How do you calculate car insurance? CTP calculator for all insurance companies. What documents are needed to apply for an insurance policy


Individual Legal entity

Limited Unlimited

Age over 60, experience over 3 years age over 35, experience over 3 years age 30-34, experience 3-6 years age 30-34, experience 7-9 years age 30-34, experience over 10 years age 22-29, experience 3-9 years age 22-29, experience more than 10 years age 16-21, experience more than 3 years age 16-21, experience up to 3 years experience up to 3 years, age over 60 years experience up to 3 years, age 30-59 years experience up to 1 year, age 22-29 years experience 1 year, age 25-29 years experience 2 years, age 25-29 years experience up to 3 years, age 22-24 years

Passenger car (Cat. B) Motorcycles, mopeds, ATVs (Cat. A) Passenger car as a taxi (Cat. B) Truck with a load capacity of up to 16 tons (Cat. C) Truck with a load capacity of more than 16 tons. Bus up to 16 passenger seats Bus over 16 passenger seats

St. Petersburg Leningrad region Moscow Moscow region Other region

Less than 1 year (Cbm = 1 / class 3) 1 year (Cbm = 0.95 / class 4) 2 years (Cbm = 0.9 / class 5) 3 years (Cbm = 0.85 / class 6) 4 years (Cbm = 0.8 / class 7) ) 5 years (Cbm=0.75 / class 8) 6 years (Cbm=0.7 / class 9) 7 years (Cbm=0.65 / class 10) 8 years (Cbm=0.6 / class 11) 9 years (Cbm=0.55 / class 12) ) 10 years (cbm=0.5 / class 13)

Up to 50 inclusive 50 to 70 inclusive 70 to 100 inclusive 100 to 120 inclusive 120 to 150 inclusive over 150

1 year 9 months 8 months 7 months 6 months 5 months 4 months 3 months

The cost of the policy without discounts:

4 225.07 a

The cost of OSAGO is calculated at the base rate of 3706 rubles. From 01/09/2019, it is allowed to use the minimum rate - 2746 rubles, but in fact it is not used by any insurance company in St. Petersburg. Most insurance companies began to apply the maximum rate - 4942 rubles, and only some of the large insurance companies left it at the same level - 4118 rubles, and one insurance company lowered it to - 3706 rubles. We always offer our customers OSAGO at the lowest price! Also, don't forget to check with us for your personal discount!

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Your application has been sent!

Find out your personal discount

The online calculator of the website of the St. Petersburg Insurance Center will help you calculate the cost of an OSAGO policy for 2016. For the convenience of visitors, the form takes into account all the parameters that affect the cost of insurance.

OSAGO cost for 2016: exact calculation online

The OSAGO insurance rate in Russia is single, but the amount of the contribution varies depending on a number of factors (the base rate in 2016 is -3432 ... 4118 rubles for cars without a trailer according to the PCA). The online calculator is designed to take into account important factors and determine the cost of the contribution for the car owner. Those who want to use the online OSAGO calculator need to specify:
  • type of owner (legal or natural person);
  • type of vehicle (car, truck, trailer, etc.);
  • the number of persons admitted to driving and their class (category, experience, age), and the coefficient is determined by the class of the minimum experienced driver;
  • engine power;
  • term of insurance;
  • region of registration.
They may not be included in the calculator’s list, but gross violations of insurance rules for vehicle owners previously insured in this or another company are taken into account - a situation with intentional distortion of information about an accident, waiver of responsibility, unwillingness to draw up a report, and more.

Calculation of the cost of the OSAGO policy

When applying for a policy, it is normal to change the calculated price: the user of the “OSAGO Online Calculator” service on the website may incorrectly indicate or not take into account one of the parameters. In addition, data is constantly updated, including on the rules for using coefficients (bonus-malus), changes in base rates, the receipt of new information from banks and auto insurance companies (Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh, RESO and others). The electronic service of the online calculator automatically includes changes, which allows customers to use the latest data, find out the latest news about the situation with motor third party insurance, for example, about changes in the rules of OSAGO in the period from April 2015.

