National Technology Initiative. NTI and technological development 11th direction within the framework of the national technology initiative


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National Technology Initiative (NTI)

"Technet" - action plan (“road map”) National Technology Initiative on the development of cross-market / cross-industry direction" Advanced production technologies" (PPT), which will ensure the competitiveness of domestic companies in the NTI markets and in high-tech industries.

"Technet" is the first roadmap within NTI, developed for the development and effective application of "end-to-end technologies", primarily new production technologies.

To advanced production technologies in accordance with the NTI concept, First of all, we include: digital design and modeling, including supercomputer engineering, new materials, primarily composite materials, metamaterials, metal powders, additive and hybrid technologies, flexible production cells / robotic complexes, all kinds of sensors, industrial Internet, big data , virtual and augmented reality technologies, expert systems and artificial intelligence.

The key role in the Digital Economy will be played by Digital factories are a certain type of business process system, a way of combining business processes, which has the following characteristics:

  • creation of digital platforms, unique ecosystems of advanced digital technologies; it is the platform approach that makes it possible to unite geographically distributed participants in the design and production processes, increase the level of flexibility and customization taking into account consumer requirements, and all this based on predictive analytics and big data;
  • development of a system of digital models of both new designed products and production processes; here it is important to emphasize that digital models must have a high level of adequacy to real objects and real processes (here it is appropriate to talk about the convergence of the material and digital worlds, generating synergistic effects);
  • digitalization of the entire product life cycle(from concept idea, design, production, operation, service and disposal); everyone understands that the cost of changes increases the later we make these changes, and therefore world practice shows that The “center of gravity” is shifting towards design processes, within which the characteristics of global competitiveness or high consumer requirements are laid down."

It is fundamentally important to understand that at the formation stage Digital Factory happens and formation of new key competencies, For example:

  • fast customization response to requests from the Market or Customer,
  • use of systems approaches (“systems engineering”), when we must keep the entire System, all its interacting components, in our field of vision at every moment of time;
  • formation multi-level matrix of targets and restrictions as the basis for a new design that significantly reduces risks, the volume of full-scale testing and the amount of work associated with “finishing products and products based on testing”;
  • development and validation (“comparison with “experiments”) of mathematical models with a high level of adequacy to real objects and real processes - the so-called “smart” models,
  • change management throughout the entire life cycle, finally,
  • “digital certification”, based on thousands of virtual tests of both individual components and the entire system as a whole.

In order to Digital factories were harmoniously integrated into the formed Digital economy, it is necessary to comprehensively solve a number of problems:

  • in the field of education, research and development: formation of applied master's degrees (the new principle is “training while performing real R&D”, training of “engineering special forces”), conducting current problem-oriented R&D, developing key competencies in engineering centers of universities, in competence centers and engineering companies, in innovative companies of small and medium business;
  • formation of a digital ecosystem as infrastructure- creation of “testing grounds” as centers for assembly, testing and effective application of advanced multidisciplinary and cross-industry technologies and the formation of world-class competencies;
  • in the field of “normative regulation”: improvement of institutional conditions in the field of standardization and certification of new materials, products and products, we note, with increasing volumes of “digital certification” based on virtual tests, which meets the best practices of world leaders.

As part of the first phase, it is proposed to simultaneously create three test sites:

  • "university" on the basis of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University as a prototype and Digital Factory Generator for various branches of high-tech industry;
  • "industrial" based on NPO Saturn as a prototype "Smart" factories with a high degree of automation and robotization of labor-intensive production processes;
  • “certification” on the basis of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Skoltech and a number of other organizations to develop modern approaches to certification of materials and products with a high share of “digital certification”.

There is a lot to be done and done in a fairly short time, objectively assessing the pace of development of the IV industrial revolution, but in Russia we have serious scientific and technological groundwork, experience in training engineers with world-class competencies, and, finally, experience in designing and creating globally competitive high-tech products.

In particular, during the event, the results of work in the “Factory of the Future” paradigm were presented on orders from world leaders in the high-tech industry, both domestic and foreign companies.

