Emerald Country. The case of the “Emerald Country”: how one of the most notorious crimes in the history of the Altai Territory was committed. How it all started


Today, April 3, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Barnaul, based on the materials of the criminal case investigated by the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, announced a verdict against the former director of the Altai regional branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgeny Rogovsky, his former deputy Konstantin Gladyshev under Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, former head of the Association of Agricultural Producers and Agricultural Processors “Emerald Country” Olga Antipina under Part 2 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 5 of Article 33, Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Former employees of the agricultural holding Mikhail Kolesnikov and Elena Pavlovskaya were also convicted of crimes under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

During the investigation of the criminal case, it was established that in the period from 2010 to 2012, Rogovsky and Gladyshev created an illegal procedure for the unhindered provision of credit funds to enterprises controlled by Antipina. Loan applications, coming from these enterprises, at the direction of the former managers of Rosselkhozbank, were considered formally and without necessarily classifying these legal entities as one group of related borrowers, without conducting a proper audit and analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, as well as the actual availability of the collateral presented. At the same time, they ensured that subordinate employees prepared and signed reports on the alleged inspection of property acting as collateral to secure obligations under loan agreements.

By order of Antipina, false documents were provided to Rosselkhozbank in order to obtain obviously non-repayable loans on behalf of enterprises controlled by her. At that time, these companies already had loan debt and lacked sufficient mortgaged property, and, accordingly, they were not able to fully service new loans. However, the fictitiously prepared accounting documentation deliberately inflated the indicators of the financial and economic activities of enterprises.

It was also established that the signatures of some directors of enterprises, on Antipina’s instructions, were forged. Those managers who signed the documents themselves were not aware of the ongoing financial fraud. Being formal directors of companies, they strictly followed the instructions of the head of the “Emerald Country”. As a result, they all automatically became borrowers on multimillion-dollar loans from Rosselkhozbank.

As a result of the implementation of the criminal scheme, over two years, 227 loan agreements were concluded with 56 enterprises controlled by Antipina. At the same time, the total amount Money issued by ARF OJSC Rosselkhozbank under the above loan agreements exceeded 19 billion rubles. Interest unpaid legal entities under these agreements, as of May 2012, amounted to more than 545 million rubles.

Regarding the concluded agreements, Antipina, with the assistance of Mikhail Kolesnikov and Elena Pavlovskaya, as well as her sister Irina Vinogradova, who actually acted as deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Emerald Country ACC (convicted in the fall of 2015 under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), kidnapped and spent more than 2 billion rubles for personal purposes.

The Altai regional branch of Rosselkhozbank filed a civil claim against Antipina and Vinogradova, Kolesnikov and Pavlovskaya for reimbursement of this amount of stolen funds.

To secure a civil claim, at the request of the investigation, numerous positions were seized real estate on the territory of the Altai and Krasnodar territories, the Altai Republic, registered in the name of Antipina, Vinogradova and their relatives.

State prosecutor of the prosecutor's office Altai Territory Tatyana Ulyanova reported that a court decision imposed a sentence of imprisonment for the crimes committed:

– Evgeniy Rogovsky – 8 years 6 months with a fine of 900 thousand rubles;

– Konstantin Gladyshev – 5 years 3 months with a fine of 450 thousand rubles;

– Mikhail Kolesnikov – 4 years and a fine of 400 thousand rubles.

Three convicts were taken into custody in the courtroom, and they were also deprived of the right to occupy leadership positions in government institutions. They will have to serve their sentence in a correctional colony general regime.

Olga Antipina was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months in prison in a general regime colony with a fine of 900 thousand rubles. Her punishment was deferred until the children reach 14 years of age.

Elena Pavlovskaya was sentenced to 3 years and 3 months of suspended imprisonment with a probationary sentence of 3 years, and a fine of 50 thousand rubles.


The authorized capital of ARF Rosselkhozbank was formed in full due to budget funds, 100% of the bank's shares are owned by Russian Federation in the face Federal agency on state property management.