Having previously calculated the amount of the OSAGO insurance premium on the calculator (depending on the factors taken into account by the online calculator, it is 50 ... 1000% of the base rate), the client can buy a policy on the site. Registration through our online calculator provides the following benefits:

  • save time - no need to come to the office, fill out the form by hand and draw up the necessary documents (relevant for residents of the region and regions);
  • get help - instructions on the order of input - mandatory (main) factors for calculation;
  • issue a technical inspection or an additional DAGO policy with a significant discount;
  • order free delivery to your place of residence or work.
The OSAGO online calculator, taking into account the latest information on base rates, coefficients for 2016 and the service for verifying the authenticity of the policy and data on the owner of the vehicle, is a convenient alternative to traditional car insurance.

How to buy an electronic OSAGO policy?

Why Alfa Insurance?

Reimbursement limits

Differences between an electronic policy and a paper one


The OSAGO cost calculator allows you to find out the cost of auto insurance, taking into account individual conditions. To do this, you just need to use the form presented on the page. The calculation of OSAGO online is carried out in three stages:

  • Step 1. Enter vehicle details. Enter the make, model, and year of manufacture of the vehicle, state registration plate, vehicle identifier (VIN, body number or chassis number) and other parameters into the OSAGO calculator. If you have a “Personal Account” on the AlfaStrakhovanie website or if you had or have OSAGO or CASCO insurance, log in and we will partially fill in the data for your new policy. You can also log in through the public services portal.
  • Step 2. Select insurance conditions. At the second stage, enter the date of commencement of the insurance period for the new OSAGO agreement, the address of residence of the owner of the vehicle, the number of drivers allowed to drive the car, and their personal data into the online OSAGO calculator. If you are renewing the current OSAGO contract, then to correctly indicate the start date of the insurance period, look at the insurance period in your current policy. Please note that for a new OSAGO contract, it must begin no later than 60 days from the current date.
  • Step 3. Click the "Calculate OSAGO" button. After that, you will find out how much OSAGO costs, and you can proceed to the further execution of the policy.

Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and any other city in Russia can buy OSAGO via the Internet. Registration and payment of the policy are carried out online and take a minimum of time. After the purchase, you will receive an electronic policy E-OSAGO, without wasting time on a visit to the insurer's office.

The purchase of a policy is carried out as follows:

  1. To calculate insurance, use the online OSAGO calculator. To do this, enter the necessary information in strict accordance with the documents of the vehicle, its owner and all persons authorized to drive. This is necessary to pass an online check of the data on the PCA database, correctly determine the cost of the OSAGO policy and its subsequent execution.
  2. Wait for the completion of the online data check against the PCA database.
  3. If the price of OSAGO insurance suits you, pay for it in any convenient way available on the site. After successful crediting of the payment, the E-OSAGO electronic policy in *pdf format will be sent to your e-mail.
  4. Print the E-OSAGO policy on sheet A4 and take it with you to provide it upon request when performing registration actions with the car, when checking by traffic police on the road or in the event of an accident. Additionally, you can also save the file with the E-OSAGO electronic policy in your smartphone.
  • Convenient calculation of OSAGO on the calculator.
  • Fast and easy issuance of an electronic policy with secure online payment.
  • Permanent access to the policy by e-mail and in the "Personal Account".
  • High quality of service and reliability of service.

Compulsory third party liability insurance provides compensation for damage caused to other participants in an accident. The insurer pays compensation to each victim, regardless of the number of insured events.

The maximum amount of compensation for damage to health and life

The maximum possible amount of payments reaches 500,000 rubles:

  • for participants in an accident who are entitled to receive compensation in the event of loss of a breadwinner - 475,000 rubles;
  • for persons who paid for the burial - 25,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of compensation for damage to property

The amount of compensation for damage caused to a vehicle or other property can reach 400,000 rubles. Payments within this amount are made to each participant in the accident, regardless of their total number.

The maximum amount of compensation under the Europrotocol

In the case of registration of documents about an accident without the participation of police officers, the maximum amount of payment for applying for compensation in case of damage to the car of the victim under motor third party liability insurance is 50,000 rubles.

The OSAGO policy, drawn up on a special form at the insurer's office, and the E-OSAGO electronic policy are equally valid. The cost of OSAGO insurance is also the same in both cases. The main visual differences are:

  • lack of protective elements on the electronic form;
  • writing a policy series: in paper form - EEE, in electronic form - XXX;
  • absence of the insured's signature (it is replaced by authorization in the "Personal Account" on the insurer's website).