Assistant to the President of Russia A.R. Belousov about "Factory of the Future". (Interview after the meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia, which took place at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on June 24, 2016).

First of all, I mean the unique experience of working with the German auto industry within the framework of the Industry 4.0 concept since 2011, I emphasize - in fact, since the launch of this program.

It was this experience that served as the basis for successful implementation together with the lead contractor FSUE NAMI project “Unified modular platform” (project “Cortege”), within which, and in fact, within the framework of the Digital Factory concept, many approaches, advanced technologies and unique competencies that I spoke about earlier were applied.

It was the formed Digital Factory that ensured that in June 2016, on the first attempt (!), the highest score (!) for passive safety was obtained during testing of the sedan at an independent test site (!) in Berlin. But to obtain such a result “almost from scratch”, in 1.5 years, fundamentally new approaches of “simulation-based design” were developed and applied for the first time, during which about 30,000 target indicators and restrictions were simultaneously taken into account, thousands of virtual tests based on developed unique “smart” models, “digital working design documentation” was fully developed for the first time, and finally “digital certification” was completed in accordance with global requirements.

Comment by D.V. Manturova about the project "Cortege" and Factories of the Future within the framework.

It is this SPbPU Digital Factory that forms the basis for further scaling and replication, given that the approaches used are invariant, and the advanced technologies are “end-to-end”, that is, applicable in almost all sectors of the high-tech industry.

In particular, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Russian Venture Company, the Innovation Assistance Fund, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Agency for Technological Development, many issues of scaling and replication of best practices have been worked out and the implementation of projects has already begun within the framework of the “Factory of the Future” concept "

Other corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, universities, and finally, entire regions are ready to join these enterprises within the framework of the Technet direction of NTI - - here I would note, first of all, the deep interest of the Republic of Tatarstan, in which, under the chairmanship President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov was held where issues of implementing the Technet NTI were considered.

What is needed for this?

Start implementing the DC as soon as possible "Technet" NTI, considering Roadmap goals:

    formation of a set of key competencies in the Russian Federation, ensuring the integration of advanced production technologies (APT) and business models for their dissemination as “Factory of the Future” of the first and subsequent generations;

    creation of globally competitive customized/personalized products of a new generation for the NTI markets and high-tech industries

And Roadmap tasks:

    creating infrastructure for developing a set of key competencies for Factories of the Future;

    implementation of a set of key competencies by creating globally competitive companies in the NTI markets and in high-tech industries;

    long-term planning for the development of advanced manufacturing technologies and associated business models;

    creating an ecosystem for creating, attracting, developing and transferring best-in-class technologies;

  • creation of legislative and institutional conditions for the development of advanced production technologies,

which will allow to form ecosystem of Digital Factories and based on the implementation of a system of measures, obtain the indicated effects from the implementation of Digital Factories.

Presentation by A.I. Borovkov "About the road map"Technet" (advanced manufacturing technologies) of the National Technology Initiative- (.pdf, 1.18 MB)

Priority activities for the implementation of the road map in 2017-2019:

    Launch of test sites, including on the basis of the Institute of Advanced Production Technologies of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and on the basis of NPO Saturn;

    Launch of five "Factory of the Future" in high-tech industries;

    Launching an acceleration system for companies in the field of advanced production technologies and creating experimental digital certification centers;

    Creation of the National Center for Testing, Verification and Validation of Software in the field of computer and supercomputer engineering, the National Network Center for Reverse Engineering and Prototyping and the Transfer Centers for PPT, research, training and export support of Technet NTI (in China and Europe);

According to the roadmap, by 2035, 40 “Factory of the Future” will be created.

At the first stages, the roadmap will cover at least eight industries. Transport market companies (Avtonet, Aeronet and Marinet) will become active consumers of products and developments created at Technet testing sites.

“A number of projects are already being implemented. In the automotive industry, this is the design and production of a fundamentally new car "UAZ-Patriot 2020", as well as. In shipbuilding, the project of the Baltic Shipyard stands out - the largest nuclear icebreaker in the world, 22220 Arktika. In the nuclear energy sector, promising projects are being led by Rosatom, which is introducing innovative control systems for the most complex engineering facilities. Several other projects relate to the aircraft manufacturing and rocket and space industries.”

