How to write off a hung VAT on 76 Av. VAT when writing off accounts payable. The buyer must be aware that


All financial transactions are reflected in the accounts. This publication will discuss what account 76 “Settlements with various creditors and debtors” is intended for, into which categories it is divided. The article will provide examples to help you better understand the topic under consideration.

Purpose of account 76

76 account is a calculated active-passive. It is necessary in order to summarize information on financial transactions with debtors and creditors not taken into account on:

  • claims;
  • funds deducted from the salary of employees for third parties by order of the courts or executive acts.

In the new chart of accounts, the functions of the account in question, through which the main financial flow is carried out, have significantly expanded. In this regard, it became advisable to open different categories designed for certain types of calculation.

Account 76: sub-accounts 1 and 2

Insofar as monetary transactions may be different, the account of settlements with creditors and debtors is usually divided into several categories. The first (76.1) includes insurance of property and personnel, with the exception of payments for medical and social insurance.

Enumeration sums of money organization is reflected in the debit, and the write-off of funds - in the credit. For example, D76 K73 - insurance compensation due to the employee of the organization according to the contract. D51 K76 - receipt by the organization of funds in accordance with regulations. D99 K76 - write-off of uncompensated insurance claims or damage from a force majeure event.

Sub-account 76.2 reflects the settlements for claims that may be presented:

  • to suppliers, transport agencies and contractors for price discrepancies found, in case of detection of computational errors after the completion of accounts, as well as in case of shortage of cargo (D76 K60);
  • to organizations for violating quality standards, non-compliance with specifications (D76 K60);
  • to credit institutions for erroneously written off or transferred amounts on the accounts of the organization;
  • for downtime or marriage caused by suppliers, contractors (correspondence with section III of the chart of accounts);
  • on fines and penalties for non-compliance with obligations in the contract (correspondence with account 91).

Credit subaccount 76.2 reflects payments received. If it turns out that cash not subject to collection, they are debit.

Account 76: sub-accounts 3 and 4

Paragraph 76.3 controls the dividends due to the company and other types of income that do not contradict the partnership agreement. D76 K91 - profit to be received (distributed). D51 K76 - funds received by the organization from debtors.

The fourth sub-account is designed to take into account the amounts accrued to the employees of the enterprise, but not paid within a certain period due to the absence of the recipients. In such cases, the following posting is performed: D70 K76. When the worker receives the money, an entry is made in the debit of account 76.

Application of sub-account 76/3 in practice

The company LLC "Oasis" has a receivable in the amount of 1,350,000 rubles. on account 62 "Settlements with customers and buyers". For certain reasons, before the due date of payment, she transferred for 750,000 rubles. their rights to the enterprise Iceberg LLC, which was able to recover 900,000 rubles on account of the debt due. In this situation, several questions arise:

  1. Is accounts receivable a purchase of property or a financial investment in assets?
  2. The buyer's asset is 1,350,000 rubles. or 750,000 rubles?
  3. Is the debt of debtors considered income in this case, and 750,000 rubles. - the expense of the enterprise "Iceberg" LLC?

In such a situation, Oasis LLC must, from a legal point of view, make the following entries:

Debit 91.2 Credit 62 RUB 1,350,000 - writing off the right of claim from buyers.

Debit 51 Credit 91.1 RUB 750,000 - compensation received.

Such operations make it possible to fix the loss of the Oasis enterprise on the accounts “Other income and expenses”, which arose from the assignment of the right to claim. Accountants of the Iceberg company must make a debit entry to account 76.3 in order to fix the debt from counterparties. The difference between the rights received and the costs for them is shown on the credit of accounts 98/1, 83 or 90/1.

Even partial collection of payment leads to mutual agreement of both parties and full repayment of debts. The unpaid part is reflected in the debit, and the debited part is reflected in 98.1. In this example, it turns out:

Debit RUB 51,900,000

Debit 98.1 RUB 765,000

Account credit 76 RUB 1,350,000

The Iceberg company spent 750,000 rubles. to acquire rights and returned 900,000 rubles, that is, the profit is 150,000 rubles. The wiring is like this:

Debit 98.1 Credit 91.1 RUB 150,000

The real amount of profit from the operation is reflected in account 98/1, intended for fixing deferred income.

