Svinin Alexander Udmurtia biography. First Deputy Prime Minister of Udmurtia Alexander Svinin: “If I realize that I am proud of some decision, it’s time for me to retire. “Don’t think that we want to ascribe something or play around with the statistics to make them sound better.


IA "Udmurtia"

Udmurtia is building a new system of work with business and public figures. The key role in it should be played by the project office, repeatedly announced by the team of Alexander Brechalov. However, many still do not understand what kind of structure this is and how it will help the development of the region's economy.

Alexander Svinin, economic adviser to the Acting Head of Udmurtia, in an exclusive interview with the Respublika magazine, talks about the work of the project office, the search for hidden reserves and approaches to solving socio-economic problems.

- Alexander Alexandrovich, I'll start with a question that interests many. What is a project office, how does it work and why is it needed?

In Russia on federal level introduced new system management government programs and projects. Advice on strategic development and Priority Projects, which is headed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, is designed to highlight the most significant projects for the socio-economic development of the country. For their implementation, project offices were created in all subjects of the federation. The project office in Udmurtia worked under the Ministry of Economy even before the appointment of Alexander Brechalov as Acting Head of the Region. Now Alexander Vladimirovich is striving to give this structure a new meaning. the main task project office - to ensure interagency cooperation in the implementation of priority projects for the republic.

The work, by and large, is just beginning. The first thing we did was to analyze what kind of projects there are. Second, we initiated new ones, realizing that we need them here and now. These are the “Made in Udmurtia” business support project and the “Invest in Udmurtia” project, within which a map is being created investment opportunities and one window system.

The project "Udmurtia - the territory of sports" has already brought the republic 5 investment agreements worth more than 30 million rubles. The social project "Mentoring" is not commercial, but also requires the inclusion of very different ministries and departments.

All together we are working towards one specific goal - improving the well-being of the inhabitants of the Udmurt Republic. The interaction of colleagues in various ministries and departments (and it doesn't matter who holds what position) should be tuned to get a specific tangible result as quickly as possible. Not a result expressed in the number of issued normative acts and protocols, meetings and meetings held, but a specific benefit for people.

We have set ourselves a global goal: the formation of a development budget.

Not a single problem - neither social nor economic - can be solved by the forces of only the authorities, or only business, or only social activists. Only together, only together.
Alexander Svinin

Over the next few years, we must double tax revenues from small and medium businesses. Some members of the press, apparently not listening to the end of Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov's speech, perceived this as a future increase in the tax burden on entrepreneurs. In fact, additional revenues to the budget will come from an increase in the gross regional product, by increasing the number of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and increasing their productivity and revenue.

Now there are 60,000 SMEs in Udmurtia, but I am sure that among the 1.5 million inhabitants of the republic there are many more people with private initiative. And the task of the Government of Udmurtia is to provide an opportunity for its implementation.

- Are you sure that there are opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship and that there is enough space in the market for everyone?

The republic has a huge potential, which is currently not fully used. What can we do to unlock it?

The first is, of course, the motivation and training of entrepreneurs, increasing the efficiency of their work. In almost any area, from consumer services to fast food chains, the business of the republic definitely has the potential to increase efficiency. Why is training important? It's not because you can get together and talk.

Learning leads to concrete, quantifiable results. I taught you how to do Internet marketing, and your number of customers attracted through contextual advertising has increased dramatically. Sales increased, tax revenues increased. This is an understandable scheme: it is clear why we are doing this, it is clear why the state needs it.

The second is support of projects from an idea to a specific workplace and tax deductions to the budget of the republic.

The third is the expansion of sales channels and sales markets both within the republic and in the regions of Russia and abroad. We have not yet reached the limit of perfection in this activity - I think no one will argue with that.

And, the fourth story is attracting investors. This is also work with local entrepreneurs so that they open new production facilities and sales outlets; and attracting investors from outside; and creating an attractive environment for them.

If these issues are dealt with constantly, systematically and project-wise, that is, counting, I think the problem can be completely solved.

- Will entrepreneurs be able to somehow participate in the work of the project office?

Yes, we consider projects involving business or private initiative in the first place. The initiative can also be non-commercial. For example, in the village of Sep, a public organization is making a museum of disappeared villages. As part of interdepartmental cooperation, we can involve the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, local governments, which will support the project, and tour operators will include it in their routes. The project office will oversee the work and bring it to its logical conclusion.

- The interaction of many organizations requires, let's say, the good will of the participants. Could there be a situation of conflict of interests, in which the subjects will pull the project in different directions?

In any partnership, the main story is the coincidence of values ​​and goals. If they match, then you can always negotiate. There can be no conflict within the Government of the Udmurt Republic, because there cannot be different values ​​and goals. The main value is a person, a resident of Udmurtia, the main goal is to increase his well-being.

- What is currently on the agenda in the project office?

The presentation of a map of investment opportunities for Udmurtia is scheduled for August 2, so the key task now is to prepare for this event. You need to understand that a map is not just a website, but a new system of interaction between the authorities and the business community, a change in the principle of working with entrepreneurship. New quality of public administration. New rules and procedures. A one-stop-shop system where an entrepreneur can apply for help in interacting with state authorities, and he will not have to go to ministries and departments himself. Transparent rules for obtaining benefits, subsidies, preferences. Consulting support for entrepreneurs and manual support for each investor who is ready to invest in the republic. Clear rules of the game for these investors.

In order to launch this system, we are doing a lot of work. We travel to municipalities, every city and district, hold meetings with local authorities, business communities, visit enterprises, collect data from all ministries.

The main task of the project office is to ensure interagency cooperation in the implementation of priority projects for the republic.
Alexander Svinin

You see, there are many questions with non-obvious answers. For example, is a museum an investment object or not? Library, cinema, cultural center? It seems to have nothing to do with economics. But there is a cultural heritage site, which is now in a terrible state, and state money is spent annually to support it. Is it an investment object or a social one? Polyclinics, healthcare - is it a social program or an opportunity for a potential investor? Here we are now engaged in the assessment of all these subtleties.

