Euro exchange rate forecast for November December. Euro exchange rate forecast for the week. The euro will rise or fall in a week


Euro(English Euro) - the official currency of 19 countries of the Eurozone (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Estonia). Euro is also the national currency of 9 more states, 7 of which are located in Europe. However, unlike the members of the eurozone, these countries cannot influence the monetary policy of the European Union. central bank and send representatives to its governing bodies. Thus, the euro is the single currency for more than 340 million Europeans. As of November 2013 in cash circulation was 951 billion euros, which made this currency the owner of the highest total value of cash circulating around the world, ahead of the US dollar in this indicator.

1 euro is equal to 100 cents (or eurocents). Banknote denominations in circulation: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. Coins: 2 and 1 euro, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents. The name of the currency comes from the word "Europe".

Eurocurrency is printed by central banks that are members of the European System of Central Banks. All issued banknotes have one standard design. On the front side, windows, gates, bridges are depicted as symbols of openness and interconnection. They are made in the form of typical examples of the main styles of European architecture: classical, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, "metal and glass", Art Nouveau. At the same time, euro banknotes differ in color palette: 500 - purple, 200 - yellow, 100 - green, 50 - orange, 20 - blue, 10 red, and 5 - gray.

Unlike banknotes, the coins have only the front side in common, on which the denomination is placed against the background of the symbolic map of Europe. The reverse side is considered "national" - each issuing central bank has its own for each denomination.

Despite the fact that officially non-cash euros were introduced on January 1, 1999, and cash was issued on January 1, 2002, the history of the single European currency is older. Before the euro appeared, from 1979 to 1998, the European currency system used the ECU unit of account (ECU, European Currency Unit), which was a conditional basket of national monetary units a number of countries. Subsequently, the ECU was exchanged for the euro at a one-to-one rate.

Officially trading in the euro on the international foreign exchange market began on January 4, 1999. In order to save investors from currency risks, the quotes of national currencies were fixed. Thus, the exchange rate of the German mark was 1.95583 per euro, the French franc - 6.55957, and the Italian lira - 1,936.21. At the same time, the initial exchange rate of the euro against the dollar was determined at about $1.17.

During 1999, the euro quotes steadily declined, eventually reaching the so-called parity - equality of 1 euro and 1 dollar. At the end of September 2000, the European central bank, the US Federal Reserve System, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and a number of European banks conducted a joint intervention in support of the single euro currency. Nevertheless, this did not prevent her from reaching an absolute historical minimum, which amounted to 0.8230 dollars per euro in October 2000.

It was recognized that a further decline in the quotations of the single currency could hurt the European economy. At the same time, by the end of 2000, in order to cope with the upcoming recession, the US Federal Reserve set out to ease monetary policy, cutting, in particular, discount rate up to 2%. Since interest rates in Europe turned out to be higher, the euro became more attractive for investment than the dollar. In addition, in 2001, the US economy experienced a shock caused by the September 11 terrorist attacks. By the end of the year, the euro was trading at 0.96 per dollar, and by July 2002 it returned to parity again. It finally became more expensive than the dollar after December 6 of the same year. And in 2003, it began to grow steadily in price against the backdrop of the US entry into the war in Iraq.

Its initial value of 1.1736, fixed on the first trading day, the rate reached on May 23, 2003, and the absolute maximum - 1.5990 - in 2008. This became possible due to the global financial crisis, which this time originated in financial system U.S.A. Economists believe that the strengthening of the euro was due mainly to the weakness of the US economy, and not to the strength of the European one. This assumption is also supported by the fact that the aggravation of problems in the eurozone subsequently led to a halt in the growth of currency quotes. For the summer of 2011, the euro exchange rate fluctuates between 1.41-1.45 dollars.

Nevertheless, during its existence, the euro confidently took the second place in the world in terms of government reserves. This is due to the fact that, in total, the gross domestic product of the countries included in the eurozone exceeds even the US GDP, which ranks first in the world.

The euro/dollar currency pair is the most traded in the Forex and financial derivatives market - futures. Today, Europe represents a real alternative to the United States in terms of investment opportunities. At the same time, the choice of investors is influenced primarily by a comparison of macroeconomic indicators of the two regions, such as the inflation rate, the prevailing interest rates, GDP, trade balance, etc.

At the same time, the biggest problem of the euro area remains the difference in the level of the economies of the member countries. The strongest are Germany, Italy, France. To those experiencing difficulties - Greece, Ireland and a number of others.

