What is the vin payment identifier. What is a unique accrual identifier? UIN and current payments


The requirement to fill in field 22 in payment orders appeared relatively recently - from March 31, 2014. It was introduced by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107N. When filling in field 22, you must specify the UIN - a unique accrual identifier. In some sources, there is a UIP - a unique payment identifier. In fact, these 2 concepts mean the same thing - a unique digital number.

Read about the difference between UIP and UIN codes in this article .

Why was this field introduced? First of all, in order to optimize and improve the quality of work of civil servants, to speed up the process of transferring payments. Transfers with the indication of the UIN code made it possible to reduce errors in the transfer of payments to the budget. Civil servants no longer need to check payments for the TIN / KPP or CCC of the enterprise. It is enough to credit the amount to the number to which a certain payment was made.

The unique number is indicated in field 22 when transferring fines, arrears, penalties to tax inspectorates, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the FSS of the Russian Federation. When paying current tax payments and insurance premiums to the state funds of our country, this code does not need to be given - in this case, field 22 should be set to 0. You cannot leave this field empty, otherwise the servicing bank will refuse to execute payment orders.

However, from the latest clarifications of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (letter dated March 13, 2017 No. ZN-4-1 / [email protected]) it follows that when filling in the UIN number, the necessary additional information for the tax authorities does not arise in comparison with that already present in the payer's TIN code. The conclusion that the Federal Tax Service draws from this is that when paying on demand, it is allowed to indicate 0 in the field for UIN.

In what case is the UIN filled out when paying tax for a third party, see.

What does the UIN number mean?

UIN consists of 20 digits, each of which has meaning and carries certain information.

The number consists of 3 main parts or blocks.

The first 3 digits (1-3) show the code of the payment administrator or executive body. For example, tax inspectorates have been assigned a permanent code of 182.

The number 4 is not currently used, so it is currently replaced by 0.

The next 15 digits (5-19) are the main block, or index of the document itself. These numbers represent a unique document number in payment system budget recipient.

And finally, the 20th figure, or the final block, is calculated according to a certain algorithm adopted by the tax authority or fund.

Thus, each payment has its own unique UIN. Two identical numbers cannot exist.

Read about the basic principles of filling out a payment order in the article. "How to fill out a payment order in 2019 - 2020 - a sample?" .

Where to find UIN

The main question that continues to worry all practicing accountants after the adoption of Order No. 107N: where to find the same UIN number? As noted earlier, the need to indicate the UIN arises when paying fines, penalties and arrears, but even in this case it is not mandatory (letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2017 No. ZN-4-1 / [email protected]). Thus, the payer should not worry about filling in field 22: either he will indicate in it the UIN given in the request, or the number 0.

The UIN is usually indicated in the requirement, which is sent by specialists from tax inspectorates and state funds to pay a fine, penalty or arrears. It is present as part of the details for which you need to transfer the appropriate amount.

In fact, filling field 22 is a lot of ado about nothing. The requirement to indicate the UIN applied only to certain payments intended for a budget recipient. Based on the latest clarifications from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, field 22 can also have the value 0 for them. In all other cases, it is enough to put 0 in this field.

Payer statuses indicated in payment documents can be found in this material .


Fill in the field 22 in payment order should only be paid in case of payment of penalties, fines or arrears. You can find a unique identification number in the requirement received from the tax authorities. When making other payments, field 22 is set to 0.

Publication date: 04/07/2014 12:30 (archived)

From March 31, 2014, organizations and entrepreneurs, when filling out tax payments, will have to indicate the value “0” in the “Code” variable, which is intended to indicate a unique accrual identifier (UIN).

UIN code for legal entities and entrepreneurs

Recall that since February of this year, new rules for filling out payment orders have been in force (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 12.11.13 No. 107n). So, another mandatory requisite appeared in the payment card - a unique accrual identifier (UIN) to indicate a specific payment to the budget.

However, until now it was not clear which UIN in the "Code" field companies and entrepreneurs will need to indicate after March 31, when this requisite becomes mandatory. On this matter, the Federal tax service explained the following.

Since legal entities and entrepreneurs calculate the amount of taxes and fees on their own on the basis of declarations and calculations, the accrual identifier is the BCC (field 104). UIN when paying taxes by this category of taxpayers is not formed.

