Parasitism in Belarus, people's opinion. The fight against “parasitism” has overtaken foreigners: the police are looking for “legitimate sources of income.” Is it possible to appeal the commission's decision?


Notices to pay the social tax were sent to 50 thousand people.

In Belarus in recent weeks, the discussion on the feasibility of combating parasites has intensified. When a tax was introduced on them, the state stated that there were 400-500 thousand parasites in the country, but in fact the tax authorities managed to find only 50 thousand people who were ordered to pay a special fee.

How many parasites are there really in Belarus and was it worth taxing these people at all?

Half a million parasites: how they were considered

By November 15, persons whom the state has recognized as parasites must pay a social tax to finance government expenses. The tax on parasites, equivalent to 20 basic units or approximately $200, is levied this year for the first time. It must be paid by persons who did not work in 2015 for more than six months, and therefore, according to the authorities, did not participate as taxpayers in financing government spending.

According to data that the Ministry of Taxes and Duties announced at the end of October, notices to pay the mentioned social tax were sent to 50 thousand people.

It is worth noting that in 2013-2014, when the need to introduce this tax was actively discussed, the authorities repeatedly emphasized that there are almost half a million parasites in the country.

One of the first to say this was the then Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich, who in the summer of 2013 estimated the number of parasites at 445 thousand people. In the fall of 2014, Alexander Lukashenko also estimated the number of dependents at 400-500 thousand and demanded their involvement "in the name of revolution to work."

At the official level, the size and structure of the labor force in Belarus is assessed by the National Statistical Committee by conducting sample surveys of households on employment issues. Despite the great interest in these data from research organizations, they have never been published, although such sample surveys have been conducted since 2012.

The labor resource balances for 2012-2015, which a BelaPAN correspondent was able to review, provide data on the structure of the labor resources of Belarus. From the methodology for preparing the balance sheet it follows that the number of unemployed citizens in it is estimated on the basis of the aforementioned sample survey of households.

By the way, it was the data on the balance of labor resources that the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy referred to in October 2014, which then estimated the number of parasites (persons who did not have official labor income) at 404.4 thousand people.

The labor force balance for 2015, which was prepared by the National Statistics Committee several months ago, also indirectly indicates that last year there were hundreds of thousands of potential parasites in the country.

Thus, according to the National Statistics Committee, in addition to the unemployed registered in employment services (41.3 thousand), another 202 thousand were “persons who do not have a job, are actively looking for it and are ready to start work.” The statistics committee estimated at almost 60 thousand people those who believe that they do not have the opportunity to find work, as well as those who do not have the need or desire to work. In addition, the reasons for unemployment of another 110 thousand people have not been determined.

As we can see, according to the Belstat methodology, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the country who are not involved in the legal economy and could potentially be classified as parasites. However, the state today states that there are much fewer parasites - the Ministry of Taxes and Duties reported at the end of October that notices to pay a social tax to finance government expenses were sent to 50 thousand people.

Collecting this fee, independent experts warned a year and a half ago, would be problematic, since the reasons for unemployment are different, and it is extremely difficult to prove that a person can work, but does not want to. Therefore, observers initially compared the government’s campaign against parasites to “shooting in the dark,” the accuracy of which is always low.

And so it happened - instead of the initially announced 400-500 thousand parasites, the state was able to find only a tenth.

Other data also indicate the ineffectiveness of the fight against parasites. During the period of the decree on parasites, which was adopted in April 2015 and was intended to “stimulate able-bodied citizens to work,” the number of people employed in the economy not only did not increase, but also decreased. If at the beginning of 2015 4.5 million people were employed in the economy, then in August 2016 (according to the latest published data) - less than 4.4 million.

Tax that needs to be abolished

The civil campaign “Tell the Truth” in October of this year asked the Ministry of Taxes and Duties for information about the state’s expenses for administering the tax on parasites, but the authorities refused to disclose this data.

Meanwhile, Belarusian economists, as well as activists of the mentioned civil campaign, doubt that the special tax on parasites will pay for the state’s costs of collecting it.

