country where the smartphone was purchased. Otherwise, the principle is the same, only the bank must support Samsung Pay.

Both systems work with almost the same banking organizations. Cards that support new technology, while not so much - MasterCard and, when Apple Pay with Sberbank VISA earned, - VISA.

The principle of operation of the technology is the same for both payment systems, but Samsung has an alternative using a secret PIN code. By default, the owner of the card and phone puts a finger with a pre-scanned fingerprint on the terminal. Many users liked the addition from Samsung, since you can enter the PIN code with gloves that can recognize touch screens. Another problem associated with the inability to read the fingerprint is wet hands, when authorization with a PIN code will also come to the rescue.

As for compatible devices, Apple has 6 and 7 iPhones, smart watches of all versions, iPads and MacBooks. With the help of the last two gadgets, only payment for online purchases is confirmed. In fact, those devices are supported that have a built-in fingerprint scanner of the owner - Touch ID.

Samsung has offered several flagships from popular lines to use contactless payment technology. The system is not yet supported on other devices, but in the future it is planned to connect not only new smartphones, but also smart watches to use.

If we compare both systems as a whole, it turns out that Apple Pay is suitable for residents of large cities, where the infrastructure allows you to place a large number of contactless terminals. You can also boast of support for payments and transfers online. Samsung Pay with Sberbank VISA is still limited in the number of smartphone models, but it is more practical - it is used all over the world even in those terminals that do not support NFC.

How to connect Apple Pay?

When Apple Pay with Sberbank VISA was launched, many cardholders encountered difficulties connecting the service. Therefore, using the example of Apple, the instruction is given:

  1. Connect your device to a wireless or Wi-Fi network.
  2. Sign in to iCloud and create an account if you haven't already created one.
  3. Launch the Wallet app and add your Sberbank card to the list following the instructions on the screen. At the same time, the user's personal data remains secret - to connect, you do not have to dial codes from SMS messages and send card scans for confirmation.
  4. Launch the Sberbank Online program after downloading it.
  5. Expand the VISA card page and click on the inscription "Connect on iPhone (or Apple Pay).
  6. Follow the instructions on the display to check the location of the card in Wallet.
  7. After all the manipulations are completed, a new status of the connected card will appear in the Sberbank Online application.

Samsung Pay is also connected in a similar way, since the principle of operation of applications is the same. The difference is that in order to add a card, the user needs to scan it or transfer the information into the application manually. After accepting the user agreement, you must enter the activation code, which is sent to the owner of the smartphone via SMS.

When Sberbank launched Apple Pay with VISA, some skeptics took it with a grain of salt. However, now that Samsung devices have joined the project, there are speculations that the technology will become widespread.

Visa announced the launch of Apple Pay in Russia. At the first stage, the service will be available to Alfa-Bank clients and Tinkoff Bank. The Banki.ru portal was informed about this by CEO Visa in Russia Ekaterina Petelina.

“From today, we launched together with Alfa-Bank and Tinkoff Bank. This is a big project that we implemented on a very tight schedule,” she said in an interview with the Banki.ru portal.

According to Petelina, the service will also be provided to clients of other Russian banks.

“We are pleased that Alfa-Bank was one of the first to launch Apple Pay with Visa. Now, using Apple Pay, bank customers can easily download their card to their iPhone and use it as a means of payment wherever contactless payment is accepted,” says Tatyana Yarmola, Director of Products and Projects for Electronic Business at Alfa-Bank.

“The service is in great demand, the first thousand users connected in just half an hour, and the transaction turnover already amounts to several million dollars. Our customers use contactless payments all over the world, with purchases made in 36 countries. The age of the most adult client is 84 years old (and this is a woman),” said a representative of Alfa-Bank.

She also said that Alfa-Bank added a unique option to the service: “If the client has lost his plastic card, he can block the card itself and use payment with mobile phone, this is especially true for travelers.”