Thus, organizations and entrepreneurs fill out the UIN as follows:

  • Until March 31, field 24 "Purpose of payment" shall indicate "UIN0///". After the separator character "///", the taxpayer may enter additional information necessary to identify the purpose of the payment.
  • from March 31, field 22 "Code" indicates "0".
UIN code for individuals

As for individuals, they pay "property" taxes (tax on property of individuals, transport and land taxes) based tax notice and the payment notice attached to it in the form No. PD (tax). These documents are completed tax authority automatically using software tools, including UIN (document index is indicated as a unique identifier).

If a citizen wants to transfer taxes without notification from the inspection, then he forms the payment on his own. For this he can use electronic service posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. In this case, the document index is assigned automatically.

If a payment order in the form No. PD-4sb (tax) is filled out by an individual at a branch of Sberbank, then the document index and UIN do not need to be indicated. At the same time, the tax department reminds that in the payment document the payer is obliged to enter the full name, as well as the address of the place of residence or place of stay (if the individual does not have a place of residence).

Also, taxes can be paid through any other bank that can issue a full-format payment order. In this case, field 22 "Code" indicates "0" or the index of the document assigned by the tax authority (if the individual has it).

Since 2014, in the payment documentation compiled by the subjects entrepreneurial activity Russian Federation in order to transfer payments to the budget, there is a new UIN code.

The cipher is used exclusively for enumeration Money according to government authorities. The main purpose is to identify the payment in the unified budget system. The number does not allow money to hang in the unexplained receipts section.

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In accordance with the norms of the current Tax Code of the Russian Federation, UIN is a universal payment identifier, which includes 20 digits. The code has characteristics similar to CBC. Participants in legal relations should not confuse indicators with each other. The number is indicated in each payment order or in any other written request.

The designation is assigned to accruals carried out by a certain body. The subject is obliged to write down the number in a special section at the time of the formation of the documentation for the transfer. UIN allows the regulatory authorities to conduct a full comparison of the amounts charged to the payment made.

If there is a UIN in the document and after the payment is made, the funds must quickly pass through the system of budget allocations and get exactly where the direct payer needs.

Additional verification activities are automatically missed by the system due to the acceleration of the enrollment procedure.

Verification is not carried out for the following details:

  • identification tax number;
  • budget classification code;

The unique accrual identifier is present not only in tax orders, but also in other documentation:

  • when paying the state duty to the Register;
  • transfer to Rostekhnadzor;
  • making payments for issuing a driver's license of national or international standard, etc.

Payment is made to state bodies of all available levels (federal, regional, municipal, local). The Government of the Russian Federation claims that the use of an identifier can significantly reduce the number of lost payments.


The number in the details is divided into four blocks dependent on each other:

Dial (20 digits in total) Description
First three
  1. Indicate belonging to a particular state budget institution, which takes over the functions of the payment administrator.
  2. Indicate the fact of who exactly will act as the actual recipient of the funds.
  3. To refer to all territorial divisions of the tax inspectorate notation is used 183 . For Foundation Social Security population of the Russian Federation 393 .
  4. The Pension Fund of Russia and the State Automobile Inspectorate have their own codes. You can find out about them by calling hotline instances. Their websites indicate that in the absence of information from the payer, you need to indicate 0 .
Fourth digit In most cases, the value is set to "0". In 2020, the corresponding position does not apply for certain identification.
Fifth to nineteenth Used to designate a specific documentation index. It is assigned at the time of direct accrual.
twentieth digit It is formed by state and municipal authorities in accordance with a specialized algorithm. The last digit is a control parameter that determines the correct spelling of the entire identifier.

How to find out in the payment order

To reflect the identification number, position No. 22 is used. The word "Code" is written next to the corresponding field.

When indicated

Its application assumes that such an identifier has already been set previously. It is for this reason that the value is fixed in the payment documentation compiled on the basis of papers received from various authorities. These can be requirements, receipts, certificates, etc.

When an institution or an individual entrepreneur forms declarations for current tax payments, then the actual UIN is not defined for them. They must make a timely transfer of fees to certain details. The current parameter is indicated.

The legislative rules in force in 2020 suggest that in field No. 22, instead of a 20-digit code, the value “0” should be reflected. The order itself does not contain any punctuation marks or other text symbols, except for the numbers themselves.

For budgetary enterprises, the UIN is indicated in applications for making cash payments. Based on them, a separate payment order will be formed in the future. The responsibility rests with the territorial subdivisions of the Federal Treasury.

