Help knd 1120101 how to get it. Certificate of absence of tax arrears. Obligation to provide a certificate


KND 1120101 - Certificate showing the taxpayer’s debts for taxes, fines, penalties, interest. or the absence of them. The certificate is provided to the applicant in electronic or paper form.

Important: If there are debts (even a few kopecks), the wording of the certificate will be “has an unfulfilled obligation to pay taxes” - Such a certificate will not allow you to participate in the tender.

How to obtain a certificate KND 1120101 on electronic media?

When submitting an application to participate in an open competition or auction, you must provide a certificate of the taxpayer’s fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes KND 1120101. The certificate is provided in electronic form, signed with a qualified electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The easiest way to obtain a Certificate of compliance by the taxpayer with the obligation to pay taxes (KND 1120101) is by using an (ION) request.

(ION) is a service that allows you to create a request to the tax authority to receive certificates, acts and other documents. Stands for: Taxpayer Information Service.

How to send an ION request to the tax office?

The transmission (ION) of the request is carried out electronically via telecommunication channels (TCC), this requires a qualified electronic signature issued by the electronic document management operator (EDF). To send an ION request, I use the Taxcom operator, but you can use any other operator. You can find out the current electronic reporting operators in your region on the website

ION request - detailed instructions

Step one:

  • Log in using your electronic signature key to the Online Sprinter system.
  • On the Online Sprinter main screen, click the "Create" button.

Step Two:

  • On the document creation screen, set the marker to the “Request ION” position
  • Select the document form - 1166101 - Request for the provision of information services.

Step Three:

  • On the request screen for the provision of information services, fill in all the required fields: (TIN, KPP, Address of location in the Russian Federation, etc.)
  • In the "request code" input field, select: Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer (payer of fees, tax agent) of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest. The required response format should be specified as "XML".
  • Input field "Date" - Indicates the date of relevance of the certificate, if the date is not specified, then the relevance of the certificate will be on the date of generation of the request to the Federal Tax Service
  • Then send a request to generate a certificate using the appropriate “Submit” button.

Step four:

This file is an electronically signed Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes and can be uploaded to the interface of the application for participation in the ETZP Russian Railways auction,

Useful material: How to prepare a certificate (KND 1120101) for passing control of attachment documents when uploading to the Russian Railways ETZP.

How to obtain a certificate KND 1120101 on paper?

To obtain a certificate of absence of debt on paper, you must fill out an application in the form of Appendix No. 8. Form for issuing a certificate in the form of KND 1120101 - form.

The completed application is submitted to the tax authority. Within the period established by the regulations, a Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes will be issued, in paper form, signed by the head or deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The certificate is certified by the official seal of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

How to request certificate 1120101 on the tax website?

The next available option for obtaining a certificate of no debt is to make a request through the tax inspectorate website

In order to use this method, you will need to register in the personal account of a legal entity on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

    Disadvantages of this method:
  • To send a request through your personal account, you will need an electronic signature and a Crypto Pro license. The cost today ranges from 3000-5000 rubles.
  • The received certificate KND 1120101 will be on paper, which will not allow the use of this certificate in the interface of some trading platforms.

Deadlines for issuing KND certificate 1120101

The deadline for issuing a certificate according to the Federal Tax Service regulations is within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the request (clause 10, clause 1, article 32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 163, clause 177 of the Federal Tax Service Regulations,

approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2012 N 99n).

As a rule, it is possible to receive a certificate much faster, and in electronic form usually within one business day.


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Issuing certificates of absence of tax debt is one of the most popular services that tax authorities are required to provide to applicants. In practice, obtaining a document is fraught with numerous obstacles.

There are two types of certificates about the presence or absence of tax debt:
1. Certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent) of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest ( KND 1120101)
2. Certificate on the status of settlements for taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest of organizations and individual entrepreneurs (KND 1160080)

To order a tax debt certificate, you must send a request by filling out all the fields in the order form on our website. Our specialists will prepare all the necessary papers, without your presence, and will come to you to sign the documents. After signing, the request for receipt will be submitted to your territorial tax office. When certificate of no debt will be ready, you will receive a message by e-mail, and a specialist from the certificate issuing department will call you to clarify the delivery time. Cost of the service for obtaining a certificate of no debt KND 1120101 is 2000 rubles.

