Executive. Building codes and regulations Permissible deviation from project documentation 5


Permissible deviations from the design geometric shape of the shipping elements

Item No.

Deviation name



^ Warping of assembly parts


Gap between sheet and steel ruler length

1.5 mm


The gap between the stretched string and the butt of the corner, the shelf or wall of the channel and I-beam

0.001 L, but not more than 10 mm

L - element length

^ II. Deviation of the edge lines of sheet parts from the theoretical shape


Butt welding

2 mm

Steps in the edges within the tolerances must be eliminated by grinding


When welding lap, vtavr and in the corner

5 "

^ III. Bending deflection


Clearance between the template and the surface of the rolled sheet, flange or profile end, bent in cold

2 mm

Template length (arc) 1.5 m


The same, bent in hot

3 »


Ellipticity (diameter difference) of the circle in overall sheet structures


D- circle diameter in mm


The same, in mounting joints


^ IV. Deformation of sending elements


The skew of the shelves (Δ) of the elements of tee and I-sections at the joints and at the junctions (e - the width of the shelf in mm)



Skewed shelves (Δ) in other places



Mushroom-shaped shelves (Δ) of elements of T-section and I-sections at joints and in places, adjunctions



Mushroom shelves (Δ) in other places



Warp or mushrooming of the shelves (Δ) of the upper chords



Helix elements

0,001 L, but not more than 10 mm

L- element length in mm


Web buckling of beams with vertical ribs


h- wall height in mm


Web buckling of beams without vertical ribs




Buckling of the wall of crane beams


h- wall height in mm


Deflection element

1 / 750 L, but not more than 15 mm

L- element length in mm

^v. Miscellaneous


Offset of axes or riveting marks of elements in

3 mm



Tangent of the angle of deviation from the design position

1 / 1500


2.82.* Slinging and intra-factory transportation of finished elements must be carried out in a manner that excludes the formation of residual bends and dents. Slinging with chains directly touching the surface of the element is prohibited.

Loading of oversized and oversized structures onto vehicles, securing them and transportation must be carried out in accordance with the current technical conditions for transportation.

Loading of small elements of the same type (struts, ties, etc.) should be carried out bundled into packages.



3.1. Installation work should be carried out only if there is an approved project for the production of work, which should also contain specific technical safety solutions. For complex structures, the technological process of assembly assembly and welding should be developed.

For small and technically simple objects, it is allowed to draw up a project for the production of work in a reduced volume, determined by departmental instructions.

Production project installation work is compiled by a specialized design organization or an installation organization and must be agreed with the general contracting construction organization and approved in the manner prescribed in chapter SNiP III-A.6-62 “Organizational and technical preparation for construction. Basic Provisions".

3.2. The organization that develops the project for the production of work is responsible for the expedient and economical solution of the methods for performing work, for the methods and sequence of work that ensure the stability of the mounted structures at all stages of the work.

In the project for the production of works, standard and most progressive solutions for working methods and standard fixtures are used to the maximum.

The project for the production of works is drawn up on the basis of the drawings of KM or KMD.

3.3. The organization performing the installation work is responsible for the compliance of the work performed with the KMD drawings, the project for the production of work and the requirements of this chapter.

Any deviations from the KMD drawings during installation work must be agreed with the organization that developed the KMD drawings, or the organization that developed the KM drawings.

Any deviations from the project for the production of works must be agreed with the organization that compiled it.

3.4. The main method of performing installation work should be installation in large blocks, including, in possible cases, in addition to the actual steel structures, also mechanical parts, lining and other parts of the building or structure; the degree of enlargement is determined by the project for the production of works. Installation, as a rule, should be carried out "from the wheels" without overloading the structural elements.

3.5. Work on the installation of steel structures should be carried out according to a schedule combined with other works.

In case of simultaneous work in several tiers, temporary intermediate floors, protective flooring, nets or other reliable devices should be built between the tiers to prevent accidents with workers.

The production of subsequent construction and installation works can begin only after the complete completion of all assembly, welding and riveting work on this tier.

3.6. Installation of steel structures should be carried out with complex mechanization of both the main and auxiliary processes of transportation, storage, pre-assembly and installation of structures. It is recommended to perform work mainly by integrated teams of installers.

When mechanizing work, modern achievements in automation should be used in all installation work.

Mechanized welding methods (submerged arc, shielding gases, powder-cored wire, electroslag) should be used primarily before manual welding, both in the enlargement of structures and during their installation.

3.7. The management of installation work should be carried out by persons entitled to carry out these works. The assignment of the right to perform work must be carried out on the basis of the current rules.

3.8. All drilling, assembly, electric welding, riveting, etc. during installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.3-2.74.

3.9. During the performance of work, logs of installation and welding work, as well as work on setting high-strength bolts, should be kept, in which the conditions and volumes of work performed by individual units of workers are recorded daily.


3.10. Installation work, as a rule, is allowed to start only after the completion and acceptance of the zero cycle work, including after the foundations, foundations and other supports for the steel structures of the entire structure or its individual parts are ready, in accordance with the installation work production project.

3.11. Prior to the installation of steel structures, the following preparatory work is carried out:

a) the construction of temporary buildings and structures for installation work and for sanitary and domestic services for workers, the construction of railways and roads in the amount specified in the project for the production of works;

b) supply of electricity, water and compressed air to the places of consumption;

c) preparation and planning of the installation site, arrangement of storage and assembly areas, cleaning them from construction waste, excess building materials etc.;

d) installation and commissioning of installation equipment that ensures the start and uninterrupted production of installation work in accordance with the construction calendar schedule.


3.12*. The construction of bases, foundations and other supports for steel structures should be carried out according to the project in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

Dimensions, quality and location of bases, foundations and other supports are guaranteed by the construction company.

Before starting the installation of steel structures, the installation organization shall accept the design position of the foundations and supports under the structures.

3.13. The alignment axes required for the installation of steel structures are applied to metal parts concreted in the body of the foundations outside the contour of the structure support.

The positions of the axial signs in plan and in height should be entered in a special sheet and diagram attached to the foundation acceptance report.

