Mds 81 35.2004 unforeseen costs. The documents. Revision and change of estimated standards


DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and estimated rationing Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of the Moscow State Civil Engineering University (N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), CJSC INiK (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), Committee for the Maintenance of the Housing Fund of the Administration Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.

INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the law Russian Federation and those who do not need state registration (letter dated March 10, 2004 No. 07/2699-YuD).

INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design and estimate documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, "Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, "Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the application. GESNm-2001 for the installation of equipment » MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work in the construction and repair of automobile roads" MDS 81-30.2002.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.



Letter dated February 14, 2006 No. sk-481/02 on the withdrawal from printing of instructions on the application of federal unit prices for commissioning

The Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services announces the publication of the Guidelines for the Application of Federal Unit Prices for Commissioning Works (MDS 81-40.2006), approved by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 01.09.2003 No. 160.

With the publication of this document, the coefficients for the conditions of work should be taken according to tables 2 and 3 of the Guidelines for the use of federal unit prices for commissioning instead of the recommended coefficients given in table 4 of Appendix No. 1 to the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-35.2004).




MDS 81-35.2004

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 N VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstructing, expanding and technical re-equipment operating enterprises, buildings and structures, repair and commissioning, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.

DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic construction company(V.M. Simanovich), Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering ( N.M. Shumeiko, V.P. Berezin, S.B. Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T. Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S. Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z. Bashirova), CJSC "INiK" (Yu.V. Zhabenko, V.M. Beznos), the Committee for the Maintenance of the Housing Fund of the Administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.

INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1.

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration (letter of 10.03.2004 N 07/2699-YuD).

INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-project and design and estimate documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 N VB-12-276, "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 N 31, "Guidelines for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNm-2001 for equipment installation" MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines to determine the cost of work during construction and repair highways"MDS 81-30.2002.


to the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-35.2004

The specified Methodology came out instead of a number of documents previously issued by the Gosstroy of Russia. First of all, this concerns the Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-1.99, which were a similar document preceding the new one.

The new Methodology is not just a rewriting of old postulates from previous similar documents into a new document with a slight addition of some materials, mainly taking into account changes in the current legislation. In the new Methodology, a number of postulates are illuminated in a new way.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following question. In all previous estimate-normative and methodological documents, starting with the estimate-normative base of 1969 (the estimate-normative base of 1955 is vaguely remembered). There are phrases "elemental estimated norms do not apply to unique buildings and structures ...". At the same time, not a single regulatory or methodological document clearly gave a clear concept of what “unique buildings”, “unique structures” are. There were a lot of questions, disputes and disagreements, but I don’t remember that for some object, even for a really unique one, individual estimated norms and unit prices would be compiled due to the uniqueness of the building and, as a result, the uniqueness of the work. In the absence of certain state elementary estimated norms and unit prices, individual elemental norms and unit prices, calculations were compiled more than once, what happened, it happened. And now they are being compiled. But that's not it. That's not what it's about. But just because of the uniqueness, to calculate something, to draw up individual estimated norms and prices - I don’t remember something. Although contractors from time to time made such demands (including myself) tried to demand from time to time the determination of the cost of certain works or structures according to individual estimates, referring to the uniqueness of the building, but the designers fought back quite easily. What is unique about this wall? What is unique about this column? they asked. And so, dividing the questions and translating them into the plane of individual constructs and types of work (and the norms are just being developed for individual constructs and types of work), thereby simplifying the very formulation of the question, they, the designers, quite easily fought off all the claims of contractors. Especially since the customers supported them. Indeed, what is unique in this wall, what is unique about this column?

In the new methodology, the topic is presented in a different way. In the second sentence of paragraph 2.7 of the Methodology, it is said as follows: “GESN does not apply to individual designs and types of work, for the capitality, accuracy class and quality of which there are increased requirements ...”. This is already something else. What is an accuracy class? These are the permissible deviations from the design dimensions given in the regulatory documents - SNiP for the production of work. And this is a document. For example, in SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures", clause 7.90 and table. 34 states that the maximum deviations of the thickness of brick wall structures are ± 15 mm, and the maximum deviations of the displacement of the axes of brick wall structures from the center axes are 10 mm. But, if, for one reason or another, the working drawings indicate a different size of deviations, more stringent, i.e., smaller than those given above, then the contractor has the right to demand individual elemental norms and prices for these works - the norms of labor costs and the operating time of construction machines and mechanisms have been developed for standard conditions, that is, the conditions for compliance with the tolerances given in SNiP 3.03.01-87. And when the conditions are more stringent, then more time will be required to work. So it is necessary to develop individual elemental estimated norms. In the same SNiP, similar tolerances are given for concrete and reinforced concrete structures, and for metal structures, the principle of the approach is always the same - in the case of more stringent, in comparison with the tolerances given in this SNiP, design requirements, it is necessary to develop individual elemental estimated norms and prices. More about this is written in the three-volume book "Estimates for construction and repair work under the new regulatory framework."