Sub-account 76.AB "Value added tax on advances and payments"

Account 76.AB allows you to summarize information on calculations for the payment of VAT from advance payments. Accounting records are maintained with those customers and buyers from whom money was received in advance for the planned shipment of goods or for the provision of different types services.

Business operations may vary. For example: D68.02 K76.AB - accounting for value added tax on payment received from the client in advance. D 76.AB K68.02 - accrual of VAT on funds received in advance from buyers. Account 76. AB has the following subconto (analytical characteristics): "Counterparties", "Invoices".

Debit correspondence

The account in question (76) in debit can correspond with the following: “Fixed assets” (01), “Equipment for installation” (07), “Profitable investments in the MC” (03), “Investments in non-current assets” (08), “ Intangible assets» (04). From the second section of the chart of accounts, it interacts with the items "Materials" (10), "Animals for rearing and fattening" (11), "Procurement and acquisition of MC".

76 account can correspond in debit with all items of the section "Costs of production", as well as with 41, 45 and 43, the category "Finished products and goods". Postings are often made with cash accounts: 52, 50, 58, 51, 55, as well as with settlement accounts: 60, 67, 66, 62, 73, 70, 76, 71, 79. In addition, correspondence is carried out by debit with the following ( reflects profits and losses), 91 (fixes miscellaneous income and expenses), 90 "Sales", 97 "Deferred expenses", 86 "Target financing".

Examples (by debit)

To understand the material presented in the article, some examples from the table will help.


The cost of unfinished main production decreased at the expense of debtors and creditors. This may be the accrual of the debt of the insurance company on the occasion (state of emergency or force majeure).

Losses from marriage are charged to the account of settlements with creditors and debtors.

Receipt of debts to suppliers, according to documents confirming consent to the transfer of funds.

Payment of funds to creditors in cash (from the cash desk).

D76 K68-VAT

Identification of budget arrears (for VAT) during the determination of revenue for taxation.

General business expenses are offset by various debtors and creditors.

Accounting for debts from various debtors for finished products.

The cost of work in progress servicing production decreased due to the transfer of funds to the organization from debtors.

Loan correspondence

Account 76 can interact with the following categories of the chart of accounts: "Investments in non-current assets", "Fixed assets", "Intangible assets", "Equipment for installation", "Profitable investments in the MC". In the "Inventory" section, correspondence is carried out with the accounts "Materials", "Procurement and purchase of MC", "Animals for rearing and fattening", "VAT on acquired valuables".

Account 76 can also interact on a loan with all settlement accounts (except 68, 69, 75, 77) and the Production Costs category. From the section "Finished products and goods" - with accounts 52, 50, 51, 44.55, 41, 57, 45, and 58. In addition, correspondence is carried out with most settlement accounts and, of course, with those that reflect monetary transactions (91, 97, 94, 96, 99).

Examples of business transactions (on a loan)

To visually familiarize yourself with what account 76 transactions have, the table below with several examples will help.


Write-off of purchased fixed assets (OS) in the section on accounts payable.

Return of leased property to (occurs in cases where there was no change of ownership on the basis of an agreement).

Write-off of materials in terms of accounts payable.

Receipt of funds from the client to the current account.

Receipt of debts from buyers on the basis of an agreement.

Debts to various creditors and debtors for general production costs.

Fixing the current accounts payable to the lessor (for lease payments) to reduce long-term liabilities.

Account balance 76

Novice accountants often ask the question of what account 76 actually is: active or passive? In practice, situations are different, but since it takes into account receivables and payables, the balance can be of two types:

  • one-way (debit or credit);
  • bilateral (simultaneously debit and credit).

This means that the account in question is active-passive. In order to determine the debit balance, all debts from counterparties are summed up. The balance 76 of the loan account reflects all the money that the company is obliged to pay.

