Sberbank asset management mutual funds personal. Sberbank Asset Management has launched an online purchase of mutual funds through the State Services. Coming soon IIS


If the time has come to think about where to invest any amount of money you have accumulated or earned, and the word “investment” practically does not mean anything, then you have reason to rejoice. In order to receive passive income, there is no need to study financial science for a long time, memorize complex terms, understand graphs and charts, analyze market declines, gain work experience, learn the intricacies of playing in the securities market. Do not reinvent the wheel, it has long been invented.

What are mutual funds of Sberbank?

This is a complex based on trust management of resources (property) of funds by management companies. Their main functions are to increase the value of shares. Mutual funds are formed on the basis of funds of investors - individuals. The main purpose of investment funds is to make a profit from assets that are securities: bonds, stocks, etc.

An investor in a mutual fund can be any individual who acquires shares - securities confirming the owner's right to part of the fund's property. At the same time, regardless of their number, each investor has the same amount of rights. Profit from assets is distributed among shareholders in proportion to the number of shares.

Sberbank. Asset Management

Mutual investment funds are the best option for investing free funds with a limited time limit and a small amount of knowledge. But, it would seem, a simple way out of investing poses the following tasks, namely: the choice of a company or a bank that undertakes to operate with other people's money. As a rule, the largest players in the financial sector come to mind first. And Sberbank in this line, of course, occupies a leading position.

Until 2012, the management company of this bank was named Troika Dialog. Today, Sberbank names its offspring in the most specific way - "Sberbank Asset Management". The essence of functions from it does not change. Clients are offered a fairly large list of funds for investment. Mutual investment funds of Sberbank are represented in all sectors of the Russian economy. In this case, the cost of the share is initially 15 thousand rubles. Further contributions are much lower - from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Even considering that highly professional managers have more than 10 years of experience working with a large number of mutual funds, it is necessary to know both the negative and positive aspects of investing in mutual funds and have at least a minimal understanding of how to choose a fund.

Investment portfolio

By 2014, Sberbank Asset Management offers potential shareholders a choice of 23 mutual funds. Each of them has both attractive sides and alarming ones. So, for example, Ilya Muromets, a mutual fund of bonds of Sberbank, offers potential shareholders a fairly high cost of a share, a balanced distribution of funds for investing in several sectors of the economy, and low risks.

For lovers of "hot" there is always an offer. One of the most profitable funds is the Risky Bond Fund. At the time of its foundation, the value of the share was 1.7 thousand rubles. By May 2014, it had grown to 2.5 thousand rubles. But the return compared to other funds is simply amazing: 29.4% for 36 months, for the past period from January to May 2014 - almost 3%. And this despite the fact that the majority of mutual funds for 5 months not only did not increase the cost of shares, but reduced them to a minus. What is the secret of this fund's success?

Portfolio components

The management company distributes funds to various issuers. In order for the reader not to get completely confused in terms, let's deal with this using the example of one of the funds - the Dobrynya Nikitich mutual fund. Sberbank Asset Management founded this complex in June 1997. Issuers of Dobrynya Nikitich are Russian companies with high liquidity and growth potential, namely, those operating in such areas as:

Oil and gas;



consumer sector;

Media and IT;

Chemical industry;

Real estate;


All shares of issuers can be called a component of the investment portfolio. But this will not be an entirely accurate definition. When buying a share of a fund with low risks, a novice investor should remember that its profitability is quite low. That is why more experienced shareholders advise "do not put all your eggs in one basket." The best option would be to invest in at least two different funds: mutual funds with high risks and returns and mutual funds with low risks and stable returns. This option of capital allocation, as a rule, has the greatest efficiency.


The choice of the company is carried out by evaluating the effectiveness of management. It consists in comparison with the profitability achieved and potential. But the future client will probably not find information about it. The potential profitability of Sberbank mutual funds cannot be officially advertised by the management company. Only its past achievements can serve as an indicator of effectiveness.

Reviews and evaluation of funds

If, for a start, the investor nevertheless chose Sberbank mutual funds, reviews of experienced shareholders on the Internet about their profitability will be the first step towards a clear picture of the work of the management company. Communication on forums, as a rule, does not reveal any numbers and percentages, does not carry a complete analysis, but is useful from the point of view of the practicality of choosing an investment portfolio.

Evaluation of funds at the stage of determining in which of them it is worth investing money, you still have to do it yourself. This task is not too difficult. On the official website of Sberbank, a report on the work of the management company is presented in the form of tables. They contain complete information: the names of the funds, the cost of a share in each of them, the profitability for 36, 24, 12 months of work, as well as for the past period of the current year.

Mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia - pluses of choice

  1. The biggest plus is that almost everyone can join the fund without special knowledge. A mutual fund does not require the investor to understand all the intricacies of the process, constant attention and monitoring of capital growth. This is entirely the responsibility of the management company.
  2. The second plus is a consequence of the first: saving the client's personal time. The reliability of the bank is worth a lot. There is no need to spend time constantly monitoring the course of market falls and rises, directly participating in the process, and so on. As soon as a Sberbank client buys a share in a mutual fund, professional managers begin to deal with his securities.
  3. Available down payment. 15 thousand rubles - a small starting capital to start investment activities.
  4. Ease of design. To join mutual funds of Sberbank, it is enough to have only the necessary amount of money and a passport with you. The client of the management company must write an application for the purchase of a share. And that's all. It is just as easy to sell a share as it is to acquire it, that is, it is also enough to write an application at the office of the management company.
  5. Share liquidity. Mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia are quite diverse in their characteristics. There are funds with high returns and high risks, and, on the contrary, with minimal risks, stable income, but high liquidity. Such mutual funds involve the sale of a share quickly, with the least amount of time and with virtually no loss in value.
  6. Taxes. They are subject only to the profitability of mutual funds of Sberbank. More specifically, net income. The tax is removed from it automatically, at a rate of 13%. Naturally, there is no need to independently submit a declaration to the tax office.
  7. Diversification of investments. To reduce possible risks, the shareholder's funds are distributed to purchase bonds and shares of various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation. This allows the investment portfolio to become more resilient to market downturns.
  8. Safety of investments under the control of the state. The risk of irretrievable financial losses is minimized, since the invested money of shareholders is not stored on the accounts of the management company. Funds are transferred to a special depository. It is controlled by government agencies.

Disadvantages of investing in mutual funds

  1. No guarantees. Not one investment fund gives confidence that the shareholder will make a profit in a given period of time. It all depends on the behavior of the market and how experienced and qualified the fund's traders are. Risks are always present.
  2. Overvaluation of the value of a share. This is done to attract new investors. The uplift mechanism is quite simple. Before the reporting period, the management company buys shares of those enterprises that are already in the portfolio, thereby increasing its value. Naturally, the share also rises in price. After the reporting period, unnecessary shares are discarded. The share price drops.

Grand total

It is most practical to start investment activities by investing in mutual funds of Sberbank. Profitability, reviews, maximum open information, available reporting confirm this.

Will appear soon.

Gives new and existing clients the opportunity to buy, redeem and exchange units of mutual investment funds (UIF), receive detailed information about all components of their investment portfolio (mutual fund units, funds in trust and on an individual investment account), as well as reports on investment results, independently change your personal data of the owner of the units of the mutual fund and see the entire history of your operations ( approx. editions: on IIS, in the UK "Sberbank Asset Management" today, it is impossible to buy shares of mutual funds).

This service can be used by users who have an account on the federal portal of public services.

In the near future, in the client's personal account, it will be possible to remotely transfer shares of closed mutual funds to the account of a nominal holder, which will make their subsequent sale on the stock exchange possible. The service of remote opening of an individual investment account, the service of choosing a trust management strategy and concluding an agreement will also become available. In the first half of this year, it is planned to introduce a personal financial planning service.

What other companies are online?

Recently, one of the companies of the VTB group announced the launch of remote purchases of mutual funds. Starting from December 29, 2016, purchase, exchange and redeem units of open-ended and interval mutual funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset Management. It is also known that Alfa Capital Management Company implemented a one-click mutual fund purchase service, however, this is available so far only to Alfa-Bank customers ( approx. editions: IISs in Alpha, have been opened remotely for a long time).

Of the management companies, today, very few work with online account registration services. It is known that in addition to the companies mentioned above, remote identification is performed by Ingosstrakh-Investments LLC, in which it is possible to open IIS, but so far without mutual funds. The only company through which you can buy mutual funds on IIS is Aton. An agreement with IC ATON, and she buys mutual funds of MC Aton-Management on IIS. They also have an online opening.

JSC UK Sberbank Asset Management

Sberbank Asset Management LLC in its current form has been operating since November 2012, after the acquisition by the Sberbank holding of the largest private investment company Troika Dialog and its merger with the asset management business of the state bank. The company is one of the largest in the market. Below is some data to help you gauge the scale of your business.

There are no data on open IIS and on them.

What tools does the management company of Sberbank offer for a private investor?

Sberbank Asset Management has a lot of interesting products in its arsenal. These are 20 mutual funds, 2 strategies for individual investment accounts and many proposals for trust management of money, both for very large and medium amounts.

We will focus on the first two options. About the strategy "Dollar bonds" ( approx. editions: for IIS), we recently wrote in, where we chose foreign exchange products on the stock market, but nothing was said about mutual funds for a long time. Having studied the situation, we found several good entries. By this term, we mean the presence of a significant drawdown on the profitability chart of an asset that has historical data for at least 3 years. Also, when recommending, we correlate with our own understanding of market dynamics and beliefs. In total, there are 7 mutual funds that are in a decent (12-20%) drawdown from the highs, but we have identified the 3 most interesting, from our point of view, instruments.

History of creation

This joint stock company was first registered in April 1996. At that time, the name of the company in question was Troika Dialog Management Company, and the main product offered was the Ilya Muromets mutual fund, the main specialization of which was investing in bonds. Now the mentioned mutual fund is considered the oldest retail fund in Russia, while its profitability in the best years was 25-30%.

The turning point in the development of the organization was 2001, when the law “On Investment Funds” was adopted at the federal level. The establishment of clear rules for the activities of management companies allowed Troika Dialog Management Company to expand the package of services offered and attract new partners for cooperation. In 2003, the joint-stock company was entrusted with the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, after which the organization's specialists began to take an active part in reforming the system of social payments.

In the period 2004-2007, the value of the net assets of Troika Dialog mutual investment funds increased by almost 3 times. Already by 2010, several funds of the company are in the TOP-10 domestic financial products in terms of profitability. At the same time, the organization continues to introduce advanced technologies in the field of investing assets and making a profit, choosing the least risky projects for this.

At the beginning of 2013, Sberbank acquires 100% of the share capital of Troika Dialog Management Company, and at the end of the same year, the right to dispose of the funds passes to the newly created Sberbank Asset Management company. Now this joint-stock company occupies a leading position in the field of profitable financial investment, and also significantly increases capital through cooperation with other companies, in particular with the NPF of Sberbank.

Features of activity

The key rule of a modern successful person sounds something like this: “If you want to make a fortune, manage your assets competently.” Sberbank allows you to significantly increase the financial resources of citizens not only through deposits, but also through investing in mutual funds. As a rule, the yield on them is 5-10% higher than that of the most profitable deposit, and dividends are paid at the end of the calendar year or at the end of the cooperation agreement.

The pooled funds of depositors, which Sberbank Asset Management manages at its discretion, constitute a mutual fund. Now the JSC in question owns 20 main open-ended mutual funds and 3 closed-end venture investment funds (high risk). Each mutual fund specializes in investing assets in a specific area of ​​the economy, the financial market or innovative technologies, and the choice of investment objects is handled by an experienced team of company analysts.

The investment process of Sberbank Asset Management JSC consists of such mandatory stages as:

  • analysis of the investment object and the market situation;
  • selection of securities for inclusion in the portfolio;
  • continuous monitoring and portfolio management.

The total volume of assets under management of the organization is estimated at the level of 4.9 billion dollars (as of 2015). The profitability of funds is largely determined by the analytical skills of the management company team. 19 years of experience in the country's financial market and recognized professionalism help managers direct investment funds to a "safe haven". MC analysts have been repeatedly recognized as the best in their field by various national and foreign rating agencies.

Current offers

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to invest his own funds in one of the 20 mutual investment funds of the organization. To do this, you must have 15 thousand rubles (the minimum amount to purchase a share), as well as a document proving the identity of the buyer. Among the most requested proposals of the organization should be noted:

  • Mutual Fund of shares "Precious Metals Market Company";
  • Mutual investment fund of shares "Fund of risky bonds";
  • Mutual investment fund of shares "Global Internet";
  • Mutual Investment Fund of Dobrynya Nikitich shares;
  • Mutual investment fund of shares "Metallurgy".

For example, the Global Internet Fund, formed in 2011, is aimed at investing shares in the securities of companies whose activities are in one way or another connected with the World Wide Web. The investment portfolio here is formed from shares or ADRs/GDRs of large Internet organizations, as well as global stock exchanges. In addition, investments can be directed to local firms that have good development prospects in high-growth markets, such as China or Russia.

The dynamics of profitability of the mutual fund "Global Internet" will undoubtedly please all its participants. Over the 3 years of the product, the value of the unit increased by 129%, while in the last month the yield was over 11%. All finances are distributed among the leading companies of the Russian and foreign Internet sector (AFK Sistema, Google Inc., Megafon), which have been demonstrating sustainable development for a long time.

Mutual Fund "Risky Bond Fund", established in April 2005, aims to make a profit by investing in securities of Russian companies with a high degree of return. The objects of investment are organizations of the second or third tier of the financial market, which have a good potential for growth in the market value of their own shares. Before the redemption of securities, an in-depth analysis of the issuer's solvency and subsequent changes in market conditions is carried out.

The dynamics of the profitability of the described mutual investment fund over the past month amounted to more than 7%, and over 3 years the price of shares increased by 34.4%. The largest investment positions here were Moscow Credit Bank, First Freight Company, OFZ and other promising organizations. Some of them showed a steady growth, some - a slight drop after the manifestation of the crisis in the Russian economy, but in general, dividends on the "Risk Bond Fund" exceed the yield on many bank deposits.

Advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds

Cooperation with ZAO Sberbank Asset Management certainly has a number of positive aspects for the client. The main advantages of investing assets in mutual funds are:

  • high profitability;
  • financial accessibility;
  • diversification of investment risks;
  • professional financial management;
  • state control of misappropriation of funds;
  • no taxation on the financial transactions of the mutual fund.

To invest in the presented products, the client does not need absolutely no knowledge of the securities market. All the analytics and complex work on the placement of assets are taken over by the specialists of the management company, who act solely in the interests of the shareholders. Investing in the management company is transparent and controlled by various government agencies, special registries, as well as independent auditors.

Among the various disadvantages of mutual funds, it is necessary to note such negative aspects as:

  • high risk compared to deposits and other fixed income methods;
  • costs for registration of investment certificates (up to 10% of profit);
  • the sale of shares is accompanied by the payment of 13% income tax.

During the economic crisis, the value of mutual funds will inevitably decline, despite the skillful actions of specialists. This will entail the loss of finances for clients, while the share price may recover for years or never return to its previous level. In addition, within the agreed period, the shareholders pay remuneration to the company's analysts, even when the fund's assets suffer losses. Based on the terms of the contract, this amount usually varies within 1-5% of the net asset value of the mutual fund.

As a result, it is possible to invest money profitably with the help of the time-tested company Sberbank Asset Management. This organization has many years of experience in investing finances in profitable projects with the lowest degree of risk and receiving the highest possible dividends. All this contributes to the growth of client interest in the products offered and the increase in the total volume of assets.

Sberbank Asset Management is one of the largest trust management companies in the Russian market. The company has developed many investment strategies that differ in the ratio of profitability and risk.

Mutual funds of Sberbank - an opportunity to start investment activities even with a small amount. A mutual fund participant receives passive income without taking any action and without having special knowledge in investing and risk management.

The minimum amount to participate in Sberbank mutual funds is 15,000 rubles. At the same time, you can buy, sell or exchange your share at any time without any restrictions. Operations with the assets of mutual funds are carried out by Sberbank Asset Management JSC.

Today, Sberbank Asset Management holds a leading position in the trust management services market, owning the largest market share in open-ended and interval mutual funds.

Sberbank UA works with private and institutional investors. Private investors include individuals who have made an investment in one of the mutual funds. Institutional investors are brokerage companies and trustees that carry out operations in the securities market.

Mutual investment fund is a form of collective investment of funds, which are subsequently directed to the trust management of the company. Depositors' funds are used to carry out transactions in the securities market (stocks, bonds) and other assets.

The purpose of investing is to generate income by increasing the market value of these assets.

Which PIF to choose?

To date, Sberbank UA manages 19 open-end investment funds and 3 closed-end real estate funds, including the Ilya Muromets Bond Fund, the Risky Bond Fund, the Global Internet Fund and others.

All mutual funds offered by Sberbank UK are divided into groups in terms of return and risk:

  • conservative segment;
  • balanced segment;
  • aggressive segment.

Mutual investment funds of the conservative and balanced segments assume moderate profits with a high degree of deposit protection against losses. Mutual investment funds of the aggressive segment can bring the owner of the share a rapid increase in profitability with a high risk of yield drawdown.

On the official website of Sberbank UA, you can use a special form to select an investment fund, based on knowledge of managing financial instruments, the investment period and investment goals of the investor.

Profitability of funds managed by Sberbank UA JSC

The profitability of the funds is reflected on the official website of Sberbank Asset Management and depends on the management strategy of a particular unit fund. It is worth noting that past performance does not determine future earnings. Profitability may vary depending on the state of the market and the economy as a whole. JSC "Sberbank UA" does not guarantee the return on investment, as such a guarantee is prohibited by law.

Advice: Don't invest all your money in one mutual fund. Distribute them in order to diversify risks in several areas of investment.

An investment share is a registered security that confirms the owner's right to a share of the property of a mutual fund. The share exists in a non-documentary form, i.e. the ownership of the share is based on an electronic entry in the register of share holders. Confirmation of ownership of a share is an extract from the register indicating the number of acquired shares and their value. The value of the assets of a mutual fund may decrease, thus, the profitability of funds in certain periods may be negative.

It is important to understand that investing in mutual funds is a long-term investment of free cash. Therefore, if in a certain period the profitability of a mutual fund decreases, this is not a reason to sell the share. The yield on mutual funds is designed for the future.

The average yield on mutual funds is 8-10% per annum with minimal risks. The value of one share is calculated daily based on the value of the property of the mutual fund.

By purchasing a share, the investor becomes the owner of the investment shares. An upward change in the value of shares will mean the owner's potential for profit.

The owner of a share in an investment unit cannot receive interest or dividends from his investment. You can make a profit (loss) only at the time of selling your share. Profit is calculated based on the difference in the value of the share at the time of its purchase and sale.

Is it worth investing in Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds?

Most people believe that investing is possible only if you have a large amount of money, special knowledge and constant monitoring of the situation in the economy. Many Russians, taught by the bitter experience of the 90s, are in no hurry to part with their money and invest it in mutual funds. Only a few open , Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, and other banks are involved in