Who withdrew webmoney without commission. How to withdraw money from webmoney to cash and what needs to be done for this. All ways to cash out money from WebMoney


Where to spend the money earned on the Internet and how to cash it out tax-free? This question is asked by many freelancers, aspiring bloggers, webmasters and other seekers of a free life. Here are some practical tips on how to withdraw money from WebMoney.

A free life, not burdened by routines, schedules, morning and evening traffic jams and other troubles, also has a downside. You have to receive a salary or profit in virtual candy wrappers, which are difficult to spend without cashing out. But still, there are several ways to withdraw money from WebMoney and get cash (some are a little dubious, others are more reliable). So, let's look at the main methods.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney with or without taxes

Paid a bribe to the state - and live for your own pleasure: no claims from the authorities. There is only one BUT: you will have to feed the villains who are already swollen with fat. What can you do: hiding from taxes in our case is very difficult, very risky. You can try, for example, to register wmid for a pseudonym passport and pay for purchases online. But we also need money offline, right? Therefore, as soon as you have established relations with the state, you can safely withdraw by any available means.

  • Money transfers

Contact - commission 1.5%, Unistream - 2-3%, Anelik - 1.5%, Leader - 1.5%, Allure - 0.7-3%, Golden Crown 1-1.5%, Migom - 0 4-5%), on a plastic card, etc. Available, as far as I know, for residents of the Russian Federation.

Withdrawal requirements:

  1. you must be in Russia;
  2. have a passport not lower than a formal one (for this type of passport, you should upload your passport data and TIN at the certification center, for a personal one, you do not need a scan of your passport and TIN);
  3. you can only get wmr (on the territory of the Russian Federation) or wmu (if you are in Ukraine).
  • Postal transfer.

It is carried out within 2-5 days in Russia. To implement this method, you must send a photocopy of your passport with a residence permit and TIN to the website passport.webmoney.ru. Make sure that the scan data matches the information specified in the personal passport. Then go to this page http://www.guarantee.ru/services/users/postperevod, log in to your keeper, click “ go to mail order”, and follow the instructions below. Then the keeper will receive an invoice, after payment of which (you need to pay within 3 days) you will receive your money by mail, presenting your passport.

  • To the Sberbank card.

To do this, you need to attach a card to your Wmid. We will transfer through Keeper Classic: it is more difficult and a little longer than through an intermediary (for example, wmtocard.ru), but cheaper. So, let's enter our keeper, select the tab “my webmoney” -> “withdraw Wm”.

From the list, select the following:

Then we fill in all the necessary details, follow the instructions and receive an invoice from Guarantee Agency LLC, which will need to be paid. Within a day, the money should appear on the card. You can link to it - and pay for purchases and services, as well as see how much is left on the account.

  • through exchange offices.

In Russia, in order to withdraw money from WebMoney, you only need a formal passport, so the task is simplified (in Belarus, for example, you need). Many exchangers value their clients, therefore, as a rule, they do not transfer information about them to the tax authorities. Cash out a little - and you will be happy (by the way, in different countries the amount of Webmoney that can be withdrawn without taxes is different, so check specifically for your state), but if we are talking about very large amounts - it is better not to take risks and still pay tax.

Everything you need to cash out WebMoney at an exchange office or from dealers is to have a formal passport (which, again, is relevant for the Russian Federation, but not for the Republic of Belarus) with reliable data about the owner of the wallet and a passport for receiving cash. The disadvantage of this method is that exchangers, as a rule, have a large commission, which can reach 5%. In addition, it is necessary to negotiate the withdrawal amounts with them in advance by phone, especially if they are large enough.

By the way, it is better to check such offices for “lice“: view the data about the passport, BL and other parameters. Do not trust those who offer to meet “around the corner” to transfer money. If you have a compact PC or a mobile phone with Internet access and an installed keeper, you can transfer money right on the spot, in their office. Yes, and read reviews on the global network about a particular exchanger before transferring money to unknown wallets.

  • Through individuals.

We are looking for offers to buy webmoney on forums or anywhere else and turn to people. The method is doubtful, therefore it is better, of course, withdraw money from the WebMoney payment system through friends: so you will minimize the risk of being deceived, and their withdrawal percentage is much lower.

