Determine the level of structural unemployment. Unemployment rate. Unemployment statistics by years in Russia


Today, the problem of unemployment is an acute issue that arises in market economy. In particular, it is relevant now for Russia. The downturn in the economy has also affected the labor market. The consequences of unemployment are severe enough. In most cases, in relation to the personality, it leads to depression, which, in turn, leads to inactivity. The latter contributes to the loss of self-esteem and qualifications, which entails the decomposition of the individual. The study of the problem of unemployment, as well as the search for ways to solve it, are therefore very topical issues. It is also important to be able to determine unemployment rates. We will talk about all this in detail in this article.

Definition of unemployment and its types

What is unemployment? This is a socio-economic phenomenon, due to the fact that part of the economically active population wants and is able to work, but cannot find a job at the same time. This leads to the threat of loss of profession, qualifications, social status, as well as a decrease in living standards. High unemployment is a serious problem for the state. However, as such, it inevitably arises in a market economy, being the result of the interaction between the supply of labor and the demand for it. During periods of economic recession, it increases and decreases during periods of recovery. This is the dynamics of the unemployment rate. However, there are always people who are trying to find a job.

There are three types of unemployment in the modern economy:

  • friction;
  • cyclic;
  • structural.

frictional unemployment

It is due to the mobility of personnel. It includes people who are actively looking for a job or waiting to get one. The search always requires a certain amount of time. Frictional unemployment is usually voluntary and short-lived, as job seekers in this case have certain skills that can be sold on the labor market. Some people change jobs voluntarily, in order to improve wages and conditions, or quit due to own will because of disappointment in the chosen profession. Others are fired due to the reorganization of the enterprise, downsizing, etc. This also includes people trying to find a job for the first time (for example, after graduating from an educational institution), who temporarily lost their seasonal job (harvesting, cutting firewood, etc.).

When these people find a place to work, others will appear. A feature of this type of unemployment is the lack of information on vacancies available in a given period. Therefore, there will always be a certain number of persons subject to frictional unemployment. This is inevitable and even considered desirable for the economy. The fact is that some people can move to a higher-paid job from a low-paid job and then strive to stay in a new place. In turn, this leads to the fact that they perform duties more conscientiously. This leads to an improvement in the quality of products, an increase in production volume. Others are convinced that the job they occupy does not meet the requirements, and look for a place with lower pay. In this way labor resources distributed more rationally.

How to determine the level of frictional unemployment?

Frictional unemployment rates are determined by the ratio to the labor force of the number of frictional unemployed, expressed as a percentage. They are calculated using the following formula:

u frits \u003d U frits / L * 100%.

Structural unemployment

It is associated with the emergence of new products that replace obsolete ones, as well as with changes in the service market. The sectoral structure of production is also changing. Enterprises are beginning to revise the technology and structure of production, which leads to the need for new personnel. Demand for some professions decreases, increases for others. However, the response to changes in the demand of potential employees is slow. It turns out that some of them do not have the skills needed at this point. Structural unemployed also include people who entered the labor market for the first time, including graduates of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, whose professions are no longer in demand in the economy.

In addition, unemployment caused by the expansion or change in the geography of production can also be attributed to this type, since in most cases qualified personnel do not have the opportunity to move with their enterprise. And in the new place there may not be trained personnel. The main cause of structural unemployment, therefore, is scientific and technological progress, which changes the nature of demand in society.

Structural unemployment rate

Its level is determined by the percentage ratio of the number of structural unemployed to the labor force. The formula is:

u struct = U struct / L*100%.

Natural rate of unemployment

Both in unfavorable and prosperous periods there is unemployment of structural and frictional types. It's unavoidable. The natural rate of unemployment is the total number of unemployed of these two types as a percentage of the total labor market. It is typical for a situation in which there is macroeconomic balance. Natural unemployment is noted when the number of people employed in the search for a job coincides with the number of vacancies. In other words, there is a job opportunity. This level also presupposes the presence in society of a reserve of labor force, which has the ability to move quickly in the economic sphere, taking up vacant places. For different countries is the natural rate of unemployment. In particular, for France and the UK it is 5%, for Japan and Sweden - 1.5-2%, 8% - for Canada, 5-6% - for the USA. Economists believe that the average unemployment rate (natural) is 4-6%.

