Bank loan from a loan donor. Who needs services? Who is a loan donor? Loan donor without prepayment Loan donors - who are they


What is a loan donor without prepayment? A credit donor is an individual who, under certain written or oral conditions, is ready to assume credit obligations in order to subsequently transfer the received money for the use of the recipient. A recipient is an individual to whom, for one reason or another, official creditors (banks, pawnshops) do not lend money, so the recipient strives to receive money in alternative ways, one of them is assistance from a loan donor.

The main conditions for the relationship between donor and recipient are commercial mutual benefit. How does it manifest itself? The recipient receives his desired loan, and the loan donor receives a kickback. The kickback in this case is a commission for the service provided, most often it constitutes a significant percentage of the loan amount, up to 50% and higher. This becomes possible due to the fact that the demand for donors is only growing every year, and their number is decreasing.

The services of a loan donor, first of all, are needed by a huge crowd of delinquents (persons who have fallen behind on loan payments), the number of which is only growing; they are needed by all those who have financial problems, and banks do not approve loans. Simply put, everyone who has a bad credit history is all a potential consumer of the services of a credit donor. And there are millions of them in Russia.

It would seem that finding a loan donor urgently is simple. What are you looking for? Anyone would provide such a worthless service for such a commission. Whatever the case.

IMPORTANT! The services of a credit donor are needed only by bad borrowers and overdue borrowers, for whom none of the official lenders approves a loan.

Anyone who is looking for financial donation is looking for it for a reason, most likely he already has a bad credit history, a damaged image with official lenders, and for this reason they are not given a loan, because financially they do not inspire any trust. And when a loan donor takes on a loan instead of for another person, he runs a very high risk of not waiting for the recipient to return the money. And the donor will be responsible to the bank.

In addition, from a legal point of view, there are certain difficulties in recording the agreement between the donor and the recipient. More precisely, it is possible to record them, you can even win the court without much effort, but this does not increase the chance of getting the money back. The loan provided is unsecured; the recipient has no motivation to repay this loan to the loan donor. And we all know perfectly well how our debt collection system works!

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Therefore, a huge mass of bad borrowers are urgently looking for loan donors, but those who actually offer the services of a loan donor are very, very difficult to find - searchers come across only petty scammers.

Where to find

Where to find a loan donor is the most pressing question for the entire mass of people about whom we wrote above. Everyone wants to do this, but only a few succeed.

IMPORTANT! Finding a loan donor is very difficult and practically impossible. One of the most accessible tools for searching now is the Internet, but there are a huge number of scammers there.

Perhaps the one and only way to find a loan donor at the moment is the Internet. All life has moved to the network and it is not surprising that it has begun to perform a wide range of functions, including as a meeting place for supply and demand. Everyone knows the large ad sites and that is where you should look for donor offers.

It should be said right away that in practice this is very difficult to do. After spending several days searching, you will conclude that the number of advertisements is not that large, and they are all written as carbon copies, but in reality it turns out that they are all posted by petty scammers who are trying to scam you out of money.

Credit donor in Moscow without prepayment urgently?

Many of the advertisements on the Internet sound exactly like this - a loan donor in Moscow without prepayment urgently, or a loan donor in St. Petersburg urgently. That is, offers still come from the Central Federal Region of the country, but what lies behind them, how not to become a victim of scammers?

credit donor in Moscow without prepayment urgently

Yes, most of these advertisements carry a certain danger for borrowers. Behind most of them are swindlers and scammers. Their main selfish goal is to obtain money from respectable citizens through fraudulent actions.

Who is a loan donor? A credit donor is a person who has a complete list of documents necessary for processing a loan, with all the necessary confirmation from the employer, as well as, if necessary, the fact of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other tax deductions, who has a positive credit history and a high credit rating.

A credit donor is a citizen who issues a loan in his own name and subsequently transfers the received loan funds under certain conditions to the final recipient for whom the loan was issued.

The procedure for obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Attention! If you want to receive the services of a loan donor through the RusCredit Credit Center, you need to fill out an online application or an application. Among our partners, we have citizens who can act as a loan donor for you, but!:

  • Perhaps you do not need a loan donor, give the opportunity to realistically assess your situation to professionals in their field - credit brokers (even citizens with existing arrears can get a loan!);
  • Credit donors do not agree to cooperate with every citizen; to increase the likelihood of finding a credit donor, it is advisable to have property (cars, real estate) and leave it (the lack of property is not a reason to be upset, leave it, we will try to find an acceptable solution in your situation).