Recall, in Russia since October 4. Initially, only debit and credit card holders could use Apple Pay. credit cards mastercard. From November 1, the service became available. In particular, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie Bank, Binbank Group, Tinkoff Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Saint Petersburg Bank, MTS Bank and the mobile operator of the same name, as well as Yandex.Money announced the launch of Apple Pay. In addition, the Ubank financial marketplace announced the availability of Apple Pay for users. From the messages of the banks it followed that the service was available only to MasterCard cardholders.

Point-of-sale contactless payment with Apple Pay is supported on iPhone SE, iPhone 6 and later, and Apple Watch.

Read about how the Russian payment industry is developing in an interview with Ekaterina Petelina on the Banki.ru portal.

According to Banki.ru, as of February 1, 2020, the bank's net assets amounted to 599.11 billion rubles (18th place in Russia), capital (calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) - 102.04 billion, loan portfolio- 387.92 billion, liabilities to the population - 329.87 billion.

If payment for goods by phone did not compare with bank cards in terms of coverage, then it overtook it in terms of convenience. At its launch, however, Apple Pay did not work with Visa cards in Russia. And now?

History reference

For the first time, the Apple Pay contactless payment system has been launched in Russia since November 1, 2016. But at launch, an unexpected circumstance turned out - only payment cards were supported. MasterCard systems. Questions began to arise when Apple Pay would work with Visa. Luckily, we didn't have to wait long.

Currently, the question of why Apple Pay does not work with Visa is no longer relevant. If you are the owner of the products of this payment system, it will not be difficult to connect it to the contactless payment application.

But, although there is support for the payment system at a fundamental level, not all banks implement it, which is why questions arise when Visa will fully support Apple Pay. It is difficult to answer this, but further we will consider banks and their products that work with the system now.

What banks support?

At the time of this writing, at least the following credit institutions were working with Apple Pay:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • VTB 24;
  • MTS bank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Opening;
  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff.

The list is not limited to this, in addition, it is constantly updated. You can check if your particular bank supports Apple Pay by visiting the help section of their website or by contacting support.

Consider some of the most popular plastic products that can be connected to this contactless payment system.

Option from MTS Bank

MTS Bank offers somewhat equivalent profitable options, but the Weekend debit card can be considered the most popular, due to the fact that it is less strongly tied to the user's tariff plan. Visa and Apple Pay in Russia work with all MTS cards.


MTS Money Weekend - debit card from MTS Bank with cashback, savings account and favorable conditions service. At a time, one person can issue up to two such cards for himself, and for each of them - up to five additional ones for members of his family.


  • Standard cashback - 1%, for certain categories of purchases - up to 5%.
  • With monthly spending from 15,000 rubles or a balance on the card over 30,000 rubles, there is no monthly service fee.
  • Cash withdrawal is free throughout Russia.
  • A savings account opened together with the card is credited with 7.5% per annum while maintaining a minimum balance of 1000 rubles.


The disadvantages include:

  • The amount of cashback is limited - only 3,000 rubles per month.
  • If the conditions for free service are not met, it will cost 99 rubles per month (which is 1188 rubles per year).
  • For cash withdrawals outside the Russian Federation, the commission is 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles.


  1. The issue of the main and each additional card is 299 rubles, and the first 2 months of service are free, regardless of the amount of expenses and the balance.
  2. Reissue in case of loss or damage - 299 rubles, on the initiative of the bank - free of charge.
  3. Restrictions on cash withdrawals - up to 50,000 rubles per day and no more than 60,000 rubles per month.
  4. Limits on transfers to other cards - up to 100,000 rubles at a time and a maximum of 850,000 rubles per client per month.

Option from Sberbank

The first choice for many will be plastic from the country's largest lending institution. As an example, its most standard card product, the classic Visa debit card, will be considered, although other types of plastic issued by the bank are also easily connected to Apple system Pay for Visa.


Classic card from Sberbank - standard debit a plastic card, which can be paid in any place on the Internet and offline, where they work with the Visa system. It is issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation or legally residing in the country. The minimum age for issuing a main card is 14 years old, an additional one is 7 years old. For minors, the consent of parents or other legal representatives is required.


