What is Vympel Communications and why do they call from this organization: who are they? OJSC Vympel Communications, what is it and why do they call Who owns the Beeline company today


In our country, this often happens when an unfamiliar number calls and offers some services. Some people don’t like it, some are delighted, and for others such actions are really useful. Today we will look at cases with Vympel-Communications OJSC and figure out why they call and what kind of organization it is.

What kind of company is this?

VimpelCom is a Russian telecommunications organization engaged in the sale of services cellular communication and cable television, about 10 years. Also, the company is actively involved in connecting high-speed Internet, both wired and wireless.

The company operates under the Beeline brand, and this brand is known to many. True, VimpelCom PJSC appears there.

Why is the company calling people?

Recently, unfortunately (for ordinary citizens), cases of incomprehensible calls coming both late in the evening and early on Saturday morning have become more frequent. It’s fine if the calls are made for an important purpose, but often people just dial and get them with standard social surveys, questioning.

Typical call conditions:

  • citizen surveys Russian Federation— which operator do you use, what tariff do you prefer;
  • Special offers connect any service to your mobile phone;
  • debt on loans, arrears, etc. (they may say that the debt is growing and increasing);
  • banality about “assessing the quality of our services and operators.”

Separately about debts

There have been times when people call and report debt on an unclear loan, although you were not the creditor. If you don’t pick up the phone, keep in mind that Vympel Communications will act decisively and persistently.

There are often cases when calls continued, even though you refused their services a year or two ago. You will still be included in their database. Usually, before calls, this enterprise warns about possible debts (etc.) via SMS messages sent to your phone number.

Be sure to open a personal account using the SIM card mentioned in the debts. Study the details and availability of paid subscriptions, check the balance.

It is worth mentioning separately that subscribers’ debts to Beeline are sold to collectors. For example, letters are now being actively sent out from collection organizations RSV LLC and KEF LLC. They talk about debt for mobile services and strongly “recommend” paying them off.

What to do in such cases, how to fight

The first thing you can do is:

  • don't pick up the phone. It’s easy to ignore incoming calls and messages from operators of Vympel-Communications OJSC;
  • you can add a phone number to the blacklist;
  • put on forwarding.

Please note that in the case of the last two points, the company will simply start making calls from other numbers. Obviously, you simply cannot physically ban everyone.

  • Try contacting your operator's technical support. Directly to Beeline or Vympel Communications. You need to call the short number 0611 or 8-800-700-0611. Call center agents are not particularly eager to talk to unhappy customers—know this.
  • If they call you and even send you papers that you urgently need to repay the debt, do not hesitate, but go to the Beeline office. Perhaps, indeed, you once lost your SIM card registered in your name and the person who picked it up successfully uses it, increasing the debt. You will have to write a statement saying “not my number, etc.”

If you have already picked up the phone, we advise you to be careful: do not give your personal data or information about your loved ones to anyone, bank card etc. They could be scammers. Moreover, you should not pick up the phone when they call from an unfamiliar number (the number is hidden, classified).

If you suspect that this is fraud, you are being extorted money, etc., you receive any threats, if you do not hand over and pay the fictitious fine, immediately contact the police and prosecutor’s office. There is no need to doubt: there are often cases when such schemers were caught and appropriate measures were taken against them.

A visual video about the work of debt collectors on debts to Beeline:

Customer reviews about Vympel-Communications

The opinions of people faced with this situation are categorical and radical. Basically, when they call and bother you, it’s better to refuse this operator and switch to another (fortunately, there are enough of them now).

  • Dmitry writes: “They called from the very morning, on Sunday!!!, they demanded to tell me their personal information, first name, last name, year of birth, house and apartment. There was also clearly a plan for a day off, in the morning, my head doesn’t cook..”;
  • Vasily: “I’m sitting in a class, they constantly call me and interfere with my studies. I disconnect one number, they try to call from the next one..”;
  • Alena: “They regularly bother me and demand that I repay the loan, but I didn’t take it. I called the customer line, technical support, but there was no sound there. They don't answer the phone...”


Now you know what kind of organization OJSC “Vympel-Communications” is and why they constantly call. If you are a law-abiding citizen - you did not take out any loans or debts, or you did, but paid everything off, then you have nothing to fear. If you want, pick up the phone and communicate with them; if you don’t want to, don’t do it. We advise that if this happens often, change it. mobile operator.

