What are company assets. What are the assets and liabilities of a company. From an economic point of view


Organizational assets are household funds available to enterprises in any form. They are under the control of the company and obtained as a result of previous events of its economic life. The assets of the organization are those funds that the enterprise will use to generate profit. Let's consider them in detail below.


Future economic benefits are the potential for the funds at the disposal of the firm to directly or indirectly generate cash flow. There are a number of signs by which resources act as assets of organizations. These are the properties that enable:

  1. Use alone or in combination with other means in the process of creating products for sale, providing services, performing work.
  2. exchange for other resources.
  3. Use to pay off debts.
  4. Distributions between the participants of the economic company.


There are two categories into which the assets of organizations are divided. These are fixed and working capital. The first are the property values ​​of the company, which are repeatedly involved in production activities. The cost of the organization's assets is transferred in installments to the original price of the product. In accounting, such funds include property with a useful life of more than 12 months. Moreover, their price is more than 10 thousand rubles. organizations are:


Fixed assets include means of labor that are used in the process of production, provision of services or performance of work for a period exceeding 1 year. These assets are involved in the work of the organization for a long time. At the same time, they keep their natural form. The value of assets is transferred to products as they wear out (in parts).

Intangible assets are also objects of continuous use. However, they do not have a physical basis, but they have valuation and generate income.

Intangible assets include intellectual property, organizational costs, business reputation. Profitable investments are called part of the property, premises, structures, equipment and other valuables that have a material expression. They are provided by the enterprise for temporary operation for a fee. Capital investments are the costs of the company for the production of construction and installation works, the purchase of equipment, inventory, tools, and so on. organizations represent the company's investment in securities issued by the state (bonds, for example) or other economic entities. These funds also include loans granted to other firms. Investments can be made for a period of more than a year. In this case, they act as long-term assets. Also, the company can invest for a short period of time. In such a situation, these funds are treated as short-term assets. All of these categories are reflected in the balance sheet in the first section.

working capital

They are called property participants in economic activity that change their original material form. They are consumed during the 1st production cycle. Their cost is also transferred to the original price of the product. However, working capital transfers it at a time.


The company's working capital includes:

Inventory includes basic and auxiliary materials and raw materials, purchased semi-finished products, containers, spare parts, waste, fuels, household supplies, inventory, fattening and rearing animals. Cash forms the equity capital of the organization. They are accumulated in cash at the cash desk, as well as on settlement and other bank accounts. The equity capital of the organization can be spent on various needs. As part of settlement funds, there is a different one. It consists of unpaid amounts of buyers, etc., are reflected in the balance sheet in the second section.

Efficiency in the use of funds

Information about the placement of resources is reflected in the asset balance. A separate article is maintained for each category of funds. Based on the information reflected, it is possible to determine the changes that the company's equity capital has undergone, what proportion of the funds falls on real estate or working capital and so on. The analysis of indicators for the enterprise is of key importance. First of all, it is necessary to determine the efficiency of the use of assets, their degree of influence on the value of the entire business. Along with this, the head of the company must have information about the real price of each tool. Their total value will allow assessing the potential of the company, its property complex.

Analysis Methods

When studying the structure of assets, the horizontal and vertical valuation methods are used. The latter allows you to identify trends in those items that have a positive effect on strengthening the position of the enterprise in the market or vice versa, have negative impact. consists in the formation of tables. In them, the absolute balance indicators are supplemented by relative values ​​- the rate of decline/growth. Usually, base values ​​for adjacent periods are taken into account. This allows not only to analyze the dynamics of indicators, but also to predict them. Vertical analysis, in turn, is necessary, since relative values ​​to a certain extent provide a smoothing of the negative impact information processes, which can significantly distort the absolute values. Both of these methods complement each other. In this regard, in practice, tables are often built that characterize not only the structure, but also the dynamics of individual indicators.


The organization uses the assets at its disposal to achieve various goals and achieve many objectives. In particular, resources are used in the production of products, the production of works, the provision of services aimed at meeting the needs of consumers who are ready to pay for the benefits received. Accordingly, this contributes to the inflow of funds to the enterprise, increasing its solvency. Along with this, the assets contribute to the expansion of production, improving the quality of goods. Funds are directed to the purchase of equipment or its modernization, the introduction of new technologies or testing the release of a new product. For any company, assets are one of the key elements of its activities. In this regard, the enterprise needs to create an effective system for managing them.

Enterprises. It consists of tangible, financial and intangible ASSETS.

Glossary of financial terms.

