Thai banking system. Banks in Thailand - account opening, cash withdrawals, ATMs Banking system in Thailand


For people who live or vacation in Pattaya, information about which banks in Pattaya allow you to withdraw
the maximum amount of money. How much money can you withdraw per day and not pay a commission?
Where to do it safely and securely?

Having visited several banks, we came to the conclusion that it is most profitable to withdraw a large amount from Siam Commercial Bank or
at Krungsri.
These banks are conveniently located in popular places in Pattaya and can be found in any area. It makes no sense to give addresses, they are literally everywhere.
Siam commercial - purple, Krungsri - yellow bank.

What is the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from Pattaya Bank per day?

In Siam Commercial Bank - 250,000 baht (information for February 2015)
In Krungsri 200,000 baht.

Krungsri - yellow bank

You need to have a passport with you (required!!! They won't give you a passport!) You need to indicate the address of residence.

How to withdraw money in Pattaya safely and profitably?

Find a branch of Siam Commercial Bank or Krungsri, at the entrance you will already be asked what question you are asking?
Answer - withdraw cash (withdraw cash)
You are directed to an operator who will perform the operation within 5 minutes.

In this case, no withdrawal fee is charged! Now the commission for withdrawing from ATMs in Pattaya is 180 baht. Which is also not nice.

In any case, even if you do not need to withdraw the maximum amount, but simply “for life”, I advise you to withdraw money
in Pattaya at bank branches, not at an ATM.
Skimmers are very common (patches on an ATM, with the help of which they steal information about the card, passwords)
So it is safer to get to the bank branch and withdraw cash for sure.
Moreover, you do not need to pay a commission for each withdrawal.

The Krungsri ATM, for example, gives out a maximum of 30,000 baht at a time.

The minimum amount for withdrawing money in a Pattaya branch is 2000 baht.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. Often I find very profitable options, it turns out to save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

You need insurance abroad. Any admission is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. For many years we have been making out on the site, which give the best prices for insurance and selection, along with registration, takes only a couple of minutes.

Keeping cash at home under a mattress is not at all safe, even if it's Thailand. It is more convenient and safer to open an account at a local bank. In Thailand, unlike Russia, the banking market is very developed and even in the smallest town there is always more than one bank and ATMs, so you will not be left without cash, with the exception of rare islands. There are a dozen large banks in Thailand and countless smaller ones, as well as international banks.

The largest banks in Thailand:

  • Bangkok Bank (blue)
  • Kasikorn bank (green)
  • Siam commercial bank (lilac)
  • Bank of Ayuttaya (yellow)
  • TMB bank (blue with white)
  • CIMB Thai
  • SIAM CITY bank

As well as international banks:

  • Citibank branch only in Bangkok at BTS ASOK station
  • There are quite a lot of UOB bank branches throughout the country
  • HSBC - also has branches in cities and ATMs
  • Deutsche Bank-branch in Bangkok

With a tourist visa, you can open a simple Visa electron card at Kasikorn bank. To open an account, you need: a passport, a permanent address in Thailand (or a business card of the hotel, from which the address will be copied to you), a Thai cell number. The card opens in 15 minutes-1 hour, costs 300 baht, 500 baht with honey. insurance. If you withdraw cash in another province, they will take a commission of 10 baht from every 10,000 baht for withdrawal and a little more for replenishment. It is impossible to transfer an account from one province of Thailand to another, you can only close and open a new one.

Passbook in Thailand

You can also open an account in Siam comersial bank, but in some branches they open only on a study or business visa. In Bangkok Bank, to open an account, you also need to provide a document from your Russian bank confirming the existence of an account in it and from what time this account has been, an example of this form can be downloaded on the bank's website. Remember, you must fill in English! If it is not open in any department, go to another, different departments have different internal rules.

ATM Kasikorn bank

For holders of a business visa in Thailand, you can open an account at any bank, get a credit card or buy a car on credit on very favorable terms.

In Thailand, there are restrictions on withdrawing cash from ATMs at a time:

  • 20 thousand - Kasikorn
  • 25 Bangkok Bank
  • 30-UOB

If you need large amounts, you have to withdraw several times. Each time you withdraw from a local ATM using a foreign bank card, a fee of 150 baht will be taken, as well as a fee from your bank. Please note that money is not always converted at a favorable rate. Therefore, try to withdraw the maximum possible amount at once.