How does the process of obtaining a loan using the services of a loan donor take place? Initially, you find a loan donor in one way or another. Next, negotiate with this person the conditions under which you are willing to cooperate with him. Subsequently, the loan donor issues a loan in his name and transfers the received loan funds to you for a previously agreed upon remuneration. Simultaneously with the transfer of borrowed funds, which the loan donor issued in his name. An agreement is concluded between you and the credit donor on the assignment of obligations to repay the loan received in the name of the credit donor. This is all formalized by means of a receipt and in the proper manner.

Legality of obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Is it legal to apply for a loan through a loan donor? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. First of all, almost all credit institutions, if they find out that a citizen is trying to apply for a loan in favor of third parties, even relatives, this will serve this citizen. But from the point of view of receiving funds against a receipt from a private person, on the conditions specified in the receipt, there is nothing illegal.

But as for the assignment of obligations to pay loan funds to the credit donor, this point raises many questions. The fact is that almost every credit institution, first of all, banks provide in a separate clause in the loan agreement that it is not possible for the borrower to unilaterally assign its obligations under the loan agreement to a third party. In turn, the credit institution, of course, has this opportunity. Therefore, from a legal point of view, the loan donor cannot unilaterally transfer its obligations to another person.

Risks when obtaining a loan through a loan donor

Possible risks associated with the procedure for obtaining a loan through a credit donor for citizens primarily lie in the fact that in this field there are a large number of different kinds of scammers who offer themselves as a credit donor, but work on an advance payment basis. That is, the main risk for the borrower is that having made an advance payment to the loan donor, this citizen may simply disappear with your advance payment.

Loan donor without prepayment

It is, of course, possible to find a credit donor working without prepayment, but only in this case the risks will be borne by the credit donor himself. You may ask, what could be the risks for the loan donor? The easiest way to answer this question is with a clear example. Let's say you have agreed to receive borrowed funds through a loan donor for a certain fee, without prepayment. The loan donor begins to perform certain work related to collecting a certain set of documents, submitting these documents to certain credit institutions, waiting for a response, receiving results from several credit institutions and ultimately applying for a loan under certain conditions, possibly with or without life insurance and loss of performance. By the time the loan donor receives the required amount of loan funds from the lender, your plans, preferences, etc. may change. and you do not want to receive funds issued by the loan donor on previously agreed terms. In this case, the loan donor will be forced to repay the loan early, and if the loan was issued with insurance, he will have to possibly seek the return of the insurance in court, but at least pay interest for the use of loan funds during the first month. And of course, this does not take into account his labor costs associated with collecting the necessary set of documents, traveling to credit institutions, writing loan application forms, etc. Thus, obtaining a loan using the services of a loan donor without prepayment primarily carries certain risks for the loan donor itself.

How to insure yourself against the risks of obtaining a loan through a loan donor with prepayment

Is it possible to insure against various types of risks for both the credit donor and the potential borrower using the services of a credit donor? Of course, the easiest way is to find a credit donor who is ready to act as a “lifesaver” for you on more attractive terms, this is for prepayment, but in order to insure against the risks of possible non-fulfillment of obligations on the part of the credit donor and loss of the prepayment made, it is more advisable to resort to the services of intermediary organizations that deserve Your trust.

In particular, the RusCredit credit center can act as an intermediary who will receive an advance payment from you. Thereby guaranteeing honesty and, if necessary, certain compensation for the loan donor, if you change your mind about fulfilling the loan on the terms agreed with him, and thus you are insured against possible dishonest actions on the part of the loan donor himself, who refuses to work without an advance payment. Since the loan donor will not receive the funds until the end of the transaction.

Where to find a loan donor

Where can I find a loan donor? A question that is quite difficult to answer; a lot depends on your capabilities and wishes. Certainly, the best option finding a loan donor would be if someone among your acquaintances, friends, or relatives agreed to act as a loan donor for you, through whom you could obtain a loan. In this case, obtaining borrowed funds using the services of a credit donor could be absolutely free for you.