Naturally, this work will continue after August 2. We will systematically make changes to regulations and regulations and rebuild the structure of interaction. This is the outlook for the next period.

- Are you working with new investors and projects according to new principles?

Yes, we are testing the model on specific investors and entrepreneurs. A recent example: the contract for the creation of a hemodialysis department in Sarapul was worked out and signed in eight weeks from the moment the entrepreneur first applied to the official. This is 115 million rubles of investments that will be used to reconstruct two departments of the hospital and purchase new dialysis equipment. Already in September, residents of Sarapul and surrounding areas will be able to receive the necessary medical services free of charge. For comparison: the signing of a similar contract in Glazov took eight months.

- How will the performance of the project office be evaluated?

Very simple. Each project has a passport and specific performance indicators, expressed in numbers, the result that we should get. For example, under the project "Udmurtia - Territories of Sports" there are social indicators - the involvement of people in amateur sports, and there are economic indicators - the money that we will attract to the republic through the implementation of this project. If we held a marathon similar to the Kazan marathon, then tax deductions from the funds that its participants brought with them could form 2% of the entire budget for sports in Udmurtia. Moreover, as a region, we should not spend anything on this event. It is enough to provide an opportunity for a private company to hold it in Udmurtia, and not in the neighboring region.

- It sounds nice, but the question arises: if everything is so simple, then why didn't we do it before?

It is not simple. We need to find the organizers of sporting events and motivate them to hold their starts here. This is a lot of serious work, but it just needs to be taken and done. How?

First, turn to hidden reserves. The republic is really interesting to many. On August 12-13, triathlon competitions will be held in Votkinsk starting from the Tchaikovsky estate. This is unique, there is no other such estate in the world.

In winter, the International Ski Marathon named after Galina Kulakova, the legend of world skiing, will take place, and it is cool and attractive to participate in such an event.

Reserves need to be found and used. Let's return to the same village of Sep, where 750 people live. There is a holiday there - the day of the village, to which 1,500 people are already coming, and 15,000 can come. The question is how to tell and show about it.

The most important thing is to make people feel that our work is useful. This is my motivation, what makes me work every day, seven days a week.
Alexander Svinin

The second is transparent, understandable rules of the game. The agreements clearly spell out what the republic is responsible for and what the investor invests and receives.

And the third is the activity of the Acting Head of the region Alexander Brechalov, his personal position and confidence that any private initiative that will serve the benefit of the inhabitants of the republic should have the support of the state.

- In the Civic Chamber of Russia, you worked with public and non-profit organizations (NPOs). What can be said about civic activity in Udmurtia?

Indeed, I know the third sector quite well in the country as a whole and in the regions. The community here is very strong. There are organizations, practices, approaches that can be called among the best in the country. The same Mentoring project did not appear out of nowhere. Udmurtia already had one of the best long-term support systems for difficult teenagers in the country, which involved both state structures and public organizations.

Izhevsk is a city with a strong core of local communities and civil activists who interact with each other, communicate, and implement joint projects. Horizontal ties in Izhevsk are very strong. In many capitals of subjects of the federation, this is not the case.

Moreover, there are many NGOs and activists not only in the capital, but also in other cities and regions of the republic. This is a very important and interesting environment, and we definitely need to work with it and involve it in solving common problems.

The third sector also has hidden potential, including economic one. The main product of this sector is trust: between the state and business, between the state and society, within society between citizens. An increase in the level of trust in society by 10% gives an increase in GDP by 0.8%. Many countries develop their economies by working with public organizations and initiatives, and we can do that too.

- Please tell us about yourself. What is behind the lines of the resume? What area do you consider yourself an expert in? What are your key competencies?

By education, I am a specialist in the field of recruitment. From the age of 18 to 26, I was engaged in one thing - the selection of personnel and the formation of teams. At the age of 24, he founded his own recruitment company and eventually turned from a specialist into an entrepreneur - the person who knows how to organize a process, implement a project based on this process and get the final result. I really like HR management, I lived it for a long time and learned a lot. Now this helps me quite easily form my team: I understand what kind of people I need to select, I know how to evaluate them, to see who has what strengths and weaknesses.

For three years at the Public Chamber and a year at the Perspektiva Foundation, I was more involved in project management, leading projects from idea to completion. In this sense, I am a practitioner. I understand how and what needs to be done to get results.

- Have you had any failures?

Certainly. When I attracted investments in my business, the first thing an investor asked me was: “What kind of failures have you already had? What are you on fire already? It is important not to hide, speak openly and admit, first of all to yourself, that it was a failure. I am embarrassed by people who say: "I'm so cool, I always succeeded."

Failure and laziness are the main engines of progress. Laziness helps to optimize all processes, failures allow you to learn and not make such mistakes again. I had both unsuccessful business projects and bankruptcies. And in social projects, things didn't always work out as planned. And I am glad that these mistakes were, that I was able to fill bumps on them so that I would not make them in the future.

- What are you proud of?

I hope that there are still projects to be truly proud of.

I am very grateful to Alexander Vladimirovich Brechalov for giving me the opportunity to work in Udmurtia. There is really a lot that can be done here, and most importantly - to benefit people.

- How long do you plan to live and work in Udmurtia?

It will be possible to talk about specific dates after September 10. If Brechalov's team earns the trust of the inhabitants of the republic, then I am ready to stay as long as my presence here will be as useful as possible.

- You moved to Izhevsk with your wife. Do you like it here?

I love. Wonderful republic, wonderful city. A lot of sun. Don't laugh, I know what I'm talking about - I lived in St. Petersburg for six years. We have a lot of sun in Udmurtia. Wonderful people. By the way, in informal communication, I often hear that in order to fulfill my potential, I need to leave. And I don't agree with that. The republic has every opportunity to develop. And this is another challenge for me: to show that Udmurtia is part of the global world.

I myself come from the Republic of Komi, Komi by nationality, I speak the Komi language ....