Real unemployment can sometimes be below its natural level, for example, in a situation of war. In the case when the existing unemployment corresponds quantitatively to the natural level, it is considered that the functioning of the economy is carried out in conditions of full employment and there is a full volume of production. In other words, the actual GDP produced in this case is equal to the potential.

Cyclical unemployment

When the number of vacancies becomes less than the number of unemployed, cyclical unemployment occurs. It is caused by a cyclical decline in production. Cyclical unemployment rates vary depending on the situation in the economy. It causes a decline in production, in turn, caused by a phase of the economic cycle (the name of this type of unemployment comes from here), characterized by a decrease in demand for services and goods. This leads to the fact that the staff of the enterprise is significantly reduced. An example is unemployment, which was caused in 2008-2009. world economic crisis. When the economy revives, the cyclical unemployment rate gradually decreases as new vacancies appear.

The first 2 types described above are inevitable and natural. However, cyclical unemployment is a deviation from natural (structural and frictional). It is connected with the fluctuation of activity in the economy. Under it, therefore, you need to understand the difference between natural and actual unemployment.

How to determine the unemployment rate?

The level indicator is the main indicator of the phenomenon under consideration. This is the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed. At the same time, full employment does not imply the absence of a situation where a part of the workers cannot find an application for their labor. We determined that the appearance of structural and frictional unemployment inevitably. Consequently, full employment does not equal 100%. At full employment, unemployment rates can be defined as the sum of structural and frictional unemployment. The formula is:

u full = u Friction + u Struct.

The actual unemployment rate is the sum of the levels of all three types. However, it is easier to find it using the following formula:

u fact = U*100% / L = U*100% / E + U.

Here L is the labor force, U is the number of unemployed, E is the number of employees.

It is possible to determine, knowing the actual unemployment rate, the cyclical unemployment rate. The formula is:

u cycle = u full - u fact.

Consequences of unemployment

Unemployment leads to certain consequences of a non-economic and economic nature. They manifest themselves most often with cyclical unemployment, and with structural unemployment - to a lesser extent. Cyclical unemployment is a consequence of economic instability. It leads to forced underemployment. Structural unemployment crowds out production that is outdated. In the labor market, therefore, there are again involuntary unemployed.

Two types of consequences that unemployment leads to have been identified by economists:



Non-economic are divided into psychological and social. Let us define the most important consequences in terms of their impact on the social and economic situation.

Positive economic impacts include:

  • formation of a reserve of labor force for further restructuring of the structure of the economy;
  • competition among workers, serving as a stimulus for the development of their ability to work;
  • stimulation of productivity growth and labor intensity;
  • a break in employment to improve the level of education and retraining.

A small level of real unemployment, therefore, can contribute to the growth of the economy.

The negative economic consequences are as follows:

  • reduction in production
  • devaluation of education
  • loss of qualification
  • government spending to help the unemployed,
  • lower living standards and tax revenues,
  • underproduction of the national income.

Positive social impacts include:

  • increasing the social significance of the workplace;
  • increased freedom of choice of duty station;
  • increase in free time.

Negative social consequences are:

  • increased tension in society,
  • exacerbation of the crime situation in it,
  • an increase in the number of mental and physical illnesses,
  • decrease in labor activity of people,
  • increase in social differentiation.

Economic and social consequences at the individual and societal levels

A serious national problem is the negative economic and social consequences. Economic at the individual level consist in the loss of part of income or all income, in the loss of qualifications, and, consequently, in a decrease in the chances of finding a prestigious, well-paid job in the future. At the level of society, the economic consequences that unemployment has are the underproduction of GNP, its lagging behind the potential actual GNP. The presence of cyclical unemployment means that resources are not fully utilized. Therefore, the actual GNP is less than potential.

At the individual level, the social consequences are that if a person cannot find a job for a long time, then he begins to experience stress, despair, he develops cardiovascular and nervous diseases. It can also lead to family breakdown. In addition, the lack of a stable source of income in some cases pushes a person to commit a crime.

What about at the level of society? The high level of unemployment means, first of all, the growth of social tension in it. Social consequences, in addition, are an increase in mortality in the country and the level of morbidity, as well as crime. In addition, the costs of unemployment are the losses that society incurs in connection with the arising costs of vocational training, education and providing people with the necessary level of qualification.