Reports on payables and receivables in the system 1 С

A company using the 1C: Enterprise 8 system must keep a report on the amount accounts receivable counterparties. You can get acquainted with the information if, after starting the program, enter the section "Counterparties". In the field that opens, there is a list of organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Among them are debtors and creditors. Contact details, invoices and contracts, work schedule - all this can always be viewed. It is from this menu that you can register new organization included in the holding.

Finding out the exact debt of enterprises is not difficult. To do this, go to the "Debt under contracts" section, on the "Display debt" panel, select "Accounts receivable" and set the required date. The user will see a list of all counterparties, among which you can select specific enterprises (with large debts). If there are many organizations and the entire list does not fit on one page, the information can be presented in a visual form. To do this, you need to go to the "Diagram" section. Similarly, work with accounts payable is carried out.

That's all you need to know about account 76, reflecting settlement operations with debtors (creditors). Since the legislation Russian Federation changes systematically, you should regularly use legal reference systems, which always have an up-to-date chart of accounts and PBU. Then the specialists will always be aware of any changes regarding their professional activities, and will be able to make the right decisions when conducting accounting.

VAT on write-off of accounts payable

VAT on write-off of accounts payable

When it comes to the need to write off accounts payable, the question always arises of how to deal with VAT. Both parties involved in transactions want to understand: what to do with VAT when writing off accounts payable? In the article, we will discuss the most common situations, for example, whether the write-off of accounts payable is subject to VAT, and we will present the best options for resolving disputed provisions.

Do I need to include VAT when writing off accounts payable?

From the side of the buyer tax authorities may be considered unreasonable economic point of view, the inclusion in non-operating expenses of the VAT accepted for deduction at the time of debt write-off. Literal interpretation of paragraph 14 of paragraph 1 of Art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation gives the organization the right to such actions with VAT when calculating income tax, but only if such calculation is related to the write-off of accounts payable for credited goods (works, services).

But in private explanations of representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, one can find a different opinion: the use of this rule will lead to the fact that the company will reduce its tax liabilities twice by one amount. Namely, the tax base for VAT, taking the input tax deductible from the budget, and the tax base for income tax, if the input VAT is taken into account in expenses. This situation suggests that the inclusion of VAT in non-operating expenses will be recognized as economically unjustified.

When the question concerns the receivables of the buyer, writing off them, it is recommended to restore VAT from the advance received earlier. Usually, the following actions are required from the client: to accept VAT from the advance for deduction; to restore the previously accepted VAT deduction from the advance payment; deduct VAT on received goods (works, services). Since it is about expired limitation period debt, the goods in the amount of the advance will not be issued to the client. This means that the customer will not be able to use tax deduction for purchased products or performed works and services. Therefore, it is required to restore the VAT accepted for deduction when writing off receivables from advances due to the expiration of the claim period.

Let's discuss another situation: the seller pays VAT on advances received, when the debt becomes uncollectible, he has the right to reflect it in income. Tax authorities require that income with VAT be taken into account, but it is risky to write off the same tax as expenses. The Ministry of Finance opposes such actions (letter No. 03-03-06/1/635 dated 07.12.12). Only the court supports the favorable position for enterprises (decree Arbitration Court Far Eastern Federal District dated 04.03.15 No. F03-518/2015).

How VAT is taken into account when writing off accounts payable

At VAT write-off of accounts payable it is important to act in a certain order .

There are three possible scenarios:

    The goods were shipped to the client (work was performed, services were rendered), he did not pay for them, accepting the “input” VAT for deduction.

    Goods were shipped to the client (work was performed, services were rendered), but the funds were not paid for their payment, and the “input” VAT was not deductible.

    The supplier received an advance payment, calculated VAT from it. There was no shipment of goods.

Now let's talk about all the scenarios in more detail.

VAT when writing off accounts payable from the buyer: "input" VAT is deductible

So, the goods were shipped to the client (work was done, services were rendered), he did not pay for them, but accepted the “input” VAT for deduction. Then, in case of delay, accounts payable are written off. Is there a need to recover the VAT accepted for deduction on goods, works, services received in this situation?