“Notifications to pay this tax have been sent to 50 thousand people, but it is likely that not everyone will pay this fee: in some cases it will turn out that the person does not live at his place of registration, in others - that he does not have money, and still others will challenge it. Therefore, from a financial point of view, there will be many questions about how much this fee will recoup the state’s costs of collecting it.”, - said Ekaterina Bornukova, leading researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Educational Center (BEROC), in a commentary for BelaPAN.

“The educational effect of this collection was not achieved - employment in the economy decreased during the period of the decree on parasites. Therefore, it is difficult to say that the measures taken in this direction have been effective.”, says Ekaterina Bornukova.

According to the expert, the state, initiating the fight against parasitism, was trying to reduce the share of the shadow economy.

“Individuals not involved in the legal economy are likely to be engaged in business activities that may not be profitable if officially registered. For example, cross-border trade is unlikely to be profitable for those engaged in it if they have to pay all customs duties and taxes. Therefore, it is easier for them to pay the tax on parasitism than to bring their activities out of the shadows,”- says the BEROC expert.

A similar opinion is shared by the director of the IPM Research Center, Alexander Chubrik.
“The tax on parasites is the wrong tool for solving the problem of reducing the share of the shadow economy in the country. If a person earns money in the “shadow” and receives income, it is more profitable for him to pay the introduced fee equivalent to $200 once a year than to legalize his activities.”- says Alexander Chubrik.

In his opinion, the collection of a special tax on so-called parasites must be abolished, since this tax could turn against the most vulnerable segments of the population, who, due to the unfavorable economic situation in the country, are subject to cuts.

“In 2016, due to the worsening economic situation in the country, the demand for labor decreased. Therefore, in the current realities, people may be left without work not because they do not want to work, but because of changes in the situation on the labor market. Today, the state’s priority task should be to create economic conditions for the development of private business and the creation of new jobs, and not to fight parasitism,”- summarized Alexander Chubrik.

It became known that the President of Belarus January 25, 2018 signed Decree No. 1“To promote employment”, which completely changes the previously existing act of legislation.

So, the new decree is actually cancels previously in force Presidential Decree No. 3.

The main change is that, in accordance with the new Decree will not be charged from able-bodied non-working citizens a levy to finance government spending.

Persons who were previously recognized as payers of this fee are exempt from paying it.

However, with January 1, 2019 year, persons previously recognized as “parasites” will pay for state-subsidized services for their 100% cost.


According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 314 dated April 24, 2018 able-bodied citizens, not employed in the economy, pay the cost of utilities that correspond full refund state costs for the provision of such services, namely:

  • hot water supply
  • heat supply
  • gas supply (if there are individual gas heating appliances)

It is also indicated that commissions will be created that will provide the most individual approach to each citizen.

The commissions will be designed to assist in the employment of unemployed citizens.

The work of specially created commissions will be aimed at:

  • job creation
  • assistance in employment
  • temporary work presentation
  • retraining

In fact, the part of the article that goes below this one is leveled due to the surprise of the President signing Decree No. 1.

Decree No. 3

In January 2017, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 12, 2017 “On amending the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 3” was issued. It amended Presidential Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency.” The head of state explained that he will not collect the fee for 2016 from those persons who must pay, and those who paid will not pay for 2017, provided that they are employed at work. This decree will not be cancelled, but it will be worked on in connection with numerous complaints from citizens.

Who needs to pay the fee?

Those who have not worked for more than a year need to be paid. 183 days. Only those who are included in the list of persons, which was recently supplemented by a new decree, do not pay:

  • athletes of national teams of Belarus
  • students receiving full-time education for the first time
  • Individual entrepreneurs who have paid taxes of more than 20 basic amounts established as of January 1 of the corresponding tax period
  • seriously ill patients
  • people of creative professions who have confirmed membership in the creative union
  • representatives of church organizations
  • officially registered unemployed
  • one of the parents raising a child aged 3 to 7 years who does not receive preschool education
  • military personnel
  • and others (see full list)

Thus, the state is fighting against those who do not work at all or work “unofficially.”