Also, the electronic policy has a number of advantages over the standard paper version:

  • E-OSAGO can be issued without leaving home and at any convenient time. It is not required to go to the office of the insurer;
  • the electronic version of E-OSAGO is constantly available in the "Personal Account" on the website of the insurer. It can also be saved on a computer, smartphone or email;
  • you don’t have to be afraid to spoil the policy form - E-OSAGO can be re-printed at any time.

What determines the cost of the policy?

How to pay for an electronic OSAGO policy?

How can I confirm the presence of the OSAGO policy to the traffic police inspector?

What should I do if there are problems with the registration of electronic OSAGO (the PCA check was not passed, the policy did not come to the post office, etc.)?

What happens if I make a mistake when filling in the data about the drivers?

When calculating the cost of an OSAGO policy, information about the owner of the vehicle, drivers allowed to drive and the vehicle is taken into account. The premium is calculated in accordance with the OSAGO insurance rates approved by the Bank of Russia using the base rates of OSAGO insurance rates approved by the insurer. The price of OSAGO depends on such parameters as:

  • engine power and other vehicle characteristics;
  • experience and age of the driver;
  • the number of persons allowed to drive the machine;
  • region and city of residence of the owner of the car;
  • bonus-malus ratio.

Once you know the exact cost of OSAGO, you can pay for it using:

  • bank card (VISA, MasterCard);
  • AlfaClick Internet Banking.

Important! You should not transfer funds directly to the AlfaStrakhovanie account. In the case of payment in this way, the payment will not be counted and the conclusion of the contract will not take place.

Traffic police officers have the opportunity to check the policy through the Internet network of the IMTS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or on the basis of the PCA. If there is information on these resources confirming the purchase of insurance, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a person driving a vehicle cannot be held administratively liable. To avoid misunderstandings, we recommend that you always have a full package of documents with you, including a printed E-OSAGO policy.

The application of the discount for accident-free driving when concluding an OSAGO contract (CBM coefficient) directly depends on the correctness of the information entered / provided by the Insured about the drivers. Any mistake in the last name, first name, patronymic / date of birth / driver's license number may lead to incorrect application of the discount for accident-free driving, and, consequently, to an increase in the insurance premium under the OSAGO agreement. We ask the Policyholders to be especially careful when entering / providing information about drivers when concluding an OSAGO agreement.

All car owners know that insurance, or car insurance, makes life much easier for a person driving. This policy gives him confidence on the road and reliably protects in road incidents.

Insurance relieves the driver guilty of an accident from civil liability for damage to someone else's car, as well as for damage to the health or life of the victims. In such cases, the insurance company is responsible for compensation for material damage.

How to apply for a car policy?

To conclude a contract, you will need to present a citizen's passport and driver's license at the office of the insurance company, as well as a package of documents for the vehicle: registration certificate, registration certificate, diagnostic card.

Many insurers offer to issue a VPP policy at the same time or buy other products from them. This is sometimes done in a voluntary-compulsory manner, which makes the client feel cornered. To obtain a mandatory certificate, he has to agree to the terms of the seller of insurance services.

That is why many drivers prefer to apply for auto citizenship online - through Internet sites. This innovative approach to acquiring the necessary policy saves the insured time and money, as well as his nerves. Having formed an online application on his own in a couple of minutes and providing an electronic calculator to calculate the amount of insurance for a car, the driver gets rid of a bunch of problems.

An Internet client does not need to get to an office located on the other side of the city, collect a pile of information, make photocopies, languish in anticipation under the offices, agree with intrusive offers. Agree, a new way of finding a coveted product is much more pleasant, not to mention its cost-effectiveness.

What determines the cost of a car license?

Tariffs for OSAGO are set by the state. The price of the policy is determined by the following factors:

  • place of car registration;
  • technical parameters of the machine;
  • driving and accident-free experience of the driver;
  • the life of the vehicle.

From this it follows that a resident of a metropolis will cost more for an auto citizen, because the situation on the highways there is particularly heavy traffic. However, a car owner with an impeccable driving reputation is given discounts at the conclusion of the contract depending on the period of accident-free driving.

Save on the insurance certificate and applicants for the so-called "short", or seasonal, policies. The owners of low-power "iron horses" also benefit from the conclusion of the OSAGO agreement.

How to calculate car insurance?

You can find out the approximate price of the policy on our website quickly and easily. After all, the motorist himself does not need to make calculations. A convenient and accessible online calculator will do this for him.

