Will the euro fall in the near future. Euro forecast. What to expect from the ECB meeting? Euro exchange rate forecast by day


The euro exchange rate forecast is mostly guesswork based on well-known facts. In fact, anyone can make own forecast and, frankly, it will differ little in accuracy from the same data voiced by venerable specialists / experts / financiers. The information below is for informational purposes only. We cannot be held responsible for what has been said, so we do not know how to look into the future. It's a pity.

EUR/USD forecast for today

The only thing we can say for sure is the euro exchange rate forecast for today. As of 09/06/2018 at 13:00, the euro was worth 79.36, which is slightly less than, for example, yesterday. It is noteworthy that the direction of movement is different from that shown by the dollar. As a result, these are not features of the domestic ruble, but features of the foreign currency itself.

There are two options in this case:

  • The US dollar is strengthening against the euro.
  • The euro falls against the US dollar.

In fact, the result is the same, but the causal relationships are different. Nevertheless, in general, judging by the existing forecasts of the euro-dollar rate, their general movement still coincides. As evidence, we offer two graphs for the forecast of the euro-dollar exchange rate:

Euro forecast for tomorrow

According to preliminary data, which can be checked tomorrow, the course the euro will fall even more and drop to the level that he showed on September 3 this, 2018. Presumably this is due to the increase in the level of oil production. On the one hand, this makes oil cheaper, on the other hand, cheapness is, firstly, a relative concept, and secondly, a temporary one. Prices will still skyrocket, since raw materials are finite in our world and therefore its low cost cannot be in principle. Another thing is how long the temporary price reduction will last.

Euro weekly forecast

Over the next week, the euro will be significantly affected by the same increase in oil production. In addition, in the near future, the dollar will strengthen for some time at the expense of the ruble, which automatically hits the euro and makes it lose ground a little. Presumably, in a week the euro exchange rate will fall even more. Unfortunately, at this stage it is not possible to issue a daily forecast of the euro exchange rate with more or less high accuracy.

Euro forecast for September 2018

Despite the relatively positive short-term forecast for the euro, in general, in August and further in September 2018, the rate will only grow. At this stage, given the complete unpredictability of the ruble, it is too early to say anything specific, but all the prerequisites, as well as the history of the “relationships” between the euro and the ruble, literally scream about this.

The first thing that deserves attention is the exit of the US government from vacation. As has long been noted, the higher the dollar, the lower the euro and vice versa. As a consequence, his movement will be affected by the decisions he makes. Presumably, the next sanctions will be adopted, which will bring down the ruble even more, which, without any action from the European currency, will lead to an increase in the exchange rate.

Euro forecast for October 2018

The euro exchange rate largely depends on political decisions. Moreover, issued not only by the EU government, but also accepted by the United States. Thus, it is practically impossible to say something unambiguously. Nevertheless, according to most analysts, despite the active growth of the dollar and euro against the ruble in September, starting from October and continuing until the end of the year, a slow but steady decline will be observed.

But there is another point of view. Some experts believe that the rate, on the contrary, will only increase and will not stop until the summer of 2019. The same is true of the statistics. For example, it has long been known that in most cases the currency almost literally repeats the fluctuations of the previous year. And in 2017, this period accounts for significant growth:

Euro forecast for November 2018

Presumably, since this cannot be said for sure, the euro exchange rate in November 2018 may rise, but hardly seriously. According to other sources, it will even fall, but there are no prerequisites for this yet. Short-term stagnation can be taken as a basis.

From this point of view, this currency will not be the best option for trading. The absence of more or less accurate forecasts for the long term will not allow you to work with the trend. As a result, it will be possible to earn on the exchange only by working on its reversal or only when the main direction of movement is determined.

Euro forecast for December 2018

December, if we consider the situation in the context of past years, will begin with a fall in the euro. Presumably, the currency could fall by 10 points or even more. However, closer to the middle of the month, a sharp upswing will follow due to traditional pre-New Year purchases and an active growth in consumer spending. And by the end of the month, there will be a fall again, against the backdrop of a lull in any activity at the end of the year.

As mentioned above, this currency is not the best option for trading in this period. If you want to make money, then you should follow an innovative IT company using the form on the right and trade the asset very carefully, with special emphasis on news. Here is an example of how the currency behaved in same period last year:

Euro forecast for 2018

In general, based on what we see now, the euro exchange rate, after the current short-term fall, is likely to increase significantly in the near future, after which it will begin a slow, gradual fall, which towards the end of 2018 will lead to its return to existing position moment.