For Russian investors, the euro is traditionally interesting as an alternative to the US dollar. The European currency is used to diversify the risks associated with exchange rates, and as an independent direction of investment - in times of rising quotes.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the settlement in the countries - members of the euro area by debit or credit cards it is more profitable to produce in this currency in order to avoid unnecessary conversion.

The Russian national currency has entered a traditionally stressful period for it at the end of the year. In November-December, the factors playing against the ruble outweigh even the positive ones (such as the world record oil price for 2017). The ruble is depreciating both relative to and relative to the single European currency. Let's look at the euro exchange rate forecast for the week from November 13 to November 19, what will happen to the ruble and the euro in the coming days.

Euro exchange rate on November 11-13

On Friday, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation set the official euro exchange rate in Russia until Monday, November 13, at the level 68.9791 rubles for the euro.

The European currency fell slightly short of 69 rubles. Recall that above this mark, the euro was quoted in Russia quite recently - at the end of September. In total, over the past week, the euro has risen in price against the ruble by 90 kopecks, and with such growth rates of the European currency, it seems quite realistic to conquer the mark of 70 rubles per euro in the coming days.

Recall that the main factor that plays against the ruble at the end of each year is the need for business to pay off external borrowings.

Toward the end of the year, Russian business begins to stock up on foreign currency, and although this is traditionally done smoothly so as not to bring down the exchange rate national currency sharply, yet the general depreciation of the ruble always turns out to be quite significant. The recovery of the ruble's position begins in January.

Now the euro exchange rate in December of the previous year, 2016, seems rather modest - 65.5 rubles. but starting from January, the euro began to depreciate quite rapidly, dropping to 60.5 rubles by April. The current rate of 69 rubles is a consequence of the strengthening of the euro against the dollar. If at the beginning of the year there was practically parity between these currencies, and the cross rate was only 1.05, then by September it reached 1.19.

Euro exchange rate forecast for the week from 13 to 19 November

Let us turn to the forecasts of the euro exchange rate for the next week from the experts of the APEKON analytical agency, who are not afraid to give predictions expressed in specific figures for various economic indicators. The version of the euro exchange rate forecast for the week from November 13 to November 19 from APEKON analysts is as follows:

  • the 13th of November, Monday - the euro will step over 69 rubles, the exchange rate on Tuesday may be 69.11 rubles.
  • November 14, Tuesday - the rate on Wednesday will be even higher, 69.47 rubles.
  • 15th of November, Wednesday – slight course correction, until 69.30 rubles.
  • November 16, Thursday - the exchange rate on Friday will be equal to 70.52 rubles.
  • November 17, Friday - for the weekend, the euro exchange rate may be 70.24 rubles.

Thus, experts expect that in the second half of the coming week, the euro will again return to the rate above 70 rubles.

Euro exchange rate now 80.1697 rubles for 1 Euro. Change range: 79.9384 - 81.1019. Rate of the previous day: 83.7731. Change: -3.6034 rubles, -4.30%. Reverse course:

Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Euro exchange rate forecast by day

the date Day Min Max Well
16.03 Monday 76.77 79.11 77.94
17.03 Tuesday 77.96 80.34 79.15
18.03 Wednesday 79.94 82.38 81.16
19.03 Thursday 81.92 84.42 83.17
20.03 Friday 83.04 85.56 84.30
23.03 Monday 84.69 87.27 85.98
24.03 Tuesday 87.21 89.87 88.54
25.03 Wednesday 86.89 89.53 88.21
26.03 Thursday 86.97 89.61 88.29
27.03 Friday 87.34 90.00 88.67
30.03 Monday 88.00 90.68 89.34
31.03 Tuesday 90.20 92.94 91.57
01.04 Wednesday 90.45 93.21 91.83
02.04 Thursday 90.57 93.33 91.95
03.04 Friday 92.43 95.25 93.84
06.04 Monday 92.85 95.67 94.26
07.04 Tuesday 93.58 96.43 95.00
08.04 Wednesday 93.28 96.12 94.70
09.04 Thursday 93.05 95.89 94.47
10.04 Friday 93.40 96.24 94.82
13.04 Monday 93.17 96.01 94.59
14.04 Tuesday 93.53 96.37 94.95
15.04 Wednesday 92.92 95.74 94.33
16.04 Thursday 91.92 94.72 93.32

The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 16: 77.94 rubles, a maximum of 79.11, a minimum of 76.77. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 17: 79.15 rubles, maximum 80.34, minimum 77.96. The euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 18: 81.16 rubles, a maximum of 82.38, a minimum of 79.94. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 19: 83.17 rubles, maximum 84.42, minimum 81.92. The euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 20: 84.30 rubles, maximum 85.56, minimum 83.04.