In 1765, engineer Polzunov built the world's first heat engine here. A sign on the building now owned by the Barnaul Yeast Factory reminds us of this. The bankrupt enterprise is part of the notorious Emerald Country holding.

Lyubov Romanenko, former employee of the Barnaul yeast plant:

There is no late interest here. And the fact that they let us go on vacation in the summer, we weren’t paid for it either. This is my personal debt, 168 thousand.

Alexander Zatsepin, former employee of the Barnaul yeast plant:

Almost a year has passed since they were taken out court decisions, writs of execution are with the bailiffs, for the year - some 7, some 10 thousand were transferred.

Baker's yeast is now brought to Altai from Kurgan. For more than a century, the plant was a highly profitable production facility; the current owners launched it around the world in a couple of years. The accounts are empty, so 80 workers are waiting for the property to be sold to pay it off. They are proposing to sell this canteen building to pay off the workers' wages. Look, these gaps were formed when equipment was stolen from here, pulled out by simply breaking through the wall. But this building was simply destroyed, broken, here you can see traces of punches, and here traces of kicks.

In August there was water, heat, light, stoves, freezers, and a grocery store. To pay off the salary debt, it was estimated at more than three million rubles.

Nina Cheremnova, former security guard at the Barnaul yeast plant:

Antipin Stepan took the keys from me personally, and they took everything out of there and broke it. September 2015, I just got back from vacation, was sitting at the entrance, and he took my keys in front of me and broke them. When I told Kudryavtsev why there was such arbitrariness there, he explained that they are the owners, they do what they want.

The workers explained: Stepan Antipin is the son of the owners of the Emerald Country holding, which owns the Ugrinich meat and dairy plant in Biysk. He is also ruined. Wage debts amount to more than 15 million, 291 people are awaiting payment.

Vladimir Nogin, former head of the instrumentation service of AMK Ugrinich:

This family is golden, we worked for it, all the enterprises, the entire “Emerald Country”. They received income. They stole our wages and are not giving them back. Now for some reason they suddenly said: let them pay with their property.

This property is now protected only by deep snowdrifts. Inside the industrial site, according to former workers, there is nothing left to sell.

Ivan Shilov, former head of the compressor shop at AMK Ugrinich:

I looked, 5 units had already been cut off in the sausage shop, 2 air conditioners had been removed in the dining room, the unit of the ammonia refrigerator had been removed from the sanitary chamber, and there was also milk, refrigeration equipment, there, according to rumors, all the copper pipes had been cut out.

The management of the agricultural holding is accused of fraud. The director of the Izumrudny trading house, Irina Vinogradova, has already been convicted; the case of her sister, Olga Antipina, is being considered by the court. The Emerald Country took out a loan of more than 20 billion rubles from Rosselkhozbank. The funds were withdrawn from the accounts, and the payment of debts fell on the shoulders of fifty companies purchased by the holding, which led to their ruin.

According to investigators, the Emerald Country's debt to banks has now grown to 22 billion, and wage debts are not being paid. And besides, property is lost at bankrupt enterprises, as our film crew witnessed.

Olga Antipina Head of the agricultural holding "Emerald Country" - scammers

Antipina became famous for the fact that since 2008 she unreasonably received loans from a state-owned bank. Everything was done within the framework of implementation State program development Agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008–2012 in the Altai Territory.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new loan funds according to a similar scheme. That is, in essence, a “credit pyramid” was built.
Each of the enterprises where the Antipins (Olga Antipin runs a business with her husband Alexander Antipin and sister Irina Vinogradova) took out loans is facing legal proceedings. It is expected that there will be 10-15 criminal cases in total.

The Association of Agricultural Producers and Agricultural Processors "Emerald Country", whose president is Olga Antipina, unites about 200 enterprises of various forms of ownership in 23 districts of the region.

Since 2008, the leadership of the association has been purposefully carrying out actions aimed at unjustifiably obtaining loans from a state-owned bank. Everything was done within the framework of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food for 2008–2012 in the Altai Territory.