Enterprise assets

property of the enterprise, reflected in the asset balance. Basically, there are three types of assets: 1) current assets, consisting of money capital and funds that can be quickly transformed into cash; 2) fixed capital with a long service life used by the enterprise in the production of goods and services; 3) other assets, which include intangible assets that do not have a physical form, but are valuable to the enterprise, investments in other companies, long-term securities, deferred expenses and various other assets.

Terminological dictionary of banking and financial terms. 2011 .

See what "ENTERPRISE ASSETS" is in other dictionaries:

    Enterprise assets Encyclopedia of Law

    COMPANY ASSETS- property of the enterprise, consisting of tangible, financial, non-property assets. The company's tangible assets include land(both owned and used), buildings and structures of production and ... ...

    Enterprise assets- (English assets of enterprise) property of the enterprise. Consists of material, financial and intangible assets. To material A.p. include land or the right to use it; buildings and structures for industrial purposes; buildings and... Big Law Dictionary

    the monetary assets of the enterprise- The total amount of money the company has at its disposal at a certain date and represents its assets in the form of ready-made means of payment (ie, in the form of absolute liquidity). Consist of: 1) funds in a deposit account ...

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property of the enterprise, which it disposes for the implementation of its activities and profit. Characteristics and composition assets in accounting - these You will learn the nuances when reading this article.

Accounting of enterprise assets

Accounting assets are owned real estate objects, goods, raw materials, products, money and monetary claims against counterparties, other accounting objects, which are reflected on the left side of the balance sheet of the enterprise. For accounting the assets of the enterprise and operations performed with them use the data of such main accounting accounts: 01-26, 29, 40, 41, 44, 45, 50-58, 60, 62, 68-73, 75, 76, 97.

Assets are divided into:

  • current and non-current;
  • tangible and intangible (hereinafter - intangible assets);
  • highly-, medium-, low-liquid and illiquid.

Current assets are those objects that are consumed in the course of economic activity (for example, stocks, cash etc.). And non-current assets do not directly participate in the economic turnover of the enterprise (for example, fixed assets, long-term investments, etc.), but are able to bring him profit. Full list those objects that are included in current and non-current assets are reflected in paragraph 20 of PBU 4/99:

  1. Non-current:
  • intangible assets (goodwill, patents, know-how, licenses, etc.);
  • fixed assets (land, buildings/structures, machinery/equipment, capital investments in progress, etc.);
  • investments in income-generating assets (property for rental/leasing);
  • Deferred tax assets;
  • financial investments (long-term loans issued, investments).
  1. negotiable:
  • stocks (raw materials/materials, costs in work in progress, deferred expenses, goods, finished products);
  • VAT on purchases;
  • debts of debtors (debts, bills of exchange receivable, advanced payments, debts of founders on deposits in the Criminal Code);
  • financial investments (short-term loans to companies; company shares bought back from its own shareholders);
  • money (cash and non-cash, in domestic and foreign currency).

Assets can be tangible or intangible. Unlike tangible assets, intangible assets include such objects that do not have a tangible form (for example, property rights, business reputation of an enterprise, objects of intellectual property). Despite the fact that intangible assets do not have a form, they can be easily identified (distinguished from other types of property). At the same time, the rights to such assets are confirmed exclusively in documentary form.

Accounting for intangible assets

In accounting, the unit for accounting for intangible assets is an object with an assigned inventory number, and an object is understood as the entire scope of rights that a single object gives a company: a patent, a certificate and other similar documents (letter of the Ministry of Finance of October 21, 2014 No. .

The rules for the formation in accounting of information on the state and movement of intangible assets are prescribed in PBU 14/2007. In accordance with this provision, intangible assets are accepted for accounting at the initial cost formed on the date of their receipt by the enterprise.

At the same time, in given cost all expenses for the acquisition/creation of intangible assets and bringing it to a usable condition are included. Clause 10 of PBU 14/2007 indicates those costs by which it is impossible to increase the cost of intangible assets accepted for accounting. If intangible assets were donated, then such an asset is accounted for at the current market (expert) price.

Accounting for other assets

Almost all assets are recorded at their actual cost. Features of accounting for assets in foreign currency are contained in PBU 3/2006, intangible assets - in PBU 14/2007, stocks - in PBU 5/01, accounting for financial investments - in PBU 19/02. The procedure and rules for accounting for such assets as fixed assets are prescribed in PBU 6/01.