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia

  • Presentation by V.S.Osmakov "About the road map""Technet" -(.pdf, 1.56 MB)
  • Presentation by V.A. Shvetsov "UAZ Digital Platform Project"- (.pdf, 1.08 MB)

History of the development of the Technet direction of NTI

National Technology Initiative- a program of measures to form fundamentally new markets and create conditions for Russia’s global technological leadership by 2035.

On December 4, 2014, in his Address to the Federal Assembly Vladimir Putin designated National Technology Initiative one of the priorities of state policy.

“Based on long-term forecasting, it is necessary to understand what challenges Russia will face in 10-15 years, what advanced solutions will be required in order to ensure national security, the quality of life of people, and the development of industries of a new technological order.”

V.V. Putin,

"Foresight Fleet 2015". Key point in road design and assembly
NTI maps in 2015.

Vice-Rector for Advanced Projects, Scientific Director of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies of SPbPU, Head of the Engineering Center (CompMechLab®) of SPbPU Professor A.I. Borovkov, on his own initiative, together with colleagues from NPO Saturn and the Skolkovo Foundation, formed the only working group dedicated to future technologies - TechNet

Since May 2015, extensive systematic work has been carried out within the framework of National Technology Initiative (NTI). Was formed by experts NTI Matrix, connecting markets, technologies, infrastructure and institutions.

The NTI matrix combines key concepts:
markets, technology, infrastructure/resources and institutions. Source:

The key point in the design and assembly of NTI roadmaps in 2015 was "Foresight Fleet".

Over the course of 5 days, over 600 participants - technology entrepreneurs, venture investors, scientists, representatives of the educational environment and development institutions, business and public associations, leaders of enterprises in the real sector of the economy, federal executive authorities - designed promising markets and developed “road maps” for entry into Russian technology companies will become national champions in these markets by 2035.

Vice-Rector for Advanced Projects of SPbPU, Scientific Director of the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies A.I. Borovkov was an active participant in Foresight Fleet 2015, where, on his own initiative, together with colleagues from NPO Saturn OJSC and the Skolkovo Foundation, he formed the only working group dedicated to future technologies - the group received the name TechNet and was positioned as the central and technological part of the markets of the future: AeroNet, AutoNet, MariNet, EnergyNet, NeuroNet, SafeNet, HealthNet, FoodNet, FinNet.

A.I. Borovkov - interview with Foresight Fleet, where the markets of the future were formed, including the formation of the TechNet working group

Meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Council dedicated to the consideration of the issue “On the development and implementation of the National Technology Initiative,” prof. A.I. Borovkov was introduced as the leader of the TechNet working group

The next significant event in the development of NTI was the meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia, which took place on June 9, 2015, where it was announced that the system-forming documents of NTI would be road maps aimed at the formation of promising technology markets.

It was indicated that roadmaps should include a rationale for the selection of such markets, a list of target indicators by 2035 and the necessary support to achieve the indicators. The Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects was appointed responsible for the development of maps; the functions of the project office were assigned to the Russian Venture Company OJSC. Additionally, a special interdepartmental working group has been created under the Presidium of the Council for Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia, headed by Deputy Prime Minister A. V. Dvorkovich and Assistant to the President A. R. Belousov.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Council dedicated to the consideration of the issue “On the development and implementation of the National Technology Initiative”, prof. A.I. Borovkov was presented leader of the working groupTechNet(Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, APT), and the working group was assigned basic technologies:

  • Digital design and modeling;
  • New materials;
  • Additive technologies.

Strategic planning session in Rybinsk at the site of NPO SATURN

Within the framework of the TechNet working group (PPT), a Project Consortium was formed, which included the Center for Strategic Research Foundation, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, IPPT SPbPU, including the SPbPU Engineering Center, CompMechLab® group of companies, Skolkovo Foundation, NPO Saturn ", "NIAEP", Russian Technology Agency, "Datadvance" and a number of other organizations and companies. The main task is the implementation of the long-term vision of "Factory of the Future" until 2035.