Loans were obtained approximately according to this scheme. Antipina, through her proxies, acquired agricultural enterprises that were in a pre-bankruptcy state or undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. Next, a fictitious financial statements these enterprises with significantly (tens of times) inflated indicators of financial and economic activity. According to the interlocutor, using connections in Altai Valuation Center LLC, an unreliable assessment (inflated by 3 to 27 times) of the property of enterprises was carried out for a monetary reward. All this was provided to the bank as collateral.

Repayment of loans was carried out by obtaining new loan funds according to a similar scheme. That is, in essence, a “credit pyramid” was built.

As a result of the implementation of this scheme, the accounts payable of enterprises controlled by the Emerald Country, as of May 1, 2012, exceed 20 billion rubles. Of these, the volume of overdue debt is more than fivebillion rubles. This money, as the interlocutor notes, most likely, was not planned to be returned.

Quite a round sum of funds, as noted, has already been correctly withdrawn by Mrs. Antipina in offshore zones. How much is not known, but according to some information, we can talk about two or threebillions of rubles.

Part of the loans received was spent inappropriately on the purchase of expensive real estate in the Altai Territory (cottages on the Zmeinogorsky tract) and cars. As the interlocutor noted, in just one year about seven very expensive cars were purchased. Purchases were made to close relatives and affiliated legal entities. All this cost more than one billion rubles.

Totally agree mobile phone costing about 800 thousand rubles, as we were told, Olga Valentinovna went to Moscow. And there she allegedly bought a phone for a friend for 300 thousand rubles at the same time.

Biysk Sugar Plant LLC was also purchased, for the reconstruction of which, according to Antipina, they spent credit funds ARF OJSC "Rosselkhozbank". However, in fact, the plant is in a pre-bankruptcy state. The company does not carry out commercial activities; the equipment has been sold. Currently, the management of the enterprise is notifying agricultural producers who are not members of the association that sugar beet processing will not be carried out at the plant in 2012.

Meanwhile, as Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory Alexander Lukyanov said just the other day: “The Biysk sugar plant in given time put for reconstruction (second stage). The launch of the plant will depend on the completion of these works."

I wonder how “an example of how to do agriculture in an agricultural region” turns up virgin soil?

“This is the wrong business, it shouldn’t be like this. It enters the districts, buys up all the land. If it would benefit the entire district and its residents, then one could agree with the violations. But no improvements are happening. Information reaches me that that where farms are adjacent to the lands of the “Emerald Country”, there is absolutely no improvement. The indicator is this: if previously there was a farm, engaged in sowing and harvesting, today they bring diesel fuel, oil, and spare parts from there. the owner, absolutely. There are some incomprehensible financial mechanisms going on there, and there is a complete lack of economic management,” he says. Executive Director Union of Peasant (Farmer) Formations of the Altai Territory Alexander Weiss.

And there are more than 300 thousand hectares of land cultivated by the “Emerald Country”. But as noted Alexander Lukyanov, sowing work there is going on at the level of average regional ones. “In the Altai Territory, as of May 15, spring sowing was carried out on an area of ​​2 million 249 thousand hectares (48%). Agricultural enterprises belonging to the association carried out sowing on an area of ​​more than 156 thousand hectares (more than 50%),” notes Lukyanov.

As for the volume of state support (from the regional and federal budgets) that enterprises and farms controlled by the Emerald Country received annually, last year, as Lukyanov noted, it amounted to 272 million rubles. “The administration of the Altai Territory did not provide guarantees for the loans attracted to the association and its member structures,” the deputy governor clarified.

But what will happen if this association suddenly disappears? “This is a path to nowhere. This is a big miscalculation and it will be a blow to the economy of the Altai Territory if everything collapses. The fact that they bought up land, and there was no improvement there, but only deterioration, is one thing. But as long as there is a reorganization, everything will only be V the worst side, definitely. Moreover, what new owner will come,” notes Weiss.

About public speaking success

Today, as the agency learned, Olga Antipina intends to launch a large campaign, positively charged and aimed at its own reputation.