In paragraph 3 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation presents a closed list of cases when the "input" VAT must be restored. The described case is not presented in this list, that is, it is not necessary to restore tax on debt if it is not claimed.

This position is reflected in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2013 No. 03-07-11 / 23503: according to the provisions of par. 2 p. 2 art. 171 and paragraph 1 of Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT deduction is made in any case, it does not matter whether there was a transfer of funds for goods (works, services), i.e., regardless of whether payment was made or not, the amount of VAT accepted for deduction is restored are not subject.

The courts also adhere to this opinion (decisions of the FAS NCFD dated October 28, 2010 No. A53-23525 / 2010, FAS Far Eastern Federal District dated December 27, 2010 No. F03-8694 / 2010).

Write-off of overdue accounts payable from the buyer: "input" VAT was not accepted for deduction

The client receives goods (works, services) without paying for them and without accepting the “input” VAT for deduction. If the debt is overdue, is it debited from VAT for tax purposes?

It's possible. As stated in para. 14 p. 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT can be fully accounted for in non-operating expenses. In this provision, it is noted that taxes on the sale of material and production assets are written off in reporting period as a debt with an expired limitation period under paragraph 18 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Write-off of overdue accounts payable with VAT from the seller from the advance

The prepayment was transferred to the supplier, while they accrued "advance" VAT and paid tax to the budget, but the supplier did not ship the goods. In this case, an account payable will be formed in relation to the supplier as an overdue prepayment with VAT.

To avoid confusion with VAT when writing off payables, the supplier needs to deal with the following problematic situations:

    Is he entitled to deduct VAT from an expired prepayment?

    Is it necessary to pay VAT on prepayments to non-operating income?

    Does he have the opportunity to add "advance" VAT to non-operating expenses?

1. Acceptance of "advance" VAT for deduction.

After the supplier receives an advance payment, his duties include the calculation, payment of VAT (clause 1, article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the corresponding tax is deductible:

    upon shipment (clause 8, article 171, clause 6, article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    in the event of a change in the cost or termination of the contract with the return of previously received advance payments (clause 5 of article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The advance does not pass to the buyer when the overdue accounts payable on advance payments are written off. Because of this, the seller is deprived of the “advance” VAT deduction, which is confirmed by the letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2012 No. 03-03-06 / 1/635, dated February 10, 2010 No. 03-03-06 / 1/58.

2. Inclusion of "advance" VAT in non-operating income.

Overdue accounts payable are included with VAT in non-operating income (clause 18, part 2, article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), that is, VAT is included in income for income tax.

3. Inclusion of "advance" VAT in non-operating expenses.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 25) does not allow VAT to be attributed to this type of expenses when writing off accounts payable on prepayment, when the write-off is associated with delay (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2012 No. 03-03-06 / 1/635, dated 10.02. 03-03-06/1/58).

But it is impossible not to say the opposite opinion: accounting for "advance" VAT is allowed in non-operating expenses. The arbitrators in the Decree of the FAS of the Moscow District dated March 19, 2012 No. F05-12939 / 11 noted:

    the laws of the Russian Federation do not prohibit the introduction of “advance” VAT into expenses, when writing off such as overdue accounts payable;

    paragraph 7 of Art. 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes: in accordance with paragraphs. 20 p. 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxpayer can pay "advance" VAT when writing off accounts payable as non-operating expenses.

But it is worth noting that the presented position will need to be defended in court.

An example of the reflection in accounting and taxation of the write-off of accounts payable with an expired limitation period

Alpha LLC uses the accrual method and pays income tax on a monthly basis. On September 10, 2013, the company was supplied with goods for 59 thousand rubles. (including VAT - 9 thousand rubles). According to the documents, the payment period was seven banking days, excluding the day of shipment. But the goods were not paid for for three years. Note that the supplier did not file claims in court, and the company did not try to get rid of the debt.

After the inventory, which took place on September 24, 2016, the head decided to write off overdue accounts payable on the basis of accounting statement, the order of the head.