- We left Syktyvkar to fulfill ourselves...

But I'm in Izhevsk now, not in Moscow, New York or London. At the same time, there are no barriers to go to live somewhere, get an education, work experience, and competencies. But it's very cool to apply all this here!

It is interesting to make sure that in Udmurtia there are exhibitions of contemporary art and theatrical performances better than in Moscow. To have the best service here. To have universities that provide the best competencies. It can be done. And I'm sure someone is already doing it, maybe we just don't notice. We have great IT companies and manufacturing plants. People from different regions come here to work, and not just to work, but to live. They bring families here, connect their lives with Izhevsk.

What do you not like, what is missing?

We need to work on self-identification. Udmurtia - what is it about? What is Izhevsk as a city? What is our concept of development? Where do we want to go? It is necessary that this "about what" was clear to everyone - both the residents of the republic and those who come to us. And we all need to work on this together.

What do you personally want the most? What is your maximum life program?

What motivates me the most is the work I do, and I always want my work to be useful. From this I get the most satisfaction, I want to go and do something further. Probably, each time the scale and benefit of these projects increases - with age, experience, achievement of some positions. This is probably where I'm going. To make my business bigger, and, accordingly, people would benefit from it more. And my family is also very important to me, and I want it to become bigger too.



St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, master's program of the St. Petersburg branch of the National Research University graduate School Economics, Corvinus University in Budapest, Startup Project Management program of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.


He worked at the Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Association in the personnel management department, as a consultant at Kelly Services (an international recruitment and outsourcing company) and ANCOR (a recruitment agency).

In 2012, he founded his own company Smart Start (helping young professionals and students find jobs).

In 2012, he was elected a member of the board of the OPORA Russia organization.

Since 2015 - Assistant to the Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, then - Head of the project to support civil activists and the NGO "Perspektiva" of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, organizer and expert of regional forums of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation "Community".

Since 2016 - CEO Foundation for the support of civic engagement in small towns and rural areas "Perspektiva".

In April 2017, he was appointed Economic Adviser to the Acting Head of the Udmurt Republic Alexander Brechalov.


Invest in Udmurtia

A project to attract foreign and domestic investment, including reformatting the work of state bodies with investors, the transition to the principle of a single window and the creation of an investment map. Website:

Made in Udmurtia

The project is aimed at developing the entrepreneurial community in the republic, identifying existing problems and finding possible ways to solve them, as well as helping the best entrepreneurs in Udmurtia to enter new regional and international markets. Website:

Udmurtia - the territory of sports

The republic has all the infrastructure for organizing amateur sports competitions. The goal of the project is to bring them to a new qualitative level, involve more people in sports and develop sports tourism in Udmurtia. Website:

Text provided by Republic magazine. Text: Natalia Pocheptsova. Photo: Alexander Svinin archive,

Considering that IA Udm-Info does not objectively cover the activities of the economic bloc of the Government of the Udmurt Republic, he proposed to answer the acute questions raised in the publications.

The floor will be given to First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Svinin, editorial comments - later.

In Udmurtia, there is a negative trend in industrial growth. Why is this happening? What are you personally doing as First Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the economic bloc to ensure this growth?

Who told you that in Udmurtia there is a negative trend in industrial growth?

- There is a forecast of the Ministry of Economy of the UR…

If you look at the latest Udmurtstat statistics, you will see that we have a positive index dynamics in the republic industrial production. This indicator should be assessed not by months, but by the whole year, since many enterprises ship in December. For example, the production cycle of Votkinsky Zavod is 13 months, while other enterprises have 16, 20 months, but this does not mean that the enterprises are standing still. The indicator needs to be looked at in dynamics, and when all the press wrote that our industrial production index was falling, it was necessary to look at similar statistics from previous years.

Udmurtstat is our only source for the industrial production index. According to the latest data, the industrial production index amounted to 102.5% in 2018. During the first quarter, Udmurtstat will calculate the index for medium-sized enterprises, and then this figure will be even higher.

The next indicator to look at is the volume of shipped goods, that is, what enterprises were able to sell. He grew all year in Udmurtia, and significantly. The total growth in January-December was 18.9%, enterprises sold products worth 656 billion rubles. There are also indirect indicators: last year average salary at enterprises has grown by almost 7%, and salaries are increased where there is some potential for development.

What have I, as First Deputy Prime Minister, done for this? Let's separate these things... The government does not stand at the machine, does not manage factories, we do not have a planned economy, when we can load production in a directive way. The government influences the indicators indirectly, creates a favorable environment for the development of our industrial enterprises, and attracts resources for their development. Our task is to make sure that an enterprise, if it wants to develop, can receive these resources in the form of federal government subsidies, preferential loans, loans, state guarantees, preferential leasing and factoring programs. For two years, the Government of the Udmurt Republic has been helping enterprises sell their products by building sales and cooperation chains. In 2018, our enterprises attracted 4 times more loans than in 2017, which is about 1.5 billion rubles. With these funds, they carried out modernization and, since loans were at 1-5%, the payback of modernization will be faster.

Concerning creation of the environment. We have received the status of TASED for Sarapul, which reduces the tax and fiscal burden, and already 7 enterprises are operating there. The Trade House operates in the republic, which, at the request of enterprises, helps them to search for new markets and new customers. Once a month, we, as the Government, bring delegations of potential buyers of our factories' products to the region. Last year there were delegations from Lukoil, Sibur, TMK, UAC, TVEL. This year, already in February, a delegation from Gazprom Neft will arrive to look for potential suppliers. We in the Government monitor each contract after each such visit.

We help our companies build relationships with state corporations, in particular, with Russian Railways. To date, three enterprises are making large test deliveries for Russian Railways - these are large volumes of industrial goods.

We are doing this work systematically. Our task at economic forums is to sell: to show products and organize meetings of our entrepreneurs and directors with potential buyers. My goal at the Sochi Investment Forum is to get pre-contracts worth 5 billion rubles for enterprises in Udmurtia. This task was set before me by the Head of the Republic.