By the way, if there are no more stringent requirements in the project, it is not difficult to admit a situation where the brick outer and inner walls are shifted from each other by 10 mm each, therefore, the distance between them will increase by 20 mm. And, in addition, each of the walls will have a thickness deviation of minus 15 mm. Everything will be within tolerances, and the distance between the walls will increase by 50 mm. With other signs of deviations, the distance between the walls will decrease by the same 50 mm. In both cases, if it is necessary to clad the transverse walls with granite or marble or install floors from granite or marble slabs, a stone-cutting machine is indispensable, local adjustment is required. Consequently, the norms and prices for both stone wall cladding and stone flooring should provide for the use of stone-cutting machines and the time for sawing slabs, taking into account their adjustment. It turns out that in the above cases it is useful to know the tolerances given in SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures". But this is from another area.

In the second sentence above, paragraph 2.7 of the Methodology continues further: “... as well as on the types of work in highlands performed at an altitude of more than 3500 meters above sea level. Nothing of the kind has been cited in any of the regulatory documents before, this is the first time. But building in the mountains, at high altitude, in the region of glaciers and mountain passes is probably much more difficult than under normal conditions and on the plain, isn't it? Therefore, the norms - prices should also differ.

In Appendix 1 to the Methodology, in the tables of coefficients for the norms of labor costs, remuneration of workers, norms of time and costs for the operation of machines, multiplying coefficients are given for the construction and repair of facilities in mountainous areas, separately at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 m, from 2500 to 3000 m, from 3000 to 3500 m, but this will be discussed below when we consider these tables.

Further, clause 2.7 of the Methodology ends with the following sentence: "For such types of work, individual elemental estimated norms or correction factors are developed that take into account the relevant features of the work." Therefore, it is possible to develop individual norms and prices, or correction (increasing) factors. And this is already easier, since individual norms and prices will have to be developed for each type of work, and correction (increasing) coefficients can be developed for the main, most common types of work, by determining the size of the coefficients as follows - individual estimated norms and prices for these main types are developed works are compared with the state elemental estimated norms and unit rates for the same types of work, on the basis of comparison, correction (increasing) coefficients are derived, after which these coefficients apply to the remaining types of work that are not related to the main ones. This method is much simpler, in its own way it allows you to get rid of the calculation of a large (often prevailing) number of all kinds of small auxiliary works, the total estimated cost of which is often much lower than the cost of the main works (hence, the counting errors possible with this method will not have a significant impact on reliable estimates of the estimated cost). And then the need to calculate a large number of works will scare off the estimators involved in this work, with its laboriousness.

The foregoing applies both to cases of construction in mountainous areas, and to cases of erection of structures and performance of work, for the solidity, accuracy class and quality of which there are increased requirements.

Attention should be paid to the text of the third paragraph of clause 2.2. Methods: “Given that estimates are being developed based principle of averaging with minimization of consumption all necessary resources, it should be taken into account that standards to the side their reductions are not corrected". This is very important point. It must be said that in our country, resource consumption rates have always been calculated at a minimum, but it is one thing when before, everything was state-owned, everything was built at the expense of the state, including and sought to save everywhere and on everything. And it is a completely different matter when today many objects are being built at the expense of interests that have the right to know what they will receive for their money. If, for example, the consumption rate of linoleum when installing linoleum floors is 102.0 m2 per 100 m2 of floor, that is, only 2% is allocated for losses and waste, it is easy to imagine that all linoleum trimmings will lie on the floor in our apartments. Which is what happens in reality. The same is true with rolled roofs, where the standard consumption of rolled materials, taking into account losses, waste, overlaps, suggests that all trimmings of rolled materials will be put into the case. And the more scraps fit into the roof, the more joints. And leaks, as you know, occur precisely at the joints. But investors may not agree with such savings in resources at the expense of quality. They are ready to accept a higher (within reasonable limits) cost of linoleum floors and rolled roofs, as long as trimming is not used. But some officials of customers are trying to correct these standards downwards, just to prove their usefulness. And here it is important to imagine the consequences of such decisions.

This phrase was previously absent in the text of methodological and regulatory documents, and its appearance in this Methodology is the first such precedent - less is impossible, but more is possible. Previously, it was always considered the opposite.

It should be noted that the text does not talk about estimated norms, but about estimated standards. So the question is broader. Indeed, in addition to the elemental estimated norms, there are other estimated standards, it is also unacceptable to correct them downwards. And then some zealous customers are trying to reduce or even eliminate procurement and storage costs from the composition estimated prices, the standard which is in the amount 2% has existed for centuries and continues to have the right to exist, in an average amount. For more information about this, see the magazine "Estimate Review" N 2 p. 77 in the heading "Consultations and clarifications".