So, allegedly she is trying to negotiate with a number of Altai media outlets so that they disseminate exclusively good information about her. And, it is worth noting, such materials have already begun to appear.

In addition, there is information that in the near future peasants from the lands of the “Emerald Country” will (whether of their own free will, it is not known) organize actions in support of their mistress. Everything will take place under slogans like “By organizing a case against Olga Valentinovna, you are dooming us to starvation.” Olga Antipina was detained for 48 hours, but then she was released on her own recognizance. It's true, as they say, and if she really wants to, she won't be able to go far

, since travel outside the country is already prohibited for her.

Olga Antipina Head of the agricultural holding "Emerald Country" - materials added to the corruption database

All-Russian public project "database of corrupt officials"

On July 6, in her blog, the president of the association, Olga Antipina, who was undergoing treatment at the Altai Regional Cardiology Clinic, stated that she feared for her life after the appointment of a new chief physician at the medical institution. We decided to find out whether this is a real threat to the health of a famous Altai businesswoman or an attempt to present a high-profile case in a favorable light.

Doctors' conspiracy

Indeed, on July 5, changes occurred at the Altai Regional Cardiac Dispensary: ​​it was headed by Andrey Kosoukhov, who previously held the position of head of the department of surgical treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac pacing in the same medical institution. According to media reports, this position has been vacant since March 11 current year after the transfer of the former chief physician Valery Elykomov to work at the Regional Clinical Hospital.

It is worth noting that earlier Olga Antipina’s lawyer Tatyana Ryzhkova told reporters that her client “has an extremely serious illness and an extremely serious condition.” It is not clear why a person who has recently complained so often about his poor health suddenly decided to neglect his health and not complete the course of treatment. According to rumors, the head of the Emerald Country has some kind of chronic disease, which appeared long before the start of the high-profile case and, apparently, is not as dangerous as they are trying to present it to the public.

Andrei Kosoukhov called Olga Antipina’s accusations that the medical institution wanted to cause deliberate harm to her health “groundless and without any basis.” “At the dispensary, any patient who is admitted by ambulance is sure to receive all necessary help regardless of his personality,” he noted.

Discord Blog

The recordings published at the address aroused some interest among the press and public, once again drawing attention to the head of the association. The fact that this is Olga Antipina’s real blog was previously confirmed to media representatives by both the secretary of the “Emerald Country” association Alena Molodykh and her lawyer Viktor Chumakov.

According to the statistics of the magazine itself, it was created on June 25, just a few days after the Altai Regional Court overturned the earlier decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Barnaul to refuse the arrest of Olga Antipina and sent the case back to the court of first instance.

On July 4, this issue was to be considered again in the district court. But since Olga Antipina was undergoing treatment at that time, the petition of the head of the investigative department of the FSB Directorate for the Altai Territory to choose a preventive measure for her in the form of detention was not considered. In general, the deteriorating health of the head of the “Emerald Country” and sudden courses of treatment have already allowed her not to appear in court several times.

Perhaps maintaining this blog is part of the anti-crisis PR campaign of the “Emerald Country”, which some media wrote about. In particular, apparently, as part of it, on June 20, in the federal edition of the Vedomosti newspaper, as an advertisement, material was published about the association and its creditor, OJSC Rosselkhozbank. The article reflected a point of view favorable to Olga Antipina’s company and presented the association as a “sustainably operating and profitable business.” Apparently, the main goal of these PR activities is to change the existing negative attitude towards the association in general and Olga Antipina in particular. True, the chosen methods and tools only help to further aggravate an already difficult situation.

“Adopted” loans

The case of the Emerald Country association received wide publicity in the spring of this year, when its leader Olga Antipina was detained and later released on her own recognizance. According to media reports, two criminal cases were opened against her under Art. 201 Part 2 of the Criminal Code (“Abuse of power resulting in grave consequences”) and under Art. 159 part 4 (“Fraud committed by an organized group or in a special large size"). Also involved in this case are the former director of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgeniy Rogovsky and his deputy for credit work Konstantin Gladyshev.