It is equipped with up-to-date tariffs and calculation algorithms. The electronic assistant will take into account all the parameters of your car (they can be taken from the registration certificate) and information about you as a car owner (they are in your driver's license). You just need to enter the requested data in the fields of the electronic assistant - and the result will be reflected on your screen almost instantly.

Buying an electronic policy is a super idea

On our resource, you can not only calculate the amount of insurance for a car, but also immediately place an online application for it. This operation is performed in 3 steps: enter the required information in the provided form - pay for the ordered product via the Internet - receive it by e-mail.

The main principle of our behavior with clients is not to impose anything on anyone. We set ourselves a different task - to help them choose the best offer from the options presented by insurers. At the same time, our professional managers are always ready to support the buyer with advice on all issues of interest to him when choosing and buying an auto policy.

In online mode, you can not only issue a certificate for yourself, but also purchase it for your best friend. Today, insurance as a gift is a fairly popular thing among motorists. Such a surprise would be appropriate for the holiday, and just like that. It will be especially appreciated by those drivers who have not yet mastered the online shopping algorithm.

Without false modesty, we can point out at least 5 benefits from cooperation with our company. Firstly, we calculate the cost instantly in real time: a couple of minutes - and the exact result is in front of you!

Secondly, we guarantee the reliability of the online transaction: our partners are exclusively reputable companies - recognized leaders in the insurance market.

Thirdly, we provide our users with trouble-free receipt of electronic documents. Isn't the arrival of a virtual policy to your email a nice bonus for a time-limited motorist?

Fourthly, our pricing policy is really honest, without marketing tricks. We do not have intermediaries, so the cost of our products is not burdened by increasing costs.

Fifth, we are ready to be of service to you every minute, seven days a week. You can solve any problem on our resource with the help of experienced consultants in insurance matters.

Buying a virtual policy on our website is the way to your success.

In order not to become a victim of scammers and not to purchase a fake OSAGO policy, you must first know the cost of an auto citizen, which you can calculate yourself.

The cost of a compulsory auto insurance policy is regulated by state regulations and cannot be changed by the insurance company independently.

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The simplest formula is used for the calculation. The main thing is to know the individual parameters.

Have rates changed in 2019?

When calculating the cost of an auto citizen, the base rate and several individual coefficients are taken into account.

The base rate is approved by the Bank of Russia in accordance with the law. The decision of the Central Bank was adopted in September 2014. The last changes to the document were made in March 2015.

Thus, the tariffs for motor vehicle citizenship in force in 2019 were introduced from April 12, 2015.

The base rate (tariff) is defined by law not as a specific indicator, but as a range of values. Each insurance company has the right to independently choose the value of the rate in the specified range.

After making a decision on the base rate, the insurer is obliged to report the approved rate to the Central Bank within 3 days.

The amount of the bet depends on:

  • on the type of vehicle;
  • from the category of owner (exclusively for cars).

The current tariffs are presented in the table:

Amendments to the law "On OSAGO", approved in the fall of 2019, regulate the time of a possible change in basic tariffs. Currently, the Bank of Russia does not have the right to change parameters more often than once a year.

How to calculate the cost of OSAGO yourself at the new rates

  • know the formula by which the calculation is made;
  • initial data.

What data is needed

  • the base rate set by the insurer;
  • coefficient depending on the region of registration of insured vehicles;
  • individual coefficient of accident-free driving (bonus-malus);
  • coefficient, which is determined on the basis of the power of the insured car;
  • a coefficient that determines the ratio of age and driving experience;
  • a parameter depending on the number of persons who will be allowed to operate the insured car;
  • an additional coefficient applied in the presence of gross violations of insurance or traffic rules by the driver;
  • seasonality of vehicle use;
  • duration of the insurance;
  • the possibility of using insured vehicles with a trailer.

The values ​​of the basic tariffs are presented above.

The parameter of the territory coefficient (Kt) depends on the place of registration of vehicles and traffic congestion in a particular city (region). For example, in Moscow the coefficient is 2, and in Smolensk - 1.2.

The individual bonus-malus coefficient (MBM) is determined by the class of the driver. After obtaining a driver's license, a person is assigned class 3 (coefficient 1).

If several drivers are allowed to drive vehicles, then the largest value of the coefficient will be taken to determine the cost of insurance for compulsory auto insurance.