The fight against unemployment

Since the phenomenon under consideration is a serious problem of the economy, the state is implementing a number of measures aimed at combating it. Tracked level potential unemployment. Different measures are applied for different types of it. However, the following are common to all:

  • creation of employment centers;
  • state payments of unemployment benefits;
  • creation of new jobs in the country (for example, during the crisis of 2008-2009, the state sent public Works unemployed).

Fighting frictional unemployment

The following measures are used to combat the friction type phenomenon in question:

  • formation of a database of vacancies (including in other regions);
  • formation of special services, whose function is to collect information about available vacancies.

In addition, it is possible to apply measures aimed at increasing the mobility of the labor force (the formation of an affordable housing market, an increase in construction volumes, changes in legislation to eliminate administrative barriers that arise when moving).

The fight against structural unemployment

Structural unemployment can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • create state institutions and services (including those functioning on the basis of employment centers) aimed at advanced training and retraining;
  • to help private institutions, as well as small educational centers of this type.

These institutions should implement professional development and retraining programs that promote the best preparation work force. Retraining in a number of cities is carried out by population support centers, as well as educational institutions.

How to deal with cyclical unemployment?

You can fight it in the following ways:

  • pursue a stabilization policy, which is aimed at preventing deep recessions in production, and, consequently, mass unemployment;
  • create in public sector economy new jobs.

In addition, the demand for goods should be stimulated, since when it grows, production volumes increase, which contributes to an increase in the labor force.

Measures taken in Russia

At the level public policy in Russian economy Recently, a number of non-standard but effective measures have been taken to reduce the unemployment rate in Russia. This is, in particular, early voluntary retirement, which can be carried out two years before the retirement age. According to the government, this contributes to the release of jobs. Consequently, the unemployment rate in Russia is decreasing. The decrease is due to people who are already unemployed at this age. In addition, new jobs are being created through the promotion of small businesses and assistance to individuals who want to start their own business. The state is also obliged to employ young specialists who have graduated from secondary specialized and higher educational institutions if they have a sufficient level of training based on the results of training. It must be understood that only with the simultaneous solution of several tasks can a significant reduction in the unemployment rate as a whole be achieved.

Macroeconomics. Unemployment

Find out the number of unemployed people."Unemployed" people are defined by the federal government as people who are able to work and who have been actively looking for work in the past four weeks.

Find out the number of employed people. The employed population includes people who work full time. The same number includes people who are self-employed if they have a part-time job or if they are in the family business for more than 15 hours a week, even if this work is unpaid. People who are on maternity leave, sabbatical or regular leave are also considered the working population because they have workplace where they can return.

Do not take into account people who are not regarded as a labor force. People not considered in the labor force are those who are not actively looking for work and those who have other types of employment, such as students, housewives or the disabled. The non-labor population also includes young people under the age of 16 and people in institutions such as prisons or nursing homes for the elderly and the disabled, people in the armed forces, retirees, students and the disabled.

  • It is important to know exactly who is included in the labor force, so as not to mistakenly take into account extra people in order not to distort the data in this way.
  • Divide the total number of unemployed people by the total number of people who are employed and unemployed. For example, you have 4 million unemployed people and 40 million working population, which means that we should divide 4 by 44 and get a decimal fraction - 0.09.

    • Remember that when you calculate real unemployment, the numbers won't be as neat and correct.
    • You may notice that the initial numbers were in millions, but we removed the extra zeros by performing integer division. If we divide numbers with zeros, we get the same decimal fraction. Try it yourself and see for yourself!
  • Multiply the decimal number by 100 to get the percentage. This calculation is easy to do if you move the decimal point two digits to the left, for example 0.09 becomes 9%.

  • Determine the percentage of the employed population by subtracting the resulting figure from 100. If you go further and want to determine the percentage of the working population, then you need to take the unemployment percentage and subtract it from 100.

    • So, for example, 100 - 9 = 91. This means that the percentage of the working population in our fictional country is 90%, or it is 90 percent of the people who are able to find a job and who can work. It already sounds better, doesn't it?
  • Often on TV we hear news about an increase or decrease in unemployment in a particular country or city. But does each of us understand what is meant? After all, the real state of affairs can be understood only by correctly realizing the significance of such an indicator as the calculation formula given below will contribute to a better understanding of the issue.

    Causes of unemployment

    Like it or not, but in any state there is a certain percentage of people who do not have work for this moment. Even in the richest countries there is unemployment. There are a number of reasons for this.