A week later. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 23: 85.98 rubles, maximum 87.27, minimum 84.69. The euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 24: 88.54 rubles, a maximum of 89.87, a minimum of 87.21. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 25: 88.21 rubles, maximum 89.53, minimum 86.89. The euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 26: 88.29 rubles, a maximum of 89.61, a minimum of 86.97. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 27: 88.67 rubles, maximum 90.00, minimum 87.34.

In 2 weeks. The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 30th: 89.34 rubles, maximum 90.68, minimum 88.00. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 31: 91.57 rubles, maximum 92.94, minimum 90.20. The euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 1st: 91.83 rubles, a maximum of 93.21, a minimum of 90.45. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 2: 91.95 rubles, maximum 93.33, minimum 90.57. The euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 3rd: 93.84 rubles, maximum 95.25, minimum 92.43.

In 3 weeks. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 6: 94.26 rubles, maximum 95.67, minimum 92.85. Euro forecast for Tuesday, April 7: 95.00 rubles, maximum 96.43, minimum 93.58. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 8: 94.70 rubles, maximum 96.12, minimum 93.28. The euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 9: 94.47 rubles, a maximum of 95.89, a minimum of 93.05. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 10: 94.82 rubles, maximum 96.24, minimum 93.40.

After 4 weeks. The euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 13: 94.59 rubles, maximum 96.01, minimum 93.17. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, April 14: 94.95 rubles, maximum 96.37, minimum 93.53.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Month open Min-Max Close Month,% Total,%
Mar 73.75 73.13-92.94 91.57 24.2% 24.2%
Apr 91.57 91.57-95.73 94.32 3.0% 27.9%
May 94.32 94.32-98.61 97.15 3.0% 31.7%
Jun 97.15 97.15-100.75 99.26 2.2% 34.6%
Jul 99.26 95.74-99.26 97.20 -2.1% 31.8%
Aug 97.20 95.00-97.90 96.45 -0.8% 30.8%
sen 96.45 95.66-98.58 97.12 0.7% 31.7%
Oct 97.12 92.80-97.12 94.21 -3.0% 27.7%
But I 94.21 94.21-98.50 97.04 3.0% 31.6%
Dec 97.04 93.86-97.04 95.29 -1.8% 29.2%
Jan 95.29 91.82-95.29 93.22 -2.2% 26.4%
Feb 93.22 92.91-95.73 94.32 1.2% 27.9%
Mar 94.32 91.38-94.32 92.77 -1.6% 25.8%
Apr 92.77 89.84-92.77 91.21 -1.7% 23.7%
May 91.21 89.85-92.59 91.22 0.0% 23.7%
Jun 91.22 88.68-91.38 90.03 -1.3% 22.1%
Jul 90.03 90.03-93.25 91.87 2.0% 24.6%
Aug 91.87 88.43-91.87 89.78 -2.3% 21.7%
sen 89.78 85.90-89.78 87.21 -2.9% 18.3%
Oct 87.21 87.21-91.18 89.83 3.0% 21.8%
But I 89.83 87.94-90.62 89.28 -0.6% 21.1%
Dec 89.28 88.52-91.22 89.87 0.7% 21.9%
Jan 89.87 85.86-89.87 87.17 -3.0% 18.2%
Feb 87.17 87.17-91.14 89.79 3.0% 21.7%
Mar 89.79 89.79-93.39 92.01 2.5% 24.8%