If nothing is indicated

Formation of a payment document in which field No. 22 does not contain any values ​​will not be processed financial institutions. Banks return such orders without execution. Additionally, the actual reason for the refusal is prescribed. If the code is not specified, then it is allowed to apply for clarifications to the tax authority.

If the subject has no idea about the identification requisite, then the field is filled with zero value. The action is not considered a violation. Payments without UIN will be processed much longer than similar documents with a fixed parameter.

Long processing times for cash receipts can lead to the formation of debt obligations. Penalties and problems associated with litigation with banks and government agencies are added to the standard sanction.

Where to get

For legal entities

The subjects of economic legal relations in practice are independently engaged in the calculation of tax liabilities. They are called current payments. In order to identify the payer, it is enough to write down the CCC and TIN in the order. The checkpoint is entered in the designated field if available.

Important to remember!

The corresponding set of transfers does not require additional verification of details. Field #22 remains null. It is necessary that only one digit "0" be written in the position. Otherwise, the controlling financial institution will not be able to process the payment.

Things are different in those typical situations when legal entities accrue liabilities based on the results of verification procedures. On the basis of the issued decision, the controlling authorities form the actual requirement for payment.

The state body that was involved in the preparation of the document itself fixes the UIN identifier. It will not be possible to take it in other authorized instances. The payer will be required to indicate the code at the time of the transaction.

Phys. persons

In practice, the basic information source about the document identifier is the body that accepted and established it.

Every year, in due time, payers who own a certain object of taxation receive special notifications.

The profile documentation reflects a set of values:

  • the procedure for carrying out measures to calculate the tax penalty;
  • the amount required for mandatory transfer to a specific budget level;
  • individual details of the host, etc.

Letters are received by individuals at the address of permanent registration in the region where the taxable property is located. As the payment identifier UIN for them, the index of the document received when the payment is required is used. It is enough for payers to transfer the values ​​​​to the payment form.

In 2020, authorized representatives of the territorial tax inspectorates will send a special receipt along with the notification. It is used for the purpose of paying established fees. UIN is already fixed in it.

If the citizen did not receive a notification in his hands, then the code can be viewed in personal account on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. It is also allowed to freely find out for what the tax was charged, and until what time the transaction must be carried out.

Additionally, on the site of the inspection, individuals can request an electronic copy of the receipt and fill it out. The service automatically assigns a transfer code to each new form.

The legislator establishes a rule according to which ignorance of the UIN by an individual is not a basis for an instant refusal to process a payment order. It is enough for interested persons to register the details of the identification tax number from the certificate in the same field.

It is not recommended to waste time trying to find an identifier in available directories or freely available on the Internet. Codification is unique for each receipt. It is possible to obtain a third-party UIN only if the local tax office was able to generate and transmit a numerical designation along with a payment order.

Currently, some banks want to see UIN in payment orders. What is it and why is it needed? Have the requirements for filling out a payment order changed? Read about it in the proposed material.

Today, accountants have begun to encounter a situation where bank employees ask them to reflect additional information in the "Purpose of payment" field in the payment order, namely UIN and a 20-digit code. Naturally, the question arises of what it is and why it should be indicated.

Let's say right away that at the present time, the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2004 No. 106n "On approval of the Rules for specifying information in the fields of settlement documents for the transfer of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) is still in force. No. 106n).

Details, form (for payment order on hard copy), the payment order details numbers are set out in Appendixes 1 - 3 to the Regulation on the rules for the transfer of funds, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on June 19, 2012 No. 383-P (hereinafter - Regulation No. 383-P).

At the same time, on a single portal for disclosing information on the preparation federal authorities executive branch of draft regulatory legal acts and the results of their public discussion (regulation.gov.ru) submitted a draft order of the Ministry of Finance "On approval of the Rules for specifying information in the details of orders on the transfer of funds for taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation" ( hereinafter - the draft order of the Ministry of Finance). At the time of preparation of this material, the document is at the stage of “Completion of preparation”, the next stage is “Adoption of the act”.

Accordingly, at the same time it is planned to invalidate the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n.

It is assumed that this order will come into force on January 1, 2014, with the exception of the provisions on indicating the “Code” requisite in the order for the transfer of funds, which will come into force on March 31, 2014. There are transitional provisions that will be in effect until March 31, 2014. We will talk about them further.

Thus, changes are really being prepared in the procedure for filling out a payment order. Let's try to figure out what these innovations are connected with and what documents are already in force, and which ones are planned to be adopted in the near future.