    Any most developed country and the economies of the world find a place for unemployment. Perhaps, only with the idea of ​​capitalism did the Soviet people believe that in the near future everyone would have a job and goods in stores would no longer be sold for money.

    Unemployment can be due to a number of reasons. They can be divided into several groups:





    The economic group of reasons can include those that are associated with the specifics of the development of the economy of a particular region (country). If the production capacity of the state is at zero, the economy is collapsing, enterprises stop, then it is natural that full employment of the population is out of the question. In this case, people simply have nowhere to work.

    Political reasons are based on any government measures to regulate a particular sector of the economy. Sometimes politicians, when solving international issues, forget that they influence the lives of citizens within the country. Someone gets a job because of this, and someone loses.

    The social group includes the causes of unemployment, independent of the economic or political vector of development. They are more influenced by prestige and fashion. For example, there may be 1,000 vacancies for the position of a cleaner, but because of their beliefs about the possibility of finding a more prestigious and better job, people remain unemployed at the moment.

    The personal group of causes includes those that are associated with the individual qualities of people. After all, there are those who do not want to work at all, live on welfare, use alcoholic beverages and drugs, and it is simply impossible to force them to do anything for society in the existing legal field.

    To calculate the correct statistics for unemployed people, a special unemployment formula is used. The unemployment rate, which can be calculated using it, determines the degree of unemployment economically. active population. We will consider it further.

    The following should also be noted. You can calculate the unemployment rate in different ways. The calculation formula in each method will be different. But mostly in statistics they use the unemployment rate

    It is determined by the ratio of the total number of unemployed to the number of economically active population.

    The unemployed are part of the labor force that can be employed in the production of goods or services, but for some reason are not involved in these processes.




      Structural unemployment

      Its calculation formula is as follows:

      Be \u003d Bstr + Bfr.

      natural unemployment. What does the indicator say?

      What does this indicator say? It is calculated when they want to know what the overall unemployment rate will be if the condition of full employment is met.

      That is, if everyone who wanted could find a job. Accordingly, it can be seen that the formula of which is given above assumes the presence in the economy of only structural and frictional types of unemployment.

      We can say that this indicator shows the situation that has developed in the labor market under ideal conditions, when the entire economically active population is employed in the production of goods or services.

      Actual unemployment

      Another key indicator is actual unemployment. It is calculated as the sum of all types of unemployment listed above, with the exception of natural. That is, the sum of structural, frictional, seasonal and cyclic - this will be the actual unemployment. The formula looks like this:

      Bf \u003d Bstr + Bfr + Bs + Bts.

      Actual unemployment essentially reflects the real state of affairs in the labor market. It can be greater than, equal to, or less than the natural rate of unemployment. The calculation formula shows that this indicator affects absolutely all types of unemployment, which means:

        The actual level will be higher natural unemployment when there is a slowdown in the economy.

        The situation will be inversely proportional to the first if the economy picks up pace and jobs appear faster than people are being fired from their old jobs.

      In fact, with a full understanding of the causes, types and factors, the unemployment calculation formula helps to give a real assessment of the employment of the population and the work of the government to provide decent jobs.

      The unemployment rate has always characterized the state of the economy, and thanks to this indicator, one can draw a conclusion about where to strive further and what needs to be corrected in the economic vector of development.

      (u*) is the level at which the full employment of the labor force, i.e. the most effective and rational use of it. This means that all people who want to work find work. The natural rate of unemployment is therefore called unemployment rate at full employment, and the real output corresponding to the natural rate of unemployment is called natural volume release. Since full employment of the labor force means that there is only frictional and structural unemployment in the economy, the natural rate of unemployment can be calculated as the sum of frictional and structural unemployment rates:

      Wireless level natural. (u*) = Lvl. Fritz. (u frits) + Lvl. struct. (u struct)

      Lvl. eating. (u*) =

      The current name for this indicator is non-inflationary unemployment rate – NAIRU (non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment). NAIRU - focuses on the fact that this steady unemployment rate stabilizes inflation.

      Consider the graph of economic growth and the economic cycle.

      Each point on the trend depicting economic growth corresponds to the value of potential GDP or the state of full employment of resources (points B and C). And each point on the sinusoid representing the economic cycle corresponds to the value of actual GDP (points A and D). If a actual output exceeds potential(point A), i.e. the actual unemployment rate is below the natural rate, this means that aggregate demand exceeds aggregate output. This is the situation overemployment.