Second option, which should be considered if it is not possible to find a loan donor among your circle of friends and relatives, is an application to the RusCredit credit center with a request to receive borrowed funds, including using the services of a loan donor. The RusCredit credit center cooperates with various partners, including private investors and citizens who are ready to act as a credit donor on certain conditions. Thus, at a minimum, you will definitely insure yourself against various types of fraudulent actions on the part of the loan donor.

AND third option finding a credit donor, which should be approached very carefully and carefully. This is a search for a credit donor independently on the side on the so-called bulletin boards, and even more so the process of independently applying for a loan using the services of a credit donor without the intermediary of organizations or a private person whom you trust and who could act for you as a guarantor of an honest transaction.

With all questions related to credit topics, including the process of applying for a loan using the services of a credit donor, you can contact the RusCredit credit center by leaving .

Some people's credit reputation is damaged. But if you need to borrow money, how and where can you apply for loans? Then a credit donor is needed. Their services help co-borrowers. Many people are interested in whether they can be trusted? The answer to this question will be presented in the article.


Who is a credit donor? This is a person with a positive credit history who can apply for a loan for citizens of the country at any time. In Russia, such services appeared not so long ago, but they have already become quite in demand.

Persons who do not issue bank loans usually take advantage of such assistance. It should be borne in mind that intermediaries, such as brokers, are unlikely to help in such situations. It is the credit donor who can provide real help. It is possible to borrow funds with it.

Lending principles

Over the long history of lending, the principles on which all work is based have been formed:

  • Agreement and coincidence of interests. Loans are provided subject to the availability of free capital, as well as if agreements are reached between the parties.
  • Urgency and repayment. The amount must be returned on time within the period specified in the contract.
  • Guarantees and security. The lender requires confirmation that the money will be repaid.

Who needs such services

A loan donor without prepayment is in demand among bank clients who repaid loans in arrears. If your credit history is negative, applications for funds are usually not approved. Usually only then do people need help from others. Such services are used by people whom banks no longer trust financially.

The donor also takes risks in such cases. If he issues loans to such clients, then there is a possibility of non-repayment of funds. But the responsibility remains to the bank. Such loans are considered unsecured, so the client has no motivation to return the funds. There are many scammers in this area, which is why not all people in our country trust such persons.

Work principles

These individuals work both directly and through intermediaries, that is, specialized firms that provide donor services. It is better for the borrower to contact a company that will help select a donor with an excellent credit history. But such services are more expensive than working directly.

Working conditions and rules

A person should contact the company that will select the loan donor. He needs to pass an interview. Then the organization, based on individual requirements, selects a suitable person to receive a loan.

Their work follows the following rules:

  • The person issues a loan in the amount required by the customer;
  • Then funds for remuneration are transferred;
  • The customer draws up a receipt, which is considered a guarantee of timely payment of funds. The option for transferring money is written there.

Payment of the debt remains with the customer. He must follow the rules specified in the receipt. Money can be transferred in cash or sent using the details.


There is a remuneration required to work with a person such as a loan donor. Reviews show that such services are quite expensive. Usually you need to pay 20-30% of the entire loan, but after receiving it. Before this, no money is taken.

If you contact a company, you also need to pay for its services - about 5-10%. As a result, the client receives only 60-70% of the total amount, and will have to pay for the entire 100%, as well as interest.

Is this legal

It should be remembered that the services of a loan donor are legal, as in other countries. Such companies operate according to legal standards. Persons who make money from such services are considered legally financially secure.

Agreements are drawn up by a notary. According to them, different developments in the relationship between the parties are possible. But the donor who arranges other people’s loans is still at risk. If the customer does not pay the debt, the bank and collectors will demand a refund from the borrower.

Advantages and disadvantages

Help from a loan donor has its pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • You can borrow money for those who cannot arrange it on their own.
  • This method of obtaining a loan is considered trouble-free and guaranteed.
  • The details of the persons who received the money are not displayed in the credit bureaus.

Private lending donors also have disadvantages. In this case, there will be a large overpayment compared to a regular bank loan. You will need to pay for assistance services, as well as make interest and mandatory payments.

Types of lending

Bank loans are:

  • Targeted - funds are used for their intended purpose. For example, when purchasing goods on credit, the funds are transferred by the bank to the store’s account. The buyer cannot use cash, he only has the right to use the goods.
  • Non-targeted - loans are issued in cash. The goal is indicated on paper, but there are no guarantees that the funds will be used for their intended purpose.