If you worked less than 183 days a year?

If you worked less than 183 days a year, but paid taxes on 20 or more basic values ​​(the basic value is calculated as of January 1 of the year for which you pay the fee), then you do not fall under Decree No. 3. However, if taxes were paid less than 20 basic units for the year, then you only pay the difference between 20 basic units and the actual amount you paid.

Excessively paid (collected) amounts of fees are subject to refund or offset in the manner prescribed by tax legislation.

I'm working, but I still receive a payment notice

As we remember, for 2015, many people received tax payment notices. Don't be alarmed, this is a mistake by the tax authority. In this case, if you actually worked, then it is enough to take a certificate from your place of work, which certifies the fact of your employment in this organization (company). Next, you go to the tax authority that sent you the notice and they will cancel it for you.

No money for tax

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 3, Local Councils of Deputies or local executive and administrative bodies have the right to exempt from paying fees due to being in a difficult life situation. This situation is understood as an objective circumstance or a set of circumstances that does not depend on the citizen, and he cannot overcome it using available means (for example, the death of a spouse, inability to self-care).

Failure to pay taxes or evasion of non-payment may result in a fine, arrest, or being sent to forced labor.

Has the law affected unemployment?

In general, the number of unemployed in 2017 decreased compared to 2016. Unemployment was 0.6%, and in 2016-0.8%. Also, the demand for labor has increased, citizens began to more often contact labor, employment and social protection authorities. The number of unemployed by gender is dominated by men. Statistics are moving towards decreasing unemployment every year.

Want to find a job? See vacancies in Minsk at the link:

In 2015, a tax for unemployed citizens was introduced in Belarus; in 2017, under pressure from the public, it was abolished. In Russia, ideas to impose taxes and insurance premiums on the officially unemployed are heard more and more often. How they fought against “parasites” in the USSR and what Russian deputies propose – read the article.

The history of the fight against parasitism in Russia is connected mainly with the Soviet period. The word itself parasite“Arose during the times of the Russian Empire, but did not have any corpus delicti behind it. Moreover, the concept of parasitism did not have a socially significant context - this phenomenon was not approved, and that’s all.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, ideas for building socialism began to emerge, and this required resources(both material and labor). Lenin in his works noted the need for tough measures against elements recognized as alien to the proletarian idea. Such “elements” needed re-education. This idea was implemented through the “Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited People” - those living on unearned income (or using hired labor) were deprived of political rights.

In fact, this meant the introduction of forced labor in the country. In the first 3 years of the law alone, 37 thousand people were exiled. Many people could be considered parasites - even those who sold their own grown products on the market. There is information about the eviction of disabled citizens.

Punishment for parasitism awaited even famous figures of art and science. Among the famous people convicted of parasitism are:

Formally, Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR provided for liability for parasitism in three forms:

The very concept of socially useful labor did not imply self-employment in its modern form - it was employment in a state institution, enterprise, or training in a state educational institution. At the same time, the Constitution of the USSR allowed individual labor activity in some sectors of the economy - these are types of activities based entirely on the personal labor of citizens and families.

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The most active phase of the fight against parasitism began in 1982 with the arrival of Yuri Andropov as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Police raids began on service establishments during business hours. If a person was identified who had not had a job for more than 4 months, he was assigned the status of “without a specific occupation,” for which he could receive up to 4 years of correctional labor.

In those days, even the most famous rock musicians were threatened with punishment for parasitism - they were forced to take the simplest jobs (“Generation of janitors and watchmen” according to Boris Grebenshchikov).

Only in April 1991 was the law “On Employment” adopted, which abolished criminal liability for parasitism and recognized the concept of unemployment.

Belarusian “tax on parasitism”

Among all post-Soviet countries, the experience of introducing sanctions for non-workers has so far been noted only in Belarus. Despite the fact that in fact the unemployed either did not pay this tax or received the money back, the very idea of ​​imposing a tax on the unemployed caused a huge resonance in both Belarusian and Russian society.