The location of axes and benchmarks should ensure their use during the entire period of work until the facility is put into operation.

3.14*. Tolerances when laying out the axes of bases, foundations and other supports for steel structures should not exceed those specified in Table. 3 chapters of SNiP I-A.4-62 “Tolerance system. Basic Provisions":

a) for structures assembled on racks by marking or on bolts, as well as in conductors and other devices with reinforced latches, according to the breakdown accuracy class 3-p;

b) for structures with milled ends after assembly - according to the breakdown accuracy class 2-r.

Permissible deviations are taken symmetrical to the nominal dimensions.

3.15. Embedded parts for steel structures and. their installation must be installed and concreted by the construction company, which is solely responsible for the correct installation of these parts.

Complicated embedded elements must be mounted by the assembly organization by order of the construction organization. The nomenclature of such elements is established in the additional rules of this chapter.

3.16. The supporting surfaces of the foundations for the installation of steel structures must comply with the design of the structure (drawings of foundations and drawings of KM), the requirements of the additional rules of this chapter, as well as the requirements agreed between the construction and installation organizations, depending on the type of structure and on the degree of processing of the support points of the structures to be mounted ( soles of columns, etc.).

3.17*. The support of the shoes of steel columns on the foundations should be carried out:

A) directly on the surface of foundations erected to the design level of the soles of the columns, without subsequent grouting cement mortar(for columns with milled shoe soles);

B) on pre-installed, calibrated and poured with cement mortar steel base plates with a planed top surface; the soles of the columns must be milled;

c) on pre-installed and verified supporting parts (beams, rails, etc.) with a verified supporting surface, followed by grouting the column shoes with cement mortar.

The method of supporting the columns must be indicated in the drawings of the structure.

In this case, it is recommended to use the installation according to the method given in subparagraph "a" for columns of one-story buildings, and according to the method given in subparagraph "b" - for two-branch columns of one-story buildings with separate shoes and for columns with milled shoes of multi-storey buildings.

3.18. Anchor bolts used for fastening steel structures should, as a rule, be installed in the design position and concreted simultaneously with the foundations.

3.19. Deviations of the surface of foundations, base plates, special support devices for steel structures and the positions of anchor bolts should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. ten.

^ Table 10*

Permissible deviations in the arrangement of supports (places of support) for steel structures

No. p.p.

Deviation name



The surface of the foundation, made in accordance with clause 3.17 "a", and the marks of the supporting parts, in accordance with clause 3.17 "c":


±5 mm




The upper plane of the base plate, according to clause 3.17 "b":


±1.5 mm




Anchor bolt offsets in plan:

located inside the structure support contour

5 mm

located outside the contour of the support structure

10 mm


Deviation of the mark of the upper end of the anchor bolt from the design

+20; -0 mm


Anchor bolt cutting length deviation

+30; -0 mm

3.20. The thread of the anchor bolts must be protected from damage and corrosion (caps, felt, grease).

3.21. Filling with cement mortar the space between the surface of the foundation or the place of support and the structure or the supporting part must be carried out in ways that ensure the filling of the specified space. Gravy should be done after alignment of structures and before concreting of structures, if such is provided for by the project. Gravy work is carried out by the construction organization after obtaining a written permission from the installation organization.


3.22. With a large amount of work on the installation of steel structures, it is necessary to organize a central storage base for the acceptance and preparation of steel structures for installation. The base is equipped with cranes of the required carrying capacity and other mechanisms, racks, stands, transport routes and means of communication.

In addition to the central, if necessary, on-site warehouses of structures are organized.

Warehouses should be located in an area that is not flooded with water and located as close as possible to the mounted objects.

3.23. All structures, prior to their delivery from the warehouse for installation, must be:

a) sorted by objects, brands and sequence of installation;

b) inspected and identified damage eliminated;

c) prepared for installation (cleaned of dirt and rust, if necessary - enlarged; on structural elements - the necessary risks, signs are applied, slinging points, centers of gravity are indicated; structures - fitted with mounting devices; supporting parts - cleaned and lubricated);

d) usually painted.

3.24. Unloading and storage of structures prior to installation, as well as their transportation to. within the installation site must be carried out in ways that exclude damage to structures, priming and painting.

3.25. Structures must be stacked in a warehouse and on vehicles subject to the following requirements:

a) the elements must be stacked on linings, and in multi-tiered stacks, gaskets must be laid between the elements; the height of a multi-tiered stack should not exceed 1.5 m;

b) the distance between the pads and between the pads should exclude the formation of residual deflection of the structures;

c) the elements should not come into contact with the ground;

d) water should not stagnate on the elements;

e) the elements must be stacked stably;

f) Trusses and beams should generally be stored in an upright position.

3.26. Structural elements with minor damage must be straightened and, after repair, examined. Particular attention should be paid to checking and straightening the compressed elements of lattice structures.

In case of significant damage to the elements, it is necessary to strengthen them or replace them with new ones; the reinforcement method must be agreed with the organization that developed the KM drawings.

3.27. The supply of elements for pre-assembly and for installation must be carried out in a complete manner in the order corresponding to the sequence of installation work. The position of the elements during feeding should ensure safety and the least laborious installation work, eliminating the need for overloads, tilting, etc.

3.28. Elements of steel structures must be submitted for installation with cleaned surfaces, along which joining and connection of elements are made, with attached details of joints and connections.

3.29. When transporting structures, the railway and road dimensions must be observed, taking into account local conditions.


3.30. Installation of steel structures must be carried out in a sequence and methods that provide:

a) stability and immutability of the assembled part of the structure at all stages of installation;

b) the stability of the mounted elements and their strength under mounting loads;

c) safety of installation, construction and special works at the facility when working on a combined schedule.

The installation of each section should begin with a connection panel or with another spatially stable part of the building or structure.

3.31. The stability of structures under the action of wind, dead weight and installation loads must be ensured by observing the correct sequence of installation of vertical and horizontal structural elements, installing permanent or temporary connections, if they are provided for by the project for the production of works.