Euro forecast for 2019

It is still impossible to make any intelligible forecasts for the next year due to the fact that it is not known how relations between the EU countries, its relations with the USA and Russia will develop. For example, if the problem of migrants in the EU goes to the next round, we can expect a fall in the rate, as the economies of countries may simply not withstand it.

In addition, the European Union in the past few months has been striving to pursue its own policy, independent of the United States. It turns out very badly so far, but there is such a trend and it is likely that it will only develop in the future. Therefore, according to a preliminary forecast, in the first months of 2019, the Euro exchange rate will show a fairly confident growth, which will reach its maximum in April-May 2019.

After that, the US dollar will come first, which will automatically have a negative impact on the euro exchange rate, and starting from the spring of 2019, we will be able to observe a gradual, slow, but very confident fall. Here is an example of a table with preliminary calculations of the euro exchange rate for 2019:


It is very difficult to make a reliable forecast for the euro, since it is a very specific currency, which is influenced not only by the foreign policy situation, but also by the relationship between the participating countries. In addition, the dollar also has a significant impact. Therefore, it is recommended that you first of all focus on the dollar and only then look at how its growth or fall affects the euro.

This section of our site is completely devoted to the analysis currency pair euro dollar. According to well-known world statistics, the EUR/USD pair is the most popular on Forex, as a rule, up to 80% of trading operations on the market take place on this pair. That's why Forex forecast EUR/USD also the most popular section of our site. Here you will always find high-quality reviews and forecasts of the EUR USD exchange rate for today and tomorrow.

Forex forecast Euro Dollar (EUR/USD) for tomorrow

Due technical analysis four-hour chart of the euro, our specialists can provide for traders and investors Forecast Euro Dollar (EUR/USD) not only for today, but also for tomorrow. H4 chart analysis remains relevant for the next day, trading levels and targets can also be available for several days. As you can see, recently the pair has been trading within a sideways trend, and this makes the Euro Dollar (EUR/USD) Forecast Forecast reviews for tomorrow even more relevant.

EUR USD forecast online

We publish euro dollar analytics daily, as part of the reviews, our traders offer the most relevant trading ideas with open transactions on the price chart. Therefore, we can safely call this format of providing forecasts EUR USD forecast online.

Forecast Euro Dollar (EUR/USD) for today

Of course, if the review is made for tomorrow, it remains relevant for now and until the end of the current day, if the cancellation levels have not been reached. forex forecast EUR/USD for today. To stay up to date with the latest euro dollar forecasts for today, save this section to your bookmarks, and you can always quickly return to the section Forecast EUR/USD and assess the market situation.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the euro is a foreign currency that ranks second in the ranking of monetary units for which today Hard times. There are many reasons for the depreciation of the euro at the moment, the situation as a whole was also affected by Greece, which is mired in debt, like in silks, and refuses to repay its debts to direct debtors. It is difficult to give accurate forecasts of the exchange rate of the euro against the ruble at the end of 2019, but international experts still predict a period when the euro will fall even more. This will be discussed in this article.

What can affect the euro exchange rate in 2019

The exchange rate of the euro against the Russian ruble depends primarily on the following factors:

  1. The interest rate set by the European Central Bank. So, at this time it is reduced to the minimum threshold value. In this regard, experts are implementing additional programs that stimulate the value of QE.
  2. The amount of public debt in the European Union. In addition to Greece, loans were provided to Spain and Portugal. Decrease in profitability valuable papers directly proportional to the exchange rate.
  3. If the price of Russian oil falls sharply, the foreign currency will also suddenly rise. This is quite possible in the absence of free capacities in American oil storage facilities and with regular deliveries of black gold from Iran. The oil market does not shine with stability, so at any moment the situation may change towards a decrease in the value of the ruble. For the domestic economy, such fluctuations do not mean anything good.
  4. The ongoing crisis in Ukraine. The war escalates further, and peace negotiations are more like a farce that does not give any results. The neighboring state is trying to influence Russian Federation sanctions from the European Union. Either way, the new restrictions are forcing Russian citizens to tighten their belts.
  5. Economic instability. A foreign investor leaves the territory of Russia and transfers his assets to another territory. More than a hundred financial and credit institutions may become bankrupt due to their own insolvency.