On average, the period for issuing information is ten days from the date of submission. Tax authorities do not include weekends in this period, as well as dates officially recognized as non-working days. Delays and refusals in issuing certificates are not uncommon, however, they can be eliminated by contacting a law firm.

From 10 working days

Cost from 200 rub.

Providing information about the presence or absence of debts to the budget and funds is usually required for obtaining lines of credit, loans, and concluding other contracts with banks. This document is necessary for liquidation and reorganization procedures, as well as in other cases.

Getting help
"Preparing a request"

Preparing a request

Preparation of a power of attorney

Courier services

Receiving a completed certificate

Total 200 rub.


Getting help
"Full construction"

Preparing a request

Preparation of a power of attorney

Courier services

Submitting a request to your home tax office

Receiving a completed certificate

Total 2000 rub.


Obtaining a tax debt certificate yourself?

There is no standard form for requesting a certificate of absence of debts for fees and taxes. The required information in the application must include:

  • name or surname of the taxpayer;
  • identification and registration numbers;
  • registration address, contact phone number;
  • title of the appeal “Application”;
  • requirement to provide information about the presence or absence of debt for fees, taxes, social and insurance contributions;
  • date of application;
  • the applicant's signature and, if available, a seal.

The application, together with a copy of the identification document, is submitted to the department for working with taxpayers in the territorial tax authorities. The taxpayer is recommended to submit a request to the authorities with which he was registered. Thus, the time required to prepare a certificate is significantly reduced.

Providing information on debt to the budget and extra-budgetary funds is free of charge. However, to avoid delays, incorrect filing of applications and other problems, taxpayers often turn to professional lawyers. For a small fee, clients receive documents in a short time, and unreasonable demands from tax inspectors are excluded.

What to do if there is debt?

Sometimes the certificate, which took a lot of time to obtain, indicates a small debt. In such cases, lawyers recommend providing the document together with the repayment receipts, while simultaneously submitting a request for a new certificate.

In conclusion, it should be said about three ways to apply for a document: in person, by post and electronically. In all cases, applicants are presented with a document of equal legal force.

The current situation with the tightening of relationships between taxpayers and official collection authorities requires obtaining clear data on the presence or absence of current or overdue debt. Any tax authorities are required to issue, upon first application, a document showing information on mutual settlements that may be required by budget authorities. The document has an official name - a certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer of the obligation to pay taxes. The official code of the KND certificate is 1120101. What kind of certificate this is, and what exactly is indicated in it, will be discussed below.

What information is included in the document and when is it needed?

No obligation to the Federal Tax Service is required to provide local requirements (for participation in legal tenders or for carrying out any transactions by private individuals).

The need for information about the absence of tax debts, presented in the form of KND 1120101, arises:

  • if it is required by the company’s counterparty, including individual entrepreneurs;
  • to participate in competitive and trade transactions where the absence of debt obligations for taxes is required;
  • upon liquidation or, conversely, expansion of the company (for an LLC or other form of enterprise ownership);
  • when the founder leaves the list of owners;
  • to receive funding or subsidized government assistance.

The need of individuals for this information arises in the following cases:

  • registration of tax benefits (payments to the budget);
  • sale or acquisition of real estate and other valuables;
  • change of citizenship;
  • execution of transactions under civil law contracts.

Formally, KND 1120101 contains information in a unified form about the absence of tax debts, or, if there are any, the codes of the applicant’s debts are indicated. It is necessary to have a seal and signature on the document KND 1120101 of an authorized employee of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The document (KND 1120101) does not take into account amounts for investment loans, obligations for which installment plans have been provided, or there are decisions to recognize the debt as discharged.

It is worth noting that a request for a certificate KND 1120101 about the absence of tax debts is submitted personally by the applicant (an individual or the owner of an enterprise).