The performance of subsequent work on the mounted structures is allowed only after the completion of work on the design fixing of these structures.

The installation of the structures of each overlying tier of high-rise structures should be carried out only after the structural elements of the underlying tier are securely fastened with permanent or temporary fastenings provided for by the project for the production of works.

When installing high-rise structures, it is necessary to carry out the measures provided for by the USSR Air Code.

3.32. Before lifting for installation in the design position, structural elements must be cleaned of dirt; priming or painting them in damaged areas must be restored.

3.33*. The contacting surfaces of all elements connected at joints and nodes, including slips and gaskets, must be cleaned of dirt, rust and ice before assembly.

Mounting joints on high-strength bolts must be cleaned by fire (oxy-acetylene or oxy-propane-butane flame), quartz or metal sand (with a grain size of not more than 1 mm), steel brushes or a chemical method. The cleaning method is provided in the project.

During fire cleaning, overheating of the metal should not be allowed. After fire cleaning, the remaining scale and traces of contamination (slag, etc.) must be removed. The quality of cleaning must be controlled.

Until fully secured with high-strength bolts, joints and assemblies should be protected from moisture ingress.

3.34. Scaffolds, ladders and other erection devices necessary for the work of assemblers, as a rule, should be inventory, durable and lightweight.

Scaffolds, ladders or parts for their fastening should be installed on the erected structures on the ground before they are raised.

3.35. The structural elements to be installed, before they are released from the hook of the erection crane, must be securely fastened with the installation of bolts and plugs (paragraphs 3.41-3.42), the installation of tacks (paragraph 3.43), with the installation of permanent or temporary connections, spacers, braces, etc. determined by the project for the production of works.

When making holes in assembled structures, it is forbidden to use tools and devices that can lead to distortion of the shapes and sizes of holes.

3.36. The lifting of flexible structures should be carried out using reinforcements or devices that prevent the occurrence of residual deformations in the elements, as well as stresses that exceed the design resistance of the structure material.

3.37. Installation of structures of great length in plan or height should be carried out in complete spatially rigid sections or blocks (spans, tiers, floors, parts of the frame of the structure between expansion joints, etc.) with the installation of all structural elements, which allows to perform on the mounted section or block subsequent work. The dimensions of the spatial sections are determined by the project for the production of works.

3.38. Drawings and calculations of temporary reinforcements required for special installation methods (hinged and semi-hinged assembly, installation using various movements of structures in the whole assembled form, etc.) should be part of the project for the production of works.

3.39. The use of installed structures for attaching cargo chain hoists, pull-off blocks and other lifting devices to them is allowed only in cases provided for by the project for the production of works.

Attachment to the installed and fixed structure of the tap-off unit is allowed, subject to verification by the calculation of the strength of the structure for the load acting on the tap-off unit.

3.40. Instrumental verification of the correct installation of structures, as well as their final alignment and fixing, should be carried out immediately after the completion of the assembly of each spatially rigid section of the structure ( 3.37).

Correction of the geometric scheme of structures during their alignment should be carried out in ways that do not violate their strength and stability.


3.41.* Holes in mounting joints made with rivets or high-precision bolts must be filled with temporary bolts and plugs during the installation of structures. The diameter of the plugs must match the diameter of the holes.

The number of plugs is set by calculation, while the force on the plug is allowed to be the same as on the mounting rivet.

Bolts are filled with at least 1/3 (for screed package) and plugs at least 1/10 of the total number of holes. With five or less holes in the assembly, at least two bolts and one plug must be installed.

Holes in connections on bolts of normal accuracy during the installation of structures are filled with permanent bolts and plugs in the same quantities.

3.42. Mounting holes on high-strength bolts during the installation of structures should be filled with permanent bolts in quantities not less than those specified in clause 3.41. For a more accurate alignment of the holes, it is necessary to install plugs.

3.43. The number, dimensions and length of tacks in the field welded joints, which perceive the mounting loads, are determined by calculation. In field welded joints that do not perceive mounting loads, the length of the tacks must be at least 10% of the length of the design field welds of this joint, but not shorter than 50 mm.

3.44. Welding, riveting and final fastening of permanent bolts may be carried out only after checking the correct position of the structures of the relevant parts of the structure.

3.45. The heads and nuts of the bolts must be in close contact with the planes of the structures and washers. Round washers must be placed under the heads and nuts of permanent bolts of normal and increased accuracy - no more than two under the nut and one under the head. In this case, the bolt thread should be outside the hole of the elements to be connected, and the smooth part of the rod should not protrude from the washer.

Under the heads and nuts of high-strength bolts, only special heat-treated washers of established sizes should be placed - one washer for each head and nut.

3.46. The fastening of nuts on permanent bolts of normal and increased accuracy should be carried out by setting locknuts or spring washers or by welding the nut to the bolt shaft or driving the thread, in accordance with the instructions of the working drawings.

The tightening quality of normal and high precision permanent bolts should be checked by tapping with a hammer, while the bolt should not tremble or move.

3.47.* When installing high-strength bolts, the following requirements should be met:

a) senior workers or teams must have a certificate of admission to work on the implementation of connections on high-strength bolts;

b) bolts and washers before placing them in the structure must be cleaned of grease, dirt, rust; nuts must be turned through the entire thread of the bolt without the use of lubricant; lubrication of the thread of the nut (but not the bolt) should be done before tightening the bolt to the rated torque;

c) nuts should be tightened to the bolt tension specified by the project using special torque wrenches; calibration should be controlled 2 times per shift (before the start and in the middle of the shift);

d) the tension of the bolts is carried out in the direction from the middle of the connection to its edges;

e) the amount of torque required to tighten the bolts is determined by the formula

M cr = KND,


where ^N- bolt tension force specified in the KM and KMD drawings;

d- nominal diameter of the bolt;

K- coefficient determined according to special instructions.

The torque value for each batch of bolts must be specified by the supplier, and in the absence of these instructions, it is specified at the installation using a dynamometric control device.