The terms of loans can be:

  • Short-term - the debt is repaid within a year. Typically these include consumer loans for the purchase of furniture and household appliances.
  • Medium-term - money is returned in 1-5 years. This applies to car loans and repair loans.
  • Long-term - repayment occurs over 10 years. This is a mortgage that takes about 15-30 years to pay off.

The client decides independently which loan to choose. The longer the term, the more interest you will have to pay. Such loans are provided in all banks that have permission for this type of activity.

What if the customer does not pay the debt?

What outcome this situation will have is determined by how the parties cooperate. If the method is used directly, then the donor must personally return his money, and then go to court with a claim and a receipt to receive the funds.

If a person turns to a company that provides such services, then the case usually does not go to court. Such companies have a security service that demands funds from the customer. Representatives of the form can contact a collection agency, which will deal with these issues.

Search for a donor

How to find a loan donor without prepayment? This person may be an acquaintance or relative. This decision will be the most profitable financially. But if you don’t repay the loan later, your relationship with these people will quickly deteriorate.

Where else can I find a loan donor? To do this, you need to look for it through message boards on the Internet. Or you can contact a special company that provides similar services.

No prepayment and on-site

Often it is not possible to find help in your city, and therefore you have to look in nearby settlements. This is normal, since in large cities there is a huge demand for these services, and there are few people who agree to take such a risk. The loan donor can live in any city, because loans are issued at the place of registration.

Money is transferred through an agent or independently during a personal meeting. If the client wants an on-site service to be provided, then the transportation costs are paid by him. If an agent selects donors, then travel and documentation are paid for by him.

You should not contact those persons who require advance payment. This is usually done by scammers. You need to pay for such services only after signing a document on cooperation and receipt of money.

Failure Cases

Contacting donor companies does not always result in receiving funds. Failures are due to the following reasons:

  • No employment.
  • No registration.
  • False documents.

The company needs guarantees that the client will pay the debt without delay. Refusals also occur in cases where the donor does not want to cooperate with the client.

What to do if you can’t find a donor

Loans are not provided due to a negative credit history, as well as for unexplained reasons. To find out why refusals occur, you need to submit an application to the Credit History Bureau, but this is time-consuming and expensive. There are other options for obtaining loans if a refusal occurs.

With informal employment, obtaining funds is not so easy. Some banks provide goods without official income or with minimal income. But usually there are restrictions on the amount - no more than 15-20 thousand rubles are issued.

You can contact a credit broker. Even now, not all banks submit requests from BKI. Usually this is done only by newly opened institutions that are building a customer base. It is difficult to find such an organization on your own, so it is better to use the services of a broker.

Now there are credit cooperatives that issue loans to people. Only there you need to comply with certain conditions, which are different for each company. There they do not make requests to the BKI, but they carefully study the questionnaires. A deposit is also required.

You can contact an MFO to apply for a loan. It is easy to obtain, but it is issued for no more than 3 months. The amount of the first payment cannot be more than 20 thousand rubles. The interest rates for such services are quite high. There are microfinance organizations that transmit information to the BKI to show the credit history of borrowers. Each of the listed options will help you get funds in debt.

Are you looking for a loan donor who provides its services in Moscow without requiring prepayment? Do you need urgent help? In this article you will find all the information you need.

So, first, let's talk about who a loan donor is: this is a person who takes on someone else's loan, applying for it in a bank or other financial organization. At the same time, for his service he assigns a certain monetary reward, in other words, a “kickback”, which can be from 30% of the loan amount and higher, conditions vary greatly from person to person.

When you borrow a credit card, loan or mortgage from a bank, lenders look at three pieces of information to assess whether they will make money from you - your application form, any previous dealings they have had with you, and, importantly, information about your credit reference files.

Most regular financial transactions and credit relationships you have are listed in these files, although student loans are not included. So the only way lending, credit card or mortgage providers will know you have a student loan is if they choose to ask for application forms. They can do this, and it does happen, but in general this is only for high value transactions like mortgages.

In addition, if you need money urgently, you can get them without any problems. At the same time, if you strictly follow the terms of the contract and make all payments on time and in full, you will also correct your history.