In the accounting of Alpha, the following entries were made:

Debit 10 Credit 60

50 000 rub. - Materials received.

Debit 19 Credit 60

9000 rub. - reflected input VAT.

Debit 68 subaccount "VAT settlements" Credit 19

9000 rub. - accepted for deduction of input VAT.

Debit 60 Credit 91-1

59 000 rub. - Written off overdue accounts payable.

Calculating income tax for September 2016, the company's accountant contributed 59 thousand rubles. into income. And the input VAT, previously deductible in the amount of 9 thousand rubles, was not taken into account in expenses (clause 49, article 270, clause 1, article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The reasons for the formation of accounts payable are as follows: the company did not transfer goods (did not provide work, services) to the client after making an advance payment, the limitation period has expired, or there are other reasons. At the same time, accounts payable are included in non-operating income, it is also necessary to take into account a number of subtleties in case of VAT write-off on it.

In accounting, reflect the VAT write-off by posting:

Debit 91-2 Credit 76 sub-account “VAT settlements from advances received”

The VAT paid to the state from the advance payment for which the goods (works, services) were not provided was written off.

The procedure is described in clauses 11, 16 and 18 of PBU 10/99.

It is not required to accrue, pay VAT when writing off accounts payable on an unworked advance paid into transactions exempt from taxation, that is, subject to VAT at a rate of 0% (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2010 No. 03-07-08 / 208) .

How is overdue accounts payable (VAT) written off?

To write off, you need to recognize the accounts payable as overdue. According to Art. 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the general limitation period is three years.

Important! It is necessary to start the countdown of the limitation period anew, when the mutual claims are confirmed. The basis for this is the act of reconciliation of settlements, sealed by the signature of the parties.

After this period, the following papers are prepared for write-off:

    an act of carrying out an inventory of debt;

    the order of the head to carry out this action;

    accounting statement as a basis.

Write-off of accounts payable with an expired limitation period is carried out in the reporting period corresponding to this period. Note that the write-off is made on the last day of this reporting period.

If the inventory showed that the write-off of accounts payable was required to be made earlier, an updated VAT declaration is submitted. If this rule is not followed, if the debt is revealed during the audit, this fact may be considered an understatement tax base followed by a fine under Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Write-off of accounts payable VAT: postings

Actions with VAT when writing off accounts payable depend on the type of accounting reflecting the write-off: tax or accounting. In accounting, VAT is always written off as an expense.

Let's discuss typical postings when writing off overdue accounts payable for the buyer (with VAT deductible and without it), the seller.

When the buyer needs to write off such a debt, and the right to deduct VAT has already been used, the following must be done:

    the direct purchase of goods and materials is reflected by the posting: Dt 10 Kt 60;

    accept it for deduction: Dt 68 Kt 19;

    when the debt is recognized as overdue, it is necessary to make an entry: Dt 60 Kt 91.1.

Please note that deductible VAT is not recoverable.

Now suppose that the buyer writes off accounts payable, but he did not accept VAT for deduction. The posting will be similar to the previous situation, however, the posting for the acceptance of tax for deduction will not be displayed. VAT not accepted for deduction must be charged to expenses: Dt 91 Kt 19.

When writing off overdue accounts payable, taking into account VAT calculated from the prepayment from the seller, it is necessary to reflect the fact of receiving an advance: Dt 51 Kt 62, and then charge tax on it: Dt 76 Kt 68.

When accounts payable are recognized as overdue, the write-off occurs without VAT: Dt 62 Kt 91.

VAT on prepayment is included in the costs: Dt 91 Kt 76.

Recall that a reduction in the income tax base by the amount of VAT may serve as a reason for claims by representatives of the tax inspectorate.

Things to remember when writing off accounts payable

The buyer should be aware that:

    when the "input" VAT is accepted for deduction, VAT recovery is not required when writing off accounts payable;

    when this tax is not accepted for deduction, it is included in non-operating expenses with accounts payable.