Kasikorn bank ATMs are located near 7/11, as well as in all shopping centers, you can also replace them near large companies, at airports. Bangkok Bank and Siam comersial bank ATMs are also available in all shopping centers and on the streets.

A few tips for using banks in Thailand and withdrawing cash:

  • if you are withdrawing from a Russian card, it is better to open an account in foreign currency in advance to avoid unnecessary conversion
  • before withdrawing, ask the ATM for the total amount, different banks have different exchange rates
  • if possible, open a debit card in Citibank in Russia, withdrawing from Citibank ATMs in Bangkok is one of the most profitable
  • do not forget that you will be charged a commission for withdrawal
  • even when replenishing your own account in a Thai bank, you will be charged a commission of 30-50 baht.

– congratulations! But you should immediately start thinking about which bank cards to take on a trip, which is more profitable - to pay in cash for purchases or with a card? Almost all shops accept cards for payment, you can withdraw Thai baht from an international ruble card when you arrive. To bring currency to Thailand, you first need to buy it at a commercial bank in your hometown and lose 5% for the conversion. In Thailand, you need to change the currency to Thai baht and lose another 5%. It turns out about 10%. The losses are big. If you use a ruble international VISA card to receive money, the conversion will go through the dollar, at its rate, and then into Thai baht. It's more economical. For Thailand it is better to have a VISA card. For security, it is not the best option to keep money under the mattress, but it is better to keep it on the card.

Thai banks cooperating with Russia: Bangkok Bank, Casicorn Bank, Kulgri Bank (it issues a record 30 tyr per day), Siam Bank. There are many ATMs. To receive more than 30 thousand baht, you need to go to Bangkok Bank with a passport and a card, where the teller will help you get up to one million baht. It is better not to go to other banks for such money.

If the purchase costs less than 500 baht, then some stores refuse to take cards. Some stores, although they warn in advance, they charge a considerable commission - 3%. Abroad, it is better to use VISA or MASTERCARD cards. MAESTRO, CIRRUS cards cannot always provide you with some services - rental, hotel room, insurance, and so on. It is better to take two bank cards with you - you will suddenly lose one card or the bank will block. The choice is yours, but using a card or cash withdrawn from the card seems to be the best option.

Whatever is on your card, the ATM will issue baht. With them and hurry to the store if it does not accept cards. The bank did not change, he does not issue money. The money changer is a payment system (for example, VISA and a Russian bank), so you can safely receive money at any ATM. But if you still received an offer from an ATM to exchange money, you need to run - the rate will be less profitable than that of your VISA. But if you got into a puddle and agreed, you will lose your money, since the request to your VISA is not in baht, but in dollars. In order for the money to remain with you, the request must go in baht. If you need any currency, look for an exchanger. That's not for long. They stand alone in bank branches. ATMs also want to have their own and charge a commission of 180-200 baht. It is inevitable and independent of citizenship and amount. If you don't want to pay extra, go to the bank. ATMs will give out no more than 20-30 thousand baht. In order not to pay a commission every time, withdraw a lot at once, otherwise you will part with 200 baht each time. Do not go to a Thai bank in T-shirts and slippers - they will not understand. Most importantly, do not forget your passport, without it they will not give you anything. It is useless to use meager knowledge of English and wave a card. Forward! To the ATM!

The bank almost constantly scans your card, and they are not interested in the pin code. Our paranoids are concerned, although the explanation lies in the map setting. The Thais are not always happy to serve us, they lie that there is no machine for the card, they make a confused look, and rush to the exit, they say, go to another bank. Siam Bank and Bangkok Bank love us better and in 90% of cases there are no problems.

If ATMs are workaholics and work around the clock, then banks - from 8.30 to 15.30. Weekends - Saturday and Sunday. Banks do not take commissions, at least in Bangkok Bank and Siam Bank they definitely do not. There are many branches of these banks, so use it. The Russian bank sins with the commission in tariffs. In a Thai bank, you can be sent to an ATM for a small amount, but not in Siam Bank - there is no limit on the amount. If you decide to live in Thailand longer, you need to make a local bank card. Agrees to this issuance of cards "according to tourist visas", only Kasicorn Bank, and even then not in all branches. You can transfer money from Russia to a Thai card and store it in baht, forgetting about exchange rates at least for a while. With such a card, you can withdraw Webmoney through an exchanger with an excellent rate. It is more profitable only with a private money changer if you exchange your Webmoney for his butts. If you need to transfer big money from Russia to Thailand, then you can’t carry it in a bag. This is where a Thai bank account comes in handy. It is necessary to think carefully about a Russian bank, for example, AlfaBank, so that it takes small commissions and the exchange rate is good. When a lot of money is transferred, the losses are visible to the naked eye. Do not forget to notify the tax commission about the account abroad, otherwise the transfer will not take place - the bank will not agree. And it is better to transfer money to your beloved mother-in-law or wife to a foreign account.

