How to deposit. How to deposit money into a Sberbank account? Method # 2: Top up your phone account through Sberbank Online


You can deposit money into your account by transferring from another account of another organization or by simply depositing cash into the cashier.

In cases where the account from which the funds will be debited has an Internet connection, this operation can be carried out immediately on the spot. In addition, you can transfer money using another bank, and at the same time, without opening your own account in it.

To fund your account using the methods listed below, you may need to:

  1. Money;
  2. The passport;
  3. A computer;
  4. Account number;
  5. Internet access;
  6. Bank details.

How and what to do - instructions

A simple and common way to replenish is to deposit money directly through the cashier. To do this, you need to go to the bank branch. You must have your passport with you. Approach a bank employee, show him your passport and tell him what you need and what you want. If you have questions, he will help you. Since consulting clients is part of their responsibilities.

If you have several accounts, then you need to select the one to which you want to transfer funds. If a bank card or a passbook is attached to the account, then in this case they must be presented.

There are banks where you will be required to write an application, which must be handed over to a bank employee, along with money and a passport.

Some banks provide the opportunity to deposit money only in the branch where the account was opened. Some allow you to do this in any other branch. It also happens that some banks set a limit on the input of money at the regional level, while others allow banking operations throughout the country.

It also happens that a bank allows transactions to be made by any person who knows the card or account number. But, as a rule, this is a rarity, since they generally require various other documents. Including those that confirm that you are the owner of the account.

Plastic cards

account on your plastic card can be replenished using an ATM of the same organization in which it was issued. But for this, the ATM must have the “CASH IN” function, which in translation means cash deposit.

To do this, you need to insert your plastic card into an ATM. Then enter the PIN. After that, a menu will open for you. In it, you must select the item "cash deposit". If there is no such menu item, then look for something similar in meaning. Since ATM software changes frequently, there may be some changes in new versions.

In order to provide a high level of customer service, Sberbank provides several ways to replenish a bank account at the user's choice. The reader will learn from this article how to put money into a Sberbank account in a convenient and affordable way at a certain moment.

Bank account replenishment methods:

  1. through the cash desk of Sberbank;
  2. with help mobile phone;
  3. using the services of ATMs;
  4. postal transfer;
  5. through a payment terminal;
  6. Bank transaction;
  7. using electronic payment systems.

Each of the methods has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The degree of comfort of replenishing an account largely depends on the situation, the location of the account holder, and the features of the bank account.

Deposit money into an account through a bank teller

The method is convenient only if the user is near the bank, has a passport or a bank card associated with the account that is planned to be replenished.


Step 1. We come to the bank and turn to a free employee. Almost all branches of Sberbank have special terminals with which they send a request for the provision of a service and receive a coupon with a number. At this number you will be asked to approach the teller.

Step 2. When the employee is released, he will need your passport or bank card. If you only have a bank card, you will most likely be directed to the nearest ATM, which is located in the bank building. If you only have a passport, it is enough to present it to an employee and say that you want to replenish one of your accounts. Name the replenishment amount and account number.

Step 3. Give the required amount to the cashier.

Replenishment occurs instantly and without commission. Next, we will learn how to deposit money into a Sberbank account using a mobile phone.

We transfer funds to a bank account from a mobile phone

A very convenient way. A mobile phone is almost always at hand. If there is not enough money on the mobile phone, then you can top up your account at any terminal, customer service offices, retail outlets for SIM cards and phones. The disadvantage of the method is relatively big commission, the size of which can reach up to 10% depending on the operator.

Transferring funds without Internet access

Beeline subscribers need to send an SMS message in which they should indicate payment system, card number, amount. For example, Visa 4050346585048476 10000.

Send the message to the short number 7878. When transferring to a bank account, in the message we indicate the code of the service provider, the current account number, and the amount. For example, alfa 4584579450048548 10000. Supplier codes can be found on the Beeline website.


Step 1. We send an SMS message.

Step 2 We receive a response message from the operator about a request to confirm the desire to make a transfer.

Step 3. We send an SMS message, thereby confirming the need to make a transfer.

The transfer is carried out in the amount indicated in the SMS message. The transaction fee is charged additionally from the mobile phone account. Therefore, you need to be sure that there are enough funds on the phone both for the transfer and for paying the commission fee.

The owners of SIM cards of the Megafon operator need to send the card command, card number, month and year of expiration of the card, transfer amount via SMS. For example, card 456378543804872 08 18 5000. The message is sent to the short number 3116.

Tele2 subscribers to transfer funds to a bank card can send a request to a special number *145# and follow further instructions.

Money transfer through operators' websites

MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Megafon provide an opportunity to make transfers online. In the relevant section of the site there is a special form that you need to fill in with bank details and other data. Transfers are made instantly.

Depending on the operator, the size of the commission and the restrictions associated with the transfer of funds can vary widely. Next, we will learn how to deposit money into a Sberbank account through an ATM.

