How to properly plan your family budget. How to manage a family budget: the ABC of savings How to use a family budget correctly


Family budget planning is one of the foundations for managing personal finances and achieving financial well-being.

What is it for?

  1. Determine the amount of money that you can not spend on your current life, but direct it towards achieving your goals and financial independence (financial freedom).
  2. Provide comfort in life so that money does not “leak through your fingers”, but is spent on something important and necessary.

Everyone knows that it needs to be planned, but few people do it.

Why don't people plan their family budget?

In our opinion, there are two reasons.

The first is the wrong attitude towards him.

The second is that the process of planning a family budget is becoming more complicated.

For many, competent management of personal finances is associated with the need to save a lot, deprive yourself of life's pleasures. This is a big mistake.

In fact, the quality of life should improve. Due to what is this happening?

The fact is that most people are wasted. For example, the abuse of energy drinks, frequent meals in cafes, overpayment for goods and services that could cost less (clothes, mobile communications, etc.), impulsive purchases. Refusal of them will not reduce life comfort in any way.

But with what pleasure you can redirect part of the saved money to something really important for you: personal care, relaxation, hobbies, gifts to relatives and friends.

You can see that this is not about total cost cutting, but about setting priorities. Such planning of the family budget will increase the quality of life without the need to earn more.

It turns out that the family budget is a faithful watchdog that guards your life comfort and your plans for the future.

Family budget table

There are programs that consider expenses in monetary terms and in kind, up to grams of onions that you ate in a month.

Such detailing does not give any benefit, but takes a lot of time and effort. In the end it gets boring.

Therefore, install an application on your phone about managing a budget, which lists the main items of income and expenses: groceries, dining out, communication costs, transport, clothes and shoes, etc.

Let's be honest with ourselves, planning a personal budget is not the most interesting thing in life. You need to give him exactly as much time as necessary. Therefore, minimum effort - maximum results.

A person receives a salary, makes expenses, and saves only the money that remains at the end of the month. But there will always be very “important” and “urgent” needs that will take the remaining money. This is the wrong approach.

It is much easier immediately after receiving a salary to set aside the amount that you planned to direct to create personal capital, and spend the rest of the money calmly. We are moving towards the goal, creating planned savings, so we spend money comfortably and

Family budget and family expenses

Some people are embarrassed to save: how they will be thought if they ask for a discount or are indignant at the high cost of goods. In fact, the rich are not afraid of the assessments of others. They know the value of money.

How much is one hour of your life worth? Suppose your salary is 60,000 rubles. with a standard work schedule of 176 hours per month. It turns out that one hour of your life costs 340 rubles.

If 20% of your income slips through your fingers, then 35 hours of your precious life or almost one working week is thrown into the air.

Just think, you could rest for a whole week and still not lose the comfort of life.

Will you now be embarrassed to ask for the quality of the services provided to you or ask for a discount? We hope not.

For example, a person, for the sake of economy, rides a bus, and not a minibus, while experiencing discomfort and negative emotions associated with it. Then he “breaks down” and overpays the extra couple of thousand in a restaurant. There is no real cost reduction, but the negative experience remains.

So don't try to save too much on the little things. Analyze the largest items of your expenses and reduce them without loss of comfort for life. Here the Pareto law applies: 20% of efforts give 80% of the result and vice versa.

Maintaining a family budget is not difficult!

Moreover, family budget planning can ensure a comfortable life and financial well-being. All you need to do is organize its planning in a convenient way for yourself and enjoy the positive results. This is how money becomes an ally and begins to work for a person.

Family budget and expenses

How to achieve optimal spending.There are two approaches.

The first is for people with developed willpower and inner discipline.At the beginning of the first month, you draw up a spending plan, roughly figuring out where and how much money you need to spend. Then for a month you live according to this plan. If you don’t have enough money for something, you can’t give yourself slack and spend more.

You need to “enjoy” the consequences of your decisions as much as possible, deny yourself something. This is very sobering and next month your plan will be more accurate. And of course, do not forget to postpone immediately after receiving a salary.

The second option is suitable for people with less developed willpower, i.e. for everyone else.

The first month you just write down where the money goes. At the end of the month, with a 95% chance, you will be shocked by how you manage your personal finances. Many will ask themselves the question: “Where do I find so much money?”.

When you have concrete numbers, you can think about how to cut costs. For example, look for a cheaper business lunch or connect an economical phone plan, read an interesting book on some weekend instead of having fun in a nightclub, etc. In the end, in 3-4 months you will come to optimal costs.

How to manage the increase in salary?

Suppose you are used to living on 40,000 rubles a month, at least 4,000 go to achieve goals and the remaining 36,000 are spent. Your salary has been increased by 5,000 rubles. What will the majority do in such a situation? Will increase the cost of all this amount. But you are used to living on 36,000 rubles. Even 2,500 rubles in addition to expenses will allow you to spend more. But the process of accumulating capital for your purposes will go much faster when the monthly invested amount is no longer 4,000, but as much as 6,500 rubles. And so on with all additional income.

Rich people than they earn, and direct the difference to the creation and increase of capital. You should follow their lead.

Publication date: 04/22/2017

Why, with the same income, some families live securely, while others live from paycheck to paycheck and are constantly drowning in loans? How to manage a family budget so that the money earned is enough for all the necessary purchases?

It is possible to achieve financial well-being only under one condition - it is important to learn how to save and accumulate money. Start controlling your expenses and write down all expenses - even these simplest actions will lead you to prosperity after a while.

Keeping a family budget right is not so difficult, take savings seriously. Rational bookkeeping is the shortest path to prosperity.

For those who are just starting to manage their family budget, the Seven Envelopes system is perfect - all income must be divided into parts depending on the expected expenses. Set aside money for food, utilities, recreation, household purchases, children's needs and for a "rainy day" - you should get 6 envelopes with money (take regular postage).

In the seventh envelope, put aside all the funds left after a month of waste, except for money for unexpected purchases - you can spend this amount in the next 30 days on entertainment and the acquisition of amenities.

The main rule of this system is that money in envelopes is spent strictly on designated needs, you cannot mix expenses. Therefore, before dividing the amount into appropriate parts, correctly analyze your spending over the past months.

The "Seven Envelopes" system is the first step towards your future savings, keep a record of all expenses, and in a year you will be able to try more advanced tactics.

This plan for the distribution of family money is offered by the best financiers - it has long been recognized as the most profitable and most effective way to save. The schematic name of this financial tactic is “50-30-20”.