IN technical parts some collections of GESN say that the consumption of materials given in the tables of the collections of GESN can be taken as write-off rates. This, for example, is stated in paragraph 1.5 of the main provisions on the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work “The data obtained on the basis of GESNr on the composition of the amount of resources can be used to determine the duration of the work, compiling various technological documentation and writing off materials.” But after all, what has been stated in terms of writing off materials is fundamentally wrong. In the elemental estimated norms, the consumption of resources, including materials and products, is determined on the basis of the principle of averaging, and this is correct. And when writing off, one should have norms not averaged, but for a specific type of work, that is, production (and not estimated) norms for the consumption of materials. In the book "Estimates for construction work"An example was given when, when concreting columns with a section of 30x30 cm, 40x40 cm, 50x50 cm, the estimated consumption rate of formwork panels (or lumber, i.e. boards), taking into account the turnover, is given one for everything about everything , and when calculating for 1 m3 of concrete, the consumption of formwork panels for columns with a section of 30x30 cm per 1 m3 of concrete will be the largest, and for columns with a section of 50x50 cm - the smallest. So in such cases for writing off materials, the principle of averaging is not suitable and there must be production standards, with gradation- separately for columns with a section of 30x30 cm, 40x40 cm and 50x50 cm. The situation is similar with painting or glazing windows. Windows can be with or without vents, double-leaf, three-leaf or single-leaf, narrower or wider, with or without sash bars, and the estimated consumption rates of materials both for painting windows and for glazing them are the same, averaged. And here production rates for paint or glass should be specified by type of window. And it is no coincidence that in the last paragraph of clause 2.5. The methodology says: “Resource indicators obtained on the basis of GESN (meaning all elemental estimated norms - both GESN as such, and GESNr and GESNm) can serve as the basis for production rates for the consumption of materials and their write-off.” It's all right, that's right. The basis for the development of production consumption rates and write-offs of materials can be the norms of GESN, but they cannot be the basis directly for the write-off of materials for the reasons stated above.

Attention should be paid to one inconsistency or even a contradiction that took place in the estimated regulatory base of GESN-2001. This is the application of coefficients of 1.15 to labor costs and 1.25 to the time of operation of construction machines when repairing and reconstructing buildings and structures, works similar to technological processes in new construction (including the cost of erecting new elements). In the last paragraph of clause 1.28 of the Collection N46 of GESN-2001 “Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures” it is said: “In this case, the coefficients differentiated according to the conditions of work, given in the “General Guidelines for the Use of GESN”, do not apply. And in the second paragraph of clause 1.13 of the main provisions on the application of GESN-2001, there is no such condition. With the release of the Methodology, this discrepancy was eliminated, since in the second paragraph clause 4.7. Methods says: Performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, work similar to technological processes in new construction should be normalized according to the relevant collections of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction works (except for the norms of the collection of GESN N46 "Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures") using coefficients of 1.15 to labor costs and 1.25 to the norms of the operating time of construction machines. The indicated coefficients may be used in conjunction with the coefficients given in Appendix N1 to this Methodology.

So we quietly approached the issues of applying increasing coefficients that take into account complicating factors in the production of work (popularly they are often called “coefficients for constraint”, but there are other coefficients there). Such tables were in the estimated regulatory base of 1969, 1984, 1991. They are also given in the Methodology, in Appendix N1 to it and are given much more widely.

Firstly, before there were always coefficients that take into account the cramped conditions for the production of work in existing buildings and structures in the presence of harmful working conditions for workers in the main production (and hence for builders too) - with or without a transfer to a reduced working day, at 36, 30 and 24 hour work weeks. But the coefficients that take into account these most harmful working conditions, but without constraint, have not been previously given. But after all, harmful working conditions in themselves are complicating factors in the production of work, especially with a shortened working day and a shortened working week. Now such coefficients are provided.

Secondly, in the Guidelines for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work - MDS 81-28.2001, in the Guidelines for the use of GESNm-2001 for the installation of equipment - MDS 81-29.2001, as well as in the general instructions for the use of GESNr-2001 are given multiplying coefficients that take into account the production of an operating high voltage overhead power transmission line (TL) in the security zone. But why only near power lines? Is the work inside the existing TP and RP less dangerous? Or work in production shops near existing electrical equipment. In the Methodology, this item is set out as follows: "Construction and other work near high-voltage facilities, including in the security zone of an existing overhead power line." Moreover, in the first paragraph of clause 1 of the Notes to the table of coefficients that take into account complicating factors, it says “Work near live objects includes work inside existing buildings, the internal wiring of which is not de-energized”.