  • We pay for communication services, utilities and other services.

In this case, you can pay for the necessary services from your account, helping your friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. Suitable for withdrawing small amounts.

  • We buy goods in online stores, at auctions and receive them by mail.

The method is excellent: we order various goods for ourselves or friends at low prices and use them (or we resell among friends at a higher price and get cash). There is an excellent Chinese supplier who will help you buy anything for WebMoney, even if you do not have PayPal: I bought more than 20 things through him and I am very satisfied, besides, payment by WebMoney is available here. It's called Aliexpress.

  • We don't output at all, and we invest the earned funds in the development of our own online business.

Here, however, are all the methods for today that I know. In general, advice: if you still have small earnings, then better not withdraw money from WebMoney. Spend them wisely on the Internet, invest in a profitable business (for example, in your website, only wisely), and when wmzs start to bring good income, then issue an IP, cash out legally and sleep peacefully.

Well, for those who have not yet managed to collect a certain amount of money in their wallets, I advise you to start with copywriting: this method of earning is available to anyone who knows written Russian and has at least a little brain. At least I have been writing articles for more than 8 years, and I am not going to give up this exciting and profitable business.

It has long been known that it is more pleasant for the general public to hold money in their hands than to look at the mythical numbers of an electronic account. It is at such moments that an irresistible desire arises to withdraw funds from WebMoney. A person is more accustomed to dealing with something that has a real value, and not with virtual information. Let's figure out how to withdraw money from WebMoney, because it is much more convenient to have money somewhere nearby in your wallet or under your pillow than on a virtual account.


When it comes to Webmoney, the desire to quickly withdraw funds from the account is a normal reaction, given the service's habit of blocking wallets for no particular reason. That is why each user should know how to withdraw money through WebMoney. Legally, wmz or wmr is not money, but simply "title units" that have no value. Of course, many may object: "Rubles are the same conventional unit that has a certain value only when the Russian Federation exists." However, think about who you are more confident in entrusting your own funds: an offshore company or the government?

five ways

In order to transfer funds to your pocket, first of all, you need to acquire a WebMoney certificate, which allows you to make various bank transfers easier and faster. In addition, install the Keeper Classic program on your computer beforehand, which will further facilitate the procedure.

This article will describe several ways to withdraw Webmoney WMR and WMZ to a ruble card (Visa, Mastercard of Russian banks are suitable), as well as ways to replenish webmoney without commission.

What is webmoney

Webmoney is the most common electronic payment system in the CIS. In general, this is due to several reasons:

  • For many years of existence on the market, it has established itself as a reliable and serious system of electronic payments.
  • Low fees for transfers between wallets of the same currency: 0.8% of the transfer amount
  • An excellent security control system (according to beginners, it’s even too paranoid, but I think that there is no other way with money).
  • Many ways to deposit and withdraw with minimal fees or no fees at all
  • Many internal services: currency exchange, payment acceptance services, and so on

And so far, in my opinion, there are no analogues that could surpass Webmoney in all respects.

Why Webmoney does not withdraw money

So, before, the most popular and profitable option for cashing out webmoney electronic rubles into real money was to use their Banking Guarantee service. In it, you could link bank ruble account details to your Webmoney account and, by exchanging WMR title units from your R-purse for live rubles, receive them to your bank account. The commission was quite miserable - standard 0.8% + 15 rubles for 1 transaction. As a rule, a card was linked to a bank account Visa or mastercard, which could already be paid in stores or cashed out from it at ATMs.
Of course, this was not the only way to cash out. WMR, since he required a personal certificate, which was not for everyone, but the most profitable. And everyone who seriously used this system took care of verification and certification to the required level.

In general, in fact, the Webmoney company independently engaged in cashing out money. Naturally, all this was for the time being, until the time when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation took seriously the control of the turnover of shadow funds and the fight against money laundering. As a result, not so long ago, Webmoney had problems with the authorities controlling the foreign exchange market, as a result of which it became impossible to withdraw WMR directly to a linked account in banking.guarantee.ru.

Of course, there were ways out, but now such a low commission cannot be found. However, there are still options to withdraw Webmoney with a low commission: c2c.web.money, wire.exchanger.ru, telepay.wmtransfer.com, and others - and about them further.