The information is generated based on data for the period of receipt of the application for their provision.

The procedure for submitting a request and the form of its receipt

Depending on the desired form in which the applicant wants to receive a certificate of absence of tax debts, namely in paper or electronic form, the application forms for its receipt are as follows:

  1. On paper

For a simple type of document KND 1120101, the application is submitted at the place of residence to the relevant inspection or it can be sent by mail.

The application is in a unified form and must contain the following information:

  • the exact name of the Federal Tax Service authority at the place of residence to which the request is submitted.
  • the exact full name of the applicant (details of the organization or individual), including the TIN/KPP number, as well as the legal/actual address of location/residence.
  • method of obtaining a certificate (in person or by mail).
  • applicant's signature and contact phone number.
  • date of submission of the request, to calculate the amount of taxes (paid and unpaid) as of this date specified in the request.

This is stated more clearly in the application form, which must be downloaded from the inspection website.

It is also necessary to make an inventory of all documents provided (receipts for paid debts, powers of attorney, if necessary).

The response from the inspection will be received within 10 working days using the specified method.

  1. Electronic.

An electronic request for a document in form 1120101 from the tax office is submitted using the taxpayer’s personal account on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, as well as using other official telecommunication channels (TCS).

There are a lot of similar communication channels; their official status is important. It's better to use your local branch's website.

The information provided is the same as above.

And a response should also be received within 10 days. Although this usually happens in a shorter time.

To obtain a certificate KND 1120101, the sample request is standard and unified. You can download and fill it out, as well as see samples - what kind of certificate is this on the KND form 1120101.

The deadline for which tax payment information is provided coincides with the day the request is received.

If we consider the relevance and effectiveness of the listed methods of submitting/receiving a certificate, then it is worth considering that:

  • To submit via TKS, an electronic key is required. If organizations have it, then not every individual has it and is ready to pay for its use.
  • not every electronic form can be used for transmission to other official bodies, including trading (tender) platforms.

Tax authorities have their own function - to provide information; they are not concerned with where and why the applicant wants to use this information.

A request for a certificate confirming that the taxpayer has fulfilled his obligation to pay taxes, if there is an arrear, can be submitted again after it has been repaid.

Having considered what kind of certificate is in the KND 1120101 format, to ensure that there are no unpaid taxes, it is easy for any applicant to submit a request for it.

A certificate of absence of tax arrears is a document confirming the taxpayer’s fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes, issued by the tax authorities. A company may need it when attracting a bank loan, concluding a leasing agreement, participating in a tender, or the customer may simply ask for it to confirm the reliability of the counterparty. In our article we will tell you how to obtain and what details a certificate of absence of tax arrears should contain; a sample will help to present everything clearly.

KND 1120101: what kind of certificate

In order to confirm the absence or presence of debt to the budget or to verify balances, there are several documents ():

  • information on the status of settlements (KND 116080 and 116081);
  • information on the fulfillment of the taxpayer’s obligation (form KND 1120101);
  • reconciliation report on taxes and fees (KND 116070).

All these documents can currently be obtained in both paper and electronic forms.

Today we will dwell in more detail on what constitutes a certificate of tax arrears in the KND form 1120101. The document form was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 20, 2017 No. ММВ-7-8/.

KND 1120101 (form)

Certificate of presence (absence) of tax debt: where and how to get it

To obtain information about the fulfillment of taxpayer obligations, you must contact the Federal Tax Service. The document can be obtained from the tax office:

  • in paper form with the seal and signature of the head of the Federal Tax Service;
  • in electronic form with the digital signature of the head of the Federal Tax Service.

The form does not contain specific debt figures. If there is no debt, then a certificate of no debt will be received from the Federal Tax Service. If there is a debt, then a corresponding entry will be made in the form, and the Appendix will indicate the codes of the inspections with which the taxpayer has a debt.

If you receive information about the existence of a debt to the budget, you do not agree with this, you should check with the Federal Tax Service to detect and correct the error.