- Do you already know what you are going to the forum with?

Naturally, the lists are worked out in advance. I will not reveal any secret, these are primarily civilian products of our defense enterprises - the Kalashnikov Concern, IEMZ Kupol, Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, these are medical products of Axion.

We will promote our medium and small businesses. There are enterprises that are engaged in oilfield services - this is Technovek, there are IT companies, for example, TsVT, their product Palantir, which monitors the loading of robotic machines, we separately transport to the Sochi Investment Forum.

And we do not just stand there at the booth waiting for potential buyers, we ask the organizing committee of the forum in advance for a list of enterprises that will come there. We take a list of our enterprises that have applied to us and want to develop, sell more, look at the range of their products. We connect, coordinate with representatives of enterprises, write official letters, make appointments. We offer specific projects and, if we see interest, we bring together potential buyers and manufacturers.

- Does the Sochi Forum have any specifics?

We [see] the Sochi forum as a place for selling and promoting our products among regional administrations, state companies and large private companies.

With which companies we are going to negotiate, I will not disclose yet, this is a commercial story. We will hold these meetings, get the result, and we will tell you about the result.

- Were there any companies, negotiations with which were not crowned with success?

Yes, for example, we had a TMK delegation, but this moment they have not placed a single order in Udmurtia. We cannot force them to buy something in the republic, this is a matter of commercial agreements. But this case cannot be called unsuccessful, in any case, the delegation was at our enterprises, and if the company has a need for certain products, they will probably remember our enterprises faster - simply because they were there.

- Are the visits of delegations to the republic scheduled in advance?

Oh sure. Last year we planned that 12 delegations would visit Udmurtia, 10 of them did. This year 14 visits of companies are planned.

You were one of the organizers of the transaction for the sale of JSC Izhevsk Electric Networks. Why there was a decrease in the value of the asset: at first there was information about 5.4 billion rubles ...

They wrote that we were going to sell the asset for 800 million!

- ... nevertheless, the information was contradictory.

Believe me, there is probably no more open official than me. My number mobile phone and e-mail address are published on the website of the Government and the website of the Development Corporation of Udmurtia. There is no problem to take a comment, having received information from the primary source, and not to feed on rumors and speculation. This is the first.

Second. We do everything openly and publicly, nothing happens under the carpet.

Third. The head of Udmurtia commented on the deal.

As for me... I'm not the organizer of the deal, it sounds like an "organized crime group". The seller was the Izhevsk Electric Networks themselves - they sold the property. And the "IES" has an owner - this is the municipality "City of Izhevsk". In the person of the head of the city, this deal was implemented, we, as the Government, only helped our colleagues from the municipality to structure this deal, nothing more.

Once again, the Government team helped the municipality in this transaction. At the Government level, we entered into agreements with Rosseti for a year - on long-term cooperation, this is an agreement with the "daughter" of Rosseti, MRSK, regarding 23.9 billion investments over 10-12 years, these funds will come from MRSK to the economy of the republic, in energy complex.

These agreements are signed at the level of the Head, but then, let's say, they work in certain territories, and the ownership structure is built in such a way that the republic does not own the network property, it is owned by the municipalities. We can coordinate and direct the work of municipalities, as we work in a single Team of Udmurtia, and we helped our colleagues from the municipality in the deal on IES.

- That is, participated in the organization?

Helped! The issue of "participation in an organization" is a legal issue. And from the point of view of legal technique, we could not participate in this transaction. There is a seller, and he sells, we do not put our signatures under this deal.

Regarding the appraisal... There is not a single document confirming that someone wanted to sell the property of IES for 800 million. Show me at least one document in which the price of 5 billion appears. There is a conclusion appraisal company, which valued the property of IES JSC at 5 billion, but any appraisal company is part of a self-regulatory organization that must either approve the report of the appraisal company or refute it. The report, which includes an estimate of 5.4 billion rubles, was denied by the SRO.

If you read this report and see how it was compiled, you will know that the poles on which the wires hang were recognized commercial real estate. And cadastral value each column was calculated as the cost square meter in some business center. But you will not place offices on poles! This assessment is unfair, carried out with gross violation Russian legislation, which is the conclusion of the SRO. Therefore, the property of IES JSC has never been worth 5 billion rubles.

Any such transaction goes through several stages of approvals. And believe me, no one will ever let you sell property for more than 3 billion rubles, simply because someone wanted to. And, unfortunately, little is written about it. The issue of approving the assessment is within the competence of the board of directors of the IES, there are 7 people on the board of directors, and it is the board of directors who is asked whether to approve the assessment after the conclusion of the SRO, or not to approve it. And if 7 people approved the assessment, then they agreed with it.

In addition, the deal is being approved by the FAS. The FAS Russia approves the parameters of the transaction, both on the part of the seller and the buyer. We have the conclusion of the FAS of Russia that the transaction was carried out in a legal field, according to a fair assessment, and the FAS does not object to its execution.

Why was Rosseti the primary buyer for us? Because this is a state-owned company, a company that already has a large asset here - Udmurtenergo, this is a company that, when making a deal, coordinates it with the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, who is on the board of directors of Rosseti. And if the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation says that the deal is fair and necessary for energy complex Udmurtia…

- ... You dare not doubt it?

This is a specialized sectoral ministry, we have no reason to doubt. In addition, we have an estimate of 3 billion rubles, which is approved by the SRO - this is an official document.

If anyone has a business case that property is worth more, let's talk about it. So far, no one has given such a justification. The company's property was sold above the balance sheet value, with an encumbrance - more than 500 people should be employed.

If I have an order from the Head of the Republic or the Chairman of the Government of the UR, I will fulfill them, including those related to Izhavia. At the moment, I have no instructions regarding Izhavia. And if Izhavia has any questions to the economic bloc of the Government, we will be happy to help and advise them, now there are no such requests.

- Do you predict that Izhavia will soon turn to you for help?