You can spend 50% of all cash receipts on the most necessary purchases - food, utility bills, medicines, gasoline, insurance premiums and basic clothing items.

30% of income is allowed to be spent on pleasures - desired purchases (books, jewelry, fashionable clothes, accessories, hobby goods) and entertainment (subscription fees for Internet and cable channels, tickets to the theater, concerts, travel, developmental trainings).

The remaining 20% ​​must be left to pay off loans and accumulate savings, but even if you have no debts, it is still recommended to put part of this amount on deposit to further increase your overall income.

The 50-30-20 scheme is considered ideal - it is the standard to be guided by. However, it may happen that your family budget is not yet enough to exactly meet such a savings plan.

Try to keep your financial affairs as close to the model as possible - this is the key to your future prosperity. If you do everything right, very soon you will get rid of aggravating debts, and a pretty tidy sum will accumulate in your account, which will allow your family members to enjoy life and spend more money on pleasure.

See also How to save money in the family worries a lot of people: those who literally survive from paycheck to paycheck, and those who do not need acute savings.

These tips will help you not only in the early stages of drawing up a family spending plan, they will generally teach you how to properly treat your finances.

  • Always remember the purpose for which you made the decision to budget - you can not take care of your finances just because you were advised to do so. Realize all the benefits of a rational attitude to money - this will be your additional incentive.
  • Give up loans and credit cards - pay off banks as soon as possible and try to never borrow money again. It is better to save first, and then make purchases - manage your financial affairs correctly, never overpay for interest, on the contrary, save money and increase capital.
  • Keep the family budget very accurate - write down all expenses to the penny, do not be afraid to take the time to find the necessary discounts. Spending is a very bad habit, always remember what wonderful things you can spend the saved and accumulated money on.
  • Be sure to open a deposit - at least for a year, and it is better if it is without the possibility of withdrawing cash. Save money in different currencies, and do not rush to spend the accumulated interest, add it to your account. Passive income is the most enjoyable way to earn money.
  • Tune in to a long-term result - you won’t be able to eliminate all financial difficulties in one fell swoop. The ability to properly manage a family budget does not come immediately, but your well-being will improve after the first months of effort.
  • Plan your expenses in advance and be very reluctant to part with money - if it is possible to pay a person with the help of some service, you will do the right thing by choosing this option.
  • Take your health seriously, check with specialists every six months - no matter how skillfully you manage your family budget, there is always a huge risk of running into unforeseen expenses due to the treatment of advanced forms of the disease.

  1. Paying off all loans is the first thing you should do before you start budgeting and saving money.
  2. Constantly take care of ways to increase passive income, improve your financial literacy, be interested in banking offers for deposits.
  3. Never save on comfort, then you will definitely “break loose” and spend money on unnecessary luxury - take care of yourself even in small things. You don’t need to get up in the morning two hours earlier to get to work not by minibus, but by tram, it’s better to limit your spending on household luxuries - comfort is above all.
  4. Spend less than you earn, and do not keep the remaining money at home, but invest - your capital must constantly increase.

Remember - all rich people are very economical, but they never spare money for self-improvement and profitable investments.

Properly managing a family budget is a real art, so constantly develop your financial skills and learn to enjoy the process of calculations itself. Having provided your family with material stability, you will not only gain confidence in the future, you will become calmer and happier, and a special peaceful atmosphere will be established in your home.

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1. Appoint a money manager

You can keep a joint budget, you can - a separate one, when everyone manages their finances on their own, giving part of the money for common expenses. In any case, this common money must be managed by someone. The task of this person is to ensure that all bills are paid on time, and the money set aside in reserve does not go to any nonsense. Entrust this to the most disciplined and responsible member of the family.

2. Save at least 10% of every paycheck

Open a savings account and transfer money there immediately after you receive your salary. So you save yourself from the temptation to spend this money for other purposes.

For example, you receive 30,000 rubles, and your partner - 40,000. By putting aside 10% of your salary, you will accumulate 84,000 rubles together in a year - this is not counting the interest from the bank. Suddenly received a bonus - send it in full to a savings account.

Saving just like that is a bad idea. When you do not understand why to save money, then you probably will not do it.

First you need to form a financial airbag - an amount equal to at least three of your salaries. It will come in handy if suddenly there are difficulties with work or someone from your family suddenly falls ill. When the airbag is ready, you can start saving for a vacation, a car, or a down payment on a mortgage.

4. Set up a joint account

It is needed in order to collect money there for utility bills, food or large purchases. This approach is convenient for both cost control and timely payment of bills. If there is one bill to be paid from, there will be no situation when all family members thought that one of them had already paid for the apartment, but in fact no one did it at all. In addition, he will free you from mutual settlements: they received a salary, chipped into a common pot, transferred 10% to a piggy bank account, and what is left is only yours.

5. Find out where your money is going

Get in the habit of keeping track of how much money you spend. You can do this in the bank's mobile application if you pay with a card more often, or choose one of the financial planning services. So you will determine the main items of expenditure and will be able to understand what it would be worth spending less on.

Watch out for small expenses - a large amount accumulates from them. Imagine: you went from work by taxi for 300 rubles, because you didn’t want to wait for a minibus in the rain. We dined for the same amount in a cafe, because there was no time to cook something at home. And at the weekend we ordered two large pizzas for the whole family for one and a half thousand rubles, because laziness. In just a week, it is not clear where more than two thousand people left. You could easily do without these expenses.

Responsible attitude to money is a skill that can be mastered at any age. On October 17, come to the free lecture "The Secret Life of the Family Budget: Planning and Optimization." Advisor to the Head of the Consumer Protection and Accessibility Service financial services Bank of Russia Alexander Kolankov and journalist Ksenia Paderina will tell you how to properly manage a family budget and save money by planning expenses.

6. Make a financial plan

You probably already have a rough list of expenses for the near future. For example, by the New Year it would be nice to save up 10,000 rubles for gifts. You have three months ahead of you, so in October, November and December you need to save about 3,300 rubles. Do not count on the fact that the money will somehow be found by itself. And if at the end of the year the boss becomes generous with the bonus, you can send it to the piggy bank with a clear conscience, because you already have money for gifts.

7. Pay your bills on time

It sounds boring, but in the world of responsible adults, this is accepted. If you forget to pay utility bills this month, you will have to pay more next month. Miss a loan payment - the bank will impose a fine. All this means that your family will have less money for running expenses.