The seller must:

    not to deduct "advance" VAT when writing off accounts payable in the amount of prepayment;

    not to exclude VAT from overdue debt when it is included in non-operating income;

    do not include VAT on prepayments when writing off debts in non-operating expenses - this will later require disputes with inspectors.

If you are ready for this, you can pay tax in this column.

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Bank statement 68 VAT 76 Advances received Restored 18% VAT charged on advance payment of 9,153 rubles. Bank statement, consignment note 62.1 90.1 Reflected proceeds from the supply of stationery 60,000 rubles. Consignment note 62.2 62.1 Advance payment received from the buyer has been credited 60,000 rubles. Bank statement, consignment note 90.3 68 VAT 18% VAT charged for transfer to the budget 9,153 rub. Bank statement, waybill Accounting account 60 Accounting account 76 Example 3 on account 62 “Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers” Kalina LLC received an advance payment from the buyer for the shipment of goods in the amount of 250,000 rubles. A week later, Kalina LLC shipped another part of the goods in the amount of 47,200 rubles.

Account 62 in accounting: postings, sub-accounts, examples

Bank statement, consignment note 90/3 68 VAT 18% VAT charged for transfer to the budget 5492 rubles. Bank statement, consignment note Postings on account 62 “Promissory notes received” If the buyer does not agree to make an advance payment, and is also unable to pay for the goods upon shipment, then the supplier receives a bill of exchange from the customer, which acts as collateral for receivables. Let's imagine that Nova LLC acts as a supplier, and Antika LLC acts as a buyer under a furniture supply agreement.

The amount of the contract is 114,000 rubles, VAT is 17,390 rubles. As security for the debt, Antika LLC issues a promissory note to Nova LLC. Nova LLC will record the following transactions: Dt Kt Description Amount Document 62 90/1 Reflected proceeds from the sale of furniture 114,000 rubles. Consignment note 90/3 68 VAT 18% VAT charged on revenue RUB 17,390

Account 62 in accounting. writing off accounts receivable. wiring

VAT 18% - RUB 14,491.53 The money was first deposited in online wallet» of the seller, and then were transferred to the bank account minus the commission. The commission is equal to 3.5% of the transfer amount - 3,325.00 rubles. The next day the goods were shipped to the buyer. Transaction transactions: Debit account Credit account Transaction amount, rub.
Description of the transaction Base document 55.04 62.02 95,000.00 Advance payment received from the buyer by electronic money Register of payments. 76.AB 68.02 14,491.53 Calculate VAT from the advance Invoice issued 51 55.04 91,675.00 Funds transferred to the current account Bank statement. 76.09 55.04 3,325.00 Bank commission withheld Bank statement.

Account 62 in accounting: postings, examples, sub-accounts

Settlements by promissory notes In the instructions for the chart of accounts, attention is also paid to the peculiarities of bills of exchange settlements. If the buyer issues his own bill of exchange to the supplier, then the debt is not repaid, but this action draws up a deferred payment and a payment guarantee is issued. To account for received bills, it is recommended to allocate a separate sub-account, for example, 62.3 “Bills received”.

The following entries are made in the seller’s accounting: Dt Kt Description 62.1 90.1 Revenue accrued 90.3 68 sub-account “VAT” VAT accrued on sale 62.3 62.1 Own bill received from the buyer 51 62.3 Cash received upon presentation of the bill 51 91.1 Interest on the bill received Another situation arises if payment of the debt is made by a promissory note of third parties. Such a bill is recognized financial investment and accounted for on account 58.

Account 62 "settlements with buyers and customers" transactions and examples


  • Cash to the courier upon delivery of goods (when selling goods through an online store, OKVED code 52.61.2);
  • Through electronic payment systems (regulated by the law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ).

Example Organization "VESNA" sells goods through an online store. The organization entered into an Internet acquiring agreement with a bank, on the basis of which the remuneration is 1.5% of the amount received. Therefore, the amount of proceeds minus remuneration is transferred to the current account.