We believe that the company is managed quite professionally. It has a number of economic and financial problems, but in general, the air transportation market in the country is unprofitable. If you look at the capitalization of Aeroflot, it has been declining for several years. The market is stagnating: rising fuel prices, increasing airport taxes, reducing purchasing power citizens - all this affects the activities of airlines. At the same time, our airline achieved an increase in passenger traffic in 2018, our airport was greatly updated, Aeroflot began flying, all this is the merit of the people who manage the asset.

- The position of the first vice-premier is not spelled out in the Constitution of the UR...

Where do you get all this, I wonder? I will read it to you right now: Article 5 of the law of the UR dated December 13, 2016 No. 84-RZ, which defines the structure of the Government of the UR, it provides for the presence of deputy prime ministers, including the first deputy. There is a Decree of the Government of the UR of 16.08.2018 No. 209-RP, in which the duties of the members of the Government of the UR are distributed, it also provides for my position. And, as far as I know the history of public administration, I am not the first first deputy chairman of the Government of the UR.

This is a fairly serious accusation that you bring against me, arguing that I have no right to hold this position. And I have the right to sue you. I respect the opinion of journalists, and if you think that I have no right to hold this position, please, there is the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, the Accounts Chamber, which can check the activities of the Government. And you have the right to apply to these bodies, to request the necessary information.

Believe me, if it were true that I am not eligible to hold this position, the State Council of the UR would not have voted for my appointment.

The head of the republic suggested finding additional funds through the alienation of republican assets. Has the division of property begun?

As it became known to the correspondent, the head of Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov, decided to find additional funds for the construction of roads through the alienation of republican assets.

It turns out that in the republic there are about 300 enterprises with republican participation and a turnover of 19 billion rubles. However, this is not used by the regional authorities in any way. Apparently, the time has come, and in Udmurtia, perhaps, the redistribution of property will begin.

Well, what a field of activity that has not been plowed - about three hundred enterprises can be taken over by putting their people in charge. And billions will flow into your pocket like a stormy river of money.

One of these enterprises is Udmuravtodor, which includes 18 divisions. In May, Alexander Korepanov left the post of its head, who had worked under the former governor Alexander Solovyov, who was accused of taking bribes in the amount of 140 million rubles. According to rumors, searches also took place in Korepanov's office.

And on November 14, Sergei Lukin left the post of head of Udmuravtodor, who had worked in the position for just over six months. And immediately Alexander Brechalov announced the alienation of the asset. Apparently, the person needed by the governor was found. And there is someone to transfer the enterprise into reliable hands, from which then, probably, it will be possible to “feed”.

The governor cleans up Udmurtia?

Vladimir Yastreb, who previously headed the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate under the Ministry of Construction of Udmurtia, became the new head of the enterprise. He came to this position quite recently from Moscow, where he worked as a leading specialist of the Fund for Monitoring Public Procurement and Property Auctions “For Fair Purchases”.

It is noteworthy that Vladimir's brother Ivan Yastreb, who previously worked in the same fund, heads the Ministry of Construction, which is planned to be merged with the Ministry of Energy and Housing from January 1. And then already Brechalov, apparently, will turn his attention to other enterprises that he mentioned besides Udmuravtodor - Izhvodokanal, Izhevsk Electric Networks and many other assets.

Apparently, the Yastreb brothers are old acquaintances of Alexander Brechalov from his work as the secretary of the public chamber (OP) and in the ONF. It turns out that the newly-made governor is dragging into the region the same "Varangians" as himself. The brothers practically received the “fattest” regional pieces from the hands of Brechalov. And to whom else to give them if not to old acquaintances?

And at the same time, Alexander Brechalov says that state and municipal assets should be transparent. Apparently, the governor has himself in mind. Should all positions be filled by his people? This, probably, is the principle of transparency in the Brechalov style.

For example, in July, Brechalov demanded the resignation of the heads of the State Unitary Enterprise Pharmacies of Udmurtia and the State Unitary Enterprise Pharmacia Ivan Alabuzhev and Alexei Merzlyakov due to signs of deliberate bankruptcy of enterprises. Anastasia Mutalenko, who later received the post of Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy, became their anti-crisis manager. Apparently, she managed to adequately prove herself in front of Brechalov.

Two-headed government?

After the election of the governor, the government of Udmurtia was formed, which caused great bewilderment among political experts. Brechalov actually created two parallel governments. One will report to Yaroslav Semyonov, the premier approved by the State Council, the other to Sergei Smirnov, head of the Administration of the Head and Government of Udmurtia. What are the goals of the governor? Apparently, he wanted to please all the “Varangians” who came to the region with him.

Alexander Svinin became Deputy Prime Minister, in 2015 - Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Office. And then it was Alexander Brechalov. Svinin has been waiting for his position since 2017 as an adviser to the acting head of Udmurtia. Waited!

The following ministries will be subordinate to it: economy, industry and trade, as well as the Ministry of Informatization and Communications allocated to a separate structure. At the personal request of Svinin, who positions himself as a sports person, the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy was also subordinated to him. Since when did an official's hobby become the basis for subordinating the ministry to him?

The Ministry of Property Relations, which supposedly has a place in the economic bloc of the Government, has gone under the supervision of another bloc - the financial one. They approved Anatoly Strokov, who, after graduating from the university, managed to work in only one place - the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Undoubtedly, the armchair theorist will be very useful to the region. According to the governor, Strokov has good connections in the federal treasury and a great desire to put into practice everything he learned. Sure, not a problem! The Republic of Udmurtia is an excellent testing ground for this.

Mikhail Khomich, Alexander Brechalov's envoy to the President of Russia, also received the position of Deputy Prime Minister. Prior to this, Khomich worked scientific staff at Moscow State University and seemed to be the director of several Moscow firms. During his appointment, he mentioned China several times in his speech. And, probably, no one doubts that the Celestial Empire is ready to cooperate with distant Udmurtia.