      E If the economy is at the level of potential output (trending), which corresponds to the natural rate of unemployment, inflation does not accelerate. .

      The natural rate of unemployment changes over time. So, in the early 60s, it was 4% of the workforce, and now 6% -7%. Cause growth quantities natural level unemployment is increase duration time search work, when people are unemployed, which is due to:

        increase in payments unemployment benefits;

        increase in payment time unemployment benefits;

        rising proportion of women in the labor force;

        an increase in the share of youth in the job market.

      The first two factors make it possible to search for a job for more than

      long period of time. The last two factors, which signify a change in the age and sex structure of the labor force, increase the number of people who first appeared on the labor market and are looking for work, and, consequently, increase the number of unemployed, increase competition in the labor market and lengthen the job search period.

      Natural rate of unemployment is the unemployment rate under normal sustainable economy around which the actual unemployment rate fluctuates. The actual unemployment rate is less than its natural rate during the boom (point A in Fig. 1) and exceeds its natural rate during the recession (point D in Fig. 2).

      The unemployment rate equal to the difference between the actual unemployment rate and the natural unemployment rate is the third type of unemployment and is called cyclical unemployment.

        Cyclical unemployment represents deviations from the natural rate of unemployment associated with short-term fluctuations in economic activity.

        Cyclical unemployment is unemployment, cause which is recession(recession) in the economy when actual GDP is less than potential. This means that there is an underemployment of resources in the economy, and the actual unemployment rate is higher than the natural(point D in Fig. 2). AT modern conditions the existence of cyclical unemployment is associated both with the insufficiency of aggregate spending in the economy (low aggregate demand) and with a reduction in aggregate supply. The cyclical form of unemployment is characteristic of the phases of depression and recession business cycle, i.e. for periods of downturn in business activity. With the transition to recovery and recovery, the number of unemployed becomes smaller. According to Western economists, during periods of economic ups and downs, the value of cyclical unemployment can range from 0 to 10% or more. It was the cyclical decline in production that served as the main cause of unemployment during the years of the Great Depression of 1929-1933. During that period, the unemployment rate in the United States reached a high mark - 25%.

      Actual unemployment rate calculated as a percentage of the total number of unemployed (frictional + structural + cyclical) to the total labor force, or as the sum of unemployment rates of all types.

      u fact. = u Fritz. + u struct. + u cycle.

      Since the sum of frictional and structural unemployment equals the natural unemployment rate, the actual unemployment rate is equal to the sum of the natural unemployment rate and the cyclical unemployment rate:

      u fact. = u * + u cycle.

      The cyclical unemployment rate can be either positive valuein recession (recession) when the actual unemployment rate is higher than its natural rate and there is underemployment of resources, and negative valueboom when the actual unemployment rate is less than the natural unemployment rate and there is overemployment resources.

      There are many other types of unemployment in the literature that characterize its individual features and aspects: technological, conversion, youth, voluntary, forced, hidden, partial, institutional, stagnant, etc.

      Technological Unemployment occurs with the transition to a new generation of technical support for production, for example: when automating production, fewer jobs are required, which increases the number of unemployed.

      Conversion unemployment is associated with a reduction in production during the transition to the production of new products or with a change in the structure of demand for labor.

      Youth unemployment is due to the fact that graduates of higher or secondary specialized educational institutions do not find demand for their work due to lack of qualifications, work experience or other reasons.

      Voluntary unemployment is the unwillingness to work for certain categories of people, for example, for a number of people belonging to the marginal strata of society, or for housewives in certain conditions.

      forced Unemployment occurs when a worker, having a desire to work, is deprived of the opportunity to do so.

      Hidden unemployment includes those employed during a part-time or part-time workday, as well as those who are formally employed when the employee is only on the payroll. The category also includes employees on forced leave without pay. . The features of hidden unemployment include the following: 1. this type of unemployment can at any time turn into an open form; 2. The scale of hidden unemployment is very difficult to determine. Hidden unemployment is generated by various reasons: - Deep disruption of the functioning of market mechanisms. In a command economy, the formal elimination of unemployment was associated with the maintenance of excess employment in enterprises. For example, if two employees in an enterprise use half of their real capabilities, then one workplace is superfluous; - transformational processes in society, involving the transition from one type of economic system to another type. Hidden unemployment in modern Russia peaked at the very beginning of the reforms, a period when the working conditions of the business sector fundamentally changed. Businesses need time to adapt. The reduction in production capacity in the country in that period amounted to 40-60%. Many firms were forced to send part of the workers on leave without pay and switch to a reduced work schedule: three days a week or a four-hour working day instead of an eight-hour one; - a hidden form of unemployment can be generated and purely economic reasons, i.e. the mechanisms of the market. As a result of competition, inefficient enterprises experience the greatest difficulties. The bankruptcy of an enterprise may be the result of an incorrect assessment of the market segment, the production of low-quality products, or a switch in customer demand for a substitute product.