Month open Min-Max Close Month,% Total,%
2022 Sequel
Apr 92.01 89.22-92.01 90.58 -1.6% 22.8%
May 90.58 90.00-92.74 91.37 0.9% 23.9%
Jun 91.37 89.50-92.22 90.86 -0.6% 23.2%
Jul 90.86 90.86-94.49 93.09 2.5% 26.2%
Aug 93.09 91.67-94.47 93.07 0.0% 26.2%
sen 93.07 90.12-93.07 91.49 -1.7% 24.1%
Oct 91.49 87.95-91.49 89.29 -2.4% 21.1%
But I 89.29 89.29-93.35 91.97 3.0% 24.7%
Dec 91.97 91.97-96.15 94.73 3.0% 28.4%
Jan 94.73 94.73-98.48 97.02 2.4% 31.6%
Feb 97.02 97.02-101.43 99.93 3.0% 35.5%
Mar 99.93 95.73-99.93 97.19 -2.7% 31.8%
Apr 97.19 92.86-97.19 94.27 -3.0% 27.8%
May 94.27 93.54-96.38 94.96 0.7% 28.8%
Jun 94.96 90.73-94.96 92.11 -3.0% 24.9%
Jul 92.11 88.52-92.11 89.87 -2.4% 21.9%
Aug 89.87 87.09-89.87 88.42 -1.6% 19.9%
sen 88.42 84.48-88.42 85.77 -3.0% 16.3%
Oct 85.77 83.59-86.13 84.86 -1.1% 15.1%
But I 84.86 84.86-88.72 87.41 3.0% 18.5%
Dec 87.41 83.52-87.41 84.79 -3.0% 15.0%
Jan 84.79 83.73-86.29 85.01 0.3% 15.3%
Feb 85.01 81.43-85.01 82.67 -2.8% 12.1%
Mar 82.67 78.99-82.67 80.19 -3.0% 8.7%
Apr 80.19 79.04-81.44 80.24 0.1% 8.8%

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 73.75 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.94, the minimum is 73.13. The average exchange rate for the month is 82.85. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.57, the change for March is 24.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.57 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 91.57. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.30. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.32, the change for April is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.61, the minimum is 94.32. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.10. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.15, the change for May is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.15 rubles. The maximum rate is 100.75, the minimum is 97.15. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.58. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 99.26, the change for June is 2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 99.26 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.26, the minimum is 95.74. The average exchange rate for the month is 97.87. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 97.20, change for July -2.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.20 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.90, the minimum is 95.00. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.64. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 96.45, change for August -0.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 96.45 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.58, the minimum is 95.66. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.95. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.12, the change for September is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.12 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.12, the minimum is 92.80. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.31. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.21, the change for October is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.50, the minimum is 94.21. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.99. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 97.04, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2020.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.04 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.04, the minimum is 93.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.81. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 95.29, the change for December is -1.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 95.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.29, the minimum is 91.82. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.91. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 93.22, the change for January is -2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 92.91. The average exchange rate for the month is 94.05. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.32, the change for February is 1.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.32, the minimum is 91.38. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.20. The forecast for the euro at the end of the month is 92.77, the change for March is -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.77, the minimum is 89.84. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.65. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 91.21, change for April -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.59, the minimum is 89.85. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.22. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.22, the change for May is 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.38, the minimum is 88.68. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.33. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 90.03, change for June -1.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.03 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.25, the minimum is 90.03. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.30. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 91.87, change for July 2.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.87, the minimum is 88.43. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.49. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.78, the change for August is -2.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.78 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.78, the minimum is 85.90. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.17. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 87.21, change for September -2.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.18, the minimum is 87.21. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.86. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.83, the change for October is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.83 rubles. The maximum rate is 90.62, the minimum is 87.94. The average exchange rate for the month is 89.42. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 89.28, change for November -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2021.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.28 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.22, the minimum is 88.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 89.72. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.87, the change for December is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 85.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.19. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 87.17, the change for January is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.17 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.14, the minimum is 87.17. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.82. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.79, the change for February is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.39, the minimum is 89.79. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.25. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 92.01, change for March 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.01, the minimum is 89.22. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.96. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 90.58, change for April -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.58 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.74, the minimum is 90.00. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.17. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.37, the change for May is 0.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.37 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.22, the minimum is 89.50. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.99. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 90.86, the change for June is -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 90.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.49, the minimum is 90.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 92.33. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 93.09, change for July 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.09 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.47, the minimum is 91.67. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.08. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 93.07, change for August 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 93.07 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.07, the minimum is 90.12. The average exchange rate for the month is 91.94. The forecast for the euro at the end of the month is 91.49, the change for September is -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.49 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.49, the minimum is 87.95. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.06. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 89.29, the change for October is -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.35, the minimum is 89.29. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.98. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 91.97, the change for November is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2022.
The course at the beginning of the month is 91.97 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.15, the minimum is 91.97. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.71. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.73, the change for December is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.73 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.48, the minimum is 94.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 96.24. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 97.02, the change for January is 2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.02 rubles. The maximum rate is 101.43, the minimum is 97.02. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.85. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 99.93, the change for February is 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 99.93 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.93, the minimum is 95.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 98.20. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 97.19, change for March -2.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 97.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.19, the minimum is 92.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 95.38. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 94.27, change for April -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.27 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.38, the minimum is 93.54. The average exchange rate for the month is 94.79. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 94.96, the change for May is 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 94.96 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.96, the minimum is 90.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 93.19. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 92.11, change for June -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 92.11 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.11, the minimum is 88.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 90.65. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 89.87, change for July -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 87.09. The average exchange rate for the month is 88.81. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 88.42, change for August -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 88.42 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.42, the minimum is 84.48. The average exchange rate for the month is 86.77. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 85.77, change for September -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 85.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.13, the minimum is 83.59. The average exchange rate for the month is 85.09. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 84.86, the change for October is -1.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 84.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.72, the minimum is 84.86. The average exchange rate for the month is 86.46. Euro rate forecast at the end of the month 87.41, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2023.
The course at the beginning of the month is 87.41 rubles. The maximum rate is 87.41, the minimum is 83.52. The average exchange rate for the month is 85.78. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 84.79, the change for December is -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 84.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.29, the minimum is 83.73. The average exchange rate for the month is 84.96. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 85.01, the change for January is 0.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 85.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 85.01, the minimum is 81.43. The average exchange rate for the month is 83.53. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 82.67, the change for February is -2.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 82.67 rubles. The maximum rate is 82.67, the minimum is 78.99. Average exchange rate per month 81.13. Forecast of the euro at the end of the month 80.19, change for March -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2024.
The course at the beginning of the month is 80.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 81.44, the minimum is 79.04. The average exchange rate for the month is 80.23. The euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 80.24, the change for April is 0.1%.