The initiative to introduce a tax on the unemployed became known back in 2013 from a statement by the country's Prime Minister. The tax itself was introduced by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency” on April 2, 2015. The tax began to apply “retroactively” - it was accrued from the beginning of 2015.

The essence of the signed decree was that citizens who were unemployed for 183 days or more during the year had to pay a tax in the amount of 20 basic units per year.

In 2015, the base value was 180,000 Belarusian rubles per year. The total tax was equal to 3.6 million Belarusian rubles, or at the average exchange rate for 2015 - approximately 13,750 Russian rubles.

The minimum wage was in 2015 2,100,100 Belarusian rubles– therefore, the tax was approximately 170% of the minimum wage.

The following were exempt from tax:

  • one of the parents of a child under 7 years of age;
  • entrepreneurs engaged in crafts, creative activities (required with a supporting document);
  • lawyers and notaries;
  • students, pensioners, disabled people, disabled people, minors;
  • registered as unemployed.

For non-payment " tax on parasitism» a fine was provided in the amount of 2-4 basic units(with Russian money – 1,375 - 2,750 rubles).

The adoption of Decree No. 3 in the most stringent form (as noted above - with a minimum circle of those exempt from tax) caused an unexpected effect - huge queues formed at the local employment service: everyone tried to register as unemployed. Experts noted that approximately 90% of the increase in the number of unemployed during that period were those wishing to get rid of the status of “parasite.”

About six months later, plans to change the legislation regarding this tax became known. However, a year after the Decree came into force, the tax authorities began sending out notifications. They were received not only by those who were not working, but also students, conscripts, even those working with low wages. This was explained by technical errors, and penalties for non-payment of taxes were also temporarily canceled.

In 2017, the first amendments were made to the law - the list of those exempt from tax was increased; those in difficult situations were allowed not to pay tax (but for this they had to go to local authorities and prove the difficulties).

Actually paid the tax about 54 thousand unemployed– approximately 11.5% of the planned amount.

In the first half of 2017, the first mass protests against the “tax on parasitism” began - up to 10 thousand people took part in them, and the organizers were opposition politicians.

After mass protests in several large cities of the country, the authorities made concessions - they canceled the need to pay the tax, and returned the amount paid to those who had already paid it. However, there was no mention of a complete abolition of the tax; it was refined and updated taking into account the experience gained.

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As a result, on January 25, 2018, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree No. 1 “On promoting employment of the population.” As the name suggests, the purpose of the act is not to combat “social dependency”, but promoting employment.

The key norm of the new decree is that persons who are not employed, are not undergoing training and are not engaged in entrepreneurship are again considered “ parasites "(albeit with a different wording).

According to the new decree, such persons will have to pay the full cost of utilities. The norm comes into force at the beginning of 2019 (and for payments for gas and heating - from October 1, 2019).

The essence of this norm is that residents of Belarus, as of 2018, pay only about 76% of economically justified tariffs for housing and communal services (and for heating - only 20%). Every year, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, this figure will increase and reach 100%.

The government exempts several preferential categories of the population from paying the full cost of housing and communal services in the event of lack of work:

  • who cannot work due to health reasons (before registration of disability);
  • who care for sick children or disabled adults;
  • who are unable to find work - live far from populated areas or have a rare specialty;
  • who have only recently quit their job or graduated from an educational institution (about six months are given to find a job).

The reaction to the new decree is not as sharply negative as to the tax on parasitism, but the population has plenty of questions. For example, difficulties will arise for those who do not want to be hired (pre-retirement age or those who have just graduated from educational institutions).

This will force people into low-skilled, low-wage jobs, wasting valuable experience and time.

In general, the approach of the Belarusian authorities to the problem of unemployed citizens is still quite radical - they pay more than those who work. However, this already makes economic sense (payment for housing and communal services at real rates is practiced in most countries of the world).

