Eternal housewarming: how a large construction site came to a quiet village. IKEA invests in housewarming When they start building IKEA in housewarming


According to the investor - IKEA Centers Russia, the area of ​​the shopping center will be 150,000 sq.m. Previously, it was about 230,000 sq.m (in this case, the complex in Novoselye would become the largest in Russia). However, the plans have been adjusted.

According to preliminary estimates, the construction will cost the retailer 23 billion rubles. The opening of MEGA is scheduled for 2021, the IKEA store as part of it will start working earlier, in 2019.

Recall that the purchase of a plot of 40 hectares under new project IKEA Centers Russia reported in November 2016. These are the lands of ZAO Northern Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation (SevNIIGiM), which are being developed by the Management Company Novoselye: City Blocks (LC Alfa, Beta and Gamma). The new MEGA will appear between the Krasnoselskoye Highway and the Ring Road, next to the interchange.

So far, two MEGA shopping centers are operating near St. Petersburg, both are located near the Ring Road. The first one is in the Kudrovo district (the area of ​​the shopping and entertainment center is 180,000 sq.m, the leasable area is 140,000 sq.m), the second one is on Parnassus (the total area is 130,000 sq.m, the leasable area is 100,000 sq.m). In total, 14 fuel dispensers of the company operate in Russia, new shop Petersburg will be the 16th. (Before it, in the second half of 2018, it is planned to launch an IKEA shopping center on Kashirskoye Shosse, it will become the fourth in the Moscow region and the first stand-alone store of the Swedish furniture company in Russia.)

On the eve of IKEA Centers Russia summed up the results for a year of work. Over 12 months, MEGA shopping centers were visited by 250 million people, which is more than half of the total number of visitors in all 43 IKEA Centers located in 15 countries. A total of 85 new Russian and international brands were opened in MEGA shopping centers during the year. The average vacancy rate remains at 1.8%.

The launch of the third IKEA retail chain store and the MEGA shopping complex near St. Petersburg, which was scheduled for 2019, is being postponed, RBC Petersburg reports. “Plans are definitely on hold, but we are likely to review the commissioning schedule and design of the planned mall,” said Pontus Erntell, CEO IKEA networks. The retailer does not announce the exact timing of the release to the site.

The construction of the MEGA shopping and entertainment complex in the village of Novoselye of the Anninsky State Enterprise was supposed to begin in 2018. By according to IKEA Centers Russia, the area of ​​the shopping center will be 150,000 sq.m.

According to preliminary estimates, the construction will cost the retailer 23 billion rubles. The opening of MEGA was scheduled for 2021, the IKEA store in it was supposed to open earlier, in 2019.

IKEA Centers Russia announced the purchase of a plot of 40 hectares for a new project in November 2016. These are the lands of CJSC Northern Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation (SevNIIGiM), which are being developed by the Stroitelny Trust company (builds the NEWPITER residential complex) and the Management Company Novoselye: City Blocks (LCD Alfa, Beta and Gamma"). The new MEGA will appear between the Krasnoselskoye Highway and the Ring Road, next to the interchange.

So far, two MEGA shopping centers are operating near St. Petersburg, both are located near the Ring Road. The first one is in the Kudrovo district (the area of ​​the shopping and entertainment center is 180,000 sq.m, the leasable area is 140,000 sq.m), the second one is on Parnassus (the total area is 130,000 sq.m, the leasable area is 100,000 sq.m). In total, 14 shopping malls of the company operate in Russia, the new store near St. Petersburg will be the 16th.

The day before, IKEA Centers Russia opened the first mini-format store in St. Petersburg in the Atlantic City shopping center in the Primorsky district. Design studio of kitchens and wardrobes occupied 585 sq.m on the first floor of the complex. Until the end of November, the retailer plans to open a similar outlet in the Leto shopping mall on Pulkovskoye Highway. Also, the company plans to open stores in Russia, such as supermarkets, with an area of ​​900 sq.m.

Near residential complex NEWPITER, which is being built by the Construction Trust company in the village. Housewarming party in the Lomonosovsky district of the Leningrad region, one of the largest Mega shopping malls in Russia will appear.*

IKEA Centers Russia has acquired a 40-hectare site on the territory of the Anninsky settlement for the construction of the third shopping complex in the region.

The site is located between Krasnoselskoe shosse and the Ring Road, near the Novoselye: Urban Quarters project, and is part of an integrated development area where local developers are building residential buildings and developing social and road infrastructure.