Here you will always find fresh forecast of the euro and ruble exchange rate. The forecast is updated and refined by APEKON experts on a daily basis, taking into account the latest events and changes in market data.

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September started for EURUSD with powerful fall, which formed a long downward trend that lasted until the end of the month. This was triggered by market expectations that the ECB at its next meeting will announce the deployment of the QE program - quantitative easing - to support exporters and stimulate the economy.

At the same time, the ruble received support on the back of rising oil prices, which allowed it to regain all the positions it has lost since the beginning of August 2019, and will approach strong support at the level of 70.4. What to expect from EURUSD in the new month? Experts are trying to answer this question in their forecasts for the euro for October 2019.

Alexander Osin, analysts investment company Freedom Finance expects that the euro in October will fluctuate within the range of 70.4-71.4 rubles. The expert bases his opinion on the fact that the euro and the ruble are now in similar situations and the only question is which of the currencies will fall faster.

Alexander Osin, analysts at IC Freedom Finance

In its latest report, the European Central Bank published figures on the development of the economies of the countries that are members of the EU, which showed that 90% of all European states are practically marking time. The ECB cannot ignore such a fact, so the expert is sure that soon the regulator will start pressing on the levers of weakening the European currency in order to stimulate the development of the economy in the EU.

Forecast of the International Financial Center

Vladimir Rozhankovsky, expert of the International financial center, draws attention to the fact that the ruble will be extremely weak in October. The expert names two reasons for this development of the event:

  • the need to pay external debts;
  • the weakening of the oil exchange rate, from which the ruble received support throughout September.

Vladimir Rozhankovsky, expert of the International Financial Center

Rozhankovsky believes that in October the ruble will fall faster than the euro, as the weakening of the European currency was expected, and the market has largely digested this news. Therefore, the analyst predicts that the euro will be traded within 72-74 rubles.

Alpari Forecast

Anna Bodrova, an analyst at Alpari, predicts that in October EURUSD will trade in the range of 70-71 rubles. According to the expert, both the euro and the ruble are now in a losing position. The euro is artificially weakened, and the ruble is no longer in demand among foreign investors, who, due to the confrontation between the United States and China, are afraid of the assets of developing countries.

Anna Bodrova, analyst at Alpari

Therefore, Bodrova believes that the euro will not fall below 70-70.4, because this is a strong technical level, but it will not rise either. It is likely that accumulation will take place in October, after which the euro will go up in November.

Experts agree that the euro is now very cheap and further fall of the European currency is unlikely to take place. This is largely facilitated by Trump's policy aimed at softening the dollar, which does not allow the EURUSD pair to reach parity and supports the European currency.

Updated on 14.03.2020 19:40

What is the euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow?

Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow is 77.14 rub., the minimum rate is 76.06, and the maximum is 78.22 rubles. The current Euro exchange rate is 80.17. Today the rate is down 4.3% compared to yesterday's close at 83.77.

Will the Euro rise or fall in a week?

Euro exchange rate forecast in a week 83.44 rub., minimum 82.27, maximum 84.61 rub. Thus, for a week the Euro exchange rate will increase on the 3.27 rub. relative to the exchange rate now at 80.17 rubles. See the table below for a more detailed forecast by day for the week.

What is the Euro exchange rate forecast for March?

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 73.13-91.90, at the end of March 90.63 rub. At the beginning of March, the Euro exchange rate was 73.75, i.e. the monthly change will be +22.9%.

What Euro exchange rate is predicted for April?

Euro exchange rate forecast for April - 94.26 rub. at the end of April, the minimum rate during the month is 89.62, the maximum is 95.58. Monthly change +4.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for every day in the table

the date Day Min Well Max
16.03 Monday 76.06 77.14 78.22
17.03 Tuesday 77.24 78.34 79.44
18.03 Wednesday 79.21 80.33 81.45
19.03 Thursday 81.17 82.32 83.47
20.03 Friday 82.27 83.44 84.61
23.03 Monday 83.92 85.11 86.30
24.03 Tuesday 86.41 87.64 88.87
25.03 Wednesday 86.09 87.31 88.53
26.03 Thursday 86.17 87.39 88.61
27.03 Friday 86.53 87.76 88.99
30.03 Monday 87.19 88.43 89.67
31.03 Tuesday 89.36 90.63 91.90
01.04 Wednesday 89.62 90.89 92.16
02.04 Thursday 89.74 91.01 92.28
03.04 Friday 91.58 92.88 94.18
06.04 Monday 91.99 93.30 94.61
07.04 Tuesday 92.71 94.03 95.35
08.04 Wednesday 92.42 93.73 95.04
09.04 Thursday 92.19 93.50 94.81
10.04 Friday 92.53 93.84 95.15
13.04 Monday 92.30 93.61 94.92
14.04 Tuesday 92.64 93.96 95.28
15.04 Wednesday 92.04 93.35 94.66
16.04 Thursday 91.06 92.35 93.64

What is the Euro forecast for May?

Euro exchange rate forecast for May is in the range of 94.26-99.32, at the end of May 97.95 rub. Monthly change +3.9%.

What euro exchange rate is predicted until the end of 2020?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020 year: the rate will trade in the range of 89.62-101.48. Price forecast for the end of December 2020 96.87 rub.

What will the Euro rate be like in 2021?

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2021 year: exchange rate at the end of December 2021 - 92.26 rub. And during the year the rate will fluctuate in the range of 87.42-97.23.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020, 2021 and 2022

Month Start Min-Max End Total,%
Mar 73.75 73.13-91.90 90.63 +22.9%
Apr 90.63 89.62-95.58 94.26 +27.8%
May 94.26 94.26-99.32 97.95 +32.8%
Jun 97.95 97.95-101.48 100.08 +35.7%
Jul 100.08 96.63-100.08 98.00 +32.9%
Aug 98.00 95.88-98.60 97.24 +31.9%
sen 97.24 96.54-99.28 97.91 +32.8%
Oct 97.91 93.53-97.91 94.86 +28.6%
But I 94.86 94.86-100.03 98.65 +33.8%
Dec 98.65 95.51-98.65 96.87 +31.3%
Jan 96.87 93.44-96.87 94.77 +28.5%
Feb 94.77 94.55-97.23 95.89 +30.0%
Mar 95.89 93.00-95.89 94.32 +27.9%
Apr 94.32 91.44-94.32 92.74 +25.7%
May 92.74 91.45-94.05 92.75 +25.8%
Jun 92.75 90.26-92.82 91.54 +24.1%
Jul 91.54 91.54-94.72 93.41 +26.7%
Aug 93.41 90.00-93.41 91.28 +23.8%
sen 91.28 87.42-91.28 88.66 +20.2%
Oct 88.66 88.66-93.50 92.21 +25.0%
But I 92.21 90.37-92.93 91.65 +24.3%
Dec 91.65 90.97-93.55 92.26 +25.1%
Jan 92.26 87.33-92.26 88.57 +20.1%
Feb 88.57 88.57-93.40 92.11 +24.9%
Mar 92.11 92.11-95.70 94.38 +28.0%

Currency Forecasts: