Investment attraction plan. Investment business plan of the enterprise: step-by-step instructions for compiling. We draw up an investment plan


Can I invest money? Stop! Investing does not begin with the search for management companies and not with the selection of tools for working with money, but with the preparation plan.

Don't repeat my mistakes. When I started investing, I lost a lot. First of all, my losses were due to the fact that I started trying not and without thinking about diversification. My investments were chaotic and not considered. Life does not forgive. So we will learn to make plans for conquering investment peaks.

First of all, make sure that you are not afraid of losing the money you want to invest. If you somehow count on this money, it is better not to even start. With this attitude, your money will definitely not be left. So first of all, learn how to lead your own.

When you have reached the investment step and you have free money, you can proceed to planning your investments.

Making an investment plan?

- this is your strategy, according to which you will distribute your funds between financial instruments and profit from them.

This scheme of the investment plan is not exhaustive and may change in each specific case. However, it illustrates the main idea - before investing money somewhere, you need to solve the following questions:

  1. What are your income, expenses, assets, liabilities? You need to paint and take into account all the financial and material resources that you have.
  2. How much can you invest monthly? Based on your family, you need to determine the part that you can invest, while feeling comfortable.
  3. Where and how much to invest? Study various investment instruments, determine their profitability and riskiness, initially diversify your investment portfolio.
  4. How much are you willing to lose? Investments should be divided into conservative (low-income, but reliable), they should contain 50% of your capital. On average profitable (more risky, but bringing significant income). They must contain 30% of your capital. And for highly profitable (and therefore risky). They should invest no more than 20% of your capital.
  5. What do you want to achieve? You need to decide on your goals. Investments are in business, in finance, in securities, in real estate. These are all different tools that require different knowledge and skills. In what direction do you want to develop?
  6. How will you protect your money? Need to think it over. This is important, because the Internet is full of intruders.

You should not invest all your money in one source or even in one industry. For example, if you work with the Forex market, then think about other areas of investment, such as real estate, precious metals, securities, etc. Try to expand your investment portfolio and don't be lazy to study the companies you want to invest in.

If only the calculations of the minimum allowable price made by the entrepreneur show a clear profitability of the implementation of such a project, then he takes further steps to prepare for the implementation of such a project. Profitability is determined by the excess of the expected market price over the estimated production costs, as well as the amount of capital invested.

The capital of any enterprise is divided into fixed and circulating.

The ratio between fixed and working capital is different in different industries, for example, for a trading company specializing in the sale of refrigerators, televisions, video and audio equipment, it is 10 times higher than for a flower shop with the same turnover.

Some activities (for example, street entrepreneurship) do not require the presence of fixed capital. A boy who sells newspapers at a car crossroads does not need fixed capital, all his capital is circulating. However, the owner of a stationary newspaper kiosk needs both working capital and fixed capital.

An example of calculating the structure of initial capital (in monetary units ah) below.

Main capital

Office equipment
Workshop equipment
Machine tools, devices, tools
Motor transport

600 000
200 000
200 000
500 000
300 000

Main capital

Raw material (stock)
Inventory (in stock)
Buyer debt
Cash balance
Funds in a bank account

200 000
150 000
50 000
10 000
500 000

Total(total capital requirement)

The prices shown in the capital structure are notional. When planning the project implementation process, the entrepreneur should make a preliminary assessment of the required funds.

Based on a preliminary assessment of the need for initial capital, the entrepreneur draws up a specific investment plan, that is, a reasonable (taking into account the prices in force at the time the plan was drawn up) and thoughtful (based on a comparative analysis of the forms and ways of investing) a plan for investing money in the implementation of the project.

An example of an investment plan (in monetary units) for organizing a children's toy business is shown below.

In drawing up this plan, we proceeded from the following preconditions:

An entrepreneur is always faced with the task of analyzing the ratio of costs and income. Of course, during the period of formation, this task for the entrepreneur is of particular importance, since then minimization of expenses and maximization of income are important. This is what the entrepreneur pays primary attention to at the stage of both preliminary calculations and the implementation of an entrepreneurial project.

At the stage of preliminary calculations, the entrepreneur is usually concerned with finding the most economical way to obtain everything necessary for organizing the production process. How is this achieved?

First, it is carried out comparative analysis all possible options for obtaining everything necessary to start the practical implementation of the project. Suppose you are planning to open your own enterprise and you need a room to house your production.