Many people today are annoyed by any advertising: frontal commercial, image, variously veiled, etc. modern conditions call: “Buy! This is a great offer! " - is perceived almost with hostility, even if the product is wonderful. Experts believe that this is all due to information fatigue syndrome and the rejection of advertising imperatives by our consciousness. People today trust more in the quality of a product or service that they learned about by chance. And they are also impressed by anti-advertising and self-criticism. It was this feature of consumer psychology that attracted the attention of marketers from one of the leading Russian mobile operators, Vympel Communications.

Lately, many people have mobile phones calls are ringing. Judging by the number, they are made by employees of the Vympel Communications company. For what purpose, why are they calling? This is the first question that a subscriber has. So, let's figure it out.

What is Vympel Communications?

The Russian telecommunications company VimpelCom has been part of the international VimpelCom group since 2009. Geographical coverage different types communications are carried out by it both in Russia and in many countries of the world with general population approximately 740 million people. Vympel Communications provides the following types of services:

  • cellular and fixed-line communication services;
  • provision of high-speed wired and wireless Internet access;
  • provision of IP television - this service can be used by both individuals and legal entities.

The company has its headquarters in Moscow and provides services under the Beeline brand.

Calls after calls

So, law-abiding citizens who pay on time for the services of a telecommunications operator are from time to time distracted from their business by friendly, polite telephone conversations about nothing with the employees of this company.

Reasons for calls

Among the reasons why VimpelCom employees periodically call subscribers are the following:

  • debt reporting;
  • questions about the quality of services;
  • survey, etc.

Most of all, subscribers are dissatisfied and annoyed by calls regarding the repayment of debts, which in fact do not exist, as well as endless special offers and surveys to improve the quality of services, which are inappropriate in the current situation.

Complaints about strange calls

Many subscribers began to actively express concern and dissatisfaction with these calls, they themselves began to call the company, but when the subscriber at the other end of the line tries to pick up the phone, a failure often occurs... Therefore, people, willy-nilly, have the opinion that things are not going well at the company ok, therefore - the logical conclusion suggests itself - operators solve the problem through fake calls, which are successfully recorded in the outgoing log, and then go to the report to improve the indicators.

In fact, “analysts” from among the users continue to think, apparently no one at Beeline is studying the situation, which indicates an annual decrease in the number of subscribers wishing to cooperate with the Vympel-Communications company.

The company spares no expense on active advertising of tariffs to promote the brand, but not all potential clients Beeline understands that this is just a carefully planned marketing ploy - a kind of mousetrap with “free cheese”. Yes, the fees for services are low, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

But seriously, lately Beeline subscribers have been really complaining about poor communication, namely the inability to get through to the phones of other operators, which significantly complicates the work of many organizations whose employees must be in touch with partners. It turns out that such “service” affects the quality of sales. Attempts to prove something to managers end with the answer that the services are provided with high quality and correctly.

From all of the above, a conclusion suggests itself: rather than spending fabulous sums on advertising services that are not of entirely acceptable quality, as well as on annoying “empty calls”, the company’s management should pay attention to the solution internal problems, to train employees to work effectively with clients and provide truly high-quality services.

Subscribers of various mobile operators may begin to be bothered by calls from unknown persons mobile numbers. Such calls can be massive and regular, occur on weekends or at night, annoy the subscriber and bring him to various forms of stress. When analyzing such numbers, it turns out that they belong to the company OJSC Vympel Communications, which carries out various marketing campaigns with their help. Below we will discuss what this is Vympel Communications OJSC, why they call from such numbers, and what to do if a call comes from the specified number.

What is Vympel Communications OJSC?

PJSC "Vympel Communications" (abbreviated as PJSC VimpelCom) is a domestic telecommunications company. Providing services of cellular and landline communications, wireless and wired Internet access, IP television and telephony. The company was founded back in 1992, went through several stages of its formation, reorganization and recapitalization, and is now part of the international business group Veon Ltd.

Previously, the holding "Veon Ltd." was called Vimpelcom Ltd.

The company Vympel Communications OJSC became known to the mass user by the Beeline trademark created in the early 90s, the corporate colors and logo of which were developed in 2005 by the British agency Wolff Olins. In addition to the Beeline brand, Vympel Communications OJSC took a direct part in the creation and promotion of such well-known brands as Kyivstar, Wind, Mobilink, Telecel, Leo, Banglalink, Djezzy and others.

It is known that this company “Vympel Communications” has an all-Russian character (with the exception of Crimea), as well as many subsidiaries in many countries of the world (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Laos, Vietnam, Italy, etc.).

The company has a high level of profitability; the company's net profit for 2017 amounted to 13.853 billion rubles. At the same time, compared to 2016, there is a drop in the profit rate (RUB 19.787 billion). net profit in 2016 and 13.853 billion rubles. in 2017), which forces the company to more actively use various semi-legal earning opportunities. We will discuss their features below.