8. Calculate the budget for the day

Subtract mandatory payments, food expenses (you keep a record of expenses?) and transport from the total family income. Divide the rest of the money by the number of days in the month. Get the amount that you can spend every day. If you couldn’t resist and lowered more than planned today, tomorrow you will have to shrink in expenses.

How to save every day

1. Pay by card

If you have a card with a cashback in rubles, paying with it, you can recoup the cost of annual maintenance in a few months. In addition, many banks give additional discounts or bonuses when you buy something from partner stores.

2. Cook at home

So cheaper than every day to go to a business lunch with food of dubious freshness. Make a stockpile of ready-to-cook food: cut the beef into stew, grate the carrots for sautéing into the soup, boil the broth pot and pour it into containers. All this is perfectly stored in the freezer, and at the right time you just need to get it, defrost it and use it for its intended purpose.

3. Don't buy plastic bags

Get a special bag for shopping or finally take apart a bag of bags (we know you have one) and use them.

4. Plan your shopping and travel in advance

Going on vacation in April - keep an eye out profitable offer airlines now. Buy seasonal clothes at sales so as not to overpay when the cold comes, and you suddenly do not have a warm jacket.

A guitar that you never learned to play, a stepper that has been gathering dust in a corner for three years, a juicer that you have used at most a couple of times - now it's trash, but it can turn into real money.

6. Shop around for private label products

Frozen dough, tomato paste, liquid soap or dishwashing sponges, released under the brand name of the store, are no different from others. Only the price is better.

7. Use shopping lists

Create a special list in Google Keep, where you mark what you need to purchase in the near future, and share it with family members. Before going to the store, check your household supplies and make a list of everything that is over or almost over so that you do not inadvertently buy too much.

8. Keep track of your health

A filling fell out - go to the dentist, without waiting until the tooth falls apart completely. Yes, it's scary, but if you run it, the final score will be even scarier. Quit smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption - save on cigarettes, bar trips, and treatment for the consequences of a fun lifestyle.

9. Don't Buy Expensive Things Right Away

Give yourself at least a few days to think. If you still feel like it, calculate how many daily budgets it will take to buy this item. Ready to give up free money for a while? Go ahead, buy. And no, you can’t gut the financial safety cushion.

10. Watch out for discounts

Get a separate email address and subscribe from it to the mailing lists of large online stores. Often they give a discount or free delivery of the next order for this, and you will always be aware of current promotions.

Want to learn more about how to manage money in the family - come 17 October for a free lecture "The Secret Life of the Family Budget: Planning and Optimization". To make sure you have enough space, register in advance.

14 624 0 Hello dear readers of our site. Today we will tell you about the family budget, or rather about how to manage it, how to calculate the family budget for a month, and much more. The family budget is the family's income and expenses for a certain period of time, for example, for one month. There are several family budget management methods that will ensure a reasonable distribution of finances and allow you not only not to get into debt, but also save up to 20% of wages.

Family Budget Types - Planning

When planning a budget, you need to take into account its type, which is inherent in your family. Decide which one you will have: separate, shared or mixed . Discuss the priorities of each of the spouses (education, investments, loans, starting your own business) and only after that start planning the family budget.


A separate family budget has gained particular popularity abroad, but in our country, many families practice a similar method of distributing financial resources. A separate budget is usually preferred by wealthy and successful people, when a certain amount is allocated for housekeeping, each of the spouses spends the remaining money on personal needs.


  • you can save a significant amount on your personal account;
  • fewer reasons for quarrels in the family;
  • no family litigation in case of divorce.


  • if there are children, then a separate family budget will not work: it’s strange for a son to chip in for sneakers or a typewriter;
  • for people who represent life in the family as a joint activity, such relationships will also not work - it will be difficult for them to understand how it is possible to have something apart from the common interests of the family;
  • It is impossible to turn family relations into exclusively business ones.


A mixed type of family budget implies the allocation, for example, of 80% of the salary of a wife and husband for housekeeping, and each spends the rest on himself. If the spouses managed to save up for an expensive thing or unforeseen circumstances arose, then the rules change. You can take money from the general cash desk when you need it.


  • an honest approach to those who have lower incomes;
  • each of the spouses has personal funds, and there is no need to ask for money;
  • a similar approach to money says that the relationship of the spouses is well-established and mature.


  • maintaining a mixed family budget is not suitable if only one of the spouses works;
  • neither the husband nor the wife has a desire to take responsibility for the common money;
  • one of the spouses is silent about part of the income.


The most widespread is the general type, in which both spouses bring all the money received to the family, and then decide where to spend it.


  • speaks of a trusting relationship between husband and wife;
  • a spouse who does not work or receives a lower salary does not feel inferior;
  • you can make large acquisitions, since two salaries are usually a significant amount.


  • not suitable for families where one of the spouses can deny himself everything in order to buy a TV, and the other can buy something for himself without hesitation;
  • a husband or wife does not tolerate the lack of personal money;
  • This type of budget is not recommended for families where one of the spouses is pathologically greedy or leads an ascetic lifestyle and is little interested in the needs and desires of the other spouse.

What to consider when planning a family budget

Starting to draw up a family budget for a month, analyze income and expenses for previous months. To do this, you need to start keeping a record of funds in advance. With such data in hand, spending planning will not cause difficulties.

Main components of the family budget:

  • income of husband and wife (salary, social benefits, pension, part-time work);
  • expenses (mandatory, for children, family, personal);
  • reserve fund (“financial safety cushion”);
  • investments.


The income of the general family budget includes the wages of the wife and husband. If earnings are unstable, then it is reasonable to save some money, forming a "safety cushion" in case of a small income. In the month where a large amount enters the family budget, set aside 20% or more, if possible.


When calculating expenses, take into account income, they must necessarily correspond to each other. If you break this rule, then debts will inevitably appear.

Tips for reducing costs:

  1. Buy less. This will save not only money, but also time. If you buy less food, then the amount of expired food thrown away will decrease, and sometimes there will be nothing to throw away. A pre-compiled shopping list will help protect yourself from spontaneous purchases.

Ignore the advice of psychologists to go shopping to cheer up, as well as advertising. The mood will always be good if there is money in the wallet, unplanned shopping will only contribute to a momentary and short-term improvement in mood. At first it will be difficult to change habits, but over time everything will return to normal.