At the first stage, IKEA will be built on the territory, the second will be the construction of the MEGA shopping center. It is planned to develop a modern concept for a new MEGA shopping center with an IKEA store that meets the needs of residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The opening of the IKEA store is scheduled for the end of 2019. The implementation of the project will create more than 3,000 jobs.

Developers, who are developing the territory of the village Novoselye, positively evaluate the appearance of IKEA in the village. The presence of IKEA, in their opinion, will enhance the attractiveness of the territory.

“We are building in the village. Housewarming is a large-scale NEWPITER project, which is designed to accommodate more than 14 thousand families, - says Sergey Stepanov, Sales Director of the Stroitelny Trust company. - Today, 4 houses have already been built in the quarter, 2 of which are inhabited. The fifth house of the project, consisting of 6 buildings, is at a high stage of readiness. First commissioned Kindergarten for 145 seats. The emergence of such an operator as IKEA will give impetus to the development of the entire microdistrict and become a point of attraction for potential buyers. It is important to note that the project for planning the territory of the village. Housewarming initially provided for the creation of a trade zone. We are glad that negotiations with IKEA ended successfully. We hope that the construction of a new shopping center will increase the attractiveness of the area. In addition, the new TC will perform buffer zone between residential buildings and the ring road.

Director of CJSC SevNIIGiM Kulakov I.Ya.: “We are very pleased with the successful negotiations. Undoubtedly, the territory will receive a powerful impetus for further development. At the same time, it is worth noting that we have done a lot of work: we have designed and are building transport and engineering infrastructure facilities, we plan to reconstruct the interchange at the intersection of the Ring Road with the continuation of Pionerstroya Street to the shape of a full “clover leaf”, which is currently being designed. Also in the plans of the enterprise in the summer of 2017 to begin the reconstruction of the village part of the Krasnoselskoye Highway in order to provide a greater capacity of the road adjacent to the existing transport interchange with the Ring Road.”

The marketing directorate of Novoselye Management Company commented on the news about the appearance of IKEA in the following way: “We are very pleased with the information that IKEA plans to build a third shopping center in Novoselye. We positively evaluate the appearance of the third IKEA in the city. And if we talk about our project, this event will undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of the microdistrict, develop transport accessibility, provide additional jobs and, in principle, increase the demand for housing under construction in the south of the city and the Leningrad Region."

As the company noted, assessing the prospects for the residential complex Novoselye: City Blocks, the emergence of IKEA was taken into account in one of the likely scenarios for the development of the project.

“We expect an increase in demand by 2019 by at least 30-40% and, accordingly, an increase in prices per square meter. m of supply by 10 - 15% until 2019, we are considering a scenario for aligning prices with prices in the Kudrovo location, - said in the Novoselye Management Company. “The location between two interchanges with the Ring Road, proximity to the WHSD, Pulkovo, the presence of kindergartens and schools in the project, as well as the absence of traffic jams, proximity to the architectural ensembles of Petrodvorets, proximity to the Gulf of Finland and now the appearance of IKEA will definitely increase the attractiveness of the location.”

Territory of Anninsky rural settlement, which includes the village of Novoselye, is assessed as a promising location. Currently, two projects for the integrated development of the territory are being implemented here, in the near future the Anninsky settlement will receive the status of an urban one. In five years, the projected number of local residents will be 15-17 thousand people.

“One of the most important advantages of the transformation of the settlement is the integrated development of engineering and social infrastructure. We count on population growth and build development transport infrastructure in accordance with our plans,” comments the head of the administration of the Anninsky rural settlement, Dmitry Rytov. - Now several projects are being developed to improve the transport accessibility of the settlement. Firstly, this is an increase in the capacity of the Krasnoselskoye Highway to four lanes. The reconstruction will take place from the Ring Road to the southern borders of Novoselye. The length of the section is 1.8 km.

How a modern quarter and IKEA will appear in the field in twenty years.

In the village of Novoselye, Lomonosovsky District, for about four years now, on 500 hectares of land that once belonged to the Northern Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, a new microdistrict has been established. In the coming years, the largest in the Northwestern Federal District will join the village "IKEA". "Karpovka" looked at how the village grew and found out if the Swedish giant was expected in Novoselye.

Hydrocarbon sources

For a long time it was not clear whose money is used to build "Housewarming: City Blocks". Opinions differed: someone believed that the funds for the project came at the expense of the institute and its research activities, and the marketing director management company"Novoselye", Alexey Muravyov, said that the sources "are connected with the hydrocarbon complex of our economy."

Novoselye village. June 2011

At a press conference held on November 24 on the territory of Novoselye, Muravyov again evasively answered a question from journalists about mysterious sponsors. “I don’t think it’s worth calling by last name. I can say that these are private investors. And add that they are all from St. Petersburg. We don’t have Greeks or Turks,” the marketing director joked.