Historical digression, or What is GIS GMF?

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1789-r dated October 25, 2005, the Concept of Administrative Reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2010 and the Action Plan for Administrative Reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2010 were approved.

In accordance with paragraph 2.2.2 of the Action Plan for the implementation of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2010, Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" was developed and adopted (hereinafter - the Federal Law No. 210-FZ) (clause 1 of the List of regulatory legal acts aimed at regulating the provision of state and municipal services, including the provision of such services in in electronic format, approved by the Minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission for the implementation of administrative reform dated 08.04.2009 No. 88 (section VIII)).

Federal Law No. 210-FZ entered into force on July 30, 2010, with the exception of certain provisions. This law regulates relations arising in connection with the provision of state and municipal services by federal executive bodies, bodies of state non-budgetary funds, executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local administrations and other local government bodies exercising executive and administrative powers.

federal law dated June 27, 2011 No. 162-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts The Russian Federation, in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On the National Payment System", amendments were made to Federal Law No. 210-FZ, which entered into force on January 1, 2013. Thus, Art. 21.3 "State Information System on State and Municipal Payments" of Federal Law No. 210-FZ.

According to these innovations state information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP) is an information system designed to place and receive information on the payment by individuals and legal entities of the following payments (hereinafter referred to as state and municipal services and payments):

  • payments for the provision of state and municipal services, services indicated in paragraph 3 of Art. 1 and paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of Federal Law No. 210-FZ;
  • payments that are sources of formation of budget revenues budget system RF;
  • other payments in cases stipulated by federal laws.
In this situation, we are talking about the following state and municipal services:

on services provided by state and municipal institutions and other organizations in which a state task (order) or a municipal task (order) is placed, subject to inclusion in the register of state or municipal services and provided in electronic form in accordance with Federal Law No. 210-FZ, if these services are included in the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 3, article 1 of Federal Law No. 210-FZ);

on services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of state and municipal services and are provided by organizations participating in the provision of state and municipal services provided for by Federal Law No. 210-FZ, the list of which is approved:

1) by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation - in relation to services provided for the purpose of providing public services by federal executive bodies;

2) regulatory legal act a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - in relation to services provided for the purpose of providing public services by the executive bodies of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

3) a regulatory legal act of a representative body of local self-government - in relation to services provided for the purpose of providing municipal services by local self-government bodies (clause 1, article 9 of Federal Law No. 210-FZ).

The Treasury of the Russian Federation is responsible for the creation, maintenance, development and maintenance of the GIS GMP. It also establishes the procedure for maintaining this system in agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Bank, other credit organization, organization of the federal postal service, territorial body The Treasury of the Russian Federation (another body that opens and maintains personal accounts in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation), including those that make payments in electronic form, as well as other bodies or organizations through which funds are transferred by the applicant for the above services and payments, are obliged immediately send information about their payment to the GIS GMP.

State and municipal institutions after accruing the amount payable by the applicant for the services provided, as well as other payments in cases provided for by federal laws, are obliged to immediately send the information necessary for their payment to the GIS GMP.


In the GIS GMP, data should converge both on the accrual of amounts payable and on their payment.

At the same time, from January 1, 2013, paras. 2 p. 1 art. 7 of Federal Law No. 210-FZ, according to which the bodies providing public services and the bodies providing municipal services, not entitled to demand from the applicant submission of documents and information, including those confirming the payment by the applicant for the provision of state and municipal services, including the payment of the state fee for their provision. They must take the relevant data from the GIS GMF. At the same time, the applicant has the right to submit these documents and information to the bodies providing public services, and the bodies providing municipal services, on their own initiative.

Why is a UIN needed?

To implement the tasks set by Federal Law No. 210-FZ, from January 1, 2013, the Procedure for Maintaining the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments, approved by Order of the Treasury of the Russian Federation No. 19n dated November 30, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), came into force.

