mired in loans what to do. The credit craziness is going through the country. Lost her job, left without an apartment and with a bunch of loans


In a conversation with a taxi driver on a brand new Solaris, I learned that he had big debts and only had a job in a taxi. According to him, his monthly payments on loans and credit cards amount to 45 thousand rubles. I did not go into details - these are only loans issued for him or for the whole family. But in any case, 45 thousand rubles monthly payments- this is 540 thousand rubles of payments per year.

Perhaps, by Moscow standards, this is not so much. But for a city in which a salary of 25,000 rubles is considered quite good, this is a catastrophic amount! Loans have firmly entered our lives and have already begun to destroy people's lives. The most difficult situation awaits those who fall into the credit loop and can no longer reduce their credit burden. The situation is aggravated by the fact that bank banks often issue loans at very low high interest. I personally saw loan agreement, which dealt with a loan at more than 100 percent per annum.

So, the stupidity of people who did not count on their strength multiplied by the greed of banks, who know only one way to make money - it is to brazenly rip off their customers and leave them without pants. Plus, marketers who treat us all the time that we are all scumbags if we don’t have an iPhone, mortgages, expensive car which we cannot afford to maintain. And the hit of the season, if you didn’t buy a purebred dog on credit, then you are completely screwed, because a dog is on credit, what better way to describe the current situation? And now let's add the most difficult economic situation throughout the country and now you understand why banks have practically stopped lending to the population. Bankers' defaults are on the rise. And many people are driven to despair.


I advise you not to panic. Already your loan dog bailiffs definitely won't get it. Start by writing down the amount of your debts. Stop making new loans to pay off old loans. And try your best to reduce your total debt every month. Credit cards it is desirable to destroy physically. And if you can’t reduce the amount of debt, then bankruptcy law can come to your rescue. individuals which comes into effect in summer 2015. But the most important thing you should know is that loans in their mass are evil. And their necessity is highly controversial. Taking a big loan means spoiling a healthy motivation to achieve at work. Get in front of the horse and pull it along instead of getting on it and riding. Such a credit lifestyle and harder to financial plan and is not motivated. Consumer itch? I assure you, there are much more inexpensive and pleasant joys in life than the credit BWM X5, which costs like an apartment and is not available in the usual service to the vast majority of office plankton.

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. Here is my story. We will start from the possible root of the problem. Its beginning lies, it seems to me, at the end of the month of July. I worked as a waiter in a restaurant. Was getting average salary around the city (about 40,000). Everything seemed to be good. Fell in love with a colleague. Then, at the end of the month, I don’t remember for what reasons, we all together (employees) wrote a letter of resignation. Gone one day. What to do next, I had no idea. Met with a friend. He told me that in 2 weeks he will have 300,000 and he does not know where to invest them. Well, we sat, thought and decided to start an Internet business. They thought of everything down to the smallest detail. Deal. After 2 weeks, he arrives, I borrow 65 thousand from him for a laptop and distribution of debts. We got to work. Worked for about 2 weeks. Everything was fine, flew uphill. He flew so fast ... That he crashed. One day at the end of August. I was left without money, the project failed, the girl left me (returned to a young man with whom she had been together for 3 years ... not a very story). A friend stopped funding, and that's it. I am without money, without a job in grief, and the like. Debts started. Well, to eat something, look for a job. I was looking for a job until the beginning of October. Didn't find anything. Last 2 weeks everyone possible ways get a loan to more or less deal with debts, find housing, get a job and start over. Today I received a rejection last can in which I took out a loan through a black broker. Let's summarize. Debts for 100,000, a microloan, the ability to repay which I do not have, respectively, my RIP credit history. There is no money, not even for food. I have to leave in 3 days. There is no one to turn to for help. During these 2 months he became very antisocial and quarreled with everyone. Parents won't help. That's how I ruined everything I could in 2 months. I can't get out of bed. I cried for the first time in 4 years. For 4 years, not a tear. And here. Thoughts that the simplest and most rational solution is the speedy transformation of my body into a cold piece of meat fly through my head every minute. Help me no one. It looks like THE END. I can’t live on the street either, since this is St. Petersburg, and now it’s already minus at night.

The psychologist Lilia Viktorovna Litvinenko answers the question.