  1. Buy cheaper. Usually things and food bought under the influence of advertising are expensive. For example, buying an expensive mobile phone, just because it is well advertised and considered a prestigious item. Sometimes the own products produced by large supermarkets are in no way inferior to other more advertised brands. Control your desires, look for more financially profitable options, learn to bargain.
  2. Analyze. By carefully recording your expenses and analyzing them, you can find out where most of the money goes. When making purchases, you will not notice many nuances, they will emerge only when analyzing the purchases made. This approach will allow you to control costs.
  3. Avoid unnecessary expenses. For example, while cooking, take care of your clothes, you can change everyday outfits to home or put on an apron. Prolonging the life of shoes will allow caring for them: use creams, sprays, varnishes, clean them in a timely manner.
  4. Use cash. It is psychologically easier to part with non-cash money than to count cash.

Own housing

If you don’t have your own house or apartment, then it’s worth including the column “accumulation of money for your own housing” in the family budget. Living with parents creates conditions for additional conflicts and does not allow you to build a family life on your own, therefore it is not very convenient.

Reserve part or "financial safety cushion"

This part of the family budget includes finances that may come in handy in case of unforeseen circumstances. There must be a reserve of funds that will allow the family to live for several months if one of the spouses loses his job. For the purchase or repair of broken household appliances (for example, washing machine) is also used as a reserve fund.


This is part of the family budget, which will bring passive income. This is a bank deposit, real estate, shares.

The wisest thing is to get rid of debts and loans as quickly as possible, as they negatively affect the psychological state. Try to accumulate investments in order to receive passive income in the future, the family budget will greatly benefit from this.

Family budgeting methods

One of the simple but very effective methods of keeping a family budget is to divide it into three main parts:

  • 50% of income is spent on paying for utilities, housing, food;
  • 30% is spent on entertainment and other optional expenses;
  • 20% go to pay off loans and debts or set aside as savings.

One version of this methodology provides for 20% of income to be spent on the formation of a financial "airbag" and debt repayment, and 80% - for other needs. There are other methods of maintaining a family budget, the most popular are “Accurate Cost Management” and “Four Envelopes”.

Accurate cost management

Maintaining a family budget using this technique involves carefully recording every penny spent. It will require time and effort, which will more than pay off with significant financial savings (up to 20% of income). Few are able to write down every purchase, including food, but you will have to do this daily, for which it is better to use an Excel spreadsheet.

Create a spreadsheet in Excel where you divide your expenses into 5 columns. First, write down utility bills (electricity, internet, rental housing). The second - the purchase of food, the third - the payment of personal needs, the fourth - spending on entertainment, the fifth - unforeseen expenses. In the evening, enter the amount spent in each of the columns (if there were any expenses) and at the end of the month you will see the real expenses. This will allow you to approach the distribution of money more thoughtfully.

You can add other columns by adapting the table for yourself, for example, household chemicals, pet care, child care, parents. The main thing is not to forget to record every little thing and you will understand how to distribute the family budget more reasonably.

The most popular family budgeting table.

The technique is suitable for those who are not able to write down every penny spent. As soon as the salary is received, immediately set aside 20% - this will be savings. Pay utility bills, and divide the remaining money into 4 equal parts and put in envelopes. Each of these will make up your weekly budget. If the week is over, and there is money left in the envelope, you can spend it on yourself or save it.

This technique is good because it does not require painstaking accounting of costs. As soon as you start spending money wisely, the desire for spontaneous acquisitions will disappear.

A table of family budget expenditures cannot be compiled at once. It will be necessary to thoroughly find out what the money is spent on. This will take 1-2 months. The best option is to make a table in MSExcel, this will allow you to make detailed explanations for each document, since the program includes several interconnected plates.

How to make a family budget in Excel

With a general family budget, the income and expenses of the family budget are meticulously entered into the table every day, and first you need to fill in the “income” columns. Then the obligatory expenses are planned:

  • return of debts;
  • creation of reserves (savings);
  • the formation of family capital.

The next step is planning for current expenses:

  • general (for children, variables, permanent);
  • personal expenses of husband and wife.

Here you can also add the column "unforeseen expenses", which can be no more than 10% of the amount of income.

Expenses in the family budget are very diverse, and for the sake of completeness, it is desirable to describe them in as much detail as possible. First, write down the expenses, and then divide them into subtypes. Usually they are repeated monthly, so you will only need to change the numbers, you will not have to re-enter the “header” of the table. Set in the column "Total" and "Deviations" automatic calculation of the amount.

Separate budget

In this case, divide the family budget table into two tables: the personal budget of each spouse, where you indicate the income of each spouse separately. The general part should include expenses for the needs of the family, the maintenance of children and personal expenses.

Mixed type of family budget

First, form the personal expenses separately for each of the spouses. It can be a percentage of the family income or the husband and wife's own income. Distribute the rest for the needs of the family.

Services and programs for convenient planning and management of the family budget

  • There are programs for home accounting, for example, AlzexPersonalFinance, which is based on the division into categories of income and expenses. This makes it possible to see where the money was spent without studying and analyzing reports. The program can be downloaded to a USB flash drive, installed on any external drive and always have a version for a tablet or mobile phone with you.

There are two versions of AlzexPersonalFinance:

  1. Personal- designed for a single user, additional options may not be available.
  2. a commercial- designed for one user, while there is access to all program options (restriction of access rights, user accounts, events, contractors, tasks).

AlzexPersonalFinance has a wide range of possibilities and an unlimited nesting of a tree-like system of categories, there are a large number of labels for each transaction. Loans and debts are recorded, financial goals are tracked and expenses are controlled. Reports can be presented in graphical form and printed. It is possible to organize a transaction by days in a calendar.

  • AlzexPersonalFinance program

Using this program, you will not only understand how to keep a family budget, but you will do it as reasonably as possible.

Another program for managing the family budget is called Housekeeper, the developer is AmoSoft. The program will allow you to make your financial situation stable and control spending. Distinctive features - a simple, intuitive interface, "Housekeeper" can be used even by people who are far from accounting and computers.

Spend a few minutes daily entering data and at the end of the month you will see the most complete picture of the state of finances in the family. Reports are provided in graphical form, which allows you to visually see the strengths and weaknesses of the family budget.

The program will tell you how to save the family budget by preventing rash spending.

  • "Home Finance"- the program combines flexibility and reliability in organizing the movement of family money.

The interface is thoughtful and simple, intuitive even for not very experienced users. The program will allow you to detect weaknesses in the family or personal budget, as well as organize the optimal flow of funds.