      Partial Unemployment is the employment of a worker not full-time.

      institutional Unemployment occurs as a result of insufficiently efficient organization of the labor market. In Russia, the work of labor exchanges is predominantly passive and focused on the payment of unemployment benefits. Vigorous activity, involving the study of the labor market situation, forecasting its development, retraining and retraining of workers, is poorly represented in the activities of Russian labor exchanges.

      Long-term unemploymentincludes people who for a long time cannot find a job. The size of this form of unemployment is insignificant (according to the ILO, it is less than 1%), in terms of the degree of negative consequences, long-term unemployment has no equal. The unemployed are losing their professional skills and more than half of these unemployed are in need of social and psychological rehabilitation. The reason for the stagnant form of unemployment is the lack of demand for certain professions. This problem is typical for small towns or settlements focused on a certain production. In world practice, long-term unemployment is considered to last more than a year. In Russia, there is no unambiguous definition and justification for long-term unemployment. The literature suggested various differentiations of long-term unemployment according to duration: "long-term" - from 4 to 8 months, "long-term" - from 8 to 18 months, "stagnant" - over 18 months. The problem of long-term unemployment is relevant all over the world.

      To the unemployed, in relation to the standards international organization Labor (ILO) include persons of the age established for measuring the economic activity of the population, who in the period under review simultaneously met the following criteria:

      • did not have a job (profitable occupation);
      • engaged in job search, i.e. applied to the state or commercial employment service, used or placed advertisements in the press, directly addressed the administration of the organization (employer), used personal connections, etc. or took steps to start their own business;
      • were ready to start work during the survey week.

      Schoolchildren, students, pensioners and the disabled are counted as unemployed if they were looking for work and were ready to start it.

      To the unemployed registered in public institutions employment services, include able-bodied citizens who do not have a job and earnings (labor income), living in the territory Russian Federation registered with the employment service at the place of residence in order to find a suitable job, looking for a job and ready to start it.

      Unemployment rate— the ratio of the number of unemployed in a certain age group to the number of the corresponding age group, %.

      Unemployment rate formula

      Unemployment rate is the share of the unemployed in the total.

      It is measured as a percentage and is calculated using the formula:

      Unemployment statistics in Russia by years

      The unemployment rate (the ratio of the total number of unemployed to the economically active population, %) is shown in fig. one.

      Rice. 1. Dynamics of unemployment in Russia from 1992 to 2008

      The minimum unemployment rate for the analyzed period was in 1992 - 5.2%. The unemployment rate reached its maximum value in 1998 - 13.2%. By 2007, the unemployment rate fell to 6.1%, and in 2008 the unemployment rate increased to 6.3%. It should be noted that the problem of unemployment is most acute not in large regions as a whole, but at the local level: in small and medium-sized cities with a concentration of military and light industry, at unfinished construction sites of large enterprises, in the mining settlements of the Far North, "closed" zones and etc.

      Statistics and structure of unemployment in Russia

      In a sociological study of unemployment, it is necessary to take into account its structure, in which they distinguish (Fig. 2):

      • open unemployment - it is formed by status unemployed registered at labor exchanges, in employment centers at the place of residence. In 2009, their number was 2,147,300;
      • hidden unemployment, which covers non-status unemployed, i.e. persons who do not have a job or are looking for it, but are not registered on the stock exchanges and employment centers. Their number in 2009 was 1,638,900 people.

      The form of unemployment determines the economic behavior of the individual and his level of individual and social mobility in employment and professions.

      Rice. 2. Structure of unemployment

      Rate and extent of unemployment

      In 1999 (i.e., after the 1998 crisis), the total number of unemployed reached its maximum for the entire period of economic reforms and amounted to 9.1 million (Table 1). In the second quarter of 1999, the negative trend towards an increase in the total number of unemployed in Russia was overcome. By 2008, it had dropped to 4.6 million people; At the same time, there were approximately 1.6 million officially registered unemployed.