The Emerald Country association includes 157 enterprises of various forms of ownership in different regions of the region. As of June 1, 2012, the outstanding debt on loans from this association exceeds 20 billion rubles. On this moment, Rosselkhozbank filed 26 lawsuits against enterprises of the Emerald Country association.

At a long press conference that Olga Antipina held on May 21, she expressed sincere bewilderment at everything that was happening. In general, media representatives who attended this event noted that little was said on the merits of the matter, but a lot of attention was paid to the issues of updating equipment, the number of livestock and the story that most accounts payable– these are inherited loans that were “adopted”. During a press conference, Olga Antipina told reporters that she was communicating with the Russian Agricultural Bank about debt restructuring, estimating her chances of a positive resolution of this issue at 90%.

We managed to obtain official comments from Rosselkhozbank, which previously preferred not to comment on this topic. The bank's press service told us that restructuring issues were discussed with Olga Antipina, but the parties were unable to find mutual understanding on some key aspects. “Indeed, the bank is discussing the topic of possible loan restructuring with representatives of the Emerald Country association.” However, to determine the main parameters of restructuring, such as the restructuring period, interest rate, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive audit of the financial and economic activities of enterprises included in the association, as well as to determine the collateral mass for restructured loans by conducting independent assessment property, replacing collateral lost by borrowers, the amount of which currently amounts to more than 6 billion rubles.” The bank also noted that these basic conditions were repeatedly voiced to the leaders of the association, but the situation is still the same.

At the same time, a source in the bank said that the main goal of Rosselkhozbank is still the restructuring of issued loans. Bank actions related to filing statements of claim, are aimed at ensuring the safety of the borrowers’ property, since there is information about the transfer of a number of property to other companies controlled by the association, as well as funds to Russian and foreign assets not related to agriculture. This is confirmed by the fact that bailiffs, executing court decisions, offer to transfer this property for safekeeping to the borrowers themselves. This measure is supported by Rosselkhozbank, since in this case the preservation of the production cycle of enterprises is ensured. Placing responsibility for storing seized property on third parties entails an immediate stop to the proceedings.

Therefore, the bank does not understand the position of the association’s management, which consists in refusing responsible storage of its own property. Moreover, in advertising articles Ms. Antipina advocates for the fate of the region’s agriculture and its inhabitants. At the same time, she prefers to pay for the services of expensive Moscow lawyers, while the employees of the Emerald Country association, judging by media reports, have not seen a salary for several months. Or maybe the assets she acquired in Russian and foreign resorts are a place of sanatorium rest for the tortured workers of the enterprises of the “Emerald Country”?

So the investigation has yet to establish where the multi-billion dollar loans allocated for the development of agriculture in the Altai Territory actually went. We will monitor developments.

After a three-day reading of the verdict on April 3, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Barnaul sentenced the defendants in the high-profile case of the Emerald Country. The investigation found that former director and his deputy of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank freely issued more than 220 loans to the agricultural holding for a total amount of more than 19 billion rubles. At the same time, for their formal consideration and unquestioning approval, the managers received material rewards from the director of the “Emerald Country” Olga Antipina. POLITSIBRU cites the story set out in the court verdict.

From 2010 to 2012, at that time the head of the Altai branch of Rosselkhozbank Evgeny Rogovsky in cahoots with his deputy Konstantin Gladyshev issued loans for various amounts to enterprises controlled by Olga Antipina. All of them were members of the Emerald Country association.

Applications for large loans, law enforcement agencies believe, were considered only formally, while the legal entities being financed were not classified as one group of related borrowers. There was no analysis of the financial and economic activities of the companies; the bank branch also did not control what the provided loan funds were actually spent on.

Rogovsky and Gladyshev organized the work in such a way that their subordinates prepared and signed acts on supposedly carried out inspections of property serving as collateral. Antipina, for her part, also made sure that false documents were provided to Rosselkhozbank on behalf of the enterprises under her control. By that time, these firms already had loan debt, and they were unable to afford new loans. But in order to hide this, the necessary indicators were deliberately inflated in the fictitious documents provided.