Replenishment of a bank account using an ATM

To replenish the account, the user will need a bank card and an ATM that has the function of accepting cash. The number of ATMs, their location and operating modes can be found on the Sberbank website.


Step 1. We approach the ATM and insert a bank card into the card reader.

Step 2. Enter the security code.

Step 3. We see the menu on the screen. Select the desired command. In different ATMs, the menu lines may be different, for example, “Deposit account”, “Deposit funds to the card”.

Step 4. After a few seconds, you need to insert money into the bill acceptor. ATMs allow you to deposit funds both for one bill several times, and at once with the entire amount.

Step 5. The deposited amount will be displayed on the ATM screen. If it corresponds to the amount of funds deposited by you, then press the button confirming the transfer.

Step 6. The ATM will offer to print a check with the result of the transaction. Be sure to agree and keep the check until the verification of the crediting of funds to the account. You can check the crediting at the same ATM after the transaction is completed.

Step 7. Remove the card from the card slot. After a prompt appears on the screen, insert the card again and check the balance.

Using terminal services

Unlike ATMs, the terminal does not require a bank card. Money can be deposited in the same way as many are accustomed to replenishing a mobile phone account, instead of which you will need to enter a bank card number.

Unlike an ATM, funds are not credited to the account immediately. We must keep the check until the funds are credited and the balance is checked.

Output: The article discusses popular methods of replenishment. You know how to put money into a Sberbank account, and if you need to transfer funds via mail, bank transfer or electronic payment systems, then on the websites of the respective companies you will find detailed description necessary actions.

If the article was useful to you, you found errors or statements that are not true, write a comment. Share the way you most often replenish your Sberbank account.

Now you know how to put money into a Sberbank account.

Using the Sberbank Mobile Bank, you can top up your own or another phone number through 900, as well as perform a wide range (payments, transfers, informing) using the card account. Using and you can put money on the balance of the following telecom operators: MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2.

How to recharge your phone using SMS to number 900

It is enough to have a phone and funds on a bank card to send SMS to number 900 and replenish the account of a phone number.
Steps to transfer money to your phone using SMS 900:

  • on mobile phone
  • in the "To" line, dial the short number " 900 »;
  • in the "Message" column, indicate the amount required for the transfer (for example, " 600 »);
  • in order to send the text, you should click on the "Submit" button;
  • after a while, a confirmation will be sent to the phone that the money has been credited to the account.

How to transfer money to another number via SMS 900

Via Mobile banking from Sberbank, you can replenish not only your own phone, but also other numbers.

Steps to replenish another number:

  • open a special window for composing a message;
  • in the line "To" dial a short number 900 ;
  • TEL 9********* 600”, where 9-digit telephone number is marked with asterisks, to which funds in the amount of 600 rubles will be sent;
  • check typed text;
  • send SMS with the "Send" button.

As of the beginning of 2019, transfer limits are in the range of 50 thousand - 10 thousand rubles.

How to top up another person's phone account via USSD request 900

How to recharge your own or another phone number through 900? It is enough to send a special request from the phone keypad.

The request looks like this: *900*9ХХХХХХХХХ*SUM# and press the call button (where 9ХХХХХХХХ is the phone number).

How to transfer funds from one card to another

At the time of registering an account with Sberbank, it is advisable to always link the phone number to the card. This procedure opens up the possibility of controlling financial expenses in the event that there is no terminal or ATM device nearby. Operations using the phone are quite simple.

Stages of transferring funds from one card to another:

  • open a special window for composing a message;
  • in the "To" line, type 900 ;
  • in the column "Message" enter the text: " TRANSFER 9********* 600”, where the 9-digit telephone number is marked with asterisks, to which funds in the amount of 600 rubles will be sent. (restriction for transfer is 8 thousand rubles);
  • check typed text;
  • You will receive an SMS with the amount and full name of the recipient, in response to which you should send a secret confirmation code.

This is an additional service from Sberbank that allows you to conduct financial transactions with bank card using a mobile phone. The service allows you to make, replenish the balance of the phone, pay for utilities, etc. Many bank customers know how to transfer money to their own phone using Mobile Banking. But the service also provides the service of replenishing the phone of another subscriber through the number 900.

How to put money on someone else's phone number via SMS 900

In the event that the user does not have access to the Internet, or is not possible through an ATM, this operation can be performed using. Previously, the subscriber who pays the bill must be connected to the "Mobile Bank". The subscriber whose mobile account is topped up does not need this service. But for clients not registered in the "" system, the maximum amount of one operation is limited to a limit of 1,500 rubles. At the same time, no more than 10 such operations can be performed in one day. This is due to security requirements. For ease of use, Sberbank has provided for various tariffs, implying the presence and absence of a monthly fee. The "" package does not require subscription fees, but charges for some commands. The tariff "", on the contrary, charges a monthly fee, but without restrictions in terms of the functions used.

To top up the phone balance of another subscriber through the short number 900, you need to:

No commission is charged for this operation. Money is credited to the subscriber's balance instantly.