Depending on the power of the insured car, the following parameters are applied by the coefficient (Km) when determining the cost of insurance:

The cost of an auto citizen is also affected by a coefficient that reveals the ratio of age and driver experience (Kvs). The parameter value can be found from the following table:

When several drivers are allowed to drive, the largest parameter of the age-experience coefficient will be taken for calculation.

Depending on the number of persons allowed to operate vehicles, two values ​​of the coefficient Ko can be applied:

If the driver insuring the car or indicated in the policy as a person admitted to driving committed gross violations during the previous insurance period, then the cost of a motor vehicle citizen will increase by 1.5.

Gross violations include:

  • providing the insurance company with false information when applying for a motor vehicle citizen, which led to an incorrect calculation of the insurance premium;
  • driving a car under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • hiding from the scene of a traffic accident;
  • assistance in the occurrence of an insured event;
  • overestimation of the received damage to increase the insurance compensation;
  • operation of vehicles in a period not covered by the current insurance policy;
  • driving a car without a license or without an indication in the insurance.

Many car owners use vehicles only during a certain period (for example, to visit summer cottages in spring and summer).

In this case, the cost of autocitizenship is calculated taking into account the seasonality factor (Kc), the value of which changes depending on the number of months of use.

You can apply for a minimum policy of 3 months. In this case, Kc will be 0.5. the values ​​of other parameters of the coefficient are presented in the table:

A standard motor vehicle policy is issued for 1 year, but there may be situations when a policy of a shorter duration is required (for example, to transport a car after purchase to the place of registration).

In this case, the validity period coefficient (Ksd) can take the following parameters:

Many motor vehicles can be used with trailers. This factor leads to an increase in the risk of getting into a traffic accident, and, therefore, is reflected in the cost of a document on compulsory auto insurance.

For different types of vehicles used with a trailer, different coefficients (Kp) are provided:



sp desired parameter
Bt base rate
Kt - Kp corresponding coefficients discussed above


For example, it is necessary to insure a personal passenger car with a capacity of 123 hp, registered in Moscow. The autocitizen is issued for a period of 12 months.

The vehicle will be used the same way for a whole year. During the summer, it is possible to operate a vehicle with a trailer.

2 people will be allowed to drive, the minimum age of which is 23 years, the driving experience is 2 years and class 4.

Parameters for calculation:

base rate for cars owned by individuals is in the range of 3,432 - 4,118 rubles
territory coefficient (Kt) for Moscow 2
bonus-malus ratio (BMF) 0,95
power factor (Km) 1,4
coefficient age - length of service (Kvs) 1,7
the car will be operated by a limited circle of persons (2 drivers), therefore, Co 1
The car is supposed to be used all year round. Ks 1
The autocitizen is issued for 1 year. Ksd 1
the possibility of using passenger vehicles with a trailer will increase the cost of autocitizenship by Kp 1 (vehicle belongs to an individual)
gross violations that can lead to an increase in cost missing

The minimum cost of insurance will be:

Sp \u003d 3432 * 2 * 0.95 * 1.4 * 1.7 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 \u003d 15,519 rubles 50 kopecks.

The maximum cost of a motor vehicle will be:

Sp \u003d 4118 * 2 * 0.95 * 1.4 * 1.7 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 \u003d 18,621 rubles 60 kopecks.

To check the correctness of the calculations, you can use the online calculator. Internet programs are used free of charge.

You can find a calculator on the website of the PCA, the selected insurance company or a third-party resource (for example, on the website of the KBM Insurance Center - OSAGO).

Let's enter the data from the example into the calculation form.

The result of the calculation is:

The cost of autocitizenship calculated on the calculator and according to the formula under the given conditions is completely the same.

The vehicle registered in Moscow will be used with a trailer. An unlimited number of drivers working in the company are allowed to drive.

Initial data for calculation:

Bt 3,509 - 4,211 rubles
ct 2
Co. 1,8
Ks 1
Ksd 1
Kp 1,4

Other coefficients are not taken into account.

Cn minimum \u003d 3509 * 2 * 1 * 1.8 * 1 * 1 * 1.4 \u003d 17,685 rubles 36 kopecks.

Cn maximum \u003d 4211 * 2 * 1 * 1.8 * 1 * 1 * 1.4 \u003d 21,233 rubles 44 kopecks.

When calculating the cost of insurance online, the form will be filled out as follows:

The results obtained by online calculation also completely coincide with those calculated by the formula.