Buyer Ivanov I.I. in January 2016 paid for the goods with a bank card in the amount of 50,000.00 rubles, incl. VAT 18% - RUB 7,627.12 After receiving a bank statement, the organization ships the paid goods to the buyer. To carry out the operation, the accountant forms the following postings: Debit account Credit account Posting amount, rub.

How to write off bad debts

Provisions on accounting and reporting "); In accounting, an organization can create a reserve fund for writing off doubtful debts, if there is no such reserve, then losses are attributed to non-operating expenses (subclause 2, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Bad debts are written off from reserves for doubtful debts, if there is no reserve, then losses are reflected in other expenses (paragraphs 11, 14.3 of PBU 10/99 "Expenses of the organization"). Deadline for write-off of receivables If the buyer is unable to pay for the products in a timely manner, then the receivables become doubtful, and if payment is not received three years after the fact of shipment, then such a debt can be recognized as uncollectible and written off in accounting and tax accounting.

The term for writing off receivables is 3 years and is established on the basis of Art. 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Account 62 in accounting (nuances)

Advance payment received from the buyer by electronic money Register of payments. 76.AB 68.02 14,491.53 Calculate VAT from the advance Invoice issued 51 55.04 91,675.00 (95,000 – 3,325) Funds transferred to the current account Bank statement. 76.09 55.04 3,325.00 Bank commission withheld Bank statement. 44.01 76.09 2,817.80 (3,325 – 507.20) The amount of the commission is included in the expenses Commodity invoice 19.04 76.09 507.20 (3,325 x 18:118) Including input VAT from the bank commission 76.09 76.09 3,325.00 Advance credited 68.02 19.04 507.20 VAT accepted for deduction Invoice received on 62.01 90.01.1 95,000.00 Accounting for sales proceeds Sale of goods and services (act, waybill), Invoice issued on 90.03 68.02 14,491.53 VAT accrual on shipment 90.02.1 41.11 95,000.00 Write-off of shipped goods 62.02 62.01 95,000.00 Offset of received advance payment 68.02 76.AB 14,491.53 VAT deduction on received advance Purchase book. .
Guest 0 - 03/11/2013 - 05:57 Periodically, the company has accounts payable on 62.02 and, accordingly, VAT on 76.AV. It is connected with the budget (the amounts are not large 50-100 r) and they do not want money back in any way. Further, with the document Debt adjustment (debt write-off) we write off 62.02 to 91.01 and with the VAT write-off document we write off VAT from 76.AB to 91.02. Everything seems to be ok. But when forming the purchase book, the amounts of VAT debited from 76AB are persistently added there. Even if you manually delete records from the formation of a quotation, they still pop up next month. Tell me how to properly write off this write-off? victuan 1 - 03/11/2013 - 06:16 VAT write-off We write off VAT from 76.AB to 91.02. Make this posting the opposite, reverse.

  • Basic concepts of accounting

Accounts receivable is a type of asset defined as the amount of debt of legal or individuals organization that arises from the sale of products on credit. In accounting, receivables are understood as property rights and, therefore, receivables are attributed to the property of the organization.

Accounts receivable arise immediately upon shipment of products and are repaid within the terms established by the contract. The reasons for the emergence of receivables can be explained by the following premises. The creditor organization receives additional sources of sales for its products, while the creditor, by shifting the loan repayment date, receives additional cash and current assets.

The second side of the posting will be income accounts 90.1, 91.1 or account 46 with a phased reflection of income from long-term work. Thus, DZ is reflected simultaneously with revenue. In accordance with the accounting rules, revenue is shown in accounting subject to a number of conditions (clause 1.

12 PBU 9/99 "Income of the organization", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.05.1999 No. 32n):

  • the existence of a legally justified right to receive proceeds;
  • the presence of the total value of revenue;
  • having confidence in receiving payment;
  • the transfer of ownership was carried out, i.e. the buyer accepted the GWS;
  • the presence of the sum value of the corresponding expenses incurred to obtain this revenue.