Schemes for obtaining loans have gained unprecedented momentum, people’s debt load is growing, banks are increasingly refusing to approve applications. However, this does not reduce the demand for loans. If intermediary services, for example, brokerage, have been known for a long time, then credit donation appeared relatively recently. This is a new type of service when several additional steps appear in the “borrower-loan” scheme.

In many ways, although the impact of taking out this loan is less than the fact that it is borrowing itself and reduces disposable income from repayment much more. So if you're trying to figure out what impact this will have, imagine that you simply had a salary reduction in the amount you would be paying for the loan - that's how lenders see it basically.

You're more likely to pay off this loan within 30 years before wiping it out than a secured loan

When you do the math and add interest since repayment is fixed based on profit, it turns out that only very high earners will clear it 30 years before the debts are discharged. The Postgraduate Master's loan, however, is a much smaller amount. And although there are lower payments, the math shows that you're more likely to clear it within 30 years.

Donors provide an opportunity for clients with a bad record, a criminal record, low official income, etc. They do this, of course, not for free. For such convenience, the client overpays a large amount, 2-3 times the loan received. Even despite this, the services of credit donors are in demand on the market, although they are illegal.

This is important to consider as it means, unlike undergraduates, where the 'price' of what you borrow is often unrelated to what you repay, postgraduate loans are more closely related - and you need to add interest on top. However, there are a number of key factors that influence this.

The higher the potential income, the more likely you are to pay it off in full within 30 years. The younger you are, the more likely you are to pay it off within 30 years. The less you borrow, the more likely you are to pay it off within 30 years.

Who is a loan donor?

This is an ordinary person with a positive credit history, a permanent job, a high income - exactly the type of client that banks like. He takes out a loan for himself and transfers the loan funds to a client who cannot take out a loan himself.

The terms of such a transaction are regulated by an agreement, the terms of which must be observed by all parties. Most often, donors work through intermediaries, which are organizations. Organizations are recruiting donors and looking for clients. For the donor, such an organization will be protection against non-payment of debt by the borrower. If the client does not pay the loan, the intermediary will pay off the debt in order to maintain a positive credit history for the donor, and then the debt will be “extorted,” sometimes in the literal sense of the word, from the negligent client. Debt collection methods are no different from collection methods and can be more severe.

You Can Pay Back Your Student Loans Early, But Should You Do Another Thing?

You have the right to pay off your student loan early - even while you're studying if you want, or, as is more likely, overpay after studying to clear it out faster. However, this doesn't mean you have to pay it off early. But just as important is that your payments here are based on what you earn - great insurance if you lose your job or can't work as you don't have to repay it. Commercial loans don't do this.

So if you're planning on future borrowing, for example for a mortgage or car loan, it's worth asking yourself whether you should pay it off, only to then have to borrow back at a higher rate later. And even if it seems like your will, changing circumstances can affect it. Therefore, by overspending, you could simply be paying money that you would never need to repay.

Where can I find a loan donor?

Anyone you know or close relative can become a loan donor. This is the best solution for you in terms of price. However, if you do not pay the loan later, your relationships with family and friends can be ruined. You can find a donor in your city by posting an ad on a special credit notice board.

Credit donors provide the opportunity to get a loan to clients with a bad credit history, a criminal record, low official income, etc. They do this, of course, not for free.

For such convenience, the client overpays a large amount, 2-3 times the loan received. Even despite this, the services of credit donors are in demand on the market, although they are illegal.

If you are looking for a loan donor, then you have a bad situation with loans - you are refused everywhere and have debts. You want to take out a loan with the help of a donor and pay off all your debts at once.

This is the right message. But the problem is the idea of ​​the donor. On the Internet you are looking for a complete stranger who will delve into your problem and take on the loan on the condition that you pay. But this idea is wrong. You will simply run into prepayment scammers.
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Even if there is such a person, there are no guarantees that you will pay. And no one will agree, because you are in arrears and the bank won’t let you. There is simply no trust in you, especially from a person on the street. If there is such a person, then with the first wrong client and delay, the donor career will be over.

Who is a loan donor?

This is an ordinary person with a positive credit history, a permanent job, a high income - exactly the type of client that banks like. He takes out a loan for himself and transfers the loan funds to a client who cannot take out a loan himself.