Policy for 3 months

In the examples above, the period of use of the insured vehicle is 1 year. And how to calculate the insurance premium for the operation of a motor vehicle, for example, a month out of a year.

In this situation, it is necessary to apply Kc, which for 3 months of use will be 0.5.

For example, a passenger car registered in St. Petersburg has a power of 105 hp. Only one person will be allowed to drive (the owner of the vehicle, whose age is more than 22 years and the experience is more than 3 years), who is assigned the 7th class.

Insurance is issued for a period of 12 months, but the period of using the car will be 3 months (the rest of the time, for example, the car owner will be on a foreign internship).

Initial data for calculating the cost of an insurance policy:

Bt 3 432 - 4 118 rubles
ct 1.8 (St. Petersburg)
KBM 0,8
km 1,2
kvs 1
Co. 1
Ks 0,5
Ksd 1
Gross violations by the driver No

Cn minimum \u003d 3432 * 1.8 * 0.8 * 1.2 * 1 * 1 * 0.5 * 1 \u003d 2,965 rubles 25 kopecks.

Cn maximum \u003d 4118 * 1.8 * 0.8 * 1.2 * 1 * 1 * 0.5 * 1 \u003d 3,557 rubles 95 kopecks.

The results obtained completely coincide with the data from the online calculator.

Thus, it is not difficult to calculate the cost of a compulsory auto insurance policy on your own. The calculation by the formula exactly matches the online calculation, so you can choose the calculation method yourself.

The OSAGO calculator for all insurance companies presented on the website allows Internet users to calculate and receive the most accurate information on the cost of a motor vehicle citizen free of charge and at the same time in the shortest possible time. e-OSAGO is an analogue of the classic OSAGO policy issued using a paper form. Electronic OSAGO can be printed out by the owner of the vehicle on any printer. Moreover, we draw your attention to the fact that such a document has the same legal weight as a regular policy made on a special form.

Making car insurance online allows every Russian car enthusiast to significantly save their own time and money reserves. From now on, there is no obligatory need to go to the office branch of the insurance company, waiting for your turn and refusing to constantly impose additional insurance. OSAGO calculation on the calculator is made right at the home computer. This procedure is very simple - even an inexperienced Internet user will undoubtedly cope with it, and it will take no more than three minutes of your personal time. However, using the presented free calculator will help you decide on your further actions in the direction of compulsory auto insurance.

How is the calculation done using the OSAGO calculator?

After making sure that in a simple four-block panel on the left, the item “OSAGO Calculator” is set, we switch to the next block and select the appropriate type of vehicle. These can be cars, passenger taxis, trucks with a carrying capacity of sixteen tons or more, shuttle buses, buses with sixteen or more seats, motorcycles, trolleybuses, trams, tractors and special equipment. Next, you should select a certain number of drivers of your vehicle (from one to five) or the "Multidrive" mode. Then we press the "Calculate" button, which directs the user further.

In the new window, enter the relevant characteristics of your vehicle, namely mileage (in kilometers) and power (in horsepower). A little lower, the user is prompted to select the year of manufacture of the vehicle. After that, enter your region, then a specific settlement. Then, depending on the number of drivers you selected earlier, we fill in one or more fields in which the calculator will ask you to enter the age and driving experience. It will also be possible to calculate a discount for accident-free driving by entering your own data, or postponing these actions for later.

Then, having entered several additional parameters, we indicate the name and phone number for further identification of the calculation you made on the web resource and the provision of a free consultation, if required. After that, click the checkmark next to the item confirming consent to the terms of data transfer and click the "Calculate" button. As a result, you will see a window with offers for OSAGO for all insurance companies that will fully meet the parameters you set.

So, in the process of work, this calculator online multiplies the basic insurance rate by KBM (Bonus Malus Coefficient). Each insurer company itself sets the base rates for different settlements within the boundaries determined by the current legislative provisions. For example, the tariff for individuals should not violate the range of 3,432 - 4,118 rubles.

The calculation of the total cost of OSAGO depends on the following parameters:

  1. Type and volume of the vehicle engine.
  2. Information about the persons included in the policy (age, length of service, number of years of driving without an accident).
  3. The locality where the car owner is registered (for individuals).

We remind you that every Russian driver must purchase this insurance policy or be included in it in order to drive within the law. This rule applies even when driving your car from the salon to the house or the registration area.