Why did Anastasia Mutalenko earn Brechalov's trust?

Deputy Prime Minister Anastasia Mutalenko was given the social block of the Government, she will be responsible for the work of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, created from two ministries. And, for sure, she will cope, since she worked either as an engineer-economist, or as a estimator. Is it really necessary for a vice-premier to have at least some idea of ​​social policy? According to Brechalov, probably not. Apparently, the vice-premier also has other advantages.

None of the governor's nominees meets the requirements for civil servants. However, this is not the main thing. But they all most likely meet the requirements of Alexander Brechalov. It seems that he probably just dragged his entire party from Moscow to Udmurtia. To steer the republic was both handy and boring.

Political scientists do not quite understand how Yaroslav Semyonov and Sergei Smirnov will share power. But this is only at first glance. Semenov in 2016-2017 worked in the office, and Smirnov - in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. And there is no doubt that they will get along. Both, most likely, were sent for an internship in Udmurtia under the command of Brechalov. It is necessary for the young shoots to gain state experience somewhere.

Unknown Brechalov?

Alexander Brechalov got to the post of acting governor of Udmurtia from the post of secretary of the OP, where no one had seen him and was not going to be re-elected. And the reason for this was the scandals that Brechalov fell into.

Some obscure firms providing hairdressing services or tailoring suddenly received contracts to prepare a report on the state of civil society of the OP and train OP activists. The amounts in the contracts were considerable - 18 million rubles. and 13 million rubles. Apparently, professional political scientists and sociologists seemed to be among the seamstresses and hairdressers, who readily took up the work for Brechalov.

The secretary of the OP was accused of allowing non-core organizations to participate in government tenders. And it was Brechalov who got off lightly. They could also be accused of "cutting" public money.

Most likely, patrons stood up for Brechalov, to whom he could provide “delicate” services, being on the board of directors of Uniastrum Bank, which he allegedly left in 2014, moving to the civil service.

There are also many scandals associated with this bank. And Alexander Brechalov could be involved in them, since he has been on the board of directors of Uniastrum since 2007. until 2014. Brechalov was even attacked by unknown persons who shot him twice and took away his briefcase. Whether with money, or with important documents.

The bank, apparently, successfully “sawed” money with managers for a long time Bank of Cyprus after acquiring an 80% stake in Uniastrum for twice its value. And Alexander Brechalov could have a good share there.

Their Russian depositors, who actively expressed their disagreement with the actions of the bank, holding unauthorized protests throughout the country.

Alexander Brechalov will play any role?

Apparently, "delicate" services, which could include the withdrawal of money abroad or illegal cashing, played a role. Alexander Brechalov was noticed and invited to big politics. At that time, people of a new format were needed, able to communicate with the people in their language. Brechalov became the co-chairman of the ONF, and a little later the secretary of the OP.

He came to the regions in a sweater and jeans and talked to people. And at first they believed him. Brechalov seemed to be his own, a man who sincerely wants to change the situation. It never occurred to anyone that the young promising politician was simply playing the role allotted to him.

However, two years later, the activists of the ONF, apparently, saw the light and realized that Brechalov's words were an empty phrase. And they have no real business behind them. Trust in him began to plummet, and an outflow of activists from the ONF began. Upstairs, apparently, they realized that this card is a bit. And we need to look for new people. And Brechalov was sent to Udmurtia.

Apparently, Alexander Brechalov is an ordinary "puppet" in the hands of big politicians. He recently delegated Lyubov Glebova, the former head of Rossotrudnichestvo, to the Federation Council. Completed the task?

But evil tongues predicted Glebova a completely different place, gossip that she likes to visit the best restaurants on the planet, has several properties in Russia and abroad, and millions of dollars lie in her accounts. Which is very surprising for a Russian official. But, perhaps, it is not surprising for Sergei Kiriyenko's "Komsomol girlfriend".

What they say to Brechalov from above, he will probably do. And whoever they send from above to the government of Udmurtia, he will appoint. How else? Big politics is a serious thing. There, in time, you need to suck up and substitute.

The Republic of Udmurtia, apparently, has been turned into a training ground for major politicians. And what they will do with it, no one knows. Perhaps everyone will start rowing for themselves. And then dumped on new posts. Probably, so far in Udmurtia they have not yet understood this. Otherwise, Alexander Brechalov would not have been elected governor of the region. No matter how now the inhabitants of the republic have to disentangle the consequences of their choice

On October 2, at the session of the State Council of Udmurtia, a new structure of the Government of the Republic was presented. Its author - the newly elected Head of the Republic Alexander Brechalov - did not limit himself to cosmetic repairs, creating, in fact, two parallel governments. One will report to Prime Minister Yaroslav Semyonov, approved by the State Council, the other - to the head of the Administration of the Head and Government of Udmurtia, Sergei Smirnov.

Sergei Smirnov, Alexander Brechalov and Yaroslav Semyonov | photo

Why did Alexander Brechalov take such a strange step? Most likely, when forming a new structure, the Head of Udmurtia put at the forefront not expediency, but the satisfaction of the ambitions of each of the “Varangians” who came with him to Udmurtia.

Satisfying ambition

The fact that the Head of the Republic is trying to distribute earrings to all the sisters is evidenced by at least this fact. The State Council approved Alexander Svinin for the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. But instead of another specialized ministry, property relations, Alexander Svinin was subordinated to the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy. Apparently, this strange-looking decision was made at the suggestion of Mr. Svinin himself, who positions himself as a sports person.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Udmurtia Alexander Svinin

The Ministry of Property Relations, which has its very place in the economic bloc of the Government, has gone under the supervision of another bloc - the financial one. In this capacity, Anatoly Strokov was approved by the State Council, after graduating from the university he worked in only one place - the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Anatoly Strokov, head of the financial block of the government of Udmurtia

It is difficult to imagine how yesterday's assistant professor of this educational institution, an armchair theorist, will oversee the finances of the entire region. Enumerating the merits of Anatoly Strokov, the new Head of Udmurtia mentioned the latter's "good connections" in the federal treasury and Strokov's willingness to put into practice everything he learned. Is Udmurtia becoming a testing ground for practical testing of theoretical knowledge?