The value of the permissible deviation of the actual torque from the design one should not exceed ± 10%;

f) nuts tightened to the specified torque are not additionally fixed with anything;

g) the tension of the bolts must be controlled by a spot check: with the number of bolts in the connection up to 5 pcs. 100% of bolts are controlled, with the number of bolts from 6 to 20 pcs. - at least 5 pcs. and with a larger number - at least 25% of the bolts in the connection; if during the control it is found that the number of undertightened or overtightened high-strength bolts exceeds 10% of the checked ones, then all 100% of the bolts in the connection are subject to control;

h) the tightness of the package screed after tightening all the bolts to the design force is checked with a 0.05 mm thick probe, which should not be included in the package against installed high-strength bolts;

i) after inspection, the bolt heads must be painted, and the entire connection must be puttied along the contour;

j) work must be recorded in the logs for monitoring the preparation of joints and the setting of high-strength bolts.


3.48. Painting of steel structures must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the chapter SNiP III-B.6-62 “Protection of building structures against corrosion. Rules for the production and acceptance of work”, the requirements of this chapter and the instructions of the project.

Painting of structures at negative temperatures is allowed with the use of painting materials and methods that ensure the proper quality of painting under these conditions.

Painting of steel structures primed at the factory should, as a rule, be carried out at the bottom (in the warehouse, at the installation site) before lifting the structures to the design position.

3.49. Steel structures must be free of dirt, ice, rust, loose primers and mineral oils before painting. Cleaned areas and all cracks should be re-filled and primed.

At the same time, it is allowed to leave the old primer uncleaned if it does not have cracks in the film, traces of rust on the surface and under the primer, if it is not brittle and has good adhesion to the metal. Those places of steel structures where the priming or painting is damaged during transportation or during assembly operations, as well as assembly joints in joints and nodes after completion of all installation work, must be thoroughly cleaned, primed and painted.

3.50. Cleaning of steel structures should be carried out primarily mechanized way: metal powder with a grain size of 0.3-0.5 mm or shot with a grain size of 0.8-1 mm, sandblasting, pneumatic wire brushes, abrasive wheels, etc. With small volumes of work, cleaning can be done with manual tools.

3.51.* Painting of steel structures with oil paint should be carried out in 2 layers. Painting is carried out after complete drying of the primer, restored or performed on installation in accordance with paragraph 2.75 "d" and "g". In this case, the time intervals between the application of the first and second layers of paint and between the application of the second layer of paint and the lifting of the structure must be sufficient for complete drying of the coating.

Priming and painting should be carried out in dry weather at an air temperature not lower than +5 ° C or in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.48.

When using other materials for painting, the number of layers of painting should be specified in the special technical conditions for painting with these materials or in the project.

3.52. Painting of steel structures should, as a rule, be done with paint sprayers. Manual painting is allowed for small volumes of work and for small lattice structures.

The paint should be applied in thin, even layers without gaps, spots or smudges.

When painting with pneumatic sprayers compressed air must be free of moisture, oil and dust.


4.1.* Acceptance of mounted steel structures should be carried out in the following order:

intermediate acceptance of hidden works;

final acceptance of the assembled structures of the entire structure or part of it.

Intermediate acceptance with the preparation of acts for hidden work is subject to:

a) foundations and other supports for steel structures and various concrete and embedded embedded parts;

b) steel structures closed during the production of subsequent work;

c) other works stipulated in the relevant rules for certain types of structures, in accordance with clause 1.13.

Acceptance should be carried out with a thorough check of the quality of certain types of work and assembled structures as a whole.

4.2. Acceptance of foundations and supports for steel structures and embedded parts should be carried out for individual sections of the structure before the installation of structures begins with the preparation of an acceptance certificate. Upon acceptance, it is necessary to check the conformity of the dimensions and position of the supporting surfaces, special supporting devices and anchor bolts with the design dimensions and positions, as well as the allowable deviations given in Table. 10 or in the relevant rules for certain types of structures ( clause 1.13).

4.3.* Acceptance of mounted steel structures of the entire structure or its individual spatially rigid sections ( 3.37) should be carried out after the final fixing of the structures in accordance with the project. Acceptance of structures is carried out before painting the places of field connections. The coloring of these connections, made at the top, is drawn up in a separate act.

4.4. The program and test methods for steel structures, if the test is provided for in the design of the structure, should be assigned in accordance with the rules for certain types of structures ( clause 1.13) or specified in the construction project.

4.5.* Documentation submitted upon acceptance of assembled steel structures must contain:

a) detail drawings of steel structures (KMD);

b) factory certificates for the supplied steel structures;

c) documents on the approval of allowed deviations from the project; agreed deviations from the project must be applied by the installation organization on the KMD drawings presented at the time of delivery of work;

d) acts of acceptance of hidden works;

e) documents (certificates, etc.) certifying the quality of materials (steels, steel ropes, hardware, electrodes, electrode wire and other welding materials) used during installation and included in the structure;

f) data on the results of geodetic measurements when checking the alignment axes and installing structures;

g) work logs;

h) acts of testing steel structures (clause 4.4);

i) an inventory of certificates (diplomas) on the qualifications of welders who welded structures during installation, indicating the digital or alphabetic characters assigned to them; j) inventories of certificates of qualification of performers who installed high-strength bolts.

4.6. Permissible deviations in the position of mounted steel structures should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the rules for certain types of structures in accordance with clause 1.13.

4.7. It is not allowed to carry out any subsequent construction and installation works until the signing of the act of delivery of all mounted structures of the structure or its part, as well as the delivery of hidden works.

4.8. Defects in steel structures revealed during the warranty period (under the contract) for the operation of the structure and which occurred due to the fault of the plant or the installation organization must be eliminated by them. During the same period, the organization operating the structure must monitor the condition of the steel structures, their operating conditions, the compliance of the actual loads with the calculated ones, and the settlements of the foundations.



1.1.* These additional rules apply to the manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel structures of one-story and multi-story industrial, energy and civil buildings (including window frames), crane and concrete racks, work platforms, bunkers, frames of industrial furnaces, supports for pipelines and vessels, ventilation towers and chimneys, water towers, cooling tower exhaust towers, chimneys including frames, and other similar structures.