The terms of such a transaction are regulated by an agreement, the terms of which must be observed by all parties. Most often, donors work through intermediaries, which are organizations. Organizations are recruiting donors and looking for clients.

For the donor, such an organization will be protection against non-payment of debt by the borrower. If the client does not pay the loan, the intermediary will pay off the debt in order to maintain a positive credit history for the donor, and then the debt will be “extorted,” sometimes in the literal sense of the word, from the negligent client. The methods of collecting debt are no different from collection agencies and can be more stringent.

Where can I find a loan donor?

Anyone you know or close relative can become a loan donor. Thinking that there will be a stranger who will take on a loan for you is stupid. If you have been in arrears and have unclosed loans, there is no trust in you. No one in their right mind will give you money, even at a high interest rate. The only time this is possible is when you have collateral (your home, car, land). But the risk of losing the deposit in this case is very high.

A friend or colleague as a donor is the best solution for you in terms of price. However, if you do not pay the loan later, your relationships with family and friends can be ruined. You can find a donor in your city by posting an ad on a special credit notice board.

Another option is to search for a special organization that provides such a donor.

How to get a loan through a donor and organization?

There are currently two schemes. The first is that the client and donor are connected through an intermediary - an organization. The scheme consists of the following stages:

  • The client finds an offer to take out a loan through a donor. Typically, such advertisements can be found in advertising newspapers, websites, forums, etc.
  • After calling the organization, the client needs to go to the specified address and undergo an interview and verification. The intermediary must check the future borrower and assess the risks of working with him. If the client does not meet the requirements, then they will not work with him, for example, the client is homeless, an alcoholic, insane, convicted, etc. If everything is in order, then the discussion of the terms of the deal begins. Here we discuss the amount that the client wants to take, how he intends to repay it, why the banks refuse him, the terms of remuneration for the intermediary and the donor, the debt repayment scheme and the interaction of the parties. The client can even choose the banks where he would like to take out a loan.
  • If all the conditions are satisfactory to the parties, an agreement for the provision of services is concluded. It specifies the amount that intermediaries will retain for their services, the obligations and rights of the parties.
  • The donor goes to the bank and takes out the required amount. If suddenly for some reason the bank refuses, then the donor can go to another bank.
  • The donor carries the received amount to the organization and takes his own reward. It is approximately 10-30% of the loan
  • The organization retains part of the amount as a reward (approximately 5-15% of the amount).
  • A promissory note is drawn up indicating the amount the client must pay to the donor. The receipt also indicates the method of payment: either the client pays the bank himself or takes the money to the organization, and then it is transferred to the donor. The scheme is complex, but it reinsures the donor’s risks: if the client does not deposit the amount, the organization will pay the donor for him to repay the loan.
  • The remaining amount is issued to the client. After all the manipulations, it is 50-70% of the amount. The final overpayment will be huge.

Thus, obtaining a loan under this scheme is expensive. To agree to such an overpayment, the client must need the money very urgently. But if all banks refuse a loan, then this option will be optimal.

Perhaps there are such companies, but they most likely operate illegally. Personally, I have not seen such companies in 10 years of working in a bank. In general, the risks of contacting such companies are very high; I do not recommend it to anyone.

The second option for obtaining a loan through a loan donor is that there is no intermediary in the scheme. The borrower and donor are in direct contact. This allows you to save on intermediary services, but carries with it great risks of fraud, on both sides.

In pursuit of savings, you can get the opposite effect. The percentage of fraudulent actions of the borrower and the donor is almost the same here. A distinctive feature of this scheme is that if the client refuses to pay the loan, the donor will have to repay the debt himself, and he also risks his credit history.

Credit donor and the law.

From the point of view of the law, donor schemes are fraudulent and directly fall under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If such schemes are discovered, the participants will receive heavy fines, including imprisonment.

Benefits of a donor loan.

  • A client even with the worst CI can take out a loan.
  • The client remains anonymous to the bank.
  • The client does not need to collect documents for the loan.
  • Guaranteed result of receiving money in 95% of cases - the loan donor is rarely refused.

Disadvantages and risks

  • This is an illegal way to get a loan.
  • High risk of fraud.
  • Large overpayment for such a loan
  • The risk for the client is that even if he pays off the debt, the donor may sue and demand repayment again. In this case, the client needs to take a receipt from the donor for each payment made.
  • The minimum loan amount starts from