He received the status of Deputy Prime Minister and Plenipotentiary of Alexander Brechalov under the President of Russia Mikhail Khomich, who is faced with the task of promoting products made in Udmurtia to regional and overseas markets. Mr. Khomich himself in his speech repeatedly mentioned China, allegedly interested in cooperation with distant Udmurtia.

Permanent Representative of the Head of the UR under the President of the Russian Federation Mikhail Khomich

Anastasia Mutalenko, who had previously been an anti-crisis manager at the State Unitary Enterprise "Apteki Udmurtia" and "Pharmacy", became another vice-premier. She was given the social block of the Government, in which she will be responsible for the work of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, created from two ministries.

Anastasia Mutalenko, Head of the Social Block of the Government

Experience doesn't matter

Even before the session of the State Council, the question was raised about the compliance of the four future vice-premiers with the qualification requirements for civil servants. None of Alexander Brechalov's nominees matches them: Alexander Svinin does not have enough work experience in his specialty. The education received by Anastasia Mutalenko has nothing to do with the social sphere at all, having graduated from the university with a degree in Economics in Construction, she worked either as an engineer-economist or as an estimator. Anatoly Strokov is an armchair scientist with no experience of independent economic activity, and Mikhail Khomich is a former businessman who has never worked in state authorities for a single day.

The faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the session timidly raised the question of whether the appointees meet the qualification requirements. And I received a discouraging answer from the legal department: the positions of deputy chairmen of the government are not public, so the length of service of the candidates does not matter. That is, even yesterday's student can become vice-premier of the regional cabinet of ministers.

The deputies did not dare to delve into the topic and quickly voted for the candidates proposed to them. Now Prime Minister Yaroslav Semyonov has four full-fledged deputies, two more have not yet been appointed. This is the post of Deputy Prime Minister, curator of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Construction and the Inspectorate of State Supervision, as well as the post of Deputy Chairman, who will be subordinate to the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Solovyov's legacy

On the same day, the Government of Udmurtia finally released the legacy of the former head of the republic, Alexander Solovyov. Natalya Sudarikova was carefully moved to the Head's advisers, and Sergei Fefilov was simply relieved of his post.

To all appearances, some ministers, inherited by Alexander Brechalov from his predecessor, will also have to follow the path of Sergei Fefilov. The source of the NMM in the Administration of the Head of Udmurtia claims that the staff of the Government will be renewed by 70-80%. There, most likely, there will be no Deputy Prime Minister for Agro-Industrial Complex Sergei Tokarev and Minister of Agriculture Alexander Prokhorov.

Apparently, Olga Korepanova and Nadezhda Gubskaya will part with their chairs, their ministries have been merged into one. Mikhail Zaitsev, Ivan Novikov and Alexei Sheptalin have few chances to stay in the Government. The head of the republic, Alexander Brechalov, has repeatedly publicly expressed dissatisfaction with their work.

Minister of Culture Vladimir Solovyov and head of the Ministry of Sports Igor Krasnov can keep their positions. Only two ministers of the “Soloviev call” are guaranteed to continue their work: the head of the Ministry of National Affairs Larisa Buranova and Stanislav Evdokimov, approved by the State Council as Minister of Finance.

dual command

All structural changes in the Government must be completed by January 1, 2018. The new structure of the Cabinet has been adopted and is not subject to appeal. Although it is already obvious today that there is at least one potential conflict situation in the structure itself: if some of the ministers report not to the prime minister, but to the head of the Administration of the Head, this may affect the performance of the entire government.

In the future, contradictions may arise between the "Varangian" ministers and local cadres. The latter may find themselves in the role of "scapegoats": on occasion it will be possible to hang all sins on them and dismiss them with a clear conscience, replacing them with people from other regions.

In addition, it is still not clear what position Alexander Brechalov will take towards the Government. Will he personally lead the ministers and vice-premiers, or will he entrust operational management to Yaroslav Semyonov? What will be the role of the head of the Administration of the Head of the UR Sergey Smirnov? And will the fact that Smirnov is a legally registered Deputy Head of the Republic, and Semyonov not, mean anything?

In any case, the style of work of the Cabinet will be noticeably different from that to which the inhabitants of Udmurtia have been accustomed for decades. Whether these changes will be beneficial, we will find out very soon.

In less than a month, it will be a year since the previous Head of Udmurtia, Alexander Solovyov, went under investigation to Moscow, and Alexander Brechalov flew back on the return flight - then acting, and in September - the elected Head. Of course, everyone understood that the “Muscovite” would purge the personnel of the government of the republic, but hardly anyone imagined that distrust in local personnel would become not so much an exception as a rule. Only four ministers retained their posts in the Brechalov Government: Stanislav Evdokimov, Vladimir Solovyov, Anna Botalova and Larisa Buranova. But they, like other local cadres in the Brechalov Government, are only executors, other people have the initiative and the right to vote there - and not even all of the so-called Varangians.

In May last year, the telegram channel Delovaya Udmurtia published the material "", where he tried to collect information about the members of the VRIO team. A lot has changed over the year and we are again trying to understand: who is now on the Brechalov team and who is responsible for what in it?

Alexander Brechalov

Head of the Udmurt Republic

Alexander Brechalov inherited a rather weak government - this was obvious even before the change of power (and, it seems, even Solovyov himself) and therefore it was not difficult to predict future personnel difficulties.

In general, this is a normal situation for a person who: a) has no local roots and b) has no experience in the executive branch.

The first meant that it would not be easy for Brechalov to look for people on the spot. Here he has only two options - either trust those who are and try to change them as necessary, or not trust and try to replace them with someone outside. Both are partly used.

And the lack of experience in the executive branch meant that, firstly, he also did not have a team with such experience; secondly, that there are no competencies to evaluate potential candidates for such work.