1.2. These rules are an addition to section I "General rules for the manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel structures".


2.1. When supporting columns in the ways specified in paragraphs. 3.17 "a" and 3.17 "b" section I, the soles of the columns should be milled.

2.2. In structures having common connections to the walls of columns and beams (rafter trusses, longitudinal beams of platforms, etc.), the possibility of separate installation and temporary fixing of each element should be provided.

2.3. On columns and on truss trusses, in the absence of special instructions in the KM drawings, mounting tables must be welded for temporary support during the installation of truss trusses and floor beams. Parts for temporary support should also be welded on the columns during the installation of brake girders and platforms.

2.4. The following structures should be assembled at the factory:

a) heavy columns weighing more than 20 tons, crane beams with a span of more than 18 m and rafter and truss trusses with a span of more than 30 m;

b) towers (planes);

c) conical parts of pipes;

d) oversized bunkers.

2.5. Small structures - brake trusses and platforms, walking platforms, bridges, balconies and stairs - should be made in the form of ready-made overall shipping elements.

If possible and appropriate, crane beams should be manufactured together with brake trusses or platforms.

2.6. Welding of lattice structures - truss and truss trusses with a span of up to 36 m, wind and truss trusses, brake trusses, lamps, as well as stairs, platforms, railings, small elements (stops, mounting parts, etc.) - is allowed to be carried out according to general technological instructions without specially developed technological documentation.

2.7.* Quality control of welds should be carried out:

a) daily verification of the correctness of the implementation of the established technological process or general technological instructions;

b) external inspection and verification of the dimensions of 100% of welds;

c) random check in accordance with pos. 2 tab. 3 at the rate of one drilling or one selective control by physical methods of a section 50 mm long for every 50 m of the welded seam, as well as all doubtful sections of the seam;

d) in welded joints, for which the project provides for enhanced methods of quality control of welds, by ultrasonic testing of 100% of butt welds, followed by scanning of defective and doubtful places with X-ray or gamma rays, or by random testing by scanning 2% of the length of welds made manually or semi-automatic welding, and 1% of seams made by automatic welding (submerged arc, in shielding gases, electroslag, etc.).


3.1. Quality control of welded joints during pre-assembly and installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of clause 2.7.

3.2. To ensure the stability of structures during installation, the projects for the production of installation work must be provided for, and during the production of work, the requirements of paragraphs. 3.30 , 3.31 , 3.35 and 3.36 section I.

3.3. When installing structures of one-story industrial buildings, it is necessary:

a) installation of a row of columns begins with the panel in which the longitudinal ties of the columns are located, and after installing the first pair of columns, unfasten them with design ties. If such a procedure for mounting columns for some reason cannot be performed, temporary connections should be established between the first pair of columns according to the project for the production of works;

b) the columns installed on the foundations must be firmly fixed with anchor bolts before being released from the crane hook;

c) in columns up to 15 m high with narrow shoes, fixed in the foundations with four or two anchor bolts, in addition to tightening the anchor bolts until they are loosened with ties, install braces in the plane of least stability;

d) in columns with a height of more than 15 m and hinged supports, install fasteners in accordance with the instructions of the project for the production of works;

e) establish connections along columns and crane beams after the installation of the next column;

f) start the installation of the ceiling from the tie panel, installing and fixing after the first pair of trusses (lantern frames) in this panel all horizontal and vertical ties, girders, as well as large-panel reinforced concrete slabs;

g) installation of purlins, horizontal and vertical ties, metal decking or large-panel precast concrete slabs should be carried out in each floor panel after the installation and alignment of each regular roof truss or load-bearing beam.

3.4. Alignment of crane beams and tracks requiring increased accuracy of installation should be carried out after alignment and fixing of the structures of the main frame of the building or structure.

3.5. Installation of structures of each subsequent floor (tier) of a multi-storey building should be carried out only after all structures of the previous floor (tier) are securely fastened.


4.1. Permissible deviations in the position of the mounted steel structures from the design should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. eleven.

A project that involves the capital construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures during its implementation must be properly documented. At the same time, the question often arises of what design and working documentation are, and how they differ from each other. Some experts argue that these concepts are one and the same. Let's try to figure it out further, is this so.

What are the functions of design and working documentation in accordance with the regulatory framework

A project can be called a set of materials and documents prepared as a result of the design. In turn, designing is a certain sequence of actions, a process, as a result of which a prototype or prototype of the required object is created. Accordingly, for this, special calculations (of an economic and technical nature) are made, estimates, calculations, explanatory notes, drawings, diagrams are developed.

Projects are individual or standard. Often, during the preparation of a separate project for individual use, the author uses standard solutions used in various buildings. Based on the specifics of the tasks set by the customer, all developed design solutions can be divided into the following types:

  • New construction;
  • modernization, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion of already built facilities;
  • overhaul, restoration, strengthening of buildings.

Prior to the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, a certain staging was provided for by law in the development of the project. First, a "feasibility study" (feasibility study) was prepared, then a "project" and only after that a "working draft". Now other concepts are used: "working documentation" and "project documentation".

In specialized forums, lively discussions are often held on the issue: working documentation and project documentation, the difference between them. Opinions are very diverse, but in order to understand the essence, it is worth referring to the norms of the law.

Based on Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of Russia, under project documentation refers to a certain set of documents containing a number of materials in the form of text, diagrams and maps. Such materials indicate the defining design, architectural, engineering and technological solutions, using which it is planned to carry out work on the reconstruction or construction of a structure or parts thereof. The same applies to the overhaul of buildings in the case when it comes to work in which structural elements are affected and the safety and reliability characteristics of the object can be changed.

Design documents for certain types of work that may affect the safety of the structure are only entitled to be carried out by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs having the appropriate approval, confirmed by the certificate. List of works that have an impact on safety capital facilities, is listed in the regulatory document - the order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 12, 2009 No. 624. In general, any individual or entity most often on a contractual basis. In this case, the contractor is responsible for compliance with its technical regulations.