  • "Home Bookkeeping"

The program is easy to use, while in it you will find all the necessary functions:

  1. profit and loss accounting;
  2. payment planning;
  3. debt accounting;
  4. account control;
  5. exchange rates.

The only disadvantage of "Home Bookkeeping" is that you will have to pay 500 rubles for using it.

  • MoneyTracker

MoneyTracker is designed for accounting, it is convenient to use it, but you will need to tinker and figure out what's what, since the program has a lot of functions. A distinctive feature of the program is the ability to control price changes in stores, which allows you to make a budget forecast for months or a year. There is a utility that shows how much you spend (green indicator - everything is fine, red indicates that the family budget is in danger).

  • DomFin

The DomFin program can be used for free, the interface is primitive: the functions for accounting are clearly and specifically set. It is intuitively clear where to record expenses and where income should be recorded.

  • AceMoney

You will have to pay 500 rubles for using the program. In the free version, you can use only one account, which is inconvenient. The negative point is that there is only one operation in AceMoney: a transaction, you will not find “income” and “expenses” departments.

Advantages of AceMoney:

  • can keep records valuable papers and shares;
  • there are templates according to which you can distribute expenses (utility payments, food), you don’t have to do them yourself;
  • you can monitor the status of your bank accounts (for example, at what percentage the money lies).

To choose the best program for your own needs, you need to clearly understand the goal you want to achieve. Also, the program should be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular family budget. For some, certain functions are completely useless and will never be needed.

  1. Don't forget the reason why you decided to start family budget planning. This is not because it is necessary or someone said, but in order, for example, to reduce spending.
  2. Clearly define for yourself the ultimate goal of your actions. For example, by the end of the year, save up for a car.
  3. Accounting for income and expenses must be very accurate and thorough.
  4. Consider ways to form a "financial safety cushion" for the family.
  5. Set aside money on deposit accounts in a bank without the possibility of withdrawing them until the end of the period. There are deposits that can be replenished, but cannot be withdrawn before a certain date.
  6. Look at your own actions realistically: you cannot become an ace in the family budget in one month, start small.
  7. Do not be afraid to radically change something in the family budget. In life, something is constantly changing, including wages and expenses.
  8. Psychologist, 16 years of practical experience. Olga works in the following areas: Gestalt therapy, Psychodrama, Systemic family therapy, Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Municipal educational institution - secondary school of the Saratov region, Krasnokutsky district, Dyakovka village

research project:

"Rational management of the family budget."

Prepared by a 9th grade student

Yakovleva Xenia

Project Manager:

Economics teacher

Afanasevskaya M.V.


Every family has dreams

and there are plans

To fulfill them

remember the main thing:

Calculate clearly need income,

Measure only expenses with them.

Bring to life the most daring project

If the budget is accurate


    Main part:

2.1 Family budget and its structure

2.2 Development of a strategy for saving the family budget.


    List of Internet resources



Today, even schoolchildren know that the world is currently in a difficult economic situation. Businesses are shutting down, jobs are being cut, wages are being cut. Parents are not always able to find another job with a higher salary. This means that the issue of saving money in the family budget becomes relevant. Our parents are cutting their expenses. And what contribution to saving the family budget can we, children, make? I believe that children have expenses that they can refuse or reduce, which will help parents in preserving the family budget.

Object of study: family budget.

Subject of study: Ways to save the family budget by the efforts of schoolchildren.

Purpose of the study: identify ways to save the family budget by schoolchildren.

Hypothesis: the ability to plan and control your spending helps to save the budget of the whole family.

Research methods: survey, questioning, comparison, generalization and analysis of the results.


    Study the literature on this subject.

    Identify items of expenditure for schoolchildren.

    Establish ways to reduce family expenses by the children of schoolchildren.

Each person during his life is faced with a problem: how to get income, how to spend it and place savings in such a way as to protect himself from various surprises to the greatest extent. And the sooner he learns to manage his money, the better.

2.Main part

Acquiring money requires valor;

saving money requires discretion;

spending money requires art

Averbakh Berthold,


2.1. Family budget and its structure

In order to find out what a “budget” is, I went to the library. It turned out that this word came to us from England (budget) and is translated as "money bag".

Each family has a budget, which reflects the ratio of its income and expenses for a certain period of time. The formation and study of the family budget is the most important in modern conditions economic problem families.

Having studied the literature on economics, reading articles on the Internet, I began to clearly understand and imagine what the family budget is built from. From an economic point of view, the budget includes sources of income and expenditures. Family income is the receipt of money in the family from various sources.


(benefits received on a personal plot, gifts, winnings)


(wages, pensions, scholarships, social benefits)

PRIVILEGES(benefits for paying utility bills, when buying medicines, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums, rest homes)

R Expenses are the costs of money spent on goods and services.

I learned that Income is spent on goods and services necessary for a person's life and the existence of a family. As a result, Income turns into Expenses. The table shows what is spent on monthly cash my family.

Expense group



Income tax and etc.

Obligatory payments

Payment for an apartment, telephone, electricity, taxes, payment of loans.


Purchasing products and preparing them for future use, paying for meals in a canteen, cafe, etc.

Household needs

The cost of repairing clothes, shoes, household appliances, apartments, television and radio equipment, dry cleaning, personal hygiene items.

Items for personal use

Clothing, linen, shoes, bedding.

Interior items

Furniture, lamps, paintings, carpets

Household appliances and appliances for housekeeping

Electric stoves, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, dishes, vacuum cleaner, etc.

Cultural and Information Needs

TV, tape recorder, music center, photo-movie accessories, cassettes, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.


Acquisition and operation of a passenger car, payment for the services of a service station.

Sports, tourism, hobbies, recreation

Sports and tourism accessories, items, tools, materials for individual hobbies.


Children's toys, medicines, etc.

IN All family expenses can be divided into planned (permanent) and sudden - unforeseen. Fixed costs are the costs of food, rent and utilities, clothing, transport; the necessary minimum, which is spent regularly every month. Variable expenses are irregular and are spent as needed, for example, buying large household appliances, repairing shoes, buying medicines, etc.

Limits to our expenses are, of course, set by our incomes: after all, you can only spend what you have. That is why almost all families face the problem of savings to one degree or another: in order to make any large purchase, it is necessary to set aside part of the income for some time, and not spend everything on current needs. Someone is hoarding mobile phone, someone for a new sports bike, someone for a soccer ball, but all these people have a number of common problems: how to keep from spending this money, keep savings and at the same time not let them depreciate.