Websites of the company PJSC "Vympel Communications" - veon.com and moskva.beeline.ru.

The Vympel Communications company is known in Russia under the Beeline brand.

Why do they call from VimpelCom?

After we have figured out that this is Vympel Communications OJSC, let’s now figure out why they call from the numbers of Vympel Communications OJSC (Beeline). The numbers of this mobile operator usually begin with the numbers:

7 901 +7 950 +7 964

7 903 +7 951 +7 965

7 904 +7 960 +7 966

7 905 +7 961 +7 967

7 906 +7 962 +7 968

7 909 +7 963 +7 969

When you call from the number of Vympel Communications OJSC, you may expect something like the following:

In the latter case, debt is often formed due to Beeline’s unauthorized connection of various paid services to the user. We will look at the features of such fraud below.

Unauthorized imposition of paid services at Vympel Communications OJSC

The drop in net profit of VimpelCom PJSC is pushing the company’s management to take rather dubious and unpopular steps designed to increase the profitability of the enterprise. One of these steps is the unauthorized imposition of various paid services on many subscribers, many of whom find out about this only after a long time.

The algorithm for connecting paid services to Vympel Communications OJSC boils down to approximately the following:

  • The operator arbitrarily connects paid mobile and Internet services to its subscribers, for which it immediately begins to debit funds from the subscriber’s account;
  • If an unauthorized debit from the account is detected, the subscriber files a complaint with the mobile operator;
  • The operator declares that the client unauthorizedly connected to the service (accidentally or intentionally);
  • In the case of the most problematic clients, the operator returns the money written off to them and closes the issue. In most cases, the money written off in this way is appropriated by Beeline.

At the same time, the operator is not embarrassed by individual cases in which it turns out that the person who connected an Internet service is a pensioner, and his phone simply does not have the Internet as such.

What to do if calls from Beeline are too frequent?

In case of annoying calls from the number of the Beeline operator (OJSC Vympel Communications), we recommend that you enter this number in a search engine and look for information on the number on the Internet. Usually, most of Beeline's advertising numbers have already appeared on the Internet and collected their share of reviews from many subscribers.

If no information is found on the number calling you, we recommend picking up the phone, finding out the initiator and the reason for the call. In the case of unknown numbers, in most cases it is usually some private person. In other cases (advertising and collection campaigns of PJSC Vympel Communications), we recommend leaving your feedback on this number on one of the relevant sites - this way you will save other users from wasting precious time.

If necessary, leave a review about the room on one of the specialized sites


Above, we explained that this is Vympel Communications OJSC, and why they are calling from one of the numbers of Vympel Communications PJSC. If the number that is bothering you is advertising or marketing, a smart step would be to blacklist the number on your phone, which will save you time for more important matters.

Section 1. Public organization Vimpelcom Ltd.

Vimpelcom Ltd. (pronounced VimpelCom Limited) - holding company firm, which controls telecommunications assets in the CIS countries, Italy, and a number of countries Asia and Africa. In particular, Vimpelcom Ltd. belong organization"Vympel-Communications" (Russia) and a number of other companies in countries CIS, providing services under the Beeline trademark, and Kyivstar, providing communication services in Ukraine. After the merger with vortical storm Telecom Vimpelcom Ltd. became the sixth largest mobile operator in the world by the number of subscribers (181 million in 20 countries at the end of 2010). As of December 31, 2011, it serves 205 million subscribers.

Public organization Vimpelcom Ltd

The company is registered in Bermuda and is headquartered in Amsterdam.

The company was founded in 2009.

At the beginning of 2012, Naguib Sawiris's company Weather Investments II S.a.r.l. sold part of the shares to the organization for $374.4 million, which thus increased its share in the authorized capital of Vimpelcom Ltd. from 25.01% to 36.6%. Altimo's share remains at 31.35%.

At the beginning of April 2012 Telenor continued to increase its stake in Vimpelcom Ltd. This time from 36.36% to 39.51%.

On October 4, 2010, a possible acquisition by Vimpelcom Ltd was announced. telecom conglomerate Weather Investments of Egyptian billionaire Naguib Saouiri (Sawiris) for 7 billion.