Imagine the most ideal situation when there are several proposals:

1. You can buy a suitable building for 800 thousand monetary units (total area 1200 sq. m.) and for 950 thousand monetary units (total area 1450 sq. m.);

2. You can rent a building with a rent of 60 thousand monetary units per year;

3. You can place production in the provided building with the transfer of 30% of the goods produced to the owner of the building.

Which option to choose? It may seem strange at first glance, but you can stop at option 1 - buy a building that costs 950 thousand monetary units. The total area of ​​the acquired building is 1450 sq. m. m, our needs are about 1000 sq. m. Therefore, in this case, the excess area is 450 square meters. m, which can be leased to a foreign company with the condition of a rent of $ 300 per 1 sq. m. m per year, i.e., the income will be 135 thousand dollars. This means that after a year (or even much earlier, subject to prepayment by the tenant), you can fully return the loan. True, this will cause additional capital expenditures for the repair of premises for their transfer under a lease agreement to a foreign partner.

If it is not possible to take a significant loan to purchase a building, then we should agree to option 2. But the landlord may require an advance payment, and if we cannot make it, then we are left with option 3. Of course, this option is onerous, but nevertheless it makes it possible to proceed with the implementation of the project without any significant initial investment of capital.

So we analyze all the positions of the investment plan and try to choose not only the most economical, but also the method that is possible for us to form the necessary production structure.

Secondly, in the conditions of Russia, the formation of initial entrepreneurial capital has its own characteristics associated with the unwillingness of society to assist in the implementation of socially significant entrepreneurial projects. In such a situation, the formation of initial entrepreneurial capital can be carried out on the basis of concepts of the mechanism of hidden partnerships, the content of which is reduced to following points:

1) an entrepreneurial project for the production of a specific product is being developed; .

2) the project is divided into main parts;

3) orders are placed with partners for the production of individual parts and components of the product;

4) partners, as parts and components are manufactured, deliver them to the entrepreneur;

5) the entrepreneur assembles from parts and components received from partners;

6) the entrepreneur packs and labels the goods;

7) the entrepreneur delivers goods ready for consumption to the consumer (sales agent) and receives funds from him for the goods sold;

8) having received money for the sold goods, the entrepreneur pays off with his partners - suppliers of individual parts and components of the goods.

Let's consider one possible example. Suppose you have developed a new type of sugar bowl, which is a truncated cone with a screw top lid. A hollow (for pouring sugar) metal tube is mounted in the lid, 1 cm short of the bottom. The consumer pours sugar into the sugar bowl and screws the lid. When the lid opens, a dosed amount of sugar is poured into a cup of tea or coffee (if necessary, the procedure can be repeated, and then you will get a double dose of sugar). We will not talk about the advantages of a sugar bowl - this is a separate issue.

The entrepreneur first conducts marketing research, finds out whether there will be a demand for such a product on the market and what price can be offered for it. Suppose that with the price of such a sugar bowl of 35 monetary units, the demand could be about 10 thousand pieces. Next, the components of this product are highlighted, the production of which could be outsourced. In our case, we can think about placing (with different manufacturers) orders for the production of a sugar bowl body (in the form of a truncated cone), a lid with a hollow tube built into it for pouring sugar, and a packaging box. After that, possible partners are selected who can undertake the manufacture of each of the selected components, the necessary technical documentation is prepared for its transfer to future partners, and contracts are concluded with them for their production and supply. Under agreements with your partners, you receive the ordered components from them and independently assemble, pack the goods and deliver them to the market.

The production of goods under such conditions can be carried out with almost zero capital, since there are no costs for the acquisition (or rental) of production facilities and everything necessary for production. Capital will be needed (very little) to equip only the premises for assembly and storage of products. However, this is possible only if the partners - manufacturers of components do not require prepayment, but produce the goods on the terms of subsequent payment "after the fact", i.e. they supply you with their goods on credit (the loan term can be very short, up to 1 month) .

If manufacturers require prepayment, then there is still the possibility of obtaining a loan from your sales agent who will sell your product. This credit can be used by you for settlements with partners - manufacturers of components. If your sales agent does not give you a loan, then there is still the possibility of obtaining bank loan(especially since you will not apply for too much). In any case, we can conclude that the use of the concept of the mechanism of hidden partnerships under certain conditions can be a good way out of the difficult situation in which the entrepreneur finds himself.

The concept of the mechanism of hidden partnerships includes another option, which is the possibility of generating initial capital through the assumption of certain partnership obligations. Basically, in the conditions of Russia, such obligations are reduced to the performance of intermediary functions.

For example, your Ukrainian partner asks you to purchase 100,000 video cassettes for him in Moscow. You expose him to the condition of prepayment and negotiate the price - say, 16 rubles. for one cassette (the amount of payment to your address will be 1.6 million rubles). However, before setting these conditions to him, you negotiate with the supplier of video cassettes on the terms of their delivery and make preliminary calculations.

Suppose your Moscow partner (supplier, owner of cassettes) agrees to supply you with cassettes at a price of 15 rubles. for 1 piece In this case, your profit will be 0.1 million rubles. - the amount that can be the basis for the formation of initial capital.

We are discussing again investment activity manufacturing company of average level and above. Such a universal delimitation from other options. Let's assume that the strategic updating of the nearest business development at the strategic planning session has been made, the investment policy is in effect. And before specific projects within the framework of programs and portfolios begin to be implemented, one more intermediate event must occur - the approved investment plan.

The concept and levels of planning in the investment sphere

For a substantive consideration of the issue, I propose to describe in more detail the collective image of the company under study. Suppose a company is medium-sized, with 500 employees and an annual gross revenue of 60 million rubles. Management consists of a board of directors and functional management departments: financial, commercial, IT, personnel, etc. Production is dispersed over a small branch network.

The company is managed by the general director, his deputy, the chief engineer, is responsible for development. Regular management is actively developing in the company, the BSC system and the budget management. EBIT profit for the past year amounted to 15 million rubles. The stage of development is diagnosed as "Youth". Agree that the issue of investment planning is entirely determined by the state of the business, as well as many other aspects of management.

Under investment planning, we agree to understand a set of procedures performed by the management of line divisions and a control superstructure, the result of which is a system of plans in the field of real and financial investments. The system of investment plans is closely related to two other management systems: balanced scorecards and budget management.

Investment planning at the enterprise forms a system consisting of four levels. Each of the levels is considered from the point of view of managerial and financial planning.

  1. Strategic level covering a time perspective of 3-5 years. Its result is a plan of strategic investment initiatives (measures). In addition to the action plan, the forecast movement plan also belongs to the strategic level. Money for the next 5 years.
  2. The tactical level of the company's activities with a perspective of one financial year. result given level It is customary to consider the investment portfolio of a company for a year, which consists of programs and local projects planned for implementation. From a financial management standpoint, the tactical level is supported by an annual investment budget.
  3. Operational level of planning. Rolling project implementation plans are regularly (quarterly, sometimes monthly) reviewed and re-approved. Quarterly and monthly budgets are also adjusted. Another output of the operational level is the payment calendars, which include investment payments and receipts in the respective project phase.
  4. Level of planning of local investment projects. This level includes deliverables in the form of a project business plan, schedule, project budget, payment schedule, and revenue plan for the project phase of the investment.

Strategic planning level

I am a supporter of the position that any business activity can be safely represented in three accessible theories-paradigms. Take, for example, investment planning.

  1. From the first position, this is an essential function of company management (functional doctrine).
  2. At a second glance, this type of planning is a significant part of project management.
  3. And from a third point of view, procedural model The company includes a number of subsystems, and the key one is the planning and design subsystem, the scheme of which I invite you to consider in more detail.

Model of the subsystem of planning and design processes

The whole context of the strategic and investment development of the company is contained in the business process No. 1 “Implement the management strategy”. The concept of development with numerous strategies, including investment, is used to obtain other process outputs. Among them, we see financial, market and other development constraints, the required key competencies and a plan for strategic investment initiatives.

It is developed by the strategic planning group. Then the plan is analyzed by the commercial director from the position of market strategy. The next step is to review the plan by the CFO, who is guided by strategic analysis, financial strategy and a set of management policies. The set of policies is traditional, it includes:

  • investment;
  • depreciation;
  • dividend;
  • borrowings;
  • tax;
  • accounting policy.

Flowchart of the procedures for the formation and correction of the investment plan

Conclusions are formed on forecasts in the field of real and portfolio investments of the company, taking into account the existing potential of financial sources. Having prepared the conclusion financial director passes the materials to the chief engineer. He will have to draw up a primary plan for the long term (3-5 years) and submit it for approval to CEO. Before that, the chief engineer performs the following steps.