The order determines:

  • rules of access to GIS GMF;
  • a list of information necessary for paying for state and municipal services and making payments, the procedure for obtaining and providing it;
  • a list of information on payment for state and municipal services and making payments, the procedure for obtaining and providing it.
GIS GMP participants can be:
  • money transfer operator;
  • organization of the federal postal service;
  • a territorial body of the Treasury of the Russian Federation, another body that opens and maintains personal accounts in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • local administration;
  • bank payment agent;
  • bank payment subagent;
  • payment agent;
  • payment subagent;
  • operator of the Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions);
  • operator of the regional portal of state and municipal services (functions);
  • multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services;
  • administrator of budget revenues, state (municipal) budgetary or autonomous institution (administrator of accruals);
  • the chief administrator of budget revenues, including being the administrator of budget revenues, having in his charge administrators of budget revenues and (or) exercising the powers of the founder in relation to administrators of charges - state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions, as well as a state authority of the subject determined by the subject of the Russian Federation RF (local self-government body), which provides information interaction between the GMP GIS operator and accrual administrators.
Information interaction of participants (with the exception of bodies of the Treasury of the Russian Federation) with the operator of the GIS GMP is carried out after passing the registration procedure only in electronic form through a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV), provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.09.2010 No. 697, using an enhanced qualified electronic signature participant in accordance with the formats of interaction between the GIS GMP and the information systems of participants established by the Treasury of the Russian Federation and posted on the website of this department on the Internet. Participants' access to the GIS GMF is provided around the clock.

The GMP GIS uses two types of identifiers:

  • payer identifier (IP);
  • unique accrual identifier (UIN).
The order of formation of identifiers and valid IPs are determined by the interaction formats.

Payer ID (PI). The notice of accrual, the notice of cancellation of the accrual, the notice of clarification of the accrual sent by the participant to the operator of the GIS GMP must contain the IP.

A notice of acceptance for execution of an order, a notice of cancellation of information on acceptance for execution of an order, a notice of clarification of information on acceptance for execution of an order sent by the participant to the operator of the GMS GIS, must contain the IP, if available. In the absence of IP at the disposal, zeros ("0") are put down in the corresponding fields of these notices.

The IP includes an identifier of information about an individual or an identifier of information about a legal entity.

The following are used as identifiers of information about an individual:

  • insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the PFR personalized accounting system (SNILS);
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • series and number of the identity document;
  • series and number of the driver's license;
  • series and number of registration certificate vehicle in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • registration code of the Federal Migration Service;
  • other identifiers of information about an individual, used in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
One of the following identifiers is used as the legal entity information identifier:
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN) together with the code of the reason for registration with the tax authority (CAT) of the legal entity;
  • code of the foreign organization (FIO) together with the code of the reason for registration with the tax authority (KPP) of the legal entity.
Unique accrual identifier (UIN). A notice of accrual, a notice of cancellation of an accrual, a notice of clarification of the accrual sent by the participant to the operator of the GIS GMP must contain a UIN.

A notice of acceptance for execution of an order, a notice of cancellation of information on acceptance for execution of an order, a notice of clarification of information on acceptance for execution of an order sent by a participant to the operator of the GMS GIS must contain a UIN (if available). If the UIN is not available, zeros (“0”) are entered in the corresponding fields of the indicated notices.

Application of identifiers. The corresponding explanations are given in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 02-04-05 / 7491, the Treasury of the Russian Federation No. 42-7.4-05 / 5.4-147 of March 12, 2013 “On the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments”.

For payers - legal entities identifiers are recommended to be specified with the following in mind.

As for individual entrepreneurs, the taxpayer identification number (TIN) together with the reason code for registration with the tax authority (KPP) or the code of a foreign organization (CIO) together with the reason code for registration with the tax authority (KPP) is indicated in the details of the order "INN" and "KPP" of the payer.

UIN (if the payer has it) is indicated in the details of the order "Purpose of payment" after indicating the text information provided for by Regulation No. 383-P.

It is recommended to reflect the UIN in the requisite "Purpose of payment" of the order, taking into account the following features:

  • to highlight information about the UIN after indicating the textual information provided for by Regulation No. 383-P, the symbol "///" is used;
  • The UIN is indicated without spaces in the following order: “UINX…X”, where X…X is the value of the UIN (20 characters);
  • if the compiler of the order does not have information about the UIN, the value “0” is entered, for example: “/// UIN0”.
For payers - individuals and individual entrepreneurs identifiers are recommended to be used with the following in mind.