The design documentation includes 13 approved sections:

  • explanatory note;
  • layout of the allotted land plot;
  • architectural solutions;
  • space-planning and constructive solutions;
  • data on engineering networks (water and electricity supply, sanitation, air conditioning and ventilation, heating and heat networks, gas supply, communications);
  • organization of construction (project);
  • dismantling of capital facilities (project);
  • environmental protection measures;
  • fire safety measures;
  • accessibility for the disabled;
  • energy efficiency and equipment with energy metering devices;
  • budget materials;
  • other required materials.

Based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87, this is a package of documents being developed in order to be able to implement technical, architectural or technological solutions directly in the construction process. Its content and composition is determined by the developer, based on the level of detail of the components of the project documentation, and is indicated in the design assignment.

The legislator did not indicate a clear sequence in the preparation of these two packages of documents. Therefore, they can be drawn up at the same time, or the working documentation can be prepared after the design documentation has been agreed. If all papers are developed simultaneously, then both packages can be submitted for state expertise, as agreed between the expert organization and the customer.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Regional Development, the base design price, which is calculated using a reference book containing base prices to work can be broken down like this:

  • project documentation - about 40%;
  • working - up to 60%.

At the same time, this ratio is not rigidly fixed and can change in any direction depending on the completeness of the development of papers, the specifics of the facility being built. The main thing is the agreement between the designer and the customer.

What is the difference between packages

If you explain the differences between sets of documents in simple terms, without complicated terminology, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • The basis of any investment project is precisely project documentation, which may include a graphic and text part. It indicates the most important technical solutions that prove both the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of implementing a specific investment project. It is this package of documents that is submitted by the developer for state expertise and approved after its positive conclusion. The only exception is the construction of individual residential buildings. It should be noted that it is impossible to erect a structure solely according to the design documents, since they are relatively general in nature and do not contain all the necessary details and specifications.
  • In order to Building company could do her job with high quality, she will need a more detailed task: what exactly, how and from what materials to build. This data is contained in working documentation , which details all the decisions of designers and consists of a text description of the work and numerous diagrams, drawings, graphs, specifications of all components and finished products. The volume of information should be sufficient to carry out construction and installation work, to provide the construction site with the required amount of raw materials, equipment, materials and finished products, workers and engineering personnel.

The question naturally arises: if all these actions constitute the project stage, then why was it divided into two parts. The answer may be that in this way the legislator wanted to speed up the starting phase of the investment cycle. To get permission to drive construction works, high-quality project documentation, which can be expertly studied without going into unnecessary details, is quite enough. After carrying out the state examination and correcting all the comments, you can work out the working moments.

During the construction control measures, the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of both the design documentation and the working documentation prepared on its basis is checked. In addition, compliance with the urban plan is being studied, engineering surveys and technical regulations. The developer and the contractor are equally responsible for compliance with the norms of legislation, design and working documents in the process of capital construction.

Since there is no clear sequence for the manufacture of these two packages of documents, the following types of staging of the design can be distinguished:

  • Single stage. Both packages are being developed in parallel, this is what used to be called a "working draft", i.e. approved part with working applications.
  • two-stage. There is a sequential preparation of packages. Approximately corresponds to the previously existing concepts of "feasibility study" and "working documentation".
  • Three-stage. Relevant only for objects III (individual projects), IV and V categories of complexity. In addition to the above phases, it also includes a pre-project proposal (FEED).

There is only one requirement - the development of working documentation cannot precede the design one.

Discussion of the issue among specialists

Studying specialized forums on the Internet, you can pay attention to how different specialists understand and relate to the project stage in different ways. The division into two parts and the requirements for these parts are not adequately perceived by everyone.

Here, for example, is one of the comments in the discussion of the topic: “Of course, I know about Resolution 87. But, in order not to complicate life, it is better to fully prepare the working documentation and put a PD stamp on it. And after the examination, just change the stamps from PD to RD ".

This approach will create difficulties for the experts, since the submitted papers will contain too many details that will only complicate and slow down the examination process, as well as distract specialists from really important things that may affect the safety of the facility under construction. For example, it is important for an electrical expert to know the correspondence between consumed and incoming power, the availability of redundancy and protection systems, the parameters of shields and power cables. And information about where the sockets will be installed and what circuits will be connected to them is completely redundant at this stage.

Some developers believe that the project is being prepared solely for examination, and they convince the planners of this. In fact, all these papers are needed first of all by the customer himself, who can subsequently do with them whatever he wants. And if a "paper for experts" is made, then this can subsequently cost the developer serious money to finalize it for practical application. The schematic diagram of the building and its descriptive part should be carefully worked out, and, already relying on circuit diagram, you can work out specific details.

So, in the design part, you can indicate "fencing according to GOST standards" and schematically indicate its location, and in the working part, decipher in detail what material it will be built from, using what fasteners, what constituent elements it will have. In the same way, having schematically shown the location of the partition walls in the project, their features are described in the working part: the presence and quantity of reinforcement used, the specification of the material used, the location of door or window openings.

However, if in the process of detailing the working documents there are noticeable disagreements with the already approved project documentation, then reasonable changes should be made to it and the examination should be re-entered regarding the modified part. However, this issue is very painful for many design participants, because it is not easy to understand when changes reach a level that requires re-examination. This is submitted to the customer for consideration, but he will also bear the full measure of responsibility (criminal or administrative) if a violation is detected by the state construction supervision or if the wrong decision occurs, there will be serious consequences that threaten the health and life of people.

As a rule, attention is not paid to changes in engineering systems, namely in the capital object itself, especially in load-bearing structures.

If, instead of general design plans, the experts were slipped detailed working schemes, replacing the stamp "P" with "P", then subsequently any alteration in the drawings or explanations will entail a re-examination and greatly slow down the whole process. Ideally, the most basic and fundamental indicators noted in the expert opinion, as well as documents of the level "P" and "P" should converge. It is also stipulated that contingencies (unrecorded costs) should not be more than 2% of the official estimated cost of the structure. True, this does not apply to construction carried out at public expense.

Therefore, it is important to take full responsibility for both phases. design work so as not to waste precious time and money on improvements and clarifications.