  1. Checking the need for investment according to the received plan of initiatives and the two previous conclusions. The fixed assets of the company are analyzed by groups, components (working capital), the level of training of personnel to work on the operating system. Depreciation, physical condition of machines, equipment, buildings and structures are taken into account.
  2. A group is formed from the specialists of the financial department and potential PM investment analysis, which the chief engineer instructs to calculate 3-4 preliminary parameters for each initiative (NPV, IRR, PI, payback period).
  3. The financial director joins the group, who is obliged to draw up a forecast plan for the movement of the DS, taking into account the proposed investments and hypothetical sources in several versions: positive, medium and depressive.

tactical level

Every year, the company performs several regular procedures related to restarting the budget management system, choosing the composition of projects for the next year and, possibly, correcting the BSC system. In the course of this, three tasks are solved.

  1. Ensure an increase in the company's assets, including highly liquid ones.
  2. To carry out expanded reproduction of fixed production assets.
  3. Adjust the motivation of responsible persons.

Investment planning at the tactical level is also done on an alternative basis. Several plans are being developed. It is desirable to start the process in October before the annual strategic controlling or strategic planning session. There are two persons responsible for the procedure: the chief engineer and the financial director. The Chief Engineer initiates the annual planning process by issuing an order to collect investment applications.

Investment applications are submitted by all production units and all management departments. The benchmarks are the strategic plan, the actual state of the OS, and the market situation, which tends to be more dynamic. The collected applications are analyzed for technical, technological and organizational issues. Applications related to new products undergo additional examination by the commercial director. The chief engineer draws up the first draft of the annual plan and submits it to the purchasing department for an initial assessment of the required capital costs.

Our example of a medium-sized enterprise does not involve significant financial investments. However, let's assume that they also take place. The next planning steps are carried out by the financial director. He, focusing on the financial strategy, the current situation in the company and on financial markets, should define the following.

  1. The current level of own sources and the need for external resources.
  2. Required ratio of real and portfolio (financial) investments.
  3. The structure of operating income, costs of the company and production units in annual dynamics.
  4. The structure of capital expenditures in annual dynamics.
  5. Dynamics and structure of the company's assets at the end of the year.
  6. Forecast of liquidity, independence, solvency and other financial indicators.

Further, in the financial department, several iterations of calculations of cash flow plans, income and expenses, and a balance sheet are made. Dynamic modeling touches upon the issues of variation in the used credit resources, dividend payments, financial investments and sales results. Also of particular importance is how prices for material resources, electricity, rent will change during the year. For 2015-2017, this is more than a topical issue.

After the completion of the preparatory work, a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Budget Committee is held, at which investment planning for the year ends with the adoption of annual budgets and an investment plan. Further, your attention is invited to a scheme of planning procedures for the model described above.

Outline of investment planning procedures at the tactical level

Integration of capital investments into the budget management system

The tactical and operational levels are closely related to the budget management system. Budgets are the same financial plans that were successfully used in the planned economy of the USSR, only with a commercial component included in them. The modern structure of financial planning and reporting is a replica of Western methodology. The so-called master budget is divided into an operating budget and a financial budget. The financial budget complex consists of:

  • investment budget;
  • cash budget;
  • income and expenditure budget;
  • balance sheet budget.

The first of the budgets listed above is the financial part of the company's investment plan. It is related to both financial and operational plans. Below is an example of structural relationships budget system, the central element of which is the investment budget.

Scheme of the relationship of the investment budget with other elements of the budget system

Operational planning differs from tactical planning not only in the duration of time periods. All attention in the operational mode is focused on the real work on the consolidation of funding sources to the planned moments of investment injections. It is planned to interact with banks, creditors, investors to receive funds, pay dividends.

The focus of responsibility at the operational level is shifting to the financial management sector. Greater value acquires cash planning, work to eliminate cash gaps. The payment calendar takes the first place, ensuring the implementation of which, the financial department thereby also provides the investment schedule. But in general, the budget model, both at the tactical and operational levels, is preserved. The following is another example of a scheme of the budget system, in which a place is allocated to the investment block in the existing relationships.

The architecture of the budget system of the company

From the point of view of the projects selected for implementation, the annual plan as a portfolio of the company includes a number of investment programs. In our example, the portfolio consists of programs for the development of industrial infrastructure, the release of new products and financial investments. We will consider the level of local planning of individual projects in other articles.

Scheme of the investment portfolio as part of the annual plan

Summing up, I note that among all previously published materials, this is the first article where an attempt was made to describe the actually implemented procedures for a completely viable business. And I intend to continue this practice. Theorizing is good. At the same time, considering such an area as investment planning, one should look for and find working recipes.