The advantages of plastic include:

  1. Online application for a card is available, which saves you from an extra trip to the branch. The bank will inform you about the readiness of the card by SMS message to the mobile phone number specified in the application.
  2. Free replenishment in an extensive network of branches, ATMs and terminals of Sberbank.
  3. You can manage funds on the card through mobile bank, Sberbank Online Internet banking system and self-service devices.
  4. The card can be linked to various electronic wallets. In the case of Yandex.Money, topping up your wallet is free.
  5. Available bonus program with a wide network of partners.
  6. Transfers from card to card are free if both of them are issued in the same region of the country, and if in different regions, the commission is only 1% of the amount without a minimum threshold.


The disadvantages include:

  • Expensive service.
  • No interest is charged on the card balance.


The main terms of issue and service are as follows:

  1. Validity - 3 years.
  2. Registration in rubles, dollars and euro is possible.
  3. The cost of maintenance is 450 rubles in the first year and 750 rubles in the next two.
  4. For all purchases on the card, 0.5% "Thank you" bonuses are charged, for purchases from bank partners, cashback is up to 20%.

Option from Tinkoff Bank

Almost all Tinkoff Bank products support Apple Pay for Visa in Russia, so let's consider one of the most common options - the Tinkoff Black debit storage card.


The card is issued in 2 days and is focused on the accumulation of money in the account.


  • Cashback from 1 to 30% (depending on the payment method and the store where the purchase is made).
  • Interest-free cash withdrawal at any ATM, provided that at least 3 thousand rubles are withdrawn.
  • Quick release.
  • Good interest on the balance (up to 7%).


disadvantages this product are as follows:

  • The impossibility of interest-free withdrawal of money in small volumes.
  • Low interest (0.1% per annum) on foreign currency accounts.
  • Card maintenance is free only with a certain deposit.


The main conditions of this product are as follows:

  • Payment from 0 to 99 rubles per month.
  • Mobile and Internet banking are connected free of charge.
  • Accrual of 3% per annum for purchases with a card in the amount of less than 3,000 rubles and 7% per annum for purchases of this amount and above.
  • Free service with a deposit of 30,000 rubles or more (or the presence of a similar loan in the bank).

How is the connection

For completeness, let's look at how to connect the card to Apple Pay, when you have already decided which plastic you will use.

To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Find the Wallet app on your mobile device (may be in Settings on tablet devices).
  2. Select "Add payment card".
  3. Enter your card details or just scan it with your camera.
  4. Click "Next" and follow the instructions to confirm the card attachment. Now you can pay with your mobile phone in places that support this feature, Visa and Apple Pay now work together.

With regard to virtual Visa cards, which do not have their physical equivalent, then the answer to the question whether Apple Pay Visa Virtual supports is ambiguous. Some banks definitely provide the opportunity to connect them, for example, Alfa-Bank. In others, it is strongly recommended to find out information in an individual way about a particular product that you have.

Summing up

Currently, the answer to the question of whether Apple Pay works with Visa is overwhelmingly positive. But you need to understand that not every credit institution has the ability to connect their plastic products to a contactless payment system. So the question of when Apple Pay will fully work with Visa remains open.

But even now there is a fairly large selection of suitable products that work with the application. good options Tinkoff Bank, Sberbank, MTS Bank offer:

  • maximum cashback - Tinkoff Bank;
  • maximum interest on the balance - MTS Bank;
  • the most extensive network of ATMs and terminals, as well as the low cost of service, if there are no deposits - Sberbank.

Each product has its own characteristics, so the choice should be made based on your individual needs, as well as which bank you are currently a client of.

Innovative developments are increasingly being introduced into banking. Another interesting project was presented by Sberbank: Apple Pay - Visa and Mastercard - is a simple and secure way to pay for purchases.

Compatible devices

Not so long ago, bank card holders were interested in when Apple Pay will work with Visa Sberbank? The excitement around this issue can be understood: Apple Pay is compatible with devices running on iOS and macOS operating systems, and greatly simplifies the process of payments both in stores and on the Internet. Devices eligible for this service include iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac products released after 2014.