II Forum for the Development of Regional Innovation Ecosystems of Russia “Ecosystem of Innovation”

A draft roadmap for the development of advanced production technologies ("Factory of the Future"), and designs for test sites for the "Factory of the Future" are presented.

Meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia

Vice-Rector for Advanced Projects, Scientific Director of IPPT SPbPU, Head of the Engineering Center (CompMechLab®) SPbPU Professor A.I. Borovkov was approved as co-leader of the Technet working group of the National Technology Initiative.

Meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia

A meeting dedicated to the potential of higher educational institutions in the implementation of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) was held by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. The meeting took place at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Forum of strategic initiatives dedicated to the formation of the concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2035

State Fund of Funds
Institute for Development of the Russian Federation

NTI and technological development

Technology development, support for high-tech companies, building a favorable environment for start-ups, rapid implementation and commercialization of new developments are necessary factors for creating a competitive economy of the country.

To achieve this goal, RVC uses a wide range of tools to support technology entrepreneurship, ranging from funding research and development (including facilitating the training of relevant highly qualified specialists) to providing late-stage venture capital investments. In its activities, RVC JSC also promotes and develops venture financing instruments as a form of government support for innovation activities.

The priority technological areas that the company focuses on correspond to (but are not limited to):

  • thematic areas of NTI road maps;
  • “end-to-end” digital technologies of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, ensuring digital transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere, including the educational sphere;
  • technologies related to the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation (SNTR), including in such areas as biomedicine, energy, advanced production technologies, new materials, development of microelectronics and component base.

Support for technological entrepreneurship is provided by RVC in the context of mega-projects of state innovation policy, such as the National Technology Initiative (NTI), the Digital Economy program and, possibly, other future projects and programs, taking into account the directions and objectives of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.

National Technology Initiative (NTI)

    high-tech projects, approved by the Interdepartmental Working Group, includes the NTI portfolio

    Billion rubles amounted to the amount of private co-financing attracted to NTI projects

    new NTI projects approved for implementation by the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Implementation of NTI in 2019

    Billion rubles approved NTI projects will receive funding in the form of grants and contributions to the authorized capital in 2019

    Companies registered on the RVC Digital Platform with access to business support programs in NTI

    Organizations will receive grant support from RVC within the framework of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”

    research projects have launched 14 NTI Competence Centers on end-to-end technologies since their inception

    Specialists were trained in the educational programs of the NTI Competence Centers in the field of end-to-end technologies

    Billion rubles total revenue of participants in the ranking of fast-growing companies "TechUspech" in 2019

    national standards in the field of digital technologies initiated TC 194 “Cyber-physical systems” in 2019

    The organization is included in TC 194 “Cyber-physical systems”, created on the basis of RVC

    Schoolchildren from all over Russia took part in the final tests of the NTI Engineering Olympiad in 2019

    Schools joined the all-Russian action “NTI Lesson” in 2019

    Participants discussed the implementation of end-to-end technologies at the Global Technology Leadership forum

    Thousands of guests attended Rukami maker festivals in 10 cities of Russia

Educational programs

Companies competing for leadership in global high-tech markets will have minimum requirements for quantity and maximum requirements for the quality of personnel. In 5-10 years, it is necessary to form in Russia a new wave of technological entrepreneurs, engineers, and inventors who will be able to create technologies and products in new markets and withstand global competition. RVC participates in the creation and implementation of educational programs and courses on technological entrepreneurship, supports the NTI Circle Movement, and participates in the organization of the NTI Olympiad and the 20.35 University.

National Technology Initiative (NTI) is a long-term comprehensive program to create conditions for ensuring leadership of Russian companies in new high-tech markets that will determine the structure of the world economy in the next 15–20 years. The implementation of the program involves the formation of groups of like-minded people from technology entrepreneurs, representatives of leading universities and research centers, large business associations in Russia, development institutions, expert and professional communities, as well as interested executive authorities. At the same time, NTI forms new and strengthens existing programs to support scientific and technological development, ensuring the formation and transmission of requests from potential leaders of new markets to the public administration system.