Despite the fact that the developer is little known, the Novoselya housing, named with the letters of the Greek alphabet, is rented ahead of schedule. On the this moment two quarters were built ("Alpha" and "Beta"), which include five houses. Three 12-storey buildings in the first quarter and two in the second are already occupied. There are 250 apartments in total.

June 2016

Third quarter - Gamma will be handed over in the third quarter of 2017. The fourth phase - the Delta quarter will receive the first residents in the first quarter of 2019, and then the company will proceed to the fifth phase - the Epsilon quarter.

Epsilon is far from the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and the developer's plans do not end with the fifth stage. The company will move to the other side of the Krasnoselskoye Highway. The new district already has a working name - the Uyutny quarter, in which 200-220 thousand square meters will be built. meters of housing. The total project development period is from 2019 to 2026. Wherein new quarter will be radically different from the existing ones: it will be comfort-class housing without studios, and with yards without cars.

“In general, the construction concept of our company provides for a low building density. Therefore, our project has advantages: for example, always free parking spaces. Parking is a long-standing headache in the northern regions, where building density is much higher.

Development of the village in May 2014

People are often only interested in the price of apartments and deadlines. Few people think that in the future there will not be enough places in kindergartens, schools and parking lots, because so many people live in one house. We see living examples - "Northern Valley", and. The developer should think about how people will live here,” Muravyov believes.

Housewarming at the hypermarket

November 23 IKEA Centers Russia to the government of the Leningrad region the project of the future shopping center, which will become the largest in the Northwestern Federal District. The investor will spend approximately 23 billion rubles on the facility. The area of ​​the shopping center will be 225 thousand square meters. meters. In 2019, an Ikea store will open in a new complex, and Mega will be fully operational in 2021.

According to the governor of the Leningrad region Drozdenko, the third Mega will give the Leningrad region 5,000 new jobs and about 350 million rubles in taxes per year. The Swedes have chosen the village of Novoselye as a new place for construction. The hypermarket will be built between the Krasnoselskoye Highway and the Ring Road.

“The appearance of IKEA will give a powerful impetus to the development of the location. Starting from new jobs, ending with improved transport accessibility, as well as attracting new flows of apartment buyers to Novoselye: City Blocks and, in general, to new buildings in the village,” says Alexey Muravyov.

According to him, transport accessibility change due to two factors. First, at the end of the first quarter of 2017, work to expand the Krasnoselskoye Highway from two to four lanes. The highway will begin to grow from the roundabout to the end of the village.

Secondly, the construction of the missing “petal” of the interchange with the Ring Road is already planned by 2019. Thus, the village of Novoselye, and the residential complex of the same name, and the future IKEA will be located between two interchanges.

Possible IKEA layout and development of the built-up area until 2026

“The design of the interchange for IKEA has already begun, but the cost I cannot voice is trade secret. Also, I cannot say whether the Swedish company will help with material construction. The project will pass state expertise next year. It will be checked by the directorate of the Ring Road, Rosavtodor. Negotiations were held with everyone and design decisions were made,” Muravyov told reporters. “New highways will significantly unload traffic flows, which means that there will never be such traffic jams as in Murino or Kudrovo.”

travel yard

However, not everyone liked the idea of ​​building a hypermarket in the immediate vicinity of the quiet village of Novoselye.

“This store should be built in the field, so that people go to it not through the village, but separately, from the ring. And then we can’t leave, we can’t call in, and then there’s such a huge store. A big plus in this, in my opinion, is only for developers, because apartments will rise in price at times, and people will suffer in traffic jams, ”says Vitaly, who has lived in Novoselye all his life, 38 years old.

June 2015

Oksana, a resident of a new building in the Alpha quarter, does not agree with him:

“Residents are looking forward to Mega. Yes, the workers will come in large numbers and there is no getting away from it, and there will be traffic jams, as in MEGA-Dybenko. But now there is only Pyaterochka, Netto, a cafe-bar and one sushi shop. There are no good shops, cozy cafes and restaurants, no cinemas. As such, entertainment is not found here. On the other hand, there are two wonderful tree nurseries here, but in winter you can’t really work up in them.

I like to equip the apartment, look for new things for the interior and life. And now in the Housewarming is not done. With Mega, many problems will be solved,” says Oksana.

If the mountain does not go to Magomed...

At a press conference, journalists were told that IKEA is very tough on the choice of territory. The Swedes demand 100% guarantees that they will have gas, water and electricity. Therefore, the speed of development of the infrastructure of the village to some extent depends on the hypermarket.