All companies are unique, but there are similarities in the terminology used and in the management culture. I am sure that for the level of Gazprom or network retail, this article is “yesterday”. But in most enterprises of the country, the development of project management goes through a wave of trial and error. Therefore, I hope that the information presented will bring significant benefits to financiers, RM and business leaders.


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Common mistakes when drawing up an investment business plan

Considering that many organizations often make the same mistakes when developing an investment business plan, it is worth paying attention to the most common of them. We will not touch on any difficult cases, but list a number of the most typical mistakes that beginners can make when they first start writing an investment business plan. We hope that you will take this information into account and avoid such mistakes in your investment business plans.

1. Carefully ensure that the initial data used by you in the calculations correspond to the data indicated in the text part of the investment business plan and tables. Unfortunately, in practice, such situations in investment business plans are not uncommon. Some of the employees have not yet prepared the necessary information and provided outdated information, or some of the indicators were obtained from different sources. Even if it is later possible to establish which information is correct, the investor is unlikely to trust the corrected investment business plan, as he will expect other errors.

2. Carefully choose such parameters as the duration of the horizon and the planning interval. It is very common for an organization to indicate too large intervals in an investment business plan. It's easy to see why this is happening. The fact is that having in the interval not a quarter, but half a year, it is easier to achieve the results that are predicted in the investment business plan. it reliable way to avoid missed deadlines, not to irritate investors, always and in everything to comply with the set pace. And it seems that such agreement with the investment business plan is a guarantee of investors' good will, but in practice everything turns out differently.

A competent investor understands perfectly well why such long intervals arise: the organization is simply not sure that it will be able to achieve the set task in a quarterly period, and therefore stretches it for half a year and beyond. This means that in certain months the business will sag. For example, hoping to compensate for everything with May revenue, an organization may be idle during the winter months. But the lack of funds will lead to adverse consequences. It is possible that the company will simply go bankrupt during the quiet months, since it will not have the funds to support its activities.

In addition, by setting long deadlines in the investment business plan, companies often try to take time with a margin, but for the investor this only means that the organization will not work at full capacity. Financing such a project, of course, is undesirable - the risks are too great.

3. It is necessary to be able to explain to the investor why this or that calculation method is chosen in the investment business plan, especially when it comes to the discount rate, sales volumes and production parameters. It is important to understand that the investor will give preference to a business plan in which all the elements are not chosen by chance, but according to some principle. Projects where everything is made offhand do not particularly inspire confidence.

Surely, you have already noticed that the need to create a business plan or investment project is a very difficult task. There are many nuances, features of calculations, methods and approaches, which not every manager manages to take into account and consider. However, there is always a way out. If you cannot draw up an investment business plan on your own, then you should entrust this task to professionals - the information and analytical company VVS. Experienced specialists will easily develop an investment business plan of the highest complexity for organizations of any direction. The company has 19 years of experience in providing commodity market statistics as information for strategic decisions that reveal market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in commodity markets and B2B business services.

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The main competitive advantages of our company are:

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    It is great when an entrepreneur has enough funds necessary to conduct business. But this is not always the case. In 9 cases out of 10, an entrepreneur is forced to look for third-party resources to invest in his business. To do this, you should carefully consider and plan possible ways to search for financial injections and protect yourself as much as possible.

    Consider options for raising additional funds. Let's analyze who can act as an investor. We will try to provide practical assistance to an entrepreneur in need of financing by compiling a step-by-step guide to finding an investor.

    The purpose of attracting an investor

    Investment is a third party injection financial resources in a certain project, program, undertaking on a long-term basis, calculated on a delayed profit.

    Why would entrepreneurs need outside funds, because then they will have to share profits? The purpose for which a businessman may invite others to contribute financially to his “brainchild” may be one of the following:

    • growth and development of current activities;
    • attraction of additional or missing resources;
    • increase in fixed assets;
    • development of technologies;
    • entry into new areas of business.

    Types of investment injections

    According to the degree of participation in the project, investments can be:

    • portfolio- funds are invested in a group of projects, and in several business areas or in different organizations at once;
    • real- capital is intended to finance a specific project in order to obtain real profit.

    According to the features of the investor, investments can be divided into:

    • state;
    • private;
    • foreign.

    According to the nuances of the financed project, investments are allocated:

    • intellectual;
    • production.

    To the extent possible for an investor to control their investments:

    • controlled;
    • uncontrolled.

    Options for attracting investments at different stages of the project

    To get money for his project, he must show his worth. And in order for the project to work, money is needed. How to get out of this vicious circle? For each stage of the project operation, it will be more expedient to attract investments from different sources.