IP is applied as follows:

  • if the payer indicates the taxpayer identification number (TIN), the individual entrepreneur is indicated in the requisite "TIN" of the payer of the order;
  • if the value of the payer's "INN" requisite is not filled in the order, it is recommended to reflect the other IP provided for by the Procedure in the requisite "Purpose of payment" of the order after specifying the textual information established by Regulation No. 383-P.
  • UIN (if the payer has it) is indicated in the requisite "Purpose of payment" of the order after indicating the textual information defined by Regulation No. 383-P.
Identifiers in the "Purpose of payment" variable of the order are recommended to be indicated taking into account the following features:
  • to highlight information about identifiers after reflecting the text information provided for by Regulation No. 383-P, the symbol "///" is used;
  • a semicolon (";") is used as a separator between UIN and IP, for example: "UIN ...; IP ...";
  • identifiers are indicated without spaces in the following sequence: “UINX…X;IPZZ;Y…Y”, where X…X is the value of the UIN (20 characters), ZZ can take one of the values ​​given in the table below (shown in abbreviated form), and Y…Y is the IP value (the number of characters in the corresponding document, but not more than 20 characters).
  • a semicolon (";") is used as a separator between the value of the document type (in accordance with the table above) and the series and number of the document, for example: "IPZZ;Y ... Y";
  • in IP, the series and number of the document (for example, 01 - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) are indicated without a space, for example: “/// UIN0; IP01;0201251245";
  • if the compiler of the order does not have information about any of the identifiers, the value “0” is indicated instead of the missing identifier, for example: “///UIN0;IPZZ;Y…Y”, “UINX…X;IP0”;
  • if the order contains the value of the payer's "INN" requisite, the individual entrepreneur is not indicated, for example: "UINX ... X" or
  • "///UIN0";
  • if the value of the payer's "INN" requisite is not filled in the order and the originator of the order does not indicate information about any of the identifiers, the value "0" is entered, for example: "///UIN0;IP0".

New rules for filling out a payment order

Before proceeding to the consideration of the draft new rules for filling out a payment order, let's talk about one more document.

Starting March 31, 2014, the amendments made to Regulation No. 383-P by Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 3025-U (hereinafter - Instruction No. 3025-U) will come into effect.

Regulation No. 383-P will be supplemented with a new rule (clause 1.21.1), according to which the orders will indicate a unique payment identifier if it is assigned by the recipient of funds. The unique payment identifier will have to be communicated by the recipient of funds to the payer in accordance with the agreement. The beneficiary's bank will control the unique payment identifier in the cases and in the manner established by the agreement concluded with the beneficiary.

Orders for transferring funds to the budget system of the Russian Federation will contain a unique payment identifier in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts adopted by the federal executive authorities jointly or in agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In addition, field 22 "Code" today, as a rule, is not filled out. Regulation No. 383-P says that the value of the requisite is not indicated, unless otherwise established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. From March 31, 2014, this field will reflect the unique payment identifier in cases provided for in clause 1.21.1 of Regulation No. 383-P. When drawing up, reproducing an instruction on paper, it is allowed to indicate a unique payment identifier in the "Code" variable in two or more lines. The maximum number of characters is 25.

Now it has become more clear why it became necessary to adopt a new procedure for filling out a payment order.

The draft order of the Ministry of Finance in accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and for the purpose of improvement by the bodies of the Treasury of the Russian Federation, tax authorities, customs authorities and other administrators of budget revenues, state (municipal) institutions of automated procedures for processing information contained in the orders of payers of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as payments for state and municipal services and services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of state and municipal services, it is supposed to approve the rules for specifying information:

  • identifying the payer, recipient of funds, in orders for the transfer of funds for the payment of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation (Appendix 1);
  • identifying the payment, in orders for the transfer of funds in payment of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation, administered by the tax authorities (Appendix 2);
  • identifying the payment, in orders for the transfer of funds in payment of customs and other payments from foreign economic activity (Appendix 3);
  • identifying the payment, in instructions on the transfer of funds for the payment of insurance premiums and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation (Appendix 4);
  • identifying the person or body that issued the order to transfer funds for the payment of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation (Appendix 5).
Let's compare the new rules for filling out a payment order with the current rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n, and identify the main innovations.

We remind you that the form and details of the payment order do not change. Only the order of its filling will be new. At the same time, there will be no fundamental innovations, basically all changes are of a clarifying nature, and field 22 “Code” will also be filled in.

In Appendix 2, in field 105 of the order, the value of the code assigned to the territory of the municipality or the settlement that is part of the municipality will be indicated in accordance with All-Russian classifier territories of municipalities (hereinafter - OKTMO). At the same time, the OKTMO code of the territory where funds are mobilized from the payment of taxes, fees and other payments is indicated. When paying a tax payment on the basis of tax return(calculation) in field 105, the OKTMO code is indicated in accordance with this declaration (calculation). Recall that today this field reflects the value of the OKATO code.