What to Expect in Fall 2018

If in the fall of 2015 the euro was 70.38 rubles, then in the second half of January it is expected that the euro will reach 74.35 banknotes in the national currency.

The highest rates of the ruble occurred in April-May 2015, when the euro fell to the value of 52.9 rubles. In June foreign currency unit was calculated already at 61.95 rubles, at the end of July this figure changed to 67 rubles. As of August 14, 2015, the euro remained at around 65 rubles.

Updated on 03/14/2020 19:20

What is the euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow?

Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow is 77.14 rub., the minimum rate is 76.06, and the maximum is 78.22 rubles. The current Euro exchange rate is 80.17. Today the rate is down 4.3% compared to yesterday's close at 83.77.

Will the Euro rise or fall in a week?

Euro exchange rate forecast in a week 83.44 rub., minimum 82.27, maximum 84.61 rub. Thus, for a week the Euro exchange rate will increase on the 3.27 rub. relative to the exchange rate now at 80.17 rubles. See the table below for a more detailed forecast by day for the week.

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for March?

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 73.13-91.90, at the end of March 90.63 rub. At the beginning of March, the Euro exchange rate was 73.75, i.e. the monthly change will be +22.9%.

What Euro exchange rate is predicted for April?

Euro exchange rate forecast for April - 94.26 rub. at the end of April, the minimum rate during the month is 89.62, the maximum is 95.58. Monthly change +4.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for every day in the table

date of Day Min Well Max
16.03 Monday 76.06 77.14 78.22
17.03 Tuesday 77.24 78.34 79.44
18.03 Wednesday 79.21 80.33 81.45
19.03 Thursday 81.17 82.32 83.47
20.03 Friday 82.27 83.44 84.61
23.03 Monday 83.92 85.11 86.30
24.03 Tuesday 86.41 87.64 88.87
25.03 Wednesday 86.09 87.31 88.53
26.03 Thursday 86.17 87.39 88.61
27.03 Friday 86.53 87.76 88.99
30.03 Monday 87.19 88.43 89.67
31.03 Tuesday 89.36 90.63 91.90
01.04 Wednesday 89.62 90.89 92.16
02.04 Thursday 89.74 91.01 92.28
03.04 Friday 91.58 92.88 94.18
06.04 Monday 91.99 93.30 94.61
07.04 Tuesday 92.71 94.03 95.35
08.04 Wednesday 92.42 93.73 95.04
09.04 Thursday 92.19 93.50 94.81
10.04 Friday 92.53 93.84 95.15
13.04 Monday 92.30 93.61 94.92
14.04 Tuesday 92.64 93.96 95.28
15.04 Wednesday 92.04 93.35 94.66
16.04 Thursday 91.06 92.35 93.64

What is the Euro forecast for May?

Euro exchange rate forecast for May is in the range of 94.26-99.32, at the end of May 97.95 rub. Monthly change +3.9%.

What Euro exchange rate is predicted until the end of 2020?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020 year: the rate will trade in the range of 89.62-101.48. Price forecast for the end of December 2020 96.87 rub.

What will the Euro rate be like in 2021?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2021 year: exchange rate at the end of December 2021 - 92.26 rub. And during the year the rate will fluctuate in the range of 87.42-97.23.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020, 2021 and 2022

Month Start Min-Max End Total,%
Mar 73.75 73.13-91.90 90.63 +22.9%
Apr 90.63 89.62-95.58 94.26 +27.8%
May 94.26 94.26-99.32 97.95 +32.8%
Jun 97.95 97.95-101.48 100.08 +35.7%
Jul 100.08 96.63-100.08 98.00 +32.9%
Aug 98.00 95.88-98.60 97.24 +31.9%
sen 97.24 96.54-99.28 97.91 +32.8%
Oct 97.91 93.53-97.91 94.86 +28.6%
But I 94.86 94.86-100.03 98.65 +33.8%
Dec 98.65 95.51-98.65 96.87 +31.3%
Jan 96.87 93.44-96.87 94.77 +28.5%
Feb 94.77 94.55-97.23 95.89 +30.0%
Mar 95.89 93.00-95.89 94.32 +27.9%
Apr 94.32 91.44-94.32 92.74 +25.7%
May 92.74 91.45-94.05 92.75 +25.8%
Jun 92.75 90.26-92.82 91.54 +24.1%
Jul 91.54 91.54-94.72 93.41 +26.7%
Aug 93.41 90.00-93.41 91.28 +23.8%
sen 91.28 87.42-91.28 88.66 +20.2%
Oct 88.66 88.66-93.50 92.21 +25.0%
But I 92.21 90.37-92.93 91.65 +24.3%
Dec 91.65 90.97-93.55 92.26 +25.1%
Jan 92.26 87.33-92.26 88.57 +20.1%
Feb 88.57 88.57-93.40 92.11 +24.9%
Mar 92.11 92.11-95.70 94.38 +28.0%