Hello Julian

I hope that from the moment of writing the letter until the moment of my answer to it, you still managed to find a way out of the "dark room" towards the light. And I hope that you are still far from THE END, because the minus is already on the street :)

Your letter does not contain the question: what do you want the specialists to help you with: finances, advice or support? ... I know it's very hard for you. But if I come with a button accordion, and you need a piece of sausage and a blanket, then you are unlikely to be glad to see me.

Still, I'm guessing...

So, you found yourself "painted in a corner" with your own hands and do not have the strength to get out of bed, because there is NO EXIT! You fucked up your life in a few months... Well, or at least you think so.... You squandered other people's money and lost not your girlfriend.... You don't write anything about other aspects of your life. It is not clear what kind of relationship with your parents, why they will not help you? Do you have friends who have supported you before? Where did you live before you got into rented housing? What made you cry 4 years ago?

From your letter I understand that you supposedly "fell into the flow" and "went up" for 4 years, as you thought .... just relying on chance. And the case in which it shines brighter. And they didn’t think that where it shines brightly, it can quickly go out.

Now you are in darkness and you are scared.

Start over.......

1. Breathe.....just breathe......


Wherever you are...just INhale.....EXHALE....slower...deeper....with your whole chest.....

2. Yes! You are cornered! And there is no way out!

There is no way out where you are looking for it....

But he is elsewhere...

3. If you are already breathing evenly, let's start dismantling the ruins ..... You are not in the position to talk about new loans and credits. You are in .... e (sorry for the slang). And they don’t give loans there .... You, I’m sorry, have nothing to eat and nowhere to live.

4. Quickly figure out 20 options for finding a place where you can "alive" wait out this cool moment of your life. And at the same time, and put your thoughts in order. Your condition is now in a deep minus - in depression. There is never an exit. With minus energy, you can't even come up with anything about money. Hysterical attempts will only exacerbate the situation. Your task now is to get to the ZERO state. At least it's neutral.

5. Look for a job just to eat and live. And quickly. It's not shameful. You are 21. In your youth, it is not a shame to earn extra money as a janitor while studying at the university. Because you are just starting your journey and mistakes help you understand the boundaries of your strengths and weaknesses. It can be embarrassing at 40, when you didn’t do anything, and at least you’ve already become janitors ....

6. Look for any options for survival, even the most unrealistic ones. Just write them down without thinking about their reality.

7. Out of 20 options, find the 5 most realistic ones, even if they are not 100% satisfying.

8. Of the 5 options, which will give you the opportunity to live off the street, eat and think?

Your case is a variant of the rich people of the world. All of them went through the stages of falling in the beginning. And only after that their "brains" were turned on for great things.

I even know a couple of businessmen who artificially created conditions of hopelessness in order to "turn on" their brains.

Of course, I don't know your potential, what you are capable of. But just everyone can survive.

But to take off - it already depends on your ability to get up after a fall and move on.

Do you think everyone succeeds at once????

Have you ever read the stories of the greats of this world? Read..... The problem is not how many times you fall. The problem is when you can't get up.

I hope that you will find the strength to rise and move even in the dark. If it were light and easy, we would be in Paradise. ..... :) But I think it would be boring :)

You have potential ... after all, you have found how to come up with an Internet business. The problem here is that you missed something. Or they could not be flexible and respond to new conditions in time. Maybe the niche in the business was untested or the business is brand new. I don't know your situation.

Take off, perhaps, and well. But there are people for whom it is better to climb the stairs, step by step, checking each step for strength.

Good luck.

I hope that you got out of bed and breathe, at least for a start :)

If possible, you can email.

4.375 Rating 4.38 (4 votes)

Got bogged down in loans.
I don't even know how it all started. I live with my son in a rented apartment. There is not anyone. I always worked hard and never had enough for anything. The apartment is half of earnings, the rest for food, for a growing child - I always wanted him not to feel worse than others.
Loans in our country are easy. If you work, there are no debts and criminal records...
Now my debts are skyrocketing. If you pay regularly, then you have to pay two salaries a month. They don’t give me more loans - delays. And I didn't spend everything. Who knows what I'm talking about - I took the next ones to pay off the previous ones. Interest rates are high.
Sometimes there is despair. I'm angry at my own stupidity. But I don't see a way out. None. And I'm afraid. Every day more and more.
How to get out? What to do? Nerves to the limit. I sleep badly. I'm afraid to break down and go crazy.
I don't write details. Letters can never convey feelings. But if someone can advise something real, please write.
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Katia. , age: 36 / 11/17/2013


Hello Katya.
I don't know what to tell you in your very difficult situation. I can only ask you not to despair and always remember that God will not leave you. Pray, ask.. God loves everyone.
The main thing is that you have a son. For a mother, this is like an anchor that does not allow her to feel sorry for herself and fall into the abyss.
On this site I read the story of one woman who survived in a situation similar to yours.
This is a link to her letter.

Maybe it will help you.
God bless you and your son.

Mira, age: 45 / 11/17/2013

Katyusha, it's hard to advise when the storm is 12 points. But! You have a son - it means there is something to fight for! You have a roof over your head - that means you have a place to eat and sleep. You have a clear conscience - the desire to repay debts! God does not send us trials beyond what we can bear. You're just tired. This is fine. But as they say, a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. Go to the temple, put a candle for health and the fulfillment of all your desires! Talk to the priest, maybe more than once or twice. Your soul needs a small way, but relief. You'll see, everything will return, and the joy and awareness of life. I also want to add a prayer here. But you yourself see it according to your faith. God bless you and all the best!

Katya, age: 43 / 11/17/2013

Katya is weak in legal matters. But I feel your condition, myself in a similar situation. I hope you get some advice here on what to do. But I know not to give up. At such a moment, even moral support and faith that everything can be overcome is important. My friend advised me to just support the body so that I have strength. And she calmed down, and the nerves were stronger, and the body was stronger and she began to sleep. A week passed, I began to look for a solution and found a better job. Slowly, I'll start paying, I'll manage. What do you want.

Margarita, age: 42 / 11/17/2013

Katyushka, what to do? Firstly, bring the nervous system into at least relative order: achieve normal sleep, set aside at least half an hour for walks. Second, stop borrowing. Third, consult smart people how to "freeze" interest in banks. The people here even once wrote that it is even beneficial for the debtor if the bank sued him - the account is "frozen". But at the same time, again, the people advise nevertheless somewhere to repay debts at least a little - "They say that I can - I give, I'm going to extinguish them." In short, you need to consult with an intelligent lawyer. Look for stories on the forum (entrance on the top left). There were many similar ones. In the end, people somehow got out of the situation. What do you want. Hold on dear! Let's break through!

Elena, age: 56 / 11/17/2013

Hello! How is there no one? And the son?
Not everyone has such happiness. Many people only dream about it.
Children suffer not from lack of money, but from lack of love. We spend a lot of extra money on things we can do without. Reconsider expenses, reduce them to a minimum, sell everything superfluous. Is it possible to temporarily move in with your parents? If you have a good relationship with your parents. You can find a job with the provision of housing - for example, a teacher of a student hostel. Yes, the salary is small, but there are no housing costs and you can combine it with other work, there is free time. Calculate the costs, everything you can save on.
Get ready for a long process of paying off debts. It may take a few years. But it is better to live like this, enjoying the life of your child, looking into his eyes and seeing his smile, than not living in any way, leaving this little one alone and dooming him to suffering.
Read the site and forum, look for similar stories where people solved problems with loan payments.
And be sure to get enough sleep - Mornings are wiser than evenings. With God.

Margarita, age: 28 / 17.11.2013

There are free sites on the Internet about loans, there are free mailings and you can ask a lawyer a question, there is also a newspaper for the debtor. I learned a lot with my debts, every time when it’s really bad, I read and calm down.

Tatyana, age: 26/18/11/2013

For debts - they correctly advised about freezing loans. I came across debtors in banks and saw that it is more profitable for the bank to agree with the client so that he pays "slowly" than to write off this debt completely, so somehow you need to settle this issue so that the debt is frozen and the payment is stretched for a longer period. If you yourself clear plan draw on the return of the debt and stick to it - be sure everything will settle down over time.

I never could get my finances in order until I read one book and met a guy who taught me the right way to treat money. And then I realized that with the right approach, absolutely with any salary, you can save. And if you also set yourself goals for earning money (home-based work, some kind of hack there) - something will definitely appear and everything that you have outlined in the plan will be carried out!

Eleonora1980, age: 33 / 11/24/2013

Katyusha, what are you?!? I'm an experienced lawyer, and I'll tell you honestly, nothing terrible happened. This is not the end of life, I understand that it puts pressure on you, but BELIEVE me, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. I will consult you for free on your problem and you will see that not everything is so bad. Moreover, you can fight with banks))) don’t be stupid))

Sofia, age: 29 / 25.11.2013

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I can't do this anymore. I am mired in debt, I can’t return it now, and the money is needed very much. I started drinking a lot, at work I always do it so that my colleagues can figure it out without me if something happens.
I gave up, I can't take it anymore, I can't stand it. Every day the thought of death is stronger and stronger. I want to sleep and not wake up. and no one will be especially sad about me, they will forget very quickly ...
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Danil, age: 29 / 12.06.2014


Danil! Debts can be repaid, you need to understand how. You can in parts, you can re-borrow, you can earn, in the end you can play the lottery. Work supports you, support it too, do not despair, you have legs, arms, a head on your shoulders, you think and therefore exist. And I will be sad because there is a person, he feels bad and he leads himself into the abyss of despair. Be focused, get together, think over your plan, look for a way out, there is one. Vodka is not the best friend, it only makes it worse. My greetings and support to you, fight for life, you will see that you can overcome difficulties and become stronger and wiser.

Rada, age: 46 / 06/12/2014

Danil, everything that happens to us is a combination of what was formed by ourselves and circumstances, unfortunately beyond our control. Monetary debt, and even more so if it is a very large amount for you .. this is of course a difficult situation and sometimes seemingly hopeless. You need to work through everything possible options for getting out of it. Change your lifestyle. Change, if possible, a job to a higher paid one. Once again, ask those to whom you owe, enter your very difficult situation and wait a little longer. Be sure to consult a lawyer. Ask for help from relatives, relatives , acquaintances and in the end with God, even if you don’t believe in him or, on the contrary, are very offended by him ... through force .. through your teeth .. the main thing is sincere. There must be a way out Danil. We are not alone in our sometimes incredibly difficult and unbearable situations. I know firsthand what debt is. I myself, 6 years ago, out of stupidity and weakness of character, became a guarantor for one dishonorable person. catching a sword. "The amount there is about 500,000 rubles. Over the years, I haven’t changed my mind, I also decided to take my own life many times. But I still got out and live on with the hope that everything will eventually work out. I continue to live and work to the best of your ability. I am not telling you - do not despair, despair does not ask us when to visit us, but I ask you not to take root in it, do not plunge into it without a trace. Good luck to you.

Zhenya, age: 36 / 06/12/2014

Daniel, well, if you think like this: Can you change something in the situation? Well, if there is no money, then there is none. Well, then they will, and give it back. Why screw yourself like that. You don't have to worry about this. Without money, creditors will survive somehow. Wait a bit, no big deal. It's not fatal at all.
Not the sort of thing you have to kill yourself for. This horror is only in our minds. In fact, everything is much better and easier. How many people can not repay the debt to banks - you look at the statistics for this year. This is a colossal number. And what - do you think everyone is going to die? Banks themselves are to blame for issuing loans without proper collateral. You can ask for debt restructuring. And if you borrowed from friends, then ask for a delay. And you need to stop drinking. And that will be even worse. On a sober head it is better to think what to do. Look, maybe you will take some part-time job, or some other decisions will come to mind.

Olya, age: 42 / 06/12/2014

Danil, if you have a mom or dad, then at least for them you should not do this. You shouldn’t think that they will forget very quickly, because they will never forget .. Your mother will get up every morning and go to bed in the evening thinking about you ..
Many people in Russia now have debts, maybe a recession. You need a plan to outline how to pay off your debts and when. So that every month you see how much closer you are to the goal of getting out of debt. You say that you have a job, which means that debts can be paid off sooner or later.
And you could also learn to spend less, be more humble and be content with what you have for now. And if you want something, then it is better to save money, and not to climb into the future and somehow rob yourself of the future.
Also, Daniel, do not let these thoughts into yourself. These are not your thoughts, they are being whispered to you. This must be understood very firmly. There are articles on the site on the topic where these thoughts come from, read if possible. You are a young, healthy, hard-working guy, and the country (sorry, I know that sounds a little pathetic, but it's true) needs such people. You can still get married, have kids. And this is all temporary, coming and going, especially everything that is connected with money - today there is tomorrow they are gone. Do not give in to these evil whispers, know that you are needed, that for someone you can become the most beloved man, and for someone the most beloved dad.

Marina , age: 33 / 06/12/2014

Danil, hell is much worse and more hopeless.
And no one will pour, because there is no money, no store, no light, only crying and gnashing of teeth, and pitch darkness.

There is always a way out.
Read stories like yours on the forum.

If you are tired of drinking, listen to the fulcrum.

In Russia, the number of bad debtors on loans is growing: in four years it has almost doubled. In June 2014, only 3.09 million people (6.8% of the total number of borrowers) were overdue for more than six months, and at the beginning of last summer there were already 6.7 million people (12.1%), calculated in the United credit bureau(OKB) for the Izvestia newspaper.

According to experts, "bad debts" are added for many reasons, but the key two are the overall growth in lending and the decline in real incomes of the population. According to Rosstat, over the past four years they have fallen by 11.4%: in 2014 - by 0.7%, in 2015 - by 3.2%, in 2016 - by 5.8% and in 2017 -m - by 1.7%.

In 2018, there were faint glimmers of improvement in the financial situation of Russians, but for the most part thanks to cash injections into the budget segments of the economy on the eve of the presidential election. Thus, the Ministry of Economic Development expects that by the end of the year wages in the public sector in real terms will increase by 6.9%. Salaries in commercial structures cannot boast of similar rates.

More loans, less money

Citizens are increasingly beginning to use borrowed funds, explained Reedus CEO FBK School of Economics and Law Sergei Pyatenko. And according to the law of large numbers, the more people take loans, the more among them there are those who do it not very meaningfully, which is why delays occur.

It is also likely that many of the current bad debtors, getting into a loan, did not predict the behavior of their income very correctly. Most likely, they counted on their growth or at least maintaining at the same level. But incomes fell and have not yet returned to the level of 2014. Clearly, this scenario increases the likelihood of problems.

Some experts note that more and more often Russians take loans for current needs, up to food, because they simply do not have enough money to live on. Pyatenko admits the existence of such a category of borrowers, but believes that it is not too numerous. And in any case, this is also one of the varieties of debtors who do not act very rationally and do not calculate the possible consequences.

In general, borrowers today have become more responsible and are trying to fulfill all their obligations to the bank, adds Yury Yudenkov, professor at the Faculty of Finance and Banking of the RANEPA. However, not all people stop repaying loans due to lack of money. The number of legally savvy citizens is also growing, who consciously expect that sooner or later the bank will write off their debt, and if the case goes to court, they have a great chance to prove their special life circumstances (single mother, job loss, etc.). ) that do not allow you to pay off your debts.

Bad debtors are mostly people who have taken consumer credit without any security small amounts, the expert explains.

They have the most irresponsible behavior, since they face nothing but penalties for late returns, he says.

At the same time, in the calculation of fines, according to the expert, the bank is also limited to three times the principal amount of the debt. That is, relatively speaking, if the loan is 100 thousand rubles, no more than 300 thousand rubles can be recovered from the debtor, regardless of the duration of the delay. And if, for example, a kettle or an iron is taken on credit, and the price of the issue is not hundreds of thousands of rubles, but two or three tens? Often it is really easier for the bank to write off this money.

Don't panic

For financial system 12.1% of bad debts are not critical, experts assure, neither banks nor Russian economy this is not a threat so far.

If in our banking system and a serious crisis will begin, it is by no means because of this, - Pyatenko reassures.

According to him, lending institutions have two options: you can issue loans very strict - and as a result you will issue few of them, but there will be no delay, or you can apply more liberal conditions, based on the fact that most people are still law-abiding and sensible evaluate their financial resources.

So far, banks for the most part follow the second path and still receive their profitability due to turnover. But in the future commercial banks will begin to reduce the share of unsecured loans, Yudenkov believes.

In addition, the Central Bank is breathing more and more insistently in their backs, which really does not like the rapid growth of household debt. The regulator has repeatedly tightened requirements for consumer lending and continues to invent new restrictive measures.

Recently, legislative authorities have also joined the monetary authorities: in the State Duma, which limits the debt burden on Russians. The corresponding draft is being prepared by the State Duma Committee on financial market The work is planned to be completed within a month.

According to deputies, citizens should spend no more than 50% of the total family income. It is possible that the maximum share will be cut down to 40%. Banks and MFIs will be banned from giving new loans to those whose debts have already reached the limit. The initiative is supported by both the Ministry of Finance and independent experts.