Making changes to the project documentation that has passed the examinationmay be required due to various reasons. At the same time, in some cases, a repeated expert work on the project is mandatory. All questions and nuances of making changes to the project documentation and conducting an examination for the second time, we will consider in this article.

Changes to project documentation and re-examination

Making adjustments to project documentation after receiving a positive summary of experts is a fairly common situation. So, paragraph 7 of Art. 52 of the Town Planning Code directly prescribes to make appropriate corrections to the project if in the process of building there are inconsistencies in the parameters from the theoretical data of the project documentation. Otherwise, discrepancies in the data of the project and the parameters of the actually constructed object will not allow you to subsequently draw up documents for the building.

In accordance with paragraph 15 of Art. 48 of the same code, after making adjustments to the project documentation before its approval, the developer or customer must send the project for examination. However, paragraph 3 of Art. 49 contains some exceptions and establishes that expert work on project documents is not required if:

  • the corrected project documentation has already passed the examination and received a positive resolution on the results;
  • the amendments made to the project did not affect the design and other characteristics of the object's reliability and safety;
  • the adjustment of the project did not lead to an increase in the construction estimate.

The same thing, only from a different angle, is also mentioned in clause 44 of Government Decree No. 145 dated 05.03.2007. In this norm of the Decree, it is prescribed to resubmit the modified project documentation for expert analysis, which received a positive expert opinion earlier, if the amendments concerned technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the capital construction facility.

At the same time, in clause 44 of Decree No. 145, the customer or developer is left with the choice of undergoing a re-examination of the corrected project, if the essence of the modification allows the re-examination not to pass. That is, in this case, the customer or the developer can, at their own request, undergo an examination of the project documentation again.

When is a re-examination of project documentation required?

An expert analysis of the project documentation is initially carried out in order to obtain a building permit for the facility and begin the actual construction with the fulfillment of all legislative and bureaucratic requirements.

But there are situations when, after passing an expert study, a second examination is required.

Don't know your rights?

  1. First of all, this situation arises in the event of a negative conclusion on the project. The goal with this option of conducting a repeated expert analysis of the project is obvious - obtaining a positive resolution for issuing a building permit. Therefore, customers are interested in making all the necessary changes to the project documentation as soon as possible, indispensable for the approval of the experts.
  2. The need for a re-examination due to changes in the project documentation in the form of:
    • development of additional sections;
    • adjustments or significant additions;
    • significant changes to the project.

Thus, it is clear that in any case, the need for another examination of the design documentation arises due to changes to it. Only in the first version, these changes are forced, due to previous errors or inaccuracies that led to a negative conclusion of the examination. In the second case, the amendments are voluntary, due to some external circumstances or adjustment of the project, associated with the objective application of theoretical data in the practical construction of a particular facility.

List of changes affecting the safety of the capital construction facility

So, the most important question that needs to be solved by the developer or the customer who makes adjustments to the design documentation that has passed a positive examination: do the changes being made relate to technical solutions that affect the structural reliability and safety of the facility? That is, in fact, to draw a conclusion about the need for another expert analysis of the project documentation.

The Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia No. 624 dated December 30, 2009 approved the List of types of work affecting the safety of capital construction facilities. The document is quite detailed and therefore voluminous. The types of work are divided into 3 sections:

  • for engineering surveys;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • for construction, reconstruction and overhaul.

In addition, a significant part of the types of work within its section are divided into subspecies. So, for example, preparatory work for construction, reconstruction and overhaul (clause 2, section 3 of the List) includes 4 subspecies:

  • dismantling / dismantling of buildings, walls, ceilings, stairs, etc.;
  • construction of temporary roads, sites, engineering networks and structures;
  • installation of rail crane tracks and foundations of stationary cranes;
  • installation and dismantling of inventory external and internal scaffolding, technological garbage chutes.

Such a detailed enumeration avoids any doubts about the involvement of the amendments made to the project in the adjustment of work that affects the safety of the capital construction facility, and hence the need for another examination of the project.

The procedure for conducting a re-examination

In accordance with clause 44 of Decree No. 145, a re-examination can be carried out an unlimited number of times (2 or more). At the same time, each subsequent examination is carried out in the manner prescribed by law for the primary state examination. Meanwhile, experts will evaluate:

  • that part of the project documents in which changes were made;
  • compatibility of the modified part of the project with the rest of the project documentation, on which an expert analysis was previously carried out.

Thus, in order to conduct a re-examination, the customer must provide a package of documents according to the list specified in clause 13 of the Regulation approved by Resolution No. 145, including:

  1. Application for examination.
  2. Project documentation that received a positive expert opinion earlier.
  3. A copy of the positive conclusion.
  4. Assignment for making adjustments to the project documentation.
  5. Notice of amendments to the draft.

It should be borne in mind that the project can be considered at the re-examination in its entirety if, since the initial or last re-examination, amendments have been made to the legislation affecting the results of the state examination.

Making changes in the event of a negative examination of project documentation

If the project documentation received a negative opinion based on the results of the work of experts, then in paragraph 10 of Art. 49 of the Town Planning Code offers 2 solutions:

  1. Contact the Ministry of Regional Development or the court and try to challenge the results of the expert opinion.
  2. Pass a re-examination, after eliminating all the indicated shortcomings.

In practice, since experts rarely make mistakes, and litigation is not cheap and long, it is easier and more effective to amend the draft on the basis of comments and pass the examination again. Moreover, the Regulation on the examination, approved by Resolution No. 145, contains a rule allowing not to return to the applicant the documents submitted for examination in paper form, if the comments that caused the negative conclusion are eliminated, it is possible without returning the documentation. In this case, the applicant is given a certain period to eliminate the shortcomings, after which he must submit to the expert organization that part of the project documentation that has undergone changes and a certificate describing the amendments made.

Thus, the corrected project documentation requires a re-examination, both mandatory and at the request of the developer. At the same time, it is very important not to miss the moment, to correctly evaluate the contributions made to project documents changes and conduct a re-examination, if required by law, otherwise later there may be great difficulties with documenting the constructed facility.