    1. Planning stage. If an entrepreneur has an interesting business idea, perhaps a model or sample of finished products, but management and processes have not yet begun to improve, then it makes sense to ask for funds from such sponsors:
      • inner circle (relatives, friends, like-minded people);
      • public investment (there are special programs to support some innovations);
      • venture investments (they are designed just for risky startups).
    2. Start of the project. The business plan has been developed, the team is being formed, the process has started, but there is no profit yet. In this case, money for further promotion can be given by:
      • venture funds;
      • private investors;
      • foreign sponsors.
    3. Good start. The organization took a certain place in the market, the project began to make a profit, albeit not too much so far. To expand activities, funds can be provided by:
      • direct investment funds;
      • venture investors;
      • banks (at this stage of the project, when the first results are already visible, credit organizations can already risk their own funds).
    4. Growth and development. When the profit is already obvious and stable, it will not be difficult to find investors. Such a company would be happy to invest in:
      • venture funds;
      • foreign capitalists;
      • state funds;
      • banking institutions.
    5. Well done business. When the growth and prospects of the business are not in doubt, the company occupies one of the leading places in the market, investors may even “fight” for the right to invest in a clearly profitable company. In this case, you can no longer just accept sponsorship investments, but publicly sell your shares. In addition, you can take as investors:
      • private entrepreneurs;
      • banks;
      • Pension Fund.

    Main sources of investment

    In addition to private investments, an entrepreneur can be invested by banks or the state.

    Public investment"sharpened" for specific programs. Their rules are very strict and not subject to adjustment. For the most part, these programs are designed for manufacturing companies, so not every entrepreneur can benefit from state support. As a rule, public money is intended for the purchase of equipment, materials, and transportation costs. The entrepreneur will need to look for funds for wages, advertising and other expenses on his own.

    Bank investments, i.e. business loans will not be given to anyone. In order to borrow money for a specific business, it must have already been started or the borrower must have another stable income. This is due to the need to pay bank interest.

    Private investment- the most promising sponsors for a novice entrepreneur. Among the numerous types of companies and funds that are ready to provide financial assistance at any stage of the project, any businessman can find the right one for him.

    One of the forms of investment convenient for beginner businessmen are business incubators– organizations that specialize in financing and supporting entrepreneurs at the beginning of their business journey.

    As part of the "incubator", a businessman can rent premises for preferential terms, he will be helped with accounting and legal support, and will be provided with consulting services.

    Finding an Investor: A Step-by-Step Guide

    If an entrepreneur has set himself the goal of attracting investment capital, a difficult path begins before him, which he will have to go through step by step.

    1. Choosing a reliable investor. The investor will become a strategic partner, so you need to approach his choice very responsibly. To do this, you need to clearly understand what type of owner of money may be interested in your project. The choice depends on:
      • stages of the project;
      • own financial opportunities and resources;
      • the presence of additional investment-attractive factors (unique assets, liquid collateral, an original and viable business idea, etc.).
    2. Proposal formation. Having outlined the circle of prospective investors, you need to convey to them the information that they can profitably invest their funds in your project. To do this, you need to correctly “pack” information about the project:
      • highlight the benefits
      • justify profitability;
      • provide a realistic business plan;
      • clarify the circle of future consumers, that is, the potential sales market.
    3. Drawing up an investment resume. All the attractiveness of the project for investors should be presented as concisely and concisely as possible. A correctly drafted investment proposal - "advertising" of your project - can be more effective than a personal meeting with future investors. If a businessman does not feel able to do this, one of the consulting companies can be entrusted with drafting a proposal.
    4. Distribution of investment proposals and resumes. The optimal number of potential "sponsors" to whom an offer should be made should be determined. One or two appeals may not give a result, but a large number of addressees will call into question the seriousness of your intentions. Practice shows the greatest efficiency when contacting 10-20 potential investors: the response rate will be quite sufficient.
    5. Negotiation. If your appeal is of interest, a personal meeting will be necessary, which will decide the question of the possibility of investing. Negotiations should be carefully prepared: create a short, bright, persuasive presentation in which you need to highlight key issues related to the project. It is advisable to use illustrative and handout materials. A potential investor will certainly ask a lot of questions.
    6. Documentation. Personal agreements are recorded in official document, a kind of contract. In the practice of investing, such paper is called a "letter of commitment" or "drafting the terms of the transaction." She does not have legal force, however, is preliminary in relation to future official cooperation, which will begin after the signing of the agreement. Only after that the company can receive the coveted funds.