If at least one condition is not met, then the payment received by the organization should be reflected as accounts payable, and not receivable.
The amount of the commission is included in the expenses Invoice 19.04 76.09 507.20 Input VAT included 76.09 76.09 3,325.00 Advance payment credited 68.02 19.04 507.20 VAT deductible Invoice received 62.R 90.01.1 95,000.00 Accounting for sales proceeds Sale of goods and services (act, invoice), Invoice issued 90.03 68.02 14,491.53 Accrual of VAT on shipment 90.02.1 41.11 95,000.00 Write-off of shipped goods 62.02 62.R 95,000.00 Offset of advance payment received 68.02 76.AB 14,491.53 VAT deduction on the received advance Book of purchases Account 62, which is reflected in debit and credit Account 62 in question is active-passive in accounting. Therefore, it can reflect both the organization's debt to customers (loan balance) and the buyer's debt to the organization (debit balance).
The contract provides that the buyer pays for goods and materials after shipment. Postings: Dt Kt Description Amount Document 62.1 90.1 Reflected the proceeds from the sale of goods and materials 50,000 rubles. Waybill 90.2 41 Written off the cost of goods and materials 23,000 rubles.

Cost calculation 90.3 68 VAT 18% VAT charged RUB 7,627 Waybill 51 62 The buyer received payment for the shipped goods 50,000 rubles. Bank statement 90.9 99 Reflected profit from the supply of goods and materials (50,000 - 23,000 - 7,627) 19,373 rubles.

Invoice, costing Example2. Accounting for advances received on account 62 Kalina LLC entered into an agreement with the buyer in the amount of 60,000 rubles, VAT 9,153 rubles. The contract provides for an advance payment. Transactions: Dt Kt Description Amount Document 51 62.2 From the buyer's LLC, an advance payment was received under the supply agreement of 60,000 rubles. Bank statement 76 Advances received 68 VAT Accrued VAT on advance payment 18% 9,153 rubles.

What postings to write off the advance payment on accounts payable will be prompted by the article.

Question: Upon the expiration of the limitation period, I included accounts payable in income (posting D 62.02-K 91.01). There was still an advance payment on account 76.AB, it was written off in the document Formation of the purchase book entry (posting D 68.02-K 76.AB). Now there is an error in the VAT declaration, the report is not sent because of this entry in the purchase books. What now needs to be written off 76.AB by wiring D 91.02 K 76.AB or what? It turns out that VAT cannot be reduced, although before that it was increased due to prepayment?

Answer: Yes, in this case, reflect the VAT write-off in accounting by posting:

- the amount of VAT paid to the budget was written off from the advance payment against which the goods were not shipped.

This procedure follows from paragraphs, and PBU 10/99.

How to write off bad accounts payable and reflect in accounting

If the accounts payable are not repaid by the organization in a timely manner and are not claimed by the creditor, then in accounting it is subject to write-off after the expiration of the limitation period ( clause 7 PBU 9/99 , Clause 78 of the Regulation on Accounting and Reporting). An exception to this rule is tax arrears (fees, penalties, fines). Expiration of the statute of limitations is not a basis for writing off such debt (annex to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2016 No. 07-04-09/78875).

Include the amount of written off accounts payable for which the limitation period has expired, include in other income in the amount in which this debt was reflected in accounting (clause , 10.4 PBU 9/99).

In accounting, write off accounts payable by posting:

Debit 60 (62, 66, 67, 70, 71, 76-4) Credit 91-1
- written off the amount of accounts payable with expired limitation period.

Make such an entry in the period in which the limitation period for accounts payable expired ( clause 16 PBU 9/99).*

Accounts payable may be formed if the organization has not shipped goods (works, services) to the buyer (customer) against the received advance payment. If, after the expiration of the limitation period or for other reasons, such debt is subject to inclusion in non-operating income, the VAT write-off on it has some features.

In accounting, reflect the VAT write-off by posting:

Debit 91-2 Credit 76 sub-account “VAT settlements from advances received”
- the amount of VAT paid to the budget was written off from the advance against which the goods (works, services) were not shipped (performed, rendered).

This procedure follows from paragraphs, and PBU 10/99. *