Quote from plemyash_062 on 07/09/2014 4:02:23 AM

give me a link to justify it.
--End quote-------
Case 1.
If the need for adjustment arose before work began
When making adjustments to project documentation, one should be guided by the norm of the Law "On architectural activity in the Russian Federation" (Article 20).
Article 20. Changes architectural project
1. Changes in the architectural project during the development of documentation for construction or during the construction of an architectural object are made exclusively with the consent of the author of the architectural project, and in case of deviation from the requirements of the architectural and planning task, also in agreement with the relevant body of architecture and urban planning.
That is, the existing practice of involving other designers to correct a project developed by one team of authors without the consent of the architect-author of the architectural project seems unlawful.
2.11. Customers of project documentation and designers are obliged to make timely changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents.
Those. clause 2.11 contains mandatory provision on making changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new regulatory documents.
In addition, there is also such a document - "Organization of the state examination of project documentation in the Moscow region"
"In the event that construction under the project has not been carried out for 2-3 years, the Customer must, before submitting the documentation for examination, verify that this documentation complies with the current legislation, design regulations, as well as extended technical specifications issued by local supervisory authorities and interested bodies of the local administration (with the involvement of the design organization)."
Therefore, the requirement for designers to adjust the already completed design and estimate documentation is legitimate only in the event of a change in regulatory documents.
In this case, the design documentation must be brought in line with the new requirements by the customer before construction begins. To do this, the customer concludes a contract or an additional agreement with the design organization to perform work on adjusting the design documentation.
But, since the adjustment of the DDS requires a new designation, the corrected documentation is, in essence, a new type of documentation, executed by a different author and requiring new approval.

Case 2
If work has already begun
Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 744 technical documentation
1. The customer has the right to make changes to the technical documentation, provided that the additional work caused by this does not exceed ten percent of the cost indicated in the estimate total cost construction and do not change the nature of the work provided for in the construction contract.
2. Changes to the technical documentation to a greater extent than those specified in paragraph 1 of this article are carried out on the basis of an additional estimate agreed by the parties.
At the same time, the need for coordination between the customer and the designer of changes to the technical documentation carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has not been determined.
In cases where changes in the standards occurred after the start of work, and making the necessary changes to the project entails significant and inadequate costs for the customer during their implementation, it is recommended to be guided by clause 3.5 of SNiP 11-01-95, having received permission to use the expired norm from the body that approved the new norm.
3.5. Reasonable deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents are allowed only if there are permissions from the bodies that approved and (or) put these documents into effect.
Therefore, the requirement for designers to correct the already completed design and estimate documentation for facilities whose construction has been started, is underway, or is resumed after a suspension or conservation, is legitimate only in the event of a change in regulatory documents and the lack of coordination of the execution of work on an already completed project .

In the process of construction, sometimes there are deviations from the decisions made, not only at the initiative of the customer or the designer. The technical side of making changes to the working documentation is reflected in GOST 21.1101-97.
At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between changes in the working and project documentation.

Extracts from GOST R 21.1101-97
7.1 Making changes to the working documentation
7.1.1 General A change in a working document previously transferred to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document.
The designation of a document is allowed to be changed only if different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or a mistake is made in the designation of the document.
Changes to the calculations are not allowed. If the document change is unacceptable, then a new document with a new designation must be issued. Any change in a document that causes any changes in other documents must be accompanied by the corresponding changes in all related documents at the same time. Information about changing the document is indicated in the main inscription of this document, in the general data on the working drawings and on the title page (if any). Changes are made to the original document. When changes are made to the original electronic document, any change is indexed as a new version of this document. Copies of sheets (changed, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of the working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.1.3.
7.1.2 Permission to make changes Changing the document (including its cancellation) is carried out on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission), drawn up according to forms 9 and 9a of Appendix L. The permission is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or other authorized official.
Permission is the basis for obtaining original documents and making changes to them.
It is allowed to send to the customer, together with copies of the amended documentation, a copy of the permit. Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.
It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents.
7.2 Making changes to the project documentation
7.2.1 Changes to the project documentation previously transferred to the customer, as a rule, are made in an automated way and carried out:
- replacement, addition or exclusion of individual sheets of the volume;
- replacement (reissue) of a volume (part, book) - with its complete processing;
- release of additional parts or books.
7.2.2 Changes to the design documentation are made, as a rule, on the basis of permission to make changes (see 7.1.2). Reasons for making changes may be comments of the customer and coordinating executive authorities, comments and negative conclusions of non-state and state examination bodies.
7.2.3 When making changes to the design documentation, the provisions of and 7.1.3 should be taken into account (taking into account the specifics of completing the design documentation).
7.2.4 When the entire volume is completely reworked, at the beginning of the text part included in the modified volume, it is recommended to provide information about the changes made: the reason for making the changes, a brief description of the changes made.
7.2.5 If changes are made to the project documentation on the basis of a negative conclusion of the state examination, then the section "Explanatory Note" as an appendix includes a certificate in the form established by the state examination body, describing the changes made to the project documentation. The certificate must be signed by the chief engineer of the project.
7.2.6 Registration of changes in the volume as a whole is carried out in the table of registration of changes in the form 10 of Appendix M, which is placed on its title page and cover.
Registration of changes in the text part of the project documentation is recommended to be done in the change registration table in form 11 of Appendix M, which is placed on the last sheet of the text part when making the first and subsequent changes.
Information about the replacement of sheets of graphic documents is given in the "Note" column of the content of the volume, performed in accordance with 8.6.
Information about changing volumes, as well as the release of additional parts of volumes and books, is entered in the statement "Composition of project documentation", performed in accordance with 8.8.
When making changes, the requirements of 8.5 must be observed.
7.2.7 Changes to the approved project documentation related to a change in the parameters of the construction object and the need to re-approval of the project documentation are made by the decision of the customer on the basis of a new design assignment or an addition to a previously approved design assignment.

Sorry for the links to the old SNiP and GOST, it's just a bummer to fix, but everything is the same in the new ones. Check it out if you want.