Many children find it difficult to resist spending the money they have on various tasty little things or cards with cartoon characters. If a person is used to spending without thinking, then it will be difficult for him to resist this. That's why The best way fighting reckless spending is to keep saving money separate from money for current spending.

The issue of saving money can be solved in different ways. For children, it is best to entrust the preservation of their personal money (for example, donated for a birthday) to their parents, and they can put it in a bank, buy currency, gold or jewelry, securities.

The same family can save for different purposes and for different periods. Keeping track of savings is an important part of budgeting.

I learned that each family has its own budget, with its own sources of income and expense items, and it is constantly changing.

I will present the budget in the form of scales. We place income on one of their bowls, expenses on the other.

If expenses equal income, then the budget is called balanced.

When expenses exceed income, then they say that the budget in short supply.

A budget in which income exceeds expenses excess (surplus).

Rational consumer budget- this is an ideal budget, in which the expenditure part is formed on the basis of rational consumption norms, spiritual goods and services in their specific scientifically expedient set.

In a difficult economic situation the expenditure part is compiled on the basis of a set of minimum goods and expenses necessary for a person. Taking into account real prices, the total sum of money income required to cover these costs, the so-called subsistence minimum, as one of the indicators of living standards. Estimated value living wage conditional, because it depends on the composition and quantity of goods included in the required set.

The family budget reflects its socio-economic status, entrepreneurial activity, standard of living, education, investment potential.

Rational use of funds to best meet the needs of all family members isthe main task of the family economy .

occupies a special place in the family budget. student's budget.

Have you ever thought about how much money parents spend on the maintenance of children - schoolchildren? All schoolchildren love to go to the cinema, discos, concerts, cafes, buy chewing gum, sweets.

The owner of one of the most significant fortunes in the world, oil tycoon J. Rockefeller kept an expense book from childhood, claiming later that it was she who helped him become richest man in USA. It takes very little time to maintain - 5-10 minutes a day. If we take into account and analyze family expenses systematically, we will find many reserves for reducing expenses that were not paid attention to before.

Until quite recently, the only source of income for schoolchildren was the income of their parents. During the survey, I found out that some schoolchildren have a permanent or one-time income. Thus, the student's budget may include:

Student's income: -income from parents;

Individual labor activity(artistic and applied art, making toys, etc.);

Commercial activity (sale of crayfish);

Provision of services (baby care, food shopping for pensioners), etc.

Schoolchildren's expenses: - expenses for meals outside the home;

Study expenses;

Expenses for hobbies;

For cultural and sporting events;

Communication expenses (mobile, Internet);

Unreasonable expenses (smoking);

Unforeseen expenses (a gift to a friend for ....), etc.

My classmates think that can save the family budget and express their suggestions how can you do it. Here are some of them:

    save money in a piggy bank, keeping them;

    save water, gas, electricity at home;

    take care of things, furniture, electrical appliances;

    sell newspapers, put up ads, distribute flyers;

    do not waste money, do not ask parents for money;

    help in the garden, in the garden;

    at technology lessons, we can prepare various useful things for the family, which would save the family budget and be useful for the household (needle box, potholders, kitchen apron, knitted items, etc.);

    income from waste (to give things a "second life");

    repair and renewal of clothing and household items;

    income from the sale of unnecessary property: figurines from kinder surprise, old toys;

    collection of waste paper, scrap metal;

    buy food for pensioners, the disabled, clean their apartments;

    help parents sell vegetables, fruits, flowers from their gardens;

    participation in competitions, competitions, projects, receiving awards and valuable prizes.

2.2 Development of strategies for saving family budget funds by schoolchildren

Research #1.

Purpose: to determine the structure of expenses of students of the MEI-secondary school in the village of Dyakovka, from which they can painlessly refuse or reduce, to develop a strategy for saving the family budget.

As mentioned above, all costs can be divided into fixed, mandatory and variable, optional. If we cannot change the mandatory expenses, then we can try to refuse some optional expenses. So everyone knows the love of children for chips, fried crackers, lemonade, chewing gum, etc. All these products not only cost parents money, but often cause various diseases (for example, food poisoning, caries, etc.) in children. This means that you can refuse their purchases, or replace them with something that also brings pleasure and at the same time does not harm health, for example, fruits and juices.

But even mandatory expenses can be tried to reduce. For example, you can save on electricity bills by reducing the time you watch TV or play games on your computer or on the Internet. If you take care of, for example, school supplies, your belongings, clothes, then parents will have to buy replacements less often, which also saves the family budget.

Children are very fond of communicating with their peers, so they can “hang” on the phone for hours, and mobile operators offer many paid services that children really want to use. For example, download a game to a mobile phone or music. The problem is that it costs money and it often happens that a larger amount is withdrawn from the accounts than advertised. All this leads to an increase in unnecessary spending. Many classmates live nearby and phone calls can be replaced with face-to-face meetings. And you can completely refuse to download games and pictures.

Thus, I have identified the following items of expenditure that schoolchildren can reduce and possible ways to save:


(chips, crackers,

sweets, lemonade, etc.)

Refuse completely or replace with fruits, juices, etc. with more healthy products.


TV, computer

Reduce the time of using household appliances


mobile, Internet

Reduce the time of talking on the phone, if possible, replace them with personal meetings. Do not use paid Internet services without parental consent


pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.

Do not lose, do not chew on pens and pencils, treat your school supplies with care.

Shoes, clothes

trousers, skirts, shoes, boots, etc.

Taking care of your belongings, maintaining cleanliness.

To clarify the structure of expenses of students of the municipal educational institution of the village of Dyakovka, from which they can painlessly refuse or reduce, I conducted a selective survey of primary school students (1-4th grade), 23 people took part in the survey. The results obtained are shown in table 2.

And a selective survey of middle and senior students (5-10 cells), 28 people took part in the survey. The results obtained are shown in table 3.

Table 2.



don't buy


per month


17 people

6 people

1- 26 packs


18 people

5 people

1-30 packs

Chewing gum

21 people

2 people

1-10 packs


23 people

100 g - 1 kg

Ice cream

23 people

1 - 30 pcs.,


23 people

500 g - 5 l

Table 3

Item of expenses

rub. per month


Mobile communications

225-250 rub. – 5 people

300-350 rub. -3 people

400-450 rub. – 8 people

500-550 rubles - 6 people

600-650 rub. – 4 people

700-750 rub. – 2 people

30-60 rub. – 5 people

90-150 rub. -11 people

200-250 rub. – 12 people

30-100 rub. -4 people

200-300 rubles - 3 people

400-500 rubles - 2 people

Watching TV,

min. per day

computer, internet,

min. per day

phone conversations,

min. per day

30 min.- 1h. – 12 people

1.5 - 2 hours - 8 people

3-4 hours - 8 people


1.5-2h - 9 people

3-6 hours -6 people

9-10 hours - 2 people

10min -1h. – 18 people

1-1.5 hours - 6 people.