In field 106 of the order, the value of the basis of payment is indicated. As now, this indicator will have two signs, but in addition to the usual values ​​\u200b\u200b(for example, “TP” - payments of the current year, etc.), it will also take the following:

  • "IN" - repayment of the investment tax credit;
  • "TL" - repayment by the founder (participant) of the debtor, the owner of the property of the debtor - a unitary enterprise or a third party of the debt in the course of the procedures applied in the bankruptcy case;
  • "RK" - repayment by the debtor of the debt included in the register of creditors' claims in the course of the procedures applied in the bankruptcy case;
  • "ZT" - repayment of the current debt in the course of the procedures applied in the bankruptcy case.
  • A new value has appeared, which is indicated in field 107 - the value of the indicator tax period("IN" - the date of payment of a part of the investment tax credit).
  • Also, new values ​​have been added for field 108, which reflects the document number:
  • "IN" - the number of the decision to grant an investment tax credit;
  • "TL" - definition number arbitration court on satisfaction of the statement of intent to extinguish claims against the debtor;
  • "RK" - the number of the register of the bankruptcy case.
  • Added options for filling field 109 of the order:
  • "IN" - the date of the decision to grant an investment tax credit;
  • "TL" - the date of the decision of the arbitration court to satisfy the statement of intent to pay off the claims against the debtor;
  • "RK" - the date of the register of creditors' claims.
The rules for filling field 110 will radically change. Today, it indicates the payment type indicator, which has two characters and can take the following values:
  • "NS" - payment of a tax or fee;
  • "PL" - payment of a payment;
  • "GP" - payment of duty;
  • "VZ" - payment of the fee;
  • "AB" - advance payment or prepayment;
  • "PE" - payment of a penalty;
  • "PC" - payment of interest;
  • "SA" - tax sanctions established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • "ASH" - payment of an administrative fine;
  • "ISH" - payment of another fine provided for by the relevant legislative or other regulatory acts.
It is planned that in the field 110 of the order the payment type indicator will be indicated, which will have two characters and can take the following values:
  • "PE" - payment of a penalty;
  • "PC" - payment of interest.
When paying a tax (fee), including an advance payment, a contribution, applying tax sanctions established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paying administrative and other fines, as well as other payments administered by tax authorities, the value "0" will be indicated in field 110.

As we said above, according to Instruction No. 3025-U, the UIN is reflected in the "Code" variable of the order.

In the requisite "Purpose of payment" of the order, after the information established by Regulation No. 383-P, additional information necessary to identify the purpose of the payment will be indicated.

Fundamentally new is Appendix 4 "Rules for specifying information identifying a payment in orders for the transfer of funds for the payment of insurance premiums and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation." The current document does not contain separate rules for the payment of insurance premiums, therefore, after the approval of a new procedure for filling out a payment order, it is necessary to pay close attention to this issue.

It is planned that new order processing of payment orders will come into force on January 1, 2014. At the same time, Ordinance No. 3025-U, which amends Regulation No. 383-P, will come into force on March 31, 2014. The draft order of the Ministry of Finance provides for the following transitional provisions.

Until March 31, 2014, in the orders for the transfer of funds, the form of which is established by Regulation No. 383-P, in the requisite "Purpose of payment" shall be indicated the UIN or the index of the document from the notification of an individual filled out for the payer of tax payments by the tax authority and consisting

of 20 characters, textual information provided for by Regulation No. 383-P, as well as other information necessary to identify the payment.

UIN is indicated first in the "Purpose of payment" variable. It consists of 23 characters: the first three characters take the value "UIN", the characters from the 4th to the 23rd correspond to the value of the UIN.

To highlight information about UIN after the unique accrual identifier, the symbol "///" is used, for example: "UIN12345678901234567890///".

The compiler of the order on the transfer of funds in payment of payments by individuals, including for state and municipal services, indicates the UIN in the corresponding details of the order.

Credit institutions, paying agents, organizations of the federal postal service when drawing up payment orders for a total amount with a register in payment of payments, including for state and municipal services, made individuals, in the field "Purpose of payment" indicate information in accordance with Regulation No. 383-P. The UIN is reflected in the corresponding requisite of the register generated for the payment order for the total amount with the register.