“We have fulfilled all obligations to IKEA, so that it appears near Novoselya. We can say that we customized the settlement to the requirements of the company. For example, we launched a new transformer substation on November 22, just before negotiations with a Swedish company. Its capacity is enough for the village, and for new quarters, and for the hypermarket,” said Stanislav Geer, general director of Lemek LLC. His company is engaged in the reconstruction and laying of communications in the village.

Communications in Novoselye began to change as soon as it was decided to build new buildings. New pipes are laid not only to the housing of the management company "Novoselye", but also to the houses of the old fund.

“When we went to this village with our project, we, of course, knew about the problems with water supply in Novoselye. The settlement historically came with only one conduit from the city. This network was a dead end: the water did not go anywhere, there was no water intake. And in general, water flowed through old rusty pipes of the 75th year of laying. To date, our company has developed two large investment programs agreed with the government. One of them will be launched next year. In 2015, we built two additional conduits. Now in the village of Novoselye we are shifting the existing networks. This year, the first stage has passed: we are moving away from iron to plastic. We hope that by the end of 2017, not a single outdated branch of water supply will remain in the old village of Novoselye,” says Geer.

June 2016

Now the water in the houses of the old fund is worse than in new buildings, the director of Lemek admits. They didn’t spend in the old Housewarming overhaul utility networks since the 70s. While the water reaches the consumer's tap, it collects all the rust that has settled on the water pipes, they admitted to journalists.

This year Lemek put into operation a new boiler house, which, according to Geer, meets all the requirements and standards and is fully automated. She is already heating a new kindergarten, which also opened in 2016.

The second, historic village boiler house was also completely refurbished by a private company. The reconstruction of the existing boiler house cost Lemek 75-80 million rubles. But work is still underway, in particular, on the improvement of the territory: next to the boiler house, 120 apple trees will soon be planted and a garden will be planted.

However, local residents say that the quality of the water in the village leaves much to be desired. At the same time, both residents of old houses and owners of apartments in new buildings complain.

Vitaly told Karpovka that he used to be able to drink tap water, but for more than a year a yellow sludge has been flowing from the tap, which smells like sewerage. Because of this, you have to bring water from the well.

Oksana said that now she does not experience any particular problems with water - she has a boiler installed in her apartment.

“Our hot water was dirty and the temperature was 40-50 degrees at the beginning. Now, according to representatives of the Criminal Code, everything should be fine in new houses. I use a boiler. Quality cold water- Satisfactory, so I use it only. Besides, I always have a supply of water if it is turned off. In case of problems with electricity, by the way, both hot water and heating immediately run out,” says a local resident.

Houses of the first stage

“It is physically impossible to take and change the entire communal system of the village at once. The period of time in which we can work is small - a few months in the summer. I don't really want to leave people without hot water even in July.

Yes, local residents often swear, although the first stage of replacing communications has been completed, and people see it. If only because we created a lot of transport inconvenience for them,” jokes Stanislav Geer. - Next year we will try to complete the reconstruction of heating networks, we will lay new pipes to each house. In my opinion, for a year we will, of course, torment the inhabitants. But it is worth remembering that the service life of new equipment is from 30 to 50 years of quiet life.

What should we arrange for a housewarming party?

At the end of the press conference, the speakers were asked the most important question of the conversation: how much does it cost to come to a new territory and “revive” it? Only Stanislav Geer could name the exact figure.

“It is difficult for me to be responsible for everyone, I can only speak about the development of communal infrastructure. The investment program that was laid down - I note that this is not budget money, but private money - about two billion rubles. These funds are calculated until 2022. And then it will be seen: what was enough for, and what more needs to be added.

Instead of a specific amount, the other speakers talked about what appeared in the village with the arrival of a construction company on its territory. So in September, a kindergarten for 156 places was opened here, and by 2019 a school will appear in the village.

There are also plans to build a sports and leisure center, which is called an extreme park. Trampolines, volleyball courts, a sector for playing beach volleyball with special dust-free sand will be equipped there.

For more than a year now, the Ice Arena skating rink has been operating in Novoselye, which Konstantin Yashkin, the general director of the general contractor company Novoselye Management Company, pathetically called the center of attraction for local residents and the best arena in the North-West. The design and construction of the ice palace cost investors 150 million rubles.

At the end of the conversation, Stanislav Geer noted that the owner of the territory occupies a “very interesting position”: not a single tree was cut down or felled during the construction process. All plants that fell on the construction site were transplanted into a separate park at the end of the village. Also, one of the shareholders is building a large temple at the end of the village.