Interestingly, at first, Alexander Brechalov even organized testing of candidates for positions in the government - which is noteworthy, "local" candidates. However, it does not seem that this can be counted as an admission of one's inability to evaluate. Rather, it was such a public action, rather meaningless, judging by the result.

As a result, the expectations of a shortage of personnel were fully justified: the Brechalov team turned out to be not numerous enough to close even top-level vacancies in the government of the UR. By and large, it turned out to be not numerous at all. Of the people in the front office, only five people can be called real members of the design bureau, the rest are contracted performers.

In fact, the government has not been fully formed to this day: no deputy prime ministers for agro-industrial complex and construction, the minister of industry and trade have been appointed, and seven members of the government are working with prefixes acting. - including Deputy Prime Minister Anastasia Mutalenko.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, not only ministers were fired and fired, but also deputy ministers, heads of departments and the like. And if inconspicuous positions are filled automatically - due to the usual rotation, then any noticeable personnel decision today requires going through a multi-stage system of approvals up to the approval of "himself", which incredibly delays the procedure and today the personnel issue in the Udmurt government is even more acute than under Alexander Solovyov.

Alexander Svinin


The most influential member of Brechalov's team. Right hand. Mr. Svinin has been working with the Head of the Republic since Opora Rossii (approximately since 2012). Actually, he is the Brechalov team.

That is why, despite his young age (30 years), Svinin not only received the high post of First Deputy Prime Minister in the republican government, but in fact is the second person in the Udmurt power vertical - immediately after Brechalov. Even the formal powers of Svinin are enormous: he oversees the economic bloc in the government (responsible for investments - the “top” topic), industry, trade, sports, information Technology. In the absence of specialized vice-premiers, the first vice-premier also oversees transport, construction, housing and communal services and Agriculture. In fact, he is responsible for everything that should bring money.

Of the entire team, probably only Svinin has almost unlimited access to the head and enjoys his trust. It is Svinin (and not Semyonov, for example) who participates in Brechalov's meetings with prominent entrepreneurs. He also represents the most significant projects of the team and he is always there for Brechalov at public events: from the ski marathon to investment forum. He, apparently, is behind many personnel decisions not only in the Government, but also, for example, in the administration of Izhevsk.

Yaroslav Semenov

Chairman of the Government of the UR

He was known to Brechalov from the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, where Mr. Semyonov first worked as deputy to Sergei Smirnov, then head of the apparatus of the RF OP, and then he himself headed the apparatus.

In Brechalov's government, "a man on the farm." Yaroslav Semenov is entrusted with the operational management of the work of the Government - he is responsible for ensuring that executive bodies the authorities promptly executed the decisions made at the top: they coordinated the papers, prepared the necessary legal acts, collected statistics, controlled and reported. Since the bench is short, you have to work "for yourself and for that guy." In this regard, Mr. Semyonov is exempted from writing optimistic posts on social networks and running. And I must say that there are no complaints about his work - the person is in his place, everything that depends on him is carried out clearly on time.

Sometimes Semyonov has to take the rap for unpopular projects and decisions that are obviously not made by him. Recall, for example, the project to increase transport tax, which caused a storm of negativity.

Mikhail Khomich

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the UR, Permanent Representative of the Head of the UR under the President of the Russian Federation

Promotion. Judging by the posts on social networks, Khomich is something like a man-sandwich, on which “Made in Udmurtia” is written on both sides. To promote the republic, he was engaged by Alexander Brechalov after the appointment of the acting head of Udmurtia, and this is exactly what Khomich is doing to this day.

How successful? Head loves it.

It is curious that Mikhail Khomich almost lost his post with the shameful wording “due to loss of confidence” (which would forever close his career in the civil service) after it became known that, already holding a public position, he continued to be listed as the head of a private enterprise. The scandal became known at the very top. However, the special commission, which was engaged in an impartial investigation of the case, did not find the composition - it turned out that the alarm was raised due to the fact that tax authority did not make an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on time. And this suggests that Brechalov cherishes Khomich very much.

Sergei Smirnov

Head of Administration of the Head and Government of the UR

Worked with Brechalov in the Public Chamber.

Now the "power block". On the one hand, Mr. Smirnov fell on the not prestigious, but traditionally inherent in the head of the administration, the function of a government supply manager, on the other, the role of the person responsible for personnel decisions and internal policy, which makes the position one of the highest in the republican hierarchy.

According to rumors, Mr. Smirnov, who is not very skilled in finding compromise solutions, is used by the head of the republic where the course of the new government should be outlined extremely rigidly: for example, in changing the mechanism for electing heads of municipalities or dismissing the ministers of the “old team”.

At the same time, Sergei Smirnov failed to obtain the status and position of Deputy Head of Udmurtia, which he was promised. And, they say, Mr. Smirnov is very dissatisfied with this. Some telegram channels specializing in politics, relying on the above rumors, even concluded that Sergey Smirnov would become a candidate from the Brechalov team for the post of head of Izhevsk.

Anastasia Mutalenko

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Mrs. Mutalenko, yesterday's activist of the ONF, got a problematic social block in the Government of Udmurtia - the ministries of large expenditures: education, health care, social politics. Despite the fact that expenses are subject to reduction (although at the same time it is necessary to fulfill the May decrees, raising the salaries of state employees), we can say that Anastasia Mutalenko was given a job in which there are as many headaches as possible, but no laurels.

It is interesting that the head of the most problematic block, who, moreover, distinguished himself (according to the head) in the battle for the "Pharmacy of Udmurtia", still works in the status of "acting".

Anatoly Strokov

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Financial Consultant. He was invited to the Government of the UR with one function - to carefully read the directives issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and monitor their thorough implementation.

There is no doubt that Mr. Minister of Finance of the UR Stanislav Evdokimov would have coped with this, but he is a “local”, which means that he does not deserve unconditional trust. Apparently, Mr. Strokov owes his appearance in Izhevsk exclusively to this circumstance.