NTI concentrates on new global markets, which will form in 15–20 years. Most markets will be networked in nature (inheriting approaches that exist on the Internet, or using the infrastructure of the Web). New markets will be focused on humans as the final consumer; the distance between the producer and the consumer will be minimal. Russia, within the framework of NTI, will focus on those markets in which there is an opportunity to create industries of a new technological order that are significant from the point of view of ensuring national security and a high standard of living for citizens.

A distinctive feature of NTI is that the content of the list of measures for Russia to achieve leadership in new markets is formulated the high-tech business itself. For each market area, a Working Group is formed, which is headed by an established technology entrepreneur, a professional in the relevant thematic area, and a specialized deputy minister of the responsible federal executive body. The NTI Working Group includes representatives of business, scientific and educational communities, executive authorities and other interested participants.

There are currently 12 working groups that are working on road maps for the development of nine promising markets and three cross-market areas, one of which is NTI circle movement. The activities of the NTI circle movement should lead to the emergence of competent specialists in various groups of technologies that can ensure the development of new NTI markets until 2035.

Roadmap "Circle Movement" NTI

Composition of the working group for the development and implementation of the “Circle Movement” roadmap of the National Technology Initiative

Zemtsov D.I. – leader (co-leader) of the working group, vice-rector for development of the Far Eastern Federal University

Sinyugina T.Yu. – co-leader of the working group, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Saprykina V.V. – executive secretary of the working group, director of NTI programs and projects

Anisimov N.Yu. – Rector of the Far Eastern Federal University

Asonov I.E. – Coordinator of interaction with programs of the Sirius Educational Center, Program Director of the Sirius Science Park

Bukhalo A.B. – member of the Public Chamber, representative of the all-Russian public organization “Young Innovative Russia”

Kravchenko D.B. – Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development

Kurmyshev I.N. – Director for Development of Technology Partnerships at RVC JSC

Nasibulin M.M. – head of the incubation program of the Skolkovo Foundation

Nedoroslev S.G. – co-chairman of the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia”

Nuraliev B.G. – Director of CJSC “1C Joint Stock Company”

Potekhina I.P. – Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Pronkin V.N. – First Deputy General Director of Oleg Deripaska’s Volnoe Delo Foundation

Rakova M.N. – General Director of the Foundation for New Forms of Educational Development

Svetushkova A.A. – Vice President for Social Affairs of the Rybakov Fund

Semenov A.L. - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Urazov R.N. – General Director of the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “WorldSkills Russia””

Fedoseev A.I. – President of the Association of Technology Circle Participants

Shadrin A.E. – Director of the Department of Social Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Shishkin D.A. – Director of the Department of Infrastructure Projects of the State Corporation “ROSCOSMOS”

Yashchenko I.V. – Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence

09.27.2018, Thu, 11:11, Moscow time , Text: Ulyana Gortinskaya

The interdepartmental working group for the implementation of the National Technology Initiative under the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia approved support for six high-tech projects. The state will provide assistance in the development of the Neuronet, Healthnet, Technet and Circle Movement markets, according to a press release from the venture capital company RVC, which is the NTI project office.

As the message reminds, the National Technology Initiative is a long-term government program aimed at creating new markets and achieving global technological leadership in Russia by 2035.

Thus, in 2017, the interdepartmental group for the development and implementation of NTI under the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development approved 21 NTI market projects. In 2016, 11 projects were approved.

In 2018 the following were selected:

"Biobank Platform-5"(performer – National BioService LLC)

“National BioService” is part of the portfolio of the RVC Biofund and is the first wide-profile research biobank and bioservice in Russia. The company collects, processes, stores and analyzes biosamples necessary for the development of innovative medicines and diagnostic systems in Russia.

With the help of government support within the framework of NTI, it is planned to create and scale a network of biobanks of tissues, cell lines and other research products in five Russian regions. The biobanks being created will make it possible to collect, study and analyze biological markers of tumor development and progression, which, in turn, will help find possible therapeutic combinations and identify groups of patients with certain biomarkers. Also, a biobank can serve to determine the effectiveness of a particular therapy, which is especially important in connection with the development of personalized treatment.