Initiatives for Russians

The idea of ​​introducing mandatory payments into the budget for officially unemployed people has been discussed in Russia for the last few years. So, in 2015, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment had the idea of ​​a “social payment”, which should be paid by able-bodied Russians who are not officially working and are not registered as unemployed. A similar idea was voiced by deputies from St. Petersburg.

The initiatives were justified by the fact that due to the labor market being partially “in the shadow”, the budget annually loses significant financial resources, which affects the economic situation of the country.

The following initiatives in Russia were announced in 2016: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation discussed the introduction of a fee for able-bodied persons who are not officially working. Later, with the initiative to introduce administrative and even criminal liability for “ parasitism» Member of the Federation Council Nadezhda Boltenko spoke. The proposed initiatives did not find support during further discussion.

In 2017, it became known that work was continuing on the idea of ​​taxing the officially unemployed. It was also noted that the Russian Government takes into account the developments of the Belarusian authorities.

Among recent initiatives, it is worth noting the recent proposal by State Duma deputy from "United Russia" by Sergei Vostretsov oblige unemployed citizens to pay social contributions. This is justified by the fact that such citizens use all government, medical and other services, receive benefits and preferences from the state.

The deputy's initiative was perceived negatively by most politicians, experts and citizens.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Alexander Chuguev, TUT.BY

In Belarus, on December 1, a database of people not employed in the economy was launched. Those who were subject to a decree to promote employment for the population, and at the same time own apartments, will pay at full rates for hot water supply from January 1, and from October 1, 2019 - gas supply and heat supply, reports FINANCE.TUT.BY. Who is included in the parasites, how much will the fat rise in price for those not employed in the economy, how do you know that you are included in the dependents database?

Who is included in the parasites and who is not?

To generalize, the unemployed population will include those who do not work anywhere (under contract and under civil law agreements), and do not study full-time, provided that they have no grounds for not being included in the database. For example, Belarusians whose employment for objective reasons is difficult or impossible will not be classified as parasites.

Thus, the database will not include Belarusians with whom labor relations have been terminated - during the quarter following the quarter in which the dismissal occurred. Moreover, in the event of termination of an employment agreement (contract) due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees, the employee’s inadequacy for the position held or the work performed due to a health condition that prevents the continuation of this work, the contract expires within 6 months from the date of dismissal.

The employed population includes contract workers and civil law workers, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, artisans, and those involved in agrotourism. Parasites also do not include those who pay a single tax, creative workers, clergy, military personnel, officially unemployed, members of national and national sports teams, and full-time students.

Those raising children under 7 years old, a disabled child under 18 years old, or three or more minor children will also not be included in the database.

Those who are engaged in the production of crop products (except for floriculture products, ornamental plants, their seeds and seedlings), livestock (except for the cities of Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev) on a land plot provided for running a personal subsidiary plot, running a peasant (farm) farm, building and maintaining a residential building.

How do you know if you are a parasite?

Every resident of Belarus will be able to access the database of citizens not employed in the economy, which is currently being adjusted and should be opened on December 1. The login and password to access the portal will be issued free of charge in the “one window” service.

“For individuals, the service will be available on the Unified Portal of Electronic Services from December 1 in relation to themselves personally using an electronic digital signature key or a unique identifier”, - said earlier in the National Center for Electronic Services.

You can also contact the permanent commission for coordinating work to promote employment at the place of registration - call or write a letter, including an email.

In this case, for identification you need to provide your identification number, as well as other information contained in the identity document.

Let us remind you that “chain letters” began to be sent to Belarusians: potential people not employed in the economy are asked to confirm their employment.

It was previously reported that the authorities did not intend to send notification letters to those who were included in the database.

Which parasites and for how long can be exempted from full payment of housing and communal services?

Those parasites who find themselves in a difficult life situation may be fully or partially exempt from paying for housing and communal services at economically justified rates. For this purpose, an approximate list of these difficult life situations has been compiled.

In addition, those not employed in the economy who find themselves in a difficult life situation may be fully or partially exempt from paying for housing and communal services at economically justified rates.