According to the agreement, Vimpelcom receives 51.7% of the Egyptian Orascom Telecom holding (owns shares of nine companies in Canada and African countries and Asia) and 100% Italian cyclone, and Sawiris - 20% of Vimpelcom Ltd. and $1.8 billion in cash. Due to disagreements between Vimpelcom Ltd. shareholders, as well as difficulties that arose in a number of countries with the received assets, the deal was delayed. On April 15, 2011, the completion of the Vimpelcom Ltd merger was announced. And tornado Telecom S.p.A., as a result of which the organization received over 51.7% of Orascom Telecom holding S.A.E. (“Orascom Telecom”) and 100% vortical storm Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. (“cyclone Italy”).

March 10, 2011 Vimpelcom Ltd. announced the completion of the acquisition of Millicom holding Laos B.V, registered in the Netherlands, is the owner of 78% of the shares of Millicom Lao Co, Ltd, which provides telecommunications services in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The acquired cellular operator operates in the GSM 900/1800 standard under the Tigo brand and, according to Vimpelcom Ltd, at the end of February 2011 served 514 thousand subscribers, occupying more than 25% of the country's market. Sum agreement amounted to about $65 million for Millicom shares and about $23 million - additionally, to pay off debt obligations, shareholders debt and intragroup debts. The remaining 22% of Millicom Lao Co, Ltd is owned by the Lao Government. Agreement the acquisition of Millicom was signed on September 16, 2009, but obtaining approval from the Government of Laos extended the completion of the agreement for 2.5 years.

Together with others assets Orascom Telecom holding (OTH) VimpelCom acquired the Algerian telecommunications company Djezzy, the leader market the country's cellular communications network (as of September 2011, it served 57.7% of Algerian subscribers), and by this time the Algerian government had announced its intention to nationalize this company. In January 2012 Vimpelcom Ltd. signed a memorandum of understanding with the Algerian government, in which it agreed to sell controlling interest Djezzy at a price that suits both parties, with the condition that they retain the right to manage the company and consolidate its performance in reporting.

At the end of March, Algerian government agencies fined Djezzy $1.3 billion for “violating the rules of work on foreign exchange market Forex"

Composition of the organization's shareholders (08/16/2012):

Naguib Sawiris' Weather Investments II (3.44% of voting shares);

Bertofan Investments Ltd. Victor Pinchuk (5.995% of voting shares);

Having completed the merger of Vimpelcom Ltd. in 2011. with the telecommunications empire of the Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris tornado Telecom, Alexander Izosimov resigned in May 2011. Instead, Joe Lunder, the former CEO of VimpelCom, now the head of the supervisory board of Vimpelcom Ltd., was appointed to the post of CEO.

The company has five business divisions: Russia, Ukraine, CIS, Asia and Africa, Europe and North America, each of which reports to the holding's headquarters.

The organization controls the following telecommunications assets:

Open Joint-Stock Company(JSC) “Vympel-Communications” (Russia) (100% shares, completed on August 9, 2010);

Organizations providing communication services under the Beeline brand in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Note: The Beeline and Golden Telecom brands in Ukraine are expected to cease to exist due to the merger of these operators with Kyivstar;

90% stake in Cambodian mobile operator Sotelco;

78% of shares of the Laotian mobile operator Millicom Lao;

Private joint stock company (JSC)"Kievstar" (Ukraine);

100% vortical storm Telecom S.p.A.

51.7% Orascom Telecom S.A.E. (network in Canada, Algeria, Central African Republic, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Bangladesh).

The organization according to US GAAP for 2010 amounted to $10.5 billion (for 2009, aggregated indicators of VimpelCom and Kyivstar - $10.07 billion) - $1.67 billion ($1.3 billion).


Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia, WikiPedia

Vimpelcom.com - Official website of Vimpelcom

Investor Encyclopedia. 2013 .

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PJSC VimpelCom is part of the VimpelCom Ltd group of companies, which is one of the world's largest integrated telecom operators. It includes communications companies providing voice and data services based on a wide range of wireless and fixed-line technologies, as well as broadband Internet access in Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Algeria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic and Canada. VimpelCom provides services worldwide to a territory with a total population of approximately 753 million people. Companies of the VimpelCom Ltd. group provide services under the brands “Beeline”, “Kyivstar”, “Wind”, “Infostrada”, “Mobilink”, “Leo”, “Banglalink”, “Telecel” and “Djezzy”. As of December 31, 2013, the Company's total number of subscribers was 220 million.

PJSC VimpelCom offers integrated services of mobile and fixed telephony, international and long distance communication, data transmission, telematic communication services, Internet access based on wireless and wired solutions, including fiber optic access technologies, WiFi and third and fourth generation networks. VimpelCom's clients and partners include individuals, small, medium and large enterprises, transnational corporations, and telecom operators. More than 270 thousand organizations—corporate clients—expressed their trust in the company.