Many people know how difficult it is to work in the mountains. Both shortness of breath and strength run out much earlier, and you want to take a break more often. Yes, and equipment with an internal combustion engine at a height, in conditions of rarefied air, works less productively. But the coefficients to the norms of labor costs from the time of operation of construction machines and mechanisms when working in mountainous conditions were not previously provided. Now they are.

Notes to the mentioned tables have been significantly supplemented. About work inside buildings with non-de-energized wiring has already been mentioned. In addition, earlier in applications to similar tables, speaking of cramped conditions, 4 factors were listed, and in the new Methodology, 2 more were added to the four: in the construction of facilities, when the building density exceeds the norm by 20% or more; during the construction of facilities, when, in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations, the construction organization project provides for limiting the rotation of the tower crane boom.

The notes also stipulate that harmful production conditions also include work in existing health care enterprises (tuberculosis dispensaries, leper colonies, etc.), where, in accordance with current legislation, employees of the main production have a reduced working day.

Both in the previously existing cost estimates and in the new Methodology, the coefficients that take into account cramped conditions in the presence of harmful working conditions in open and semi-open areas are set somewhat smaller than in working conditions inside buildings and structures. It is understandable when harmful working conditions mean the presence of steam, dust, harmful gases, smoke, etc. - ventilation is higher in semi-open and open areas and, therefore, the impact of these harmful working conditions is reduced. However, under such harmful working conditions as the presence of lead, zinc, mercury or heavy metal dust or radiation, the effect of such harmful working conditions cannot be reduced by airing, therefore this issue is discussed separately in the appendix.

It should be noted that Appendix No. 1 to the Methodology contains 4 tables of complicating factors:

In the course of construction work;

In the production of repair and construction works;

In the production of commissioning, which correspond with each other and at the same time have their own characteristics. So, for example, in the table of complicating factors in the production of repair and construction works, multiplying factors are given that take into account the repair of existing buildings (including residential buildings) without resettlement, as well as the repair of individual structural elements of buildings located in the built-up city center:

Facade repair;

Repair of complex roofs;

Repair of the yard and adjacent to buildings improvement. To be continued.

PhD in Economics


MDS 81 - 35. 2004

Moscow 2004

Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, (MDS 81-35. 2004)

DEVELOPED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (head - V.A. Stepanov, responsible executor - E.E. Ermolaev, I.Yu. Nosenko), with the participation of the Baltic Construction Company (V.M. Simanovich), the Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (V.I. Koretsky, V.M. Didkovsky, Zh.G. Chernyshova), Scientific and Technical Center "Stroyinvestnauka" of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (N.M. Shumeyko, V.P. Berezin, S .B.Sborshchikov), GASIS (I.T.Tsirunyan), Transstroy Corporation (S.S.Abdrakhmanov, Kh.Z.Bashirova), CJSC INiK (Yu.V.Zhabenko, V.M.Beznos), Committee for the operation of the housing stock of the administration of St. Petersburg (N.M. Letenko).

APPROVED by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Gosstroy of Russia.

INTRODUCED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on March 9, 2004 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004

REVIEWED by the Ministry of Justice of Russia and recognized as a document that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation and does not need state registration (letter No. 07/2699-YUD dated March 10, 2004).
INSTEAD OF "Code of rules for determining the cost of construction as part of pre-design and design and estimate documentation" SP 81-01-94, introduced by letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 29, 1994 No. VB-12-276, "Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the territory of the Russian Federation" MDS 81-1.99, put into effect by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.26.99 No. 31, "Instructions for the use of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work" MDS 81-28.2001, "Instructions for the application. GESNm-2001 for the installation of equipment » MDS 81-29.2001, "Guidelines for the use of GESNp-2001 for commissioning" MDS 81-27.2001, General guidelines for the use of GESNr-2001 for repair and construction work, as well as "Temporary guidelines for determining the cost of work in the construction and repair of automobile roads" MDS 81-30.2002.

The methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) was developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of methodological and regulatory documents provided for by the 2001 estimate and regulatory framework for pricing in construction.
The methodology incorporates general methodological provisions for the preparation of estimate documentation and the determination of the estimated cost of construction, the performance of repair, installation and commissioning work at all stages of the development of pre-design and project documentation, the formation of contractual prices for construction products and the settlement of payments for the work performed. The Methodology highlights the main provisions for the application of elemental estimated norms and prices, as well as limited and other works and costs provided for by the estimated and regulatory pricing base in construction in 2001.
The Methodology takes into account the requirements and provisions of regulatory legal methodological documents as of March 1, 2004
In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2003 No. VYa-P10-14161, the provisions given in the Methodology apply to all enterprises of the construction complex of the Russian Federation when determining the cost of building new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, performing repair and commissioning works, regardless of the sources of financing carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the formation of prices for construction products and payments for work performed.
Application controversy estimated standards are subject to consideration by the authorized federal executive body in the field of construction.