      The threat of job loss, unemployment in society since 1992 is the most stable among other types of threats to the security of the individual in Russia.

      According to sociological research by VTsIOM, the threat of rising unemployment in Russian society was noted by: 24% of the population in 1996 (February), 27% in 2000 (November), 28% in 2003 (October), 14% in 2007.

      One of features of unemployment in Russia- its gender structure. The proportion of women among the registered unemployed in 2006 was 65%, and in a number of northern regions - 70-80%.

      The financial and economic crisis has led to increased tender competition in the labor market and increased discrimination against women in the registered market.

      Table 1. Dynamics of changes in the structure of the Russian unemployed in 1992-2009

      Regarding unemployment in Russia, we can say the following:

      • unemployment remains high;
      • in the socio-professional structure of the unemployed, the share of students, pupils and pensioners has significantly decreased since 1992, but in 2009 there has been an upward trend;
      • the number of unemployed in rural areas increased sharply: from 16.8% in 1992 to 32.4% in 2009;
      • female unemployment has changed its vector.

      Among the status unemployed, the majority are women, among the non-status - men.

      Unemployment is acquiring a gender-symmetrical age. Thus, among men, the average age of the unemployed is 34.2 years, among women - 34.1 years. In general, the average age of the unemployed in Russian society is slowly decreasing: from 34.7 years in 2001 to 34.1 years in 2006.

      Structure Russian unemployment The level of education has also changed, but the unemployed remain the most educated among the unemployed capitalist countries (Table 2). The educational asymmetry in the gender structure of the unemployed indicates that women predominate among the Russian unemployed with a high educational status, while men are the main low-skilled part of the unemployed population.

      Table 2. Gender and educational structure of the Russian unemployed in 2009, %

      Features of the marital status of the Russian unemployed are visible from Table. 3. Most of the registered (status) unemployed are married women. There are 1.5 times more widowed and divorced among unemployed women than among men. Among the unemployed, there are significantly more unmarried men than unmarried women.

      Table 3. Gender and family characteristics of the Russian unemployed at the end of 2009, %

      Highest specific gravity among the unemployed by age accounted for young people aged 20-24 years (21.8%). Here the gender feature does not play a significant role (22.3% among men, 21.2% among women). The general dynamics of the unemployed by age in the gender groups is shown in Fig. 4.3.

      Rice. Fig. 3. Age and gender structure of unemployed Russians: 1 — men; 2-women

      The group most high risk and threats to become unemployed are young people between the ages of 20 and 29. The highest growth of unemployment is characteristic of rural youth (2 times higher than in 1992).

      Table 1 shows how the two components of the object of economic sociology, "employed" and "unemployed", are statistically related to each other in the category of "economically active population". four.

      AT financial and banking sector labor market to financial crisis The year 1998 was very dynamic and expanded rapidly, but after the financial crisis it contracted sharply and was seriously deformed, which was accompanied by a reduction in the number of employees (especially in banking sector), strengthening the downward social mobility of specialists.

      Social Negative consequences unemployment associated with the transition of an individual from one status state (employed labor activity) to another (unemployed person) manifest themselves: in the form of increased depression, a decrease in the level of social optimism, a break in established communication ties, a change in value orientations, a transition to a marginal state. The main thing is that the individual is deprived of the material base of his development, the level and quality of his life are falling.

      Table 4. The structure of the economically active population of Russia in 2008, million people

      Duration of unemployment(or the duration of the job search) is an important socio-psychological indicator and represents the time during which a person who has lost his job is looking for a new job opportunity, using any means for this.

      The most widely used forms of job search are:

      • appeal to the state, to the commercial employment service;
      • submission of advertisements to the press, response to advertisements;
      • appeal to friends, relatives, acquaintances;
      • direct appeal to the administration, the employer - Internet search and initiative distribution of resumes to the addresses of potential employers - a form of employment used mainly by the unemployed age groups from 20-24 to 40-44 years.

      The average duration of the search for a new job was: 4.4 months. in 1992; 9.7 months in 1999; 7.7 months in 2008. This is a rather long period, which is explained by competition in the labor and employment market, as well as its limitations, especially in the regions.