In the approximate list of objective circumstances that can be classified as difficult life situations, a significant part is due to health conditions.

Those who care for a child under 14 years of age (inclusive), who belongs to the group of frequently and long-term ill people and is registered with a health care organization, including those with chronic diseases, can avoid paying full or partial payment for housing and communal services.

At the same time, those who cannot find work can also receive an “exemption” from paying full utility bills. But to do this you need to meet at least one of the conditions.

A difficult life situation also includes caring for a disabled family member (spouse, parents, adult children, siblings, grandparents, etc.) or a relative who lives in the same locality as someone who is not included in the list. employed in the economy.

Among other reasons why commissions may be exempt from full payment are damage to life, health, or property as a result of natural disasters, catastrophes, fires and other emergencies, or force majeure circumstances. To do this, you need to provide, for example, a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or an insurance company.

What should those who study or work abroad do?

By February 1 next year, the first lists of able-bodied citizens not employed in the economy will be formed in Belarus. There may also be Belarusians who live, work and study abroad if they do not provide the necessary documents.

Belarusians who work or study full-time abroad must take and provide documents that can confirm their activities to the permanent commission for coordinating work to promote employment at the place of their registration.

For those who work abroad, the supporting document may be a copy of the employment agreement - contract. Also, a copy of the certificate, permit, or license to conduct legal or notarial activities will serve as evidence. A person can provide copies of other documents proving that he works abroad.

Belarusians who study full-time in other countries can take a certificate from their educational institution. It is possible to confirm your studies abroad with a copy of the contract for the provision of educational services or other documents proving the fact of study.

Documents must be officially translated into one of the state languages ​​of Belarus - Russian or Belarusian. This means that the translated document must be certified by an organization that has the right to confirm the correctness of the translation of the document according to the laws of the country - notary, apostille or other existing form of certification of official translation of documents.

How much will the fat of parasites grow?

Those who do not confirm employment will, from January 1, pay for hot water supply at full tariffs, and from October 1 next year - gas supply and heat supply. That is, in a year - in November 2019 - dependents who own housing will receive “full” allowances.

So, if the owner of a “kopeck piece” is a parasite, and two other non-parasites are registered with him, then he pays a third for heating, water heating and gas supply at economically reasonable rates. The remaining two-thirds of the utilities for registered non-parasites in the apartment will be paid at subsidized rates.

In a Minsk one-room apartment with 37.8 square meters, in which one person is registered, the rent for October was 29.47 rubles. For hot water supply you need to pay 2.28 rubles, and for heating - 5.98 rubles. If these services were calculated at full rates, the amounts would be 10.95 rubles and 28.78 rubles, respectively.

That is, if in a “one-room apartment” of 37.8 square meters there lives only one parasite, who is also the owner of the property, then the rent will increase in total by 31.47 rubles - to 60.94 rubles. Moreover, in colder months than this October, more money will be spent on heating.

How do authorities collect data on those employed in the economy?

To form a base of the population not employed in the economy, the authorities introduced a special electronic service - online transmission of data on the population employed in the economy. The electronic service is provided free of charge and can be used by both government agencies and other organizations that will be required to submit data on those employed in the economy. Individuals do not need to provide information about their employment through the program.

Is it possible to appeal the commission's decision?

Appealing decisions by the commission for coordinating work to promote employment is possible in accordance with the legislation on administrative procedures.

Will the state make money on parasites?

The authorities say that the purpose of the decree is not to replenish budget income, but to assist the population in finding employment. “Reach every person, offer employment or retraining services”, - officials note.

Let us remind you that according to Presidential Decree No. 1 “On Promoting Employment of the Population,” 62.7 thousand citizens paid a fee to finance government expenditures in 2015 in the amount of 18.6 million rubles. Those who paid a fee to finance government spending can get their money back.

As of September 30 of this year, tax officials reviewed 26.1 thousand applications from Belarusians who wished to return the paid fee to finance government spending. In total, paid taxes were returned for a total amount of 8.1 million rubles.