"Spinal neuroprosthesis"(executor – Kosima LLC)

The project involves the development of a neurostimulation device for independent walking in patients with severe motor impairment after a stroke. The development is based on a method of non-invasive electrical stimulation of the spinal cord, developed by the project manager Yuri Gerasimenko. The neuroprosthesis will allow initiating and controlling walking in sedentary and paralyzed patients. The device is intended for use not only in neurological and rehabilitation departments of clinics - it can also be effectively used as part of home rehabilitation. Spinal neuroprostheses will be several times cheaper than their closest analogues - exoskeletons.

The project team will receive funding from the NTI Project Support Fund. With the help of government support, a prototype will be created and technical and clinical tests will be conducted to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the products. By 2020, the developers plan to submit an application for registration of spinal neuroprostheses to Roszdravnadzor and receive Russian and international patents.

"Experimental digital certification platform"(executor – Tesis LLC)

The implementation of the project involves the creation of a comprehensive system of services in the field of accelerated conformity assessment and certification of products made from polymer composite materials (PCM). As part of the project, it is planned to create an experimental digital platform, the services of which will reduce time (up to 3-6 months) and material (more than 1.5 times) costs for certification of products from PCM, and in the future, products of advanced production technologies. Approbation of the new approach and testing of the created services are carried out on PCM products for railway infrastructure, road construction and intermodal transport equipment.

Customers of the platform's services are developers and manufacturers of new products interested in creating and using tools for advanced regulatory and technical regulation of markets for new materials and products, in replacing full-scale certification tests with virtual ones, using digital models of products and materials.

The project will receive funding from the NTI Project Support Fund, and the project implementers’ own funds will also be raised for its implementation.

"Operkit Platform"(executor – IC IAS LLC)

The goal of the project is to develop a unified information and analytical online platform for providing after-sales service processes for high-tech products and to create a centralized service that unites in a single information space all participants in the product life cycle: manufacturers, developers, operating organizations and dealers.

The results of the project will make it possible to contribute to the formation of a set of key competencies that ensure the integration of advanced production technologies for managing the life cycle of high-tech products in various industries, and improve the quality of after-sales service, increase the volume of competitive customized/personalized products in the domestic and foreign markets through the use of technologies in an integrated information environment.

The platform for introducing the created digital platform into commercial operation will be the Russian Helicopters holding company.

"Academy of Mentors"(executor – Skolkovo Foundation)

The project is aimed at creating a system of mass training, certification and employment of mentors for children's and youth projects and teams in the technological field, stimulating technical creativity and technological entrepreneurship in Russia.

As part of the “Academy of Mentors”, a system of educational programs, competitions and massive open online courses in the field of mentoring will be created, and an online platform will be launched, including various services for mentors, including certification and employment. The project involves active interaction between key players in the field of working with human capital and technological development: participants in the NTI road maps, representatives of the Skolkovo Information Center, Sirius OC, Quantoriums and Centers of Information Technology, ANO Association of Circle Movement Participants, World Skills Russia and etc. By 2020, the authors of the project expect to train at least 6,000 mentors. The project will receive funding from the NTI Project Support Fund.

"Practices of the future"(performer – ANO “Association of Circle Movement Participants”)

The program is aimed at creating project schools, which should become a space for involving children and adults from regions of Russia and abroad in the development of projects in the most relevant areas of NTI. The goal of the project is to bridge the gap between the needs for youth teams developing projects on the frontier of technological development, and the lack of mechanisms in the existing education system for the formation of such teams.

Project schools will be carried out through the cooperation of development institutions, universities, technology companies, additional education organizations and regional platforms. In total, four formats of project schools are planned: regional, specialized, all-Russian and international. The explanatory note to the project notes that as a result of its implementation, teachers of additional and general education, interested students and university teachers will be able to master innovative technologies for working with youth projects. Stable communities of enthusiasts will appear in the regions, including the most active and talented young people, mentors and experts from companies. The project will receive funding from the NTI Project Support Fund.