Deposit, exchange and withdraw WMR via Yandex Money, QIWI, Emoney.Exchanger

At the moment, it is the most profitable way to withdraw WebMoney rubles: the exchange rate for Yandex money is -2.25%.
The scheme is simple:

  • Get a Yandex Money account;
  • Identify your Yandex Money account. This will expand the limits, make bank transfers and make it possible to withdraw money from an ATM;
  • Get a Yandex Money plastic card. It costs 300 rubles for 3 years of service. You can withdraw up to 10 thousand rubles from ATMs without commission monthly. Then the commission is 3%, at least 100 rubles. Considering the positive WMR -> YD conversion rate, the total commission for withdrawing WMR to cash will be about 1%

How to transfer WebMoney rubles to Yandex Money:

Withdrawal and deposit using Webmoney Cards Exchanger (c2c.web.money)

  • For input, it is suitable for any citizen of the Russian Federation with any Webmoney passport, for withdrawal - for users with a formal WebMoney passport and higher
  • Commission
    • for input: 0 - 50 rubles (plus a bonus you will receive to your WMR account from the service in the amount of 1% of the replenishment)
    • for withdrawal: service commission (2)% + 0.8% Webmoney commission
  • Service commission 2% when returning unused funds is compensated, Webmoney commission (0.8%) - no
  • When you purchase WMR, the bank may charge an additional fee for card-to-card transfers. It is compensated by the c2c service if you transfer an amount of at least 2800 rubles
  • The withdrawal amount must be a multiple of 100
  • Works fast (money usually arrives within a few hours on weekdays)
  • Guaranteed safety of funds (provided that you did not make a mistake with the card details)

What is Webmoney Cards Exchanger (c2c.web.money)

Webmoney Cards Exchanger, aka c2c.web.money is a Webmoney service for exchanging WMR title units for rubles and vice versa using bank transfers. The main difference between this service and Banking guarantee is that here Webmoney does not cash out money on its own, but is only an intermediary between users (customers). Hence, in fact, the name c2ccustomer to customer or cards to cards or from user to user.

How to withdraw Webmoney using c2c.web.money

You can return the money back at any time if payments to the card have not yet been made on them or they will be returned after the date specified in the application. At the same time, the service commission of 2% will return, and the webmoney commission of 0.8% will not.

If, according to the application, there was not a single transfer within the specified period, the money will be returned back to the wallet, including the commission:

The following changes have been made to the service recently:

  1. We have reduced the time the application is in the queue to 24 hours; you will receive funds on the card no later than this period
    (the only exception is if the balance on the application is less than 2 thousand rubles; in this case, we return the balance of WMR and commission to the wallet)
  2. Access is open to holders of initial certificates - citizens of the Russian Federation. Previously, only holders of personal certificates and above could use this service.
  3. Increased card withdrawal limit to 90,000 WMR

As you can see, the availability of the service has been increased.

How to replenish Webmoney using c2c.web.money

Go to the main page c2c.web.money and fill in all the fields that are required.

Conditions: All citizens of the Russian Federation can use the service. It is enough just to have a card of any Russian bank.


  1. If you replenish the amount up to 2800 rubles inclusive: 50 rubles
  2. If you replenish the amount up to 2800 rubles inclusive: no commission

Some banks may charge a fee for card-to-card transfers. The c2c.web.money service will compensate for it if the transfer is not less than 2800 rubles.

Stock! When replenishing your wallet for more than 3000 WMR, you will receive an additional 1% of the replenished amount.

The promotion is quite pleasant, and is especially noticeable against the background of other replenishment methods.

Way to withdraw and enter WMR: Wire.Exchanger

It is the most profitable way to withdraw WMR to a bank card. Lowest exchange rate so far: 1.52%

  • The service can be used by users with a passport, everyone who has a formal passport or higher
  • Suitable for those who have a bank card or an account in the relevant currency
  • Commission: standard 0.8% of the Webmoney system. The exchange itself does not take a commission.
  • Minimum amounts for exchange: 1000 units (WMZ, WMR, WME or WMU)
  • On the WMR account, it is required to leave a certain amount for collateral (exchange guarantee). Upon completion of the transaction, it will return back to the account

What is wire.exchanger.com

Wire.Exchanger is an exchange for exchanging Webmoney currencies (WMZ, WMR, WME, WMU) for real money: dollars, rubles, euros and hryvnias, respectively. The exchange takes place directly between the participants-users of Webmoney. The exchange acts as a guarantor during the exchange.