You can familiarize yourself with the features of accounting for various types of assets in the following articles:

  • low liquidity (overdue debts, securities that are not quoted on stock market, etc.);
  • medium-liquid (fixed assets that are in demand);
  • highly liquid (examples - cash or money in a bank account, government securities, etc.).


In accordance with the structure of the balance sheet, assets can be divided into current and non-current assets - this division indicates how intensively the assets participate in the economic turnover during the reporting period. The accounting procedure for various types of assets is established in special accounting regulations.

Enterprise assets is a set of property rights that are the property of the organization in the form of financial claims to individuals or legal entities, fixed assets or existing stocks. In a more simplified interpretation, this will be the name of the investments made or the set of requirements.

The term is used to refer to any property or property owned by an enterprise.

Description of the assets of the enterprise in simple words

In other words, it is property. Those. everything that the enterprise has in stock, which is felt by the touch of a hand: cash savings, securities, buildings, premises, cars, devices, machine tools, goods, finished products and other tangible and intangible values.

It should be noted that assets can be tangible or intangible.

  • In the first case, we are talking about the stock of cash, as well as other financial instruments, which can be made deposits in cash, cash, shares (securities), an insurance policy and, directly, monetary assets that can be represented in any currency.
  • With regard to intangible assets, they include, first of all, non-monetary assets that do not have a physical form. This category includes the intellectual property of the company (logo, registered trademark, patents for inventions) and even the general goodwill of the company.

According to the degree of direct participation of assets in a single production cycle, they can be divided into current and.

  • For the former, the trend is that assets diverge completely within one cycle. At the same time, they are able to ensure the entire operational activities of the company.
  • Non-current assets, in turn, are realized gradually. This happens over several separate production cycles. Cycle non-current assets ends when their full value is transferred to the output.

The assets of an enterprise can also be classified by the source of formation, as well as by the level of liquidity. The process of formation of net assets is carried out exclusively at the expense of equity, while gross - also with the help of borrowed money. At the same time, the available capital also takes a direct part in the formative process.

As for grouping by liquidity level, in this case assets can be illiquid, low-liquid, medium-liquid and highly liquid.

This is necessary in order to obtain high profits. Assets with a high level of liquidity will be considered funds that are in the settlement accounts of the organization or in the cash desk of the enterprise for a specific period of time.

The assets and liabilities of a single organization, through interaction with each other, are able to provide direct influence on the general financial condition of the enterprise and determine the level of its solvency. From this follows the conclusion about the competitiveness of the company and its ability to maintain its positions in the market for a specific period of time.

Any organization has property - buildings, funds, equipment, stocks of products. All this constitutes the assets of the enterprise, the assessment of which makes it possible to judge financial condition, conduct economic activity, shape the budget policy and reallocate resources to increase profitability.


In a simple definition, assets are property and property rights owned by a company, its cash reserves and intellectual property that generates profit. From an economic point of view, assets are funds received from outside or as a result of the operation of an enterprise and used to generate profit. In other words, these are resources - everything that is at the disposal of the company.

According to the order of the Ministry of Finance, a unified form of accounting for assets and liabilities has been developed in Russia - balance sheet enterprises. All assets are included in one of two sections of the document.

Structure and types

The resources of enterprises are structured according to the form, speed of turnover, use in activities, sources of funds, ownership, sale opportunities. Exist different approaches to the classification of assets, which allow to understand their value to the organization from different points of view.

In accounting

Assets are non-current and current, in this way they are separated in accounting. They differ in the period of use (current assets are used during the year, non-current assets - more than 12 months).

Non-current assets are divided into intangible (not having a physical expression) and tangible (for example, fixed assets). Current assets are highly liquid resources: they include cash, stocks, short-term investments, etc. Itemized structure of resources is reflected in the asset balance.

From an economic point of view

The resources of enterprises and companies can also be classified into net, financial, illiquid / liquid, short-term / long-term, non-production, information.

Net assets are the total assets owned by the organization and belonging only to it. Their value is determined as the sum of all resources available to the enterprise minus borrowed funds:

Net assets \u003d Assets on the balance sheet - Borrowed capital

Assets can be divided by liquidity the speed of converting them into money:

  • absolutely liquid - funds in national and foreign currencies, cash and on current accounts;
  • highly liquid - those that can be converted into money within a period of not more than 30 days, while practically not losing their value in the market (short-term investments and debts of debtors);
  • medium-liquid - turn into money within a month to six months (not short-term and not hopeless accounts receivable, products in stock);
  • weakly liquid and illiquid - have long term sales; this subgroup includes fixed assets, dismantled equipment, uncollectible receivables.