Features of receiving in paper form

A certificate of taxes and fees on paper is issued upon written request. It is better to fill it out using the form recommended by the Federal Tax Service (you can download the application form at the end of the article).

The request can be submitted by visiting the inspection in person, or it can be sent by mail in a valuable letter with a list of the contents. If the company is registered in the taxpayer’s personal account, then the request can be sent through it. During a personal visit, the request must be submitted by the head of the company or an authorized person.

The form must indicate:

  • the date for which the information needs to be generated;
  • method of receiving the document (in person or by post);
  • signature and full name manager or authorized person.

The document must be generated by the inspectorate and transferred to the taxpayer within 10 working days from the date of filing the application. If the application indicated that the certificate will be collected by the head or representative of the company, then after this period you must contact the operating room of the Federal Tax Service. The document will be issued against signature, and the fact of issue will be recorded in the appropriate log book.

Features of receiving in electronic form

Increasingly, electronic document management is being used in practice and electronic forms of documents are being used. A certificate of tax arrears was no exception. Inspections are very actively introducing electronic document management via telecommunication channels through authorized operators.

To receive a document in electronic form, you must also send a request in electronic form via TKS. The Federal Tax Service has developed an appropriate form for this purpose. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2012 No. 99n (see form at the end of the article).

In the application we fill in the following details:

  • name, TIN, address of the taxpayer;
  • details of the inspection to which the request is submitted;
  • request code (in our case it is 2);
  • the date for which the information needs to be generated.

In response, the Federal Tax Service will issue a form similar to a paper one, signed with an electronic digital signature.

The response time for TKS is also 10 days. But, as a rule, tax inspectorates generate a response much faster, and a response can be received within 2-3 days.

Is the received certificate filled out correctly?

Let's look at an example of what a completed certificate KND 1120101 should look like: a sample is presented below.

1. A serial number must be assigned.

2. The name, INN and KPP, and address of the taxpayer are indicated. When generating information for a company that has separate divisions, the checkpoint may not be specified.

3. The date must correspond to the date specified in the request

5. The name of the inspection that issued the form must be given

6. At the bottom of the paper document there must be the signature and seal of the head of the Federal Tax Service, and on the electronic document - the digital signature details.

Below is a completed document, which is assigned a code according to KND 1120101: certificate (sample).

Certificate (KND 1120101) about the absence of tax debts (form and sample)

The official name of the certificate of absence of tax debt is a certificate of fulfillment by the taxpayer (payer of the fee, tax agent) of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest (KND code 1120101). It is presented to payers in the approved form (Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated July 21, 2014 No. ММВ-7-8/378@). Such a certificate on taxes and fees may be needed if, for example, an organization or individual entrepreneur decides to apply to a bank for a loan or participate in government procurement (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated June 17, 2016 N 03-02-08/35413).

A certificate confirming that the taxpayer has fulfilled all obligations to the budget can be issued to an organization (IP) if it really has no arrears on any taxes, and also has no arrears of penalties, fines, or interest (clauses 166, 167 of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2012 N 99n, hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service). But if it turns out that the payer has debts, then he will actually be given a certificate of tax arrears in the same form with the KND code 1120101. And the appendix to it will reflect the inspection codes, according to which the organization or individual entrepreneur has debts (clause 168, 172 of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service).

How to obtain a certificate of no debt from the Federal Tax Service

In order to obtain a certificate of the presence/absence of tax debt, you need to submit a request to the inspectorate (clauses 161, 176 of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service) in the recommended form. It can be:

  • drawn up in writing (Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service) and submitted to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate personally (or through a representative) or sent by mail in a valuable letter with a list of the attachments;
  • form in electronic form (Appendix No. 9 to the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Tax Service) and send to the tax office via telecommunication channels.

In this case, in the request itself it is necessary to indicate on what date the certificate should be drawn up. If a specific date is not reflected or a date that has not yet arrived is indicated, then the certificate will be generated according to information from tax authorities relevant on the day of registration of the request with the Federal Tax Service (