Apple Pay is compatible with:

  • iPhone 6 and above and works in stores, apps, and websites in the Safari browser;
  • Apple Watch (first generation, Series 1, Series 2) is accepted in stores, in applications;
  • iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad (5th generation), iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4 and later in apps and websites;
  • Mac (MacBook Pro equipped with Touch ID, Mac 2012 or later, paired with an Apple Pay-enabled iPhone or Apple Watch) using the Safari browser with an Apple Watch or iPhone 6 or newer with Apple Pay enabled.

In Japan to pay for purchases and services public transport Apple Pay requires an iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, or Apple Watch Series 2 purchased in that country.

How to connect Apple Pay

Connection is allowed under the following conditions:

  • the device used must be equipped with a Touch ID fingerprint scanner;
  • connected to the Internet;
  • signed in to iCloud account.

iCloud by Apple is an Internet service, cloud storage. To sign in to iCloud, you need to go to "Settings", where you enter the personal ID of the owner of the device.

At the end of the connection process, the status of the card on home page Sberbank online will automatically change. After that, the technology should work.


How to connect Apple Pay from Sberbank to Visa or Mastercard - if you use an iPhone, then you need to:

  • install the Sberbank Online application;
  • open it;
  • go to the bank card page;
  • press the button "Connect Apple Pay" or "Connect on iPhone";
  • follow the instructions offered by the system;
  • add a card to the Wallet app.

To confirm the operation, in response to manipulations in the process of connecting the card, Sberbank sends one-time password. It must be entered in the appropriate line.

Another way to connect to the service is as follows - you need:

  • enter the standard Wallet application for devices;
  • touch the plus sign, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen;
  • to link a card (both credit and debit) associated with an iTunes account, the card's security code is entered. You can also select "Add another card" and then using the camera you need to enter (take a picture with subsequent automatic recognition) data from the card form.

Apple Watch

To get started on Apple Watch, you need:

  • enter Sberbank Online (if there is no application, install it first) on the iPhone;
  • go to the card page;
  • press the "Connect Apple Pay" or "Connect on Apple Watch" button;
  • following the instructions provided by the bank service, add the card to the Wallet app on Apple Watch.

Connection to the service is possible in another way. For this you need:

  • open on iPhone application Apple Watch;
  • tap "Wallet and Apple Pay";
  • select the link "Add a credit or debit card";
  • to connect, the security code of the required card is entered. You can select "Add another card". Data from the card form is entered using the camera.


To connect Apple Pay on iPad you need:

  • open "Settings";
  • touch "Wallet and Apple Pay";
  • follow the link "Add a credit or debit card";
  • adding a card (credit or debit) linked to account iTunes, is done by entering its security code. You can also select the "Add another card" button. Then the card data is entered using the camera.

Terms of Use

The main purpose of the technology is to provide payment according to a simplified scheme in stores, in applications, in online stores, on websites, when touching the Touch ID of the device is enough to confirm the purchase.

This service is very convenient for those customers who have several cards. Thanks to the technology, you do not need to carry them with you, and there is no need to enter card data at the time of payment.

Apple Pay works with any payment terminals that support contactless payment, that is, accept contactless bank cards. A special icon "Buy with Apple Pay" helps to identify such devices.

Apple Pay is available at no additional charge, that is, completely free.

In the process of settlements in the terminals of stores, the connection of the used device to the Internet is not required. The process of interaction with the payment terminal is provided by contactless NFC technology.

Payment procedure through the payment terminal

How to pay with Apple Pay installed on iPhone:

  • launch the Wallet app;
  • select a card to perform the operation;
  • put your finger on Touch ID;
  • the device identifies the owner's fingerprint;
  • bring the device to the payment terminal;
  • “Done” will appear on the screen;
  • the device will vibrate and give a sound signal;
  • operation completed.

The Apple Watch billing process is as follows:

  • enter password;
  • press the side button twice;
  • select the required card;
  • rotate the device so that its display is facing the terminal;
  • the terminal will inform you about the payment by a sound signal.

After completing a payment transaction, always check the terminal readings. This is necessary to ensure that the transaction completed successfully.