2-3h – 4 people

If we take each article separately, it seems that the amount spent is not so big as to reduce it. But Benjamin Franklin, the American politician whose image is printed on hundred dollar bills, said: "Be careful with small expenses: the smallest leak can sink a big ship." Therefore, in order to find out how much schoolchildren spend on pleasant things, I conducted a second study.

Research #2.

Purpose: to calculate the expenses of schoolchildren

To determine the amount that children can save by giving up their bad habits, I made calculations according to the formula C \u003d a n.

The data obtained are presented in table 4.

Table 4


amount per month (n)

price, (a) rub





1- 16 packs


25 - 768


1-30 packs


11 - 900

Chewing gum

1-10 packs

18 - 30

18 - 300

Ice cream

1-30 pcs

12 - 25

12 – 750


100g - 1 kg.




500 g - 5 liters

10 - 54

10 - 270


94 – 3538


quantity per month

price, rub




the pencils,

3 pcs.


3 pcs.


2 pcs.


2 pcs.


1 PC.



Thus, a month it turns out from 157 to 3601 rubles of expenses, which a younger student can reduce. And if every time the children manage to stop themselves and not buy another pack of chips or crackers, this will not only save their health, but also contribute to saving the family budget. In the future, this will allow, for example, to save up for a new cell phone or other purchase that you have been dreaming about for a long time.

An analysis of the data obtained during the survey (table 3.) showed that middle and senior students spend on average per month:

On the Internet - 450 rubles.

For mobile communications - 150 rubles.

For additional paid Internet services - 60 rubles.

Total per month - 660 rubles.

Separately, we calculate the cost of electricity, because. Here, the costs depend not only on the operating time, but also on the power of the device. In addition, these costs can only be reduced, it is very difficult to completely abandon these costs. The cost of 1000 watts is 2 rubles. 13 k.


working time per month

power, watts per hour

cost, rubles


15 – 240 hours

200 - 400

6r 39k - 204r 48k

computer, internet

15 – 120 hours

6 r 39k - 51r 12k


12 rub. 78 k. - 255 rub. 60 k.

Thus, if middle and senior schoolchildren reduce the time spent watching TV, working on a computer, using the Internet, talking on the phone by at least 20-50%, then this will reduce family budget expenditures from 183.12 to 457.80 rubles per month.

(660 + 255.6) * 20% = 183.12 rubles.

(660 +255.6) * 50% \u003d 457.80 rubles.


Thus, we see that any schoolchild can, without making any special efforts, contribute and really help save the family budget. FROM Now, there are a lot of temptations for shopping, and often money is spent thoughtlessly. Therefore, you need to properly distribute your budget, coordinating it with the overall family budget.

For those who want to improve their money spending system, there are four rules to remember that are important for any budget: accounting, planning, organization and control.

To record income and expenses, you must have a notebook accounting. To keep bookkeeping from being boring for you, get creative. Come up with a title for your book. For example: “Finances sing romances”, “Kopeck saves the ruble”. Line your notebook by month and draw a symbol for each month before the start of each month. For example, January: the symbol of the New Year is a Christmas tree with New Year's toys.

The survey showed that not all junior schoolchildren know and understand what a family budget is. For easier assimilation of this topic, I recommend that parents read "The Tale of the Tsokotukha Fly in a New Way" and the Series of stories "Entertaining Economics for a Primary School Student" (Appendix 1,2). After all, it is very important to learn how to plan your own budget while still living with your parents, which will help in the longer term when creating your own family.


After studying this topic, I began to relate to parental money differently. Now I know that even schoolchildren can help organize the economic life of the family, and reasonable housekeeping, rational planning of expenditures will help increase the family budget. You need to carefully treat your things and the things of others, to clothes. Be hardworking, show creativity, independence, initiative. Because your talents, abilities, culture, active life position will help bring income to the family.

TO For example, I am actively involved in sports (volleyball, skiing, athletics, skating). Participating in city and regional competitions, she won prizes. I take part in competitions and olympiads of various levels. Developing our talents and abilities, we also increase the family budget.

Human needs and opportunities almost always do not coincide. Needs are unlimited, but money, unfortunately, is always limited. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to measure your needs and your capabilities. In conclusion, I want to return to the words of Benjamin Franklin, an American politician, “Be careful with small expenses: the smallest leak can sink a big ship” and the Russian proverb “A penny saves a ruble”. You can save on small things, and spend the money saved on more useful purchases.

In my work I:

    I studied the literature on this issue.

    Identified the main items of expenditure for schoolchildren.

    Established ways to reduce family expenses by the children of schoolchildren. Developed recommendations for drawing up a rational consumer budget

my goal research work achieved, tasks completed.

    List of used literature

    N.V. Novozhilova, textbook for grade 9 "Family Economics", publishing house "Vita Press", Moscow, 2012

    Savitskaya E.V. Economics lessons at school: In 2 books. - M.: Vita - Press, 2006.

    Smirnova T.V. Economic fairy tale dictionary. - Samara: Publishing House "Fedorov". Publishing house "Educational literature", 2006.

    Dictionary "Borisov A.B. Big economic dictionary. - M.: Knizhny Mir, 2003. - 895 p."

    Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2007. - 495 p. - (B-ka dictionaries "INFRA-M").

    "Economics: my school" Tutorial for grade 9 general education. member/T.S.Teryukova, E.A.Artemyeva, M.V.Golovin; ed. I.A.Sasova.-M.: VITA-PRESS, 2010.

    List of Internet resources


    "The Tale of the Tsokotuha Fly in a New Way".

    Family Budget

    questionnaire questions.

Attachment 1

The tale of the Fly - clatter in a new way

Fly, fly - clatter,

Gilded belly!

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

In the evening the whole family gathered. Pushing, tomboys burst into the window, boys - mushats. Out of breath, Grandma and Grandpa flew in. The last to fly in was my father, tired after work.

Boys - mushats were arguing loudly about the appearance of a new scooter at the neighbor's Zhig.