How to withdraw Webmoney using wire.exchanger.ru

On the main page of the exchange, you will see 2 main sections, on the left is an application for the sale of WMR, on the right - for the purchase

We click on the right on "Sell WMR" or, if the exchange rate suits, we select a ready-made application. I'll choose a ready-made one for testing at 3000 WMR. If you want, you can create your application, then it will fall into the left section of the exchange.

We selected an application, clicked on it, and detailed information was opened: application number, details, how much you will give and how much you will receive. Take a close look at the data, especially in the column additional information. It happens that the seller exchanges only for the accounts of certain banks, so you need to be careful.

If you are using the exchange for the first time, you will need to set the trust for WMID#845151618214 - this is the passport of the Wire exchange itself.

This procedure must be completed once. We press Establish trust and counter bid

Trust can only be established if additional confirmation of operations is enabled! Turn on confirmation in the Security section.

You will need to enable additional confirmation of transactions: using enum or SMS to your phone

Further, after confirming the installation of trust, the above amount of WMR (3000 WMR) + Webmoney commission (24 WMR) + insurance fee (61 WMR + 0.49 WMR) will be automatically debited from your account, which will be returned back upon completion of the operation, and you will have to wait for a bank transfer .

After receiving money on the card, you need to confirm to the exchange that you have received the money. You can do this by finding the required application in Wire Exchanger list. In return, you will receive the premium back to your WMR wallet.

Exchange on wm.exchanger.ru

For withdrawal to rubles through the above exchanges, only WMR is suitable, so if you only have WMZ on your account, then the best and most profitable option would be to exchange WMZ (WME, WMU or other currency) for WMR using the wm.exchanger.ru exchange.

The principle of operation is very similar to Wire Exchanger - you also apply for a currency exchange, pay and wait until other exchange participants redeem it. Or, if you don't feel like waiting, you can redeem already exposed offers.

WebMoney is a system that allows you to work with virtual money. With the internal currency of WebMoney, you can perform various operations: pay them for purchases, replenish your wallet and withdraw them from your account. This system allows you to withdraw money in the same ways as to deposit them into your account. But first things first.

There are many ways to withdraw money from WebMoney. Some of them are suitable for certain currencies, while others are suitable for all. Almost all currencies can be withdrawn to a bank card and to an account in another electronic money system, for example, Yandex.Money or PayPal. We will analyze all the methods available today.

Before performing any of the methods described below, be sure to log in to your WebMoney account.

Method 1: To a bank card

Also in the WebMoney system there is a so-called Telepay service. It is also designed to transfer money from a WebMoney wallet to a bank card. The difference is that the transfer fee here is higher (at least 1%). In addition, Telepay employees do not conduct any checks when withdrawing money. You can transfer money to absolutely any card, even to one that does not belong to the owner of the WebMoney wallet.

To use this method, you must do the following:

Ready. After that, the money will be transferred to the specified card. As for the timing, it all depends on the particular bank. In some banks, money arrives within one day (in particular, in the most popular ones - Sberbank in Russia and PrivatBank in Ukraine).

Method 2: To a virtual bank card

For some currencies, a withdrawal method is available to a virtual card, not a real one. From the WebMoney website, there is a redirect to the page for purchasing such cards. After the purchase, you will be able to manage your purchased card on. In general, during the purchase you will see all the necessary instructions. Subsequently, from this card, you can transfer money to a real card or withdraw it in cash. This method is more suitable for those who want to save their funds safely, but do not trust banks in their country.

Then follow the instructions shown on the screen. Again, depending on the specific card, these instructions may vary.

Method 3: Money transfer

Method 4: Bank transfer

Here the principle of action is exactly the same as in the case of money transfers. Click on " Bank transfer" on the . You will be taken to exactly the same page of the Exchanger service as for money transfers through Western Union and other similar systems. There it remains to do the same - select the desired application, fulfill its conditions and wait for the funds to be credited. You can also create your application.