Also, on Antipina’s instructions, the signatures of some enterprise directors were forged. Those managers who signed the documents themselves were not privy to financial fraud. They strictly followed Antipina's instructions, fearing dismissal. As a result, they all automatically became borrowers on multimillion-dollar loans from Rosselkhozbank.

According to the investigation, Antipina had no intention of repaying the loans. And for their unquestioning provision, Rogovsky and Gladyshev received various material incentives.

In particular, according to Judge Dmitry Surgutsky, Rogovsky admitted that he, his wife and son used three cars provided by Antipina and Vinogradova for free. Rogovsky’s son was provided with three non-residential premises without further payment of utility bills. They were also provided with a monthly “payment” of 300 thousand rubles and food packages.

Gladyshev was provided with an all-terrain vehicle, his house was renovated, and he was also supplied with food packages.

According to the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Altai Territory, as a result, over two years, 227 loan agreements were concluded with 56 enterprises controlled by Antipina. The total amount of funds issued by Rosselkhozbank under loan agreements exceeded 19 billion rubles. Interest unpaid by legal entities under these agreements as of May 2012 amounted to more than 545 million rubles.

Antipin with the assistance of a former lawyer of the “Emerald Country” Mikhail Kolesnikov and ex-head of one of the holding enterprises Elena Pavlovskaya and also his sister Irina Vinogradova spent more than 2 billion rubles for personal purposes.

The Altai regional branch of Rosselkhozbank filed a civil claim against them for reimbursement of this amount. To ensure this, at the request of the investigation, numerous real estate properties in the Altai and Krasnodar territories, as well as the Altai Republic, registered in the name of Antipina, Vinogradova and their relatives, were seized.

Let us recall that Evgeny Rogovsky received the longest sentence - 8 years and 6 months in prison (the prosecution demanded 12 years), as well as a ban on holding leadership positions for three years, and a fine of 900 thousand rubles. He is taken into custody in the courtroom.

Konstantin Gladyshev received 5 years and 3 months of imprisonment in a general regime colony (the prosecution demanded 8 years). He is also prohibited from holding leadership positions for three years, he must pay a fine of 450 thousand. Gladyshev was taken into custody in the courtroom.

Also taken into custody in the courtroom was Mikhail Kolesnikov, who received 4 years in a general regime colony, a fine of 400 thousand and a ban on holding leadership positions for 3 years.

Olga Antipina received a sentence of 6 years and 6 months of general regime; she will have to pay a fine of 900 thousand rubles. However real time she will begin serving only in 2031, when her child, born in December 2017, turns 14 years old.

Only Elena Pavlovskaya received a suspended sentence - 3 years with a probationary period of 3 years and a fine of 50 thousand rubles.

All those convicted said they agreed with the verdict. They can appeal it to the Court of Appeal within 10 days after receiving copies of it. After Rogovsky, Gladyshev and Kolesnikov said goodbye to their loved ones in the courtroom, the convicts were handcuffed. By the way, Antipina came to the meeting with a rather large travel bag. Apparently, she thought in advance that the outcome of the case might be more severe for her.


As of 2012, the association included more than fifty enterprises in 29 districts of the Altai Territory, in the following areas: meat, dairy, grain processing, confectionery production, tourism, catering, wholesale and retail trade. Among them are four butter and cheese factories, the Biysk Sugar Factory, Altaispirtprom CJSC (Biysk Distillery), and three elevators. The area of ​​arable land exceeded 336 thousand hectares, more than 60 thousand heads of cattle, of which 22 thousand dairy herds, 18 thousand heads of pigs, 2.5 thousand heads of horses, 557 thousand laying hens. The association's enterprises employed more than 10 thousand people. The share of enterprises included in the Emerald Country ACC in regional production was more than 15.5% for milk, meat and flour, 29% for cereals, almost 19% for sugar, and more than 40% for alcohol.