According to the turnover rate in economic activity, assets are divided into:

  1. Short-term funds are the funds needed to current work organizations. They are monetary and ensure the operation of the enterprise (for example, unfinished production, shipped products or goods), have a fast turnover.
  2. Long-term - these are the resources of the enterprise, listed on the balance sheet of the organization for a long time. Their main characteristic is that the cost of these funds changes as they are used and determines the price of products, profitability. Their composition is shown in the following figure.

According to the degree of participation in production, assets are divided into production and non-production. Production directly used in the creation of finished products (equipment, materials, etc.). Non-production are listed on the balance sheet, but do not participate in the release of goods (for example, office buildings).

Often, financial assets are singled out as a separate group. They include cash and money in bank accounts, securities, shares of other enterprises, accounts, obligations of other organizations to pay for products received and other financial instruments.

Information assets are designed to organize the production process. They also bring profit to the enterprise. These include intellectual property rights, inventions, patents, documented body of knowledge, work experience, trademark, trademarks, computer programs.

In international financial reporting

The criteria for reflecting assets in international practice are somewhat different from Russian ones. key point is the recognition of the asset. AT Russian practice Assets are things that are owned by an organization. At the same time, not all resources that make a profit must necessarily be owned by the company. For example, if she rents equipment or a building, then such property is not shown as an asset in the balance sheet. In the international practice of compiling financial reporting the principle of a qualitative assessment of the object applies: whether it is under the control of the organization, how it is used and how it affects its solvency.

In this regard, there are a number of specific concepts that are rarely used in Russian practice:

  1. Monetary assets are those funds and rights under obligations that have a certain value that does not change as prices change. These are directly cash on hand and the amounts on the current account, some bonds, receivables.
  2. Non-monetary resources - objects and rights, the real value of which is revalued over time and with price changes: fixed assets, stocks, finished products in warehouses, obligations expressed in the delivery of products in kind.
  3. Long-term assets held for sale. In international accounting, a separate group is allocated to those resources that will not be used in commercial activities, but acquired for subsequent sale.

Valuation of assets according to the balance sheet

Balance - a document reflecting the availability and condition of the organization's assets, their itemized and total value (the latter is entered in line 1600). By analyzing the value and structure of assets, one can draw a conclusion about the success of the enterprise, its ability to fulfill its obligations and make a profit.

The analysis uses a variety of indicators, some of which are discussed below.

Cost and average value of total assets

The cost of resources is an assessment of the property of the enterprise, expressed in monetary terms, which gives income or can give it in the future. It consists of two positions: the amount of current and non-current assets (in the balance sheet, these are lines 1100 and 1200, respectively). Thus, the value of total assets is determined as the sum of lines 1100 and 1200. In other words, this is the balance sheet currency: total for the asset section, line 1600.

The average value of the total resources (ACA) of the organization is found as the arithmetic mean between the cost at the beginning of the year (A 1) and at its end (A 2). This is written as a formula:

CCA \u003d (A 1 + A 2) / 2

To calculate the average annual cost, the same principle applies: indicators are taken as of one billing period, but from the balance sheets of different years. The divisor will be equal to the number of years studied (if in two years - 2, if in three - 3, etc.). The average indicators for current and non-current resources are calculated similarly.

Real asset ratio

Real assets include intangible, fixed assets, stocks (production) and costs in work in progress - everything that is involved in commercial activities. For analysis, a coefficient is usually used - the ratio of the total value of real assets to their total cost by balance. A successful manufacturing company must have a value above 0.5 (50%). A decrease means a drop in production capacity or a transfer of an enterprise to other, non-core activities.

The immobilization of assets means their withdrawal from circulation. That is, the share of assets that are not involved in turnover and do not generate income, or are not used for their intended purpose, is estimated. The immobilization coefficient shows how efficiently the resources of the enterprise are used. The indicator reflecting the state of immobilized funds is calculated as the ratio between the fixed (non-current) and current (current) assets of the enterprise.

The lower this indicator, the more liquid resources the company has and, accordingly, the higher its solvency.

Permanent asset index ratio

Fixed assets are those fixed in the first part of the balance sheet of the enterprise, i.e., funds that are out of circulation. The index of permanent assets shows what part of them the company maintains at the expense of its own capital or what part of own funds are assets that are difficult to sell. Its value is determined by dividing all non-current assets (position 1100 in the balance sheet) by the company's own resources (1300):

IPA = non-current assets/equity

Normal value given coefficient- from zero to one. Its increase indicates the risk of deterioration financial position enterprises.

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