Method 5: Exchange offices and dealers

This method allows you to withdraw money in cash.

Method 6: QIWI, Yandex.Money and other electronic currencies

Funds from any WebMoney wallet can be transferred to other electronic money systems. Among them are QIWI, Yandex.Money, PayPal, there is even Sberbank24 and Privat24.

Method 7: Postal transfer

Postal transfer is different in that money can go up to five days. This method is available only for the withdrawal of Russian rubles (WMR).

Method 8: Refund from the Guarantor's account

This method is only available for currencies such as gold (WMG) and Bitcoin (WMX). To use it, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Then you will be redirected to Keeper to transfer funds in the standard way. Such a withdrawal usually takes no more than one day.

WMX can also be displayed using . It allows you to transfer WMX to any other WebMoney currency. Everything happens there in the same way as in the case of electronic money - select an offer, pay your part and wait for the funds to be credited.

Such simple actions make it possible to withdraw money from your WebMoney account in cash or in another electronic currency.

Many users are wondering about withdrawing money from WebMoney wallets. This manual will discuss various ways to convert this electronic currency into real rubles using the WM Keeper Standard (Mini) online service.

Step 1. Authorization

Go to the official website of WebMoney and click Entrance:

We go through the authentication procedure and confirm the entry using e-mail or SMS:

We enter the code:

Step 2. Withdrawal methods

Go to tab Finance:

All your attached wallets are displayed here. If you do not have a wallet, then add it using the button with the icon + :

We click on the button Withdraw Fundsother methods:

Here we will see all available ways to withdraw Webmoney:

Transfers to any card and bank account are available directly from the WM Standard (Mini) online client. The remaining methods involve the use of third-party services that cooperate with Webmoney, such as TelePay or Cash Exchanger.

Withdrawal to any card

This is the easiest method. Choose from the list To a bank card:

Specify the card number, amount, wallet from which this amount will be withdrawn, and click OK:

You will receive an SMS with a code on your phone, which you will need to enter in the window that appears:

As you can see, in our case, the total amount of the commission for the transfer was 45.3 rubles. The higher the transfer amount, the higher the commission. For example, when transferring 10,000 rubles to a card. the amount of the commission will already be 372.32 rubles. You can read more about the WebMoney commission at this link. As for the timing, the transfer to the card will be carried out within 3 working days.

You can also transfer to a card using the TelePay service by selecting in the general list of withdrawals bank card:

Here we also indicate the card number, amount and click Pay, after which we confirm the payment via SMS:

Exchange offices

The withdrawal of funds through exchange offices stands apart. Click on Exchange offices and WebMoney dealers to see on the map all WebMoney exchange points available in your city:

Choose the exchange office you like and click on its name:

We will get to the page of this service, where we can apply for an exchange:

In the application, we indicate the WMID, wallet number, personal data, exchange direction (WMZ for dollars or WMR for rubles), the amount in cash and the date when you can visit this exchange office:

Money transfers

Fortunately, WebMoney employees left the possibility of exchanging WMR / WMZ signs for real rubles and currency through the Cash Exchanger exchange. The point is that one person leaves an application for the purchase of currency or WMR/WMZ, and the other acts as a buyer of these funds. That is, you sell a certain amount of WMR / WMZ to another user, and he, in turn, makes a transfer for the amount you specified through familiar systems (Contact, Unistream, and others). The complexity of the method lies in the fact that you have to wait until someone purchases the specified amount of WMR/WMZ.

To apply, click in the general list of methods on Remittance:

Specify your WMID, password and the number from the picture, after which we confirm the entry by SMS:

Click on the button Submit a new request opposite any of the presented systems. In our case, this will be Contact:

We will go to the exchange website, where we will choose contact:

Fill out the form, check the box I agree with the exchange rules and the terms of the public offer, then click on the button Apply.

Bank transfer

To apply for a bank transfer, you will need Formal passport, the presence on the wallet of at least 1008 rub. including commission, as well as verified by WebMoney employees documentation to verify your identity. Violation of any of the above points entails the refusal to process the transfer, therefore, it is believed that a bank transfer is the most difficult way to withdraw WebMoney.