Topping up another subscriber's phone balance via USSD command

If about is known to many subscribers, then about money order on the phone with the help of know units. This service can only be used by Beeline, Tele2 and Megafon subscribers. There is no commission if the Mobile Bank is connected in advance at the standard rate. Economy package owners will have to pay for this service.


The subscriber transferring money will receive in response a message that the service has been completed and the balance has been replenished.

Attention! Transfer money only to acquaintances, having previously discussed this operation with them. This will help avoid schemes that scammers can use.

With proper use, Mobile Banking can simplify the work with financial transactions. The functionality of the service is not limited only to transfers and payments, also for those users who participate in, the service will be very useful if necessary, or on the map.

Sberbank to someone else's number using Mobile Banking. The service allows literally within a few minutes to top up the balance of a subscriber of any telecom operator.

The shortage problem Money appears on the mobile phone account quite often, and even the opportunity to deposit money into the account appears, in this case, not immediately. Sberbank has solved this problem and allows its customers to put money on their own or any other phone number through.

Top up your phone balance

To begin with, I propose to consider the option of how to put money on your phone through mobile bank. That is, put money on the phone that you have connected to the service.

To top up your phone balance, send a message with the payment amount (for example, 250) to the short number 900.

The money will be debited from one of your cards, on which there will be an available amount, and will be credited to your phone balance.

If you have several cards linked to the mobile bank and you want to debit money from a particular one, add in the text of the message, separated by a space to the payment amount, the last 4 digits of the number of the card from which the money should be debited.

Topping up the balance of someone else's phone

You can also transfer money to another mobile phone number of a Russian operator using a simple one.

You need to send a message to the short number 900, which will contain the abbreviation TEL, a space - a ten-digit mobile phone number and a space - the payment amount. Instead of the abbreviation TEL, you can use the word PAYMENT, PAY, REPLENISH, OPLATA or PAY.

To select a specific card from which money will be debited to pay for mobile services, at the end of the message you need to write the last 4 digits of the card number from which money should be debited.

Operation confirmation

It is important to note that if the phone number you want to top up is not registered in the SMS templates mobile bank or not connected to the mobile banking service, confirmation of the operation will be required, instructions for confirmation will be sent in a response SMS message.

After checking the correctness of the data, send the symbol # and five control digits to number 900 to confirm the operation. Attention! In the above message #55555 - an example, you will receive another code, which will need to be sent as confirmation.

Current limits

The minimum payment amount is 10 rubles, the maximum amount is 3000 rubles per day. The maximum amount of replenishment of someone else's number is 1500 rubles.

You can pay for the phone through the mobile bank of Sberbank no more than 10 times per day.

Replenishment of the account according to the template

The Mobile Bank service provides the ability to create templates so that you can put a certain amount of money into another subscriber's phone account.

First you need to assign a code name to the recipient. In order for the system to remember a specific subscriber, you need to send an SMS command of the form: NAME 9ХХХххХХХХ NAME.

  • 9ХХХххХХХХ - the phone number of a stranger to whose account the money needs to be transferred;
  • NAME – code name of the subscriber. It is written using the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet. The use of other characters, including numbers, is prohibited.

How to put money through the "Mobile Bank" of Sberbank to another phone, after the subscriber has been assigned a code name, the system is given a command via SMS: TEL NAME 100.

TEL - an instruction to Sberbank to transfer money in favor of a subscriber of a mobile operator. The command can also be given in the form of "TEL" or "PHONE".

100 - the amount to be transferred to this person's phone account.

If several cards are connected to the service, then after receiving the appropriate command, the system will write off money from any of them. The main thing is that there are enough funds in the account. If it is necessary to clarify from which card to write off funds, then the dialed command should end with a numerical combination consisting of the last 4 digits of the card form number.

Auto payment

How to put money on another phone through the "Mobile Bank" so that they are debited automatically according to a prepaid scheme: for this, a command of the form is typed: AUTO 9ХХХххХХХХ 100. You can also dial an SMS command with the word "AVTO" or "AUTO PAYMENT".

As a result, the system will write off the specified amount in favor of another subscriber when his telecom operator issues an invoice, and also when this person reaches the minimum balance of 10-30 rubles, depending on the policy of the telephone company.

To disable such auto payment, just send the SMS command: AUTO-9ХХХххХХХХ.

USSD command

SMS commands are paid. They are charged according to the conditions for the provision of communication services by telephone companies. You can save money by using the USSD command. It is dialed on the phone in tone dialing mode, but to confirm the operation, you will still need to send an SMS with the code received from 900.

The USSD command for transferring money to another subscriber's account looks like this: *900*9ХХХхххXXXX*100#. After dialing it, press the call button.

The minimum payment is 50 rubles, the maximum is 1,500 rubles.


Perhaps that's all. The above information should help you deposit money into your phone via mobile banking. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below.

Do not forget that you can also replenish the balance of any phone through Sberbank Online. For example, if you are not satisfied with the current limits for paying for a phone through a mobile bank - details.