Currency Forecasts:

The "behavior" of the European currency in recent years is surprising. Instead of rising in price, or at least “fluctuating”, as in previous years, the euro exchange rate has been steadily declining this autumn. Since the end of September, the euro has lost almost 2 UAH in value. The autumn maximum, at the rate of the National Bank, was recorded on September 28 and amounted to 33 UAH and almost 13 kopecks. By November 13, the euro was already worth UAH 31.43. That is, it turns out that every day the euro becomes cheaper by at least 1 kopeck.

According to experts, the reasons for such a depreciation should not be sought in the Ukrainian economy. In our country (as in many others) the euro exchange rate is set through the dollar exchange rate. And, if the reasons for the exchange rate change are related to the situation inside our country, the dollar and euro exchange rates change synchronously. If they move in different directions (as, for example, now, when the dollar is practically stable, and the euro is getting cheaper), most likely, the reason lies in the change in the dollar exchange rate against the euro (or vice versa).

The fall of the euro and the strengthening of the local currency is now happening in many countries. For example, in the UK, the media write that the pound sterling today is the strongest in the last 3 months. The Moldovan media are full of headlines “The euro is shocking”, “The euro has collapsed”, etc. In Belarus they write that the euro exchange rate is almost equal to the dollar exchange rate.

In the countries of the eurozone, they admit that the euro fell “below the plinth” against the dollar, breaking the lowest record over the past year and a half.

One of the main reasons for the fall of the euro currency, the local media called the ongoing preparations for Brexit. In particular, a particularly sharp fall in the euro was recorded after the statement by the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, that an agreement on Britain's withdrawal from the European Union would be signed in the coming weeks. Also, a commotion in the Eurozone has caused Italy's budget for next year, which includes a deficit of 2.5%, despite the fact that the country already owes 130% of its GDP to donors. More precisely, not so much the budget itself (in Ukraine, for example, the budget deficit is no smaller), but the conflict between Italy and the EU that arose because of it. A country that does not want to cut spending is predicted to be expelled from the eurozone and from the EU.

These and other shocks in the Eurozone significantly weaken both the European economy and the local currency. While the US economy, on the contrary, is showing strong growth.

Europe is in big trouble

As for the reasons for the fall of the euro, the experts we interviewed turned out to be surprisingly unanimous.

“Several factors influence the euro-dollar rate today. First, Brexit. But this is not news, and therefore not the main factor. Much more influenced by the results of the economy. If we compare the economies of the US and Europe, then the US has a more successful economy. There is greater GDP growth, the lowest unemployment rate over the past 15 years (about 3.8%, while in Europe it is almost 7%). And all the attempts of Europe to show in some way better results than those of America are not working yet. As a result, there is a disproportion and yes, the euro loses to the dollar,” explains President of the Ukrainian Analytical Center Alexander Okhrimenko.

Economist, expert analyst Boris Kushniruk draws attention to the fact that the exchange rate of the dollar-euro pair does not stand still.

“The exchange rates of the dollar and the euro are constantly showing a “swing”. Moreover, the cycle takes several years. Either the euro rises in price against the dollar, or it depreciates. Now the euro is weakening, and the dollar is strengthening. One of the reasons is that Europe now has more problems and uncertainty. Problems with the budget of Italy, uncertainty about Brexit, problems in relations between states, for example, Hungary and Poland, etc. And in the United States, the situation is predictable, the midterm elections have passed, the economy is growing. In addition, the United States raised interest rate, which makes the dollar a more profitable currency, which means it is more profitable to transfer funds into dollars,” says Boris Kushniruk.

Senior Analyst of FOREX CLUB Andrey Shevchishin also explains the fall of the euro to problems in Europe and the more advantageous position of the United States.