Payments in mobile applications and on the Internet

Payment via Apple Pay is possible in those mobile applications and on those Internet portals that are marked with the "Buy with Apple Pay" icon.

After choosing a product, you should pay according to the scheme:

  • tap the Buy with Apple Pay icon;
  • check the information about the purchase being made, personal data;
  • On iPad, place your finger on Touch ID or double-press the side button on Apple Watch.
  • A check mark will appear and the text “Done” will appear. This indicates the successful completion of the payment.

Types of Sberbank cards compatible with Apple Pay

Sberbank ensured compatibility with both payment system Visa and Mastercard.

Debit cards

The following types of Visa debit cards can be connected to the service:

  • Visa Momentum;
  • Visa Classic with individual design;
  • Visa Gold;
  • Visa Platinum;
  • Visa Infinite;
  • "Give Life" Visa Classic;
  • "Give Life" Visa Gold;
  • "Give life" Visa Platinum;
  • Aeroflot Visa Gold;
  • Visa Signature Aeroflot.

Apple Pay is compatible with Mastercard debit cards such as:

  • Mastercard Standard, including custom-designed forms;
  • Mastercard Standard Contactless;
  • Mastercard Platinum;
  • Mastercard Gold;
  • World Mastercard "Gold";
  • World Mastercard Elite Sberbank First;
  • mastercard world black Edition Premier;
  • Youth Mastercard Standard, including cards with individual design;
  • Mastercard Standard Momentum.

Credit cards

Among Visa credit cards that can be connected to Apple Pay, the following stand out:

  • Visa Momentum;
  • Visa Classic;
  • Visa Gold;
  • Visa Signature;
  • "Give Life" Visa Classic;
  • "Give Life" Visa Gold;
  • Aeroflot Visa Classic;
  • Aeroflot Visa Gold.

Mastercard credit cards compatible with this technology:

  • Mastercard Standard;
  • Mastercard Gold;
  • Youth card Mastercard Standard;
  • Mastercard Credit Momentum.

Payment Security

The Apple Pay service ensures both the confidentiality of information and the financial security of users: when a card (credit or debit) is added, data about it, about its number, is not recorded on the device’s storage media, is not stored in its memory, and is not transferred to servers. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to steal the user's personal data. Even at the time of payment, the data on the card is not transferred anywhere.

The security of the contactless payment system is based on NFC technology. The range of data transfer via NFC is limited to a few centimeters, so it is almost impossible to bring the reader (terminal) close to the iPad unnoticed. This is the first protective barrier - physical.

However, scammers have already learned how to make non-standard readers that work at a distance of up to 80 cm. Such a compact scanner allows you to read contactless card data in any public places. A shielded wallet, or the next level of protection, cryptography helps protect against such devices. Since access to the device, including Apple Pay, is granted solely by the fact of identification of the owner's fingerprints, you should not allow anyone, including loved ones, to register their fingerprints on the device.

Another way to protect contactless payments is the EMV standard, which provides for the generation of one-time keys by a microchip at the request of the terminal. The resulting code is only suitable for one transaction. Therefore, even if they intercept it, they will no longer be able to use it to perform the next operation.

So far, no practically working EMV hacking scenario has been presented. NFC allows you to get data about a bank card, but in the absence of cryptographic keys stored by acquiring banks or payment systems, fraudulent activities impossible. An exception is the participation in the crime of employees of these organizations.

The system provides additional protection in the form of restrictions on maximum amount purchases. If the payment amount exceeds 1,000 rubles, the equipment will ask you to enter a pin code.

An additional protective element of the service is that the connection is made in Sberbank Online, that is, on a portal with powerful protection.

The weak link in the security system of contactless payments is the quality of terminal settings of individual stores and organizations. Therefore, even when using Apple Pay, you must follow the basic rules of financial security:

  • do not share your PIN with anyone;
  • it is not recommended to register fingerprints of third parties on the device;
  • you need to carefully monitor which applications are installed on the device;
  • use an antivirus;
  • connect "Mobile Banking".

At the slightest suspicion of problems with bank accounts, you should immediately contact the Sberbank support service at 900.