Yes, said the father. - Now let's figure it out. Just sit quietly. You are our future scientist (eldest son, student Zhuzhzhik), bring a calculator, we will calculate.

Dad took a piece of dried burdock, on which it is so convenient to write with a dry spruce stick, if you dip it in blueberry juice, and wrote "Income".

Income - this is the money that I get paid for the work of landscaping and cleaning our forest, that is, my salary. Every month I bring home and give my mother 1,500 money, - said the father.

The boys looked at their father with respect. Grandfather and grandmother did not stand aside, shook their wings.

We also receive money, 300 each. Since there are two of us, then this is 600 money.

What kind of money do you think grandparents could receive? (Grandparents also worked, received their wages, and now, when they got old and began to get tired quickly, they began to receive money, which is called a pension.)

Student Zhuzhzhik said that he also brings money to the family income.

What kind of money was student Zhuzhzhik talking about? (About the scholarship that the institute pays until the student graduates and starts earning.)

Our baby also receives money, and these money are called - child allowance, - added Mukha - clatter.

And now let's calculate what is the income of our family, - said the father.

Salary - 1500 money

Grandparents' pension - 600 denezhek

Scholarship of Buzzard - 200 money

Baby allowance - 200 money

Total: 2500 money

Hooray! As many as 2 thousand and even 500 money! You can buy several scooters! - exclaimed the mushat.

Do you think it is?

The story continues.

A fly - a clatter took a piece of paper and wrote "Expense".

How do you think. what did mother fly spend money on?

I spend 1,000 dollars a month on food alone. Winter is on the way, you need to buy warm boots and mittens that you mischievous people have lost. On this I will spend another 600 denezhek.

Grandma intervened:

You have to pay 100 denezhek for an apartment, electricity and water.

From Monday, the baby will go to kindergarten. Aunt Bee said that you need to pay 100 money for the kindergarten, - added Fly - clatter.

Dad and student Zhuzhzhik demanded 200 money - to pay for public transport, travel on long horned caterpillars to get to the place of work and study. Mommy Mucha wrote it down on a piece of paper.

Here the mushats became interested.

Aren't we going to the ski section? Aren't we going to the cinema? Grandma also promised to buy books about computers.

And we also need textbooks on protecting the forest, the brothers need sketchbooks and colored pencils. Grandma and Grandpa remember that next week they were going to the theatre. And the baby needs to buy a doll for her birthday.

Has everyone spoken? Dad asked. Let's strike a balance then.

What is balance, even the student Zhuzhzhik did not know.

Dad added up the numbers on the piece of paper where mom wrote down expenses and received 2100 money. Then, taking a calculator, he subtracted from the figure "Income" (2500 money) the figure "Expenses" (2100 money).

Hooray! There are still 400 "scooter" money left! the mushats shouted.

This is not "scooter" money at all, these are our savings, - said the father. Savings is what remains of our family's income after we spend the money on everything we need. They can be taken to the bank. If they are kept in a bank, the bank pays interest.

I want to advise, - said the grandmother, - where to get extra money.

Where? the flies asked in unison.

Behind you, kids, there is a faucet, and water flows from the faucet, and a light bulb is on in the corridor, although the rays of the sun also get there. But we pay for electricity and water. Everything has to be paid for.

Here is a business conversation. This is economy.

The flies rushed to turn off the faucet and turn off the light.

And what else could flies save on? Do you think they bought a scooter?

Appendix 2

From the series of stories

"Entertaining economics, for a younger student"

Family budget

Hooray! Today is our parents' payday. Finally, they will buy me new fins and a mask.

When we go to buy me fins and a mask, because soon at sea! I asked my dad, who had just entered the house.

And I need a new bike, otherwise mine is completely falling apart - Fly immediately picked it up. She always is. Can't stand it if someone buys me something and she doesn't. Although I could ride it.

Fine! - said dad. - Or maybe first we will determine the expenses of the family BUDGET?

What else is the budget? - I did not understand.

The budget of our family - and dad took a sheet of paper and wrote on it: "INCOME" - Mom and dad earn together .... and dad wrote something on a piece of paper.

How much, dad, how much? - buzzed the Fly. - Thirty-five million?

Yes, the sun, everything is so, only without millions. What are we going to do with millions?

Like what? We’ll take it to the bank, let others use it for now, and then we’ll take the interest, - and Fly realized that she had made an impression. My dad and I got eyes on our foreheads.

Daughter, you are a future banker! Great lesson learned. But it's not easy to have millions. Well, I'll explain that another time.

And now, let's calculate the costs - dad sighed.

Mom entered the room. She just arrived and immediately joined our conversation.

I hear you talking about expenses here? she asked and looked at her dad. And dad had a column under the inscription "EXPENSES" growing on a piece of paper.

Don't forget to sign yesterday's unscheduled faucet repair, Mom said.

So, - dad dropped the leaf, and we saw how long his expense column turned out to be.

It's certainly boring to listen to our expenses, but we can't do without them. Dad did:

1. Food 2. Gasoline 3. Apartment 4. Phones 5. Clothes 6. Household goods (all kinds of shampoos, toothpaste, powder, etc.) 7. Entertainment (movies and cartoons. A new computer game for me)

Dad continued, and I could no longer hear about this budget. All my thoughts were on the sea. I dived and swam underwater with new fins and a mask. But then dad finished, finally, and I thought:

“Well, that’s it - now I’ll be left without a mask and fins. Well, at least the trip to the sea is not cancelled. So I want to go to the Black Sea boarding house "Bamboo Yard".

Now subtract expenses from income. - and dad looked at us strangely. - Well, that's enough for only one flipper and one wheel from the bike ...

You'll have to make do with what you have. But the trip to the sea will take place - said my mother.

We have a small income, - the Fly turned away.

That's when we will work, we will have more income, - I said.

We understood everything, well done, - dad praised us. - That's what family budget spending is.

Questionnaire questions Appendix 3

Student - ___ class

Answer the questions: Table 1




don't buy


per month


Croutons, kirieshki

Chewing gum


Ice cream


Table 2




PCS. per month

Break, gnaw,


PCS. per month


Pens, pencils



Student - ___ class

Answer the questions: Table 3

How much time do you spend on average on:

Watching TV,

min. per day

computer, internet,

min. per day

phone conversations,

min. per day

Table 4

Item of expenses

rub. per month


Mobile communications

Additional paid Internet services (games, music, etc.)