Have an exciting holiday and pleasant interaction with the Thai banking system!

Now I will talk a little about banks in thailand.In Thailand there are several main banks where you can exchange foreign currency for local baht. Information about which of them is most profitable to change money can be obtained on the official website of the bank.

Below I will give a list of banks with the most common network of exchange offices in Pattaya. Official exchange rates can be found by clicking on the link to the bank's website.

Kasikorn Bank (Kasikorn Bank)

The most popular bank of thailand. The corporate color is green. Usually the most profitable well exchange currencies happens in this bank. In addition to currency exchange, in this bank you can very easily open an account and get a bank card. In addition, motorbike accident insurance can be purchased from Kasikorn Bank.

Siam Commercial Bank (Siam Commercial Bank)

Another very popular bank in thailand. The corporate color is purple. In addition to currency exchange, this bank allows you to withdraw large amounts of money (up to 200,000 baht) without commission.

TMB Bank (T.M.B. Bank)

The bank was established by the Thai government to serve the families of military personnel and the various needs of the country's Ministry of Defense. This bank is very popular among locals living in the northern regions of Thailand. Corporate color - light blue.

Baht exchange rateupdated every hour.

On the site site you can find out the most up-to-date information daily. about the baht (THB) exchange rate in banks in Thailand for today, choose best baht buy rate or best baht selling rate. The portal presents the monitoring of the exchange rates of all major banks in Thailand with the latest information on the US dollar (USD) and the euro (EUR), which are by far the most demanded currency in the world.

Banks offer the service of buying and selling baht according to their individual rates. With the help of the site, you will always find out in which bank you can make the most profitable currency exchange.

The table of exchange rates reflects dollar (USD) and euro (EUR) to baht (THB) exchange rates denominations of 50-100 dollars and 50-100 euros.

The Kingdom of Thailand has recently gained unprecedented popularity among Russian tourists. And this is easily explained by the hospitality and climate of the country, favorable for recreation, many attractions and a very attractive infrastructure of resort towns.

Due to the fact that the bulk of Thai shops, hotels and other enterprises accept only the national currency for payment, for many Russian tourists and residents of the kingdom, the question is relevant: Where is it better to exchange rubles (RUB) for baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB) And what is the baht exchange rate in banks in thailand today?
Exchange rubles (RUB) to baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB) it is possible both at the airport and at any bank or exchange office in Thailand located on the territory of its cities and resort areas. However, given the fact that foreign exchange prices in airport exchangers are somewhat higher than in the city, you should not immediately change all the cash on hand immediately after arrival at the first exchange office that comes across.

Those who prefer to use plastic cards should remember that in Thailand, transactions with them are not very profitable, because:

Before using the card in another country, you must notify your bank;
- most ATMs dispense no more than 10,000 baht;
- the commission for withdrawing or paying with a card is very significant - up to 180 baht per operation, plus a commission for conversion and a percentage for cash withdrawals.

So it's better to cash out and change dollars (USD) to baht (THB) or euro (EUR) to baht (THB) in one transaction and at an ATM with the most favorable conditions and the maximum amount of a single withdrawal.

In Bangkok and other cities of Thailand there are a sufficient number of exchange offices and banks where you can change rubles (RUB) to baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB). Baht exchange rate in Thai banks although not significantly, it still differs (on average, the difference in the prices of exchangers in Thailand varies within 10%.), therefore, it is prudent to compare beforehand in order to save money baht courses for today and find exchangers with the best offer. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit each exchange point personally, it is enough to use the services of the official site of Thailand site. Here, every Russian tourist or resident of Thailand will find a huge amount of useful information, including the ability to compare prices in exchange offices in Thailand and find out where is it better to change dollars (USD) or euros (EUR) to baht (THB), always get up-to-date baht exchange rate today.

Data about baht rates on the portal are updated every hour, which is very important due to the constant changes in the global stock market. Here you will find the most up-to-date and reliable information about baht rate for today and prices in exchange offices, which is necessary for every Russian who decides to visit this wonderful country.