When filling out a receipt for payment to the budget, many are faced with a misunderstanding of what a UIN is when paying a state duty, where to get information to fill in this detail, whether it changes depending on where and what you pay for, or is it the same for all types of payments, always whether it needs to be filled out. You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

In fact, UIN - a unique identifier of accruals - is a mandatory field not only when paying duties, but also when making other transfers to the budget related to the provision of state and municipal services to the population and any payments that serve to form the budget system of the Russian Federation.

And if individuals do not know what UIN is when paying the state duty, then often entrepreneurs do not always know where to get it and what to write, but an incorrectly completed payment will not reach the address and hang on the correspondent account of the bank.

This identifier is needed by the Treasury in order to distribute the entire incoming mass of payments to the right authorities.

When you pay this or that state duty, you need to correctly fill out everything.

  1. The name of the payee.
  2. TIN and KPP of the recipient.
  3. BIC of the beneficiary's bank.
  4. Beneficiary's account.
  5. OKTMO and.
  6. Purpose of payment.
  7. Payment amount.

General details are on the website of the Administration of your city and region, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, these are http://gov.spb.ru/gov/otrasl/zags/oplata/ and https://78.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/folder/7863966.

General details for state duties are as follows:

UFK for St. Petersburg (GU MIA of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region)

TIN/KPP 7830002600/784201001

BIC 044030001

account 40101810200000010001

name of the beneficiary's bank: NORTH-WESTERN GU BANK ROSSI ST. PETERSBURG

OKTMO - 40 911 000

But the details that are individual for each payment (KBK, the amount of payment and the purpose of the payment) must be clarified either, or they will already be filled in the receipt if you were given it by the appropriate authority.

If you have any questions about filling out the receipt, in St. Petersburg you can get advice by phone (812) 273-12-09 from 14.00 to 17.00.

Where to find UIN

You will not find the UIN value for your payment on any site. The fact is that the UIN when paying the state duty is unique for each specific payment. Everything is simple if you were given an already completed form for paying the state duty. There is a 20- or 25-digit "document index" and it is the same as the UIN will be for paying for such.

In the payment order, the UIN is entered in line 22. It can only consist of Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and Latin letters.

Please note that the UIN cannot be left out, invented independently or taken from another receipt or payment. This will lead to the fact that the money will freeze, and the payment will not be considered perfect.

Then you will have to contact the authority where the fee was paid, write an application and wait for the results of the reconciliation. This may take a long time. And the fee will have to be paid again.

What to do if the UIN is not specified anywhere

As mentioned above, you cannot leave the field with the UIN value empty.

When paying through the State Services and according to a ready-made receipt issued by a state body, you do not need to think about the details at all, they are already indicated in the payment order correctly and completely.

Please note that from the beginning of the current year, when paying state duties through the State Services portal, you can use a 30% discount. This benefit will remain in effect until the end of 2019. You can pay bank card, electronic money and with the help of mobile operators.

If you pay, for example, a fine from the traffic police, the value of the UIN must be indicated directly in the decision.

If you pay the state duty through the terminal, then put "0" when filling out the UIN. If you fill out a receipt at the bank yourself, then in field 22, enter the value "UIN0///".

In practice, it happens that the terminal does not skip payment with the value "0" in the "CODE" (UIN) field, in this case it is allowed to leave the field empty. But in order to avoid misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you consult on this issue with a bank employee.

If you pay the fee through the terminal with a ready receipt, use the barcode reading service. Then the details will be filled in automatically. Next, you need to select the service “Payment of duty”. Even if you do not have a barcode, it is not necessary to fill in all the details manually. It is enough to enter the TIN of the recipient, and the rest of the details will appear automatically.

If you follow these instructions, your payment will be processed and credited where it should be.

What to do if the details are incorrect when paying the state duty

When paying the state duty, two types of errors can be made:

  • those that did not result in the transfer of funds to the budget (errors in the personal data of the payer);
  • those that prevented the transfer of funds (errors in the details of the recipient).

In the first case, you need to write a letter specifying the details and submit it to the appropriate authority where the state duty was paid. The letter is submitted in person. In this case, you do not need to pay the state duty again.

Otherwise, it is necessary to conduct a reconciliation with the state body. And write an application for the return of erroneously transferred funds. In this case, you must pay the fee again. As soon as the results of the reconciliation are available, the repeated payment will be returned back to your account.