“The external trigger for the situation with the dollar and the euro is the US-China trade war, as well as US trade restrictions, which have led to a narrowing of business activity in Europe. The industry is falling, the automotive industry is especially sensitive. Eurozone GDP in the 3rd quarter added only 0.2%, which was the lowest level since the 2nd quarter of 2014. The internal trigger is the political component. Brexit talks are tough, but still moving forward. But the negotiations on the budget of Italy reached an impasse. Because of Italy, the risks of confrontation within the EU are growing, which hurts investor confidence. In addition, the yield of eurodebt does not attract investors, the risks have increased. Germany's 10-year debt is 0.4%, while Italian debt rose to 3.5% amid risks. With regard to US bonds, investors are more favorable, and the yield has already consolidated above 3.15%, which supports the dollar, ”explains the expert.

Among other things, global risks are a common factor economic growth, which have already resulted in a deep correction of the stock market, Andriy Shevchishin believes.

“It is these fears of a new crisis that lead to the redistribution of capital and the flight into the dollar. This supports the dollar against the general background and weakens other currencies,” he says.

Trend change is not predicted yet

Speaking about the immediate prospects for the euro, the experts are rather reserved in their assessments and rather pessimistic.

“Many analysts believe that the euro will continue to lose to the dollar. Until Europe is able to offer some way out, a new indicator for growth,” Alexander Okhrimenko said briefly.

Boris Kushniruk outlines the same trend.

Explaining his thesis about the crisis, the expert says:

“The world is in the midst of a global crisis that began in 2007. And we will be in crisis until 2023-2025, when the reformatting of both the world economy and the international legal system should take place. because existing order unable to solve pressing problems. The current model was written 80 years ago, and it no longer corresponds to the current stage of world development. The movement of goods, finance, capital, people... Could we have imagined then that hundreds and thousands of Africans (refugees) would go to Europe? And there are many such problems that have no solution within the framework of the current world order. And these contradictions hook Europe much more than the US.”.

Boris Kushniruk recalls that the IMF predicts a new wave of the global crisis somewhere at the beginning of 2020. Moreover, according to the expert, it will be a crisis associated with a change in technological patterns.

“The crisis of overproduction is usually short, 1-3 quarters, and then there is a new growth. But the crisis of the technological order lasts longer, and here everything is much less predictable. Therefore, now no one can say what it will lead to. For example, now almost all global companies have announced that they are launching a line of electric vehicles. Can you imagine the scale of change? First, electric vehicles are technologically much simpler, there are fewer components, which means that a large number of people will lose their jobs. There will be an oversupply of gas stations, the oil refining industry will change. A huge number of people who are involved in the current processes will become unnecessary and lose their jobs. For example, to refuel an electric car, you don’t need someone to stand and sell you an electrician. And this is just one example of the coming changes, which, according to forecasts, will peak in 2023-2025. Now the crisis is just beginning, and we still do not feel what incredible processes we are in,” Boris Kushniruk predicts.

How much will the euro cost by the New Year, 2019

“At the end of this year, we will see a picture when for 1 euro they will give 1 dollar and less than 10 cents. And world analysts believe that this situation will continue until Europe makes a breakthrough,” says Alexander Okhrimenko.

Judging by this forecast, if the dollar by the New Year will cost, for example, UAH 29, then the euro will cost only UAH 29.3.

"If the situation does not change, the euro may roll back against the dollar to the 1.1 zone, and next year continue moving to 1.05 - closer to the end of the 1st quarter," Andriy Shevchyshyn believes.

However, neither a complete collapse of the euro nor an excessive strengthening of the dollar should be expected, at least in the short term, experts say.

“There is a line that these currencies will not cross. The United States also does not benefit much from the strengthening of the dollar, because this leads to a rise in the cost of American goods in foreign markets. So the States will take measures to prevent too significant strengthening of the dollar against other currencies of the world,” explains Boris Kushniruk.

Answering the question in what currency should Ukrainians keep their savings now, Oleksandr Okhrimenko says that it depends on how long a person saves money.

“If you are going to save money for 5-10 years, then it would be appropriate Keep 50% of your savings in dollars and 50% in euros. Because in 10 years the situation can change very significantly. But if you shift from one currency to another, you will definitely lose. You can play dollar-euro only with very large amounts,” the expert says.

If we are talking about the need to accumulate or save in the short term, according to Alexander Okhrimenko, “Hryvnia is definitely more profitable” .